HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 12/19/2008 " BRING RECVCdNr.: eAGE 01 ....'. t,'i ":', B2i 64/1994 01: 41 ' 541 7Lb9~94 ;-~E. 24. Z~05 3: :.3;;1;'1 ,;i....H,J~ t),:.jNK.' "'1:"1.'.:,;18 TRAKS 81 IIlF ~ .YlI1. IINl;l Q;l!;!L CODE ~.OOl!l cQnz C:JDl': ~ 6 7 8 II 10 n 1:; :l 14 L__ ~t'1l INSwRA:;-C/t 1.5 QIDCll FILE! POt-ICY NllMII&R 1 . =r-22]!b9 38-]020-107-0001,gO~ 1;lA'-'B or PO"ICY J !if~VARY a ao~1. ae l,O! PM AMOl:"1IT PR..EMrTJM 5 . $395,000. au $so,OO MOll'1'ClAGll~' S S"""",,~..i " Premium, $5Q.00 Agon~ 1'110 No.: CT-2235Bj Il,te of ""ll..QY,' FOR1l'MY 2 2001 at 1, ~5 ~ 1Imcunt of tlUlurll.t10e, 8US,000.00 1. Name of Infu~e~1 e I:1SUlW VAI,!.ZY IWlK ~UCd8..0ra or a..i~ e. may be included witblri t:ba d8fin~tion of 11lBllrecl in se..eion 1(1.) 2. The elltata or l>\tlU'est in the 11fta \OIhich 11 IlncuNle>:<lc l:>y the illJl:Jred 1I'.ortgag. is I F8<l I91l1lPill 3. Tho a.tl.to or lneerellt in tho land is vested in, BRrNG UCYCLIW &II Oregon noapro~it corpor..tion: ~. The ineured mgrtqage and ....ienm~~t. char.?!, if ~Y. are dQllcrLoed .. follOW.: ~aad of T~.t, inolud~ tba te~. aad pro~i.ion. thoreot. ax.eu~~ by B~ing RIIcYcli~g, an or.gc~ ft~p~ofit cc%por1tion. ~c Cageade ~~ole C~an,. Oorporation, T:roeI:ee, f",... tbe beuefic IOf S..~g.a" vaney Bank I!:u\1Clna Br.r.ch, B.~.fieiary. date! PGbru~.~. 20'1r racQ~4 ~6b~ary 2, ~0011 RQ~o~ticn ~o, 20D1-00589], Lane Coucty Official ~'cord.. to,.e~~e payment of A n~\:~ for $31.,000.00. S. ~e lond referred ~o in thi. policy is deacribed e. eollow8' ~: ,... 'r(OM ,(AT1!ACBl!lIl)' Jowl\J LtrWLf-..sS cJv U E iJPrr1 f r- L. f3>1C.1~4 'p~.~ F{-G Nfor 1 13 F~' Date Received: c~. DEe 1 9 2008 rr Original Submittal 6~ 1 - Db;) ~ '0:':::1 t:lql 1':1':14 ",,~a<~:_~l ~,' ..~.~.~ ILb':ll:l'j~. Jj!-: :.NI.,J Kc:.I..,..YL.Ll.N\; ,;....:",:'1::.. --"''il).. i::l':f:;- --~.. .:./ ;-'.. .. t:J4 "'.DMI'"",) " Our ~O: CT-~2J6e~ ....g. I 4 PROPllll':"( !)1.!lc:R:rP'l:~1< I'ARc:m. 1, Bagl..w.ng at a pciut: on tha 'Northerly r1lf!>t of ""'lI' 1i_ 6f the Southern Pac:l.r!.o RIIU,way in 15.."t1= 34, 't'looInllhip 11 South, Ral:gw 1 \relit: g: the Willamattll MDz:i~ian, 12Q9.lt tellt South AD4.838.D5 f&et laat gf t:ho ~O:chwe4t como.. of th" D. MaVAY DellAtl.on LAnd Clllilll Illo, S2, in IIdl! 'l'OWD.h1p and Raoge, -= frolll B!li4 point of llee1nn:i.=e 2:UII thanc:a !:art" 1.. 30' We.t 31.5 feat to l:be South !iDe of tile road...y ....8IllBDt, ...l.i! point be.l.lI5f mukeci by a 5/8 ifteh i"", bar; tltenoe lIo11.th 8S" DI" Wan aU.1 f....t aloZlg "be SOutherly U.... ot tlaoa _iating =adway to a SIB inch iron bar, I::hlll:oe Bout:b 2" :6" IliUl: 118.5 h.t to the lroZ'tha:rly l:igll.t of ""'Y 11ne of tha !/out:h..= Pao:l.fi" bU..ay right ot "'1" thence ~ortb 52. 42" aa.t 1I1oZlg ....id rail....)' rill'hl: of way 2Ji. 6 feet to tho place of begi~ing, in ~o OounCy, Ore90... ' ALSO I Aagl.nnill9 at II point on the Northerly right of _y line of the Southe... Paoifio 1l;o.Uway 1.0. SaClUen 34, 1'OWnlIhip 17 9oUth. a&.~g.. 3 lIItll.e, ~ill~ette ~erldiar.. ~~0~.]4 feet South aC4 039.05 feel: Sast of the ~o~thweat "orner Qr the ll. l'lcVay llenation Land C!laim ~o. 62, inuid Townahi.. ~ Rang!! and fro~ .aid poin: o~ begtnCinS ~ thana. WCr~ 14"' 30, West lB8.0 raat to a ;>ol.I1t or. tbe North line o~ tlul C~act ot lam! ~._. -J'ec1 to s.... L<!"ia and rAa~c; in lloor. 3115, ..aga ~9, ..ano County OMgc:ln De~d RllCO.-dS: 'tha"".. Ea.t a J8. n .toot to tt.a W...,t IlQuni!ary of tht' IItate IUgh.....y, tOrl!l.:rJ.y Higllw.y No. ii/' then<:e SeUl:h :'7" 22' Jut aicllQ' the I'/....t bo~ ot .aid !>ighway 92.83 ~..~t to !:h.. >>0~:h.r1y right of way ot tbo BOUl:bazn Pacific Ra1lWlly/ . l:hence .long tee right or way of the Oouthel:ll Paoific South 83' 42' lIIteec 2~1..ae t..t to tile !l'C>~t o:t be;j~l:1IJ. in t.4no COllnty, Ore_. ALSO. Baqinninll' &\1: II One aA<1 Dna-half 1..,,11 iOOD pipe ......lUng toho North"....t eo"",,~ or the D, ~"Va.y DOIIatioa Land Claim !ZO, 82, Tolftllhip 17 South, ,Range l W.st of the W1lla~tt. Meridian; thenae ROUth 0" 11' Sa' We,t, 1032.5' feat alaGg the Weat lice of eaid Claim to . point; l:henao Bast &68.0 f..t to a poi~t ~Ql:ked by a~ iron rod, t:hen~.. Morth'8t" 25' 30' Bast, &J6.JJ teet along a line P&rallml wieh and o~. foat So~Cberly trom L~ eK1eting ~anco line (baing · Cyclono Fence, six feat in beiwht ~ haYicg feno~ peat. eat in Cor-"rete) to the trua point ot bagi:tni'*1l, the""e llIorth 89" 2.' 30" Eaat n. t2 relit to a J'oint "1> C::'e lI...t..r~y rigobe of way lina Of 11.11. H:l.gh"""y I/o. 99/ thance l/orU< 17. 22' JO" ~e.t. 9.0: te6t dong eail!: WeQterll' right of way line to . point lMrk.4 by ..... i=n :pi,,,tAeD.ce Il....th D.' Ii' Iiee" 96.' C f....t. .1=9' II 11M parallel with and 0.... foot 1l01lthGrly frctll, IlIhlNl _.......ecl at: right auglu to tl-... abov.. Iftenl:ionsd f...."" to the tr~8 :>o1nt of hag1...u.,g, fA ",an.. CoUnty. Or"ll'on. Date Received aont1nuad... I DEe 1 9 2008 .' Original Submittal j ~ .. - 62/64/1994 B1:41 541 3a94 ER I NG REeve _ ,JG "'AGE B3 f'LI.O'='~ ....J.~~.'7- ~--'-~', Our ),To I 0'1'-12236851 ?ag-e t 5 ~operty De.ar~peion oontinuea_ PARCllL ~ I 8"g~nning lit l\ point: 1;1.78,56 ~8et: SOtlt:h md IJO.U foet Saat oC tile Nortb_a:. d"~r of the D, Mc:Vay Donati"n r..u.d. CJ.ai.. ~o, B~.I.1:1 Section U in 'l'o"lUJlhip 17 SOIitl\, ll.uge 3 w....t of t;he 1f1lhmDtte llIe:dlUllA, and = tb<mc:B South S6; 06' W,,"t 203,08 fellt alene the So~tllBrly lica oC the ex1Btiag ~o&dway to II !