HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 3/16/2007 ... j \ ci <.> ~ ~ c ~ :~ I ~ 'z 'IX :ffi .<c WESLIE E. KELLEY 205 SOUTH 44TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Gnudor's NlUJ1e and Address -~~I!;E~N&aiiTe Ln Eugene OR 9740' . Grantee's Niune and Address AtlerrecordinAretumto: EVERGREJ<N LAND TITLE CO. P.O. BOX 931 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ulltuacn8llgcisteque5ted, aJllllxstatemwtssluillbe sent 10 the following address. SAME AS GRANTEE l~~~.mm 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $31.00 005574632004001956.......703/19/2004 02:00:44 PM RPR-OEEO Cnt=1 Stn=6 CASHIER 07 $10.00 $11.00 $10,00 , Division of Chief Deputy Clerk Lane County D..ds and Records TITLE NO. ELT-44940 ESCROW NO. SP04-16779 TAX ACer. NO. 1177953 MAP NO. 17-02:-32.00..00402 WARRANTY DEED. STATUTORY FORM (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Thai WESLIE E. KELLEY and KATIIERlNE S. KELLEY. bnsband and wife hereinafter cal/ed grantor, for the consideraljon hereinafter stated, to gramor paid by ANDREW HEAD hereinafter called grantee, does hereby granl, bargain, sell and conl'ey unto the said grantee and gramee's !leirs, successors and assigns, that certain real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining, situated ill the County oj LANE and State of Oregon, described as/allows, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT A WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE To Have and to Hold the same unto the said grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assiglls forel'er. Alld said granlor hereby covenants to alld with said grantee and gratltee's heirs, successors and assigns, t!leu gramor is lawfully seized/in ffe sit~ple of the aboY<1!t"P.nted pre11liseJ. free from all en~uttlbranc""X"'lj That certain Deed of Trust .dated 9 1fJ/97 Reoorded 9/25/97, Reel 2338R, Reception No ~1-b~146, wInch-- Granl:f!e.s herein aqree to assume and oav. - -SUbject to any alld tfll easemellts, restnctlOns a7Jd-Covenants of record and that gramor will warralll and forever defend the said premises and every part and parcel thereof agai/lst Ihe lawful claims and demands of 011 persons wlwmsoever, except those claiming under the above described encumbrances. The true and actual consideration paid for this transfer, stated in terms 0/ dollars, is $125,000.00. *However, the actual consideration consists of or includes Other property or value given or promised which is (the whole/pan of the) consideration (indicate which). * (The sentence between, the symbols *, if not applicable should be deleted. See ORS 93.030.) In construing this deed and where the context sa requires, the singular includes the plural and all grammatical changes shall be implied to make the provisions hereof apply eq'ually to corporations and to individuals. In Witness WI.ereo/, the grantor has executed this instrument this 17th day of1arch 2~ if a corporate grantor, it has caused its name to be signed and seal affixed by its officers, duly authorized thereto by order of us board of directors. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSfRUM&'IT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS A/IolJ REGULA nONS. BEFORE SIG/Io1NG OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMEl'o'T, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUI\'TY PLANNING DEPARTME."'lT TO VERIFY APPROVED p10n;,mu:'JYT, UMrrSDN LAWSUITS AGAIM" FARMING DR FDREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED INDRS 30.930. \VESLIEE.KFJ..LEY~ i ~ ,/ I c-.:f/ /II? ::...., No~~l:i~~o~ 'J: :Y J..kL..--::::>r , J' Y : .... COMMISSION NO. 346136 KAhlfRINE S. KELLEY "/ ~__ !"C~MISSION EXPIRES JUNE 24, ~!_:>~ )~. RE ME ON March 17 . 20~ BY WESLIE E. KELLEY and MY,"~""OD"Plb t?4i7~ Date ReceiVed" '3 I ~ \ or Planner: DR ". , r.; ;y - , ELT.44940 . Pagel ofl Legal Description . . . Beginning at a point being North 890 57' 45" West 1351.02 feet and South 00 13' 17" West 803.3 feet from the Northeast corner of the T. D. Edwards Donation Land Claim No. 55, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WilIamette Meridian; thence South 0013' 17" West 488,98 feet to the centerline of the McKenzie Highway No. 126; thence along said centerline North 890 44' West 516.12 feet; thence leaving said centerline North 0018' 47" East 492.35 feet; thence South 890 44' East 515.4 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following: Beginning at a point being North 890 57' 45" West 1351.02 feet and South 0013' 17" West 803.3 feet from the Northeast corner of the T. D, Edwards