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Notice PLANNER 5/11/2007
~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON }. . }ss. County of Lane } I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capaCity as Secretary, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of Notice of Public Hearing for Planning Commission and City Council for LRP2007-00013 and ZON2007-00012 (See attachment "An) on May 11, 2007 addressed to (see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. ~~ Bren'da Jones l Planning Secretary .-j < . STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~. . AM- J I , 2007 Personally appeared the above named B~enda Jones, Secret rY.jwho acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: ,-----------_.. .-.... . . . . , . - OFFICIALSEAi.. -" - - - l , SANDRA MARX j ~. ;. NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON j " COMMISSION NO. 385725 j MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV. 12, 2008 '! . '~-----'"'~-""~""~-:::eceiVed~y ~:T,,13;ln ~XPires: Planner: DR . ~~fWt I/I/IZ/Zoot I I ~;~;ifli{;'~~~){,: ::~~ :.::':':: ,. ., ;:~"J#jj)"LiJ]iif.j:.rNIHeJ 3'(;(ilJ'.. . ,';>'DEVELOPME~.;S~~YIC~,S?,:Pt~,~~;NT.', ,.' '..,'" >' ..,~, "',:, ,225FfFTHSTREET . ;. ."'f ...... . '. <:C', ;....,-"./- "'<..0; _". ",': .:.--:' ',."" ,. '~'!' ':, "", "', . ' '" "':'...,.,.'+,;.'SPRfNGFfELD: OR 97477"" ',. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD;;j'.,.PHONE (541)726-3753/" . ""i. __ ,':' .....' ",'''. '. ' . " ". '.".' ,',," .'. .,' ..,:.,,;::," .,.,.', FAX (541)726-3689" . ' . PLANNING COMMISSION ANDCIT.Y COUNCIL. ";::"" :'/ 'WwW~i.sprlngfleld.ows' ,\. ,; . -~':<:'c:;'::( -"j;:,,~ ",,; "C;,;_~:~::;{;,~;,;,.:'-, """ '-"-::::;yi',.;" ':CASE NUMBER: LRP2007-000I3 and.ZCfN2007-00012 - . "',:~~_ - '" '~',?:_ ,:..,. . :\::-_~,\:~:.{..\..;>~.:~~~:,:.':t.;:'." . ." .,".' , . APPLICANT: PeaceHealth Oregon Regiori .:. 'i~:,' '.' ". .:C.;'c ,2,:.,:; .'\., ;. .~ "t;.. p- ,'.' ,:,- . ~< ~,~:;:' ~,~./~~::.,<.:~:' ';.~';,,~ :-.'<': , ,."::" _ ":._:'. ~:~'?':;~':;, _, /?;." '~_, , :; ,;.>~ i":,.,~::;_:,~:;::<,,.~-~-;:.~j.~:Y>:.{\~ ,> ..' , _"~ .;., , i.' :., . NATuRE OF mAPPUCATION:' Type II Metr6 Plan Diagram ~ri:1eridnierit andconcurr,mt Zon'e Chahge,:.. " I,. '. .' " . .. .,..' ; .;...".. .-._..... '., -. ,r'~.' request. '.Proposal to'change the map designatIOn'on the Metrophtan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) diagram" ',' . . from Light Mediun; Industrial (LM!) to Community Commercial (C'G) for approximately 5.24 acres:', .' J, P,:: .':': .: , <'..:}:.,~'- l .:.. )'_.<":~~ } /',.:.~i\.:>' >:-~';:.."'~:.,":'<.:''',',,>~. ~>..,. :.,~Y;':f: f,,:.,-.:i:,,~: ..;~~::>::~:.. ,:":~...:",:.> ~:~~'" :~:'~.':~;:;.:.>.:;:;-/t : <,}'.:;< ;,\~:,::'. ~'":.'~:::..(~r"~ '.