/B belt hQD bar I tbence SQut:b 2' U' Bast: 118,6 f...t: co, the No~tb.e:rly dght cf ~y line of tbA S~tbar.n PAoific a"ilwaYI thence Soutb 6:3' 4A' W....t 41.812 fee~1 tbecol! WaBl:, 123.8 feme I the~1I lClAV111Q' the rai1o:ay rig.b.C of way end rqn Noreb 302_~8 feetl t:h~OIl Eaat: '20_~5 teac; tbenoe'South 1'. 3D' Ba.t liS.6. fellt: to tAll point of heginill.ng, I.... Lane 'Cauety, OresIo..., IrXCEP'rIW ':'I!ElU!:P'llOM that portion :GOt' the lIbovetn&Ol:, it any, lyiJlg North or ,the bcwmllry Una llotahli.hed in tbat certain llg=-ant raeor:d"d Co January :l.7. 1955, lIecllptiOl1 No. 47au, "-lIl1a Oc~ty Oregon Coed RllcOrd., all in Lllne CcW1l:y, Oregon. P1J!.CtL J, The lase ?i!ty (SOl feat: of thO~o~th hAlf or Lot 10 of'th$ Plat of &rooklyn, &II pl"tt"a al'd ..--~..d in 9001< 2, Pag.. 48, :'..ne County' 0:-89OD PlAt Re~ordD, in L4IltI Co"..ty, O:regon. Date Received: .' DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal ~~/.~~!1~~4 ~1:41 :)'il{Lo~lj:;',+ - '""".. ., ...... ~ J' '-I DKJ.l'l\;:l l"",::......1'vL..J..1'\1.., rl-l\.:ll:.. t)'-+ :'f~.=:':'!::! ..~'.4/(-.'._---- SCkBDoi~ ~'- iAR~ r 'ol~ay No. 38-JCaO-107-DO,16SCJ rhis polioy do~s ~t in.llra agaiasl: los. or da~ (acQ tho aompany will no~ pay Celt., ottor.oey'. tn.. or 8xpen.~.) which ari.. by rQa.o~ at, GllNXAAL IXCn'l'rONli' 1. T~..ox a.ae..ma4=e which ~~e DOe &ho~ ao reoords ot' any ellxtllll IlUl:hodt;y :hat lev!." real ~paZ'ty or ~ the p\lobl1c raoo""",. ~. ~roO~8ding. ~y a p'~11o aBoney whio~ may result in ~"f or a..o..~tb, or notices of such proaeadtnge, wbecher or not .bown by the ~eeo:t'c:l. o! .,",,,h ,ag.hCY or by eh& publ1" records., a. exi.tins li.n. by the taxaa or aSSes.men:. 00 . ~. ... .aB8men~., lie~D, aneumbr_Qc.., i~~ere.~. or claims ehe:eot whtoh ara uot shown hy e~. public ~.co=d.. " ll. Aliy.l!a"t.., rish:e" intareet:o, or clad.;tIlO whioh ..r8 noe lIholal by tb. pulJUc recorc!s but waic:h could l>e uoertainad. ~ an inSpection of tho land 0: Qy makinw ioqu1r.y, of peraons 1ft po..e.al~ bcr~of, ], n;D~r.paftcie., oonfli~~o in hOlln~ry lino., shortage in ar.a, enoooaoaments, or ~ otbe~ fact. whiah a ~or~aet BU%VeY woula ~..~loBa; .nd ~ich ar. ~t .ho~ by =h. p~lia reoorda. 4 , D. Unpa tented llliZlilllJ ola LlllSO I b. Ree.rvatiooe or asoep~ion. in patents or ia Acta authorizir-g tbe i..uanoa thereof, 0, W.t.~ rigbt., =laim. or title to watar; whetl..r or not the matter. cu<capt.Cl UnCilt.. fa>, (0), or (0) ere .ho."" by t~ ~~lio rBcord.. !. Any lisn or, :ight to & lion, ~or earv1oca, labor or material. hareto~or. ax har.efter fuxnished, impo.e~ by law and not .ho~ by the pUblia record.. Date Received: .;...-".... ., DEe 1 9 2008 ,.. Original Submittal '.-j" -.., ........ --...,.-''''' :JQ1(Lb::1tl'jQ ..J"",/"JI" , =,,-'"1"'lt,.:;:M.'fI'..~ Ot"\.l.I'l\:, r::;c..'vH....l-.l.I~',., r.-lUl:. fJU ,()LI t,i~/ 1 'j'jQ. til :.'+1 NO,E-?-9--P,6/7-"h_- SC?~D~~ a - PAR~ II PoUcy "0. 3B-30~0-107-000lU03 In ~ddition to t4D matter. ~et earth in Pert ~ of thi. SChedule, the titl~ to t~e .~tat. or 1~tere.. in the land dasoril:>ad or retet.ed to in Schedule A i. aubject to the following ~ttar.. if any b. D~wn. Dut,tha ~ompany in.urea that such ~Btter. are ou~ordinBt. tc the lien or c~arg& of the insured ~rti.Wo upon 8.i~ eatate or 1nt.~.c, J.. ;>...iQllJnont ol! Le....e. ...'3d !l8nta, !ncludinsl t:ho turn. and ;;>ro\'1sione thereo!, trom 3ring Recycling, An Oregon ncnprofit oorporation, tc Siu.:.w \/alley llaZllt ~Il''''''' ll~anoh, c!ats~ Fvbil'UIUY 3., 2001, r""..Z'ded FI5b:ruB<Y 2, 2001,. F8ouptioa ~o. 200J.-0058'4. ~.ne o,ur.ty O~ficiel ReCQ~d.. a. Pinaneing Statement rOClorded FGbruary 2, 2001, RBeeption No. 2001-005995, ~ane County offioial Reco~.. 11.~. Dxin; Recy~li,~, BO ~~btor, a!llS Sila1a,... vallay manlt R1'ij'ene llrllllcr., ,&I C....d1~or, with ."Cllrity ~r.fomatio" ob~ainable !~cm crRdito~. Date Received: ~ 1" DEe -1 9 2008 Original Submitta' :''ZI~4/199'; 61:41 5417259894 ~., _~.. . .:l'~~"l ~ 1;"-:' "-.,-, BRING RECVCLING PAGE 6, :':';U. 6'9'3---P. ~/7---'-- +-- SPICXAL EXCIP~ION8. Ii. Ally i:or;>::c......"...,ut: loa..!:ed ....".. tne ~nsLlr'lDd property wbio:b 1.. de. ad-bel:! or dQe~n..d aa Q mobil.. homa under the p::ov!s10nA of ChQpterD ~03 and 820. Oregan Rwvias~ StatucQ& and ~. .~jeoc ~a r.giatr.tior. aD provided there~... 7. 1I'''ament, im:lu<!ing the term. lUl.d proviBiona thereor. g:;",r.t.d elle I'ac:!,f,tc: 'l'alephon8 and Telegraph Company, e Califo;C'nia Co%'Jj>oration. bl' i",Cr\1<=nl: raoorded March 9, 1949, in Bco~ .'9, Pase 480, Lane County Or020n Deed a"oord. . ' i 6. llADlII1\el1t fer exiatinsJ rDIldwe.y all da.cd.bll\! in that \!eed reoorded ,11.l..'1" l.4. 1954, aooaption Kc.' 31753. Lane County Oregon Daud 2e"ord8. ',. Bite review 8ubdi8tr~al:, lnClludini t~a t.~. ancl prQvisions th~reo~. nOt1o.. cf ll/hicb ...IIS: rltcorded June 25, 1.9'1, a.aspti"" \lIO. n~95c9, (Ta:< lot UOOI , 'NOTB; r~..., ~.ses.or'. ~.p No. 17 03 J~ 4 ~, Ccde 4-.4, ~OOO-2CC<. .s fOllows, *1600, ~aaount ~O' 301844. in ~ AmO"A~ of ~3,6ae.j1, ~160C. '~ao~t ~a. 301161, Ln ehQ .mo~t o~ '1.953.70/ i1124CO, AClaount lie>, 301UJ, '!n th.. alllC'=t ct, 75.02, Ar..t. P1<:ro IN P"_'LL. Mob~l. H~ ~~e" Codu ~-14, ~000-2001. .. folloWBI AoCOll:ltl'lo. 40172:;;r." olll\',oUl:Ii; O~ $36,09; Aoc=t':lIo. 4007'18, _nc of f53,82, ALL PA%D ;gq'JroLL. Sillboard onlyiAccoUftt No, 1801415, in tho ~,mt, of eS6.j~; PA:V III PlniL. ' :"'- Date Receivec : DEe 1 9 2008 .' Original Submittal .. ~.k~S" fO ,62'/6411994 61: 41 541- 3894 BRING REeve. .G PAGE 67 , , 'r-"~ri ~_....,~",""U~~; i",'( ----- ;' 'l' ,\ 1\:-0';- 3'+~ ' ,,- ~ ,j ,0; ThIS MAP IS TO ASSIS-, l^ Ail'''' ': (;") t i' .