HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Planning Commission PLANNER 7/2/2002 " r. ;. MEMORANDUM CIJY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE OF HEARING: July 2,2002 TO: Springfield Planning Commission PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: Sarah Summers ?:5 gElVED SUBJECT: DWP Addendum (2002) 1 :- 2. - 0 L - h~ PAM!l~'AA . _ t8i/'v"//I't,_A UWW~/:-+- ISSUE: The City of Springfield adopted a Drinki~g Water pro;ectio~~~p~~n~n'~~~;tha~ . f~ addressed only groundwater. At that time, Springfield took all of its drinking water from wells. Since then, the Willamette well field was determined to be under the direct influence of surface water, and Springfield Utility Board (SUB) will soon be using water taken from the Middle Fork Willamette River. The proposed DWP Plan Addendum (2002) incorporates a surface water management area as required by Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). A surface water element of the DWP Plan is also required by Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) Goal 5 protection requirement and Metro Plan Periodic Review Work _ Task. DISCUSSION: The DWP Plan sets City policies for the protection of its drinking water. The '. proposed Addendum does not make any changes to the original DWP Plan which stands as adopted, but adds surface water protection as required by DEQ and DLCD, All certified plans are evaluated by DEQ at approximate 5-year intervals. DEQ's recertification of the DWP Plan . will be based on an evaluation of the progress made toward risk reduction and an evaluation of any new elements added to the Plan, Since the Willamette well field has been determined to be under direct influence of surface water and SUB will be taking water directly from the Middle Fork, Springfield is required by DEQ, DLCD and the Metro Plan Periodic Review Work Task to add surface water protection as part of the overall DWP Plan. The Addendum is a policy document that follows the format of the Plan. It has been . written based on the results from a Potential Contaminant Sour<:e Inventory done by SUB which meets the Oregon Department of Human Resources (ODHR) requirement to assess major potential contaminant sources that could impact pubic drinking water. ODHR requires treatment for organisms over and above the requirements for groundwater sources_ SUB is constructing a slow sand filter system within the Willamette well field which will filter both groundwater and surface water intake from'the Middle Fork, The Addendum includes a delineated management area per DEQ for surface water of the Middle Fork Willamette Watershed. The area is 1,000 feet from the waterline of the Middle Fork and its perennial tributaries for a distance of approximately 28 miles upstream (8,hours) from the SUB intake at the Willamette well field. All of the management area is outside the boundary of Springfield's UGB and will be a co-operative effort between SUB, Lane County, the Middle Fork Willamette Watershed Council and other organizations and governments. RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the Addendum (2002) by Resolution ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend adoption of the Addendum t9 the City Council. ATTACHMENT: Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan Addendum (2002) r ,,' ., Springfield Drinking,Water Protection Plan Addendum (2002) Prepared for . City of Springfield Planning and Development Department Prepared by City of Springfield. And Springfield Utility Board. JUNE 2002 . ~- / t , Abstract Both groundwater and surface water are critical natural resources for drinking water as well as for industrial and agricultural uses, It is in every community's interest to develop a program that protects these vital resources against contamination. In 1999, the Oregon Health Department (OHD) determined that some of Springfield's public drinking water wells are under the influence of surface water. To help meet additional requirements, SUB constructed a slow sand filter system within the Willamette Wellfield. This facility is designed to treat both groundwater from affected wells and surface water drawn from the Middle Fork Willamette River. . Adding surface water creates source variability and increases the volume of water available to the public drinking water supply. - This Plan Addendum (2002) for surface water protection supplements an.existing Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan (Plan) that contains the strategy for protecting groundwater used as the primary public drinking water source in Springfield, .. Oregon, a metropolitan area with a population of approximately 60,000. The management strategies, together with a contingency plan and plan for future water system needS,form the existing Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan . . Wherever applicable, the Plan Addendum (2002) extends these principals to th~ . protection of surface water and adds a strong emphasis to the development and cooperation between the city of Springfield, Springfield Utility Board (SUB), and other partners in protecting the surface water component of Springfield's drinking water. supply. r Table of Contents Chapter I: Introduction . Background".,,,.,.,, ",,,,,,,,,,.., '" ""............... .."",.."..,.............." ...""......"...."..".."... ",....."....... .""...........".. I Purpose.. ."................m............ m...."....".................. ""............. .................,.. ".. 'm..'''....,...,.,.".. ..........,....".. 2 Area Sketch.......... ...."......."., "",,,,,........:.,,.......................... ..................,.......".... '"'''' ..".............",.............. 2 Natural Environment ,.... ,,,.,.. ""..:....... .........."........ ,.. ,................ ..",............."......... "" '" ",....." ".."........ .".." 3 Chapter 2: Participation Representation of Interests.. n. ................:..................... ............... ............".. ,.....:........................ ................... 6 Community InvolvemenL..."...""..,.,....,'..................",,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,...................................................un...........,' 6 Chapter 3: Delineation of Surface Water Compon'ent - Drinking Water Protection Areas Local Surface' Water Characteristics."".,...",.,..."........ ..."............".........................:.................. ....... m....:... 8 Surface Water Use. ........ .......,.."...".."......."............ ",,,. .""................,.................,.........,.............:. ............... 9 Delineation Projects....." "". """"................................,,. ""................"..",,,....,,.. "",....... ,.... ,,,...,, '"'''' ""'''' ,.. I I Delineation Process.....".... "",,,".......,,............ ....... ...",..",,,....... .............,...,...... ..":""...........,,,.... ..,,, ".",..... I I Chapter 4: Surface Water Component of Drinking Water Protection Area Inventory Methodology",:...,.." "" ."". ".........................., "...,,,. ..............,............,.".......".. .....,........... "".,.".. ""..",...... 14 Results.".. ""'''.'''''''''' ."""", '" .""....,.,....................., "'" m""..............,.....,." .:, '" """"":,m,.,, "., ','. "...........,. '" 15 Chapter 5: Management of Po teniia I Sources of Contamination Goals and Related Management Strategies for Surface Water Component of Drinking Water Protection Plan...,.."..""."."""""",......""..".........:..............".,..."...,,,.............,,..........,.,..,,,,"',,,,,,...,,..,..............,..".,.", 17 Chapter 6: Contingency Plan '. . . Potential Threats to the Drinkirig Water Supply......".""",,,...,,.,,......,,.............un.........m......:............m........ 23 Protocols for Incident Response ",,',..,...,,.....,,..".....m...":...',.,,.,,,,,......,,,,............,.."...."".........,......""..,..,,,. . 25 Prioritization of Water Usage """".,.........,............ ...... ......."",."""....,,,......,,.,, ..,.....,..........". ,,,...........,,... '" 30 Key PersOllllf:I (Notification Roster) ...:..,."...,..............,,,.....................,,......,,,....,....""..".....,.."...."",,"'..... 30 Short- Terin and Long-Term Replacement of Water Supply.........."....."..."""...."".."......".."..................... 33 Short-Term and Long-Term Conservation Measures",.,,,,,.,,.,,....:...............:.........,,.........".....".".......,,,...... 34 Plan Testing, Review, and Update ..".....,."."",,,.,...,,.....,,..:........,,...,,,...,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,.:......"...."....................... 36. Personnel Training" ""..."........ "....,.............................,....",.....,.."....................,.......,.".....,......,. ."""..."."... 36 Provisions for Public Education .............................""..."".................................,........................."............... . 36 Logistical and Financial Resources ............"................." ".......,."..."...",,,... "... ..."............"........................ 3 7 Chapter 7: New Well Site Analysis 37 References 38 List of Appendices Appendix A - Springfield Utility Board, Potential Contaminant Source InventOlY (Sanitary Survey), 2001 ,- i. ..~ .l ,. "t. Acknowledgements The Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan Addendum (2002) is based on guidelines provided for public drinking water systems from surface water sources (DEQ-OHS Oregon Source Water Assessment Plan and Addendum, 1999) and produced through the combined efforts oflocal officials and public agency staff. This project was staffed by an . . inter-agency team from the City of Springfield, Springfield Utility Board; and Oregon Department of Enviromnental Quality,. The City of Springfield and Springfield Utility Board recogniZe and appreciate the role'of the Oregon DEQ, Springfield City Council and Planning Commission in providing policy direction during the course of this plan addendum development and the contributions of the Technical Advisory Group for providing guidance andctechnicalassistance, Springfield Planning Commission Springfield City Council Tim Malloy, Chair Sean Wilson, Vice Chair Lee Beyer . . William Carpenter, Jr. James Burford Steve Moe Marylyn Phillips Sid Leiken, Mayor Christine Lundberg . Tammy Fitch Anne Ballew' Dave Ralston Fred Simmons Lyle Hatfield Technical Advisory Group Nancy Moreno, Wellhead Protection Inspector Springfield Utility Board Chuck Davis, Water Quality Manager Springfield Utility Board . Sarah Summers, . . Planner City of Springfield Joe Leahy City Attorney Susie Smith, Environmental Services/MWMC Manager City of Springfield r , . Chuck Gottfried, Water Resources Program Coordinator City of Springfield . Leonard Goodwin, Technical Services Manager City of Springfield Andrea Ball, GIS Services City of Springfield Ed Black, Maintenance Manager, Public Works. City of Springfield Rachael Burr, Water Quality Protection Specialist DEQ Rick Cooper, Hydro-geologist Oregon Water Resources William Sage, Associate Planner Lane County Ross Penhallegon, . Extension Agent OSU Lane County Extension Service Wayne Honneycut, Forest Technologist U.S, Forest Service' David Mattson, Engineer BLM": McKenzie Resource Area TimWright, Dexter Hatchery Oregon Department ofFish & Wildlife if'. 'I Doug Crispin, Oregon State Parks Service S ven Anderson Oregon State Parks Service Chuck Harmon Sanitary Sewer Division DEQ Kenneth Duncan' US Army Corps of Engineers Willie Hartweg, Director of Public Works City of Lowell Sunny Washburn, Storm Water Division City of Springfield Ken Sandusky, Landfills Lane County ., Chapter 1: Introduction Springfield's existing Drinldng Water Protection Plan. was. adopted by Springfield Utility Board (SUB) and Rainbow Water District (RWD) on May ]5, ]999 and by the City of Springfield on May] 7, ]999, This Plan Addendum (2002) maintains all aspects of the existing Drinking Water Protection Plan, extending the boundaries of protection tCl 'include surface water of the Middle Fork Willamette River (Middle Fork) Watershed. As required by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)/Oregon Health Department (OHD), Drinking Water Protection Guidance Document, the management area for the Midd]e Fork encompasses a ],000 feet setback adjacent to the river and its perennial " tributaries for a travel distance of eight hours upstream from the Springfield Utility Board's (SUB) Willamette Wellfield. . Background . . Springfield Utility Board has historically drawn all of its public water from wells located throughout the city. To help preserve this vital groundwater resource, a Drinldng Water' . Protection Plan was adopted by the City ofSpringtield in May 1999, The existing Plan covers an area that extends to the Springfield urban growth boundary and incorporates a set of specific goals established by a Citizen Task Force. This same year, OHD detennined that some of Springfield's public drinking water wells are directly under the influence of surface water. Public drinking water wells under the influence of surface water require treatment for organisms over and above that for groundwater alone, To help meet this requirement, SUB conducted research and pilot studies to help . detennine a method of treatment that was both acceptable to regulatory agencies and . cost-effective to construct and operate,. Based on the results, SUB constructed'a slow sand filter system within the Willamette Wellfield, This facility treats groundwater from affected wells and surface water drawn from the Middle Fork The treatment facility is expected to go on~line in October, 2002, SUB is also taking advantage of existing winer rights on the Middle Fork by supplementing groundwater with surface water drawn from an intake on the river, This surface water source adds to the volume of water available to the public drinking water supply. Both groundwater from the affected wells and surface water from the river are treated by slow sand filtration. Additional treatment for water filtered through the slow sand filter system includes ultra violet (UV) light and chlorination as approved by Oregon Department of Human Resources (ODHR) - Drinking Water Program (fonnerly OHD), -1- Purpose Springfield's existing Drinking Water Protection Plan covers only graundwater saurces within the Urban Growth Boundary of Springfield. This Plan Addendum (2002) extends the goals esiablished by the Citizen Task Force to. include surface water protection and expands the protection area to include "the entire Middle Fark Watershed as the zone af cantribution. However, the surface water management area is limited to a 1,000-foot' setback alang the Middle Fork and its perennial tributaries for a distance of approximately 28 miles upstream from the intake. This fulfills the requirements ofDEQ's Source Water Assessment Guidelines for public drinking water systems supplied from conjunctive and surface water resources, . Drawing surface water from the Middle Fork will supplementexisting groundwater resources supplied to the city ofSpringfieJd by SUB. This additional volume is especially important during periads of high water use, such as in the summer months, The surface water protection area is entirely autside the Urban Growth Baundary of Springfield; primarily within thejurisdictian of Lane County and the incorporated city af Lowell. This makes inter-agency cooperative agreements with partner agencies and organizations essential to provide public education, monitoring, and other protection strategies for this surface water resource, Established and/or potential partners in this effort are Lane County, the city of Lowell; . U,S. Army Corp of Engineers, U.S, Forest Service, and others who routinely use or effect. water from the Middle Fork. 'Partnerships with the Oregon DEQ and the Middle Fork Willamette Watershed Council (MFWWC) to. protect and restore the watershed have already been established. Area Sketch The entire Middle Fork Watershed upstre'am from SUB's WilIamette Well field contributes runoff to the Middle Fork. The watershed is approximately 1,364 square miles.ofland located in Lane County, Oregon. Some 47 square miles of the watershed lie within the surface water protection management area, This management area stretches an estimated eight-hour time-of-travel upstream (- 28 miles) to approximately the east end of Lookout Point Reservoir (Travel Rates of Water for Selected Streams in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon by David Hams, USGS - Hydrologic Investigations Atlas, HA273, 1968) and includes a 1,000~foot setback on either side of the Middle Fork and its perennial tributaries, . Incorporated cities within the management area of the Middle Fork Watershed or that are relevant to this Plan Addendum (2002), include Springfield (population 53,700), and Lowell (population 1,105). Rural communities include Pengra, Dexter, Jasper, and Fall Creek (Barry Edmonston, Director, Population Research Center- Portland State University, Press release, Oregon's Population Increases by More Than One-half Million in the I990s, December 13,2000), 2 The population of Lane County and Springfield has grown significantly over the last decade. Lane County census figures for the year 2000 indicate a population growth of 12.44 percent (282,912 to 318,100) for the decade between I 990.and 2000. The population of Springfield grew by 20.23 percent (44,664 to 53,700) during this same period (Barry Edmonston, Director, Population Research Center - Portland State University, Press release, Or.egon 's Population Increases by More Than One-half Million in the I990s; Decel11ber 13, 2000). Portions of Highway 58, Jasper-Lowell Highway, West Boundary Road; Pengra Road, Fall Creek Road and several smaller roads are located close to and/or cross the Middle Fork or its perennial tributaries within the management area. Union Pacific Railroad lines are located within 1,000 feet of the Middle Fork, cross the river at Jasper, and continue south, southeast; crossing Rattlesnake Creek and Lost Creek . . before swinging east, parallel to the south shore of Dexter and Lookout Point Reservoirs. Natural Environment The Middle Fork Watershed is located primarily in the eastern portion of Lane County, Oregon, Boundaries of the area of contribution are the Cascade Mountains to the east, . McKenzie Watershed to the north, Coast Fork Willamette River Watershed to the south and the mainstem Willamette River to the west. Climate The Middle Fork Watershed experiences wet winters and dry summers. Precipitation' generally increases with elevation, ranging from an average of 40 to 50 inches per year . on the valley floor to 80 inches at the headwaters of Little Fall Creek (University of Oregon Department of Geography, Atlas of Lane County, 1999). . Surface Water Drainage . The Middle Fork has its source in the Cascade Mountains and flows northwest down a steep gradient to the Willamette Valley, Both rainwater and snowmelt contribute to surface water supplies. The Cascades store water in the form of snow that is released during the summer. This snowmelt helps keep the flow relatively consistent in the Middle Fork (-2,000cfs - year round) and Fall Creek (800 - 3,000 cfs - rainy season) (University of-Oregon - Department of Geography, Atlas of Lane County, 1999). Perennial tributaries within the eight-hour time of travel to the Willamette Wellfield include Pudding Creek, Lost Creek, Alder Creek, and Rattlesnake Creek tha\ enter the Middle Fork from the south, Wallace Creek, Hills Creek, Fall Creek, and an unnamed creek enter the Middle Fork from the north. Little Fall Creek joins Fall Creek below Fall Creek Dam, Winberry Creek discharges to Fall Creek Reservoir and Goodman Creek, Schweitzer Creek, Minnow Creek, and Duval Creek discharge to Lookout Point 3 Reservoir: Several unidentified smaller creeks depicted on USGS topographical maps , also discharge to the Middle Fork_and the reservoirs within the eight-hour time-of-traveL . Springfield Mill Race is a man-made diversion channel from the Middle Fork that historically provided access to mill ponds on the south side of Springfield, It is currently used to discharge storm water from south Springfield, Gory Creek connects. to the Mill . Race and flows through the Willamette Wellfield providing recharge to the aquifer. These water-bodies are not perennial streams and no surface water setback has been identified for them, However, portions of the Mill Race and Gory Creek do fall within the delineated wellhead protection area as defined within the existing Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan Dams/reservoirs within the eight-hour time-of-travel upstream from SUB's intake at the Willamette Wellfield which contribute flows to the Middle Fork are Dexter Reservoir and Lookout Point Reservoir on the Middle Fork and Fall Creek Reservoir on Fall Creek. Waldo Lake, Fall Creek Reservoir and Dam, and several additional creeks, contribute to the flow of the Middle Fork, but are outside the designated surface water management. area, Il_A\JeTIi'ge;~~!!F;IOw1(cfs)2ii~I~i:b;"1iti\'veragerSu~:iiE10'W:rcCfSjS!!'