~ ~ . . AUTHORIZED USES::Usesin the CC Districtrireregulated by Springfield Development Code (SDG) Article' .. . \8.;.:{'). . ,;;~." <:;?; ;:\i,::;..'~, .': ".:~?~:.!::>., :t'::,'~e'. '. ...'. . " . ,., ;"\}.".:; :,::::.};';'::'5:" ~i;j'l!i.:,':~}.;:;;;:jj;';its'j~;:-' " . APPLICABLE CRiTERiA': Th~f~ll6:Winicriteria sh~ll be'appii~d by the CitY Cou:ricil ill app~vin{ ':<)<'{' ..... :,' . Or denying a Metro Plananiendment ,application (SDC 7.070(3)): a) Jbe amendment must 1;>e consistent;;:.:" .' , . '. '; .- :with 'the relevant statewide planriinggoals adopted by the. Land ConServation and pevelopment .... .\. ; ". !;. . Commission; and b) Adoption of the mnendffient musi not m~e the Metro Planintenially inconiisteht. .' The followmg criteria shallbto appli~d by tIle Planning COInmis~ion I. City Council m approving or' "," "J denying a Zone Change application (SDC 12.03'O):Ja) consist"ncy with applicable Metro Plan policies" . and the Metro I'hin diagram; (b) COI)sis!ency with applicable Refineme!lt Plans,Plan Distiictmaps~ . ,),.' i" .~.,. Conceptual Development Plans and functional plans; and (c) The property is presently provided with. . .__,x' ,.. . ~ '. . adequate' public facilities,. services and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, . services and transportatioo'networksare planned to be provided concurrently with'the.development of the '. , property: (d) Legislative Zoning Map amendmenis that mvolve a Metro Plan Diagram amen!iment shall:" " 1. Meet the approval criteria specified in Article Tofthis Code; and 2. Comply with Oregon : ':". ." . , " '.: Admjnistrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060,whereapplic.able. ~,:' .... . . ......' .... "', " , ',', ,; .,..: ~_' '_.' ,._..: "..":'.':'-::"\".- .,,: '. ~ <. .- ,-'. ~', ,'.:':""~"~".'.i . ".., '., . . }',., . suBJEct PROPERTY LOCATION: East of44th'S;eet alo~gMain street, M~p '17-02-32-00, TaxLot(s)::.: . ,400&492. ,..' ." :;',: :" ,,! . "'".,. <c' ..~. . ",',' "." ',,~..' '.. < ...:".....,~',.,: ' .~. _':. ~'-~;:~.<\. \..,~._.,..".,'~-.,',:J..,.. .,.:....,.,:-....,.. .~_<_,..-: f:.\' '. .~. " (." ..' DATE, TIME,'ANn LOCATION OF THEimMUNGS: Planriing Comniission:}un~.5th, 2007 at the ho~~ of ..' 7:00 p.tii.;City Council: July 2'", 2007 atthe hour of7::09 p.m. at 225 FifthStreet in SpringfielaCity Hall ., .' Counc,iIChambers_' :.' .''' ,;";.-:.:,,,:, .. .:.... c.. '.',;. ',:''','''-' ,', ,,'." ....:. .' ~'- 1 . . '. '-- , " , . . '. . '". . . '" '. ~ . -,. . . ~ ' . ,.. . '., . . '"'. .'. ,;. ,ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The applica,tion, all documents and evidence submitted by or on behaif of the applicant and the application criteria are available for inspection at City Hall at no cost and will be provided , ., .at a reasOnable cost. Seven days prior,to the hearing a copy of the ~taffreport will be similarly available. ' . , . ' i - . ..... . . ,.;::.