~ PPDcER1Y. THE CO ... "''' ..... f4" ' .;. :' '. MPA,~Y ASSunes ~....' .Jt'1I.. ;1,' 't; NO LIABILITY FOR !~C:CUR '- '. ~ I . . ' ........... \........ " ."""".., - "- . '~ ' 44r'o",' ,1... -,.... . . -- _ ~'~ 17. rl300 ,1402 ; 004--14;' '" " .::, """r.r_ _01" -----,--'~ " ".I-"':_~.. ",... ._. . . . c.".'C - - - - - - - - - 'iI: . I. " 1400 " .. '. ~ - to .~ -~ h, · I ,"I . . ~ i .' : ,,'401 i ." I ,", I'. ,. j~ :1 II'I/JI' I 2400 U!. ~:1600 _<l'!' n~ ,.' . I ... , ~ ~..1'7_ .I6Ht...ur' ,.,,' ,..,......v.' ~ -( , :~ , * . I~OO '\ t: . '1 .. . ~ " ... . ,,0' J,JIO.-_r.L .dIAI-' *.... .~,.. 1500 ", :1' .. , ) . '\ ~. ~i \ ~ ~ 1:'. :11,' ~ ;' (I'~\~ "'-\ ,~ j~~',", ..., l O~~'r!\ ' /)$ .:~.. .. "'~,. ~o. /'" ...'1, ,.,..,~ ./'>," t' ,. / '/,,' 3300 (l,.;6AC. F'r.L,' Original Submitta' :']2/04/1 994 01:41 0, ..,J-, " "Z59Sg4 SRIN(j K:~CYCL.l",(;j I""'Al;t. "b ~ 1t8lJ~N iO CASCADE TITlE Cl\ ,Co, L2.~ lD ~9 cUao-9'l,~ ~ Diul810n or Chi.' Dapuly CI~rk l.ne CoYn~V Deeds and ~.edrds <, lOOl.M2~l ~I~1~Jl!['lm'lWWW1Wl~111111 1/111 , ' ',02/32/2001 31'35'-9 P' RPR-DTR C~tol S<"06 CRSUIER ~5 .,." t4~,eo $l~,ee tll.e0 $61.00 J:1..[)~-'3.U....UlI_nl~~lq'~o oz..</nr- " Space Above: Thh:I'Une For Rscardin" Deta. When rBcorded f6turh to SiualBW VallelY Bank., 260 Country Club Road, Suite 230. POBox 11529, Eugene, Orogen 97440 DEED OF TRUST DATe AND PAFrnes. The d"te of this DClltd Of irust (Security Iflstrumentl is Februtlry'. 2001. ihe ps.nies and their addresses arQ: GRANTOR: SRING REC);J<J.IN.1l on O'egonlell/Jfo~lIM P.O. Bo. 885 ,Eugene, Oregon 97440 TRUSTEE: ; CASCADE TITLE COMPANY Corporation , Invelid $tllote abbreviation LENDER; SIUSLAW VALLEY BANK EUGENE BRANCH Organized bnd exl!lting under the laws of Oragol1 260 Country Club ROQd Suite 100 I P,Q.Box 410 Eugene. Oregon 97440 1. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuablE! cQns:ideration. the receipt and suffit=lencv of which is acknowledgod. and to $ecura the SeclJred Debt$ end Grentor's ~erformance under this ;;ecurlty Ir.strument, Granto.r irrevoc.fably grants, Conveys end iSlells to. Trustee. in trust for the benefit of laneter, wilhpower of sele. the following desc:ribeQ . proportv~ See Attached EXHIBIT .. A" The prapsrty is located in L8he Counw &t 4446 Frsl"lklih Blvd.. Eugene, Oragar:' 97403. Together with ell rights. eas:ements, apPlJrtet\ahCB!l, rovalties. mineral rights. oil and gas rights. crops, timber. all diversion 'payments or third party pElvment:f. made ta crop PnJducers Bnd all existing and future improvements. structure$. flxturu, and raplBcemotlts tnet moy nl:Jw, Dr &l; any time in the future. be pert 1;111 .the raal e3tate doscrlbed fall referred to 88 Property). This Securi~..,. Ih8trument will romei., in off1ic:t until the Secured'Debhi: and 1:111 undsrlving.ograements "''''VB been tccmln~ted in wr(tlng by l.er.Ctr. 2. MAXIMUM OI3UGATION LIMIT. Tha total principal amount secured by this SBCUrity ln~trument at a.ny one tim~ will not oxceed $396.000.00. This limitation of amount do.&. not include intereet and Dthtf fl'l98 and ch9rge$ validly m.ade pur$lJant to '!:his Security lostruman1. AlaQ. this Iimitrrtlon does flDt llPply to eQvllnces made Linder the te~rn!L af this Security Instrum9ht to protl!let Lender's: $lJcurltv ancl to ".rform any of the covenants eOhtl:llnad in t~16 Security In.!ltrumen.t. 3. 5ECUJ::IED DEBTS., This Seeurltv In9trumen.t will se.cur~ the following S&cLlrad Debt~: A. Specific OebU. The folrowlng . debts a.nd ,all 9.J(teI"lSlon8, renewals. ~ refinBncings. modifications and repl~r;:lIm"ntg., A'promissory note, .No. 1000065691. dated February', 2001. from Grantor to lander, and a loan Q.mou~~'?f a,3QG.ooO.OO Bond maturing Dh Februery 1, 2005. .' Date Receive ::I: DEe 1 9 2008 ORlJoJ(l R"c,~lIf\O . O'.-oIlI\D.~O'T...1It OI'lI..l(:t:w..:u"ngollo....:tsooo~~Z~;1I2I;.)01' ~1I1~..., ,~ . Original Submittal - , P96 &lntQ'~ 5""~.mB. 11Iol., 5'1. CI..Illl. Mill C l"R'.I..k P_Q_1 62/~4!1994 61:41 541,_~9894 BRING RECY~L."G' ,,' , lncimad ;'bv Lendarunde( the" tarrrl"< oT this Security " ~. Sums A.dvl!tr.\clJd, All 9um; advanced and e)(penses Instrument. 4. PA'YMENTS. . Grantor agree:$ t"at till payrntlnb; under.the Secured Debts wilt be paid when due and in lOtccordence with the terms af the Secured Debt$ anti this S"c,urlty"fn8tromaht, 5. WARRANTY OF TliL.E. GrBntor werrent$ thQt Gr"otor ia or will be lawfully seized of thE! estBte corweye~ t:.V thIs Security lf1strument and'hos the.r1ght to irrevocably grant, conv,~Y Gnd sell the Propertv to irustee, in trust, with power of sele, Gran1.of 1I1ao warrants that the P.roperty i$. unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. . 