HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 4/21/2000 " 'I 11 -I, AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE , II' t; STATE OF OREGON) ) ss. County of Lane ) jl ,I II II I, Sarah Summers, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and s:ay as follows:. ;1 ,I 1. I state that I am a Planner II for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. II i~ II 2. I state that in my capacity as Planner II, I prepared and c!lused to be mailed . copies of IMlttr Ot/JlfIJ1v1/2JP 0C4101Jrra- Db OJ_r AJ 0 7-1 (See attachment "A") on ' Y/;;2/', 2000 addressed to (see Attachment B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postag:~ fully prepaid thereon. ~Q,~ SARAH SUMMERS - .1 I . -------- STATE OF OREGON, CountY of Lane II . I . If! fA I " 2000 Personally appeared the above named Sarah Summers, Planner il,who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be thei~ voluntary act. Before me: ,.' . .,' . II.' ~:(~. f I I' My Commission ExpYres:ii 0<':Pr-;2~ . . OFFicIAL SEAL , ' .... BRENDA JONES '" ".! NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON \.", ,...., COMMISSION NO. 054360 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 27. 2000 . ~ECEIVED #-<;LL=;;UX?O JI' $y: J !I Emily Jerome, and ,Glen Klein Harrang l.Qng Gary Rudnick. ' ' PO Box 11.620 ' Eugene, Oregon 97440-3820 , Andrew Poynter 'Environmental poynters' PO Box 281' '. . , , Elmira, Oregon 97437 Dwight Forgery , , General Manager; Eugene' Farmers Coop 2690 Prairie' Road Eugene, Oregon 97402, Jamie Eaton, . Chevron Products Co. . '14711 NE'29th Place, Suite' 100 Bellevue, Washington 98007 "f. :' '. r,' I, , , ,Greg Grasso PICin! Manager; Voith Sulzer 2885 Olympic Street " Springfield, Oregon 97478 Ron Sprainis General Manager; Chrome World 3240 Olympic Street ' Springfield, Oregon 97478 I. Larry Lowenkron , , ' Environmental & Safety,Manager Neste Resin ' " 1600 Valley River Dr., Suite 390" Eugene, Oregori97401 ' " . ' r'., \ ' , " TiJ'T! Hanley , _ ,.Rainbow Water District PO Box 8 , ,Springfield, Oregon 97477 I, " , i,\ , , , " " Jim Spear " , Quality Facilitator; Voith Sulzer 2885 Olympi,c Street ' ,I, Springfield, Oregon 97478 II I', . , " , ':1 'I' " Tim Stokes I Metal Products Co. ", 1652 32nd Street ' ,,: Springfield, Oregon 97478 .I . ' " ' II' II , Dick B~iggs ' ;;' 80 W. 23rd Street ' I' t E[jgene, oregon 97405 i II . ~~ ' " II \ " ""!' , '", II " ," 1:' " " 1: . " ii' !,I :. , , I ' !I' I: , \ . . SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT' ' 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726.3753 , FAX (541) 726.3689 MEMORANDUM To: Participants in previous public hearings on Article 17 From: Sarah Summers, Planner II s:;; , RE: Changes in the draft ordinance ' ,Enclosed is an updated copy of the proposed Article 17, Drinking Water Protection Overlay .District. The ch<mges that have been made are shown as additions and deletions,. Some commentary is attached for explanation of the changes. We have also developed a guidahce document which I hope will be helpfuL We have been as responsive as possible,to the comments and concerns of the' public. We hope that most of your input has been adsIressed. Please let me hear from youwith any questions or comments. My direct line is 726-4611. Thanks for your consideration. " , . '- .., " \ ORDINANCE NO, (EMERCENC\1 ' AN ORDINANCE ADDING ARTICLE 17 DRlNKING'WATER PROTECTION,(DWP) ,OVERLAY DISTRICT TO THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE SETTING FORTH PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS FOR THE USE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WITHIN TIME OF, TRAVEL ZONES; REVISING THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE BY AMENDING ARTICLES 2, 3, 14, AND 15 AND APPENDIX' 1 'iI!1I(t ! I ' . ',I 1_" II ' l'),Fi THECITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS'FOLl:O~S: " Section 1. Article,17 Drinking Water ~rotection (DWI') OV9rlay District is hereby, added to the Springfield Development Code as described below:, "ARTICLE 17 . . '. .- , I 'DWP DRINKING WATER PROTECTioN OVERLAY DISTRICT 17.010 GENERAL 17.020 DES,CRIPTION 17.030 APPLICABILITY 17.040 TIME OF TRA \TEL ZONES 17.050 REVIEW, '. , , ; , . 17.060 EXEMPTIONS , , , , 17.070 STANDARDS FOR HAZARDOUS MA TERlALS WITHIN TIME OF TRAVEL ZONES 17.080 CONDITIONS ,OF APPROVAL . . .,~ " 17.090 APPEALS I " " " COMMENTA W. ......1 The changes that have been made to Article ,17 since the fir;t public hearing on March 6 have been in response to suggestions h1ade by the pUbiic and City Council. Some of the . . . '. j changes that have been made clarifytJ1e meaning. Other changes allow niore flexibility for businesses. No, changes have been made'that chimge or weaken the;intent of the " ' , , article as based on the recommendations of the Tasl Force in the Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan, . , ,.. ' ,Article 17 is not designed as an all~inclusive'ordinance t~ regulate hazardous materials, ' Since it is proposed to;,be an arti,cle in the Sp,ringfiela Development Code,it is only. designed for uses of hazardous materials that pose a1risk to groundwater within TOTZby l1ew and existing land uses that require developmentapprovaL ',. , " Fj..." '"!J 17.020(1) This wording was added as suggested by t le law firm of Harrang,Long Gary Rudnick representing V oith Sulzer for clarification. ' " ,. 17.020(1)(a) All references to transportation in Artic e 17 wer~ remo~edbecause " enforcement im~ regulation is outside the scope of th ~ Spril1gfield Development .Code. . ',-. " ' ARTICLE IT. DRINKINGW, A TER PROTECTION (DWP) OVERLAY DiSTRICT l7.01O GENERAL , . .0) The DWP'Overlay District regulations supplement the regulations of the underlying district. Where the regulations and permitted uses of an underlying district conflict with those of an overlay district, the more restrictive s,taI),dards shall apply. ,(2) Warning and Disclaim~r of Liability. The degree of aquifer protection required by this Article in the areaS designated in Section 17.040 is based on scientific,and engineering considerations. The nature of these consid~rations, is such that the exact boundaries of Time of Travel Zones (TOTZ) have an associated uricertainty that renders conclusions based on them to be ' estimates. Under no conditions 'should this Article be construed to guarantee the purity of the ambient groimd water or guarantee the prevention of ' ground water contamination. Therefore, this Artick shall not create liability on the part of the City,or any City'persOlUlel, for any contamination that ;may result from reliance on this Article or any administnltive decision made', ' under this Article. ' , " 17.020 DESCRIPTION (I) The purpose of the DwP Overlay District is to protect aquifers used as potable water supply sources by the City from contamination. This Article establishes procedures and standards for the' physical use of hazardous N. 1man" . The provisions of this Article are designed to: (a) protect.the City'sdrinkihg 'water supply which is obtained from , groundwater resources from impacts by facilities that store, handle, treat, use, produce, transport or otherwise have on premises substances ' that pose a hazard to groundwater quality; and (b) provide standards for hazardous materials within the TOTZ. (2) In order to a~complish this purpose, the DWPOverlay District includes methods and pro.visions to: . (a) restrict orprohibit the use of hazardous materiiils which are potential groundwater contaminants; I d- COl"MENTARY .