HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/19/2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Tree Felling Permit . -. -. .. . - , , - - Willamalane Park & Recreation District Applicant Name: r()nt~r.t. Rphf>C:(':Jl (Tprshow _ Willrtm::lhmp PJ'lrk Phmnf':r Phone: 541.736.4052 ~"-''''!;;~>-'' f;.' ,- .i. I I :,1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Company: Willamalane Park and Recreation District Fax: 541.736.4043 Address: 250 South 32nd Street, Springfield, OR 97478 I.. '^.. :i~~';'~.~~"i,0:;';JA?;m.._;;:....:;.,:>_. .+ "'~,." .".._ !APPlicant's Rep.: Damien Gilbert, P.E. I COmpany: Branch Engineering [Address: 310 Fifth Street, Springfieldc OR 97477 I.., '. ".L1."'ie' ,,~_ .. :c:...t.....v' C"oc '" c-:.:t:." I Willamalane Park & Recreation District Property Owner: rcm.tact:....Rphpr:r:Jl Gpr~hnur -.WillJ'lmahmp P:uk Plannpr I Company: Willamalane Park & Recreation District IAddress: 250 South 32nd Street, Springfield, OR 97478 I"';; , _~~{~..'c:-" >.:r+1t;,0.A'_~-r.?"~""-,,;.-_'.I:"""'r;}(-.:;':'.':;'._ <', -', ,~" IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-34-21 ITAX LOT NOeS): 400 !property Address:' 6100 Thurston Road, Springfield, OR ISize of Property: 18.47 acres . 1.6 acres tree felling disturbed area Acres ~ Square Feet D I' .ij.'"",,~"~ ;..t::'...:;;,:.,..,2.'d!f.';;L<:~.J..'-";;'. '.".:.j'...:...., _ '-"'.-. ""'"'__.-~':~"""';:..o''-'' "'. I Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: See attached Proposal Narrative J,:;"" .~"-"~'" ~"~, ~r,"","'-"'-!"'-'fiq~ Phone: 541.746.0637 Fax: 541.746.0389 ,j', ~.r' .'. "";!';;.ii,~'"",?""",, '-..-e .;,1. ..:: ," ~" ,.,r"?"<~',~T:',.;'^;; ,',r . Phone: 541.736.4052 Fax: 541.736.4043 2O}J 2. - 0002Pr . Associated Cases: Pj2-c/2DO'ii~ODrX'!Jb' Case No.: Df2b,26VlS" Guu /( I Date: 11-/1"1108' Application Fee: $ I 79:C;, ITh ITechnical Fee: $ -gq,2$ Signs: Reviewed by: fs1L- I Postage Fee: $ /100, iJD TOTAL FEES: $ ;)03 Lj, J-S PROJECT NUMBER: -ormfoiQ ~,~,.'"."r...':s:.~',.; Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 5 Signatures Applicant: The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. f~;;,~~(\,,, 'J D"., 17~ n 0</ l<C'~cc:?ii. q1"""/w?' l.:MI . P.AAJ!L FlAI\I-\C/V-) WP\Z-D Print ..J If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Owner: Date: Signature Print Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 5 Tree Felling Permit Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. M Submitted Concurrentiy with Site Plan Review or Land Division applications, where applicable. [M Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. Tree Felling Permit Application Form Copy of the Deed Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. Narrative explaining the proposal and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with the Tree Felling Permit Criteria as specified in SDC 5.19-125 (see page 4 of this application). NOTE: Before the Director can issue a Tree Felling Permit, information submitted by the applicant must adequately support the request. All of the Tree Felling Permit Criteria must be addressed by the applicant. Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. In certain circumstances, it is advisable to hire'a professional planner or land use attorney to prepare the required findings. The Director or the Public Works Director may require the applicant to provide the services of a professional forester (approved by the City), licensed hydrologist, or licensed landscape architect in order to address the standards in SDC 5.19-125 for undeveloped property greater than 10 acres in size or 15% slope or above an elevation of 670 feet. [!{ ,Three (3) Copies of a Plot Plan drawn to scale to include: ~The species or common name of th~ trees [B'The location of trees to be removed and their sizes M The method of tree removal and the hauling route to be used Ul" A description of any plan (Vegetation and Re-vegetation Report) to replace, landscape, or otherwise reduce the effect of the felling that addresses the applicable criteria in SDC 5.19-125. [I( U2t' Q( ~ B Copy of the Plot Plan Reduced to 8'h" X 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 of S ';-,;'. 'i~ ity of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department 225 Fifth Street':: i . '. Springfield, Oregon 97477. ' , . 541-726-3759 Phone' Job/Journal Number DRC2008-00077 DRC2008-00077 DRC2008-00077 PRE2008-00074 Payments: Type of Payment Check CreditCard Job/Journal Number DRC2008-00077 DRC2008-00077 ' DRC2008-00077 PRE2008-00074 Payments: Ty'pe of Payment Check CreditCard cReceintl 'r- :RECEIPT#: " ',' 2200800000000001763 Date: 12/19/2008 , i, 'Descript'i.Ofl. :>.~ . , , ..CTY >10 Tree', Base + Per ACRE + 5% Technology Fee , Pos!age Fee Type 11 - $160 CTY Site Plan Rvw Tentative Paid By.'.. WILLAMALANE ':' BRANCH ENGINEERING Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received 75282 In Person 019892 In Person Payment Total: ddk ddk Description . CTY >10 Trees Base + Per ACRE + 5';'; Technology Fee Postage Fee Type 11 - $160 CTY Site Plan Rvw Tentative Paid By WILLAMALANE BRANCH ENGINEERING Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch-Number Number How Received 75282 In Person 019892 In Person Payment Total: ddk ddk Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal Page I of 1 , ~:42:54PM . ," . Amount Due 1,785.00 89.25 160.00 346.00 . $2,3HU.25 Amount Paid ::r '$2,131.00 $249.25 $2,3HU.25 Amount Due 1,785.00 89.25 160.00 346.00 $2,3HO.25 Amount Paid $2,131.00 $249.25 $2,3HU.25 12/19/2008 LEGEND ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCE ~~ EX. CONIFER TREE (TO REMAIN) . fit EX. DECIDUOUS TREE (TO REMAIN) ~ TREE TO BE REMOVED SEE LANDSCAPINE ARCHITECTS PLAN FOR REPLANTING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREA. TREE REMOVAL NOTE' TREE REMOVAL SHALL BE BY STANDARD LOGGING PRACTICES AND SHALL FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES SPECIFIED IN THE FIELD GUIDE TO OREGON FORESTRY PRACTICES RULES PUBLISHED BY THE STATE OF OREGON. DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY. AS THEY APPLY TO THE NORTHWEST OREGON REGION. HAULING ROUTE NOTE' EQUIIPMENT TO THE SITE AND EQUIPMENT/REMOVED TREES FROM THE SITE SHALL BE FROM THE PRIVA TE DRIVE OF LlVEL Y MEMORIAL PARK AND THE REAR PARKING AREA OF THE SWIM CENTER NEAREST THE TREES TO BE REMOVED. --, * GRAPHIC SCALE 3p 9t~3? I"'ao-- G? ,,,,rEEl) _L ~n=-" ~ ~j~ ,,~_n_n-\---l >1 I I I-'~-~'~~----=':-':-':-':-':-_--=====================~=~~~=~~-=-~~=~=~~-=--~~=:--.:_,:--~,,-=-~=~.:-.:.~ ,'''" \\ ",- ~ I ! "\\, -- - - (. 1 II '-"-__ \ " " " I "'- \....._---_..........~- \\ ~ \\ ~~~ \\ \\- \\ ~ \ " "" -' , 1 I , ., I'~ ~ ~ AI '~ ,,\)"<' ",'0 SWIM CENTER 6/00 THURSTON RD. .,/ Ad /' I /' /' /' /---6---- ,/ -- - '- -- '- '- '- " "" Date Received: DEe 1 9~OB---- ---------- __--~--~---c5riginal Submittal --- . TAX MAP /7-02-27. TAX lOTS /004 & /10/ AND TAX MAP /7-02-34-2/. TAX lOTS 400 & /200 I ~ . ~ ~. Zu ~~ ~Q ~" ~ ~ I L '>:: 0:: ~ 0::-' oS .....0:: o ~:::E lulu _:::E ::> Lu>- 0::-' Lu <::~ ~-.::(-J ~ -J . i::o...Ql 0Lu~ ~~(J 0-<< g:V')"-) I ~ ~ o &: .. " >- u 5 " " <:: "<( -J CL e" <:: :J -J '. Lu is..... tlu <<Lu "0:: ::ll- o r..i 1 ~;;- = I Cl>~"E- -I ~.E t bL1 l' ~ a "I r-.~ ~ . .;: I ~~j g O,;l 00...,..:;:1 ;g ~ ~ ._ g ~ ~ 0 ~1~1II11roJ:; ~ = ::~f'.O :il ~ ~~~.s ~ ..c'I! ~'r~ . <.> 1:l_~0l :l "1~~'!::'-3 ~ E ~li;~ c; t:Q C-.ltlle.o .5 @)~ DATE: DEC. I, 2008 SCALE DRAWN 8Y DESIGNER CHE:CKED 8Y PROJECT HUMBER SHErr NO. 1 AS NOTED ARS DG DG 07-287 OF ~ SHEf:T(S) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00077 6100 Thurston Road [l -' --- Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submitta' SITE Map 17-02-27-00 Tax Lot 1101, 1004 & Map 17-02-34-21 Tax Lot 400, 1200 t North , LEGEND ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCE .. EX. CONIFER TREE (TO REMAIN) e EX. DECIDUOUS' TREE (TO REMAIN) lit TREE TO BE REMOVED SEE LANDSCAPINE ARCHITECTS PLAN FOR REPLANDNG OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREA. .TREE_,REMOVAL ~OTE' . "TREE 'REMOVAL '-SHALL BE BY STANDARD LOGGING PRACTICES AND SHALL FOllOW THE GUIDELINES SPECIFIED IN THE FIELD GUIDE TO OREGON FORESTRY PRACTICES RULES PUBLISHED BY THE S TATE OF OREGON. DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY. AS THEY APPLY TO THE NORTHWEST OREGON REGION. HAULING ROUTE NOTE' EQUIIPMENT TO THE SITE AND EQUIPMENT/REMOVED fREES FROM THE, SITE SHALL BE FROM THE PRIVATE DRIVE OF l/VEL Y MEMORIAL PARK AND THE REAR PARKING AREA OF THE SWIM CENTER NEAREST THE TREES TO BE REMOVED. ~- -+- . .....