Donation Land Claim No. 55, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South 00 13' 17" West 488.98 feet to the centerline of the McKenzie . Highway No. 126; thence along said centerline North 890 44' West 420.12 feet; thence leaving said centerline North 00 18' 47" East 158,00 feet; thence North 890 44' West 96 feet to a point on the Westerly boundary line of the above described parcel; thence following said Westerly boundary line North 0018' 47" East 334.35 feet; thence South 890 44' East 515.4 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: Planner: DR 3\ V1 \ ()7 " FEB. 28, 2007 9: 35AM E~ REEN LAND TITLE CO NO. 3732 P. 1 b- Ever feen Land Title Company PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT '. ( \ TO:. PEACEHEAL TH FAX: 434-7486 ATTN: ROGERSAYDACK RE: HYLANDIPEACEHEALTH , / Order reports and listing kits online at (www.evergreenlandtitle.com) 5elhtuw<ffO~~~~ceiVed:3.ll !o ( 01 Planner: DR · EL T-50919 Main Offiee. 1651 Centennial Blvd. Springfield, OR 97477 Phone # (541) 741-198] Fax # (54.!) 741-0619 Branch Office, 875 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 9740] Phone # (54]) 687-9794 Fax # (54]) 687-0924 EV REEN LAND TITLE to ~ ~ ~ ~~t!&1;~~ TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES . ESCROW CLOSINGS -- FEB.2B,2007 9:35AM 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD. . SPRINGflUO, OR 97477 ,", '. BOX 931 . SPRINGfIELD, OR 97477 ..ONE: S41,741.1981 fAX,541,741.0619 February 28, 2007 NO. 3732 P. 2 875 ckUN1RY CLUB RD. . EUGENE, OR 91401 P.O. BOX 10211' EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687.9794 FAX: 541.687.0924 Our Order No.: EL T-50919 4111 SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Evergreen Land Title Company 875 Country Club Road Eugene, Oregon 97401 Attn: Ken Boyst Dear Ken: Escrow No. EU06.E12719 Estimated Premium for: $1,487,500,00 EXT. OWNER'S POLICY (Developer' s Rate) Re. Issue Credit Gov't Semce Fee $4,204.40 $0.00 $35.00 $4,239.40 TOTAL We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate docwnents, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as indicated, based on this preliminary report. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATIACHED EXBlBIT A Showing fee simple title as of February 20,2007, at 8:00 am" vested in: HYLAND BUSlNESS PARK, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the tenns, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy fonn. No liability is assumed until a full premium has been paid. Date Received' '3 - /6 ~6 Planner: DR' __ 7 CONTINUED ,"IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MAlTER MOST" www.evergreenlandtitle.(OIn FEB, 2B, 2007 9: 35AM ELT - 50919 Page 2 EV REEN LAND TITLE CO NO, 3732 p, 3 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records, 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water, 4, Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or other facts which a correct survey would disclose. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6, Rights of the public in any portion of said premises lying within the limits of streets, roads and highways. 7. Line of Credit Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Hyland Business Park, LLC., an Oregon limited liability company, as Grantor(s), to Barbara Shields, Attomey at Law, as Trustee, for the benefit of Pacific Continental Bank, as Beneficiary, Dated October 31, 2005, Recorded October 31, 2005, Reception No. 2005- 086955, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, given to secure payment of a Note for $590,000.00. 8. Assignment of Rents, as additional security for the payment of the indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust as Exception No.9 herein, which assignment was executed by Hyland Business Park, LLC" an Oregon limited liability company, to Pacific Continental Bank, by instrument Recorded October 31, 2005, Reception No. 2005-086956, Lane County Oregon Records. 9. V.C.C. Financing Statement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between Hyland Business Park, LLC, DebtOl, and Pacific Continental Bank, Secured Party, by instrwnent Recorded October 31, 2005, Reception No, 2005-086957, Lane County Oregon Records. CONTINUED Date Rece- .? ~/ PI Ived: ,I /(:;'----., anner: DR.. " ..,....0/ . i\ FE8,28,2007 9:35AM ELT - 50919 Page 3 EV REEN LAND TITLE CO NO, 3732 P. 4 10. Leases, as disclosed by Lane County Tax Assessor's Rolls. 