~ ,. " '. , . 17.030 This section was changed as suggested by tl e law firrn"of Harrang Long Gary , Rudnick . '". .' .... .., .' '0"' '" '. '. -~ " 'f.' .,' I 7.040(i) This word was hddedas suggested by t4e Iit~ firm ofHarrang Long Gary' Rudtiick. ' . " '. , " '. '. ,~ , . ! ~ . ..~ .. ".' I ..... 17,040(3)(c) EXCEPTION: Numbers I and'2,do not to apply to uses ofhazai-dou1 materials existing on the tax lot at the time of adoption of this ordinance. An existing use may remain on the portionofthe tax lot having more restrictive TOTZ standards when k new use is allowed on the other portion of the tax lot. (b) set standards for the storage, use, handling, treatment, tfaR5jmft and production of hazardous materials within TOTZ; and '(c) review 'new or expanded hazardous materialuses. 17.030 APPLICABILITY 17.040 TIME OF TRAVEL ZONES (1) The DWP Overlay District includes folirTOTZ: 0-1 year; 1-5 years; 5-10 , years; and 10-20 years. The locations of the TOTZ for each wellhead,aie shown on Drinking Water Protection Area Maps ~ on'filewith t1ie City, of Springfield Development Services, Public Works, and Fire and Life Safety Departments; and ,Springfi~ld UtilitY Board (SUB) and Rainbow' Water District (RWD). " , -: (2) 'The areas within specified wellhead TOTZ are those drinking water protection areas certified by the Oregon Health Division, und~r'the Oregon' ' 'Administrative Rules that apply to Oregon's EP A-approved Drinki~g Water' Protection Program, in Oregon Health Division Delineation Certification ' #0002R, March 18, 1999., . , (3) In determining the location of a property within a TOTZ, the following criteria shall apply: ' " ' ' ; (a) The Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation maps'shall be used is a base map with the addition of TOTZ boundaries. (b) That portion of a tax lot that lies wiihin a TOTZ shall be governed by the restrictions applicable to that TOTZ. ' (c) Tax.lots having parts lying within more than one TOTZ shall,be. governed by the standards, of the more restrictive TOTZ. EXCEPTION: The Director may waive the requirementthat the n'1ore ' restrictive standards apply when all of the following apply: " I. Storage, use, handling, treatment, transportationandlor production of hazardous materials will not tjlke place within the portion of the tax lot :], '. COMMENTAF Y '\ - ..' " .' " 17.050(1) REVIEW I.' Article 17 is n~t intended to be an ~ll:inclusive regl1~tion ofh~dous materlals. It only, regulates use of hazardous materials hannful to gro mdwater within TOTZ by new and existing land uses requiring development approval. Unless a propeIiy owner ortenant triggers (a), (b) or (c)-and (i)-or (ii), this article does not applX.Therefore, an existing' company could increase the,useofhazardous niater:als, increaseproductipn;,or store ' morehaiard9us materials without being regulated b! thisaiticle. , Language changes were made to further 'clarify the i Itent of thi~ section,' " " " '. ',' , ". - . " '( , , having the more restrictive TOTZ standards'; and , , 2. Storage, use, handling, treatment, transportation and/or produotion of hazardous materials will not take place within 50feet of the portion of the tax lot having more restrictive TOTZ standards; and 3. The tax lot is 20,000 squareJeet or larger.' ' , , (4) A property owner may' request the TOTZ be modified by submitting a Zone " , Change application to the City. Any request for modification of the TOTZ shaJlbe accompanied by certification of the TOTZ as proposed to be ,modified by the Oregon Health Division, under.the Administrative Rules' that apply to Oregon's EPA-approved Drinking Water Protection Program. 17.050 REVIEW: (I) A DWP Overlay District Development Application shall be submitted ill instancss '(a) through (:I) :ka: incl\l(kstorags, lISS, handliag, trsatmsnt;' prodllctiefl, anG/or transportation ofiln7nrdOllS matsrials or 'l1hi~h incrsass the quantity oft23~~?~S met~:-:~~: !Issd or prodllced witl:iF. tb V'llP Overlay, Distric~~ " ',.".~.~~jf (a).~ there is a change of~ use, occupancy, or tenancy ofa property, including but not limited to a change from vacant to occupied~ . (b) during the Building Permit process, mil (c) whsfl thsr-:::: <..-::::t~:T..",~ ",lteratioflll: ?,'~:::Hing that does not requima: Building Pt'=:~ Jf , (c) in conjunction ~th any development application including but not limited to Site,Plan reviewan~Minimum Development Standards(~ --"~C11iW"l;!llll.iQ't itm !1J,i,\A\W;l:&l llanfifi''O....'J.amd<ms-'at(j]:""ii1~ ...II!......., ""~~_ , , , [W , DWP Overlay District applications shall be reviewed under Type I procedures. Developmsht approval witnifl the DWP O'lerlay District snail '-!' COMMENTA~Y , " " 17.050(4) The additional wording in this section v. ere suggested by Harrang Long Gary , Rudnick. ... " '. " " ., .~ . 'i~ ,(." " " , .t' '. , " be obtained before any change of use, constructioR, storage or developlllimt " begins. (4) information: . Applications shall include the following (a) a' Hazardous Material Inventory Statement and upon ftl:'(Ulst !T:Jm the Director a Ma,terial Safety Data, Sheet for any or all materials entered in the Statemen ',0'. (\. g"re){{m ' (\1'!mrtl'!~, <l:I >, , 'Q' . 's , ' t! e, Hazardous material weights shall be' converted to volume measurement for, purposes of determining amounts' - 10 pounds shall be considered equal'to 1 gallon in conformance with Uhiform Fire Code 8001.15.1 ; (b)' a list of the chemicals to be monitored through the analysis of groundwater samples and a monitoring schedule if ground water monitoring is anticipated to be required; .. (c) it detailed description ofthe activjtiesconducted at the facility that, involve the storage, handling, 'treatment, use or production of hazardous materials 'in quantities greate~ than the maximum allowable amounts as stated in 17.070(1)(a); (d) a description of the primary and any secondary containment devices' " proposed, and, if applicable, clearly identified as to whether the deviCes will drain to the storm or sanitary sewer; ~.