-..coe.... Q I! >P ~ - - ...c:" Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 I'} II II II I 2- " ..<;." "(O~~I "'''1')' .j:"' II~" ..<;'%,;/f , II ..(0'" ')'0 ,_Cl \"~~ 0 "\ 'V /iJ' 1\ \\ " ~ ..(0'" "~~ ~ ''::.'::.'::.v--- ~ /i ---------- ~ I --'::.'::.'::..... ~ /) " *- /// ~.<:O~ ,,J-fi{~ ~~/ rtl>. ~ "" '-' SWIM CENTER 6/00 THURSTON RD. --- ----- ------------ -------- TAX MAP 17-02-27, TAX LOrs 1004 & 1101 AND TAX MAP !7-02-34-21. TAX LOTS 400 & 1200 I _.- ~ , I!! "! , I .1.-L _ _ " I i -r: '" '" ~ "'~ ,;~~ o "" ",'" s:" "'~ "'~ '" ..<:::::; n. O::Cl.,.1:l:l ~~t3 ~lii~ " :l "- '" " ::; ~ ..'" g~ ,,,, ~'" t:re: , ~ In .~ 5H ~ ~ liij ~ .@, ~=~ 8. '" li;ll ~ ,~!l ; ~ ~:~~ ; J3 ~!!j j @Ji ~" ,~~ OR~WN ., DtS/GNl;1i (}fe, /,2M8 ~s HorED .., ~ CHCiy~.lIl DC "..'iY,;:fil a1-21lT SHEET NO. 1 or....!.... SHCCT(S) Willamalane Livelv Park Tree Fellin!!: Narrative Proposed Site Development: Willamalane proposes adding outdoor recreation amenities to Jack B. Lively Memorial Park, a 30.8 acre community park in Springfield, as called for in the 2005 Lively Park Master Plan. Currently, the park's singular amenity is Splash! Lively Park Swim Center. The Master Plan calls for eventual-build-out of Lively Park. The proposed site plan is the first two phases of implementation, and includes: Phase 1 Two large group picnic shelters with cooking facilities; An 8,000-sq ft playground; A 4-acre dog park; A portable restroom enclosure; 88 parking spaces (including 4 accessible spaces); Sidewalks, landscaping, utilities and site furnishings. Phase 2 79 additional parking spaces (including 3 accessible spaces); Basketball court; Sand volleyball court; Permanent restroom facility; Soft-surface path and pedestrian bridge through natural area; Additional sidewalks, landscaping, utilities, and site furnishings. The improvements shown on the plans are in Willamalane's FY 2009-2013 CIP and are planned to be built within the two year approval plus one year extension period. Phase I improvements will be partially paid for with a grant from the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Local Government Grant Program. Springfield's firsl dog park will be fully fenced with a crushed rock walking path around its perimeter. It is designed with separate exercise areas for large and small dogs, and the large-dog area can be rotated to allow for optimal turf health. The dog park will also contain potable water, trash receptacles, pet waste bags, rules signage, an information kiosk, seating, and a small shade/rain shelter. Trees will be planted for additional shade." The,dog park will be maintained on a regular basis, similar to the maintenance;schedule for the other developed areas of the park. During the Development Issues Meeting (DIM), the City did not have any issues regarding storm water quality from the proposed dog park but the applicant was urged to check with Springfield Utility Board (SUB). SUB was contacted and Amy Chinnitz at SUB indicated that a Drinking Water Overlay permil would not be'needed as the park is not storing hazardous materials on site as part of the park development proposal. If.the park is determined to be in the I year time of travel zone, the requirements, will be that Willamalane will need to post SUB's well head protection information signs. Willamalane will also need to meet SUB's specific fertilizer requirements for maintaining the site. Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal The group picnic shelters and food prep area will provide for structured medium-to-Iarge- scale special events. The two shelters are designed to be used in tandem or individually. The food prep area contains sinks, stovetops, bbq's, and counter space for food preparation. Reservations of the picnic shelters will be required for group use. The irrigated open turf area between the shelters will provide room for informal field sports, and participants will have easy access to the swim center, restrooms and playground (phase I), and the volleyball and basketball courts (phase 2). Parking and sidewalks are located adjacent to the group picnic shelters. The playground will be community-park scale, at 8,000 sg ft; and will contain a variety of different play elements for children of varying ages. It will contain a signature element visible from other areas of the park, such as a net climber, as well as a sand play area, swings, tot lot (for ages 2-5), and play structure (for ages 6-12), among other components. Parking and sidewalks are located adjacent to the play area, and wilLbe separated by,a raised, landscaped berm and a low (3 ft}retaining wall. In phase I, a restroom enclosure will house one accessible apd one standard portable restroom. In phase 2, the enclosure will be replaced with a permanent restroom. The permanent facility will be pre-cast concrete with stainless steel fixtures and tiles floors. There will be two toilets and a sink on the women's side and one toilet, a urinal, and a sink on the men's side. A central plumbing chase will provide storage for maintenance supplies and house our plumbing and electrical components. It will include an exterior drinking fountain. The restroom will be conveniently located near proposed improvements. During the DIM, city staff decided that no traffic impact study was needed but that a pedestrian safety study would need to be provided as part of the submittal. A pedestrian crossing study is included as part of the required submittal. The proposed park development, in an already disturbed area of the property, is adjacent to a relatively intact natural area which borders Cedar Creek, a tributary of the McKenzie River. Willamalane is partnering with McKenzie Watershed Council and Thurston Middle School in a project funded by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board to improve the riparian forest on both properties. The cities of Springfield and Eugene along with Willamalane and other project partners are cooperating with the Army Corps of Engineers on a Metro Waterways Study. Cedar Creek is one of two drainages being studied for proposed enhancement. Enhancement strategies such as improving fish habitat are in-line with the natural area restoration project Willamalane is undertaking at Lively Park. The proposed soft-surface pedestrian path will be sited sensitively through this natural area, providing close-to-home opportunities for both exercise and nature appreciation. Existing Site Description: The site is currently developed with the 38,560 square foot, Splash! Lively Park Swim Center with associated parking and sidewalks. The site has stands of well established trees and areas of open grass. The site is relatively flat and gently slopes to the north towards Cedar Creek. The existing site storm drainage system includes existing catch basins and conveyance piping that flows to a large existing water quality treatment swale in the northeast portion of the property that was designed with the original development. The existing swale drains north to Cedar Creek. Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal Additional Information: The proposed Tree Felling Permit application, being submitted concurrently, is for only a small area on the park property as indicated on the Tree Felling Plan. The tax map and tax lot number are TM 17-02-34-21 TL 400. The proposed disturbed are'a from tree felling activities is to be].6 acres. The Springfield city limits and urban growth boundary bisect the park, as shown on the Site Plan. The north section of Ihe dog park, as well as the majority ofthe bioswale, riparian natural area and a portion oflhe phase 2 pedestrian path are outside the city limits and UGB. Willamalane is applying for a Special Use Permit with Lane County for the park improvements within the County's jurisdiction. Development of the first two phases of outdoor' recreation improvements will allow Jack B. Lively Memorial Park to begin fulfilling its potential as a true community park for the people of Springfield. Its varied landscape, pastoral views, and the regional draw of Splash! Lively Park Swim Center, all set the stage for an attractive and exciting destination in east Springfield. A critical mass of outdoor recreation features will bring people of all ages and abilities to the park. They will come to play, exercise, appreciate nature, and gather with friends and family (both two- and four-legged). Tree Felling Criteria 5.19-125A: The proposed Willamalane site development will require the trees shown on the Tree Felling Plan.to be removed due to proposed improvements to the site. Many of the trees are located in proposed picnic shelters, basketball court and parking areas. 