!!l~j}lvemgej,W~~~~ElO'W2(Cfs)~ Table 1. Average annual, summer~ and winter flows in cubic feet per second (cfs) for the Middle Fork at Jasper (U.S, Geological Survey, 2000) Hydrogeology Soils in the Cascades are primarily of volcanic origin, Most are moderately deep, well- drained loams and clay loams derived from igneous andsedimentaryrock. Soils in the lowlands of the WiIlamette Valley are a mixture ofalluvillm, or materials' deposited by.. rivers and their tributaries. Alluvium materials include sands, gravels, and silts transported from the Cascade Mountains, Depending on their composition, soils in bottomlands and terraces range from excessively drained gravelly sandy loam to poorly drained silty clay loam and silty clay(Patching, R. ] 987, Soil Survry of Lane County, Oregon, USDA Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C.). Groundwater is most plentiful in areas with alluvial deposits and porous lava materials. . Alluvial deposits from the mouth of the Middle Fork upstream to Dexter Dam store large quantities of groundwater, SUB currently has 32 wells located throughout the city of Springfield. Prior to adding a surface water source, these wells provided 100 percent of the public drinking water supply for the city from the Springfield aquifer. SUB will coritinue to use groundwater as the primary drinking water resource, However, it is anticipated that the Middle Fork will contribute about] 0% of the total water consumed, 4 " I' .. Sensitive Areas Sensitive areas within the watershed include locations with a high potential to impact the streams primarily due to their proximity or vulnerability, Evaluations forhigh soil erosion potential, high penniability soils, and high runoff potential within these areas are based on information listed in the U,S, Department of Agriculture, Soil Survey of Lane County, Oregon, 1987. They can also be calculated using the 1 :24,000 SSURGO (Soil Survey Geographic Database) data sets from the Natural Resources Conservation , Service. Setback~ A setback of 1 ,000 feet distance from the centerline of the intake stream and all perennial tributaries has been suggested by the DEQ to identify those areas where there are higher risks of contamination from spills and oilier releases due to their proximity to streams, Soil Erosion Potential High soil erosion potential is based on the effects of slope and soil erodibility (K-factor). Soils classified as high are on >30% slopes and have K-factors >0.25. Though small areas of soil meeting these parameters were noted throughout the management area, they. are more often found in the upper regions of the watershed. Hil!h Permiabilitv Soils Areas within the management area identified as having high permiability soils are of Recent Alluvial Deposits and have a high potential for groundwater recharge adjacent to streams, These soils are more often found on the valley flOOL' . Hil!h Runoff Potential' . Areas with a high runoff potential are typically clays, with high water tables; or where an impervious layer occurs at a shallow depth. These Class D soils have very slow infiltration rates and are often found in wetland areas, 5 .. Chapter 2: Participation Public participation in the development of the Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan (plan), included the Springfield Drinking Water Protection Citizen Task Force (Citizen Task Force),'materials and notices sent to the Interested Parties Mailing List, Planning Commission meetings, and City Council meetings. Public participation in development of activities and policies for the Middle Fork Watershed will be based on agency/organization specific processes as determined by public process. These will include Lane County, ODA, and DEQ information meetings and public hearings and . MFWWC meetings. Representation of Interests The area that contributes surface water to Springfield's drinking water supply is entirely outside the political boundaries of Springfield. The following interests were either represented by the MFWWC or were kept informed and participated in the study through . other public invi:Jlvementor actions, Industries; Commercial interests; County residents; Farmers; Lane County agency staff; S tate agency staff; Federal agency staff; Middle Fork Willamette Watershed Council, Community Involvement The MFWWC is the primary vehicle for community involvement in development of outreach and education of residents within the management area. The MFWWC represents diverse interests related to conservation, preservation, and protection of the Middle Fork (see Acknowledgements). All meetings of the MFWWC are advertised and open to the public. Meeting agendas are mailed to persons listed as Interested Parties and many citizens attend these meetings, In addition, MFWWC-Outreach and Education Committee strives to provide opportunities for informing residents, and commercial interests about uses and strategies for improvements and protection of surface and groundwater within the management area. As part of a basin-wide project, the MFWWC prepared a Watershed Assessment for the lower Middle Fork, This assessment was compiled by an outside consultant and based on water sampling conducted specifically for this project It also incorporates data for other physical parameters conducted by outside sources. A recommended action that came from the assessment was to collect baseline data for a variety of physical parameters, A Sampling Plan for designated sites in the lower watershed has been prepared to gather information on bacteria, pH, conductivity, and other parameters, This information will be 6 " . " used in determining source water proteCtion strategies and contingencies for the Middle Fork WilIamette Watershed and this Plan Addendum (2002). The assessment will also add to information being collected by the DEQ for usein determining Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for the Middle Fork, TMDLs . identifY the maximum amount (load) of each pollutant the river can absorb per day and still meet state water quality standards. 7 " Chapter 3: Delineation of Surface Water Component - Drinking Water' Protection Areas DEQ requires a D,:inking Water Protection Plan to be developed and drinking water protection areas to be delineated for surface water sources used as a public drinking water supply. Setbacks of approximately 1,000 feet (or greater) from the center of the river and its perennial tributaries for a distance equivalent to eight hours upstream from the intake have been suggested for this purpose. F or surface water sources, the drinking water protection (management) area delineation process began by identifying the watershed boundaries of the Middle Fork, The surface, water delineation for the zone of contribution includes the entire watershed area upstream . of the SUB's public water system intake on the Middle Fork. This base delineation was . provided to the City of Springfield by DEQ, To narrow the management area covered by the surface water compot]ent of Springfield's Drinking Water Protection Plan Addendum (2002), it was first determined how far upstream to include in the setback. The intake at the Willamette Welifield that supplies' surface waier to the slow sand filter system is located at approximately the river mile 189 . marker on the Middle Fork Based on the average high flow rate of 7,000 cubic feet per . second provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), waier in the Middle Fork travels 3.5 miles per hour over this reach, This places the maximum estimated eight-hour time of travel upstream from the intake at about river mile 217 (-28 miles), or approximately the east end of Lookout Point Reservoir (Travel Rates of Water for Selected Streams in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon by.David Harris, USGS - Hydrologic Investigations Atlas, HA273, 1968) (see maps, Appendix A), Perennial tributaries were determined from USGS Topographic M~ps for the area and the . I ,OOO-foot setback was placed on the Middle Fork Watershed map by the City of Springfield as a Geographic Information System (GIS) layer. Other GIS layers included sensitive soils, transportation systems (railroads, highways, roads, land use zoning) and other potential sources of contamination.. ,. . Local Surface Water Characteristics Both rainwater and snowmelt contribute to surface water supplies, The Cascade Mountains store water in the form of snow that is released as melt-water during the summer, Water stored in reservoirs behind dams located on the Middle Fork and Fall Creek help regulate flow rates in the river. Perennial tributaries contribute flow to the river year' . round. . Surface water in the Middle Fork leaves the drinking water protection area at the downstream boundary of the Willamette Wellfield and is joined by the Coast Fork. approximately one mile west of the wellfield to form the mainstem Willamette River. 8 Surface Water Uses Consumptive uses of water in the watershed include irrigation, agriculture, industrial, and. municipal use, Irrigation is the primary consumptive use for which water rights are issued, Non-consumptive uses include fish and wildlife habitat, recreation, and power generation. Table 2 Summarizes water allocations at the mouth of the Middle Fork. These figures represent water allocated for use, not actual use, . . I I Irrigation 26.67 l,505 Domestic 15,72 952 I Agriculture (other) 3.48 210 I Industrial/Manufacturing 35.04 2,104 I Municipal 243 14,660 I Totals 323,9 19,431 Table 2. Annual allegations for. consumptive water use in the Middle Fork WillameUe River (Oregon Water Resources Department, 2002) Dams/Reservoirs' Dams provide power generation and flood control in winter, and flow-augmentation in summer. Water stored in resezvoirs behind dams influences seasonal water availability and flow patterns in the Middle Fork. . . Resezvoirs that contribute flows' are Dexter Resezvoir and Lookout Point Resezvoir on the Middle Fork and Fall Creek Resezvoir on Fall Creek. Table 3 summarizes the uses of . each dam and resezvoir. Hills Creek Resezvoir and Dam are located upstream from and outside tlie designate~ management area. Lookout Point Flood control Full 455,800 1st 97,000 Hydroelectric 3 Gen.. Summer 324,200 Recreation Dex ter Flood control N/A N/A 321,000 Hydroelectric I Gen, Recreation Fall Creek Recreation Full 125,000 5th 269,000 Summer 108,200 . Table 3. Dam & Reservoir Uses (US ACE and OWRD, The Willamette Basin Reservoir Study, 1999) 9 Forestry and Agriculture The predominant land use in the upper reaches of the Middle Fork is forestry. Most forestlands are in the Cascade Mountains and extend down the eastern side of the Willamette Valley. The U,S, Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and private owners are major forest landholders. Forest SerVice lands start approximately 3 miles east of Lookout Point Dam (Wayne Honneycut - Forest Technologist - U,S.Forest Service), The BLM has no holdings within the I,OOO-foot setback for the stretch of the . Middle Fork between the intake at the Willamette Wellfield and the east end of Lookout Point Reservoir (David Mattson, Engineer- McKenzie Resource Area, BLM). Most agriculture in the Middle Fork Watershed is located in the Willamette Valley. There is very little land in agricultural use above Dexter Reservoir.. The dominant . agricultural land use is pasture and hayland, Some row-crops are found near Jasper, Lowell; and Pleasant Hill. There are also some nurseries, Christmas tree farms and orchards in that area (Ross PenhaIlegon, OSU - Lane County Extension Service). . Livestock 'Small'numbers of livestock grazing, cow/calf operations, ridinglboarding stables, and' rural residential development with livestock for private use are found within the 1,000- foot setback of the Middle Fork. No dairy farms are located within these sensitive areas (Ross.Penhallegon - OSU - Lane County Extension Service). . Wildlife! Hatcheries Wildlife in and adjacent to the Middle Fork includes steelhead, bull trout, and salmon in . the river. Western pond turtle, deer, smaIl game and both migratory and resident birds use the riparian areas as habitat and gather food in 'or adjacent 'to the river. Dexter Dam Fish Hatchery is part of the Willamette Hatchery Project that raises Chinook salmon and summer steelhead, This hatchery is located on the north shore' of Dexter Reservoir. Adult fish are caught at Dexter Dam and transported via tanker truck to the Willamette Hatchery at Oakridge where eggs are incubated and raised to' fingerling size, then transported back to Dexter Dam Hatchery for release to the Middle Fork (Tim Wright, Dexter Hatchery, Oregon Department ofFish & Wildlife). Recreation , . Recreation in the Middle Fork area relates closely to the scenic landscape, Lane County' , and Oregon State parks located at or near Dexter, Fall Creek, and Lookout Point . Reservoirs provide recreational opportunities in the summer months. Camping, hiking, . fishing, hunting, and boating draw over 685,000 visitors to the area every year . (Willamette,Basin Reservoir Summaries, Oregon Water Resources), Boat ramps are located on the shore of Fall Creek, Dexter, and Lookout Point Reservoirs, Boat ramps are also located along the main stream of the Middle Fork at Jasper, Clearwater, and at Pengra Access opposite the mouth of Lost Creek (USGS 1 :24,000 Topographic Maps). 10 Delineation Projects Between 1992 and 1999 delineations of groundwater flow based on time-of-travel, were developed in association with SUB's groundwater wells located throughout the City of Springfield, GIS mapping of the groundwater delineations and potential contaminant sources was completed by the City of Springfield in 1999. Under the Administrative Rules that apply to Oregon's Source Water Assessment Plan (Oregon's Drinking Water Protection Program), the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS - formerly the OHD) has responsibility for certifying groundwater- derived drinking water protection areas in the state.(DEQ and OHD, Source Water. Assessment Plan). The delineations for all of Springfield's wells met state requirements and were certified by OHD in April 1997, Future and new well delineations were certified in March 1999 (Certification #0002R). Because ODHShas determined that groundwater drawn from the Willamette Wellfield is under the influence of surface water (conjunctive system), additional treatment is required for use as public drinking water. As part of the requirement in constructing a . treatment plant, a sanitary survey (potential pollution source inventory) was conducted in . 2000 to help identify any significant risks to the Middle Fork Guidelines provided by Oregon's Source Water Assessment Plan - Addendum, Jun'e 1999, were used in performing this survey, In January, 2001, delineation of the Middle Fork Watershed was calculated by DEQ and provided to the City of Springfield as a base map and zone of contribution to the Middle. Fork upstream of SUB's surface water intake, Mapping of the I,OOO-footsetback from the Middle Fork and its perennial tributaries withinan eight-hour time-of-travel, and a . base inventory of potential contaminant sources was plotted on a GIS layer by the City of Springfield in May 200 I. Information gathered for this GIS layer was compiled by DEQ and SUB. A Sanitary Survey (Risk Assessment), including a table of potential pollution sources and amap of the watershed was submitted to the ODHS in June, 200 I as part of a construction permit application package for the slow-sand filter system, DEQ has responsibility for reviewing surface water-derived drinking water protection areas in the State, DEQ has reviewed the delineations and risk assessment for the Middle Fork management area and found them to be both adequate and complete, However, no formal approval or certification is available for drinking water systems installed after June 1999 that use surface water as a resource.. Delineation Process The area of contribution to the Middle Fork Willamette River encompasses the entire Middle. Fork Willamette Watershed, The following activities were performed to . complete the delineations and risk assessment (Sanitary Survey): II . Preparation of Middle Fork Willamette Watershed map, . Calculation of surface water travel time of eight hours upstream from SUB's surfuce water intake on the Middle Fork was determined from USGS calculations based on the average annual high water flow rate at Jasper. . Sanitary'Survey (inventory) of potential contaminant sources within the drinking water protection management area of the Middle Fork Watershed based on recommendations within Oregon's Source Water Assessment Plan - Addendum, June 1999, . Preparation of a map showing the drinking water protection (management) area within the Middle Fork Watershed and potential sources of contamination within the delineated management area, The resulting management area provided affected agencies and organizations with defined areas in which to focus management strategies to protect surface water. To . further the analysis of potential contamination risks to surface water, the next step was to map land use and develop a potential contaminant source inventory within the drinking . , . water protection management area. This process and the results are presented in the following chapter. The Sanitmy Survey also forms the base for the DWPP Addendum (2002). 