~ '; " (e) a prop~sed Hazardous Materi~1 Mana,gement Plan for thefaciiity that indicates procedures to be follo'wedto prevent, control, collect and ' dispo~e,o{any. unauthorized release ora hazardous material;' " (f) a description of the procedures for inspection ahd maintenance 0(' , ,containment devices and emergency equipment; , , . (g) a description of the plan for disposition of unused hazardous materials or hazardous material waste products over the maximum allowable ,amounts including the type'oftransportation, and proposed routes, t'ID For those development proposals requiring Site Plan,Review or Minimum Development Standards review as specified in Article 31. of this Code, . applications may be submitted concurrently. ' (!l) A complete DWP Overlay District Developmentapplication together with all required materials shall be. acc,epted by the Director prior to the review 'of the request as specified in Section 3,050, Application Submittal., ;5 I I, " 'COMMENTARY " ^ 17.050(7) The ad,diiional w~rdihg, in this s~ctioi1 \' as ~uggested by Harrang Long Gary , Rudnick. " , , , -.' ., " l7.660(2)(a) EXEMPTIONS '. " ,.. .. ,. Article 17 applies only to hazardous materials that ~ould contaminate groundwater. , , The change in wording in the seconq paragraph of his section was'to clanfy the process to get a hazardous'material exempted,from regulati m,by Article 17. There is no fee for this process. , ,-,. j'", , :. '~; .. l7.060(2)(c) The additional exemption was added.at the ~uggestion ofth~ law firID'of Harrang Long Groy'Rudnick.' ' , , C~ The Director shall review the application and make a decision on the ,applicatio~~i.iiQ~o'tftl"A'\jlJ.l'!, after, ' consulting with the Building Official, Fire Marshall, Public Works Director, and the managers of SUB and RWD, as appropriate, ' 17.060 EXEMPTIONS This Article does,not eJ(empt any material or use from Fire Code regulations' adopted by the City of Springfield, (I) Exemptions are as specified in this section unless the Director detennines 'that a hazardous material, activity, and/or facility that is exempt pursuant to ' , this section has a, significant or substantial potential to degrade groundwater quality. Then the Director may require compliance with the requirements of this Article related to that hazardous material, activity or facility. Such detenninations will be based upon site and/or chemical-specific data and shall be eiigible for appeal to the Hearings Official as specified in Section ' 17.090 of this ArtiCle. (2) Except as otherwise provided herein; thefollowirig materials are exempt from regulation hereunder: ' ' , (a) Use, storage ahd handling of specific hazardous materials, that do notpresent a risk to the aquifer, as determined and listed by the ' Director in consultation withSUB, are exempt from all regulation under this Article with the exception of the potential requirement ' to list thes~ hazardous materials on the Hazardous Material ' . 'Inventory'Statement as found in the'mo~trecent Fire Code " regulations adopted by the City. " mll?J'llU15M 'll!enlllS"Xll!'ll"lfl1\:' ~ fill , ", " ,... '" f!l~>>: ' for Hazardous Materials that can be denio~str~t~d'~ ' poseno threat to the aquifer.l!i~I~~!'ll!!.~may,be exempted from regulation and added to the list. The demonstration of no , threat is the responsibility of the applicant seeking the exemption and will be subject to review by technical experts, ' (b) Hazardous materials offered for side in their originallmm , containers of five (5) gallons or less shalIbe exempt from the 500 gallon storage limit set in 17.070(1)(a). (c) Hazardous materials in fuel tanks and fluid reservoirs' attached to ~. a private or co~ercia\' motor vehicle and used'directly iIi the motoring operation ofth<it veliiCl, ~Plfil1tf~i@fi1~J;l.m linm!mj,t~~t1!U.u(:J~b.)l:' ' , ~ COMMENTARY " , I " ~ . - I' y. ,', '-;' ;- , 17.060(2)(j) ,The exemptions were added at thesuggt,1tion of the law fifIT\.ofHan'ang Long Gary Rudnick ' ',,', 17.060(2)(k) This exemption w\iSadded,by staff in re :ponse to public comments toa1low ' , . ,I. specific amounts of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater in TOTZ , without regulation. Twenty gallonf or less of hazard06s matenais not containing DNAPLs will not be regulated by Article 17. Jf '17.070"rhe wording was added for clarificati9n~fthis section., , -~:I' " . , . . t \"." . . 17 .070(I)(a) This sectiqn was clarified. The waiver of a 5 gallon maximum size was ' " ' , " " ' ,I '. added in response to comments f~om industry that iJ;1 ct''iain cases, larger contaIners would be safer. ' (d) Fuel oiL used in existing heating sxstems. ' (e) Emergency use, storage, and handling of hazardous materials by goveimnental organizations in the public interest. , (f)' Hazardous 'materials used and stored specifically for water treatment processes of public water systems and private systems for the same purposes when approved by the Director. (g) Hazardous materials, contained in properly operating sealed units (transformers, refrigeration units, etc.) that are not opened as part , of routine use. ' (h) Local natural gas distributio~ lines. (i) F~el for emerge~cy generators located at facilities that pr6vid~ essential community services (hospitals, fire/life safety, police, public shelters, telephone systems etc.). ,m~l~mrs<,t~ . , 17.070STANDARDS~__~~~~ , ~~~~ WITHINT~ME OF TRAVEL ZON:ES ' , " Applications shall comply with the following standards. m!l.t!' (I) 0-,1 year TOTZ Standard~. (a) 7 COMMENTARY 'J 'ii,' " . ~'. . , , " . ", ,< " ' 17.070(1 )(d) The'language was changed for c1anfic~ tion. The intent of this section is to pn:vent an increase, in the maxim~ quantity of DN \PLs on a site at anyone time. An example: A company wishes to build an addition and increase the quantity of DNAPLs used. They could submit a DWP application. Theapplication would show that the company is not changin~ the type of use of the DNAfV,' The application would also demonstrate thatthe maXimum quantity. of the DNAPL on site at a given time would not increase. This could be ac(:omplished by scheduling bore' frequent deliveries: ' II " ','I "', ' . , ..... ~' . ' ~ 17:D70(1)(e) The liuiguagewas changed from chemic'lUo h~dous materials for consistency. <" . ,~ .' '. produced or treated or tha: ".,.ii! ~~ :l~~d or dispensed. ~n ;h... p,~mises; Containers of ha70rd?c ::::lterials exceec~~ci 5 ;;alI?~: in s:z.. sk::~~ ::3t " (b) All hazardous materials sliali be stored in areas with approved secondary contairunent in place (Uniforin Fire Code Articles 2 and 8003,1.3.3). ,'" (c) All new uses of Dense Non"Aqueous PiJase Liquids (ONAPLs) shall be prohibited.' . ,(d) Except thos~,iBvolving a decre'as'ein use, Any change in typeof use 'o~ ~xp:.-:E~:m of any existing ns~ i!:\"ol':'ing, ~J.tm~ " ~iIifumJ!ill..ijRl!!J.Xe@i:l~II3A"tiI.ofany, D1'!APL shall be considered a new use andshall be prohibited.,' , (e) The following certain types of new facilities or changes in chemical use and/or storage ofll..?!~~~~~~J't~] shall be prohibited: I, lillderground hazardous material storage facilities; 2. liazaidous material product pipelines used to transport the hazardous material off of the !ax lot where it is produced' or used; : . 0' . ~ . . " , ~ ' .', 3. injection wells, :exclipt drY:-vel!