5.19-125B: The proposed tree felling is consistent with State standards, Metro Plan policies and City Ordinances and provisions affecting the environmental quality of the area. The number of trees to be removed is small in relation to the total number of trees on the property. Wildlife will be relatively unaffected. Soil erosion will be kept to a minimum using erosion control techniques. Soil retention and stability will be maintained due to the flatness of the site. Stormwater quantity and quality will be maintained due to the existing treatment swale located on-site as well as erosion control techniques. Scenic quality will remain relatively the same due to the large quantity of existing trees on the property. 5.19-125C: A Site Development Plan is being submitted concurrently with this Tree Felling Plan and existing trees are located where proposed improvements are planned. 5.19-1250: A Site Development Plan is being submitted concurrently with this Tree Felling Plan for approval. With the removal of the specified trees the following criteria can still be met. 5.19-1250.1: Wooded areas associated with natural drainage ways and water areas on the site shall be retained to preserve riparian habitat and minimize erosion even with the Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original submittal removal of the existing trees from the ,proposed development plan. This criteria can be met. 5.19-1250.2: Wooded areas that will likely provide attractive on-site views to occupants of future developments will be retained even with the removal ofthe existing trees. This criteria can be met. . 5.19-1250.3: The proposed development plan does not have any wooded areas along ridge lines and hill tops that have trees proposed to be removed. This criteria is met. 5.19-1250.4: The trees proposed to be removed are not along any property lines. This criteria can be met. 5.19-1250.5: The existing trees that will remain after removal of the trees that are proposed to be removed are of sufficient size and number to prevent against windthrow. " 5.19-1250.6:' Large-scale clear-cuts are not proposed for this development. This criteria is met. 5.19-125E: The applicant is proposing to remove 3'7 existingtrees and the applicant proposes to replant a total of 62 new trees' with 31 new trees being planted in the immediate vicinity of the trees that are proposed to be removed. 5.19-125F: Slash from tree falling activities will not be permitted to remain on-site and will be required to be hauled to an appropriate disposal site. 5.19-125G: The proposed tree felling will follow the guidelines specified by the Oregon Forestry Practices Rules as( published by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry. 5.19-125H: The transportation of equipment and trees to and from the site can be accomplished with minimal disturbance to nearby neighbors due to the size of the site and relatively small number of trees to be removed from the site as well as the site sharing a private drive with only two neighbors who live behind the site and proposed tree felling activities. Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal .~ " "" / : ',' I ~ 1.';70 MlWK IlLVD. . SPRiNGFIELD, OR 97477 P.O. IBOl . SPRINGFiELD, OR 97477 p~'oN/l.741.1981 flUi!41.0619 PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT .. , , ~"";,,, ~ ~~, ~,_."," ".J '_ ',-, ifi'!oJff' . " '."'''11." 1\ ~X~!gr~~~ BRANCH OFFICE, 1509 WILLAMHTE ST. . EUGENE, OR 97401 P.O. BOX 10211 . EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687.9794 fAX: 541.687.0924 , "J January 18,2005 ELT-46985 wiilaffialane Park District 200 South Mill Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Attn: Rebecca Gershow Estimated Premium for: PARTIAL BILLING $230.00 TOTAL $230.00 Dear Rebecca: We are prepared to write Title Insurance covering the following described premises to-wit: SEE ATTACHED Showing fee simple title as of Decemlier 29, 2004, at 8:00'a.m., vested in: WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT Subject to the usual printed exceptions, and :~. I. The real property taxes for the fiscal year 2005-2006 are exempted by virtue of city ownership. The company assumes no liability should the exempt status be lifted and taxes levied. (Map No. 17-02-34-21-00400, Code 19-01, Account No. I I 13230; Map No. 17-02-34- 21-00400, Code 19-09, Account No. II 13248; Map No. 17-02-34-21-00400, Code 19-00, Account No. I I 13255; Map No. 17-02-34-21-00400, Code No. 19-09; Account No. 1468105; Map No. 17-02-34-21-01200, Code 19-00, Account No. 1428133; Map No. 17-02-27-00- 01004, Code 19-01, Account No. 1401148; Map No. 17-02-27-00-01101, Code 19-01, Account No. 0112225)' continued next page ... Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 \ \ , \ CONTINUED Original Submittal TiHE iNSURANCE SERViCES . ESCROW ClOSiNGS "IN OUR BUSINfSS, YOU MATTfR MOST" www.evergreenlandtiUe.com I I ',' 0;' ! \\ EL T - 46985 Page 2 Exception No.1 continued ... Taxes, Map No. 17-02-34-21-00400, Code 19-01, AccountN6. 1113230, 1985-1986, a lien in the amount of $812.60, plus interest is unpaid. Taxes, Map No. 17-02-34-21-00400, Code 19-09, Account No. 1113248, 1985-1986, a lien in the amount of $932.36, plus interest is unpaid. Taxes, Map No. 17-02-34-21-00400, Code 19-00, Account No. 1113255, 1985-1986, a lien in the amount of$199.86, plus interest is unpaid. 2. Power Line Easement, granted to Eugene Water & Electric Board, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded June 10, 1965, Reel 266D, Reception No. 6748, Lane County Oregon Records. 3. Easement; granted to the City of Eugene, Oregon, a municipal corporation, of Lane County; Oregon, by and through the Eugene Water Board, together with any joint user with whom it m~y contract, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded February 19; 1954, Reel 32D, Reception No. 23553, Lane County Oregon Records. 4. Road Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded January 5, 1955, Reel SOD, Reception No. 46342, Lane County Oregon Records. 5. Easement, granted to the City of Eugene, Oregon, a municipal corporation, of Lane County, Oregon, by and through the Eugene Water & Electric Board, together with any joint user with whom it may contract, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded August 16, 1956, Reel 85DR, Reception No. 92390, Lane County Oregon Records. 6. Easement for Ingress and Egress, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded March 7,1979, Reception No. 79-13277, Lane County Oregon Records. Said Easement was modified by unrecorded Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, as disclosed by Memorandum of Agreement Recorded November 12, 1985, Reception No. 85-40653, and further modified by instrument Recorded December 2, 1988, Reel 1547R, , Reception No. 88-50717, Lane County Oregon Records. ' 7. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, as disclosed by Memorandum of Agreement Recorded September 23, 1985, Reel 1368R, Reception No. 85-33702, Lane County Oregon Records. 8. Grant of Easement and Maintenance Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded July 16, 1990, Reel 1643R, Reception No. 90-33394, Lane County Oregon Records. Date Received: CONTINUED DEe t 9 2008 Original Submittal I " I ELT - 46985 Page 3 9. Agreement and Amendment to Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded July 16, 1990, Reel I 643R, Reception No. 90-33395, Lane County Oregon Records. 