11. Memorandum of Option, including the terms and provisions thereof, between Hyland Business Park, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, and PeaceHealth, a Washington non- profit ev.l'v.".:ion, by instrument Dated June 10, 2006, Recorded June 14,2006, Reception No. 2006-041360, Lane County Oregon Records, 12. Any rights, interest or claims which may exist or arise by reason of the following facts shown by survey done by KPFF CollSulting Engineers dated November 30, 2006, Job No. 306226-00, and by drive-by inspection done by Joseph M. Silence on December 17, 2006 affects any adverse possessions along the West boundary fence line. Said fence line does not follow the surveyed boundary line. 13. Any encroachments, unrecorded easements, violations of conditions, covenants and restrictions, and any other matters which would be disclosed by a correct survey. 14. Proof that there are no parties in possession, or claiming to be in other than above vestees. 15. Any statutory liens for labor or material, which have now gained or hereafter may gain priority over the lien of the i11SUIed mortgage, which liens do not 110W appear of record. NOTE: Taxes, Map No. 17-02-32-00-00400, Code 19-00, Account No. 0126134, 2006-2007, $4,529.14, paid in full. Taxes, Map No. 17-02-32-00-00400, Code 19-00, Account No. 1505955, 2006-2007, $158.12, paid in full. (Assessed to 3M Nation.a1 Advertising Co.) NOTE: The address of the property to be insured herein is: 4490 MAIN STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478. NOTE: A JUDGEMENTILIEN/J3ANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) HYLAND BUSINESS PARK, LLC, PEACEHEALTH, and as of February 20, 2007, none were found. NOTE: As ofPebruary 20, 2007, there are no liens for the City of Springfield. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: Our examirurtion finds an appurtenant easement for sewer line, utilities and ingress/egIess by instrument Recorded January 20, 1982, Reception No, 82-01945, Official Records for Lane County, Oregon. Should insurance of the Easement be desired, an addition.a1 charge will be made. CONTINUED Date f:{eceived: y../ ( -0 7 Planner: DR FEB. 28, 2007 9:36AM ELT - 50919 Page 4 E\ REEN LAND TITLE CO NO, 3732 p, 5 INFORMATIONAL N01E: The vesting deed and changes within the last 24 months are as follows: W ARR.ANTY DEED RECORDED October 18, 2005, FROM RAYMOND L. REXIUS AND ARLENE REXIUS, TRUSTEES OF THE RAYMOND REXIUS.AND ARLENE REXIUS CHARITABLE REMAINER UNITRUST urn AUGUST 31,2005, TO HYLAND BUSINESS PARK, LLC, AN OREGON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, RECEPTION NO. 2005-082920. BARGAIN AND SALE unnu RECORDED September 15, 2005, FROM RAYMOND L. REXIUS, TO :RAYMOND L. REXIUS AND ARLENE REXIUS, TRUSTEES OF THE RAYMOND REXIUS AND ARLENE REXIUS CHARITABLE REMAINDER UNITRUST, UID AUGUST 31, 2005, RECEPTION NO. 2005-072971. BARGAIN AND SALE .1J~.W RECORDED December 27, 2000, FROM PROPERTIES NORTIIWEST. A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AN OREGON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, TO RAYMOND L. REXIUS, RECEPTION NO. 2000-073084. NOTE: SUPPLEMENTED TO UPDATE REPORT AND ADD APPURTENANT EASEMENT NO. 82-01945. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE -- /' ~ ~r ~--- /l1 :: ,9'e~ Joseph M. Si~ce --' Title Officer CC: Campbell Commercial Real Estate Attn: Tim (Fax No. 484-0666) CC: Hyland Business Park LLC Attn: Shaun Hyland CC: PeaceHealth Attn: Jim Werfelman cc: PeaceHealth Attn: Roger Saydack (Fax: 434-7486) NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED. Date Received') vi {O? Planner: DR . :,,"w FEB, 28. 2007 9:36AM ELI - 50919 Page 1 of! Legal Description E\ REEN LAND TITLE CO NO. 3732 p, 6 v EXlllBIT A Beginning atapoint being North 89. 57' 45" West 1351.02feet and South O. 13' 17" West 803.3 feet from the Northeast cornet of the T. D. Edwards Donation Land Claim No. 55, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South 0.13' 17" West 488.98 feet to the centerline of the McKenzie Highway No. 126; thence along said centerline North 890 44' West 420.12 feet; thence leaving said centerline North 00 18' 47" East 158.0.0 feet; thence North 89. 44' West 96 feet to a point on the Westerly boundary line of that tract of land conveyed to George D. Smith by instrument recorded in Book 160, Page 447, Reception No. 95229, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence following said Westerly boundary line North O. 18' 47" East 334.35 feet; thence South 890 44' East 515.4 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. . ., Date Received: )" --&~-{;7 Planner: DR ~.." ",FEB, 28, 2007 ).L.C. r.\:l I IW COR. I.Le.55 9:36AM See Map 17 02 3e 2 4 \ " Set Map 17 02 32 3 I .1. rA5HR' J . . 