12 Chapter 4: . Surface Water Component of Drinking Water Protection Area Inventory The primary intent of the Sanitary Survey (inventory) was to identify and locate significant potential sources of contamination (contaminants of concem) within the drinking water protection (management) area ofthe Middle Fork Willamette Watershed, . Significant potential source of contamination can be defined as: Any facility or acti~ity 'that stores, uses, or produces contaminants of concern and has sufficient likelihood of releasing such contaminants to the environment at levels that could contribute significantly to the concentration of these contaminants in the source waters of the public water supply (Oregon DEQ, Source Water Assessment Plan, Draft, November 17,1998). Contaminants can reach a water body (groundwater, rivers, lakes, etc.) from activities occurring on the land surface or below it 'Potential sources of surface water contaminants from Oregon's Short List of PCSs for Swlace Water Component ofGWUDI Systems (DEQ Drinking Water Protection Potential Contaminant Sources and DEQ ,Codes - Rev. ~/I/Ol) provides a useful overView of potential sources of contamination, The List was used as a guideline for understanding the types of chemicals likely found at different facilities and the level of contamination risk these facilities pose for surface water. The inventory was conducted by'SUB with assistance from Oregon DEQ, between March and June 2001. ' The completed inventory served several importa\lt purposes: o Provided an effective base for informing/educating the MFWWC, staff, and the public about potential risks; , . . o Provided information on the locations of many potential contaminant sources, especially those that present the greatest risks to surface water; . Provided information on the extent and volume of hazardous chemical use within the Middle Fork management area; and, . Provided a reliable basis for developing management strategies to reduce the risks to surface water that contribute to Springfield's drinking water supply, . , , Based on EP A national guidance,.DEQ recommends an inventory for surface water sources be completed within an area that includes a minimum setback of 1,000 feet or greater from the center of streams. . Springfield's inventory of potential surface water contaminant sources was carried out within a setback of 1,000 feet from the edge of streams and reservoirs to identify those areas where there are higher risks of 13 . , contamination from spills or other releases, simply due to their proximity to the water body, The stream boundaries for the potential pollution source inventory were essentially from river mile 189 located at the Willamette WeJlfield to the east end of Lookout Point Reservoir (approximately 28 miles) on the Middle Fork and an equivalent distance upstream for perennial tributaries. This basic inventory was used 'to direct the focus of management strategies to address risks posed by hazardous chemicals and biologic contaminants across all land use zones within the drinking water protection management areas that lie outside the Urban Growth Boundary of Springfield., . . Methodology Past, current, and future hazardous chemical uses were identified through a variety of methods. The inventory process did not include an inspection of sites for individual potential contamination sources or chemical inventories, Inspection of all sites within the drinking water protection management area for chemical inventory and storage is recommended. However, it was determined that the inventory goal ,could be accomplished by other means such as using the State Fire Marshal's inventory of hazardous materials submitted by businesses and the DEQ and EP A source lists. Using the Short List of PCSs fOr Surface Water Component of GWUDI Systems as provided in o the DEQ Drinking Water Protection Potential Contaminant Sources and DEQ Codes, Rev, 3/1101) and Table 5-2: Potential Sources of Drinking Water Contaminants, . assumptions were made about typical chemicals associated with different land uses and the risks these types and volumes of chemicals pose to surface water. The inventory was completed in several phases,. The'first phase was a limited inventory of potential contaminant sources listed in databases maintained by the state, The second phase consisted of visual observations of properties made by driving the drinking water protection management area adjacent to the Middle Fork The third phase was contacting , local, state, and federal agencies and asking'them to provide information_on facilities within' their jurisdiction for these same areas. The process. for completing the inventory is summarized as follows: . . . DEQ developed a digital base map for the entire Middle Fork Watershed; . City of Springfield delineated the drinking water protection management areas (I,OOO-foot setback within the eight-hour time-of-travel along the MiddleFork and its perennial tributaries upstream trom the intake) as an overlay on the base map; ,0. · SUB completed an inventory of potential contaminant sources within the drinking water protection management area of the Middle Fork Watershed; 14 .. '. . SUB developed a list ofregisteted water wells within or close to the drinking water protection areas; and . City of Springfield plotted information from local, state, and federal agency databases that represented potentially significant sources of contamination to the surface water component of Springfield's drinking water supply source. Plotted data inCludes: DEQ I. Underground storage tanks (UST) 2, Leaking underground storage tanks (LUST) 3, Underground Injection Control (Ule) 4. Registered hazardous waste generators (HWIMSY) 5. Environmental clean-up site inventory (ECSI) 6. Solid waste facilities . State Fire Marshal 7. Hazardous materials handlers 8. Hazardous materials incidents EPA 9. Superfund sites IO. Toxic release locations II, Waste water discharging facilities - Source Infonnation System (SIS) No Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) were reported on' state lists or noted by the OSU - Lane County Extension Agent for the management area, Results Results of the in~entory and mapping are shown on themap series attached at the end of this document The GIS base map can be displayed at any scale and will be updated bi- annually to reflect any changes in the status of potential contaminant sources inventoried. The mapped drinking water delineations will be shared through Lane County Council of Governments' (LCOG) common mapping system, the City of Springfield for this Plan Addendum 2002, University of Oregon Info-Graphics Library, and others, I~ addition to being used by the (:ity of Springfield for this Plan Addendum (2002), the map will be made available for public education projects and informational purposes. It . may also be used by consultants working for private industry in developing their business plans and by the Oregon ODA, DEQ, Army Corps of Engineers, Oregon Fish and Wildlife, Lane County and Oregon State Parks Divisions, and the MFWWC in performing projects designed to protect surface water for all beneficial uses, Thetotal inventory covered an area of approximately forty-seven (47) square miles inside the zone of contribution (ZOC) of 1,364 square miles that comprises the entire Middle 15 ,. Fork Willamette River Watershed, This is a substantial area that has numerous and complex issues, Table4 displays an inventory of tax lots inside the surface water component of the drinking water protection management area (map, tax lot inventory within the I ,ODD-foot setback, Lane County of Government (LCOG)). There are 3,668 tax lots within this area with 49 of the lots zoned commercial/industrial. I Residential lands 2,531.22 I ParksIPublic lands 763.82 I I Forest lands 22,866.17 I I Agriculture 3,046.05 I I Commercial lands 19.95 I I Industrial lands 111.79 I I Mining/Sand & 568,53 I Gravel I Water 1195 32.58 155.41 0.52 0,24 I I Totals 3,668 99,98% 30,062.94 100% 46.97 I Tahle 4, Land use within the drinking water protection management area for surface water.: , 16 Chapter 5:. Management of Potential Sources of Contamination In this chapter, potential sources of contamination are addressed by goals and related management strategies, Goals are broad vision statements that describe desired conditions or activities in the. future and provide direction for the development of management strategies. The management strategies for each goal more specifically describe a course of action, Goals for protection of groundwater were developed by the Citizen Task Force (Citizen Task Force), These are found in the existing Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan adopted by the City of Springfield on May 15, 1999 and are listed below in order of priority, The Citi'zen Task Force prioritized these goals without information on their relative costs and benefits, It is important to emphasize the first two goals (Public Education and Overlay Zone) received a score in the prioritization significantly higher thim the remaining recommendations, . . Where appli~able, these goals carry over to the Plan Addendum (2002) developed for the protection of surface water that contributes to the City of Springfield's drinking water supply.' . I. Implement a Public Education Program 2. Adopt a Drinking Water Protection Overlay Zone . 3. Develop and Implement a Surface Water Monitoring Program 4, . Enhance the Existing Hazardous Waste Collection Program 5. Develop and Implement a Septic System Upgrade/Maintenance Program 6, Use and Enhance Existing Spill Response Plan 7. 'Form Public-Private Partnerships 8. Irriplement a Water Conservation Program" 9. Use Property Purchase and Donation to Provide Prote~tion Areas During the prioritization process, the Citizen Task Force offered the following additional recommendations for which there was general consensus of support, although they were not ranked with the others as separaiealtematiyes, These.additional recommendations. are discussed at the end of this chapter. . Intergovernmental coordination . Storm water management. . Abandoned wells . Goals and Related Management Strategies for Surface Water Component of Drinking Water Protection Plan Goal 1 : Implement A Public Education Program. The Citizen Task Force's highest priority was to develop and implement a public education program that would include the following four components, in order of priority, 17 ". 1. Comprehensive public education program 2, Notification 3. Technical assistance . 4, . Signs These programs as adopted by the DWP Plan are expanded to include surface water aspects of drinking water protection. Springfield and SUB will work closely with drinking water protection partners (Lane County, Army Corps of Engineers, ODA, DEQ, City of Lowell, MFWWC, and others) in coordinating public education efforts within the surface water protection management areas ofthe Middle Fork SUB will work with the MFWWC in sending a message to new and existing businesses and property owners about which activities pose a risk to surface water resources, . Goal2: Adopt a Drinking Water Protection Overlay Zone. The Citizen Task Force's other highest priority was for the City of Springfield to'adopt a Drinking Water Protection Overlay District for .the combined zone of contribution and to refer the overlay district to the City of Eugene and Lane County for adoption and application to areas that are within their jurisdictions, The Citizen Task Force generally agreed that the overlay district would contain the following five components, in order of priority. 1, Prohibitions 2, Standards 3, Inspections 4, Monitoring 5, Transport An overlay districtthat covers the delineated areas inside the Springfield City limits and urban growth boundary (UGB) was included as part of the City of Springfield Land Use Development Code, Article 17, adopted by the Springfield City Council on May 17, 2000, . This Drinking Water Protection Plan Addendum (2002) covers surface water protection areas that lie entirely outside political boundaries of the City of Springfield, Therefore, the City has no jurisdiction over these areas. Instead, the City will work with Lane County and other agencies to recognize the entire Middle Fork Watershed as the zone of contribution to the surface water component of Springfield's drinking water resource. The City of Springfield will refer the extended zone of contribution and management area. to state and federal agencies, Lane County, and incorporated cities in the watershed for adoption of measures to protect those portions of the management area that lie within. their jurisdictions, 18 . ~ <. ~, . The City of Springfield and SUB will encourage and support the prohibition of high-risk (DNAPL) chemical uses within the surface water management areas upstream of the Willamette WelIfield drinking water supply intake on the Middle Fork.. SUB and the City will also support and encourage proper storage and contairiinent of hazardous chemicals that pose a risk of contamination to the drinking water supply. Goal 3: Develop and Implement a Surface Water Monitoring Program. The Citizen Task Force recommended a monitoring program that includes all drinking water protection area delineations inside the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District and possibly individual potential sources of contamination. The monitoring program includes the following three components, in order of prjority. 1. Establish a comprehensive monitoring program . 2. Sample during investigation 3, Sample during clean up The Plan Addendum (2002) will extend this goal to include the Middle Fork Watershed management area. ' . 1. Establish a comprehensive monitoring program, The MFWWC has develop~d a water quality mo~itoring program for temperature, pH, turbidity, conductivity, and other perameters as a component ofthe Source Water . Assessment required under federal regulation of all watersheds that contribute to a public drinking watersupply (Oregon DEQ, Sub-Basin Target Datesfor Completion ofTMDL 's for Waters Listed in the 1998 303(d)List), This assessment is scheduled for completion by 2003 and will establish base conditions for the Middle Fork and its tributaries, Future monitoring will primarily be performed by DEQ and MFWWC with assistance from trained yolunteers. In addition, SUB will conduct water quality testing at lhe point of intake and assist the MFWWC in their monitoring efforts within the surface water management areas. The frequency of testing will be determined based on evaluation of the Middle Fork Watershed Assessment 2, Sample chemicals of concern during site investigation. . . Require that samples for chemicals of concern be collected during site investigation, Whenever samples are collected during a site investigation or cleanup and follow-up monitoring, results of this sampling must be provided . at no additional cost to the Drinking Water Protection Program or appropriate agency/organization, 3. Sample during cleanup, , 19 . Require businesses conducting cleanup activities to provide sample results of all analysis to the monitoring program at no additional cost to the program or appropriate agency/organization. ' Goal 4: Enhance the Existing Waste Collection Program The Citizen Task Force recommended the following four enhancements to Lane County's hazardous waste collection program, in order of priority: I, Increase frequency and flexibility 2, Demand management 3, Evaluation 4, Increase program funding Lane County's hazardous waste program extends to all areas of the Middle Fork Watershed. Therefore, no changes or additions to Goal 4 are needed orrecommended within this Plan Addendum (2002) for protection of surface water. Itis recommended that this goal continue to be supported. Goal 5: Develop and implement a,septic system upgrades/maintenance program. The Citizen Task Force forwarded the following two recommendations in this category, . in order of priority, . . I, Inspections and maintenance requirements 2. Septic tank regulations No changes or additions to GoalS are recommended within this Plan Addendum (2002) for protection of surface water. . Goal 6: Use and enhance existing spill response Plan The Citizen Task Force supported the following aspects of spill response, in order of . priority: I, Existing plan 2. Spill diversion and containment 3. Mapping 4, Hot line Lane County's spill response program extends to ,all areas of the Middle Fork Watershed, Therefore, no changes or additions to Goal 6 are recommended within this Plan Addendum (2002) for protection of surface water, 20 ,." .'. Goal 7:' Form Public-Private Partnerships The Citizen Task Farce farwarded the fallawing three recammendatians, in order af priarity: I, Public Educatian by private sectar . 