~forroof drainage; , \ 4, 'solid waste'iandfills .and transfer staiion~; .' , 5. fill materials containing hazardous materials; 6, land uses and new facilities that will ~se,store, treat, handie, and/or produce DNAPLs, ' , (t) Requirements found in Uniform Fire Code' Appendix II-E 3.2.6 for a monitoring program and in 8003.1.3.3 for monitoring methods to detect hazardous materials in the secondary containinent system shall be met , for all amounts of hazardous materials. (g)" Requirements found in Uniform Fire Code Appendix II-E Section 3.2.7 f~r inspection and record keeping procedures for monthly in-house . '0 , , CONMENTARY ~~I ,-. .,,' :~ I . '. l" r " '~, , , " l7.070(2)(a), (3)(a),aild. (4) This exemption Was added by staff in fysponse to public Conu.nents to ~lIow, specIfic amounts of hazardous lnateriitls that pose a risk to ' , groundw~t~r m TOTZ wit?outregulation, Twentylgallons or less ofliazardous materials not c~ntammg DNAPLs WilI not be regulated by ArtiCle 17 ' , ' " , , l7.070(2)(d) and (3)(d)The language was changedfor c1arification~ The intent of this section is to prevent ah increase'in the maxiniwrf qt6ntity ofDNAPLs on a site at any one time. An example: A company wishes to build ':In addition and increase the quantity ofDNAPLs used. They could submit a DWPapplicktion. The i1Pplication would show that the company is not chang!!1gthe,type of USe of~e DNAPL The application would ' also demonstrate that the maximum quantityoftheDNAPL on,site at a given time would, not increase, This could be accomplished by scheduiii1gmor~ frequent deliveries.. , t. I., . ",r '. ' '" , , r inspection and maintenance of containment and emergency equipment ' for all amolll1ts of hazardous materialS shall be met. ' (h) Application of fertilizers containing nitrates shall be restricted to no , more than the amount recommended by the Lane County, Oregon State University Extension Service for turf grass and shall be prohibited 'Within 100 feet ofa wellhead, In no event shall a single application exceed one half pound per 1,000 square feet of area per single application or a total yearly ' application of 5 pounds nitrogen fertilizer per 1,000 square feet. (2)' 1-5 year TOTZ Standards. (b) The storage, handling, treatment, use, applicl!tion, t"~'::prtation, or production or otherwise keeping on preinises of ~lL?illdous materials L~grlf~a e#" , shall be allowed only upon compliance With containment and safety standards ~et by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the City. All hazardous materials shall be stoi-ed in' areas, with approved secondary containment in place (Uniform Fire Code Articles 2 and ,8003.13.3). (a) (c) All new use of DNAPLs shall be prohibited. (d) Except those inyolving a decrease in use, Any change in the type of use or expansion of any existing use'invoIYing'an.1llcteliSe1ifiWl':m.NJM - ,.-; -- ~\ - --"'4:!~-t:.- -.- mlI1i.!lf~~lLt)l of any DNAPLshall be considered a new use and shall be prohibited. ' (e) The following certain types of facilities' or changes in chemical use and/or storage shall be prohibited: 1. hazardous material product pipelines used to transport the hazardous material off of the tax lot where itis p~oduced or used; 2. ' injection wells, except dry wells for roof drainage; 3. solid waste landfills and transfer stations; '4, fill materials containing hazardousmaterial~; 5.' land uses and new facilities that will use, store, treat handle, and/or' produce DNAPLs. " (f) Requirements found in Uniform Fire Code Appendix ll-E3.2,6 for a : q ',' c,> " ': , '. .' . " ',,: " , , inonitoring'program and in 8003.1.3.3 for monitoring methods'to detect, hazardous materials in the secondary containment system shall be met for all amounts of hazardous materials. (g) Requireinents found in Uniform Fire Code Appendix lIcE Section 3.2.7 for inspection and record keeping procedures for monthly in-house' inspection and maintenance of containment and emergency equipment for all amounts of hazardous materials shall be met. (3) 5-10 year TOTZ Standards. (a) , The storage, handling, treatment, use, tfaaGp:tr.<;ffin, production or ' otherWise keeping on premises of .. " hazardous' materials ....,... ,shall be , . allowed upon compliance with containment and safe.ty standards setby , 'the most-recent Fire Code adopted by the City. (b) All haZardous materials shall be stoned in areas with approved' secondary containment in place (Uniform Fire Code ,Articles 2 and 8003.1.3.3)~ ' ' (c) All new use ofDNAPLs shall be prohibited. (e) Except those invoh':::;,~ :lecrease in' use, Any change in type of use or "-': ~::r::.,::ion or'a::y :::::~:::g :.::;i iE.,,'olving rmrJi1l)'feas~irulli!~f!iJM . r, . . ~~_~""'i:lV%'Will~ Jj . m._~!l~ of any DNAPL shall be considered a new use and, shall be prohibited. ' RequireITtents found in,Uniform Fire Code Appendix II-E Section 3.2.7 'for inspectiol1 and record keeping procedures for monthly inchouse inspection' and maintenance of containment and emergency equipment for all amoimts of hazardous materials shall be met. (d) (4) 'We20 year TOTZ Standards. The storage, handling, treatment, use,' transportation, production or keeping onpnimises of @~l:ii hazardous materials !fiI!l:i~{l~lt~qY1IDYM.~~~~. shall be .. allowed only upon compliance with containment and safety standards set by themostrecent Fire Code adopted by the City. 17.080 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The Director may attach conditions of approval that will minimize negative impacts of regulated substances on 'groundwater and ensure thaHhe facility or the proposed development can fully meet the standards specifidin Section I ]:070 of this Article. /D COI'."'ENTARY '.,.,- '. , ' .' : . '"! , , Section 2. The second part of the HAZARDOUS M \ TERlALS definition was removed becallse.b'usinesses cOmmented that it was difficult tc unders~d. Staff believes that the hazardous materialsaT(i'ad~quately'covered by the Pi eCode, Article 17 excludes ' hazardous materials that do not pose arlsk 'to grolind'/ater. ' . , , , , , ., ' ,', These conditions may include on-site monitoring wells, Wellhead Protection Area signs, special storm water facilities or other conditions to address specific risks associated with " the proposed development. " 17.090 APPEALS The only portion of this Article that is subject to appeal is Section 17.060, Exemptions, The appea!of a decision of the Director for Section 17.060 may be appealed to the . Hearings Official under Type III procedures as specified in Section 15,020 of this Code'." . . -' r- . r Section 2. Article 2 "DEFINITIONS", Section 2.020 "MEANING OF SPECIFIC WORDS AND TERMS~';ofthe Springfield Devel()pment Code is hereby amended by adding the following language: ' "AQUIFER: A geologic formation, group of formations; or part of a formation that is capable of storing and transmitting water insufficient quantity to supply wells or springs:" "DEL'rNEATION (from Oregon Health Department rules): The determination oftne extent, oriel1tation, and boundaries of a wellhead protection area using factors such as geology, aquifer characteristics, well pumping rates and time oftravel,." "DNA'pL (Dense Non-Aqueo'us Phase Liquids): Chemicals ~fi"'~'-!t1r:f?'l'Jl1<L~ !!WJl1'mthat are denser -than-water (specific gravity greater than 1), have a low solubility rate, and degrade slowly to other compounds that are even more of a health hazard. For the purpose of Springfield's drinking water protection, DNAPL chemicals are defined