10. Utility Easement Agreement, granted to AT&T Wireless Services of Oregon, Inc., a Nevada corporation d/b/a AT&T Wireless Services, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded June 22, 2001, Reception No. 2001-038325, Lane County Oregon Records. NOTE: A JUDGEMENT/LIEN SEARCH was done for the naine(s) WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, and as of December 29,2004, none were found. NOTE: As of December 29, 2004, there are no liens for the City of Springfield. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: Evergreen Land Title Company finds a Certificate of Water Rights Recorded September I, 1960, Ree1158D, Reception No. 8910, Lane County Oregon Records. . Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFHC By: Jeffrey K. Walker Advisory Title Officer NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $230.00 WILL BE CHARGED. . Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal , . EL T - 46985 Page 1 of3 Legal Description PARCEL 1: (Tax Lot 400) Beginning at a point being South 3916.69 feet and East 1130.26 feet from the Southwest comer of the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wi\1amette Meridian, said point also being on the Northerly margin of Thurston Road (County Road No. 474); thence along said Northerly margin North 890 38: 15" West 452.24 feet; thence leaving said North margin North 9054' 49" West 1579.27 feet; thence South 890 38' 15" East 719.02 feet; thence South 00 11' 19" East 1554.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT: Beginning at a point being South 3916.69 feet and East 1130.26 feet from the Southwest comer of the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 2 West otthe Willamette Meridian, said point also being on the Northerly margin of Thurston Road (County Road No. 474); thence along said Northerly margin North 890 38' IS" West 25.00 feet; thence leaving said margin North 00 11' 19" West 1554.00 feet; thence South 890 38' IS" East 25.00 feet; thence South 0011' 19" East 1554.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPTING that portion described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of Lot 5, SANDAL WOOD, as platted and recorded in File 72, Slide 110, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point also being South 3810.11 feet and East 884.92 feet from the Southwest corner of the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 890 38' 15" West 7.00 feet; thence North 0011' 19" West 95.00 feet; thence South 890 38' IS" East 7.00 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence along the West line of said Lot 5, South 00 11' 19" East 95.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPTING that portion which lies within the plat of SANDAL WOOD, as platted and recorded, in File 72, Slide 110, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 2: (Tax Lot 1004) Beginning at a point being South 3916.69 feet and East 1130.26 feet from the Southwest comer of the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said point also being on the Northerly margin of Thurston Road (County Road No. 474); thence along said Northerly margin North 890 38' IS" West 25.00 feet; thence leaving said margin North 0011' 19" West 1554.00 feet; thence South 890 38' IS" East 25.00 feet; thence South 0011' 19" East 1554.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: CONTINUED DEe t 9 2008 Original Submittal , .' ELT - 46985 Page 2 on Legal Description PARCEL 2: continued... EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion described as follows: Beginning at a point being North 890 26' 48" East 1092.38 feet and South 00 11' 19" East 3927.09 feet from the Southwest comer of the 1. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 00 11' 19" West 345.86 feet; thence South 89038' IS" East 25.00 feet; thence South 0011' 19" East 345.86 feet; thence North 890 38' IS" West 25.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion described as follows: Beginning at a point being North 890 26' 48" East 1092.38 feet and South 0011' 19" East 3581.23 feet from the Southwest comer of the 1. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 00,11' 19" West 432.17 feet; thence South 890 38' IS" East 25.00 feet; thence South 00 11' 19" East 432.17 feet; thence North 890 38' IS" West 25 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM any portion which lies within the following: Commencing at the Northeast comer of the David McNutt Donation Land Claim No. 75, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South 890 45' 39" West 1658.25 feet along the North line of said claim; thence parallel with the East line of said claim South 3142.88 feet to the Point of Beginning, in an existing East-West fence line, said point being referenced by a 5/8 inch iron rod bearing South 7.90 feet; thence North 890 50' 48" West 405.16 feet along an existing fence to a point in an existing North-South fence being referenced by a 5/8 inch iron rod bearing South 32022' West 10.64 feet; thence North 00 51' 35" East 436.86 feet along an existing fence to a point being referenced by a 5/8 inch iron rod bearing South 340 12' West 21.79 feet; thence leaving said fence East 398.60 feet to a point being referenced by a 5/8 inch iron rod bearing South 18.03 feet; thence South 437.90 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 3: (Tax Lot 1200) Commencing at a found 1 II, inch pipe referenced in County Survey No. 20896 and called for in Deed Recorded in Reel 711, Reception No. 43468, as marking the Southwest comer of the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, in Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South 890 26' 48" West 5.93 feet (6.00 foot record) to a found 5/8 inch iron rod as referenced in the above-mentioned County Survey and Deed on the North line of the David McNutt Donation Land Claim No. 75; thence along the Easterly line of Tract No.1 of County Survey No. 20896, South 09054' 49" East 3972.81 feet (3973.10 foot record) to a point on the Northerly right-of-way of Thurston Road (County Road No. 474), being 30.00 feet Northerly of the centerline of said road marked by a set 5/8 inch x 30 inch iron rod with Date Received: CONTINUED DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal '.'< ELT - 46985 Page 3 on Legal Description PARCEL 3: continued... Cap PLS 1554, being also the Point of Beginning of this description; thence along said Northerly right-of-way North 890 32' 58" W~st (North 890 38' IS" West record) 199.14 feet to a set 5/8 inch x 30 inch iron rod with Cap PLS 1554 that is on an extension Northerly of the Westerly right-of-way line of 61 st Street; thence leaving said Northerly right-of-way line of Thurston Road North 00005' 03" East 1128.32 feet along the Westerly line of 61 st Street if extended to a 5/8 inch x 30 inch iron rod with Cap PLS 1554 on the Easterly line of Tract No.1 of County Survey No. 20896 previously mentioned; thence along said Easterly line South 090 54' 49" East 1147.01 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 4: (Tax Lot 1101) Beginning at a point 24.42 chains South of the Northwest comer of County Survey No. 569, said comer being on the North line of the David McNutt Donation Land Claim No. 75, . Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 31.35 chains West of the Northeast comer of the said claim; and running thence East 6.225 chains; thence South 23.293 chains; thence West 6.225 chains to the West line of said Survey No. 569; thence North 23.293 chains to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT: Beginning at the Northwest comer of the above description; running thence South to a slough; thence Easterly along said slough to the East line of the above description; thence North to the Northeast corner of the above description; thence West 6.225 chains to the Point of Beginning, Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal , "t', . , .".. . ", ".: ~~. ;'1 d-: I'.. , ~. ,~ ,t .0 " ,.1 ,;; ': . ," (!i j'J ',~:' , , .: ,'I: ri:, ii f,:; '/. n.lfi~'i: ~' 'I t!, N.E.1/4 N.W.1/4 SEC.34, T.17S. R.2 W.W.M. u~ LANE COUNTY 1 300 I 6 iJ~ '~..;~L' ,I~ I ' ~ _S.a,.;"',,,""- l':l.<>... . .' ~ ; I ; ~ ",d ,,' ~' ,~.-] ., 'I'G r, . , ~1.'; ~.. .. \:J 0-0,,0 ~ )-~ 405 I' ..., ~~ ,j- ~.'E'J\.~"'1..'~. ~ ,,' -'20'4" ':, - - 'i?~'p,-:,,: ~ t I~ '16.Q,.j " ~ ~,-\:~-:~~~, :; 5 en ; 406 I. ".t:..., ~ 'I<l'1''''L '/ \ ~ a~ \."':>,, l....