1-1 't I'l \ . ; u N ! . I'l " . , . '" , .io . ~ t , 0 , ~ . ~ , , COR, l&! ~ 55 ~ J. Q~ I -~ ~ ~:~~ ~ ...."$. ~ ~~ ~~. .~ J-C;~Hl~ SEE MAP E\ 'REEN LAND TITLE CO r /-0 G - j.(_ (\~. 3732 n~()c;J, --- ~qJ'r r,$'a9~~1 /~oJ 02' . ";""Qe~' 7.7,SlC-+.S~~/"" 4"QO,'.e' 401 I I I I I I 501 i , , ~ ~. tl L ~ '" f t , .- ~ '~ ~r ...- , ~ ~ f 105"/."'" 4"16."'" Q~,""r I . to ~ ' ., . ' i I ~ I -- -- '1IIil- p, 7 CENTRAL S D,L.C. 62 , .5"01' "JJM I NE COR./ 'P~ TO EDWARDS ~ I M.C. 55 0 I I I ~I ~ <.....,.,44..,e2 ~ . t il . i ~ " ' -~ -- 'i'e2- SEE MAP 17.02-32-4-l! I I ~, '., I ~ ., I ~- " I , ; J!'" ~ I U1!,\ . DAISY STREET "'Illl'!...... . I :;;t;?::: -uf ~JW' APPROX. I . 1~R. I \ I - - -;r.:;- -r - \- -=-UNION AVE~/ !. 2'e~,.......-~t.'.iI..... /.JJS"/.Ol' McKENZII::- I' ..... I I I I I THIS MAP 15 TO ASSIST LOCATING PROPERTY THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR INACCURACIES. 18 02 0%21 cou,mv of SEE MAP w + e Ey~'O..&iI' LA.'" TIT'" cO $ ",.IPG' ~ .. ",. .... '" .. ~ I"~ Se~ ~32 4 3 '" ST~EE(fT-=:;;........ ... - . . J7 ;: BLUEBELLE ,. 'I" CAMELLIA Sf; ----... \~ 18 02 05 12 -?Il+ -- -1Il+ ,; .s8r+f.E , .~ ~l ~ 11 Ie.. WAY 1 "/;III..... ____ ~~ Date Received;.. <: -/ ( -0) Planner: DR . . FEB. 28. 2007 9:36AM EV REEN LAND TITLE CO NO. 3732 P. 8 Privacy Policy Notice As adopted July 1,2001 Evergreen Land Title Company Private Policy Notice PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE Title V ofth.e Grainm-Leach-BliIey Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial institution, directly or through its affiliates, from sharingnonpublic personallnf<lrmation about you with II nonaffiliated third party unless the institution provides you with a notice ofits privacy policies and practices, such as the type of information that it collects about you lUld the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed, In compliance with the GLBA, we are providing you with this document, which notifies you of the privacy policies and practices ofBvergreen Land Title Company. We may collect nonpublic petsonal information aboutyuu from the following soorces: . Information we receive from you, such DB on. applications or other fonus. . Information about your iransactiollB we secure from oudiles, or from our affilill.tes or others. . Information 'We receive from a .col1B11mer reportlng'ageney, . Infonnation that we reooiVll from others involved in.your ttall.'laction; such as the real estate agent or lender, Unless it is specifically Stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nOllpllblic personal infonnation will be collected about you. We may disclose any' of-the above information that we collect about our customers or fonner cwtomers to our affiliates or to nonafnliated third parties as permitted by law. We also may disclose this infol'1llation about our eustom~rs or fonner, customers to the following types of nonaffiliated companies that perlorm marketing selVices on our behalf or with w.hom we have joint marketing agreements: . Financial selVice providers such as companies eD.g\l.ged in banking, consumer finance,. securities and insurance. . Non-financial companies such as envelope sluffers and other fulfillment service providers. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONA:L INFORMATION ABotrrYOU'WITIf'ANYONB'FOR' ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PBRMITIED BY LAW. ' We restriot access to nonpnblic personal information ab~ut you to those employees who need to know that infllnnation' in order'to provide products or selVices.to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards tllat comply with. federal regulations to guard your nonpllblic personal information. Date Received: ') - /{-u" Planner: DR . I _ ~:.2.8~2DD 71 9: 36M" ;"'.E REEN LAND TITLE I' r' '_........~~ , r- .-i; I. ~'I :6"..roljl!'l5 ,. '-I';' 1",.,1.... , / \~I ct'F /Y';'_ / RP~CI^t "^"n^~T~ ~P.8D KNOW ALL !11l:N' BY THese PFIiSRNTS, nr.XIt,lS L'UI1t. SI1AVtCe, (I p:.rtnenhlp oOlllPoBod of 1l:~Vlllond To. Rexiu::>. "StV!n c,. nuluSi, ",une Aexlul:; ~UI;I::;Dn and IHtxiu.'l FCll"er.t I?!'oduct:ti, C,td., tin OU9'on Ul\lited putnusbiD, nere!I'ltlftG' c~llQ6 GrlS.ntO:t, conve~s .encJ IIp,Qhlly warUIR~s to Ghn L. Ui:dm:c, harein callGcl GrDtlteQI the lollQwlng dQscribed t'cDl pro~ertv free of encumbrDnce~ cteata4 DC ,utferij~ by ~rentor GKQept uS vpeoiCicelly ~e~ fQrth harein, situated in Lan~ County, OreqQn, to wit: l'ili!g1nninog at a point baing North 09' 57' ~5" Wut 13S1.02 Elut. ~mcl Sauth 060 13' 17- l'f'dt. 803.3 !en from the ~oU.h" east cornat of the T. D. Edwaros non~t1on ~'nd C1Dl~ No. 55, Town&hip 17 Seu~h, Rang!! 2 ~eat o( thG' Wi.lhlllett@ Meridhni thence !Jou~h 0' 131 1711 Weflt 488.98 feet to tho cC:!nter:line Q~ the ~O'~l!n,la IllqtJWo.v to4o. 1261 tlicnC6 along u1d (leneQrli.rl~ Horth 99' ~4' 14ut 516,12 t'tet., tkeh,C~ leav1n9 BillC1 centerlifllll llort.h 011 lBI 4711 'l:;tU;!:. 