HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 4/11/2007 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE srATE OF OREGON) I ss. County of Lan.e .) I. Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon., ~ 2. I state that in my capacity as, Prollram Technician, ,I prepared and caused to be . -z.bN2aa,-ool5'<-. '1l,,*,;. /t ~' mailed copies of_L..tU' 2-007-=,"'2, ~L ,...\. l.......'.fO.4 (See attachment "A") onJflt1 ,2007 adtlressed to (see ~~f. p. Attachment B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box';:;~ ~ postage fully prepaid thereon. U , )RtL~ N'LaFLEUR' / )' '. , . STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~ If" ,2007. Personally ap'peared the above named Karen LaFleur, Prog/am Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to' be their voluntary act. Before me:' .',. . :, ".--- - --- -o;F~I~;;L----' ; , ". BRENDA JONES I : \, "i NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON I , '. " COMMISSION NO. 379218 ' . -', MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 27, 2008 . '~~.~>..:::::)o.;'::~~~~~"'.:-_--:"h ''._'_''_ ~ !~~.~~/ My".commission EXPQ ~ ;)-1 :Jo-d% . Date ReceiVedt.$.) D1 , Planner: .DR' , . ( . -, 18I~"'" ..........- , ...-...-.- .. ........ ".. . .......:...:. ... ... ... -'.,. ',SPR.....GFIELD ,,"',"~J~~ . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPAI1TMENT : ,",.' ~ , . .., ~ 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us Notice of Complete Application pate of Letter: Plannim! Journal Number: \ lON2007-00012 LRP2007-000l3 April II , 2007 . Aoolicant and/or Owner: Apolicant's Reoresentative: . PeaceHealth Oregon Region 770 E. 11 th Avenue P.O. Box 1479 . Eugene, OR 97440 Philip Farrington,AICP Qirector, .Land Use Planning & Developmerit . Pe.aceHealth Oregon Region 123 International Way Springfield,OR97477 Reouest: An application for a Metro Plan Diagram Amendment and loriing Map Amendment was submitted to the Springfield Planning Division on March 16th, 2007 for property identified as Tax Lc)ts 400 and 402 on Assessor's Map No. 17-02-32-00 in Springfield. Status of the AOlJlication: Your application is deemed complete as of April 1 I, 2007, which will start the application review period. Completeness means that your application has the . adequate material necessary for staff to begin reviewing your application. It does not necessarily indicate an application approval. The P1anriing Commission Hearing date for these applications has been tentatively set forJune 5th, 2007, and the City Council Hearing date tentatively set for June 18th, 2007. You will be receiving a formal public notice for each of the above mentioned hearing dates. '. , If you have any question's regarding this application process, please contact David Reesor, Planner III, at 726'3783. . . ' Date Received:.2bl1 bl Planner: DR . ,. r'"---~----------- ATTACHMENT A ---' . -;~.- . ." -.. ~ r , '.. lr~"'""'""-"~'=~""'''~~=w~,-,,,,==,,,,:==,,,,,,=,,,,,~,,,:,,,....~-"'.-='l . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . i DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT! L_____ ._~~~~~i,~~~~~1:~::_ l' '- ~., ,..... :' . ~ 'J ~ . _.~ _ r-m ':i t- Z W ~ :I: U <( .~ 1-' '':<( "'f'~',"'~ .. ~. Philip Farrington, AICP Director, Land Use Planning Peace ~ealth Oreg9n Region 12J'International Way Springfield, OR'97477 ;>><'~~Q) >~ <",,",,-: i., ~'''' "> 0::" ,.' . '," .- CI . ~ .. Q)i...: o:::g S-r:::: co..!!! CIa.. , '.