~ ,.. "'crL- 4-.. t 20:}: . ~ 101"'_~ , '4.0'1"'" ~.~; . .2'4""0"3'" ,~~~~. ~~.. ( I ~,1 i i .;. ~ J r-: ~~~,~. ; 'f;J1 404 . <"L13 (f) i.~' ~; ~' "j ~, 407 ~ . "I ' ""', <"': !i20S@ ~ " . 2:: ~ ; C\J ;,.~;, ~. 201"--'\ l~ ~ .. 2 t.. w, - J "~~'~". i. SA j\J DJ.-yL V\ 0040 (!) ~ IHI~IAL ~ I ~: ~ ~ Y"'\~ ~ 202 ... "2 8 ~''J;-' ~ ~ - /qq.,.... -.....;, ..,...... "0.0 "''''' I ~<ZI~T,,~~r 21 -.. ~ to r. ~; """"""'--~'''''- - ,;THURSTON IROAD.L;~ \ ",," ,~U) J20;,\,; :~ 'O;"OS1'OO ~~. _,..: ',~::' ...~~:' l'i"~::.. ~i:N~dI~ , , <Ol '.,,' "-TO ",,,,"/--1., ~ ~ ____ ,\,.,,' ~;}r 0 fHIS f'!!.~!. ~S A.)..i;"1" I 0 . \"~~."~'Il"~ S09;~ '_'ilN;:OCMATpAiNN(~"r:,:;?;=-,;,.:I" !':"'L"'''~, !E DECt~,},008 10'1'1 ~'~10"102' ':'F- ,,'.LeI",- laj:,~ ' h,.,'l, ..:4),., ..,., ,.. l.-, 50a.;U ut.fj-i~irY FOR i !.\:C }("/ ,ag9 OriginaISUbmi"l-n.\IJF{'5~rol'l i' 12 t) 3 U::~.1: .. ~(Ql,O~ Cf' ~~~V\o, , , la, "^:,: """ ,.i;~' ::.~}", ..,::.~;:~.. ........;y< l' 1'ol!Y:' ,lg) Uu c o. +.~." ",0' ,.~ ...... ....,,\,.. 50711.i:.i W ft) In) ~ VEifG:".e..: ...,-'D linE :\ ,...... '1.0.....(,. I;, ,.,~~,.{. "~"'''~~'101 '-l.j.,. ....::...:.... ,. .:P\S 1-1961 ~1~....,3~':'~~'l.'1 ,0,0' \_'" 1010 J~' ~.. 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(j (J f' I, } ''';- c.""} ~, t.. '.' c~ 0 () (1 -- ---- 25' ., ,..,AS.... - -?-~~~ 1) ~' ~,,' ~, '~ ~: '. . ~(,,~.l.~\ 1.,"1 11....\1 t~!t ",,' . " ) ~ -,10(1 ji Iii \i.)) "'= G I; 1/ ~ V1 I,~~'b.#! J ~~..4 t. mOl ~ , - 1 (I: 11 02 h -~ Ii t~eA~_ojJ- J. '!i 4,z S.26629 ,,) t N89'SO'48'\I - 405.16' \ ~ .. 'I'IEST-6.225 CH = -410.95~-,,1 / l Date Received: J; DEe 1 9 2008 ~ ..' ~'; Original Submittal SEE tv ..) () N89'38'IS'V ~ RD. No. 474 -' ~ ~;~~:. '11\ ~ : I,~~,t '~~'i' '.,~- "1~~~:..t ;"-"'IH~ , 'tt'~ipi!O " ;"",l.'-'h,!!!!J' ~~"-~,c ___ fi '.,,'1 ,.~ ii',: :' \ ~.' f -.~-:::,~>!~::- ... ..1....,' ;., ';;1Wo ~:! , ~f~~~'-':< "Z.f~'''i &i~_:{ " . "~'\"" ;.- '. ~ ..,~;it l:.c~ ;- t::, .. ,Ii ::iWI!L~ .. ) Date Received: ., . DEe. 1 9 2008 O~ginal Submittal ., I , 678~'" 'f.' \", , , IIJ"'; 1 )- / , 1W~ WARRANTY DEeD II I) I For yafue Recei\'ecfGoRDON,G. RENNIE &ad SANDRA J. RENNIE, husband and wife, WILLIAM-H. ~!ffl1E' and' SUZANNE H. 8.B_~NIE; 'bu6band. and wife, the gran~or S. :00 .::--:. he~eby grant, bargail"!;. sell an(i conv,ey unto WILLAMALANE PARK AND IlEC,~TION'DISTRICT~'... ~n1cipa1 Corpor_~~1on. the grantee's. the fono~~g described pfemiseS. to wit: Begin~1ng at a point 24.42 cbatns South of' the NOrthwest corner of County Su~ey No. 569i. said corner being oo"the . :.North 1 ioe 'of .the .David .MCNutt DOnation L8.nd :'Claim 1m. _-15 in Township ~ 7 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, ..1-31.35 chains ,West of the Northeast corner of said Cla1m and 'ruDD1ng _thence .East 6.225 .cbains; thenc~r~South. 23.29i",chainsj ,. tberi"ce,_West..6.225 chains to the West'.'line of said Survey No. 569'j tbence':rbrth 23.293 chains to the place of beginning, in Lane 'County, Oregon: EXC,EPT-_beg1miing at"the N9rthwest Qorner of, t'he ab:ove,descrlpti.on, running ,thence. South ,to' a slough, .thence Eas,terly along"satd slough tq th~ East line of the above description, thence North to tbe Northeast corner of the above descripti(jn, thence West 6.225 chains to' the point 'of beginning, .. ~' . ' , '." TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises; witJ:l their appurtenances unto the said Grantee . its heirs and assigns forever. And the said Grantors do hereby c()\'enant to Rnd with the said Grantee ,that they' - the owners in fee simple of said premises; that the,}' are fr:~e trom ,I:1}1 incumbrances . .. ,. . ,<>.~ ~Yi l~~~~,]!~>>. . , .~~~~ij,~.!:? ;~f7.\wilt warran; and defend the 8ame fro';' all '~t~JiUCi.;.;,.iJ '-I ~ j!J6V,/ .' / ,'. 'Cr,~I}fY.'lfit. ~.,/I 'i;;[, ( ".L'",P(SEALi' _\.L..,1 ~- ) ~_.e'A...,...,-i=AL) .., _ ;~l'l\~4ID u. K.ennle J . Cordon G. Rennie . ";'I'~;\_~,>!- -->~. t ,0 ,." /f~__,",,_;'Y>..-l..~j (SEAL) ;< .,~/, (: . 1(_ .~~'z!pne K. &ennie ' Sandra J." Renn1:~ . ,. STATE.---eP-llUEGON..-COUNTY OF LANE, Ill: ~~;Ij ;'1 II . day of ,:April 19 62 .,")l~rs~~..I.v'~"p)-e before me, a Notary ~ublic in and for BlI.id ...~J1ioH1ty,.t'h(~~.r named . '.;/ ~,\~1R'~"'~ :\Rennie and Sandra J. Rennie : '~ me J,lenona\l,a- ~nown to be the identical penon S de, , Ilcrioed in ~ct whil executed the within instrument, and . "cbnrwl"td~J/t8~e that they executed the Ian:" >,!reely and )'~IQJl,taril)' (or the ulea and purpol!" thereIn ,.:~~".me~'~"'I0<;<'\< , ' , '. ~i=-ne&li,m)' hand and leal thj, day and year Jut above w"t:1~A{;;/ 5/ j~2n<<-' """'Notar)' PubUt for Oregon, ,- 'M). Commiuion eXT!irei~v-rz/.{ 2 /' /~._ ~ 1 . lawful claims v'.hatsoevel', (SEAL) stATE OF WASHINGT~N >ss. ~nty .of King > ~ ~1s ,:L / ,day of AprIl, .1962;. perso.nally came 'befC?re me. a Nota.ry Publ fc in and for said county, the witbin'named WILLlAM H. RENNIE and SUZANNE K. RENNIE. to me personally known to be tbe identical perSGns described in and who executed ~he within instrument. and ackoowledged to me ~hat they executed the sa~e freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes' therein named. WITNESS"mY hand and seal the day and year last above written. ~ 1 '-7" /' 4 ' /{( I, /.~! [>.i~i__</J<~ Notary Publ ic for Was1l1ngton ; My Commissiop. Expires;~, _ /~' -" f L.ANE COUNTV TITL,-E CO.......NT. ....,....N.., "'....Ul.>N -' ...",...-..,.' ....,'Under All Ihe Lalld . . The Tide" i I CqMPLIM.ENTS OF Larie,Gounty' . ,.~:.,:' " "-. -.. . ~ - Title :Company,,". :~:~ 4.> ."';, '_"_:. ~r'.. . '!Eugene.,Or~gori-. MembtT of AMERICAN TITLE ASSOCIATION Dependable Title Service' Since 1888 Title Insurance'; Abstracts . Escrows COMPLETE TITLE SERVICE " V\ . ,~. (.J..rA.. ........, ,-/ ,.-, ). ~ ",,' I . , ..~. ~WaIT<ifity' . Deed ( . FROM t ;\ ~i/ . .{ . - f" ,,/,"( ,,' f. ,( ?'"!. '[i-" . .7../.,;-- ..... . , ,,;. ~,. .... ~ ;~ .0, --'-"'~~_ Stille of OreIOn,' ,Count)' o~ Lane--53. ,-r.Olga Freemall,' County- Clerk and:ex.. officlo'_Re(order o( Conve)'an(e, in. and (or. "" l:IlIid~unly, do bereliy (erlify that the',w.ipdn instru~enl.was, fe(eived for,.reeonlal, .:.' ':1'. " ~ 1962,APR 30~ PM 3 ,~O ..,,"' ." .Ilf~ /1'\"'.' ..- ~;' ~,\" o. .' , ,.' j'" "" " iA .' ~ . r,c,~.nty,~:to:,.""",~,o"', ,..---...... '.' . :; . 'By0J:~V:F ,.~;::: c":~puty , ._ c3~.~1, '. -II ,( .Y 2,-'-~ / . "/ f It ' ^./.// " 02' .' '.. When-I'ecorded-return-to; (,) (iV:" " " (~y(." -".: .:," / ...--/-.. J ,) '~ f. ,;.. ,~ :-.J --- "\ ~ co '. J' ~,~ " '1(, .... -I" =f '" CO d- . ~ l">,) .... '" '0-. '" Co ""' '_'7~, :-'-' . ;.~ 5 _ l:J 3/ ~I UL j4 L~ IOU~~ I r f) ! o53369S , , BARGAIN AND SALE DEED 1250AOOl 09/23/B5CASC 6.00 **0003** RAWLIN LLOYD WESTOVER, EDWIN LOREN WESTOVER, and MELVIN LOREN WESTOVER, as tenants in common, Grantors, convey to WILLAMALANE PARKLAND RECREATION DISTRICT, a municipal cor~ poration orqanized under Oreqon Revised Statutes, Chapter 266, Grantee, the followinq real property situated in Lane County, Oreqon, to-wit: Beqinninq at a point being South 3916.69 feet and east 1130.26 feet from the Southwest corner of the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. '51, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wi11amette Meridian, said point also being on the Northerly marq in of Thurston Roaa (County Road No. 474,); thence along said Northerly marqin North 890 38' IS" West 25.00 feet;_ thence 1eavinq said margin Nortb 00 11' 19" West 1554.00 feet; thence South 890 38' IS" East 25.00 feet; th~nce South 0011' 19" East 1554.00 feet to the point of beqinning, in Lane County, Oregon. The true consideration for this conveyance is in terms other than money. f" " i) I. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT GUARANTEE' THAT ANY PARTICULAR USE MAY BE MADE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT. A BUYER SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. , 'j:/, A ~ ,f DATED this:tt:?- day of JO~hk77}fi.//./, 1985. d.L ,-d_...luL, RAWLIN LLO~~~ER t;.e.9-C~/f ;t;n b-1/1 ~~~--r Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal " _ , E.~~REN--..-NE.STOVER, / "I- 76. ...g, :za.) , ~~, ---:' v- . ~ ~ ~ t.J~.-v~ ?MELVIN LOREN WESTOVER aKa Me~vln L. Westov STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane) ss. ,deP;&;7?7.A'.cv ::<0 , 1985 ,~/~__ ,;;r' ~~. C9::::\:',"':C ;... ~ '\'..