HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous PLANNER 5/13/2002
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Project Description: Adapt a resalulion'accepting the 2002 Update ta the Drinking
Water Protectian Plan (DWP),
1. Project Purpose and Origination: The purpose .of the project is ta update the
DWP Plan ta include,a management area for surface water .of the Middle Fork
Willamette Watershed, This management area has been delineated per DEQ,
The area. is 1,000 feet from the waterline .of the Middle Fark Willamette River and
its perennial tributaries for a distance .of approximately 28 miles upstream C8
hours) from Ihe SUB intake al the Willamette Wellfield, This projeCl ariginaled
with SUB and Developmenl Services Department. '
2. Project Background: All certified plan's are evaluated by DEQ at approximate
five-year intervals ta er:lsure Ihat the pratection area has been acknawledged and
Ihere is an active, on-going effart ta reduce the risk of cantaminatian, DEQ's
. recertification .of the DWP Plan, which was adapted in 1999, wilrbe based .an an
evaluation of the progress made taward. risk,reductian arid'an eyaluation .of any
new elements added to the Plan, ' e. ' '
.~. "
The Springfield OWP Plan addresses .only the graundwater component .of
Springfield's drinking water and covers an area thaI extends to th!'l UGB, In 1999,
the Willamette Wellfields, located at the south end of Sauth 28'h Street .outside .of
the UGB, were determined ta be under the direct influence of surface water
CMiddle Fork Willamette River) by the Oregon Health ~ivision, OHD requires
treatment far organisms over and abave the requirements far groundwater
sources, Based on research ta determine the best methad .of treatment, SUB is
constructing a slow sand filter system within the Willamette Wellfield, Bath
, graundwater and ,surface waler, from the Middle Fork will be filtered through this
system, The system is expected ta be ready far,use,in Octaber, 2002, Since
Springfield will soan be drawing water from the Middle Fark and the Willamette
Wells are influencea by the Middle Fark, the Update (2002) will incarporate a '
surface water management area as required by DEQ. The management area will
,be a cCFoperaliveeffart between SUB, lane County, the Middle Fark Willamette
Watershed Cauncil and ather arganizatians and gavernments.
As part of addressing the Saurce Water Assessment requirements, the
, watershed far the surface water bady intersecting with the groundwater system
has ta be delineated. This Update will serve to satisfy DEQ recertificatian of the
DWP Plan and DLCD Protection Goal 5 requirement and Metro Plan Periadic
Review work task. The need to adapllhe Updale (2002) at this point in time has
occurred because SUB will be drawing water from the Middle Fork this fall for use
by Springfield citizens.
3. Project Requirements: SUB has complet~d'a Polential Contaminant Source
Inventory for the Willamette Wellfield, It meets the OHD requirement to assess
, major patential cantaminant sources that cauld impact public drinking water. The
draft DWP Plan Update (2002) has been written based an results from the
Inventary to include the surface waler within the proposed management area, All
.of the management area is outside of Springfield's UGB. The Updale follows Ihe
format of the .original Plan which includes participation; delineatian; surface water
companent ofDWP area inventory; management of patenlial sources of
contamination; and cantingency plan, '
Public Warks, City Attarney, City Council and DEO need ta review the Plan
Update and give comments/corrections/suggestions to DSD, The Update wauld
then ga ta Planning Cammission and City Cauncil far adaption, Submit the
adopted Update ta DEO.
4. Scope of Work/Timelines
"A "date certain" has nat been set for any of the required hearings, State law
requires a, minimum of 45 daynatice priar 1.0 the first public hearing The following
,is a possible schedule:
. Draft of Update by SUB ready for review by April 12
. PW and attarney review and input finished by May 10,
. DLCQ riatice mailed by,May 15
. Carrectians and additians done by May 24 ,
.. Cauncil wark session June 10
. . Corrections and additians done by June 19
. PC public hearing July 2
. CC'pubic hearing Sept 16
5. Project Deliverables/Budget The praduct is an adopted OWP Plan Updale.
6. ,Project Coordination and StaffingCi.e. who are the sponsors, managers and
line staff anticipated to participate in the completion of the project)
The staffing .of this project is as failaws':
Sponsor: Cynlhia Pappas, Dan Brown
Project Manager: Mel Oberst
PW - Chuck Goitfried:
, Review Update
Shepherd through public hearings
, 2 haurs ta review final update
Attend PC and CC meetings if
Lead Staff: DSD- Sarah Summers:
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