6, PRIOR SECURITY (NTEP.ESTS. With regerd to any oth.r mortgage. dead of tru!l:t. !itel::ur.i~ agreement or oth9r lien document that cree,rt!ld a prior gecurity ir'ltereStt or encumbrance on the Property, Grantot agrees: A. To,mBKe all payments whel1 due end to.,erform or comply with all COVllnent$. B. To promptly deliver to Lender esny llDtlce~ that Gnntor receives from t~e holc1~r. C. Not to el/ow /lIh'(.o-modificBtionor "I(t~nsion r;)f, nor to' request Bny future t1dV<1nC9S under any note or agreement soeurad bV the lien document without Lender's prior written corrseht. " 7. CLAIMS AGAII\IST TITLE. Grantor will pey ell tlllX08. l2S8S9smenta, lien", eneumbrancos. leDGe p!lyments, groun.d renh. utiliti.s, and other chBrge~ relating to tha Property "when duo. Lender may require Grentor to provIde to lender copic-s of all notices t,",et su:ch Ilmounte are due and the receipt;; evidencing Grantor' 3 payment. Gr.ntor will defend title to tha Property egain$t eny clalmB t~Qt wou!d imj)air th" Ihm of this Security Instrument. Gr~ntor ~grl!es to esaign to Lam:hn. as requ9sted bV Lender, any rights. olalms Dr defenses Grantor mt\V have i!lgi!linst parties. who tupply laborar material& to mi!lfntain or improvo the Property. " 8. DUE ON SA-LE. lender may. at its option, declare the entire balance of the Secured Q.ebta to beimmediatelv due and payable upon 11'10 creation of. or conthset for the creation of.:a trenl'Jfor or salo of the Property. This: right is $lJbJec-t to the restrictions Impoeed by fodoral law governing tho preBrtlptlon of state due-on~sale law$, as oppllcable. I, : . . " " .9. 'rRANSFE;R OF AN INTEFlEST IN' THE GRANTOR. If Grantor i$ an en1:Ity trther than 8 nllllural.pBrson (s~ch as a COlporatlo." or other orgllnizDtJonl, lander mey derriDnd immediate payment If: A. A beneficial inter"st In Grantor is $Cold or transferred. B. There is- CII chllnge in either th~ idef!t1ty or number of members of a pe.rtnenhip or similar en~ity. C. There Ie B cl1Elnge in ownership of more than 25 percent of tho YaUng atoc.i; of a ~orpotl~tion Or similar en'tity. .,. However. lendar may nc.t demand"p8vment in 1:he ebove situetions illt IB prohibited by law aa of ths date of tflis Soeurity In~trument. .: 10. WAR~ANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS. Gral"ltor makes ::to lendor the followi"g-:"w~rrantie$ end repregentations whlcr will continuD as long 89 this 5Gcutity Inetrument is. In offect: " _" ':" "",' . A.. Pow.r. GrBn~or is duly organized, end valtdly existing and 111 good standing in aI' 'j\..riB'dictions in whieh Grantor os;teratee. Grantor h.,& the power fmd authority to enter Into thlotranssction and ta carryon GrElntor's business Qr activity 8$ it is now being cl)nductad a.nd, as 8pplicable, is qualified to do sb In ~Bch jurisdiction in which Grantor operates. . B. Authority. The e)(ocu1:fon, delivery and,p"erformanc9 of this Security Instrument and the ~blig&t:ion ovidenced bV this Securitv 1l1Btrument are wIthin Grantor'& powers, havo bean duly authoriz.d. h!'\to rec:"eived all I'tClceBsiuy gn".,.rnmsT\tal epprovol, will not violau any provi,ion 'of lllilN, or order of court or .governmehtEtI bgency, elld wUI not viotate any_ sgreement to whlchGr~ntQr is -~a l2arty or to which Grlln'tor i.s Dr sny of Gf.:lntor1a proporty Is subject. C. Name Gnd PI8C~ of BUllnesl!l. Other than previo\.lsly dir:closa~ I~,'writing to LllInder, Grantor h&& not changed Grantor's nllmo or principal place of business within the hurt: 10 vears and has not u!ted anv other trade Dr fictilioU5 name. WnholJt lender's prior written consent. Greotor d.oes not and will not use any a1:her nsrneand will preserve Grantor's e:a::illlting nome, trade name. and franchi$8a" , 1. PROPERTY CONDITION. ALTERATIONS AND INSPECTION. Gralltorwill keep the Property in good condition and make ell reptlirs that are raasonably neceseary, Grantor'wlll not'coinmit or allow any Wl)ste, rmpalrrnen1;, or detorioratlon of the Property. Grantor will k.oop the Property free of noxious weeds and greS$9$. Grantor agrees th.ot tho nature of the OCCUpo1lnCY end use '~III not subsot.!Jntlally chonge withou1: lender' ,prior written coo:tent. Grllntor will not permit Qny eh4nge in anv Iicen68, I'"estrie.tlvlll covenantor "esement without Lender"e prior writte-n consent. Gr&ntor.will notify lender of all demands, proc;cedlngs."cIBims. -Ilha actions against Grantor, aod of anv 108& or tl1:lmege too the Property. " No portion of the Property wl1l be i'emovod. deR\olist'led gr materlallv littered without ll:l:tlder's prior writteh conS9nt exceJ)t that Grsntor halii the right to"emcve items o'perllonaJ propGrty comprising (l part of the property that become Woorn or obaolftt., provided that such 'perf.onel property~;s repllle:;ed with other p.rsonal property at leur equal in velu9 to t~e,~eplo.ced per90nel property, frer. from eny title retention device,socurity agreement or other uncumbr8l'lce. Such r~placem8nt of personal property will be dftO'med subject to the &9curlty interest crested by this SecurIty "Instrument. GrQntor will not partition or subdivide 'the Property without lendars prioor written con3cnt. " , . . Lfi:"der or LCl1d.rl:l SQ'enU mcy. at L9ndb'.~ option. enter thGl Pro.,ortv at any reo5.onable ,imc for thg purpose of inspl!i:ctlng the Prop_r\v. lender.....i11 gillS Grar>tor notice at the time of or "b.fore en in3pec:tlon specifying III re8~onllbl~ ,,:urposc for th~ i~sp.~tion. Any lnspectioll ot the Property will be entirely for Lsnder, benefit "nd Grantor wtlltn"no way rery on'Lender's lmlp8.ctiol'l. 6RlNGReo::vellr\o OI'llQen o..d Of "rnld Of(/4lt.Xltu.npOO.4;ZOOtlOa3?4501.0011IlDl Y '19~e flDnhr.. S"'hlnll, Inc:.. ~. Cl6Lltl. M'" C Initiel.&'" PeD_2 P!