HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice DLCD 9/18/2000 RECEIVE[ PERIODIC REVIEW WORK TASK' q -I g-7YO , SUBMITT Ai, FORM ',,''','' "...,";By:.'. " r Thi~ Cor'inshouiJ a:cc-;;-~p-any'ALL PRODUCTS SUBlVul ll',t(iis'"partof a'specificWtirk~"":"'o' ' Task identified on an approved periodic review work program to the DEPARTMENT OF LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT, Salem office. (See OAR 660-25-130) Please complete tltefollowing: JURISDICTION> ,:5/;l'AJo.fl:~rJ., :" ,.;:",:y,.;;!>,~TE: . ,~ . . .. U ' .,.;, r .-. . -",. ~ ',~-; ..... ~" ~, : "'... r ..- LOCAL CONTACT: ~ G,( A L '- G.... M.e /l ~ :- .J . o/(0~ ..... ~d . ~ I {.', ~ f~ ~~ ,- , ", ....:, .;'" . .....!f...:~ 2-.' _'i)L.'~-;.':' t.. '~\I!i . ..ld;, FAX:''')'J{[j 72/"-,,J 6 n ,yfu;->!~d' "D~"~:7~?7' '~! .: I . r..:. t. .' ", '.':~ _ 'f' '\". }.". .J ... J:.' PHONE::S'j1 /7t1.{,';' ,.,Lj.~'IfL, , ;. :t,:'.:." .( 'r:'j";j ADDRESS: ~U. :;:; M.,<9- .'i("-:" -. . '~:;:'I ,. .j.: 1 ..( iii :'t. ',< (check as aoorooriate) C~~~~i~~DWO~T~~K.~' '(deS~;~~ti~'n) fiit/!j,~ /?i1Idiu;VjJlmJ, To De considered complete a work task must have all of the following: (I) finaLadoptedyersionpf the wor!c. ~k; (?) list ~f p~rs~ns w~~.requ~stednotic,e:?f fina. :de~isiol).s il). ~ting o~check~; ,." "" indicated below; (3) notice of the fmal decision, (See reverse sidbJor example of a," , ..,. , 21-day work task notification letter). , " 7~" ,'. <:';'i),- '..,' , . i " . ,: ,: ,-<," , ' *No ~~~~equest~d noti~~f fui~1 d6~;~'i6~ '.j/' (pl~ce 'che;;k h~~~). ' ,.. ~ :',~_:-:!.;:,,\::;.jr'~~.:~{~;~.'."-~ :::;-',":.\.. ." ~:' ~. ':' ~;-~:::~':'~-'''_~::'.i~~~~>'::',~L~:~~'' '~<:;~, _"!~ . COMPLETED'SUBTASK#" (descnption)"" ~..' ~_:,"~"" '. ,. ..J_,,"", -, Comple~e((~iibtiSlci::~ay'be submitted to the department for prdifuinary review With Ii copy of this ~"-'l""1 I .-. ~, . '_." . . _.,.,.... _, . . r;_, .' -. form. Note: Written notice to participants and DLCD for subtasks is' not required until the entire work taSk' Is'coiiipletelThe departinent will reView as tinie permits.: -:::\: ,'>:' , ".., "'1"'" " .0' . ':;;':"._: " " . <'. ; ~'_ '(.- ",' ,l ! I '.: -.: .: i 7,... ,_ .... _.. "', .-' '. '_ . . 0; ~ _DRAFTTASKfSUBTASK'Wk, :, .(description), "":1 ",..',':,., v Draft taskslsubtasks may be submitted to the department for preliminary review with a copy of this form. Note: Written notice to participants and DLCD is not required. The department will review as time permits, Check with your assigned DLCD periodic review team leader. Send To: ,Department of Land Conservation' and Development 635 Capitol Street, N.E. Suite 150 Salem, Oregon 97301-2540 .- .;.. '.. . :;',:.'u.:."li '-::{i~,;;t;j .~;)f~ f.h :r,;~~J l:',;>i',.:::: ..,' ';,' .:;:: :~; ::;.:J,::;l .-,,:.. 'C'", ".,.r:"i, .... ;;. ..... , If you need,additioDa.iJ9~s, i~yt:,q,!estii!l:'<;~9~\i~i,ch,X~~~;rR;~!1~;~~i~e,~d!~~\p;nili~~"o~q~i~i form c~lI, Br~I).~.aJ;;,a1.J~I!\r:3i~,~~O?)!??vq;O~?Q,~~':St~!}Sf,9}\3,Hji:;';D jj:~,If](,',i:)',.;,C ,Ji,,, :""i~;', \-',':",;, ',: G""!t '''{')"r' '~~qq<ll~" 11' {')J"l"'" ,", j ,r, I '1 ' " , , ..., h )",.J ::'.J fJ)..I. J:. uJ v I :t., ~ 'of :....J i ,100 1:'>.. PJ..HI , } ;:",~ Hf ~\; fj .~1F';I.Pi rf: J..., .~\ ! If)l'.'',~t"; ,-'j, , .~;"l.~"\' . ., :. " ~-" -'. .~-""_"".-~~.1'~)"./ ~...,l,o.J_" ,. ~ \ " . September 18, 2000 Brenda Cansler DLCD 635 Capitol St NE Suite 150 Salem, OR 97301-2540 Dear Brenda, 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 Enclosed is the form and material for review as a completed work task for Springfield's wellhead protection, The Drinking Water Protection Plan was adopted by the City Council in May 1999 and submitted to DEQ and DLCD. Mark, at that time, also wanted the Overlay District adopted in order to consider this a completed work task, The Overlay District went through a long series of public hearings and was adopted by City Council May 15,2000, It became effective June 15, 2000, Although no requests were made for notice of the final decision, the notice was sent to those who wrote or spoke at the public hearings, Please let me know if you have questions or need more information, Sincerely, Sarah Summers Planner II "