HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice DLCD 11/16/2000 " ;~ -Oregon John A. Kitzhilbl'f, MD., Covernor Department of ,Land Conservation and Development 635 Capitol 51.. NE, Suite 150 Salem. Oregon 97301.2540 Phone (503) 373-0050' Director's Fax (503) 378.5518 Main Fax (503) 378.6033 'w D Rural/CoastalFax (503) 378.5518 . fi TGM /Urban Fax (503) 378.2687 R E C E i VE adress: http://wwwIcd.state.Qf.us November 16,2000 Sarah Summers, Planner II City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 c-{ I :"-1-(0-00, ' , " By: 1>LGD~~ ~ PERIODIC REVIEW WORK TASK #5 PARTIAL APP~OVAL (ORDER No. 001272) 'Dear Sarah: I am pleased to inform you that the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) has approved the city's periodic review work task #5 submittal regarding the drinking water protection plan (Ordinance No. 5962), This letter constitutes the department's o~der approving the city's work task submittal (OAR 660-025-0150(1)(a)). ' By this order, the delineated well fields, certified by the Oregon Health Division (Agency #0002R), are acknowledged as beiqgsignificant Goal 5 groundwater resources pursuant to OAR 660-023-0140(4).1 By this order, the City ofSpringfield's'drinking water protection "program" is also acknowledged as complying with Statewide Planning Goal 5 and OAR 660-023-0140(6).2 . ", , , " No objections to this work task were received in response to the city's 21-day notice. Therefore, this order is final and cannot be appealed. , I On March 8,1999, the Oregon Health Division certified, pursuant to OAR 340"40-0180(3), the ground water- derived drinking water protection areaS (OHD #0002R). Some of the delineated well field areas include land located outside the City of Springfield's portion of the Metro Urban Growth ~oundary (UGB) in, 'rural Lane County and land located ,within the City of Eugene's portion of the UGB, For !he purpose of Goal 5 and OAR 660-023-0140(4), the boundary of the significant grou'1dwater resource coincides with the delineation(s) certified by OHD and includes lands within the jurisdictions of Springfield, Eugene and Lane County, 2 The Goal 5 rule at OAR 660023-0140(6) provides for local government "programs" to resolve ConflictS with drinking water protection areas, including reducing the risk of contamination of groundwater and implementing proteetion plans, A risk assessment has been perfonned for all lands within the city's UGB, including the' unincorporated urban area,' However, Subsection (6) of this rule has only been applied to the drinking water protection area located inside the'incorporated city limitS of Springfield. Therefore, this order does not include approval of a "drinking water protection plan" for those areas located outSide the city limits of Springfield, Efforts are underway to adopt new standards to protect drinking water from a potential risk that may be located within these outlying areas (e,g" McKenzie Watershed Project, Rural Plan Update), Once these and other planning efforts are completed, further approval orders may be issued for the rural and urban portions of Lane County and for Eugene pursuant to Subsection (6) of the Goal 5 rule, ' @ ,. . >, .' Sarah Summers -2- November 16, 2000 I appreciate the efforts of city officials and staff in completing the periodic review work task, Please feel free to contact Doug White, lead reviewer, at (503) 373-0050, extension 240, if you have any questions. Sincerely, .4 1m Hinman Urban Coordinator JH:DW/deb <j: \pr\lcity\springfiledl> cc: Sheree Stewart, DEQ , Dennis Nelson, Health Division Jim Mann, Lane County Jan Cpilds, City of Eugene Dist; To: Radabaugh, White, Butts, Cansler