~. ~ ~....~ . ,.' ..' ," ~ ,. . . . , _, _"'" '.. .,_s . CONTACT PERSON: David Reesor at (541) 726-3783. Send written testimony c/o DSD, 225 Fifth Street, . .''' . Springfield, Oregon 97477, or attend the meetings and sUIte your views; . The hearings will be conducted in , accordance with SDC Article 14. . .',; . . . . , ~, . FAILURE TO RAISE ISSUE: Failure of an issue to be'raised at the hearing; in person or by letter, or failur~ . . . to provide statements 'or evidence sufficieni to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond' to the issue , , preclude~ appeal to the Land ..use,Board ofAppeal~ on that issue. . ". ~5" fA1' .." . .: ',- ' .' .'" ",' ,,:. . ',' Date Received: 1,1) . . .:'.' '." ., i.... . . : :" ':: .- '.: . J:I~nner;):iR '. '; --;:," ",. . ~ .," ~. ~\'''..~'' ~_' .:..' _J -~.' '.'~ ..,. .,,- !~': '~., ~..... . ----;.". ,.' ., " ,., .'. ..'<-. .:,,'--".. - ..:.,.{ ...'e._ ',,' ./".' J.-' . AT~~~~~_~N: A_ ,r- ......:'0:.,1;.- i,-'" :tl~. ., ,:':"'. "'..'.' .. p o ....... ....... cIj ,'p 0 "bnO '''''' 0 C/) . , .'(1.) r---- Qo '.."80 " N . cIj 0-; ". H "'" . bJ) '""" .cIj ~. ....... Q'I 'p p cIj .8 ....-< ....... 0-;' cIj (,) o ,...... H ....-< ....... 0.. ~o.. .~ -<t; " " ,..\ ; M' ,....., 'L~. ",r~ - c::,.... ---.l:' . . .' ".- v, ", " ',' ~~ ~:~ , ~., ',',' <'."' .. .) ., ....'. .,. '. .. 'h.. :.. 1 "~ "~ .. ~ l ~"1 it ;f~ .,] ~. ~ .1 "- ,f 11., <: I1Ji] OJ lED l\ISll)~: ~. , -5;' " , 'l. i. ~-~,.E '~',! ~ ~ 05. ! ; . .., .-z'".. L':L' G ~ 0 BJ I1i'!J lITEm i j, '.1 , I '.! <- i . ~ ! , ,< . ~. ~ i -r .... '""it r o t ~" ~ ;:'. .j.'.... i ., "l '. ~ L~ ,r 'ilrr""", . <.,<J:::/.i-W.L:.!;'~- .' \ ~ "~ . , . l' ;;" " .'.,. .:... .~~' . . ,. ~ .' ".. -., -'I. '0" "..f .. . ',' .' , ,.-'., -,~ '., " .\ ,,',,'t,. ., ..'. ~.' ,',l; ",... 1 '~ ,,-',: ,-, '" "' ~1. ~~i:. ,"'. .....,:" -:-~'. ,'.. ,.,:' ~. .', :~. ... :.',,'- .",.. .:-,. ,..."_, ... ~.E1'istingmldProposedZoning for applicatiun' . ': ZON2007-00012' '. .... .,,' ".< ..-,- .:"'y," .',:~~' '".~ ". :".'. ~ " ~ ;~ .~ " .~, ..~ . .. ':~;~~;'~:~:;;':;::u'tri~I';:' """::.:'f:'ii,;0>~:,~' .':':;'., ''''4:~'~''~;E,,:'u;,:;;:'~ ~:~~;:;~r. :1cD=Rco~llmd~nitYDco~n'''Rrci~ld'~ . ~ '::~:I' :',; >:~?;:-, ~...;,-j_','..~.'.":"''',':;,',.:,',,,''':'.;''',_::,J.,',".}.{~~::~' ;.~>~,~;.:,::::,.. .: w ~k_.;.c." ,:':;. :: \' n = n' e mmensl y. eSI ~ntla '"," "0 {;:l'~';;:' _',' ..' ;~:>..':~~.~"-, '[~~<:~:~..::~~:'~,~;:;;,~\ .' HI ~ He~V~..',n~~~Sjtrial. ' {}-, ' "_',"~(:._..~ \\. ,.: ,;)t"~~;; :? ..'::::, ,,' ~--!_.:~,,:~r:r, .';..:..... 'Y., ,i'.~" '~:~i~.. . ~~~..;..;:.".~,., .. . ..,'~':. . ~ . ~",. '" '; .'1"'" . '", '" .'..;,,'~.~:;..: .',,:";,::."', .',1.. 'c' o ',.., - :.:;.~' . .'. #f':' ~ ..:'."