492.35 hQt; thencQ So~th 89' 44' Gast 51S.4 CeQt t.o the ~oint of bl!!ginrlln9 in tr.elRe Count:y, oreg'QO, P.XCiilTING TfJERB:t"~OM tha loll....n!. l1eq1nnihtj lilt a po1nt: be1ng north 89' 511 04S~ W"est:' :P.JiUQ1' ~ r 1 ~rt ,I fee~ e1nc1 Sou~h o. 13' 17- Vlest llOJ.J feet [tom th~ North- eesl:; cetrJor of tha '1', D. F;d."."rds' 1'Jonlltion'J.aOQ Clailll 1.:10. SS, Tcwn~hln 11 ~oufh, ~ang~ 2 WP.~t of t~e Wl11amette Ml:!t~dhni thence South 0' IJ1 1111 Wesl: 488.98 ..till'et t-o tile cl!nl:erUnQ of th,:! ~r:=!tllh3ie!li~hwn;v No. .l2:6i thence alcmg Bill., cent:orHne Wca:th 59' 'H' WC!St 420.12 he!:.1 ,t.hence l~ayi"q ~aid OChterl1rJQ Morth 0' 19' 47~ ~a3t 158.00 t~Qt; thehCli! Not'th as- 44' WUt 96 feet to a poillt en ttle ~e~l:;er1y bound~,v lin~ of tho abovQ ~QBC(1bed D~reel; thencl1 follo'olintj s"id WeSl;etly bOUndary line NortH' 00 18' 47" ~ut 334,35 feel;1 theTlca l30uth 898 44' East: S1S.t het to the Do!nt of beginning 1h t.~nc County, Or~9on. I1BStl'R....ING IJn~o Gtnnt-o'" t.ha,irr;: hci~.G. fll.I<;;Ot!5IiOr.s \10(1 ~ssi9n6 ~otnV~r an ~~a~ment over the most eeetQrlv 12 fqet of th~ above t1eBcribed -pfO!)(t(ty' t.o he USQQ fer Instellii-Ig .;I liHIwec Unc and othe{ utili!:jol to BG'rv~ ~ht: ~rQPQrtv desc:dbed in t-h(!o (orego!ng Clxol!oHon, rmd t.o be !jc:ed to~ ln9resIl t.Q IInd o9ro!S' from such PC6pIH~Y: 'l'b~ add pro~l!(ty 1!i free of ~ll encumbr~nceB created Ot slJ.I!hred bv the Gutltor UO'Cl;lt: 1. ^11 r iqhte, 1 hn.B and enclJllIb(BnoO's e're~tp.d by Gr:anteel $PQclal Wirr~nty neQd - 1 ~; ~ ,. '. "". NO, 3732!l1P. 9 I i I I r r t t. r ; '. ~. I' ';; " :; ...'.. .', I. ".. r ~.;~!.~. .'... .. . , r .r.,., le.:..... ;....J. . tCj.L1~). r i. ..;;~: r '~:.~, :' .t ':"'~.'::. . '.. ~ . " .\ =!~ . .i~ ..,. .....1 1",,, ,., ,...,.. 'Oate;Received:3 ~//-Q7 ~ ." Planner: DR . . _ ..'~~,'." ".',.".. .~: .'.: e....... 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Slope eagern~nt qranted ~he 6~~t~ ot Or~9on end storm 6ra!~ G~Be~~nt g~lnted tha Ci~y Of $~rln9f1~ld by InG~ru~ent recotde~ "ey 25, 1966, R~cept1on NQ, 48436, tane County or~gon Deed RQcOrdeJ J I 'l:iIS~ments. cQnditions and r~&t.dct1onij of neord, Md '. ~aiement (cs@[ved herevndet, The true cQnli1nerathm for this convcyallce b '20,000. D"'t'~O thiB ~JibiJe.Y of hbruary., 1917. tlnt:ll a chDrlqe is r'!lq~e.!Jtli!!l'.1, "11' tu :;ti:ltl:l1lant~ sholl be ae~t ~o th~ following address: Glon L, hQtne~, ~260 S~ith Way. Sptinqfi~ld, O~C9Qn 97411. RT:lXIIIS Pugr.. S8'RVrCli:, a partnershio . / . " Bv 5&.......J '_?,r' ~.!h,_ Raymond ~~ fie, iUS, !~rtnot-- .('...., 0'( \ . t1y, I J~. .,. f_~J.~ .IA('" /. ,... _ Marv~" ~. Re~l~S, artn~t--- 'j ..../, c.... By! .'-!""'~/. ..'f.'';L!.~_'" ~.t~j Nno Rexll.lS'" But.tan, Ii'~,tnl!lr n~Xlua PORES~ PbODUCTS, LTO. /In Otegon Limited ~~~tnQt5hi~r PUt.Mt !ly ..""~ti......i./\.~.~.~~,,~.. Raytrlor\.(1 L. RaXlu'ti, GGnerill Partnl:!t Oy.( I').' ,.^ p, ..... Miilrvl,tl TJ. Re)(1US, Gr::nuQl ',l'artnl![" ~nAN'I"'OR . S'I'A.'t~ Or OREGON coutlty of T../lne ... ,On .t:.his (As day of Peorl,lcrv, U77, 'PIHGOnaUy al?!Jd~i~'~~" th~ "bov!:! niilrle~ymond, L. R.l!x:J.u~, and ~cknowhdg8d tl1e/Ep.'i".~\Io--i".... 1n9 i..ns\;rument 1:.0 bQ hi.B voluntary bOt and deed. _';". ';\, i. , ): ;:"~ j-' .,t ~;. ... -&.H.~'-dU4.'J...'\. . Nota~ L'i!bUQ for;tir~9()h,"_ . ,.;../,' My COlI\mll1aion BXp{re!i: '>"~ . 11\\': :,.~' ...,,11...".1.'.... f.tyCornml$51a11~!rwOQC,f.1P7S n~Eore me:: 8pec1al Wurr~oty De~d - 2 L "., I , t ,',..,: . ....' . I,..:. ,"', ,;. I' . :,~.~ ,. '.' ~"~~ . ','.", .. ".~.. '~" :'''; . :. .~r:' \:):" .",. ".",;' " ,~. : ~ '. ~ . . ':',::'::l. '. . '.-' l .:l..:;"r_', ',' . /..':., '. :?~~:::~,( ,,).:. . F,:. ::::;, ~'~ '. ~-~ . ~:!:>. . t.';.~!l ", " r....,., , I!' !:."i:. " .,.",~.:; , . . ~ , . ,..., r L;;;:::.::;,,';:'~.:~:':},';.: i/";, :;, ~ ... ,., I :":": ..... 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Count.y of '~:H-"""""II/~/l) , On this ?I'T day of febt'IJU'YI U77, ~\!'t'scnally Q~ol3l1t'eil ttlQ above nomed Jtme Redu," SlJtton, ~nd 8Ckl101l'ledqed the foregoing instrum~nt to be biB VOluntary ~Qt anD deed. uefote mb: !' I , , .' I .tor l'lOSI'l1nqton !Xpicefll liotDr\f lJl,to.uc {iY Cgmmisdon :J'I'AT~ Or DrnlC;ON Count.y of Une ", On thi.. ~ ":IV o~ February, 15177, befOl:'1I IUI!, \;'he ul'l~e~" sicaned, P NOt<lcy ttubl.ll:: tn a.,r;;\ for the COunt..... and AtHer pet~onally a9Faare~ the within naroad ~avmon6 L. R~kius and H~rvin~. Rmxiu~, kno~n to me tg be all o! the p~rtners i~ the Ore90Q liMitQd pattne[sbi~ of R~x1u~ For~st prOOUQt~, ~td.. ~na t.