HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice DLCD 10/17/2002 0' " 'i I 'Dregon John A. Kitzhaber, M.D., Governor Department of Land Conservation and Development 635 Capitol St. NE, Suite 150 Salem, Oregon 97301.2540 Phone (503) 373.0050 Director's Pax (503) 378.5518 Main Pax (503) 378.6033 Rural/Coastal Pax (503) 378.5518 TGM/Urban Pax (503) 378-2687 Web Address: htlp:/ /www.lcd.state.or.us NOTICE OF ADOPTED AMENDMENT October 17, 2002 &i TO: Subscribers to,Notice of Adopted Plan or Land Use Regulation Amendments RECEIVED oc:r (7) D?- , SUBJECT: City of Springfield Plan Amendment D LG D.~ ' DLCDFileNumber005-02 By:. tJ~ I "c OY1W~ The Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) received the attached notice of adoption, A copy of the adopted plan amendment is available for review at the DLCD office in Salem and the local government office. Due to the size Of amended material submitted, a complete copy has not been attached, FROM:' Tamara Good, Plan Amendment Program'Specialist Appeal Procedures* ,DLCD ACKNOWLEDGMENT or DEADLINE TO APPEAL: O~tober 30, 200'2 This amendment was submitted to DLCD for review 45 days prior to adoption, Pursuant to ORS 197,830 (2)(b) only persons who participated in the local government proceedings leading to adoption of the amendment are eligible to appeal this decision to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) , If you wish to appeal, you must file a notice, of intent to appeal with the Land Use Board,of Appeals (LUBA) no later than 21 days from the date the deeision was mpiled to .you by the local government. , If you have questions, check with the local government to determine the appeal deadline, Copies of the notice of intent to appeal must be served upon the local government and others who received written notice of the final decision from the local government The notice of intent to appeal must be served and,filed in the form and manner prescribed by LUBA, (OAR Chapter 661, Division 10), Please call LUBA at 503.373-1265, if you have questions' about appeal procedures, *NOTE: THE APPEAL DEADLINE IS BASED UPON THE DATE THE DECISION WAS MAILED BY LOCAL GOVERNMENT. A DECISIONMA Y HAVE BEEN MAILED TO YOU ON A DIFFERENT DATE THAN IT WAS MAILED ,'TO DLCD~ AS A RESULT YOUR APPEAL DEADLINE MAY BE EARLIER THAN THE ABOVE DATE SPECIFIED" Cc: Jim Hinman, Urban Coordinator Mark Radabaugh, Regional Representative Sarah Summers, City of Springfield <paa> y/ @ FORM 2 'D L C'D NOTICE OF ADOPTION ' DEPtOF: This fonn must he mailed to DLCD within 5 workin" davs after the final decisiniJCr 1 I ., per ORS 197.610, OAR Chapter 660 - Division 18 LAND Co 'c:'002 , ) AND NSfR" , (See rever'" side fnr suhmittalreouirements ,Df\lfLO IIATiON , PAtlfNT Jurisdiction: , ,'- Sf;? i tJ Ghrz. /J Date of Adoption: /0/. 7 /0 ;L , (Must (. fi;led in) Local File No.: ~:;Jo O:J. -0'/-//<1 (If no number, use none) Date Mailed: , /D/ 9~);;1.---' (Date .J;;;ed o~nt tabLeD) , ~/Jlf/(j ;;L- , Date the Notice of Proposed Amendment was mailed to DLCD: _ ComprehenSive 'Plan Text Amendment , ~ Land Use Regulation Amendment _ New Land Use Regulation ___ Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment _ Zoning Map Amendment ..!L Other: DR/~h~6 lJAr€n ft1lif7t>;J ;/ff<I Ctflld/lflf ',(please Specify Type of Action) . ". , . Summarize the adopted amendment. Do not use technical terms. Do not write "See AttaChed." q/J/Jff1Y fll~rr J),f/,V/?/tIJ(;'-<!If"Lb.rf //26'17:?c.fi~"c?/./t;o ~/tuI, , _/AJ JCZ9"'1 ,!lz:-. /AJ'-;L,.n/h?/ ,\>,/,,c,/JL,c ~~d',./J1d2!/LfS/5wb/r ArZ7f ./l AI /k 11:1.L.M./_e hd.L.L.,/;U_A~ Lr/ii(!,' ,'/7/6' ^ArtJr#/4 U /J W~ , ?! A7,) /,,(1/ ,0/J.h/' rY!toalfl/Jr..U7:1?tC. OIV~ Describe how the adopted amendment differs from the proposed amendment. If it is the same, write "Same." If you did not give notice for the proposed amendment, write "Nt A." .