2. Public-caardinated partnerships 3, Business recagnitian pragram Public-private partnerships are especially impartant within the Middle Fark management areas that are mast vulnerable to. patential pall uti an, Public partners will be encauraged to. provide infarmatian and educatian far the purpase af raising public awareness to. the risk af surface water pallutian fram everyday activities -and pravide educatian an ways toreduce that risk Goal8: Implement a water conservation program The Citizen Task Farce farwarded the fallawing recammendatlans, in arder af priarity: L Water demand management 2. Rate structure changes 3. Piping lass reductians '4. Rebate pragram . Recammendatians afthe Springfield Citizen Task Farce an water demand management are extended to. include water drawn fram the Middle Fark Willamette River. Goal9: Use property purchase/donation to provide protection areas The Citizen Task Farce farwarded the fallawing recammendatians, in arder afpriarity: L New wells 2, Land-set asides 3, Canservatian easements 4, V aluntary deed restrictians The recammendatian far'item I (new wells) is nat applicable to. surface water, Recammendatians adapted by the Plan are extended by this Plan Addendum (2002) far items 2,3, and 4 are to. include the surface water management area of the Middle Fark Goal 10: Consider additional recommendations The Citizen Task Force farwarded the fallawing recammendatians regarding: I, Intergavernmental caardinatian, 21 , .,- 2. Storm water management, 3, Abandoned wells, and 4.' Evaluation of new well sites, The Citizen Task Force considered these recommendations to be very important, although they were not included as separate options in the initial list ofaltematives to be prioritized. The basis of a network of public partnerships to prevent contaminants entering the Middle Fork has been established. Surface water protection will greatly depend on coordinated efforts between these intergovernmental partnerships formed by SUB, Lane 'County, Army Corp.of Engineers, Cities of Springfield, and Lowell, and others. Recommendations adopted by the Plan are extended by this Plan Addendum (2002) to include the surface water management area of the Middle Fork with the addition ofthe . following for #3, Abandoned Wells: . There are over 1,500 wells identified in the existing drinking water protection study area. Additional wells are located within the surface water management area of the Middle Fork, Wells that are no longer in use pose a significant risk to aquifer contamination, It is recommended to identify and decommission these abandoned wells. v 22 Chapter6: Contingency Plan Goals and management strategies presented in the previous chapter focus Oll proactive efforts that are intended to protect the drinking water supply from contamination, In the event a drinking water contamination problem should occur, Springfield also needs to be prepared to react to the contamination with a contingency plan. A contingency plan is . designed response to the contamination or disruption of Springfield's current water supply.' The contingency plan focuses on: . Identification of the primary potential threats to the water supply; and . Developing procedures that will be followed should threats materialize. . Springfield's Contingency Plan addresses ten elements required by the Oregon Source' Water Protection Program, in<;luding: .'\' Potential thrt:ats to the drinking water supply; 2. Protocols for incident response; 3. Prioritization of water usage; 4. Key personnel and development of a notification roster; 5, Short-tenn and long-tenn replacement of water supplies; 6. Short-tenn and long-tenn conservation measures; 7, Plan testing, review, and update; 8, . Personnel training; 9, . Provisions for public education; and . 10, Logistical and financial resources . Additional details for emergency response situations can be found in Springfield . Utility Board's (SUB) 1998 Integrated Contingency Plan, which describes SUB's emergency organization and provides for clear authority, direction, and communication during emergencies, Additions to the Contimzencv Plan aoolv onlv to the surface water comoonent of the drinkinl! water suoolv, 1. Potential threats to the. drinking water supply Due to the complexity of the SUB and Rainbow Water District's water supply system, potential threats are dependent on the location of the problem, The community water system is currently supplied by 33 wells in seven wellfields located the area as shown in Map #\. The supply system is divided into separate pressure and . operational areas. They are: SUB/Rainbow North System is primarily located north ofI-105 and east ofI-5 and served by the Rainbow 1-5, SUB Sports Way, Rainbow "Q" Street, Rainbow Chase wellfields, and SUB/Rainbow jointly owned WEYCO wellfield, Water pressure ranges between 80 and 105 pounds per square inch (PSI), SUB West System is bounded by 1-105 on the north, the city limits on the west . th . and south, and 28 Street on the east. It is served by water from the Willamette 23 Wellfield plus water through inter-ties from SUB/Rainbow North System and . SUB East System, Water pressure in this system is maintained at 50 to 55 PSI, which is substantially lower than the other systems and only allows forbringing water into the system. I SUB East System is essentially east of2Sth Street and bounded by the city limits on the north, south, and east Water for the East System comes from the Thrust' and SP/Mia Wellfields in addition to the SUB/Rainbow jointly owned EYCO Wellfield, Water pressure ranges between 70 and 90 PSI, The Thurston, WEYCO, Chase, and Willamette Wellfields are located near the McKenzie or Middle Fork Willamette Rivers and have the potential to be impacted by flooding and' spills in the rivers. The 1-5, Sports Way, ".0" Street, and SP/Maia Wellfields are less subject to flooding. They are closer to commerciallindustrial areas and are next to the 1-5 and 1-105 highways, which major transportation corridors. Primary threats to Springfield's drinking water system are related to an interruption of water delivery or contamination of the aquifer used for the drinking water supply, Nine types of events have been identified that could cause an interruption in delivery and/or contamination of the water supply, A. Electrical/mechanical problems: power outage, broken pipeline, pump failure R Flooding C. Detection of contamination at a wellhead D. Contamination from a leaking underground storage tank or chemical spill at a nearby business E. Railroad or highway spills F, Spill in the McKenzie River, Willamette River, Springfield Millrace or the storm waste systems that discharge to the rivers or millrace G, Storm water contamination resulting in well water contamination H. Sabotage . I, Earthquake and volcanic activities The most likely threats to the drinking water supply are electrical/mechanical failure; . detection of contamination at or near a wellhead; a chemical release within the drinking water protection area; railroad or highway spills; a spill in the McKenZie River, Willamette River, or the Springfield millrace; and the storm water systems that discharge to the rivers and millrace. Procedures to deal with these threats are outlined in Element 2 below, Surface water contamination issues are divided into two areas of concern: o Hazardous materials spills that are short term duration and are transported past the drinking water intake over the course of a few hours or a few days. An example would be a tanker truck spill. 24 .' . Contaminants that are persistent and are found on the river during most of the , year, These contaminants may vary by current rate but are constantly present and need to be removed in order for'the water to meet drinking-water standards, An example would be turbidity that is a result of a mudslide in the watershed, runoff from roads,'or construction activities, . There are many potential causes for water quality problems identified in the Middle Fork. watershed. These include discharges from waste water treatment plants, legal and illegal waste dump sites, runoff from forest, agricultural, and private lands, failing septic systems, seasonal flow reductions, recreation, hatcheries, transportation of hazardous materials, management of transportation and utility corridors, and historic activities such as mining and removal or degradation of riparian vegetation, . Erosion from riparian' areas (stream 'banks), rerouting 'ofrunoffvia road building, . construction, and land surfacing such as parking areas can lead to excessive erosion or . pollutant transport, Increased heat input due to removal of vegetation, reduction in flow (seasonal), changes in channel shape, and floodplain alteration'are also potential sources of water quality impairment Due to the vastness of the surface water supply area, risk to the drinking water from potential threats is dependent on thelocation of the problem, Of the nine types of events listed in the existing Drinking Water Protection Plan nearly' all are applicable to surface water. The intake for surface water from the Middle Fork is located in the Willamette Wellfield. 2. Protocols for incident response This element details the appropriate response for the most likely potential threats above, A. B. Electrical/Mechanical and Flooding Related Interruptions~ Springfield primarily relies on a redundancy of groundwater source rather than . . reservoir capacity to meet water demands, ;Most wellfield.power supplies have'. the capacity to be fed from more than one power substation, which reduces the potential for long-term outages. Experience has shown that no wellfield has been out of service for more than one hour due to an electric supply failure. Froman electrical reliability standpoint, the risk of more than one wellfield being down because of an electrical outage is remote. Four well fields are located in flood plains and subject to potential flooding effects. Flooding may not impact all wells within these well fields, Responses to these events include: · Rely on water source capacity and power system redundancy to the extent possible, During the summer peak demand times there is no excess source capacity. During the remainder of the year sources can be activated that are not affected by the interruption. 25 . o In the short-tenn (less than onechalf day in summer and about one day in winter) rely on water tank storage, o Apply conservation measures (Element 6). o Institute adopted four-stage water curtailment plans in both the SUB and Rainbow Water District service areas based on the system's ability to maintain reservoir levels for fire protection (original DWPP - Appendix E) C. Detection of Contamination at a Well .The required response to the detection of contamination at a wellhead depends on whether the contamination is less than or exceeds the maximum contamination level (MCL). The MCL is considered to be the maximum allowed concentration of contaminant in drinking water withoutposing a significant health risk, The community has applied a much higher standard in responding to man-made chemicals, like Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL), and other volatile, semi-volatile, and synthetic organic chemicals, Every effort will be made to eliminate any detectable amounts of the man-made substances from the drinking water supply, . . Notify the Oregon Department of Human Services - Drinking Water Division. (formerly Oregon Health Division, OHD) (1-503- 731-4381) and Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) (see original DWPP -.Appendix H) of any confirmed detection. If the contaminant exceeds the MCL: . Send news release to local media, . Notify local elected officials, o SUB staff will notify Board members, . Rainbow staff will notify Board members, . Springfield City manager's office will notify City Councilors, . Follow OHS-DWD Public Notice requirements identified in Oregon Administrative Rules 333-061-0042, . Shut down the affected well(s), If an emergency exists and permission to use the well(s) is granted by ODHS-DWD and DEQ, water will be mixed with water from other wells to reduce the contaminant in the distribution system to below the MCL, minimizing the concentration of the contaminant to the . greatest extent possible, . Flush affected system and reservoirs, 26 ~ _ ". 11 ! ',. , ,. , . Implement curtailment or conservation plan as needed, . Work with Water Resources Division to notifY other nearby well owners and minimize contaminant movement Water master, Michael Mattick, 756-1856, . Expand cooperation with agencies in investigation the contamination, If the contaminant level is below the MCL: . A minimum of quarterly monitoring will occur to track changes in contaminant levels over time to verifY that contaminant levels remain below the MCL . If contamination is detected at WEYCO Wellfield, initiate SUB,Rainbow . Water District, and Weyerhaeuser Memorandum of Understanding that details the responses required and which may include turning on the carbon treatment system. . Turn offwell if not absolutely needed (non-critical demand periods). Ifan emergency exists, water will be mixed with water from other wells to reduce the contaminant in the distribution system to below the MCL, minimizing the concentration of the contaminant to the greatest extent possible. . ModifY well operation to last on, first off during critical demand periods. . Run only in conjunction with other wells. o NotifY local elected officials. o SUB staff will notifY Board members, . Rainbow staffwtll notifY Board members, . Springfield City manager's office will notifY City Councilors. o Send news release to local media, o Implement first stage conservation measures (Section 6 in this chapter and Appendix E Water Curtailment Plan). o Work with RWD to notifY other nearby well owners and minimize contaminant movement Water master, Michael Mattick, 746-1856. . . Cooperate with agencies investigating the contamination. . D.E. Contamination from a Leaking Underground Fuel Storage Tank or Chemical Spinat a Nearby Business and Railroad or Highway Spills: 27 .'. " The release of a contaminant from spills and leaking underground fuel storage tanks is primarily addressed through the proactive management strategies intended to reduce the likelihood of this risk. Standard operating procedure between Springfield Fire Department and SUB, Rainbow, and Eugene Water & Electric Board treatment plant is for notification of all releases in Springfield and upstream on the McKenzie and Willamette rivers from the Fire Department to water suppliers, The water suppliers coordinate their responses based on risk of drinking water contamination. . In the event of a contaminant release from underground fuel storage tanks or spills in the drinking water protection area adjoining surface waters, the following protocol applies: Within a Zero to 5-Year TOTZ The entire management area for surface w~ter protection is 'Yithin I ;000 feet ~f the Middle Fork Willamette River. Therefore, any spills or leaks within the management area would be considered within a Zero - 5 year TOTZ and treated accordingly. o Inventory and rank chemicals used in the drinking water protection area (Chapter 4) and prepare related responses. This work is under way and will . be completed in the near future. It is intended that the inventory and responses will be complete prior to being needed, DNAPL chemicals are an extreme risk in this aquifer setting, and immediate clean up and removal is necessary. o Contact Springfield Fire & Life Safety (9-1-1) when immediate response is needed. o Contact Springfield Fire Marshal (726-3737), Oregon State Fire Marshal (1- 503-378-3473), and CHEMTREC (1-800-424-9300) to determine spilled chemical characteristics and cleanup recommendations, . o NotifY all responders that a release is within the drinking water protection area, . Shut off nearby public water wells and/or surface water intakes as an immediate precaution, . Detennine short-, medium-, and long-term well operation, o Follow communication and notification procedures contained in Element 4 in this Chapter. 28 , .. .. Work to facilitate an expedited cleanup; but leave cleanup to the responsible party, . Coordinate with responsible party's contingency plan, . Implement conservation or curtailment plan as appropriate. . NotifY local elected officials, . SUB staffwill notifY Boord members, . Rainbow staffwill notify Board members. . Springfield City manager's office will notify City Councilors, . Send news release to local media, . Work with RWD to notifY other nearby well owners and minimize contaminant movement Water master, Michael Mattick, 746-1856, o Cooperate with DEQ and other responsible agencies to facilitate cleanup and any remedial action. F. Spill in the McKenzie River, WiIlamette River, Springfield Millrace, or the Storm Water Systems that Discharge to the Rivers or Millrace: o Contact Springfield Fire & Life Safety (9-1-1) when immediate HAZMAT response is needed, o A contaminant release to surface waters may impact surface water entering SUB's. intake on the river and the drinking water wells, notify all responders that the . release is within the drinking water protection area. . Contact Springfield Fire Marshal, Oregon DOT, Union Pacific Railrbad,DEQ, or other appropriate agency, Oregon State Fire Marshal, and CHEMTREC to determine spilled chemical characteristics imd cleanup recommendations. . . Follow communication and notification procedures contained in Element 4 of this . plan. o Shut off nearby public water supply sources as an immediate precaution. o Detennine short-, medium, and long-term well and river intake operation o Monitor outflows to receiving drainage ways for contaminants. The fire and public works departments should take extra precautions to prevent contaminant runoff. 