\GE Be Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal . ," 'AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. If Grantor fails to perform allY duty or any of the eOl/snents contdinnd' in this. ?~euritY Instrument, Lender may. without notice. perform or ~use them to be perfotl'Tl9d. Grantor appoints. . ~nder ltS anomer in fset to sigl"l Graf'Ltc",~'s name or pay any amount necessary for 'perfol1l\snce. Lender .,;; tight to ','.;~:orm tor 'Gr.!Jl"ltor will not crsah ~n .obi-ig<'!.tfon to-!)erform, .!Jhd' Lend!!;r'!; fllilura to p~rform will no: preclude ander from Bxerr:-:r;lnB ~ny of Lender' a other rights. under the law or this Security In.s1rument. If &ny eon:;truction ::'11 the Property is discontinued or not c.arried l)n in D' r"uonablo manner, Lender may take 611 step1J, nece!l5ary to protect lender's. ~ecuriW interest;n the Proporw. ineluding complttlon e',: the. construetion. 13. DE.FAUtT. Gr-'ntor will be in dqf"ult If any of the following Ol:cur; A, Paymonb. Grahtor 'tllls to make a payment In .fun when due. ,I~ B. InsGI.....aney. Gr~r\trlr makt!9 3n assIgnment for the benefIt of creditors or becomes Insolvent. either becau:lo Grantor'sliabilitisB 9xceed Grantor's 8$St!t.s or Greht()r is uneblt to pay Gr"n.tor's dc:bb a$ theY,become due, C. E!u~'ne~8 TerminatIon. Grontor merges:, diS$olv"'3, rQorgtlnlt.,., IInds Its b"Jt;lnes5 or exizteneo.. Of tI partner or majority owner dies or is declared legally incompetent. D. Fflllur., 10 Perforn,t:.. Gnmtor falls to perform any r:;onejition or to ;.eep any. promise or covenant of this Sflcurity' In5trument. E. Other Documents. A deoftlult occlJrs under the terms of any other tren!u!lction. aocurn'ent. F. Other Agreements. Grantor it in dGfault on any other debt or agreement Grantor has with Lender. G, MI;rro!Jr8Denbltlon. Grantor make3 any verbal or written $tatemCr\t or provide$ ,,"y financial information thl:lt is untrue. Inaccurirte. or concEals'o rnsteriq[ fact et the time it is made or provided. 1-1, Judgment. Grentor fail$ to s,etisfv Of , appeal tiny judgment ~galn8t Grantor. I. F=orfoeiture. The Property is L1!l;edir'\ ~ monhet or for", purpose that threatens confiscation by a legal Buthority. ' J. Nll'lrna Ch9nga, Grantor changes Grantor't; n"llme or aUlIme8_an 'addltiona.l name wl1hout notifying Lender bllfore m,,":Jng such a change, ' K. PropertY' Transfer. Grantor ~r8n$fer$l\1I or'_lI $ub$t~ntbll part of GrantW'B money or pr~p8rty. ,ihis condition of default, as itreletesto tile transfe-r of the Pro~8rty. Is subject to the restrictions contained in the DUE ON SALE section. L. Propony VllIluo. The"lIslue of the'Property declines or is impaired. M, Maiertal Cheng~. Without fir$t'r'\otifying Lender, there is a. mat&risl change in Grantor's bU$in.,s., incTutfing ownerghip, man~gem.nt. and fini!ll1c:I,,1 conditlonll. ~.@.. N. ln~.c:urlty. lender rSIlI!lonebly believes tha~~~~~l!ClJrl!t., . 14. REMEDIES. l.ender may USo any Dnd ~I r~~dleD lender hes und,.,r :lt8te Qr feder611Etw or in ~ny in$trumcnt evidencing or pertaining to the 5ecurod DsbtB. Including, without limitation. the Dowor to sell tho Property. Any amounts advanced on GrP.lntor'$ beh",lf will be lmmedletelv due end may be added to tn. b~lane" owing' undet the SOcUted Debts. lender may ml!lke a clairn for ony and all insurance benefi'ts or refunds that may, be available on Grantot's defeult.' I . I' Sublllct to Bny right to cure. required time sch~duleB or otl1ar nO'tiee rights Grantor m"v ~ve under fadersl end stab' law. lender mey mf!llr.e 011 or "riy part of the amOLlf'lt owing bV the t.erms of iha Secured Debb-immediately dUD IInd foreelOBoe this Security Instrument in e menner pf()vidod by law upon the occurrence of a default or II nytlme thereofter. If there is e default, Truatee wIll, in addition to onV other parmitted remedv, at the rtlquest gf the lender, advertise Elnd sell tho Property B9 III whole pr in ssp2lrate parcels Qt public a~ct'ion to the highest bldda~ for ca.sh and convey absolute title free and clear of ell fight, tttle !ind interest of Grantor at such time and place n Trustee designates. Trustee w!ll give notice O'f SlllQ Including the time, terms and pll:lca of Bale ilnd & description _of the Propenv to b. sold M required bV the applic~ble law In effect at the time of the proposed BBle. . Upon 991e of the Property aod to the ex.tent not prohibited by lew, Tru"tee will makt! Gnd deliver l'.I deed to the Property sold \Yhien eonoJeys .absolu'te 'title to' the purchaser, snd. after first paying 011 fe9s. charges and coats. will p~y to Lender &11 monB'i's "dvenced for repairs, ta~e5. insU"rance, lien!l,8$s.essMe:nt5 and prIor encumbrances and interest thereon, and tho principal and intere!lt ont.he Secured Debu, paying the 5lJrplu8. If .any. to Grantor_ L&nd9r may purcha,e the Propartv,. The mcital, in cny dsed of COnlleVlllllCe will be prima fade avldence: of the fl:lctJ; set forth therein. All remedies er& distInct, cumulative and not Bxclt.u"ive, ~nd the L$hder Is e.,tith~d to all reme.dies provided at law or equity, whether or not eXprEl581y get fQrth. The acceptance by Lender of any sUITt In payment or partial p/lyment on the Secured Del:its after the b~hmce Is due or is 8ccsl8rBtad or efter foreclo~ure procgedLngs 8ro filed will not constitute a waiver of Lender's right to require complete cUre aT env existing defllult, By