as "all chemicals displaying the characteristics of a'DNAPL chemical or a. material containing a,substance considered a DNAPL chemical." A listofDNAPLs regulated within the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District shall be 'as adopted by ,SUB on,November 10,1999:' , " "HAZARDOUS ~TERlALS: Those chemicals or substances which are physical or health hazards as defined and classified in ArtiCle 80 of the Uniform Fire Coae as adopted or amended by the City whether the materiitls are in usable or waste condition. , ' and any material that may degrade groundwater quality whe:: ~:::f'Jperly used, stored, disposed of, or otherwise mismanaged,' .. , .." "PiPELINE: A line of pipe with pumps, valves and (:ontrol devices for ~onveying' liquid, gasses or finely divided solids," , , "TIME OF TRAVEL ZONE (TOTZ): The area mapped pursuant to Oregon Health , Division Delineation Certification #0002R which identifies the time it takes ground water to flow to a given well or wellfield." "WELLHEAD PROTECTION: Implementation of strategies within a wellhead protection area to minimize the potential impact of contaminant sources on the quality of groundwater used asa drinking'water source by a public water system." J I . '. .< " " !," , .,. . " "WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA: A Drinking Water Protection Area for a groundwater-supplied drinking water source." ' Section 3. Article 3, "DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL AND LAND USE DECISION PROCEDURES", of the Springfield Development Code is hereby amended by adding the following subsection 3.070(1)(n): ' "(n) Drinking Water Protection Overlay District development." Section 4. Article 14, "PUBLIC HEARINGS", of the Springfield Development' Code is hereby amended by adding the following subsection 14.010(2)(d): "(d) Appeals of Springfield Development Code Section 17 .q60.:' Section 5. Artic1e 15, "APPEALS", Section 15.020(5)(b)~ "APPEALS OF THE , DIRECTOR'S DECISION;', of the Springfield Development Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "(b) Decisions by the Hearing Official regarding expedited land divisiOlis and DWP , Overlay District exemptions (17.060) shall be final. Appeals of the Hearing Official decisions shall be to the Oregon court of Appeals in accordance with applicable statutes and regulations governing such appeals:" Section 6. Appendix I, "DEVELOPMENT CODE FEE SCHEDULE", "TYPE I , REVIEW", of the Springfield Development Code is hereby amended by adding the, following language: (Application) "DWP Overlay District Development", (City Limits fee) "$405.00 (#)", (Urban Growth Boundary fee) ~'$405.00 (#)", Section 7. Thereconunendation of the Springfield Planning Conunission has been reviewed and is hereby adopted in support ofthe adoption of these amendments as Exhibit A.' '" Section 8, Although not a part of this Ordinance, the Springfield City Council adopts Fil1dings as set forth in Exhibit "B" attached, in support of this action" , S~m:. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional. by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. /02 , .( < c' " " ,\ . , " 'I - " glreHilh"!li1f It is hereby found and d@clar@d that matters fJ@1"'.2'.:::::;; :MHe . prot@.tieR of grollIldwat@r are matters affe.ting the public health, ~afcty and 'NelfM@ of the City ef 'i'fr:r..;;fi@ld, and ,that this Ordinanc~ sl:",1 t!:@r@fore take @ffe~t ~::uF..diately uPe-:! ~ts Fss';;@by the Council ana aJl~Jvalby the Mayer. ADOPTED by the ~Olnmon Council of the City of Springfield this _day of ' May, 2000 by a vote of _for and _ against. APPROVED by the Mayor this ~ day of May, 2000. Mayor ATTEST: ">. City Recorder " , , J~' .~ , I I DRAFT City of Springfield- Guidance to Development Code Article 17 Please contact the City of Springfield Planning Department at 726"3753 or Springfield Utility Board- Water Engineering 726-2396 for'further infonnation, INTRODUCTION Springfield is Oregon's eighth largest and second fastest growing city. The metropolitan Springfield area relies entirely on groundwater for its ,public water supply. Groundwater is a critical'natural resource for drinking water as well as for industrial and agricultural uses, It is in the community's interest to protect this , water resource against contamination to insure Springfield's ability to provide a continued source of clean, inexpensive Y'ater. BACKGROUND 'In ]997, a, Citizen Task Force appointed by the Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement developed a Drinking Water Protection Plan that included management strategies for protecting existing drinking water.wells. The "plan"was adopted by the Springfield City Council on May 17, ]999. Article] 7 of the Springfield Development Code is intended as a first step in reducing the threat of contamination from accidental chemical spills and leaks at businesses located within sensitive areas , surrounding the wells, " PURPOSE Article 17 was enacted to regulate hazardous materials that can contaminate Springfield's drinking water supply. It does not regulate any specific category of business activity, These Guide]ines were developed to assist new and existing businesses in detennining steps they need to take (if at all) in order to comply with provisions of Article]7. I ISA DWP OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REOUlRED? (PART 1) 07.050/1 \) L Is there a change to land use, occupancy or tenancy of a building? 2. Is a building pennit required?, 3, Is a development application such as Site Plan revie)" or Minimum Development Standards required? . If NONE of the above apply, Article ]7 does not apply. . If YES, continue. II IS YOUR FACILITY LOCATED WITHIN THE 1.5.10. OR 20 YEAR TOTZ? A map of the Overlay District is availab]e for viewing at either the City of Springfield Planning Depaitrn:ent, Springfield Utility Board - Water Engineering, or Rainbow Water District. Page 1 of 5' t... ; i;f .~ DWP OVERLAY DISTRICT APPLICATION FLOW CHART Step 1 L Do I need a DWP Overlay District Development Application? (Part I) (See Section 17.050(1)) . A, Am,I changing a land use, occupancy or tenancy of a building? , NO If none of these apply, ~ Article 17 does not apply B. Do I need a building permit? C. Do I need a development application such as Site Plan review or Minimum Development Standards? If one or more of these above apply. go to step 2 , Step 2 L.. ." Am I ina Time of Travel Zone (TOTZ)? .... , NO .. ' Article 17 does notapp Iy YES Step 3 L . Do I have a hazardous material that could contaminate groundwater? ' , A. Is this a liquid hazardous material? B, Is this a powder, granular, o,r solid hazardous, material that will dissolve in water or other liquids? NO Article'! 