<<:) /I7/U e . Plan Map Changed from: Zone Map Changed from: to to Location: Acres:Involved: New:' Specify Density: Previous: Applicable Statewide Planning Goals: Was an Exception Adopted? Yes: /" U No: / DLCDFileNo.: 005 -O;2(liIOlr-- ", Did the pepartment ofL~d Conservation and Development receive a notice of Proposed Amendment FORTV 1<'TVI!',.@S:I r1~ys prior to the fi~S~ e~identia~ hearing. Yes: V. Ifno, do the Statewide Planning Goals apply, No: No: Yes: , . - . , " " If no; did The Emergency Circumstance~Require immediate adoption. Yes: _ No: ',.. " , , , I Affected State or Federal Agericies, Local Governments or Special Districts: , " '.,,', .' I' , ' I' , " Area Code + Phone Number: 67;/7;2& - '/61/ ' \ ' " , Local Contact: s5lM.kl \U/11 m~.J ;:;l'J S" ;::; ~ 1J, \' r )/; R, "'Pf:; r.:uJ 7/ ;j , : Address: City: " Zip Code+4: 9?t/?? 1. ' 2~ 3. , 4. 5. 6. 7. . I . ADOPTION SUBMITTAIL REQUIREMENTS 1bis form must be mailed to DLCD within 5 ~Orkinl" davs after the final de~ision perORS 197.610, OAR Chapth 660 - Divisiim 18,. : . Serid this Fo~ andTWO (ZYConies of the Adpnted Aipendment to.: ' . I' ATIENTION: PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST, , , I, DEPARTMENT OF LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT ' 635 CAPITOL STImETINE, S'trrTE 150' , , SALEM, OREGON I 97301-2540 '" , ' "Submit TWO (2) copies the adopted material, if copies are boUnded please submit TWO (2) complete copies of documents and maps. '" Please Note: Adopted materilils must be sent to DLCD not later than FIvE (5) working days following the date of the final decision on the arttendment. , , Submittal of of this Notice of Adoption must iJlude the text of the amendment plus ;mopted , , findings and supplementary information. , ' , The deadline t~ appeal will be ~xtended if you submit this notice of adoption within five, working days of the final decision. Appeals to ~UBAmay be filed Within TWENTY-ONE (21) days of the date, the "Notice of Adoption" is sent to DLCD. In addition'to sending the "Notice of Adoption" to DLCD, you must notifypersolis who participated in the local hearing and requested notice of the fmal decision. , , Need More' Copies? You can copy this form J to 8~1 /2x II lITeen '1aoer only; or call the 1 " DLCD Office at (503) 373-0050; or FaX your refluest to:(503) 378-5518; qr Email your request to Larry.French@state,or.us - ATTENTION: PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST. J:\pa\paa\forms\noticead.fim . revised: 7(19/99 " RESOLUTION NO. 02-47 A ,RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE SPRINGFIELD DRINKING WATER', PROTECTION " ADDENDUM (2002) PLAN ,". t" ;: .- ': ':" t. :.r:'~.< .'" '. ~ I f', ':;".. 'WHEREAS, the City .of Spri,ngfield adopted a Drinking' Water Protection Plan, which is designed toprotect'the 'grouriawater aquifers beneath the" metropolitan Springfiel'd ~rea used , , for its public water supply. and ' , WHEREAS: the Willamette Well Field has been determined to be under the direct influence of , surface water by the Oregon Department of Human Se'rvices, and WHEREAS. the'Springfield Utility Board will be using water taken directly from the Middle Fork Willamette, River for p,ublic water supply. and _. - -,'.- .' ~. ..~ :., '. l WHEREAS, Policy 21 on page III-C-10 .of the Eugene-Springfield Metrop'olitan Area General 'Plan requires positive steps ,to betaken to protect the Springfield groundwater supplies, and WHEREAS, Policy 22 on page III-C-,10 .of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General , 'Plan requires local governments to monitor. plan for and 'enfarce applicable water quality', standards and caoperate in meeting applicable federal. state, and lacal water quality , standards. and WHEREAS. a surface water'elenient' of the Drinking Water Protection Plan is required. by the: Department of Environmerital 'Quality, the'" Departme~'t' .of' Land : Conservation and' Development and the Metro Rlan Periodic ,Work Task"and :. ':' " ", .' ,-,' ., . - ..