~, .'i' " . <:,~,;'.,"l'~'" LRP2007-00013 Metro Plar "md - Type II - PeaceHealth/Hyland 17-02-32-00 TL 400,402 It Buffer layer Tax lots - Tooltip is Maplot ,-, Snringfield City limits --,........ __",PR f:I1 E~ene City limits -,- fmmlEUG Springfield UGB I-I -- [illHTIi -- ,-, J!liL. N SCALE 1 : 5,639 I 1.500 ~=l l=~ 500 0 I' 500 FEET 1.000 S J\ u1 Date Received:--. Planner: OR - 'tp:/lspintranetlmg_mwf/spr _main_tide_B3.mwf Monday, March 19, 2007 10:29 AM '1702323101912 CLAMAN JACK S & T AMRA J 1337 DAVID AVE . E' 'fiENE, OR 97404 1702323101913 LANDIS KA 33720 OOD ESTATES LP SBURG, OR 97446 17023231 04 100;1 too.'--I 300 , CORLISS CRAIG 2120LAWLN EUGENE, OR 97401 170232310420 CORLIS IG 212 AW LN GENE, OR 97401 .170232310520~S~/~qoo,~~ FRANK NORMAN L . 2511 LILY AVE EUGENE, OR 97408 1'Ju23231 06300 . FRANKN NL 2511L AVE EU NE, OR 97408 1702324200300 HYLAND BUSINESS PARK LLC PO BOX 7867 . EUGENE, OR 97401 '. 1702324200901 D-LAMB PO BO 4608 ENE, OR 97402 ..., , . - t... . :_"'~ p~.o"-~.;,, "~'~ . ~I oR. 974-i7 , · .,:, .........'D~t~'.Recei~ed. '5/J1/67 . .l-I-1.IW0--~ P~L-u.: '~'lj.lanher: DR. '~., : .' . ,4.-l'h-1.~ l-k1lo.AA.. ...... '. ,. . ...Iql./-I-A l.fl-U-'.Jl..:-l5-r . .' . ~~!CK: q7'f1~ . '.' 1702323101913 CARNAHAN WILLIAM 33720 WILDWOOj) ESTATES LP HARRiSBURG, OR 97446 . 1702323101914 BERGSTROM LEROY I . .83553 CLOVERDALE RD CRESWELL, OR 9,7426 1702323104200 . B & I PLUMBING'& ELECTRIC INC . 5790 MAIN ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 170232310430 BAKER IE. 2120 WLN GENE, OR 97401 . l~ , <, 1702323105300 ,FRANKN NL 2511 YAVE GENE, OR97408. ' 1702323106400 . GRAY'S GARDEN CENTERS % STWE ENTERPRISES 737 W 6TH AVE '" . EUGENE,OR 974,02 . 1,702324200400 . luTWORF ROBERT WILLIAM " &DENISE KATHLEEN .88041 TIKI LN .. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 ...' '.'.- 1702324200700 .'BERA C.," 3605 SPER RD GFIELD, OR 97478 " ,'. ~ ~ " -,. ~. - ;' . '. .!, ,..'" .hir~:."B" 1702323101913 LANDIS C~OLINE E , 1<-"'~ . 33720 WILDWOODESTATES LP . I-rARRISBURG, OR 97446 1702323 ]04100,'i2.""','i~oo BAKER BONNIE 2120 LAW LN EUGENE, OR 97401 1702323104200 . BAKER B 212 LN GENE, OR 97401 1702323104300 CORLISS . 2120 LN ENE' OR 97401 1702323105400 ....~RANKNO . 251 AVE GENE, OR 97408 1702323106400 . !-IFF ENTERPRISES LLC . 737 W 6TI-I AVE EUGENE, OR 97402 1702324200500,I."O,'bi)'. . . BERAKAH LLC PO BOX 221 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . 1702324200800, "l'OI) 'lo'i.. D-LAMB.INC . PO BOX 24608 EUGENE, OR 97402 .;~{~\: . 85 , 1702320000400" 3M NATIONAL ADVERTISING CO PO BOX 40190 EI''''BNE, OR 97404 1702320000501 WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY. PO BOX 9777 FEDERAL WAY, W A 98063 ' 1702322401201 , OLDS ALICE JEAN' 253 RAINBOW DR UNIT 15301 LIVINGSTON, TX 77399-2053 1702323100400' ,CRUZ SUSAN FAYE 170 44TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 ' , 1702323100700 BlRKENBACH STEVEN P & DIANA L 234 44TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1. -,23101200 M C PROPERTIES 4404 MAIN ST AITN MCCLUSKEY CABINETS INC .. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702323101500 SHAFFER JERRY 215 44TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 , t. 1702323101800 , VINCENT MELISSA L POBOX 1257 ~v,c..'\o(' SPRINGFIELD, OR 9747.7 ,,", ''''323101909'' : .<ERSON GRACE LORETIA' 229 SMITH LOOP" SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478" . ".. , 1 ' i../ ,t' ~.'.. .. ", 1702320000401,5'1 WEYERHAEUSERCOMPANY PO BOX 9777 FEDERAL WAY, WA 98063 ' 1702320000402 , HEAD ANDREW 1616 ARDENDALELN EUGENE, OR 97405 1702322401201 FLETCHER GERALD DALE 4380 SMITH WAY SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702322401201 FLETCHER LAYTON 253 RAINBOW DR UNIT 15301 LIVINGSTON, TX 77399-2053 1702322401201 SETILEMlER TAMMYN 19465 TAM LAKE CRT , BEND, OR 97702 __ 1702323100100 TIT RANCH LLC PO BOX2121 JASPER, OR 97438 1702323100500 DAVES JAMES & EDITH :. , 190 N 44TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 " 1702323100600 HEMBREE CLIFFORD L JR & D C 212 NORTH 44TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 " '. 1702323100800 DAVIS JERRY R & GENEVA H ,250 N 44TlfST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1702323] 00900 ' , F ARJSH ROBERT H & SALLY 272 N 44TH ST , SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478, 'I - 1702323101300 CUNNINGHAM WILLIAM L & S L 165 N 44TH ST " SPRINGFIELD, OR, 97478 , 1702323101400 JIM &,WILLIE H LAGRONE 687 RIVER AVE #2 , ,EUGENE, OR 97404 .... 1702323101400 LAGRONE WIL H TE 687 RIVE E #2 EU,OR97404 1702323101400 LIVING TR 687 RI AVE #2, . NE, OR 97404 .... '" "'....., , '" 170232310 1600 , MILLER Loms E & PEARL A, ," 231 N 44TH ST" SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 ,/ , ,1702323101700 KARPATI GYORGY & EVELYN 247 N 44TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . Ji'" ~"., " , 1702323101800 , VINCENT R E , PO 1257 ' GFIELD,OR 97477 . , 1702323101908 MCNEIL BRIAN WAYNE 243 SMITH LOOP SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 ., ~.' 1702323101910 ,.' , 1702323101911 SHEFCHECK STEVE R & DIANA L' GONZALEZ-DODD LAURA 'PO BOX 1052 ",,' 1050 GREEN ACRES RD UNIT 4-131" LEABURG, OR 97489 ' ' " .", . EUGENE, OE.197108' . , ", " Date Received: , ";:, II. III , P!an~~r:DR' " "" : ", . ",: . ',.,' ," .1 .1702320000400 . Resident . 4490 MAIN ST f" 'l1gfield, OR 97478 1702320000402 . Resident 4440 MAIN ST Springfield, OR 97478 1702323100500 , Resident . 190 44TH ST. SpringfieId,OR97478 17023231.00800 Resident 250 44TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 1702323101000 Resident . 4404 MAIN ST . Springfield, OR 97478 i."L323IOI500 '. . Resident . .215 44TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 . 