7 does ~ not apply C, Will this hazardous material react with other chemicals or natural organic campounds to change the chemical or physical characteristics of water? D. Is this chemical a regulated or unregulated drinking water containment that is required by the Environmental Protection Agency or Oregon Health Division to be sampled by drinking water supplies? E. Is this hazardous material radioactive? If one or more of the above apply, go to step 4 v. Step4'L' Step 5 ~, Step 6 , , , Step 7 , , , Do I 'need a DWP Overlay District Development Application? (Par.t II) (See Section17,050(1)) Will the action I am taking in Step 1 affect the storage, use. and/or production of the hazardous material? ' And/or Will the action increase the quantity , of hazardous materials stored, used or produced? YES .", Is my hazardous material on the Springfield Hazardous Materials Exempt List? I ' YES ,I NO .", Am I exempt? (See Section 17.060) YEs NO ~ Y' File an application , An application can be obtained'from the City, , A complete application should include the required information listed on the application and in 17.050(4). Make sure that you comply, with the standards in 17.070 for your TOTZ, NO ;. Article 17 does, not apply , .,. Article 17 does not )0 apply' Article 17 does not . apply ,I . IfNO,Article]7 does not apply. . If YES, continue, III DO'YOU HAVE A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL THAT COULD CONTAMINATE DRINKING WATER? Hazardous Materials For the purpose of Article 17, Hazardous Materials refers to all hazardous inaterials'listed in the current Unifonn Fire Code (UFC), Article 80 that would contaminate the groundwater if not adequately contained, This includes, but is not limited to, petro-chemicals, solvents, household cleaners, additives, pesticides, ~iliurn,ctc. "- '" The foll~wing list gives some examples of types of substances that are regulated by the Article 17. Some specific chemicals or mixtures are listed for each type. This is by rio means a complete list of all types of regulated hazardous materials, buc it includes most ofthetyp.esof substances that have already been' reported by industries in the Drinking Water Protection Area, Since new chemicals are continuously being developed which could contaminate the,aquifer, they will be regulated if t)1ey meet the evilluation cIjteria: 1: Acids - Sulfuric acid, nitric acid 2. ' Bases - Sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide 3. AI~ohols : Methyl alcohol (methanol), isopropyl alcohol 4, Ketones - Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK), 'methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) , 5. Hydrocarbons - Hexane, benzene, toluene, xylene 6: . Chlorinated hydrocarbo~s - ],1,1- Trich]oroethane, Tetrachloroethene (Perc) (DNAPL) 7., Paint products - Oil base paints, lacquer thinner, spray paints, some latex paints 8, Vehicle related substances - Gasoline, diesel fuel, motor oil, anti-freeze 9. Machinery related substances - HydrilUlic oil, cutting oil 10. Agricultural substa~ces - Fertilizer;'fungicides, herbicides, insecticides 11. , Printing chemicals - Inks, fixers, developers, replenishers, washes ., , 12. Cleaning solvents - M~eral spirits, chlo'finated.so]vertts (may be DNAPLs) ]3, All other Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL~) (see Attachment Aj', DNAPL chemicals are'defmed as having a specific gravity greater than 1,0 (hea~ier than water), a low solubility rate, and degrades to other compounds that are even more of a health hazard, A list of known , DNAPLs follows in Attachment J:.., however, this list should not be considered complete, The best sOufce of infonnation related to chemicaVphysical properties and health hazards of a materiaLis the product Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), A current MSDS for any given material may be obtained , from either the'supplier or manufacturer. MSDS infonnation may also be obtained from one or more on- line sources, Known web sites include: ' . Chemfinder.camsoft,com/resultasp " Page 20f 5 . chemicaldesk,com . ilpLcom/msds/index.chtml . epa,gov/OGWDW/dwh/t"voc/(insert chemical name),html Other web,sites may also be~vailable for this purpose, What to look for on the MSDS: I. Is this liquid listed as a hazardous material within the UFC or as a health hazard on the MSDS? 2, Is tiiis a powder, granular, or solid hazardous material that will dissolve in water or other liquids? 3. Will this hazardous material react with other chemicals or other natural organic compounds to change, the chemical or physical characteristics of water? ' ' 4, Is this hazardous materilil radioactive? 5, Is this' chemical a regulated or unregulated drinking' water coniaminant that is required ,by U, S, Environmental Protection Agency or 'Oregon Health Division to be sampled by drinking water suppliers? (see Attachment B) . If the answer to this question is YES, continue, , . If your business DOES NOT produce, use, store, handle, or tieat hazardous materials, Article 17 does not apply, IV IS A DWP OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REOUlRED? (PART II) (l7.050IIn Will the action taken in Part I affect the use, storage or production or'hazardous materials? Will the action'taken in part I increase the quaniity of hazardous materials used, stored or produced? . If NO, Article 17 does not apply, . If YES, continue. V ARE ALL'YOUR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS LISTED AS EXEMPT? A list of Hazardous Materials Considered Exempt From ille Hazardous MaCerials Standards within the qty of Springfield Drinking' Water Protection Plan is attached (see Attachment C), This list of exempt hazardous materials is based on their' negligible risk to the aquifer as determined by an .independent panel of experts. . If ALL your hazardous materials are on the Exempt List (Attachment C), Article 17 does not apply. . If ANY of your hazardous materials are not listed, continile. " VI DOES YOUR FACILITY USE. PRODUCE, TREAT, HANDLE, OR STORE 20 GALLONS (AGGREGATE VOI-!l.ME\ OR LESS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CONTAINING NO DNAPLS? Page 3 of5 \. Facilities that use, produce, treat, handle, or store 20 gallons'or less (aggregate volume) of hazardous materials cont~ining no DNAPLs are exempt from regulations under Article 17" " The following types of hazardous, materials docnot count toward the 20 gallon limits: L Hazardous materials offered for sale in their original sealed containers of five (5) gallons or less; .2. Hazardous materials in fuel tanks or fluid reservoirs attached to a private or commercial motor vehicle and used directly in the ope~ation of that vehicle (does not apply to application or dispersion tanks):' 3, Fuel oilin existing heatin,g systems; 4, Emergency use, storage, and handling of hazardous materials by governmental organizations in the public interest; , ' 5, Hazardous materials used and stored specifically for water treatment processes of public water systems and private systems for the same purpose when approved by the Director; 6. Hazardous materials contained in properly sealed units (transformers, refrigeration uniis, etc.) that are not opened as part of routine use; 7, Local natural gas iines: 8. Fuel for emergency generators located at facilities that provide essential community 'services (hospitals, fire/life safety, 'police, public shelters, telephone services, etc.); 9. Commonly used office supplies (toner, white ouC, window cleaner, bathroom cleaners, etc,) when: supplies are purchased off-site for use on-site. ' . If the answer to this question is YES, Article 17 does not apply. If the answer to this,questi6n is NO, continue, . VII HOW TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION. An application fonn and a copy of Article 17 may be obtained from the City of Springfield Planning Department. A complete application should include the required inforination as listed on the applicacion form and in 17,050(4). Be careful to comply with all standards in 17.070 for the TOTZ(s) in which your facility is located, ' It is important to begin work on the'application form early in the permit process. Do not wait until a site is leased or purchased and plans are drawn,only to, find out the business cannot operate at that site. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q. Does the entire city of Springfield fall und~r Article 17? A. No, Only those areas that lie within the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District are affected by Article 17, Areas to which the Overlay District applies are shown on the Drinking Water Protection Area Maps available fo~ viewing at the City of Springfield, Planning Department, Springfield Utility Board, Water Engineering, or Rainbow Water District. Q. Is. a business located within the Overlay District prohibited from expanding? A. No. Article 17 does not prohibit expansion of business size or operation, however a DWP Overlay DIstrict application may be required, Restrictions may be put on the use of hazardous materials, Q.' Can an existing business increase the amount of DNAPLS used? ,Page 4 of 5 .\ ' A. Yes; as long as the maximum daily inventory quantities are not increaSed. This may be accomplished by having deliveries made on a more, frequent basis, A DWP Overlay District application may be required. Q, Is there a fee for requesting an exemption? " A, No, there is ,no fee for submitting a Hazardous Materials Exemption Request The demonstration of no threat is the responsibility of the applicanc seeking the exemption and will be subject to , review by technical experts. Q, Can ,an alternative chemical be substituted for one currently used, treated, handled, stored or produced? A, Yes. Substitution of less hazardous materials is encouraged. Materials that are equally hazardou; may also be substituted. Use of alternative chemicals is not affected unless a land use penn it is triggered. , ' , Page 5 of 5 , ATTACHMENT A Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) , 'Prohibited From Use in the Time-of- Travel Zones Identified in Springfield City Code Adopted by the Springfield Utility Board November II, 1999 Definition Dense Non-aqueousPhaseLiquids (DNAPLs) are: · Heavier than water (specific gravity> I) . , Have a I,ow solubility rate · 'Degrade to other compounds that are even more of a health hazard e For the purposes of Drinking Water Protection, DNAPL chemicals are defined as "all chemicals displaying the characteristics of a DNAPL chemical or a material containing a substance cOnSidered a " DNAPL chemical". ' , ,DNAPL Chemicals DNAPL chemicals are commonly used as cleaners, de~greasers, coolants, pesticides, and for treating wo'od. The following DNAPL chemicals are identified specifically but are nota comprehensive list of , chemicals considered DNAPLs. If a chemical meets the Definition above it is regulated and prohibited. Common DNAPL chemicals are listed below. , I,I,2-tricWoroethane I I1.lVl.f .1.1 Acetylene tetracWoride; Symmetrial tetracWoroethane Ethane tricWoride; 79-00-5 B-tricWoroethane; Vinyl tricWoride l,1:DCE; 1,I-DicWoroethene; 75-35-4 asym~DicWoroethylene; NCI- C54262; RCA waste number ' u U078; Sconatex; VC; VDC; , Vinylidene cWoride; Vinylidene cWori,de (II); Vinylidene , dicWoride; Vinylidene cWoride; 1,I-dicWoroethylene SUB 'DNAPL chemicallis! Page 2 ofY I 1,l-DicWoroethane Chlorinated hydrocWoric ether; 75-34-3 1,I-DicWoroethane; asym- DicWoroethane; Ethylidene cWoride; EthylideneqicWoride; I,I-Ethylidene dicWoride; NCI- C04535; RCRA waste number U076; UN 2362; AsymmetricaI dicWoroethane '1l,2-Dicworopropane I Propylene dicWoride; DicWoro- 78-87-5 I 1,2-propane 1,1,1- Trichloroethane ' 1,1,1- TCA; Aerothene; Aerothene 71-55-6 IT; Baltana; CWoroethene;, CWoroethene NU; CWorothane NlI; CWoroethene; CWoroethene NU; ChloroetheneVG; CWorten; 'Genklene; Inhibisol; Methyl cWoroform; MethyltricWoro- methane; NCI-C04626; RCRA I waste number U226; Solvent III; I -T; 1,1,I-TCE; TricWoroethane; Tri-ethane; UN283 1 1,2,3-TricWoropropane. Allyl trichloride; Glycerol 96-18-4 tricWorohydrin; Glyceryl trichlorohydriI1; TricWorohydrin I' 1,2,4-tricWorobenzene ,'Unsym- TricWorobenzene; 1120-82-1 1,2,4- TricWorobenzol 'I 1,2-dicWoroethylene Acetylene dicWoride; 540-59-0 , ,I cis-Acetylene dicWoride; trans-Acetylene dicWoride; , sym-Dichloroethylene Carbon tetracWoride ' Carbon cWoride; Carbon tet; , 56-23-5 Freon@ 10; Halon@ 104; Tetrachloromethane I CWorodiphenyl i Aroclor@ 1254; PCB; I, 11097-69-1 PolycWorinated biphenyl, I, CWoroform, 'I M~thanetricWoride; , 167-66-3 TncWoromethane " DicWoroethyl ether ': bis (2-Chloroethyl)ether; 2,2- IIT-44-4 Dichlorodiethyl ether; 2,2- DicWoroethyl ether I Ethylene dibromide , /,I,2-Dibromoethane; Ethylene '1106-93-4 bromide; Glycol dibromide; EDB I Ethylene dicWoride /1,2-DiChlordethane; Ethylene /107-06-2 cWoride; GlycoldicWoride ' SUB DNAPL chemical lis! ' Page 3 of5 Methylene chloride o-dichlorobenzene pentachloroethane pentachloronapthalene pentachlorophenol . " , .~,. perchloromethyl mercaptan , Tetrachloroethylene Trans-l,2-dichloroethylene " Aerothene MM; DCM; Dichloromethane; Freon 30; Methane dichloride; Methylene bichloride; Methylene dichloride; Narcotil; NCI-C50102; RCRA ' waste numberU080; Solaesthin; Somethine; UN 1593 , o-DCB;1',2-DichlorobenZeue;' , ortho-Dichlorobenzene; o-Dichloro~nzol i Ethane pentachloride; Pentalin I' Halowax@1013;1,2,3,4,5- 'Pentachloronaphthalene 'I P, C,P; Penta; 2,3,4,5,6- , 'Pentachloropp.enol ' " PCM; PMM; Trichloromethane , , , ,sulfenyl chloride; Trichloromethyl sulfur chloride. , PCE; PERC; Perchlorethylene; Ankilostin; Antisoll; Carbon bichloride; ~arbon dichloride; Dee-Solv; Didakene; Dow-per; ENT 1,860; Ethylerie tetrachloride; Fedal-UN; NC1- 'C04580; Nema; PER; Pemwin; Perchlor; Perchloroethylene; 'Perclene; Perclene D; Percosolv;' Perk; Perklone; Persec; RCRA waste number U210; Tetlen; Tetracap; Tetrachlorethylene; Tetra,chloroethene; 1,1,2,2- 'Tetrachloroethylene; ,Tetritleno; Tetralex; Tetravec; Tetrogu.er; Tetropil; UN 1897 , Acetylene dieloride; trans-, Acetylene dichloride; 1,2- Dichloroethyene; (E)-1,2- ' Dichloroethene; trans- Dichloroethylene; 1,2- trans- Dichloroethene; 1,2-trans" dichloroethylene; sym-' Dichloroethvlene: Diofonn ,75-09-2 95-50-1 I 76-01-7 11321-64-8 I 87-86-5 , 594-42-3 127-18-4 540-59-0 SUB DNAPL'chemicallist Page 5,of 5 " I Trans-l,3-dichloropropylene Ibis (chloro)'methylether Ibis (2-chloroethyl) ether Ibis (2-chloroisopropyl) ether 2-chloroethylvinylether