29 o Work to facilitate an expedited cleanup, but leave cleanup to the responsible party, o Implement conservation or curtailment plan as appropriate. o Send news release to' local media. o Cooperate with DEQ (see original plan, Appendix H) and other responsible agencies to facilitate cleanup and any remedial action. Removal of biological contaminants is part of the on-going treatment Response to spills is different for surface water because the contaminant will be moved down stream by river flow. Surface water travels great distances within a short time, Any detected contamination within the surface water management area, the Middle Fork or its perennial tributaries is considered a high risk to Springfield's drinking water supply and will be handled accordingly. SUB's emergency response would be to shut off the river intake during the time the contaminant was present Because surface water is a relatively minor component of Springfield's total drinking water resource, primary threats to Springfield's drinking water system remain. as stated in . the existing Plan, These are related to an interruption of water delivery or contamination of the aquifer used for the primary drinking water supply, However, contamination of surface water could also result in groundwater contamination, 3. Prioritization of water usage This element prioritizes community needs in case ~he water supply' is interrupted and/or a. . replacement supply is necessary, Prioritization of water use from highest to lowest is establisheq in the adopted Water Curtailment Plans and as developed in the Springfield Drinking Water Citizen Task Force mock exercise as follows: o Fire protection . Hospitals . Emergency evacuation shelters . Nursing homes . Schools . Residents . Industrial/commercial . Public parks . All other 4. Key personnel and development of a notification roster .,,' In the event of an emergency situation threatening the water supply; key people must be notified and response procedures coordinated among SUB, the City of Springfield, City 30 ". of Eugene, Rainbow Water District, Lane County; State of O'regon, and other appropriate , jurisdictional personnel. If a call is received by the 9-1-1 center, the fire department and police department are to be dispatched to the event of an emergency spill. The nature and location of the incident detennines who is dispatched, If the incident involves a vehicle accident; the police department is often the first to be notified, If the event is non-vehicle related and a spill is reported, the appropriate fire department is normally the first to be notified by the 9- I-I dispatch center. Both fire and police will be notified if a contaminant is known to be present The incident commander will notifY dispatch ofthe need for Regional HAZMAT Response Team, With all spill reports in the Springfield area, the Dispatch Center notifies EWEB Hayden Bridge Treatment Plant The plant operator on duty notifies SUB and Rainbow Water District and relays all information available, During an emergency spill event, an incident command center is established to safely control the situation. The incident command system is dynamic, meaning that as events unfold, roles and responsibilities of personnel may change as the situation progresses, . The person in charge may also change depending on which agency responds first For . example, police may be first on the scene and in control until the fire department arrives. If a spill occurs within the drinking water protection area, SUB, Rainbow, and Springfield Public Works Department (PWD) should be notified immediately, The police, Rainbow, and PWD personnel are responsible for aiding the fire chief in adequate, appropriate, and safe actions. . Key personnel and their roles are as Iisted.below: Springfield Police (Emergency 9-171, Administrative 726-3714) Police personnel are often the first to be dispatched and respond to an emergency event Police are in charge of public safety until fire department personnel arrive, . then the incident command control is relinquished to fire department personnel. At the direction of the fire department incident commander, the police are responsible for keeping the area secured and providing support help, Springfield Fire Chief (Emergency 9-1-1, Administrative Dennis Murphy, 726- 3737) The fire chief or other designated fire personnel will be responsible for'determining if local personnel can adequately and safely respond to a spill event The incident commander will contact O'regon Emergency Response System and request a Regional HAZMAT Response Team if the situation and/or contaminant is beyond local equipment and personnel capabilities, If it is determined that local response is adequate, the incident commander determines and directs what ids needed from police, SUB, Rainbow, and City personnel through a unified incident command system, 31 " Springfield Utility Boa'rd Water Department Director (Ken Cerotsky, Work and after hours emergencies 746-8451). After hours notice is routed to Water Production call out list. This person coordinates necessary actions, making any decisions regarding the operation of the SUB water system. In the event the department director is not available, the SUB Integrated Contingency Plan will be initiated. This plan . establishes that the most responsible SUB personnel contacted is the responsible person for the Utility, until such time as they are replaced in accordance with the plan, SUB Water Department director provides technical assistance and backup support as directed by the incident commander. It is this person's responsibility to infonn the incident commander of the spill location within the drinking water protection area and suggest any additional precautionary measures that need to be considered, Operational situations that may affect Rainbow or other public water suppliers will be coordinated directly with the responsible representative for the appropriate supplier as soon as possible, The Oregon Department of Human Resources - Drinking Water Program (formerly Oregon Health Division) will be immediately notified. In the event of any drinking water contamination, SUB Water Department director will designate a media relations person who will prepare a press release and handle all media for SUB. Rainbow Water District Superintendent (J. Timothy Hanley, work and after hours emergencies, 746-1676). After hours notice is routed to the on-call person. This person coordinates necessary actions, making any decisions regarding the operation of the Rainbow water system, Rainbow Water District superintendent provides technical assistance and backup support as directed by the incident commander. It is this person's responsibility to infonn the incident commander of the spill location' within the drinking water protection area and suggest any additional precautionary measures that need to be considered. Operational situations that may affect SUB Rainbow or other public water suppliers will be coordinated directly with the responsible representative for the appropriate supplier as soon as possible. The Oregon Department of Human Resources - Drinking W'.Iter Program (formerly Oregon Health Division) will be immediatelYnotified in tlie event of any drinking water contamination, Rainbow Water District superintendent will designate a media relations person who will prepare a press release and handle all media contacts for Rainbow, Lane County Sherifrs Office, Emergency Response Coordinator (Ike Jenson, 682-4160) The Lane County emergency coordinator should be notified and will inform the Lane County Public Health Department and the Oregon Emergency Response System,who in turn notifies other appropriate state agencies, Usually, the fire chief notifies the county coordinator if the event requires county resources for response, However, if the county coordinator is notified first, he will notify SUB, Rainbow, and/or the appropriate water supplier when a spill emergency occurs within the drinking water . protection or surface water management area, . 32 ,'; Other local officials to be notified include: Springfield City Manager (Mike Kelly, 726-3700). Springfield Mayor (Sidney Leiken 726-3700) Other state and federal contact numbers include: . . Oregon Department of Human Resources, Tom Charbonneau, Regional Engineer, 1-503-0731-4381 Oregon DEQ, Western Region Phone list, Appendix H Oregon Resources Division, Michael Mattick, Water master, 746-1856 OregoIiState Fire Mabihall, 1-503-378-3473 Chemtrec, 1-800- 424-9300 Call this 24-hour Emergency Notification number to report transportation related spills and to get MSDS sheets and related clean-up information on chemicals that have been spilled, Internet address: www.cmaha.com No additional changes are anticipated to existing procedures within Springfield's Drinking Water Protection Plan for inclusion of the surface water management area of the Middle Fork, 5. Short-term and long-term replacement of water supplies In the event of an emergency, the minimum water needs of the community must be met with water that meets applicable health standards, Short-term options are those where the alternative supply is needed for a few hours ordays, Long-tenn options are considered for a permanent replacement supply,' . , Changes included within the Plan Addendum (2002) are not applicable to the City of Springfield's primary drinking water supply (well water). Short and Long-term options for water supplied from wells remains as laid out in Springfield's existing Drinking . Water Protection Plan, Potential short-term drinking water: . Implement curtailment plan existing Drinking Water Protection Plan- Appendix E) and conservation practices, . Purchase water from EWER . Bottled water. 33 . Deliver potable water from non-affected wells with private tanker trucJ<:s and/or notice to insure public health, . Make water available for only a short duration each day and issue a Boil Water notice to insure public health. Intermediate-term Recommendations within the existing Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan are extended to include drinking water from surface water sources, ' . Same as short-term, Long-term . Develop new well(s). . Construct well treatment facilities, . Expand capacity or treatment capabilities of water treatment (slow sand filter) plant (capacity' limited to existing water rights on the Middle Fork Willamette River). . Purchase water from EWES 6. Short-term and long-term conservation measures ConserVation ofwatet use will lesson demands on Springfield's public water supply system in the event of an emergency situation: This element identifies short-term and long-term conservation 'practices that could be implemented. as a function of user needs identified in Element 3, Prioritization of Water Usage, The extent of conservation/curtailment measures necessary will depend upon the nature and extent of the emergency, Generalized conservation /curtailment practices that can be applied across land uses are identified below and are extended to cover surface water drawn from the Middle Fork. . Encourage conservation implementation in all uses prior to an emergency, . Prohibit outdoor water use, . Provide water for drinking water purposes only. . Administer fines to violators of water misuse or overuse in the event of a water shortage emergency, . Make water available for a short duration every day. 34 .. o Drop water pressure so that overuse is unlikely, o Review individual commercial/industrial use on a case-by-case basis to determine critical need. o Educate people about the emergency and necessary actions, WilIamalane Parks and City of Springfield: Park and City irrigated turf areas . will not be irrigated from the SUB or RWD public water supply systems during a water emergency. Some parks have auxiliary surface water sources and wells, In most instances these auxiliary supplies will not be affected by these curtailment measures' unless they compromise the public system. Street flushing and sweeping with water will be curtailed, Commercial!Indust~ial!AgriCulturahlUxHiary water supply wells: SUB and R WD should seek cooperation from owners of wells whose operation might affect water availability to the SUB and R WD public water supply wells, Auxiliary w~lls in the vicinity of the public water supply wells may also influence the flow of contamination by drawing water more quickly toward the public wells. Well owners should be notified in the event of an emergency that their cooperation in reduced water use might be requested. 'Emergency Evacuation Shelters and Schools: SchooJs'can reduce water use primarily by eliminating grounds irrigation. In a temporary emergency, tankers for drinking water and other essential functions should be stationed atthe school or emergency shelter to keep them in operation. McKenzie WilIamette Hospital: The hospital is encouraged to develop a water contingency and conservation plan, In a temporary emergency, tankers for drinking water and other essential functions should be stationed at the hospital to keep them in operation. For auxiliary potable water supply the hospital's irrigation well can be treated with a portable treatment system from the National Guard or treatment equipment supplier. Industry/Commercial: Many businesses already have a contingency plan in place that identifies water conservation practices in the event of a water shortage. Businesses should be informed that in the event of a water emergency, their water use may be curtailed and it is in their best interest to develop a conservation plan if they do not already have one. Resident: COlnmon conservation measures for residential use include limiting practices such as lawn irrigation, car washing, laundry use; and installing . conservation devices such as low-flow shower heads. SUB publishes a variety of information on water use reduction and conservation practices, Additionally, Oregon Water Resource Department, DEQ, and the American Water Works Association also publish infonnation on water conservation, SUB and RWD 35 i. ... i"" should educate customers on water conservation practices prior to a water emergency, These educational efforts are described in Element 9, Fire Department: l~ the event of a fire during a 'water supply emergency, the fire department has top priority for water usage, The Springfield Fire & Life Safety Department must be notified when an emergency water conservation or ' curtailment plan is going into effect. The notification shall iriclude specific operational details such as low pressure areas and isolated zones in the water . . distribution system in order for fire personnel to make infonned decisions about' fire suppression. Communication between the fire chief and stand-by personnel is criticaL Additionally, the fire department should identifY alternative sources of water for fire response services to insure fire protection, 7.Plan.Testing, review, and update This contingency plan will be evaluated, reviewed, and updated using an annual review and periodic mock exercise, SUB and Rainbow will review any personnel or substantial changes and make adjustments to the Plan annually. A copy of this Contingency Plan is included in SUB's Water Production Emergency Procedure ManuaL The Emergency Procedure Manual is reviewed and updated quarterly with corrections or modifications to the plan taking place during the process, In addition, a simulated emergency (mock exercise) will allow emergency responders to make necessary adjustments to the plan. Mock exercises will also serve as an educational tool for local citizens, reminding the . community of the importance of protecting their drinking water supply and of the. curtailment measures that might be imposed in the event of an emergency. 8. Personnel training To be effective, contingency plans must rely on properly trained personnel operating within a well-organized and effective system with up-to-date infonnation, County and state emergency responders have been professionally trained to deal with HAMAT responses. Local personnel should also be trained in initial HAZMA T responses since they could be the first to arrive on site, Police' officers receive HAZMAT awarenes,s level training as part of their officer-training program. Currently, all fire personnel receive HAZMAT operations level training. With this level training, local personnel ate able to adequately identifY and contain many hazardous materials, 9. Provisions for public education Public notification and education infonnation builds and maintains support for the plan, It further encourages assistance and understanding when an emergency arises and the plan is put into effect. Management strategies for the Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan have a strong educational imperative that satisfies this component of the contingency plan. However, before an emergency occurs residents and businesses must be infonned 'about the conservation and curtailment measures they will be expected to 36 ~1 . apply, This infonnation should be prepared and distributed prior to a contamination or supply interruption. SUB provides wat.-:r only to residences and businesses within the city of Springfield. Therefore conservation and curtailment of services would apply only to those areas, However, surface water that supplements existing groundwater sources is located entirely outside the city. Therefore, education to infonn the public about protecting this resource will be based on the impact contaminants will have on the community and how limited surface water resources could affect them. Public education outside the city of Springfield will be coordinated through the MFWWc. 10. Logistical and financial resources The City, SUB, and Rainbow Water District should participate in an emergency response situation only to the extent of providing assistance and infonnation regarding the water system and the particular needs of the community,. The City, SUB, and Rainbow should not attempt any clean up on their own, although containment Illay be appropriate, The responsible party is legally obligated to report and clean up chemical releases, If no responsible party is found, the community may need to finance clean up or treatment. Potential funding sources include:' . State emergency funds . Federal emergency funds . A bond measure for replacement, treatment, or clean up needs Chapter 7: New Well Site Analysis This section deals with development of new wells to meet the drinking water demand of an increasing population and is not applicable to surface water resources, 37 ~ . .1' References Barry Edmonston, Director, Population Research Center - Portland State University, Piess release, Oregon's Population Increases by More Than One-half Million in the 1990s, December. 13,2000. David Harris, Travel Rates o.fWater for Selected Streams in the Willame/le River Basin, Oregon,. USGS - Hydrologic Investigations Atlas,HA273, 1968. Patching, R" USDA Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D,C" Soil Surveyoflane County, Oregon, 1987, Wayne Honneycut - Forest Technologist - U.S. Forest Service, May 2001, persorial communication. Information on forestlands and facilities. David Mattson, Engineer - McKenzie Resource Area~ BLM. May 200 1, personal communication, Ross Penhallegon, OSU - Lane County Extension Service. March 2001, personal communication, Tim Wright, Dexter Hatchery, Oregon Department ofFish & Wildlife. Personal communication on March 21, 200!. Information on Dexter Fish Hatchery. Barry Edmonston, Director, Population Research Center - Portland State University, Press release, Oregon's Population Increases by More Than One-half Million in the 1990s, Deceniber 13,2000. . . Rick Cooper, Hydro-geologist, Oregon Water Resources. Personal communication on June 10, 2002. Information on allocated water use, Curtis Cude, DEQ Laboratory Division, Water Quality Monitoring, Oregon Water-Quality 1ndex Reportfor Upper Willame/le Basin - Water Years 1986-1995, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. Doug Crispin, Oregon State Parks Service, Personal communication; March 21, 200 L Information ori Lowell State Park adjacent to Dexter Dam, Sveri Allderson, Oregon State Parks Service. Personal communication, March 22, 200!. Information on state park facilities, . Randall Trox, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality - Water Quality Division. Personal communication, March 26, 200 I. List of reported septic systems in the upper Middle Fork area, Chuck Harmon, Oregon Department of Environment Quality - Sanitary Sewer Division, Personal communication, March 26, 200 I, Information on large septic systems in public parks, Kenneth Duncan, U.S, Army Corp of Engineers. Personal communication, March 21, 200 I. Infonnation on dam facilities and Dexter Lake Service Buildings and Grounds map, 38 . Willie Hartweg, City of Lowell Department of Public Works, Personal communication, May 14, '2001. Information on City of Lowell facilities, Frederique Chateau,-Gruener, Lane County Permits Division, Personal communication, May' 2001. New construction, Sunny Washburn, City of Springfield - Storm Water Division, City of Springfield Storm System and Willamette Well Area map, . William Sage, Lane County Land Management Division, Lane County Zoning Maps identifYing' land use codes, March 2001. Ken Sandusky, Lane County Landfills. Personal communication, March 29, 2001. Information . on historic landfills in Lane County, Oregon. Michael Mattick, Oregon Well Master, District 2. Personal communication, May 29,2001. Water well information. Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan, Adopted May 17, 1999, Oregon Assessment Plan Draft, November 17, 1998, Oregon Assessment Plan Addendum, DEQ and OIlD, June 1999. Oregon DEQ, Sub-basin Target Dates for Completion ofTMDLs for Waters Listed in the 1998 303(d) List, Department of Geography, University of Oregon, Atlas of Lane County, 1999, Information on . precipitation, stream flow, ecoregions, wildlife habitat, transportation, and recreation, U,S. Geological Survey, 2000, Average summer and winter flows ,in the Middle Fork Willamelte' . River at Jasper gauge, USACE and OWRD, The Willamette Basin Reservoir Study, 1999, Oregon Water Resources' Department, web-site Dam Information, Oregon Department of Agriculture, Southern Willamette Valley 303)d) List and Decision Matrix. -1998. . SWLAC, Southern Willamette Valley Agricultural Water Quality Management Draft Plan (303d), April, 2001. SSURGO (Soil Survey Geographic Database) data sets from the Natural Resources Conservation Service, USGS, 1:24,000 Topographic Maps afEastern Lane County (Townships -18S, 198,208, 21E I Ranges-IE, IW,2W), 1986.nd 1967-revised 1986. State of Oregon-Lane County on-line Well Log Report, May 2001. 39 Rachael Burr, Oregon DEQ, Water Quality Protection Specialist, database information listed below: Oregon Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) database, March 2001. . Oregon Hazardous Waste Management System (HWYMSI) database of hazardous waste handlers, March 200 I. Oregon Underground Storage Tank (UST)database, March 2001. Oregon State Fire Marshal's (SFM) List of Hazardous Materials Storage Facilities database, March 200 I. State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Underground Injection Control (UIC)database, March 200 I. . Oregon Source Infonnation System (SIS) database of Wastewater Discharge Permits, March 2001. . Oregon Environmental Cleanup Site Inventory (ECSI) database, March 200 I. 40 I ..,_-=1_. .~. <,. ,,' .. ~.. POTENTIAL CONTAMINANT SOURCE ThYENTORY (SANITARY SlJRVEY) Prepared for Oregon Health Division By Springfield Utility Board As Part of the Permit Application for Construction of a Slow Sand Filter System In Springfield, Oregon June 1,2001 , " ' . . , . ~ . TABLE OF CONTENTS' - INTR 0 D U CTI 0 N ..... ............................................................................1 . P URPO S E ................................. ............. ........ ................... ...... ....... ........1 BACK G R 0 U1'\l) ....................... ......... ...... .............. ....... .......... ....... ........ 2 SOURCE WATER ................................................................................2 WATER QUALITY..............................................................................3 Pilot Studies Watershed Panners General Impainnents 303(d) Listing S EN S ITIVE AREAS... ......:..;.... ...... .......... ...... ............... ................ ....... 4 Setbacks . ;,.: Soil Erosion Potential., High Permeability Soils High Runoff Potential POTENTIAL NON-POINT SOURCES OF POLLUTION..............4 Transportation Agriculture F orestrV Sand and GravelfMines/Quarries ParkslBoatinglRecreation Sites Flood Control/Seasonal Drawuown Cemeteries New Construction Wildlife POTENTgL POINT SOURCES OF POLLUTION........................8 Fish Hatcheries Storm Water Outfalls Underground Injection Wells Other Large Septic Systems Waste Water Treatment FacilitieslDischarge Industries,if acilities Water Wells Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Hazardous Waste Handlers Underground Storage Tanks Other Possible Pollution Sources ',r SUMMAR y ...............................................................................................~ 1.2 ' .". ~ .J' <. . .., . .., .'."........l... ., .'''''' >-""_"'_ REFERENCES ......................................................................................13 TABLES L Average annual, suminer, and winter flows in cubic feet per second for the Middle Fork at Jasper.""""."..."."".""""."...""" 2 2. Conditions and factors leading to 303(d) listing''''''...",''.'',,,,,,''..,,.''..,,''. 4 3. Seasonal Average OWQI Results for Middle Fork ....""..."...""....".""" 6 4, Dam & Reservoir Uses .".".".".."""".".""."""....""""""""""..""""",,, 7 5, Pennitted Waste-Water Discharge sites,."""""""...",,,.,,.,,..,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,... 9 6, . Registered Leaking underground Storage Tanks..""..."""".""""""""...lO 7. Reported hazardous Waste handlers ".".""."""""..."""."""",.....""...",,10 8. Registered Underground Storage Tanks ""...""...,,,...,,..,,;,,,,,,,.......,,.,,,,,.11 APPENDICIS A Maps - Middle Fork of the Willamette River, Potential Contaminant Sources . B, Pptential Contaminant Sources - Surface Water Component .of Groundwater Under the Influence of Surface Water POTENTIAL CONTAMINANT SOURCE INVENTORY (Eight-Hours Upstream of the Willamene Wellfield) June 21, 2001 INTRODUCTION Springfield Utility Board (SUB) draws water from wells located adjacent to the Middle Fork of the Willamene River (Middle Fork), In 1999, the Oregon Health Department (OHD) determined that some of these wells were directlv under the influence of surface water. OHD requirements for public drinking water systems found to be under the direct influence of surface water require treatment for organisms over,and above the requirements for groundwater sources alone. To help meet these requirements, SUB conducted research and pilot studies to help determine a method of treatment that is both acceptable to regulatory agencies' and cost-effective to construct and operate. Based on the results, SUB is constructing a slow sand filter system within the Willamene Wellfield. The V,:illamene Wellfield is located in Lane County, outside the urban boundaries of Springfield. Both groundwater and surface water from an intake 'on the Middle Fork Willamene River will be filtered through this system and used as drinking water. . Additional treatment will include ultra violet (UV) light and chlorination. The intake for the slow sand filter system is at the approximate 189 mile marker on the Middle Fork. Based on the average high flow rate of 7,000 cubic feet per second provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), water in the Middle Fork travels 3.5 miles per hour over this reach. This places the maximum estimated eight-hour time oftrave] upstream from the intake at about the 217 mile marker (28 miles) or approximately the east end of Lookout Point Reservoir (Travel Rates o(Wmerlor Selecled STreams in the Willameue River Basin Oregon by David Harris, USGS - Hvdrologic InveSTigaTions ATlas, HA273, 1968) (see maps, Appendix A). PURPOSE This inventory is pal'! of the permit application for construction of a slow sand filter facilit)' that will serve the city of Springfield. Oregon. It meets the OHD requirement to assess major potential contaminant sources that could impact public drinking water. Data collected for this docwnent will be used in developing a Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan to update the existing delineations for the Willalllene Wellfield adopted by Springfield on May 15, 2000. ]t will also be used in making day-to-day decisions on water quality issues such as sample collection and monitoring. In the process of data collection, a line of communication has been established that is expected to form the basis of inter-agency cooperative agreements between Springfield, Lane County, the Cities of Dexter and LowelL Army Corp of Engineers, U.S. Forest Seryice. Middle Fork Willamene Watershed CounciL and others who routinely use water from the Middle Fork Willamene. BACKGROUND The population of Lane County and Springfield has grovm significantly over the last decade. Lane County census figures indicate a population grO\vth of 12.44 percent (282,9 I 2 to 3] 8, I 00) for the decade between 1990 and 2000. The population of Springfield grew by 20.23 percent . (44,664 to 53,700) during this same period (Barry Edmonston, Director. Population Research Center - Portland State University, Press release, Oregon '5 Population Increases by More Than One-half Million in the] 990s, December 13, 2000). Drawing surface water from the Middle Fork will supplement existing groundwatenesources supplied to the city by SUB. SOURCE WATER The Middle Fork of the Willamene River has its source in the Cascade Mountains and flows northwest dovm a steep gradient to the Willamene Valley, Perennial tributaries within the eight- hour time of travel to the Willamene Wellfield include The Springfield Mill Race, Pudding Creek, Lost Creek, Alder Creek, .and Ranlesnake Creek that enter the Middle Fork from the south. . \Vallace Creek, Hills ,Creek, Fall Creek, and an unnamed creek enter the Middle Fork from the north. Linle Fall Creek joins Fall Creek below Fall Creek'Dam. Winberry Creek , discharges to Fall Creek Reservoir and Goodman Creek, Schweitzer Creek, Minnow Creek, and Duval Creek discharge to Looko!!t Point Reservoir. Several smaller creeks identified as perennial streams on USGS topographical maps also discharge to the river and the reservoirs. Both rainwater and snowmelt contribute to surface water supplies. The High Cascades store water in the fonn of snow that i? released during the summer. This snowmelt helps keep the flow relatively consistent in the Middle Fork (-2,000cfs - year round) and Fall Creek (800- 3,000 cfs - rainy season) (Department of Geography, University of Oregon, Atlas of Lane County, 1999). 1;01:+';:Average Annual Flow (cfs) I 4]54 Average Summer Flow (cfs) 1 A verage Winter Flow (cfs) . 23] 8 I 6433 Table L Average annuaL summer, and winter flows in cubic feet per second (cfs) fot the Middle Fork at Jasper (US Geological Survey, 2000) Groundwater is most plentiful in areas with allm'ial deposits and porous lava materials. Alluvial deposits from the mouth of the Middle Fork to Dexter Dam store large quantities of groundwater. SUB currently has 3] weJJs located throughout the city. These wells draw] 00 percent of the public water supply for the city of Springfield from the Springfield aquifer. Groundwater also contributes to the flow of the Middle Fork during periods when the river becomes a gaining stream. 2 WATER QUALITY \\ "/i-..TE 1( (~: 1 ,~ ,. Pilot Studies, Between May, 1000 and May, 200], Springfield Utility Board conducted pilot studies to determine the treatability of water drawn from wells in the Willamene Wellfield and surface water from the Middle Fork Willamene River.. Based on results of these and previous studies, water from the Middle Fork was determined to be very treatable, Findings of temperature and turbidities obtained during these studies indicated that these parameters would not be limiting to the slow sand treatment process and that treatment can be applied cost effectively. Sampling results also indicated low bacteria levels and no organic or inorganic compounds that would adversely impact the slow sand treatment process. Watershed Panners The Middle Fork Watershed Council, DEQ, U.S, Forest SeT\'ice, Oregon Depanment ofFish and Wildlife: Oregon Depanment of Agriculture (ODA), and otheragencies and organizations are in the process of assessing water quality and watershed conditions in the management area to gain more detailed information on existing water quality and opponunities for improvement. These agencies are considered imponant watershed panners in monitoring and maintaining water quality in the Middle Fork Willamene,River. General Impairments . There were many potential causes for water quality problems identified in the Middle Fork watershed. These include discharges from waste water treatment plants, legal and illegal waste dump sites, runoff from forest, agricultural, and private residential lands, failing septic systems, seasonal flow reductions, recreation, fish hatcheries, and historic activities such as mining (primarily sand and gravel), and removal or degradation of riparian vegetation. Erosion from riparian areas (stream banks), rerouting of runoff via road building, construction, and land surfacing such as parking areas can lead to excessive erosion or pollutant transport. Increased heat input due to removal of vegetation, reduction in flow (seasonal), changes in channel shape, and floodplain alteration are also potential sources of water quality impairment. 303( d) Listin~ Section 303(d) of the Clean U'aler ACI requires states to monitor water quality and develop programs to improve water quality where standards are not met, Within the Middle Fork Management Area, several segments of the main stream and its tributaries have been identified by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) as "water quality limited" for temperature and sedimentation. The Middle Fork was placed on the 303(d) list of water quality limited water bodies in 1998. Under Senate Bill 1010, the Southern Willamene Valley Local Advisory Comminee. with assistance from the East Lane Soil and Water Conservation District and the Oregon Department of Agriculture, has developed a draft \Vater Quality Area Management'Plan for reducing agricultural acti\'ities that contribute to pollution in the Middle Fork Willamel1e River (S\VLAC, draft Southern Willamelle r'allev AgricuiIural Waler Qualily Managemenl Plan, ApriL 2001). This draft plan is currently undergoing review by ODA. 3 ..Table;2,listsgeneral so.urces.of.impairrnentand.some,'specificpotentiaJ sources.\,\'ithin the. I . '.. . Middle Fork watershed that may have contributed to.it being declared "water quality limited;;, rt.~~ijf;;0;:'Parameter .1 Temperature I Sediment 'I' ','_SourCes .of PoUution'Conlrlbiltingto.J03( d) .listing:~,,);<~,:~r;'j I Lack of vegetation along stream-banks, lowered water table, return flows J of warm water, natural sources such as hot springs I Erosion from urban and rural runoff seasonal draw down from reservoirs I Table 2, Conditions and factors leading to 303(d) listing SENSITIVE AREAS. Sensitive areas are those with a high potential to impact streams due to proximity or . . vulnerability. Evaluations for high soil erosion potential, high permeability soils, and high runoff potential within these areas are based on information listed in the U.S. Depanment of Agriculture, Soil Survey of Lane Count}.', Oregon, 1987. They can also be calculated using the 1:24,000 SSURGO (Soil Survey Geographic Database) data sets from the ,Natural Resources Conservation Sen,ice. Setbacks A setback of 1,000 feet from the centerline of the intake stream and all perennial tributaries has been suggested by the DEQ to identify those areas where there is a higher risk of contamination from spills and other releases (see maps, Anachment A), Soil Erosion Potential High soil erosion potential is based on,the effects of slope and soil erodibility (K-factor). Soils classified as high are on >30% slopes and have K-faclOrs >0.25. Though small areas of soil meeting these parameters were noted throughout the setback, they are more often found in the upper regions of the watershed. High Permeabilirv Soils fueas within the setback identified as having high permeability soils are of recent alluvial deposits and have a high potential for groundwater recharge adjacent to streams. These soils are more often found on the valley floor. Hil!h Runoff Potential Areas with a high runoff potential are tvpically clays with high water tables, or where an impervious layer occurs at a shallow depth, These Class D soils have very slow infiltration rates, POTENTL-\.L NON-POINT SOURCES OF POLLUTION Non-point source pollution is the result of contaminants reaching the water through seepage, overland flow, or infiltration from an ill-defined source. 4 . . ~ - ,;. Activities found iI, ..je eight-hour time-of-travel upstreamj)'om the Will;unette Wellfield intake.~ . ~,;, 'iJP:a,t;Uire;:.g.~I1,eJ",I) y,,~~i():~i,~f.~?~~'iJh "'l1.011"P9in}.~~ llrs:el; P9 J Iqti 9Il\',iricl ude IfI'~~sporta:tJ oh':sysi€rtit1~~1~F}\"'~\ , , 'grmng,'timber harvesiiiifpublic parks and recreation sites, riding and boarding stables, , . , '" .. . " 'pesticide applicfltion:' agriculture, and private residential lands (see /i.ppendix B; PO/entia! Contaminant Sources - Surface Water Component of Groundwazer Under the Influence of Surface Water Systems). ,!'. Transponation . Runoff from highways and railways can contain oil, antifreeze, and other hazardous substances that could enter the streams in runoff or in recharge to groundwater. Herbicide use in the . management of roadside vegetation could also enter streams and groundwater if applied prior to . a rainfall event. Jasper-Lowell Highway roughly parallels the Middle Fork from about two miles northwest of Jasper to Pengra Bridge, From there, Pengra Road follows the north shore of the Middle Fork to De>.1er Dam where it meets the West Boundary Road that skins the north shore of both Dexter and Lookout Point Reservoirs. Highway 58 parallels the Middle Fork from about one mile northwest of Dexter and sbns the south shore of both Dexter and Lookout Point Reservoirs. , Little Fall Creek Road and Lost Creek Road parallel Little Fall Creek and Lost Creek respectfull)', crossing these creeks at several locations. Big Fall Creek Road, Peninsula Road, and Winberry Creek Road sbn the perimeter of Fall Creek Reservoir. Southern Pacific Railroad lines are located within 1,000 feet and parallel to the Middle Fork from about three miles northwest of Jasper. The line splits about 1 y, miles south of that community: a shon spur follows the north side of Fall Creek for about 1 mile from the point where it joins the Middle Fork. The main line crosses the river and continues south, southeast, crossing Rattlesnake Creek and Lost Creek before swinging east. parallel to the south shore of Dexter and Lookout Reservoirs. Agriculture Most agriculture in the Middle Fork watershed is located in the lower-ponions of the Willamette Valley, There is very little land in agricultural use above Dexter Reservoir. Pesticides are applied to crops within the setback on an annual basis, usually in spring and summer (Ross Penhallegon - OSU-Lane County Extension Service). Historically, nitrate and soluble reactive phosphorus in streams of the Pudding Basin have increased during spring runoff as the per cent of drainage area in agriculture increased (USGS, Summar) of Major Issues and Findings in the Willamelle Basin. 