choosing any one or more of these remedies Lander does not glve.up Lender', rililht to use lIriv 9ther remedv. Lender doest\ot w&ive 1I dehult if Lender chooses not to use e. ri!!lmody. By electIng not to un any romody. Lender does not waive .Len"Cfer'5 right to later consider the Silent a default and ti) lJse O1ny remedies if the default continues or happens again. ' 15. COLLECTION EXPE:NSES AND ATTORNEYS' FEES. On or C.f'tllf Dgfault. to the Qxtent permitted by l;:tw. Grantor agrees to pay BII C!ll(PBnsas of collection, entort:9ment or protel:tion of Londer's rights and remedies under this Security InstrUmClnt. Grantor agrel!:ui:; to pay expenses for Lena.r 10 Inspect and pregerve the Prop"rty and for sny r8cQrdl:ltlo~ costs of relaesing the Property from this Security InliLtru'mont. Expanses Include. Dut are not li,.nit"d.._tc/ ~t'tomgY9' fe&s, c;C1ur't t:ollta end ottler fceGI c~pll'lns88. Tl1es!!I !!I,'l:penH~:s tue clue a.nd paysble immediately, If not paid Irnmttcfi'lIta1v. these expenses ~III bear interest from, the date of payment until pl:Ild In full lit the highes.t iflt"rll5t rat~ in effect os provided for in the tOrtn5 of tha Sacured Debts. To the extant permitted by tktll U.,lhd Statsa. Br:.nlc.ruph:y Cods, Grantor ogre815 to poy the ree.sencbl" attorneys' fees Lender Incurs to collect theSecur'l!d Oebt5 as awardsd by any coun exercising jurisdiction r.mder the 611rikruptcv Code. Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 lllW.Jti ~.l!Vl!II".. OI"'llO~ l).",d Of 'fll.ln . , Ofll.X:X:l.UQI'lp.aou2600M!211'B(1'200' "8Ql Y - HUla B&n~_ SV~"'IU, In!!" St. Cloud. M~ e "",...l!19riginal Submittal ~."..~ 82/84/1994 61:41 541" ,894 BRING RECYCL ,G i6. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. AII,uSQd in this a9.i:.t.ion. {1l Environmental UIW ,nean'l, without umitalion, tho ::orn~rchen&11l9 Elwlron.mantlll Re,sponse, Compens"tldn llnd Ul:Ibility Act (CEACLAl, ell otnQr federel. $tllote l'.l-~d loeal laws. r.Qul~t'on&~ ordlni!l.n'cBI!l. court orders, at1.orne.y geru!lnll opinions or InterpretIve letters. concerniog the public tll!alth. sflfetv, welhlre. ~l1vlronme"t or II n"-la,d:ju~ '$ubstahC:~: Clnd 12l Hazardous Substl!lnce: me-ens tiny 1oxlc. rildloactlve or h9%llIrd~)Vs materiel, wute, pollutant or t:ontaminent wh.ich has charecteri!ltics which render the $Ub$tZlh'C9 dangsrous or potentlally dengerou3 to the public health. safety. wcdfllre or environment; The term include&, without limitation, linY 5ob5ta~Cal!l defined liS "hazardous m~tClr[al." "toxic substance," ~heZ9rdous wBste," "hslBrdous; substance," or "regldated 8ubstl1nce" under any Envlronm9nt~1 Law. Grantor represents. "'"Isrrents and :lgrO'6'6 that: .I~ A. Exe.pt liS provlall~\Y disclosed Bl"ldecknowledged in writing to'Lender. no I-tBzBrdouk'Substance has beel"l, is, or will be IQcated. transported. manufactured. trsl:ltBd. refIned, ar handled by sny per~lOn on, under or about the Property. eJtcept in the ordinary courSe of busIness and in strict compli.ance with all ElPp1icable Environmonttll.LDw. B,Except B9 pre\linu~lv di$clos.ed l:Ind acknowledged in wi'jting to Lend.r, Gfllntof has not and will not cause, contribute 10, or permit tho fuleoae of any Ha:z;Brdou~ Substonco an',the. Property, C. Grantor will irnmedJ;,tely notify Lender if (1) a r.leM" of tht9ill1te'ned releasa of He,zardoU!3: Sub9tanceoccurs on; LInder or about the Prop arty .or migrates or threatehs to mlgrl!lte from neerby proparw;or (2) there i$ e violation of liny EnvIronmental Law concernil1g the Propertv, In such en event, GrentGf will take all neeC$SCirv remedial oction In accordance with Environmontal L/1w. D. E.xcept 89. previously diliclol5ed and IIcknowledged in writi~g to lander, Grantor hilS no knowletfge of ar ree!Jon to believe 1h.re Is any pending Of threatened inv98tlgatlon, claim, or proceeding of any !tind relating to 111 any HB2&rdou$ Subst;snce located 011. under Of about the Property; or ~2)6n... violation bV Granto,r or any tenant of allY Environmental L;Jw, Gtantor will immodiatelv notify lander in writing 8$ 's()on as Grantor hl:!.s feason to believo t''''iOra is ZIn)' such pending, or t"r~.'tetled inve8tlg9~lon, clQim, or proceeding. In slJ~h an ev.ent, Lendar has the right, but not the obljgatio~. to participate in any 8~ch procoed"ing- jn~'udil'1"9' the right to receive copie!3: of anv documel1ta relatlng to !Such prQc..dings, E~ E;(cept as previously dlBCrOs.ed Bl1d &cknowledgsd in writing to lender. Grantor ;:tnd every tenant have been, are and-will remElin in full cGmpllance with any appliC:l:!.bls Environmental Law. F. Ex.cept U Dreviously disclosed Bl1d acknowledged In writing to Lender. there: are no undgrground storage ttlllka. private dumps or opliln wells located en or undQr"ths Property end no such tonk. dump or well will be addadunless Lendor first consents in writing, G, Grantor will reQularly ins.pect tho ProplJlty, monitor the Bctivitias end operatIons on the PropertY. and confirm that all permit!l:. I;censo:s or approvals required by any ~ppllcable Environmental'Law $r9 obt&in~d and complied \lVttl1. ' , H, Gr~ntor will permit, or eaun 'env tenant to permit. lender at lender's agent to entor 'and inspect the Property and revi,w all records at any reasonable time 10 determine In the exiS'tcnea. 