~; ident:ical 1ndtvidul1h desocibQd in ~nd ",no e~ecut:.l:d tt,e ~!thln !nstrum~~t and acknowl~dgQd t.Q ~e ~"ey eKeouted the snme I;rQQ!V onr:1 vD!llnt.,;-lly, .....~.;r:;.;=-"",.. i'.;.';:":u '4c",,-. -i /,/,..,., ._'.\ b. .~.'d!!f ;'~t, \;.\ tor Or~gQ.h I':; '" ~l' CltOire.Hl 1 .~ ~t~Oo/lIllM~~Qnij"\Nr'l'Vo:~ I, w",..:-'/ . . l"\{~>'~ "~"'h"""n::..,.l' '3cfoce mOl _/. i:' J tl:u.r..~'f' ~Hl.tu~, PubT!c My CQ~mhs1on S?~cial war[anty Deed _ ~ '/,., '. ::;' " ".: ;. L 1 ! f.' , ,. '.' ~',,,, ( '!i~" ;~,,~', ::, . F\::;,~ " ~: :~j":: r'~ .~':. : :~:~}~'i. V:';> .'i;'.,:" ", . '-.:~ f., ~ '.~ :..::. . ~.....;. ~\', : :j. .~ ~:: ~~{ ~:; ,:~ . !,;':":{' r-:-'~i'-:: . 1. '._ t:'~":' :.~': ~. : .' f:',;;. F .:;:': ~ ~; \..... . ,. , .' r _;','. t ~?' ~ ' ! ~,' ..' '. . . - .', . ,~i '. .";. w.;:: '. I ";\\ " ..,;:~~ ":.' ";,\: ;('.:! ..... ., .;.? .', ....':. '. 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'i.'.;.;:'}:1- ;ilI:}".h; ""<l~ IL);~ i ,""/'/; .' ,'.," ,.~ I!"i~ ")l~;} . , ~: ,\~:~~ %"_'H ..~ . ~&'!'>' .'Y!':}!~ J""(,. o..:.,.,;~ : {~;,"~::'.': \/j(~ .~~ ' "h"~'~~ ..i~(~\'I.:: . : ,.)/)?~t 1"-""" 'H ,". ')Ji ~;i:i; . Date ReC:~jved,-r:r -";(._ Planner: 'DR .:-::r:~,-'_:, ~ . . ",,", ," . ",'.j :..J:;, & '~ 1 ! 0::: : ' 10' J .~ s i i Jl j U~ ~ 3t~~J t; ~ .., />.. '.\ '\ . 'i;I~ ' rl 1\ I" ~( ~ ,.." ~~ ' 1\ r 'f:?,f. i\ I >, '\ ~~ ~ r"f d. ~ \\. \' ~ " ~\ t_. "r r . ~~;~~:~ff,~;~tt~~1;~~:I~~;iH.~~i!:~;i'J,~;~i';~T;/j~~j~;h2[;1.:~;;;};~~.;::::~~';"~i;;3~.,;~~~i , " ~.'o& "'\)0 ~~ ~; t)l.G .' (. o\llz "" (11, . ~ 0,.' . V::, ~ c--- \ ~ RETURN TO CASCADE TITlE Division 0' Chie' De~_~, CJe~k Lane County Deeds and Records \ lM~.~m2~ $26 , 00 - =r: CASCADE TITLE CO. . ""111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 III 00747359200500829200010018 10/16/200503:46:19 PM CASHIER 02 RPR-OEEO Cnt_1 Stn=7 $5.00 $11.00 $10.00 TITLE NO. 0247607:)10/\ ESCROW NO. EUD5-3193 TAX ACCT. NO. MAPfTAX LOT N9" Il -0 1-~2- !to/lu 17-~L- 3l... ,+t-{OO-"jol WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM RAYMOND L. REXIUS AND ARLENE REXIUS, Trustees of THE RAYMOND REXIUS AND ARLENE REXlUS CHARITABLE REMAlNERUNITRUST utd August 31, 2005, Grantor, conveys and warrants to HYLAND BUSINESS PARK, LLC, An Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein: Beginning at a point being North 89' 57' 45" West 1351.02 feet and South O' 13' 17" West 803.3 feet from the Northeast corner of the T. D. Edwards Donation Land Claim No. 55, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the willamette Meridian; thence South 0" 13' 17" West 488.98 feet to the centerline of the McKenzie Highway No. 126; thence along said centerline North 89" 44' West 420.12 feet; thence leaving said centerline North O' 18' 47" East 158.00 feeti thence North 89" 44' West 96 feet to a point on the Westerly boundary line of the above described parcel; thence following said Westerly boundary line North O' 18' 47" East 334.35 feeti thence South 89' 44' East 515.4 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane county, Oregon. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULA nONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, Except the following encumbrances: 2005/2006 REAL PROPERTY TAXES The true consideration for this conveyance is $831,000.00 AS PAID BY/TO AN ACCOMMODATORPURSU~ IRC 1031. Dated this //d dayof (~/ 2~5. REXIU~. C TIABL~TR_U~~GUST31,2005 BY0 .,.L'....t~/~~ RA 6ND L. REXTUS. TRUSiEE BY,_ C2 L <;P..../ ARLENE REXIUS, TRUSTEE State of Oregon County of LANE &///, This instrument was acknowledged before me on AND ARLENE REXIUS, Trustees of. THE RAYMOND REMAINER UNITRUST utd August 3 2005. ,2005 by RAYMOND L. REXlUS IU AND ARLENE REXIUS CHARlT ABLE - "-r-~,- ~~...-..r \.j (Notary P~jic for Oregon) . / / Mycormnissionexpires //k ~6' OFFICIAL SEAL SUNNY t MAlOY NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 385327 lit COlllIlSSIOO EXPIlIS NOIWflll,lIIOI REXIUS CHARTIABLE TRUST UTD AUGUSn 1. 2005 _2742 CHAMBERS Until a change is r~'quested all tax statements shall be ,:!je,'J ./ h 9NI'II'<.-".: ./ /'tW-A /.."'J-O. ,,-- <5/'Y'''9k/1, Of 5-7",77 WRE-EX MAIN OFFICE 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD. . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 p.O. BOX 931 . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ONE: 541.741.1981 rAX: 541.741.0619 www.evergreenlandtitJe.com t;. !fI::>,. ~ ~ ~, ~y~!g!~~ BRANCH OFFICE 875 COU~TRY CLUB RD. . EUGENE, OR 97401 P.O. 80X 10211 . EUGENE, OR 97440 . PHONE: 541.687.9794 FAX: 541.687.0924 YMW.evergreenlandtitle.com DATE: February 28, 2007 PEACEHEALTH 123 INTERNATIONAL WAY SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 ATTN: TAMARA MILLER TITLE NO: ELT-52751 CLIENT NO: N/A RE: ANDREW HEAD FEES: PARTIAL BILLING $200.00 ADDRESS: 4434/4436/4440 MAIN ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 BALANCE DUE $200.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS, LET US KNOW IF WE CAN BE OF ANY FURTHER ASSISTANCE. ACCOUNTS NOT P AlD WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF ORIGINAL INVOICE WILL BE CHARGED INTEREST AT THE RATE OF 1.5% PER MONTH (18% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE) Date Received" Planner: DR 5 i \0 DI 1 I pl l /\:<j.,. P ,:\YF 1< () \:"j ~r!.! 1 ':) I: '.:( \1. \ --" ""'-.. J:L.j.. ';-.;L. St.; "j.1"1 P(\Yi\JL~\'I' '1.~:l '-.J; : .-1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD.. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ). BOX 931 . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 '.- _HONE: 541.741.1981 FAX: 541.741.0619 b. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~X~I!g~~~n TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES . ESCROW CLOSINGS 875 COUNTRY CLUB RD.' EUGENE, OR 97401 P.O. BOX 10211 . EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687.9794 FAX: 541.687.0924 February 28, 2007 Our Order No,: ELT-5275I PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT PeaceHealth 123 International Way Springfield, Oregon 97477 Attn: Tamara Miller Estimated Premium for: PARTIAL BILLING $200.00 TOTAL $200.00 Dear Tamara: We are prepared to issue on request and on recording ofthe appropriate documents, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as indicated, based on this preliminary report. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Showing fee simple title as of February 20, 2007, at 8:00 a.m., vested in: ANDREW HEAD Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form. No liability is assumed until a full premium has been paid. / / Date Received' If/ /4/01. Planner: DR Y CONTINUED "IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MATTER MOST" www.evergreenlandtitle.com ELT - 52751 Page 2 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS I. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such ag<?ncy or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or other facts which a correct survey would disclose. . 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6. Rights of the public in any portion of said premises lying within the limits of streets, roads and highways. 7. Easements as reserved in Warranty Deed Recorded January 20,1982, Reception No. 82- 01945, Lane County Oregon Records. 8. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Weslie E. Kelley and Katherine S. Kelley, husband and wife, as Grantor(s), to AMVESCO, Inc. dba Western Pioneer Title Company of Lane County, as Trustee, for the benefit of Glen L. Hefner and Lynn Hefner, husband and wife, or the survivor thereof, as Beneficiary, Dated September 18, 1997, Recorded September 25,1997, Reel 2338R, Reception No. 97-65146, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, given to secure payment of a Note for $95,000.00. NOTE: Taxes, Map No. 17-02-32-00-00402, Code 19-00, Account No. 1177953,2006-2007, $1,453.04, paid in full. .. NOTE: The address of the property to be insured herein is: 4434 MAIN STREET AND 4436 MAIN STREET AND 4440 MAIN STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478. CONTINUED Date Received' 3-/l-0; Planner: DR . I i ELT - 52751 Page 3 NOTE: A mDGEMENT/LIEN/BANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) ANDREW HEAD, and as of February 20, 2007, none were found. NOTE: As of February 20, 2007, there are no liens for the City ofSpringfieJd. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: The vesting deed and changes within the last 24 months are as follows: WARRANTY DEED RECORDED March 19,2004, FROM WESLlE E. !CPT T PY AND KATHERINE S. KELLEY, HUSBAND AND WIFE, TO ANDREW HEAD, RECEPTION NO. 2004-019587. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE By: -~ ~~~ Joseph M. Silence Title Officer NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY JS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATJON FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED. I I o I ate Rec . -. I Planner: ~~ed:~ I ! i ELT - 52751 Page 1 of 1 Legal Description EXHlBITA Begi1ll1ing at a point being North 890 57' 45" \Vest 1351.02 feet and South 00 13' 17" West 803.3 feet from the Northeast comer of the T. D, Edwards Donation Land Claim No. 55, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South 0013' 17" West 488.98 feet to the centerline ofthe McKenzie Highway No. 126; thence along said centerline North 890 44' West 516.12 feet; thence leaving said centerline North 00 18' 47" East 492.35 feet; thence South 890 44' East 515.4 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following: Beginning at a point being North 890 57' 45" West 1351.02 feet and South 00 13' 17" West 803.3 feet from the Northeast corner of the T. D. Edwards Donation Land Claim No. 55, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South 00 13' 17" West 488,98 feet to the centerline of the McKenzie Highway No. 126; thence along said centerline North 890 44' West 420.12 feet; thence leaving said centerline North 00 18' 47" East 158.00 feet; thence North 890 44' West 96 feet to a point on the Westerly boundary line of the above described parcel; thence following.said Westerly boundary line North 0018' 47" East 334.35 feet; thence South 890 44' East 515.4 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received' 5 '-16- 07 Planner: DR '- THIS MAP IS TO ASSIST LOCATING PROPERTY THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO ~LIA81L1TY FOR INACCURACIES. N COURTESY OF W + E EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO. 741-1981 ~fi? :,- ':' CD .~ ;U ~:-. ~ om. ;u~ A- , vJ ~ C:---"'" ~L~u__ S .........._- '>#.... '~"'''''''Y-~.c:.1 x- 7.7..SlC""'.S/~/-4' soo.e" 401 501 e Map 17 02 32 2 4 ~ g ~ e Map )2 32 SMITH :--J ~ 31 >-' CIl t-' 'CIl I ~ , , ~ ~ ' '.'~ l ~~ ~ . . ! ~ l ". , 2 i. ~ __11\ ~~ ~ " "~ ~ -see- /S's/. 02 ~.g.8.:l' I I I I , I I I J I J I ~l ~I ~ ~ ~ I /~$7.$t>' I - ...... SEE MAP '7-02-32-4-2 -T&+ U.L.\;. t)~:.! /;;( "t: ~.'1f1ch 6"0/' /' ...L2'B..3 '} _ . t ~ NE COR./" NW COR. ~ m EDWARDS AW HAMMn ". D.L.C. 55 D.LC. 36 ! 100 ~ <Xl ,.., ~ (\J . ~ ~ . d 'Ii ~ z ~ ~ , 0 . <:'~"'44-"'::; -.. ' <t 0 Q: --- -- ~ "'* $<'5.+' 4~~-'r I I ~ ~~ __ ~ - ,. 7......=>;... '/,41"1,12.' ..!J-- (~8.:J1 ..' ... "' "' /.9~O.c' McKENZIE. .r"~'_"E ..~~,o~ 10' ,~ SE 17- ( >- J- Z ~ o r.> L", FIJ T.L:s 1 .. Privacy Policy Notice As adopted July 1, 2001 Evergreen Land Title Company Private Policy Notice PURPOSE OF TIllS NOTICE Title V of the Grainm-Leach-BliIey Act (GLBA) genei'ally prohibits any financial institution, directly or through its affiliates; from sharing nonpublic personal information about you with a nonaffiliated third party unless the illStitution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of information that it collects about you and the categories of persollS or entities to whom it may be disclosed. In compliance with the GLBA, we are providing you with this document, which notifies you of the privacy policies and practices of Evergreen Land Title Company, We may collect nonpublic personal information about you froni the following sources: . Informationwe receive from you, such as on. applications or other forms. . Information about your transactions we secure from our files; or from our affiliates or others. . Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency. . Information thatwe receive from others involved in,your transaction. such as the real estate agent or lender. Unless it is specifically stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal infonnation will be collected about you. . We may disclose any of-the above infonnation that we collect about our customers or former customers to our affiliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by law. We also may disclose this infonnation about our customers or former customers to the following types of nonaffiliated companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or with whom we have joint marketing agreements: . Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer fmance,. securities and insurance. . . Non-financial companies such as envelope stoffelS aild other fulfillment service providers. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ." ANY PURPOSE THATIS NOT SPECIFICALL YPERNul1bU BY LAW. . We restrict access to nonpublic'personal information ab~utyou to those employees who need to'know that infonnation' in order'to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that. comply with. federal regulations to guard your nonpnblic personal information. . . : .". . Date Received' )" _ / {-o) Planner: DR .