chlorobenzene bromomethane I m-dichlorobenzene I dibromomethane I chloroethane I hexachloroethane I tetrachloronapthalene, I ' Ethane;2-chloroethoxy 111-44-4 39638-32-9 i 110-75-8 i 108-90-7 74-83-9 541-73-1 74-95-3 75-00-3 67-72-1 1335-88-2 I methyl bromide Halowax@; Nibren wax; Seekay wax S:nancylmIDNAP12 .' ATTACHMENT B Chemical or Contaminants Required to be Sampled for by U. S. Environmental Protection Al!:encv or Orel!:on Health Division O-Dichlorobenzene I, I , I-Trichloroethane ,I, I ,2- Trichloroethane I,I-Dichloroethylene 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloropropane 2,4,5- TP Silvex 2,4-D Acrylamide Alachlor Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Asbestos Atrazine Barium Beniene Benzo(a)pyrene Beryllium Cadmium , Carbofuran Carbon tetrachloride Chlordane Chloride Chlorobenzene Chromium 'Cis-I,2-Dichloroethylene Copper COITosivity Cyanide Dalapon Di(2-ethylhexy I)adipate Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Dibromochloropropane Dichloroinethane Dinoseb Dioxin(2,3,7,8,TCDD) Diquat Endothall Endrin Epichlorohydrin Etllylbenzene Ethylene Dibromide Fluoride Foaining agenCs G Iyphosate Gross Alpha Gross beta Heptachlor Heptachor epoxide 'Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene lodine-13!. Iron Lead, Lindane Manganese Mercury Methoxychlor Monochlorobenzerie Nickel Nitrate (as N) Nitrite (as N) , Oxamyl(Vydate) P-Dichlorobenzene PenCachlorophenol Picloram , Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Radium-226 and Radium-228 Combined but not Radon and Uranium Selenium, Silver Simazine Strontium-90 'Styrene Sulfate' Tetrachloroethylene(pCE) Thallium Toluene Total Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) Toxaphene , Trans-I,2-Dichloroethylene Trichloroethylene (TCE) Tritium Vinyl chloride Xylenes(total) Zinc " . , ATTACHMENT C Materials Considered ExemDt From Hazardous Materials Standards Within The City OfSDrinefield Drinkine Water Protection Plan NOTE: Chemicals shipped as liquefied gas or which take on an alternate form (liquid, powder, crystal, solid) at normal surface temperatures (-20 to 125 degrees F) are not automatically exempt. ~~~~__~<\lliymq(~)I~~=Fs~~~:f"~1l~~~um\J~ 1 Cooking oils I fats I, 1 1 Food products 1 ' 1 ' 1 Uncontaminated Water 1 1 Cellulose Hydrxycellulose; Natural organic fibet 19004-34-6' I Pyrocellulose Untreated logs; saw 'Natural organic fiber dust; lumber; wood shavings 1 Ethine; Ethyne 1 1 1 Alumina ,I 1 Boron fluoride; T rifl uoro borane Calcium salt of Carbonic acid (occurs in nature as: limestone, chalk, marble, dolomite, aragonite, calcite, & oyster shells) Calcium hydrate, Caustic lime, Hydnited lime, , Slaked lime 1 C02; Car,bonic acid gas; Dry ice I Carbon oxide; Flu gas; Monoxide Hydrocobalt tetracarboyl; Tetracarbonylhydrid- ocobalt; , Tetracarbonylhydro- cobalt 'Untreated Wood I Bi-Products 1 Acetylene 1 Activated carbon' 1 Air I' Aluminum oxide ,I Argon I Boron.trifluoride Calcium Carbonate Calcium hydroxide 1 Car~on Dioxide I Carbon monoxide Cobalt hydrocarbonyl (as Co) " , 1 gas - will not migrate to aquifer, , 1 ,no hazardous decomposition 1 gas - will not migrate to aquifer 1 no hazardous decomposition 1 gas - will not migrate to aquifer I gas - will not migrate to aquifer no hazardous decomposition 1 74-86-2 1 1 1 1344-28-1 1 7440-37-1 17637-07-2 1317-65-3 no hazardous decomposition ' 1305-62-0 ,I gas - will not migrate to aquifer '1.124-38-9 I gas - will ~ot migrate to aqUiferI6~0~08-0 gas - will not migrate to aquifer 16842-03-8 1 1 I I I 1 I I I Portland Cement no hazardous decomposition I Diatomacious Earth ' no hazardous decomposition Diborane Boroethane; Boron gas -'will not migrate to aquifer 19287-45-7 hydride; Diboron hexahydride Germanium tetrahydride Germane; gas - will not migrate to aquifer 7782-65-2 Germanium hydride; Germanomethane; Monogermane Gypsum Wallboard Dry Wall, Sheet Solid, no hazardous , Rock, Contains: decomposition Calcium Sulfites, 13397-24-5 Gypsum Crystalline Silica 14808-60~ 7 Amorphous Silica, Hydrated 7631-86-9 Mica , 12001-26-2 Aluminum Silicates, Feldspar 1302-76-7 Calcium Carbonate 1317-65-3 ' ~ Helium I gas - will not migrate to aquifer 7440-59-7 I Hydrogen I ' I gas - will not migrate to aquifer I Ketene I'Carbomethene; gas - will not migrate to aquifer I 463-51-4 Ethenone; Keto- ethylene I Natural Gas I Methane I gas - will not migrate to aquifer Nitric oxide ' Mononitogen gas - will not migrate to aquifer 10102-43-9 monoxid~; Nitrogen monoxide; , Nitrogen trifluoride Nitrogen fluoride; gas" will not migrate to aquifer 7783-.54-2 Trifuoroinine; Trifluoroanimoriia I Nitrous Oxide I Liquified gas - will not migrate 1.10024-97-2 to aquifer , I Oxygen I I gas - will not migrate to aquifer I Oxygen difluoride Difluorine gas - will not migrate to aquifer ' 7783~41-7 monoxide; Fluorine monoxide; Oxygen , fluoride, , I Ozone I Triatomic oxygen I gas - will not migrate to aquifer 110028-15-6 I Propane Bottled gas; gas - wilbot migrate to aquifer , 74-98-6 Dimethylmetharie; n-Propane;propyl hydride I :Selenium hexafluoride I Selenium fluoride I gas - will not migrate to aquifer 17783-79-1 I .' I Silicon dioxide r Silica gel ,I, Silicon tetrahydride Stibine Dow Coming 732 Multi- purpose Sealant - Clear Dow. Coming 999A Silicon Glazing Sealanf- white I Trade M, ate Silic.on Glazing - Clear I I Sand I no hazardous decomposition I I I no hazardous decomposition I 1 Monosilape; Silane; 1 gas - will not migrate to aquifer 7803-62-5 I' , Silicane Antimony hydride; gas - will not migrate to aquifer 7803-52-3 Hydrogen 'antimonide Contains: no hazardous decomposition Methy Itriacetoxy 4253-34-3 ' Silane, Ethyltriacetoxy 17689-77-9 Silane, Amorphous silica 7631-86-9 no' hazardous decomposition 'Mixture ' 1 no hazardous decbmp~sition , 'I Mixture" '. I I .." .' DRINKING WATER PROTECTION PLAN , MAil-OUT LIST , k~ Emily Jerome / ~ ,j , Harrang Long Gary Rudnick PO Box 11620 Eugene, Oregon 97440-3820 {)!c/(~ 1"1 ,', , 'I] 90 W, c7 ''1 ']105' frrrd ' Greg Grasso Plant General Manager; Voith Sulzer 2885 Olympic Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 /)~ p7nJ rh1/V1/^ f/JNl'~'cI; , a /f/7// J;6c7lfC/J.... ~,.lV / Od ~~v iJA: fg7cra7 Jim Spear Quality Facilitator; Voith Sulzer 2885 Olympic Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Andrew Poynter Environmental. Poynters, PO Box 281 Elmira, Oregon 97437 . -/' M ;#r rl/-.-r !J, '-;r;:J' ,(J, 'i;4fj /, 11 /f(";/;wc..) f/V', ' , Ron Sprainis General Manager; Chrome World, 3240 Olympic Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 'v'/)fPJ(~ ~;:;~ff~ rU ~v>pI: d...,J , f'1 t{t.1.- h~ '), .~:::; f;J , ~'(.P/"T, . {' ;d / tI / ,iJ I?t ,j1pl.4V' tI (}/ ~r( f1Ji . f17!,' Tim 'Stokes Metal Products Co, 1652 32nd'Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Dwight Forgery , General Manager, Eugene FarmersCoop 2690 Prairie Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 Larry Lowenkron Environmental and Safety Manager 'Neste Resin,' ~;; 1600 Valley River Drive, Suite 390 Eugene, Oregon 97401 ?0J S VI S j?rYJ III ~/ (j@:A~ ~7 tTjilJ riA V ~ I I I , I I r