10ciJtian 'and natLlre of any fofazsrdous S~bJl.tanc9 on, under or abC\'ut the Property; (21 the existonce, location; "~ture. and magnitude of llny HaZbrdol.l' Sub&tQnce that has been rclll!ltlsed on, under or about the: Propgrty;_or f31-whether or no't Gnmtor snd allY tenant .,re in compliance with applicable Environmt?ntAI Law. I. Upon Lel'der'a request and In Clny time, Grantor agrees. et Grantor1s expel'lse, to engage., qual/fled environmental engineer to prepare an environmental audit of the :Property and to !Iubmit the results 'of such audit ta Lendar. Tl1e 'cholco of the erw;ronmlllnt"leng:lneer who w:i11 j;JI!1I10rm such sudit i" $ubject ta lender's apprDvol. " J. lender has the right; but not the abligatiofl; to' perform any of Grantor's oblillationa under thi9 section fit Grantor.'s expense, ' .. ' K. As <<I: consequel\ca of any breech of any r"presentation, worronty or promise made in this sectIon. (1) Grantar will indemi\ify and hold Lender and lender' s; SUC<:9&80r~ or 9uigns harmless from lI~d against all 10888S, claims, demtlnda, liebilities. damages, cleanup. ral!ipOn88 and remediatiol1 costs. panaltieB end expense$. includil'\g Without limitation all Costa of litigation arid a,ttor~eY!3:' fees, which Lendar and Lander'ssucc'''$sor~ or ass.ign$ mCiV strstaln; and I21 at Lender's discr~tion. Lender mev release {hit> Security Instrument lInd ih return Grantor will provide Lender with collateral of at least equal vslUG to the Prop,ertv 3;ecur~d bV this Security In,trument wfthou:t prejudice to any of l.enclcr'& rights under thi_s Security Instrument. , L. NotWItr,at9nding ony of the language contained in this Security Instrument to the cont'",ry, the tarms of this. sClIctlon will survive any foreclosure or satisfaction of thi& Ssc;urlty Instrument regDrdl91J& of any pes.!lege of title to Londor or Bny ditptn;ltion by lendlJr of any or ell of tho'Prgperty, Any claims Dnd dafenae!l to the contr&ry are. hereby waived. 17~ COND_EMNATION. Grantor will gi\ls Lender prompt notlC8 of any pending or threatened action by prillate or I>ubllc entities. tD purchase or t~k9 any or all of the Property through eondomnation. eminentdom"ih, or ;:tny ather me-anI:!. Grentor buthorlZ88 Lender to intervene in Gnlntor'a name in any of- the ilIbove described action$. or claims, Gr.,,~tor "s~ign' to L~nder the proce.ds of IIny award or .clalm for d~ml!lge.. connocted with 9 condemnation or other, tbkl',lQ of all or,any PlIrt of the Propertv,' f>uctl proc8eds will be considered .ooytnents and vvill be aDPlicd as provided in. this Security In5trumen't. This eulgnment of proCiDeds la subject to the terms of llny prior mortgflge. dssd of tru~t. socurlty agrs7m.ent or other lien document. . . , . ... . .~ . ( ." .' 18, INS':IRANCe. . Grsntor'ngr..s to keep the Pro!;ltuty-tnsured again:t ~h~ risks reasonably :lMoclated with the Property. Gnlntar will mOi"tDln thia 1nsurene:.:ln the amounts Londor requires, This ihSUrftnC~ will last until tn_ Property Is relessed frClm thie Security Instr:Ument. Grentor may choose the insurance company. t;Ubj9Ct to lender's i!pprovr:rl. which will not bl:!. unreasonably withheld, ' aRlNG ~ec:vcllnQ Ot."lI~ D_d Of T........ ORM.XIC(Xhl\gQlJ4.4ZGLlOO:032(l>OIDB11 'C1Y '199&e.enk~I'" a,"'...,.......... St.' ClIlI/l, MN C 1"ld,,,, lit:- j:>lIo." :, ,:;GE 11 Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal ~"1~4/1~~4 ~l:"l ::41 f:Lb':Il:S':l'l- !:Jt'(lNlJ Kl:.1."..YI....L1 "lb All insurance pOlicies and renewals 'wlll include ill standllrd "n~ortga.go clause" a'nd. wl'1ere <Jppllci:lble, "101>:5 peyee chwse." If required by lender, Grantor egresS to malntZlln comprenonsive generlllliability ing\ln:m~", end renhlloBs ;'J, business Interruption InBurancs In l:Imounta /Snd under policies tlce;cpttlble to lander. Th" comprehensive g9Mr;,! Uolblllty lnsuttlnc@ must name lender .!Is 1l:r'\ additional ,intUr8d. Th" rllntlll IQu. or bus.iness interruption in$urfmcl!: must be in Gn amount equal to at le~st cover~geof ono yoar'$ debt servic.e, an.d r6qui~e.d 9!lCtOW account .depo<:.it'l. lif agreed. to sepe.rately in writing.! . Grantor will give Leoder and the in:nHanco companv immediate notice of env lo~s. All insur~nce proceeds will be applied to reitoratiol1 or repair of the Property or to th8 S8cur&d Debts" at LenDer's oDtion.lf LenctElr a.c.Qulrea the Property in damll:gad eClnditlon. Grantor'. right& to eny in6uranee I)ollolell. and proeetldt will D(!lS:~ to Ll!:nder to the extent of the Secured Debts. ',l~ Grantor will imrnodi6telj-'notify Lender of ~hcellatlQn or termln"tlon of InButonee. If GrA-rito/' foil&: to keep the PropfJrty inaurod lender, m~v obtBin insurance to protect Lander's interest In the Property. ThIs Insur~nce m~v il1cludo coVon996 nl;)t Qrlglna.lly required of Grantor, may be written by e compsny other than one Grantor would choo~e, "nd m3Y be wrlt!~n ot a higher rate than Grantor could obtain if Grar,tor purchBsed the insurance. '9. ESCF\OW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. As provided In " sBparate agreement. ,Grantor agrees to paV to' lender fUfldg, for taxes and in$urlllnc(l in geer!)W, 20. CO.SIGNERS. 