\T();.J Personally appeared the above-named EDWIN LOREN WESTOVER and RAWLIN LLOYD WESTOVER, individually and as attor- ney in fact for ~~LV;I;Nf.ORENT. WESTOVER, and acknowledged sa id instrument to be 1~df~ ~b~unta~~~~~e~nd deed. Before me: dh~_ T ;Z:~7 NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON My Commission Expires:. 4/-I-,f.'''/ , .,. In,~'::"_."":':::;. - C~:J~'}kl C.,:,;: '.~"::~,:4i:'N n..'fi'Ax-fj'T" 1,.'1' EHENTS TO: Willamalane Park and Recreation Administrative Building 151 North 4th Street Springfield, OR 97477 District ~;. ., C7 1/.'$1,(1 .. -I 3 ~ ) . 17 02 34 21 1004--1- / /' \0 8533699 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED .0250AOOl 09/23/85CA5C **0003** LARRY A. SAUNDERS, PAMELA SAUNDERS, and A. KATHLEEN HALBERT, Grantors, convey to WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, a municipal corporation organized under Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 266, Grantee, the following real pro- perty si~uated in Lane County~ Oregon, to~wit: 10.00 .... - --. Beginning at a point being South 3916;69 feet arid'~istl130.26 feet, from the Southwest corner of the J. Whiteaker' Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 2 Wes~ of the Willamette Meridian, said point ilso'being on the Northerly marg in of Thurston Road (County Road No. 474) 1 thence alon<;i said ~ortherlymargin North 890 38' 15" West 25.06 feetl thence leaving said margin North O' 11' 19" West 1554.00 feetl thence South 89. 38' 15;' E~st 25.00 feetl.thence South O~ 11' 19" East 1554.00 'feet to the point of beginning, in 'Lane County, Oregon. The true consideration for this conveyance is $ -0- . This. deed represents a dedication of the property to the' above-named , Grantee, a municipal corporation, and there is no consideration. It is acknowledged that the market value of the property is ipproximately $8,155.45" and that this conveyance shall'be con- sidered a donation to Wi1lamalane Park and Recreation.District. r! THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANYPAIl,TICULAR USE MAY BE MADE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT, A BUYER SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. DATED this lqf-h~ day of Sentember' , 1985. Original Submittal ~C-!~ LARRM'. SAUNDERS ' (2 ,_/AJ~()~I/~ ~DERS " 1/, '%;<<4~j - ';Z~:dz- . A. KATHLEEN HALBERT ACCEPTED AND APPROVED this ~ ZJt day of '. ~/,Lu7u1e~, , ANE PARK AND.RECREATION ./ '/1 ' _~ J..) ~~: ._, JACK STOOPS Cha~an, oO<<ff n "e~a~,r _ . By: If/WuLV;7 1.J4C"", DAN PLAZA Superrn~endent Date Received: 1985. DEe ~ 9 2008 P~ne 1 - a~~n~~n AnA ~~lp !\ooA ~,' . ..., .' '. 8533699. " STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) ~~tJI.. If , 1985 'I . Personally appeared the ~b ve-named LARRY A. SAUNDERS,,', who acknowledged. said instrument 0 be hi~~.1~ry act a~.d, ..' deed. Before me: ,,_WA.J('~-':"':: NOTAjitY PUBLIC' 'FOR OREGON ,: .' '. My Commission Expires: ' ?~'jO-?7 . ' " , , <. , , STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) f~l'19.' , 1985 . Personally adknowledged said Before me: appeared the above-named PAMELA SAUNDERS, who instrument t~~r~,deed. ~' " NOTA$ PUBLIC 'FbR OREGOtj..,. , . My 06minission Expires: y-~~~.' STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County 'of Lane ) 5'"dJ.. . 14 , , ,.1985 " -( Personally appeared the~b ve-riamed A. KATHLEEN HALBERT, who acknowledged said instrument 0 be h~~~l~~:~ ac~ and deed. Before me: ~~ ~ NOTA~ PUBLIC FOR OREGON . 7 My C6mmission Expires: 5?~j(-JP .' STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ). e1_,LLi7~~ ~3 ,1985 , , Personally appeared the above-named JACK STOOPS and DAN PLAZA, who declared each for himself, and for the other-; that they are the Chairman'of the Board ~nd Superintendent of WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, an Oregon municipal corporation" respectively, and further declared that they' were , authorized to execute the within instrument by its Board of f .'f ;"~~~,,,; ~-~ it be2!lCl its voluntary act and deed. Before me: i -:i~~L ,7" ,;r;u~1 .LJ4Uu / ~,4 t,\",_.,..G;i/\CC L. '''W''-or.J'' NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON f',''-',,;.!.; PU2U~ _ My Commission Expires:,/-,j-.8'1 :,;: n,," ,..'. ...." OREGON ,. ~:' \,~p..l..~:-~:._;'.: U'~"'dres_#-J-#9 .-. ..-.--'"-'.- .- '~~ SEND TAX STATEME -ns '1'0:' ~Hllamalane Park and Recreation District Administrative Buildinq Date Received: 151 North 4th Street Springfield; OR 97477 DEe 1 9 2008 PaCle 2 - Barga'in' and Sale Deed (End) Original Submi~tal )::\,63121 .7 . Iii: . '-"'/ 17 0:1 34 :11 IIDU 8540651 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED 3196AOOl 11/12/85CASC H0003H 5. )'1 WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, a municipal corporation organized under Oreqon Revised Statutes, Chapter 266, Grantor, conveys to GORDON G, RENNIE and SANDRA J. RENNIE, Grantees, the following real property si tua.ted in Lane County, Oregon, to-wit: Beqinninq at a point being North 89026' 48" East 1092.38 feet and South 0011' 19" East 3927.09 feet from the Southwest corner of theJ.. Whiteaker Donantion Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Rariqe 2 West of the WillBmette Meridian, thence North 00 11' 19" West 345.86 feet; thence South 890 38' 15" East 25.00 f.eet'; thence South 0011' ,19" East 345.86 feet; thence North 890 38' 15" West 25.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. The true consideration'for this con~eyance is $ -0- ~ THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY PARTICULAR USE MAYBE MADE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT.' A BUYER SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. WTL~AMA NE PARK AND RECREATION DISTR ' (~ BY',~6u~~ ~CK STOOPS By :Ch;;P;;;:;fxf8J;~ DAN PLAZA Superintendent STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) /l/o.-..;m Itc-R q 1985 Personally appeared the above-named JACK STOOPS and DAN PLAZA, who declared each for himself, and for the other, that they are the Chairman of the Board and Superintendent of I-I.ILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, an Oregon mun ic ipal ~6rpQration,respective1y( and further declared 'that they were :. .autho!fied to execute the wi thin instrument by' its Board of i\l'1i)':~i?}-o5's~ it being its voluntary act and deed efore me: , U ~~:I c...i ,~} ~. / /J /-1) /~ f rJ . -....,,'<O~./~~IC FOR OR o~ . "JF o~:",.." ,My Commission Expires"o,,~_'~~'5'''.' d' """,,,,,, 1LJCIte1'\1:;;\'I:;;IVI:: . SEND TAX STATEMENTS TO: GordonG. Rennie Sand ra J. Renn ie DEe 1 9 2008 6222 Thurston Road Springfield, OR 9747a... IS b 'tt I - ongma u ml a CT 163121 ...... ~~a 8540652 17 02 34 21 1/01 I } ) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED 3196AOOl 11/12!85CASC **0003*, 5. C1) WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, a municipal corporation organized under 'Oregon Revised Statutes, Charter' 266, Grantor, conveys to GORDON G. RENNIE and SANDRA J. RENNIE, Grantees, the following real property situated in Lane County, -Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point being North 89" 26' 48" East 1,092.38 feet and South 0" 11' 19" East 3,581.23 fee t from the Southwest, corner of the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, thence North 0" 11" 19" West 432.17 feet; thence South 89" 38' 15" East 25.00 feet;. thence South 0" 11' 19" East 432.17 feet; thence North 89" 38' 15" West 25.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. The true consideration for this conveyance is $_ -0- " THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY PARTICULAR USE MAY BE MADE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT. A BUYER SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. w:~~~~. ANE PARK AND RECREATION 011); T , ( ;J B . _ 0 L- / ;;b'/,--::?~~ (lJACK STOOPS ' Ch~man: Board of Directors By: IM~ ^ 1!?b){7'---:- DAN PLAZA Superintendent ! 