199 I - 1995). The dominant agricultural land use is pasture and hay land. Perennial crops such as blueberries, straV;'berries, and filbens are found within the LOOO-feet setback of the Middle Fork. Container nurseries and some field crops such as sugar beets: mint and ro~'-crops are found near Jasper, Lowell, and Pleasant HilL There are also some Christmas tree farms in that area '. . The area has some livestock grazing, cow/calf operations. and ridinglboarding stables, Poultry are raised in the area along \\ 'heeler Road. south of the Middle Fork, and small numbers of horses and cattle are raised on numerous small farms and rural residential sites. No dairy farms are located within these sensitive areas. . 5 F orestrv Forests within the 1 ,uOO feet setback consist lJrimarilv of greenbelt and smaIl wooded areas of . . . '. ,. !.......'..., ,m. ix.e d.con. iferous,ar;d,d. ecidu~u"s,.tr~~~':i;;;,;th~;l;';;:'~t:.p;rtio;s'of,the'watersndd~'-'\'t~~~'h;~kgr''O[{:;:'!:t;:;'Pi!,'i\''i l" ~h~ ri.... "10\ :i. -' .~..' ';-'1"- ,;... .~".', ''''U::''<.lr/"''~ 'c,,- ,-" -".", ''''r~'''''.''- i ",' ,. "-",-to'.:- ,..... .-,< ,_, ~ " ." ".. '-', _,;. "",,_,.~ ..' ',~, _ ,... '.' .... . "", " . '. 'the slop~saie' dc;minated qy DouglasJirand \\:estern hemlock. U.S. Forest!)' Service lands begin L .. abou.t three'miles east of Lookout Point Dam. Loss ofyegetation cover due t()erosion, . . '. .-' ..... construCtion, or fires in these areas could contribute sediments to streams, Pesticide spraying could also impact water quality. Sand and Gravel/.Mines/Quarries USGS topographic maps, Lane County Land Use maps, and Soil Survey of Lane County, Oregon maps indicate the location of 23 mines, quarries, gravel pits, and borrow pits (primarily sand and gravel operations) within the 1,000 feet setback for the Middle Fork and its perennial tributaries. Runoff containing loosened soils and sediments.from these operations could impact water quality. No mining of metal ores has been identified in this area. ParkslBoating/Recreation Sites Recreation in the Middle Fork area relates closely to the scenic landscape. Lane County and Oregon State parks at or near Dexter, FaIl Creek, and Lookout Point Reservoirs provide recreational opponunities in the summer months, Camping, hiking, horseback riding, water , skiing, fishing, hunting; and boating draw over 685,000 visitors to the area every year (Willamerre Basin Resen'oir Summaries, Oregon Water Resources Deparunent). Boat ramps are located on the shore of FaIl Creek, Dexter, and Lookout Point Reservoirs. -B~)at ramps are also located along the main stream of the Middle Fork at Jasper, Clearwater, and.}t Pengra Access opposite the mouth of Lost Creek (USGS 1.24,000 Topographic Maps!: . ;,. Riding stables and/or arenas were visuaIly verified adjacent to the Middle Fork at Trent, on the north side ofLinle fall Creek. on Brand-S Road near Jasper, and directly north of the \Villamette Wellfield in Springfield. Flood Control/Seasonal DrawdO\\'l1 Dams provide power generation, flood control in the winter,.and flow-augmentation in the summer. Water stored in reservoirs behind dams influence seasonal water availability and flow patterns in the Middle fork. The Middle fork Viillamene Sub-basin has more flow controlling reservoirs than any other sub- basin in the Willamette Basin. Though presenting a barrier to fish passage. the system of dams and reservoirs maintains relatively high flows and low temperatures throughout the year. The Middle fork at Jasper is occasionally impacted by high levels of total phosphates and biochemical oxygen demand during heavy precipitation. This indicates pollution from run-off, which is present in any river system. This site is consistently excellent throughout the year (Curtis Cude, DEQ Laboratory Division, Water Quality Monitoring, Oregon ifiater Quality 1ndex Reporrfor Upper rVillomerre Basin- Water Years 1986-1995, Oregon Depanment of Environmental Qualityj. STOREr No. Middle Fork :I!' Jasper Bridge 402054 Swnmer.. . ._ Average " 93 I. FWS Average ' I 92 I Minimum SeaSonal Average 92 Table 3. Seasonal Average OWQI Results for Middle Fork (WY 1986-1995) Summer: June.September: FWS (Fall, VI'inter & Spring): Oct-May Scores - Fair: 80-84 Good: 85-89 Excellent:90-100 6 Erosion of stream . 'nnels can occur with seasonal differe 5 in flow from reservoirs and could ac.count fO~.!Duch v. [he sediment transported downstream trom dams. D'!;W~).q,~ated:,:,:(thin,an .. . eight-hour.time of travel upstream fr~m ,the Wi)Iarnene. Wellfield intake are'Dexter Darn and'~ '. -. iocikout' Poirn Damon ihemain stre~ of the Middle Fork and Fall Creek Dam,ort Fall Creek ~ ..-....,........ .' '.. -.~~"~-,,,,,,~-,,,,,~,,,,,,''''';-,'~.' .:,,~,.: Table+surrin1arizes the uses'of each' dam' imd reServoir, storage capacities, 'and' priorit)' of draw dov.'Il that regulate summer flows in the Willamene River. I'" Lookout Point I Flood control I 3 Hydroelectric Gen. I Recreation Dexter Flood control ] Hydroelectric Gen. Recreation Fall Creek Recreation ;!:i)';~\~j~~~:;dr!~~r,~:.~;'~~~~;;'.-ri,~~tfJg~W~;,;j Full 455,800 1st . 97,000 Summer 3"4."00 NA N/A 321.000 Full 1"5,000 Summer 108,"00 5th- "69,000 Table 4. Dam & Reservoir Uses (USACE and OWRD, The WiIlamene Basin Reservoir Study, 1999) Lookout Point Reservoir on the Middle Fork is ranked first'priority for summer draw dovm (134,200 acre-feet) with a full capacity of 455.800 acre-feet and summer storage of 324.200 acre-feet. Dexter Reservoir on the Middle Fork is a regulating reservoir below Lookout Point Dam. Dexter Reservoir has a normal storage capaciTy of 22,200 acre feet. DeXTer Dam has a maximum discharge of270.000 cfs.' . Fall Creek Reservoir on Fall Creek is raked fifth prioriTy for summer draw do\\'Il (16,800 acre- feet) with a full capaciTy of 125,000 acre-feeT and summer storage of I 08.200 acre-feet. Fall Creek Dam has a maximum discharge of 82.400 cfs. (Oregon Water Resources _ web-site. Dam lnformarion ). Due To extreme dry condiTions. the lrnny Corps of Engineers has issued an advisory lener to Willamene Valley v,:ater Users dated May 15,2001. This advisory indicates that this is expecTed to be one of the most eXTreme low-flow years on record for The Willamette River (64 percent of average beTween May and SepTember) and That mOST of The projecTs in The Willamene (watershed) will not refill This year. No single purpose will receive its full share of stored water in 200 I. Cemeteries Small amounts of chemicals are used in preparation of human remains for burial. Wood preservatives are used in caskets. If caskets are not vaulted. these chemicals can, over Time, . '. leach into soils and groundwater. Pesticides and fertilizers used in the upkeep of cemeteries can be washed into streams in runoff from storm evems or through excessive watering. Five cemeteries and/0r gravesites were idemified on USGS Topographical Maps for areas within the 1,000 feet setback. NeV., Construction New construction activities can result in soils being dislodged and sediment transported dO\\'IlStream from a construction site. New construction within the 1.000 feet seTback of the Middle Fork and its perennial tributaries is permined by the City of Springfield within its urban growth boundaries and by Lane Coumy in outlying and smaller urban areas. 7 . . ., "'\1' , . ." . .:.. ..' According to'Da\'id Vowlsby, City ofSp'ringfield Permits Department, nonew-'c'onstruction . ..x, ;'-permits,haveibe~n issued,Jof.:areas within the,HOOO.feet setback.that lie wi\hiri'ihe\lir15an'grb~1h";""i: . boundaries for the City of Springfield. Permits issued by Lane County for areas in smaller communities and in rural areas of concern have not been determined (Frederique Chateau- Gruener, Lane County Permits Division), --">1 Wildlife Wildlife in and adjacent to the Middle Fork includes steelhead, bull trout. and salmon in the river. Western pond turtle, deer. small game and both migratory and resident birds use the riparian areas as habitat and gather food in or adjacent to the river. Fecal materials from wildlife can enter the surface water and contribute to bacteria and nutrient loading. POTENTIAL POINT SOURCES OF POLLUTION Point source pollution sources can be traced to a verifiable location, .tut example of this is discharge from a pipe. Many sites with a potential for point source pollution within the 1,000 feet setback of the Middle Fork and perennial tributaries within an eight-hour time-of-travel upstream from the \\'illamene Wellfield intake (river mile 189 to :2] 7) were visually verified by driving !he area, Others were identified through queries of agency databases or interviews with agency r~presentatives (see Appendix B, POlenria! Conraminanr Sources - SUfjac'e iFaIer Componenr o(Groundwaler Under Ihe Influence o(Sur(ace U'aIer 5,\'Slems): Fish Hatcheries Dexter Dam Fish Hatchery is part of the Willamene Hatchery Project that raises Chinook salmon and swnmer steelhead. This hatchery is located on the north shore of Dexter Reservoir. Adult fish are caught at Dexter Dam and transported via tanker truck to the Willamene Hatchery at Oakridge where eggs are incubated and raised to fingerling size, then transported back to Dexter Dam Hatchery for release to the Middle Fork. Fish are treated with antibiotics added to their food for fourteen days in summer as needed. This medication can be released in water that discharges to the reservoir (Tim Wright. Dexter Hatchery, Oregon Department ofFish &. Wildlife). Storm Water Outfalls Runoff from streets, parking areas, and drainage ditches can contain nutrients, oils and other hazardous materials. Storm water outfalls were reported for the city of Lowell and the city of Springfield, In Springfield. one outfall to the Middle Fork is located at CleaT\",ater boat ramp and one to the Springfield Mill Race that joins the Middle Fork is located near 31nd Street. Springfield Mill Race contributes water to Gorrie Creek, which runs through the Willamene Wellfield Points of discharge in Lowell have not been determined. Under2.round Injection Wells Underground Injection \Vells deposit potential pollutants beneath the soil surface. In ] 984, EP A approved DEQ' s rules (under the federal Safe Drinking Waler ACI) to administer a state Underground Injection Control (UIC) program. 1\0 Class L II, lIL or IV U1Cs are listed in the current database for the area of interest. 8 Examples of Class V UICs include large septic systems, disposal wells, and dry wells. The Oregon DEQ requires UICs be registeredJpermined. SCAR/Jasper Mountain Center. located at 37875 Jasper-Lowell Road, is the only site listed as a registered DIC in the database for the area of interest. Other Large SePtic Systems Large septic systems are defined by EPA as serving> 20 persons Iday. Rural mobile home parks, schools, public parks and campgrounds, service stations, restaurants, ranger stations, RV parks, and other large facilities or those that provide public services are likely to have large septic systems (Randall Trox, Oregon DEQ \Vater Quality Division). Chuck Harmon, DEQ Sanitary Sewer Di\'ision, reported large septic systems located at Pengra Access and Jasper Park on the Middle Fork. Waste Water Treatment FacilitiesIDischar2e Discharges of waste-water are regulated by the Oregon Health Department and require a discharge permit. Untreated waste-water can contribute to bacteria and nutrient loading in water. Waste-water discharge permits have been issued for waste-water treatment facilities located in the cities of Lowell (adjacent to Dexter Reservoir) and Dexter (adjacent to the Middle Fork). Six additional permits have been issued to public parks, recreation sites, and private concerns within the LOOO-feet setback, Permined sites along the Middle Fork are listed in Table 5. I ."Location '<";;';'" . City I WQ..P . Permit . .. ,. ",~_~ -'r _ ',' ~_',' Category Type " '--,'".'- """. "'C',. ,." . - Jasper Mountain Center i 37875 Jasper-Lowell Rd Jasper Dam Gen.52A Cascade Pacific Industries I 37385 Jasper-Lowell Rd Jasper lnd Gen-52A Cascade Pacific Industries I 37385 Jasper-Lowell Rd Jasper Ind NEPEDS Pacific Rim Mftg. I 3684] Jasoer.Lowell Rd Jasper lnd Gen. I 2Z Timber Products Co 34617 Brand.S Rd Lowell Ind Gen-12Z Lowell STP Lowell Dom NEPDS Dexter ponds Lowell Agr Gen-03 Lowell \\'TP Lowell lnd Gen-02 OR ParKs 8:. Rec..Lowell Lowell lnd ParK Dexter Dam Lowell Dam WPCF Dexter ParK Dexter Dam ViPCF.OS My Place Tavern 38397 Dexter Rd Dexter Dam Gen.51 Daniel P. Perkins ,'f 83928 Brown Rd Dexter lnd Gen-12Z Table 5< Permilled Waste-Water Discharge sites (DEQ-Source Information System _ March, 2001) lndustries/F acilities Hazardous materials and waste associated with production or other activities at more than 30 facilities and industrial sites within the] ,000 feet setback have a'potential for release to surface water andlor groundwater. Industries located within the area of interest include wood products, vehicle repair and maintenance, salvage yards. fueling stations, fish hatcheries, and hydro- electric dams. These potentia] poim-sources include chemical storage tanks, releases from equipment. and lagoons, 9 Water Wells Water wells can act as a direct conduit for contaminants to enter groundwater. There is an interface between groundwater and surface water. with 'groundwater contributing flow to surface water, especially during dryer seasons. The State of Oregon-Lane County on-line Well Log Report for the relative area indicates greater than 1,600 water wells have been recorded within or near the 1 ,OOO-feel setback. The report indicates that 55 of these water wells have been abandoned, unreported wells and improperly abandoned wells may also be located within this area. These wells can pose a high risk for contaminants entering groundwater (Michael ManicL Oregon Water Master, District 2). LeakinQ underQround StoraQe Tanks Eleven sites witilin the area of interest were included on the March. 2001 Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) database for the area of interest (Table 6). Information from this and other databases was provided by Rachael Burr, DEQ Drinking Water Protection Specialist. 1;~~'!~;):'Facility . Lowell School DisTrict Lowell union Seryice Timber Inn CheHor: USFS Lowell Ranger Station Eagie Rock Leggin&. Ine Upper Willamene Vclley Projects Office Lundy Elementary Schoo! LowelJ union Seryi:e II Hill Creek Lumber Jasper Store Gibson Residence . Table 6. I.. ,;-"'i)S':,Location . I 45 S Moss Strw ! ] 13 E Main Suee: 44784 Hwv 58 Moss"::;treel .~ Lowell Lowell Lowell Lowell 07/19/1989 NFA 08/16/1989 NFA 03/01/1990 NFA 12/18/1991 NFA 8 I 056 Chlckaree Rd Dexter Lake Lowell Lowell 12/02/1992 MA 05/1811993 45 S Moss Street ] 13 E J\'!ain Street 36841 Jasper Lowell Rd 36763 Jasper Lowell Rd i 38] 50 Jasper Lowell Rd LoweU Lowell Jasper Jasper Jasper 0;/27/1995 >;FA 03/14/1995 NFA 09118/1996 NFA 01/30/2000 NFA Registered Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUSTs) Hazardous \liaste Handlers Four hazardous waste handlers within the area of interest were listed in the March, 2001 Oregon Hazardous r-Vasle Managemenlln(ormation System (HWIMS}j database: 1'~l~,,;,"Facility .. l USACE Fall Creek Dam I USDA FS Lowell Service Center ., USACE Lookoul .Pom. Dam. I USACE De\ter Dam Table 7, LoCation" ',1 SE I/~ }\!\V I/~ 51 T I, 18S R 1\1' \I'M , North] 6"' 6: D Street County Road 36C! I \111e E of City 3YIY4 Pengr" Rd ..City Lowell .' .. "':!:l\lOenerator Status. I T~}-'V1~~J Status 1 ,--. :, I CEG I N I I CEG 1 liNK i I I CEG I " I I I CEG " Lowell Lowell Lowell Reponed Hazardous Waste Handlers ]0 Underground Storage Tanks 22 Underground Storage Tank (UST) locations were listed in the March, 2001 Oregon UST ~ - database for the area of interest (Table 8). Lowell Gas 8; Grocery Lowell RFPD Bimore #.26 USFS Lowell Service Cemer Warehouse Lowell Bus Shop Eagle Rock Logging Inc. Upper Willamene Valley Projects Office Lowell School .i.,owell County Park 'C8; G Market , Jasp'cr Store 'Jaspei'Sawmill Goshen Whole La; Chippe' Log-O-Logging lne Peterson Property at 7"' Da\' Adventist Fall Creek Market Elijah Bristow Pa,k Lane COUnty Park McDougal Bros.lnc Lost Creek- T lUcking lne Dexter RFPD ' On the \Va\' Marke: 8; Go; Table 8. ,- I':' I I 1 I I I I ::;i~:~t~i!;jY1:f;~~';,;:} bOcation I 13 E Main St 389 N Pionee, 44784 Hwy 58 196 N 6"' Street Lowell Lowell Lowell Lowell Lowell 8 I 956 Chickaree Rd Dexter lake Lowell Lowell Lowell i I I I .1 45 S Moss General Deliver\' 105 Moss Street 36763 Jasper Rd 34617 Brand S Rd Hampton Rd 37234 Immigrant Rd 35573 Zephyr v.'a\ Lowell Lowell Lowell Jc.:<;;per Jasper Goshen Pleasant Hill Pleasam Hill 39074 Jasper-Lowell Rd 38259 Wheeler Rd 39095 Dexter Rd 38437 Dexter Rd 81028 Lost Creek Rd 82781 BarbreRd 38299 Hw\' 58 F all Creek Dexter Dexter Dexter Dexter Dexter Dexter Registered Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) .....,".J J I ! I I I J I l I I I I , Other Possible Pollution Sources Other potentia] sources of pollution in the watershed include timber harvesting, pesticides and fenilizers used by homeo\\llers, historic land uses such as household dump sites and unreponed septic systems and wells. maintenance of utility Jines, discarded or improperly stored hazardous materials, and accidental rei eases from vehicles and tank cars. II SUMMARY This Inventory to assess major potential contaminant .sources that could impact public drinking' water is provided as part of the permit requirements for construction of a slow sand filter system, The inventory was conducted within an estimated eight-hour time of travel upstream from the intake and an approximate setback of 1,000 feet for both the Middle Fork Willamette River and its perennial tributaries, SUB is constructing a slow sand filter system v.ithin the Willamette Wellfield to meet OHD requirements for groundwater sources found to be under the influence of surface v,ater. SUB will also use existing water rights on the Middle Fork to supplement groundwater resources with surface water. Both groundwater and surface water from an intake on the Middle Fork will be filtered through the slow sand filter system and used as drinking water for the city of Springfield. Data collected for this document will be used in developing an update to the Springfield Drinking.Water Protection Plan to expand the existing delineations for the WilIamette Wellfield and in making day-to-day decisions on water quality issues. It also forms the basis of inter- agency cooperative agreements between Springfield, Lane County, Dexter, Lowell, Anny Corp of Engineers, US Forest Service, Middle Fork Willamette Watershed CounciL and others with whom there is a mutual interest in ensuring a clean and plentiful water supply in the Middle Fork for all health, economic, and other beneficial uses.', 12 REFERENCEr Barry Edmonston, Director, Population Research Center - Portland State University, Press release, Oregon '5 Populalion Increases by More Than One-half Million in the I990s, December 13,2000, David Harris, Travel Rates of Water for Selected Streams in the Willamelle River Basin, Oregon, USGS - Hydrologic Investigations Atlas, HA273, 1968. . Patching, K, USDA Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C., Soil Survey of Lane County, Oregon, 1987. Department of Geography, University of Oregon, Atlas of Lane County, ] 999. Information on precipitation, streamflow, ecoregions, wildlife habitat, transportation, and recreation. U,S, Geological Survey, 2000. Average summer and winter flows in the Middle Fork Willamette River at Jasper gauge. USACE and O\VRD, The VVillamelle Basin Resen'oir Study, 1999, Oregon Water Resources Department, web-site Dam Informalion, Oregon Department of Agriculture, Sourhern Willamelle Vu!ley 303 (d) List and Decision Matrix - 1998. Oregon Department ofFish and Wildlife, Fish Halcheries ~fOregon Wayne Honneycut, Forest Technologist, US Forest Service. May, 200L personal communication. Information on forest lands and facilities, David Mattson, Engineer - McKenzie Resource -,\rea, BLM. May, 2001, personal commurucatJon. Ross Penhallegon, OSU - Lane County Extension Service. March, 2001, personal communication. Tim Wright, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife. Personal communication on March 2 1, 2001. Information on Dexter Fish Hatchery. USGS, 124, 000 Topographic Maps of Eastern Lane County (Townships -.] 