1702323101800 Resident' . 275 44TH ST Springfield, OR 97478' 1702323101910 Resident . . 215 SMITH LP Springfield, OR 97478 : 1702323101911 . Resident 203 SMITH LP '. Springfield, OR 97478 . Pf'12323 I 01913 ' lent' . 155 SMITH LP . SpringfieId,OR97478 . , ,to , .', ., '-. " ~'. -,' , ...'-' .-. ';':,:- ..: :., 1702320000402 Resident . .' 4434 MAIN ST , . SpringfieId,ORr97478 1702320000402. Resioent , .' 4436 MAIN ST . Springfield, OR 97478 1702323100100' . Resident . . 4396 MAIN ST Springfield, OR 97478 1702323100400 Resident , 170 44TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 . 1702323100600 . Resident 212 44TH ST Springfield, OR 97478, . 1702323100700 Resident 234 44TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 1702323100900 Resident 272 44TH ST . . '. Springfield, OR 97478 . . 1702323101000. Resident 4418MArNST' . Springfield, OR 97478 ." " 1702323101400' Resident .193 44TH SF Springfield, OR 97478 . 1702323101300 Resioent 16544THST Springfield, OR 97478 . --=-. 1702323101600 Resident 231 44TH ST '.' Springfield, OR 97478. .' . 1702323101700 Resident 247 44TH ST . Springfield, OR 97478 . . '-. ''- 't. 1702323101909 . Resident 229 SMITH LP. . Springfield, OR 9747~ . ','. ,., ~' . '., " 1702323101911 . .' Resident ','.' . '201 SMITH LP'.. . Springfield, OR 97478 " ,. 1702323101912 . Resident .179 SMITHLP . Springfield, ORm478. .' 1702323101912 ::" Resident , .',....177SMITHLP ... ; Springfield, OR 97478" . i702323I01913, '., '. . ". y' .1702323101914 ,"""Resident :,' :".'.,.'Resident ...... 153 SMITHLP i.'.':"': . ... 10943RDPL . .' "., Springfield, Orb2lJ1feeeive<i:sjidDl Springfield, OR 97478.," .'.: ' '., ..' . P.lanner:. DR,' ..',...., , ' r"- '\'. ..... .' . , . .1702323101914 Resident , ' I I I 43RDPL . r -ingfield, OR 97478 . '. 1702323105300 Resident 4413 MAIN ST Springfield, OR 97478 1702323106400' Resident 4441 MAIN ST SpringfieJd, 'OR 97478 J 702324200600 ' Resident 4535 MAINST Springfield, OR 97478 1702324200800 Resident , 4555 MAIN ST Springfield, OR 97478 . ,.., .., . . ,., " ' .'" ' '. " :'. '., ,- , . , "" " .' " '., ";.... ,....; . "'<"'<~ :.'. ..'," .:'J;' 1702323104200 : Resident 439? MAIN ~T. . , Springfield, OR .97478 , 1702323105400 , Resident 165 S 44TH ST: " , Springfield,OR97478 1702324200400, ' Resident ' , 4489 MAIN ST . Springfield, OR 97478 .. '1702324200700 . . ,Resident,. ,4545 MAIN ST' Springfield, QR.m478 ' " 11 '; .' ,I -.li. J~ ' i\ , ,. " .. ,.'. , . . ~.' .~:~".. I,' " ": :; ,--\ ;'. .,,' , 'I' . '.' ~~ " - ':~. -.';. '. .' ;1._" . ." '-_.' 1', ~ '.- . , :; D~te:~ecei~ed:'s~frl fDl : >, . Planner;' DR ',' ..' ." , .'." . ,'.". ;' <"':''''-'". :f'.:-'. <, .', :' .' ,'..~ .,,- l~ .-."',. ~. :., .f.' '.-~ '. t'. .. ' .. ;. , , ,.' 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