11~ :[/1 /0 () ,IJ it! 00 YI0' P lit STATE OF OREGON ) l. ss. County of Lane ) IUoV"J?llk'/, 1- , 1985 Personally appeared the above-named JACK STOOPS and.DAN PLAZA, who declared each for himself, and for the other, that they are the Chairman of the Board and Superintendent of WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, an Oregon municipal corporation, respectively, and further declared that they were authorized to execute the within instrument by its Board of ...' '\'[iir ec,tors, it being its voluntary act and d~e. efore me: .' " '<, /l \I 0 Tilll r"~' I J 1/ / ' , /} ...... . .- . ~/1\. (;U ~. ( (/ ~ v;..,o u .i'" i NOTARY ~UB~IC FOR .~Gi3fj . ';" B LI ~., + ,,' My Comm 1SS 10n Ex p1 res: ::r23-t6 r "'S'BN~~~:X STATEMENTS TO: Gordon G; Rennie Sandra J. Rennie 6222 Thurston Road 'Springfield, OR 97478 Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal _.. -"~ r" t.'J 10.. ./ i . r '~ .. .. r . ~ .. .. ).41, ~'- -,'-' 'Ii', Ii ~';j ~ ." .. .. rJ;,~ ","1Ji r .~ .. .. r <, ) .. j ,.. '''l .. .. r '''l .. .. r '''Il .. .A ,.. '''Il ~ .. ,.. '''Il ~ .. ~ ''ll .. .. / ,., '~ .. ) ., \ r .~ ~ " r ~ " .. ~ ., t~~ / Y WARRANTY DEED 7'00 "')33700 WES /ER INVESTMENT CO., an Oregon parL__-,l:'ship comprised of RAwtfN L. WESTOVER, EDWIN t. WESTOVER, MELVIN L. WESTOVER, and MICHAEL R. WESTOVER, Grantors, convey and warrant to WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, a municipal cor- ~oration organized under Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 266, Grantee, the following described real pr-opeL"ty free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein situated in Lane County, Oregon,. to-wit: Beginninq at a point heinq South 3916.69 feet and East 1130.26 feet from the Southwest corner of the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township l7 South, Range 2'West of the Willamette Meridian, said point also being on the Northerly margin of Thurston Road (County Road No. 474); thence along said Northerly margin North 890 38' IS" West 452.24 feeti thence leaving said North lnargin North 90 54' 49" West l579~27 feet; thence ~outh 890 38' 15" East 719.02 feeti ,thence South 0011' 19" East 1554.00 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon: 0250A001 09/23/85CASC **0003u EXCEPTING: Beginning at a point being South 3916.69 feet and East 1130.26 feet from the Southwest corner of the J.Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wil1amette Meridian, said point also being on the Northerly margin o~ Thurston Road (County Road No. 474); thence along said Northerly margin North 890 38' 15" West 25.00 feet; then'ce leaving said margin North 0011' 19" West 1554.00 feet; thence South 890 38' 15;' East 25.00 feet; thence South 00 II' 19" East 1554.00 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County" Oregoni 12,00 ALSO EXCEPTING THAT PORTION DESCRIAED AS fOLLOWS: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 5, SANDALWOOD, as platted and recorded in File 72, Slide 110, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point also being South 3810.11 feet and East 884.92 feet from the Southwest corner of the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, in Township 17 South, Range' 2 h'est of the willamette Meridian; thence North 89;0 38' 15'" West 7.00 feet; thence North 00 11' 1911' West 95.00 feet; thence South 890 38' 15" East 7.00 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence alonq the \>Jest line of said Lot 5, South 00 III 19" East 95.00 feet to the Point of neginning, in Lane County, Oregon; ANn ALSO ~XCEPTING that portion which lies within the plat of SANDAU'lOOD, as platted and recorded in rile 72, Slide 110, Lane County Oregon Plat Reco~ds, in Lane County, O~egon. ' ) The nroperty is free from encumbrances except easements, conditions and restrictions of record and the following: 1. Real Property Taxes, Assessors Nap No. 17 02 34 2 1 00400, Account Nos. 1113230, 1113255, 1113248: 1985-86 - A lien but not yet due and payable. 2. E:asement for ingress and eqt'ess ,over 'a Dortion of said land, including the tet'ms and provisions thereof, in .favor of Gordon G. Rennie a.nd Sandra J. Rennie, _as set forth in -instrument recorded March 7, 1979, Reception No. 7913277, Lane County Oregon Rocords. "/73, )77. L/Cate Received: The true consideration for this conveyance is $ .,1:1;,..,..........7fZ:tJ WESTOVER INVESTMENT CO. DEe 1 9 200B THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY PARTICULAR USE MAY RE f1ADE Of THE PRO- PERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT. A BUYER SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIfY APPROVED USES. By: ~~, ,:t-IJ,~sUbmitt"l RAWLIN L, WESTOVER By:~f Jd~~ ~W1L~WY~~"':"'p By: , ""1' 'o/Lu!-..:. ~)4 /,-, ~.~70;:g ~"";'~ By:~. ~fr't.J~ KA~\vLIN L. W~STOV~R, - attorney in fact for MICHAEL R. WESTOVER Paqe 1 - Wa["ranty Deed ... ~,....... 'V. vn...v'V.. <8533700 1985 --2';6' L,fw' ::lr> , County 0\ .ne Personally appeared the ahove-narned RAWLIN L. WESTOVER~ individually and as attorney in fact for MELVIN L. WESTOVER and MICHAEL R. WESTOVER, who declared he is ,a partner in WESTOVER INVESTMENT CO., a partnership licensed to do business in. Oregon, and declared this to be the voluntary act and deed of __:~ p.;~"d~chin, clk<,,- y (;;;.'1'::'" L' ;,,,.,;~{?-h' ,/ "OlAR, FU;" 1(' O~'-"O' I ~.- j - I ii..::.L'l j-J , My CGr:"'HjiS~,iV;I~~~ STATE OF OREGON ) . ) 55. ) 01rILL{~ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission r("~~; POR OREGON Expil.'"es: q-I-/?~I ;( LJ"j;;Z;:;;d.c!" ;;C':; , 1985 , County of Lane 'Pe rsona 11 y appearec1 the above-named EDWIN L. WESTOVER, who declared he is a part~er in WESTOVER INVESTMENT CO., a partnership licensed to do business in 0l.'"e9on, and declared this to be the voluntary act and deed of'said partnership. .&:A/-', X ?/tuo"'>J GRAGE L. :....tl.\'JTOi>J NOTARY PU3LIC - Or~EGON My Commis$ion Ex~ircs!!-I-fJ~ -8/l/Lt:c y:', ;z:j;,a4, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON My Commission Expires:/!-/-8'i SEND TAX STATEMENTS TO: Hillamalane Park and Recreation District Administration Building 151 North 4th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Slot. of Ortgon, County of Lln."n. Date Received: 1,lb.CollntyClork,inlndfoeth...ld COIIOly, dohor.by c.etlfy ,ton th...ithln .note.....nt.... ree.hod for r.eord.t o o f\. C'J C'? lJ) 'XJ DEe 1 9 2008 :~} ;,::? 05 I';: :;, 1368R Rul Original Submittal un. COllnty OFFICIAL R.cord.. l..4no County C1o'rk ~y' j )?) Oop"'y C10.j) Page 2 - Wal.'"ranty Deed ,'---"--'-- ~. _. -" ...,..;-, ; "'''''["'' :'-' -,~;> .':,~:*;~~}~~i\} ~ ..'....J..:jlii.,.. ";,.' ~.'I."Ni;-.'- - I.~~. J~ .,,-, ;,^ f{:. '''''''' ~l~ t,', rt, ~z -,_e ," J .;I.,.... .,;~: if,~::' ~~~~ ~::; ,.,' ~~,. 1'f~' "".;r 'i~'" H' ft:!; tI~ ,- ~1( 1:}~: J",-,. ,~. < , , .L /1 0';7-1 /ooY ~~i"'t~~'~'<\O~~:~~~~~;!~~~~:';'~-K ~::p~~A~ 't'. ."'_ . "'-, ~ r.....;,;c: .~~.... .' " ';:'--~.:L r~~~__~ .' V;" ~.- !: '1&8'11>90 ""A'('.r~ ~::~- ., ~j 'i -.AIIC)IlISI.,~. UI;tII.dlICiIPlII............--- ..-.~ot. WARRANTY DEED-STATUTORY FORM ,_._.__._!!~!ll~.!I!L,~~!Jj"""__'__'___'_"'__"d--""'_----..-- COIIft)'S and "ammts to ._.___~._I!~....,~..~~!L~L9.~_..~~I__~~~ ad ~f. GISai<< .-----....----..----..-.---...... .---------.------.------.---...------....-.-. Grantee. the foUowiDa de:5cribed ." '. ..,". free of encumbrances, except IS spedftcall, lid forth b:aeia. " Beginning at the iron pipe marking the southwest _.._._...... of .' the J. Whiteaker conation Land Claim No. 51, Townsbip 17 South, Bange 2 Meet of the willamette Meridian; thence South 89. 26' 4So West 6.00 feet along the North line of the David McRutt Donation LAnd Claim No. 7S to an iron pin marking the ~ Po1D.~ of Beginning; thence South '0 54' 490 East 3973.10 feet ~ an iron pin set on the North right of way line of County Road"RO. 414 ., '-, (Thurston Road) being a line parallel with and 30 feet Rorth~~Y . N from when tDeASured at right angles to the centerlin8:thereofJ ' . .'1., n'. thence North S90 3S' ISO 'fest 452.25 feet along saltf 'r~gbt ''of I. ,<, ,L way line to an iron pin marking the Southeast corner' of"/',... I ....' ' No. 16053 as filed September 1969, under File JOx40. Offlce7of ~ Lana County Surveyor; thence North D. 16' 15- East 300.00 feet along 'the East line of said survey to an angle point therein, " thence North D. 45' 560 West 352.97 feet continuing-along the East Une of said survey to an angle point thereitH thence North '09- ',;. 