8S, 1 9S, 20S, 21E I Ranges -lE, 1 W, 2W). Barry Edmonston, Director, Population Research Center - Portland State University, Press release, Oregons Population Increases by More Than One-haif Million in the 19905, December 13,2000. ' Curtis Cude. DEQ Laboratory Division, Water Quality Monitoring, Oregon Waler Quality Index Reponfor L;~per Willamelle Basin- Warer rears 1986-1995, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. ] 3 . '. Doug Crispin, Ore 'State Parks Service. Personal comr Information on LO'v,~ll State Park adjacent to Dexter Dam, ication on March 21, 2001. Sven Anderson, Oregon State Parks Service, Personal communication on March 22, 200 I. Information on state parks facilities, Randall Trox, Oregon Depanment of Environmental Quality - Water Quality Division. Personal communication on March 26, 2001. List of reponed large septic systems in the upper Middle Fork area. Chuck Hannon, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Sanitary Sewer Division. Personal communication March 26, 200 I, Information on large septic systems in public parks. S\VLAC, SOUThern Willamerre Valley Agricultural WaleI' Qualiry Management Draft Plan (303d), ApriL 2001. SSURGO (Soil Survey Geographic Database) data sets, Narural Resources Conservation Service. USGS, Summary of Major Issues and Findings in the Willamerre Basin, 1991 -1995. USGS, Evaluaring rhe Impact of Herbicide Use in the Management of Roadside Vegeralii/n (OR174). Anny Corps of Engineers, lener to Wil!amerre Valley "ValeI' Users dated May 15.2001. Information on y;.ater availability due to drought conditions. Kenneth Duncan, U.s. Corps of Engineers. Personal communication on March 2 1, 2001. Information on dam facilities and Dexrer Lake Service Buildings and Grounds map. Willie Hartweg. City of Lowell Department of Public Works. Personal communication May 14, 2001. Information on City of Lowell facilities. Frederique Chateau-Gruener. Lane County Permits Division. Personal communication, May 23, 2001. New construction. David Vowlsby, City ofSpringfieJd Permits Division. Personal communication, May 23, 2001. New construction. Sunny Washburn. City of Springfield Storm Water Division. Ciry of Springfield Storm System and Willamerte Well Area map. William Sage, Lane County Land Management Division, Lane Coul1ly Zoning Maps identifying land use codes. March, 200 I. Ken Sandush, Lane County Landfills. Personal communication on March 29, 200]. Information on historical landfills in Lane County, Oregon. State of Oregon-Lane Count\' on-line Well Log Reporl. May, 2001. ]4 Michael Mattick "reg on Well Master, District 2. Persor-' communication on May 29, 2001. Water well infOl....tion. Rachael Burr, Oregon DEQ, Water Quality Protection Specialist, database information listed below: Oregon Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) database, March, 2001. Oregon Hazardous Waste Management System (H\VYMSI) database of hazardous waste handlers, March, 2001. Oregon Underground Storage Tank (UST) database, March, 2001. Oregon State Fire Marshal's (SFM) List of Hazardous Materials Storage Facilities database, March, 20QI. . State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Underground Injection Control (UIC) database, March, 200], Oregon Source Information System (SIS) database of Wastewater Discharge Permits, March, 2001. Oregon Environmental Cleanup Site Inventory (ECSl) database, March, 200 I. , j'. ~. J 5 Middle Fork of the Willamette River Watershed, Oregon .......... ~ EUGENE SPRINGAELD .fi"el' -- I ' CRESWELL \. --~- k~ Al CONTAMINANT SOURCES POTENT! .. AgricuIturallForest. .. Commerclalltndustrial III Miscellaneous e ResidentiaVCommercial . Storm Water Outfloo"y o 2.5 5 Miles River Mile Points 1 000 foot butler off streams Urban Growth Boundaries High Soils Erosion Potential - N + ...,..1Of' ( Middle Fork of the rrT."/lamette ~iver rr1 . .. n Watershed, Orega --...... .., AMINANT SOURCES POTENTIAL CONT AgrIcuIturaIIForesl .. Inndustrial .. c...,,"......_... . Miscellaneous . I l!l ResidentiaVCommel'Cl8 . Stonn Water outnow N + River Mile Points If streams 1000 foot buffer 0 Boundaries Urban Growth . Potential High Soils Eroston .='$ "i' ~ . ~~ ~.*',.;, o 10 Mi1ell : Appendix B Potential Contaminant Sources - Surface Water Component of Groundwater Under the Influe'nce of Surface Water Systems I""D~~" '-""'",,",c;C".. '''.c''',' . ~~}~"",~1i ~~~"'<','O:~r".':'-.,;\",2'"."c,,"':.' '." .4~J?:~i.: wr~'tt~~1~~~~;7;-)\~, C05 ,~jI;t~f,':,,)M6',Site"'-' "..', ,,,'."":;t;,;':i!!'..'Address I Boat Sen'iceslRepairlRefinishing' I No known sources I I MedicaWet OfficeslNursing Facilities I Bird Residential Care I 501/4.511"1/:. T.IY5. Facility RIll' I Mines/Gravel Pits/Quarries (S,T.R estimates onl~) Mine/Quarry I 5\\'1/401>;11'1145.19. . TI8~RIE Mine/QuaiT\' i "E1/4 5.20. T185. RIE Mine/Qu"lT\' I 5\\'1/45.22. T185. RIE Mine/Qu"lT\' i 511"1/4 5.26. T~ RIE Mine/QuaiT\' I 5EI14 5.24.1 185. RIE Mine/Qu"lT\' I 511"1/4015\\114 5.IY. T185. R!E I i\,'Wl/4 527. T-195. R. III" I NEll.. 528. T-!YS. R-]V.' /'\\\"]/45-9. T-IL R-:\.\ CI6 I I I i I I I I ! I )\'WJ/4 o1"S\\']I': S-lU. I T.18. R.,\I NeI/4,& !'-:W] I": 5o-S. T- I 1&. R-~W I Nf::l/4 ofNW1:' ~-o. T. I 19.R.j\l,' SEI14 5.16. T.185. R.IE I , SW 1/4 S-2U. T.] 85. R- I IE SLlI4 5-32. T-ll-lS. R-IE i 511"1/4 5.II'E T.IY" R. I SWl/4 5-3. T.20S. R-2E I NEl/4 of)'.:E]I'; 5-8. T- I 195. R.I\\' SWII4 5-10. T.j9S. R- I 2E Eagle Rock QuaiT\' SEI/4 5.24. T.19. R.IW I Parvin Bune QuaiT\' I >;E1/4 5.20. T.I'. R.III' I QuaiT\' I 511"1/45.35. T.IS. R.)\\ I I Jasper QuaiT\' I Jasper-Lowell Rd. I I Mills/SawlLumberlPlywood/Forest Products I Dexter Forest Fiber. Inc. I 38538 Dexter Rd. I Hills Creek Lumber I 3684i Jasper. , Lowell Rd I Jasper Sawmill 34617 Brand.S Rd. Cascade Pacific 37385.1asper- industries, inc. Lowell Rd. Mine/Qu"lT\ Mine/QuaiT\' 0ravel Pit Gravel Pi, Gravel PiT Gravel Pit Borrow PiT BOlTo\!; Pit Borrow Pit Borro," Pit Barra," Pit Quam' QuaiT\ I \Vood Preser\'ing/T rea ting " Jasper Wood Treating. Ino. 37385 Jasper. Lowell Rd. ",City}:,,1 :St'Lists ,t'J)tJj'ei",,' I i I I Private I Wells I Dexter I i I I I Springiield I Jasper I Springfield ! Dexter Dexter Fal) Creek Jasper I Dexter I Jasper I ! Jasper . I Jasper SFM LU5T UST EC5J SIS H\\'IMSY Jasper I 5FM I I I , I I I I I qW:~,;:;1,~~~1~,WcEJ~; High High Med. Low High High I J J ! I I i l I i l High High High High Page I of! _., ._". - _.:~-,:.;~.~;:;:..."~';_.t.~;::;....;.~.MME."".""--",,,.,RJ.".,.~....~..U....~:~..._,_!iiS...,QUR'..,.,~.,~..~,.".'f".~.'.'''''~.''. ".m:~ . .~. . ~,~,.".".".~...~~~",,""~"'!~~..~~,~._. . . - . -- :Site.;'t::",:\":r{,.IJ~Iir~AlIdfess$!?~0~fljl~,~itYllll!:4~Stl]I;is!S'1;-Otbef& I I Junk/Scrap Saj,'age Yards r High I Med. I Scrap Yard Dexter Rd. by Dexter j Dexter Ponds or Trent I Elderly Auto Pans!Salvage Jasper-Lowell Rd. I Jasper I I Yard I Automoti\'e - Body Shops - Car Washes - Gas Stations - Repair Shops i Higb I Fall Creek Market 39074 Jasper- I Fall I UST I" Lowell Rd. Creek I Dexter Auto Repair 38851 Dexter Rd. I Dexter I SfM j Stutesmans Equip. Ine. 82415 LoS! Creek Rd, I Dexter I 5FM I Lane County Publio 38500 Dexter Rd. I Dexter.1 5FM I Works Lane County 39095 Dexter Rd. I Dexter I LUST I Dexter Shop UST C & G Market ] 05 Moss S1. I Lowell lUST Lowell Bus Snap I Lowell I C5T Bimore #26 44784 Hwy. 58 I Lowell 'I liST SFM ] 13 E Main S1. I Lowell II L~d~ I 5FM I Lowell I Lu:;'r I Lowell I SFM I Dexter UST I Dexter LUST UST SFM I Jasper UST . LUST SFM I I I I I I I Other Industry - Manufacturing - Mise. I Rose Logging. lne. I 38437 Dexter Rd. I Linie \\. Loggm!,. Inc. I 824]5 Lost Creek Rd. I Salt Creek Logging Co. I MJ' 23 Hwy. 58 I" Saw Systems EnterPrIses I 38150 Jasper- Lowell Rd. I USACE Lookout Point I County Rd. 360 one Dam , mile east of Lowell I USACE Dexter Dam 39] 94 Pengra Rd. I I I I I USACE I USACE Fall Creek Dam . .' Lowell U~ion Seryioe Lowell Gas 8.:. Grocery Timber Inn Che\TOn Caner, Vv' ayn e G Trucking I Lost Creek Trucking. ]nc On The Way Market & Gas Jasper Store Upper Willamene Projects Office Eagle Rock Logging Yon calia Timber' McDougal Bras Inc. USACE Higb 44784 Hv,")'. 58 81950 Caner Lane 81028 Lost Creek Rd. 38299 Hw\. 58 36763 Jasper- Lowell Rd. Dexter Lake 8) 956 Chickaree Rd. 38437 Dexter Rd. I Fall Creek Rd. MP 4 I 40386 Boundar\' Rd. Sf ~.~ 1"W ',< S1 T]SS RJWW,\l Page 2 of7 ~..;;'~~~~[~~~~~'A,!3~GUk"'[URA:Im1.Q~~:r;~~_~n. ._ _'. .~I ~~M~-&~\!11~~.~~~~g~~~W:~1 ------. __.un -/ I 1 High High j 1- I I Med. High J r j I . . .' .1 AD] 1 I I Auction Lots I None KnO\m I Riding/ Boarding Stables I Name Unknown I Name Unknown 1 Name Unknbwn Painted Pony Express Ranch and Stables I Concentrated/Confined Feeding Operations (CAFOsi 1 None Known I 1 I Grazing Animals> 5 or Equivalent / Acre I Name Unknown I /ld.iacenlRlver 1 Name Unknown I Brand S Rd. I' Name Unknown I 38965 Fall Creek Rd. Painted Pony 30]9 S. 'oM" S1. Express Ranch and Stables I Lagoons/Liquid Waste 1 Dexter Ponds I Lowell State Park i Land Application Sites I None Known : Others (List) A02 A03 A07 /108 /109 /ISO Dexter Dam Hatchery Linle F all Creek Nurser: 38965 Fall Creek Rd. Adjacent River Brand.S Rd. 3019 S. "M" S1. Below Dexter Dam Berween Elijah Bristow State Park & Dexter Dam 40379 Linle Fall Creek Rd. Jasper Trent Jasper Springfield r HIgt High 1 I MeCi HiclJ Trent j----- Jasper j Jasper 1 Springfield i High High Dexter J Lowell 1 i Med High I I Med High Lowell I Fall Creek I Lu'ST Page 3 on . .. _~",!l:~l!lI\",,:\~,'RESJI)ENTIALICOMMERGIAI;'SOlJR,C,E~;;?~~ji " ~~. . - '_.:.=~'- - - ---- -. '~~f~~Ji~l~fb~~;~ft#YR(~Y~~f:;":j;_::::;~i'~f~ett~~~~~lr1ti~Wb!!frJ{WJi~ I I I ~,A.:,.,,,-ddr;~J\.~,j~t.:.r.::,gfij','lr.'~~}!,".I'.!..~..!'%"-~.:~f;,]~.'.I~'~~!Il::'. '( ..0000.'iS. ' ....."~..;~i".':.;;;..4ii"",.<>.,..;0,.-:;:,.:...,..._,:.~1_..>.: '~i-:i~i.':"'",,!n>:,..).f -,;', "L',.",,;,,;,,-'.. .' 1t-':,'~~~,,:;){,'f-:-"'h;';t:,,:::~,..-,~<L~: ?::r:t:':;:,lr:tX!0..;;;~,j;.~' _;:H.;)~ -. .':w> I RV ParksIRural Mobile Home Parks I Mobile Home Park I "\l1!4 5.16. ,.19S. R. ! lW (S ofHv"y5S) I' Mobile Home Park 1 N\lJ/4S.16. T.195.R. 1'W (N ofHwy58) I Mobile Home Park I W of Dexter Ponds Across Highway fiaril I Jasper or Fa]! I 38899 Fall Creek Rd. Creel:. I Septic Systems - High Density> l/Acre I [' Elijah Bristow State I 38:59 Wheeler Rd. Park . I Lowell Park I Dexter Reservoir i Sewer Lines - Close Proximit). to PWS i I None Known 1 ! Waste TransferlRecycling Stations I I. Ranlesnake Transfer I 8:572 Ranlesnake ! Station Rd. ! \\/a~er -\\"astewater Treatment Plants/Collection St.ations SUB Water SEll; 0'.1. T.ISO'. R.c\\ Springfieid Treatmem \Vaste Water Treatmeni Ponds Dexter Ponds R03 Dexter Shores Mobiie Home Park I Mobile Home Park I RIO Oregon Parks-'Recreation Cemeteries - pre 1945 I Ml. Vernon Cemetery I Fall Creek Cemete,,' I Jasper Cemete,,' I Grave site I Lowell Cern ete" ! LandfilVDumps I Rural Dump Site Rl6 RJ7 RJ9 R20 Lowell \\'TP SE corner of Hwy 58 @ Dexter Rd (south end) t-.'Wl/4 5-23, T-185. R- I "\\' . 8559] Jasper Park I Rd. I I I ~~1~~.4;_~~:\'iI~ 5-3. NE]/~ S~32. T-]85. R- Ill" NWl/4 S-i4. T.] 85. R- 2W I 1\'\\'J/4 ofSWJl4 S-33. T.195. R.II\" I ~rW,ll4 of:t\'WjJ4 5-15. T.19S. R.I\\' ' t-..'\\"J/.. Of!\1El/-i 5-]6. T.195. R.I \\' -SE '" Df;(I\'1 !,.& I S\\"I/~ or:'\~E11~ S-]6. T- 195. R.!\\' SEjl~ of:.::)E]l~ ~-j~. j. 19S, R.I \\' Dexter Dexter. Trent or Dexter Dexter Jasper Pleasant Hill Springfield I Fall Creek I Jasper i Fall Creek I Lowell Dexter Lowell Dexter Lowell Dexter Lowell SfM SFM I I 5WDP i I 515 51S SFM Low 1 Med. Med. I Low I High High High Med. I I High Med. I I Med. High I I Med. High Page 4 of7 .. .~. M09 MIO Mil M14 """""":;\""MISCElli:ANEOUS""'i:il!!!~~~~ '~".~~;~~E~:l\:;~~~Jr~~~~:~~f~~(;::_~__'."'~'-' _"",.,~::~c. ,-,~ '.~-'..~-~~ -- ~_.; ''!iifi~_j J 'ddfess!,{r!~.(i'€<ltCitY.;g-?ii~~lT;WAf';I'St:'lJiSt~fEQ$e~1 I Combined Sewer Outfalls I J Unknown i I Storm Water Outfails j City of Springfield I City of Springfleld I M03 M04 S. 32"" St & Millrace Clearwater Boat Ramp Dexter Lake Springfield Springfleld M05 City of Lowell I Composting Facilities I None Known I I I Historic Waste Dumps/Landfills/Settling Ponds/Lagoons I Widing, I 70 I S. 28"' Street I Springfield.1 Transponatlon I Thurston Garbage I I'll" ',; of 1'\1 I',. S.L I Springfield I Dump ,T.185. R.2W I Weverhaeuser '[ 57"' & Jasper II Springfield I Landfill (1960.86) Rd. (on hill) I Clearwater Landfill 5 4.5.B.9r ' Springfield ' (1992.97) ~~\5 I I Ranlesnake Dump 82572 Raulesnake D"xter i (1950.75) Rd. , : Homesteads/Rural/Septic Systems < l!Acre I USACE Dexter I' Near Base-Lookout Service Building Point Dam I Injection Wells/Dry Wells/Sumps - Class V UICs I SCAR'JasDer 37875 Jasoer- Mountain Cemer Lowell Rd. I Kennels> 20 Pens I None Known I 1 I i River Recreation - Hean- Use (Campgrounds. Boat Ramps, Parks) I Clealwater Boat 1'\1114. NEI/4 5.8. T18. Springfield I ,Ramp R.2R I Lowell CountyPark "\11145.15. T.I95. R. Lowell I III" .[ Dexter Boa! Ramp" NWII4 5.15. '1.195. R. Lowell I Picnic Area 1 II" " Boat Ramp 1'1\1 I 14 5.5, T. I 95. R. Trent I 1\1 I Unity County. Park ,11"11" 5.3. flY5. R.I\I Unity, I I Fall Creek Picnic "11"1145.3. TIYS, R.I\I Unity II Area I Nonh i:~e 30at ! SEI," 5.3]~/.185 R. :'~;;:~ir i II Caseana Boat Ramp ! Fall Cr I /C3l1!pgmund Reservoir' Black Canyor: BOaL :\'Wli4-NW]l':: ~-.2i. T- East of Ramp/Campground I. ::!o. R-2E Lookout Point Reservoir Lookout Point Reser\'oi~ Lowell M07 Lowell Jasper I "an Oal:s Co"n~,' Park/Boat R2mp SElf'; S- .34. 7"-19 S. k- IE I I I S\\'DP I S VdJP I S\l,'DP I I I I I I US'I I I I I I Low Low J I I Med. j I J I j I I I I i I 1 I I J I I J ! j J I High High High High High Low I Low High IMed. Low Low Med J Med. : Page 5 of7 . , . 1;i~\',;l;f~:.1'!i{,lI1I~.Q,EI;J':bNE.QDS.t~~~~if~:U~.: 1".'''1!f!' 'f I~:; '~'"";:,",ql1"li,,,\C;1!<~~~~ .. ,.------.- ,.- (i"............,UDI _._,.....~'"'..-..h.,_...,.'_L,"'?.~,"'_,.."..~.~""=......~'lf,.:;;',1't. _,~" _"_;')Y~d.~ "dress""'''''''''''1 "r.<J'ty' ''''''.,;;:~,'''',~ 'I' SttEiSt~o/"';";J"Otlie . I ,,-~._.,__. ":,;;'.:::..'i"id;',-:: :..~, ,,,,'i~',,",,,>>.o",;"'-;:;;f'"..1 ."J.._,..:til'J~;t;.'.~,~"'''''"; ~"_">. 1 River Recreation - Hea"y Use (Campgrounds, Boat Ramps, Parks) 1 Low I Med. I I Meridian Park Boat I I LookOUl I Ram Pam! P Reservoir I Hamp~on Landing I SEJJ4-~EJl4 SolO. T-20, 1 LookoUl I Boat Ramp I R.2E R:'~~~ir SWII4 S~21. I-19. R-lE Lookout Pain! Reservoir Jasper Park Howard Buford Cuunty Recreation Area (M, Pisgah) Picnic Mea. SEl/4 S-13. T-19S, I LoweJJ I LookoutPt,Dam R-]W I OR Parks & Rec. I I Lowell ISIS 1 Facilities (RFPDs, Ranger Stations, Schools, Shopping Centers, Other) 1 Jasper Park Shop I Jasper Park I Jasper I I ODFW Pengra Rd. I Fall Creck I Don's Saw Shop 82180 Los! Valley Ln. I Dexter I Dexter Hardware 38903 Dexter Rd I Dexter I Dexter RFPD 8278] Barbre Rd. I Dexter I Lowell RFPD 389 NPioneer I Lowell I Lundy Elem. School I 45 E. Moss I Lowell Lowell School Dis, 45 E. Moss I Lowell I' 100 S. Main St. I LoweU. I 65 S. Pioneer St. j Lowell I I Lowell H\\']MSY I SFM , I LowelJ ! , . M14 Landex Landing County Park " Boat Ramp Signal Poil'n Boat Ramp WinbeiT\' County ParkJPicnic /v-ea Elijah Bristow State Park Jasper Boat Ramp Lowell School Dis..:i::'71 Loweli School Dist.f71 USDA FS Lowell Service Center USDA FS Lowell Service Cemer \\.:arehouse I USDA FS Lowell I Ran2:er Station 111 I:) Sludge Disposal Areas I I None Known I MI6 1 Storm Water Retention Basins I 1 None known 5-21. T-19. R-1W Lookout Point Reservoir Fall Cr. Reservoir Dexter Lowell SE]/4 Sol. T-]95. R-j W 5.9. T.19S, R.I\\ SEli4 5-22-. I-HiS. R- 2W S-23.J-lo S, R-2\\ Jasper Springiield S-i,8,J7,18, T.18S, R-2W SFM SFM SFM UST UST LUST SFM UST LUST SFM SFM N 6"' & "D" St. 196N 6" SL UST MossSt. Lowell ECSI LUST I I Med. I Med. ! ~ ! j I 1 ] J ! I , J Med. High Med. High Page 6 of7 m~ill::;;~i':~i;~:~'~;';;,,<.. .." . MlSCELlJANEOUS I;~ite'c';ii:;i;:lf:',,': 'HAddr.i*~l:ii:f': '..,>,I.,City' M22 . Transportation Corrid6ts(Stream Crossing, Perennial) 1 Lost Creek Road I Lost Creek I I Pengra Road I Middle Fork I West Boundary North Shore Road . 'Dexter/Lookout . point Reservoirs Little Fall Creek Wells /Abandoned ""ells I 55 Abandoned I Wells 1.658 Operational 'I Throughout Area I I I \hlls i Large Capacity Septic Systems - Class V UCl (Serves>20) - Vault Systems I SCAR/Jasper I 37875 Jasper- ,Jasper I UIC I ! Mountain Center, Lowell Rd. SIS Jasper Park Jasper I i I Pengra Access I Dexter I I I Permitted Discharges - Industrial- NPDES Cascade. Pacific 37385 Jasper- Industries Lowell Rd. Timber Products 3417 Brand.S Rd. Company Pacific Rim Manufacru~ing . .;:- ....- Little Fall Creek Road I Big Fall Creek Road I Peninsula Road I WinbeiT\' Creek 'Road I Jasper-Lowell Highway Slate Highway 58 Southern Pacific RIR Lines M30 M31 M50 Lowell SIP ~:'4'tSt::I:.istl.j 'Oth~r' Low I High 'j -I I Fall Creek Reservoir 1 Fall Creek Reservoir I Fall Creek Reservoir Middle Fork Middle Fork/South Shore Dexter! Lookout Point Reservoirs! Hills Creek Reservoir Middle Fork/South Shore Dexter/ Lookout Point Reservoirs/Hills Creek Reservoir ECSl Throughout Area . High 1 Med. I High Med. I 1 Jasper Low I High J SIS Jasper SIS 3684] Jasper. Lowell Rd. Jasper ECSI SIS SFM SIS Lowell 1 Page 70f7