11 Grantor sIgns thiP$ Security Instrument but does not s.ign the Secured Dob1:s. Gren1:or does so onlv to convey Grentor's interest in the Property to secure l:'8yment of the Secured Debts and Grantor does not, &gree to b" personallv liable on the Secured Debt.,.. If thi$ Security lns.trumltnt ~8Cur9& 1I guaranty betweon Lender and Grantor. Grantor IIQrgeB to waive any rights that may prevent lend.r from "ringing any ;!lction or elaim again$t Grantor or any party Indebted under the obligetion. These. rights me,; include:. but ars not limited to. ~nV anti, deficiency or onn-actlon laws.. ' 21. SUCCESSOR TRLlSTEE. Lender, 8t Lender's. option. may fron"! time to time ramove Trustee and appoint <II successor without oray other torrneli1y than the dD"SrgnlStion in writing. The 5UccBs5or trustee, without conveyance of the Property, will succeed to all the title. power end dutle9 conferred upon T{u!.te.~ bV this. Se~uritv Instrument and applkeblfl \aw. 22. WAI~ERS. Except to th~ exlont prohibited by law, G,rsntor waives. ell &pprai$.emen't end homestead exemption rights relating to the Property:' 23. APPUCABlE LAW. Thill Security I~Btrument is gOllemed by th., IClw:s of Oregon. except to the extent otherwise, reQuired by the Itlw6 of the Jurisdiction where the PropEluy it. loc&'ted. tIlhd the ~nlted States of America. , ~ 24. JOINT AND INDIVIDUAL L1ABIUTV AND SUCCESSORS. EiJch Grantor'li obligations under this Security I!'s.trument are indopo"dent of the obligetions ofanv other GMl'ltor. lender'maV SUB each Grantor Individually 'or togather w,ith oAV othsr Grantor, lendar may release Bny O!trt of the Ptop"rty end Grantor will stili be obligated under this Security Instrument for the remsining Property. The duth::$ and benefits of thl:J Security Instrument will, bind "nd benefit the SUCC8S110rs and a9gigns of Lender and Grantor. 25. AMENDMENT. }NTEGRATION AND SEVERABIU1Y. Thill- S.e~rity Il1str\Jment 'may ,not be am8nded or modified by ora.l agreoment. No amendment or mocHiicBtion of thle Socurlty lngtrumont iSI affective unle!?-s mlld~ in writing and t1x"l:lJted by Grantor and Lender. Thl5 SoclJrlty Instrument is the' complete and final express.ion of the 89rOiom.nt, If t!lny provIsion of thi~ S"e:urity Instrument is unenforceable, then the un.nforeQiabls pn:,vision will be severod and the remaining provi~ions ~i11 8tlll be snforceeble. 26.INTERPRETA.TION: Whenevl!Jr u.sed. the sll1guler includn tho plural and the pltJral include, the singlJl~r. The section 118iJdlngs are for convenioncB onlv and are not to be uud to Interpret or define the terms of this Securitv Instroment. ' 27. NOTICE. FINANCIAL REPORTS AND AD'DITIONAL. DOCUMENTS. Unte!l.S o\hefWi~c required by law. any notice will be given by th"ivuring it or mailing it by first class mall to the eppropriate' party's: addroS!; listed in the DA TE AND PARTIES ~ection. or to any other ftcfdre$s designated In writing. Notice ,to on(ii party willll" dSHmed to be notice to all parties. Grantor will i.,form londer in writing of any chonge in Grllntor'a name, address or other applicB.tion informatIon. Grentor will provide lender any financial'statements or InformatIon Lender reques.ts, All financial st~tomenta and informe.tion Grantor give!!. Lender will be'correct and cOl'flplet:e, Grantor ag'rees to sign. doliver. and file an,; (2;dditional docufI'lents or cortificl1tlons that Lender mey consider necessary to perfect; contInue. Bnd pre$4HV8 GrDntor's obligations under this. Securitv lnitrument ;:shd 'to conflrm,Le~ders lien !!.~etus. on anV Prop~rty, TIme'is Of thee!Jsemce. SIGNATURES. By signing" Grantor "gtees to the terms and covenants c:ontained in thi$ Socutity Instrument. GriJntor also ecknowl"dg:98 receipt of a eObV of this Security Ins.trul'l"Il!lnt. GRANTOR:: BRING Recycli09 li:.., /(g,~,~- Bill Klupen~Pr~d.nt .' )\\"",~<1\a",J,----"" NClI':'CV H"'~9;'.. Secr.to.ry '''~'~\'l 8m",,;; ;l.G~GII,," O'.lIon 0.."01 T...., OR/.1Xl:xt.",,004"'26000032"~02001 1601 'f -1~911 S'~1.~I" SrJI.rm, lnc" 9t. (::"ull, MlIJ C \~PlI...1Z6 ' P"oo.5 ,;....;\,;Jt. .LL Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal " ",;/04/1994 61:41 , BRING RECVCL..-JG 541i"v~B94 \.E:'JDER: SiOlSlfJW Vadley -8enl; Eugene Branch Jeff GUI!I[now, Vice Pre~ident ACKNOWLEDGMENT. (8.uslneuor EntJtvl : ._____' / g7f' OF d~ .'~...... ~ OF~-""'-- ..' ,II This instrument W~9 ~wledged before me,*", .....;z-/df:ly,of _ ~7m"'J . c2.ov/ by . . . r Bill Klupenger .sm"'."'I;'" ".I.,c. '~"., -I?J:lAi.L _"_ ._'-::_ atary of 6RING:Reeycling. J fwi(" _io .IM IUIIJC._ ~?'/_ _Bl~IClIl!Bl8l, 1lf___a,1IIlI Publici (Lllnder Aclnowledgm_ntl OF OF ... Thi.& instrument "."'8S ectnowlgdged be_fore me this daYi,pf Jeff GU.9inow 8A Vice President ofSiu&l~w Vallev eB~k Eugene Brahc;h. My commission expires-: by (N otorv Publ~e) ,REQUEST FOR RECONVEVANCE I (t-.lot to be completed until p"ld in full) TO TRUSTEE: The undersigned is thtt holder of'thc not~ or notes .ecurel1 by this Securltv Instrumont. Said note or notes, tOQether with all other lodebtednn, sec'ured by this Security Instrument, havo boen paid In full. YOll are hereby .directed to cancel thl~ Security Instrument, which is delivered hereby, and to reconvey, without warrantY. all the estate noW held by VOlJ uhder this Secllr:ty Instrument to the persen Ot penona legally entitled theroto. , . , .......................................,."................. .................:;......... (Authorized Lander Slgl1ature) I 10.t.I BRllo,IO f1."v~rJnQ Ortlalln O._dO' 1"...", CA/4XXX.:UltnllClOu2.90DOOJ24802.001IBOlV '1998' &an~.n. Sy.'''m...lnll.. 51.. c;'ill"'d; Mill C l"hl.l.. ""ll~ Il PAGE 13 Date Received: DEe 1 9 2008 Original Submittal