38' 15- West 211.00 feet continuing along Baid survey ,line to an angle point therein; thence North O. 16' 150 East 146.61 feet continuing along said survey line to an angle point thereinJ-: , ',~ . thence North S90 SS' West 550.19 feet along' the North llDo"'of .:.. ~'~3~;' aai.cI survey to ill point on the East line of Survey No. 17769 o8:'.fl1e:a.'~:, January 1973, under File 18x27.. office of the Lane county:surveyoz",i\r if said. East line is projected SoutherlYr thence North O. 11't~'19~'.;',~, West 3104.40 feet alonq the Bast ~ine of said survey to an 1r,oa.':4:,~"fi,Y.n pin eet on the North 'line of said. Claim No. 7Sr dlence North 8t~,~, ' .-:;';; 26' 4So Bast 548.25 feet to the True Point of Be<jinnlng. iD .. LAne county, OrOCJon. Subjeet to Mort..._ ..aeuted by .'Madlya. J. Davh. to Horta_s_ aoneorporetl~. on OreaOD CorpontlOD. in the GIOunt of $9.100.00 dated Oc.tober 4, 1974 . and neorded October 9. 1974 Reel. 711. Reception 110. 74-446.5,1, Official ReconIe of Lane County, Oregoa. . .. " .- Date Received: , . DEe 1 9 2008 , Original Submittal '" L '-..~' ..t- _....,- ','->-". ~,4 ",l!~';;,~~<', "", 't'>'-~"'~'~ ~,,-..~p.. Jf~iZr" <: c, " ~ ~: t ~ , I. I. 't\' ,'ii- \~ ! I~"'\ ~' , 't-,J 'I. ;', ~. :iI- ~; ~: ,I f I' f r. ~ ti ~ (~ ~Y '~:~' ,}. il 'i I;' I:, ~ f, t. r;;" .. ~~t~!~i~~q.I~~J~~< v.;zo.'" '. .... .1._ ~J;.:' .:L...: i A ,~.d 'f1\:~:;:.,\:,~/., ,; .:~ .'~ .. L . "';":' "," ;:,!",...."l#. .,: ~._r;"'__' j~' ,~ ~. .; ,'~' C",' , ;~ l '.:~~~.': , 'f,' ,; '.i ;-: ~., :..,~'. .~ ':!:::;~lr:~i'p~, ........ :..J~ n lr.. . ::".: ~"'~r. ,~,':':' ~ ~':~.~~f<_<' ~',,>/~%til"~ ~~ --i.,;;'\'<fI.~,.,'; ''',' ',' ,....... --..........- i " , . ":~ft;..>f. '};;l~H :,"~. ~'.~i}~U ',< -;-,j. :,(,' ~(~ ',:. Q .0n9,"al SubmIttal,' ","~;"",t,. 7504602 The Aid ,..,." iI rmdnm. all encumbrances except. CGDd1tl00., ofr~. .t'ra:o ., -""."".".alartbk ccMyan" is s...~'-,.9.Q9.:,.9.9. Dalod._--:~~r '1...19 ...7~.._... ,. ;.~~,...;".~., ";' .':' " .... , ",' IT ...........--..-.-..-. J". ..... '.: . . ',. : ;. ~ .', -(;:':,''''::;'. , ',':;..'; (':"'; , ~ r,', :'., '.. '., ... .. '~..--A'.;~~'I!:;':'i.w;,i/:,;".",... . o u w ..... I- (;:: '\ , , ii: ( ~ iii: 0.. III ....-. - ,.....,;._.:......................---~..._....:.-~-Gr.-a'-n:~. ......._\......!, ..._.........._.__........_--_._'_.._--.........-;:..~ ~+- .... - W 11 'aJle...P~ &....Re.cJ:.eatU)n ~w..w. ..n._...m_..._.__.______~. .... .,........,..i......~ffi<.- ." 1:" M~' n .......... r :::anlO r.r-lJ.J:li:,: p S,...hl""I"'l n, ~;t~t.._.t~._~-_u......-.--.... convey. and wottonl. 10 -,} .........____...___.._..... -.-......-.... .': .. ........--- ...........-.........._......__.._~... Gran.... ....... ....................----...-. ll"copl o. .peciflcolly ..I forth heroin siivotod in the following dOlClibod re~1 property fr.e of oncumbronca. L~~~........-..._.._..-..,.-.......-.-County. Oregon. to-wlt. I Commencing at the northeast corner of the David McNutt Donation Land ,Claim NO. 75 in Township 17 South,' Range 2 West, Willamette Meridan; thence South 890'45' 39" West 1658.25 feet along the north line of said claim; thence parrallel to the east line of said. claim South 3142.88 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING in an existing East-West fence line, said point being referenced by a 5/8 inch iron rod bearing South 7.90 feet; thence North 890 50', 48" West 405.16 feet along an existing fence to a point {n an existing North-South fence being referenced by a 5/8 inch iron ,rod bearing South 320 22' West 10.64 feet; thence North 00 51' 35" East 436.86 feet along an existing fence to a poing being referenced by a 5/8 inch iron rod bearing South 340 12' Wes't 21.79 feet; thence leaving said fence East 398.60 feet to a " point being referenced by.a 5/8 inch iron. rod bearing South 18.03 feet; thence South 437.90 feet to the POINT OF BEFINNING in Lane County, Oregon. Containing 4.035 acres. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY PARTICULAR USE MAY BE MADE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS, INSTRUMENT. A BUYER SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPART- MENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. , Th. soid property I. fr.. from encumbranCN o"a1pl easements, conditions, and restrictions of record. Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 , '. . $ None Tho true con.lda,allon for. thl. convoyaneo I., ..--.. IH~re comply with th. roqulromonh of 01$ 93.030) ...._.__u...____.__. Oricinal Submittal ..-.........---..............-.-....-----:-- ._..._-~.._.. o;;;~d~~I. ':~~'O)!t~day o' _~~r~~ 19.JH.. ~ark &hC~;ist. BY: ~~ - ~;;:E.LE:~~~t- , J. .' 9-zt::) 199'J/ STJ,re OF OREGON. County a' J-.~~F...__--. --_......) ...., --.-.... II --' h bovo na' mod Willama1aneJ~rk and R=a.~< -- n<_:~_~. 1:., ~..~ ....u...... Porsona y,arpoar... loa -----.-,..h ~ Danie ~. ilaza._fiUp~rintpnn""t and~~eLa~~~.~L ---- .. , ~~d",~;;;;;:;i~"'~;d'lh . 0 Ing In.trument 10 be __.:!;~~., ~~u=;_~;nd deed. B.foro me. .... ' ..... ..... .......... "'-- .........--.-....-... -My Commllllon bplr" ry Public '0' Orltllon. ....-....-----..-. Grant..'. Addlelll ' ...........- ._n..n._...n..-.-...-.--...-.....~.u....:.......-.--- ,- -----.;...:;......~_.~ ~- ., -~""' -'"-..", "-.' "--"'-'-'-'...-"- // '::> / ID BARGAIN AND BALE DEE SEND TAX STATEMENTS TO:, ;'::~~~ 7 Larry and Pamela Saunders I/o/ ~r? A. Kathleen Halbert /1 0 ?-/"/ 88535 Periwinkle Road Springfield, Oregon 97478 WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT, a municipal corporation organized under Oregon Revised statutes, Chapter 266, Grantor, conveys to LARRY A. SAUNDERS, PAMELA SAUNDERS and A. KATHLEEN HALBERT, Grantees, the fOllowing real property situated in lane County, oregon, to-wit: 8946424 Beginning at a point being North 89. 27' 27" East 1117.38 feet and South 0" 10' 40" East 1693.66 feet from the Southwest corner of the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 2 west 'of the Willamette Meridian; thence South O. 10' 40" East 679.83 feet; thence North 89" 37' 36" West 25.00 feet; thence North 0" 10' 40" West 679.43 feet; thence North 89. 27' 27" East 25.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Tax Lot 17 02 27 00 01101 2~eQOCT.13'B9"05REC 2~eQOCT.13'89"05PFUNO $-0-. 5.00 10.00 The true consideration for this conveyance is THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE.CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. . Dated this t,i/v day of O,~b~ , 1989. WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT. STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane) (' )~ ~... 1 } By: ' .' ( ,,', _' . )!, \ v,",_J- mn:S: I~JElRO ElisE MYERS . Ch~>7Pe~s~n oe~he Board By: vY~ A~ DANIEL PLAZA Superintendent /Q 11-1 I, ss. , 1989 c Personally appeared the above-named ELYSE MYERS and ,DANIEL PLAZA, who declared each for herself/himself, and for the other, that they are the' Chairperson of the Board and Superintendent of WILLAMALANE PARK & , RECREATION DISTRICT, an Oregon municipal.corporation, re'spectively, and' further declared that they were authorized to execute the within instrtiment by ~'~\~I"~~~I,,~,~d of Directors, it bei0D V,o~~?ta.~: acf)~~d de. ~d:. Before~me: , .",., \~" .1.....", o!.L, t:}0, ~7<>~' \ ,"~ ~~.;, ......... (t-....,. /AT t P '-1 . f 0 ' , ,-'<\."~'~'~"1,.., ..... /. , -.-.0 ary . Uu i,ci'. or - regoll;, ~ .,. :,-~'/ '0' ...t'-A..'. .... 0;;,. My commission' expires: A-<laotJ.... 'd .""/"" b...... . " '. 'io.:".tC Ive : ~'r~",~""";'.'~r ':*: . . :.r:' :;. i:> ~:: ,,: ~ ~~)~~fi' ~~...~aie Deed ..;XX.... ' ::.-.' ~ ---- . ~ ,,,...- cO. '?_, OF On", .,' " ' " "i" ,~.. ..'!............,;;,~.~\. . , DEe f 9 2008 Original Submittal 894fi42,4 I': L , .~ ' ..... "t<'- Stale ..fOregon, " Countj-,of,Lane-ss;: . ." '.J I. the Coun.ty Clerk, in,and'/ior~th~~Said Cotinty,:do:'llereby,certify~tnat Hi<e.within instrument wacs--reCeiv~,forrecord at::' :; .",)~', 13 OCT:'~~ 10: 2i'~ " . R""I 1598R .- . . (~ ';.... . Lane CountY.OFFIOAl Red;rds. Lane County ,Clerk . By, :f!;L8'F,,;.r 0). ~ty_.f.;.L~ .. " .:..; , i, !.'" ".',,- ...,1 - -"# " " : , '.... '. ,',." . : , '<:- .. . o' f .. '.' '-. .,,Q "j. '. ..is " , ~,,'" ,. .' "' " e'..- '.' " '4 " 1":'" ) ...:;- /::; -",' j "..: ,''- ? ;. " " " '. o. , , ''>. ) Cl) ,. W ~ .. . " a"J . IP> N '. ~ <'.' '. " ~,' ~',