- - . '. ~ ,; - ,', '. ." . " -. . .. . . . '. . ' . WHEREAS. the Springfield Planning Commission canducted a public hearin'g on the Plan on , July 2, 2002 and forwarded the Plan Addendum ~o the City Council with a recammendation for adoption, and . , WHEREAS. the Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan Addendum (2002) was reviewed in public meetings. , NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS, ~ ~~, ,The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby adopt the Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan Addendum (2002) as more particularly described and set forth in Attachment A. , , ,,',,' , ' , " " " I ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 7t11Jay of OctClber '2002. by a vote of...L for and ~against. , " ' , 1 APP.RO~:D by '.h' M'YO~ of,". my ~i'~:' '~~?"b"2QO" ~\, ~ ~/ , ,/, I}tfayor ATTEST:, r ~~~l~ REVIEWED & APPROVED ~~:~'~2~M \ L~ DATE: q I I'> }2QCl 2- OFFICE OF CITYrATTORNEY " /" y/ BEFORE .THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 'REQUEST FOR DRINKING 'WATER PROTECTION PLAN ADDENDUM (2002) NATURE OF THE APPLICATION + + + JO. NO. 02-0~~119 , , FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, ' AND FINAL ORDER Drinking Water Protection Plan Addendum (2002). ' 1. , ~ 2. 3. ' 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ,,,' - , ' ." " . . In May; 1999, the Springfield City Council adopted the Drinking Water proteciicin (DWP) Plan which addresses groundwater protection. ' In November, 1999, the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the' Oregon Department of Land Conservation ana Development (OLeO) " . acknowledged the delineated well fields as significant Goal 5 resources, and approved the DWP Plan as meeting the city's periodic review task #5 and , complying with Statewide Planning Goal 5. " ' , In November, 1999, the Oregon Department of Human Resources (ODHR), , detennined that Springfield Utility Board's (SUB) Willametle well fields are under direct influence of surface water. ODHR requires treatment for organisms in,' ' 'surface water over and above the requirements for grou,ndwater sources. SUB is constructing a system which will take water directly from_the Middle Fork Willametle River near the Willametle wellheads. " , · , ,,'., ," ' , ' ' .' ' ' The DWP Addendum adds a surface water element to the DWP Planas required ' by DEQ, ODHR and DLCD. , ' . " ,,' ,,' The draft DWP Addendum (2002) was presented to the City Council at a work' session on June 10, 2002. Staff was instructed to continue with the public , hearing process. ',' ,', ' Timely and sufficient notice of the public hearing, pursuant to Section 14.030 of the Springfield Development Code, has been provided. ' , On July 2, 2002 a public hearing before the Planning Commission on the request 'to approve the DWP Addendum 2002 was held before the Planning ComlT)ission, , The Development Services Department recommendation together With the ' , testimony and submittals of the persons testifying'at the hearing have been, , considerro and are part of the record of this proceeding. " ' CONCLUSION , ' , , " "" '. " " .. , ". '. ."" ". . - " On the basis of this record, the requested DM Addendum (2002) conforms with the , ,requirements of state-mandatro Periodic Review, including state agency review and' , ,approval, and Oregon Administrative Rules. ' RECOMl\1:ENDATION It is RECOMMENDED by the Planning Commission of Springfield that the DWP .' Addendum (2002) be approvro by the Springfield City Council. ATTACHMENT 1_1 This RECOMMENDATION was presented to and approved by the Planning , Commission on July 2, 2002. ' ATTEST - , AYES: b NOES: ,0 " ABSENT: I ABSTAIN: 0, ~ ,.;.. _ t)~ --'71'..-<--' ~-- Planning CommissionChairperson (' :1 . :1 " 'I- . ii '" ", "