HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 5/1/2000 (2) ~05-01-00, 02:50PM FROM-STOEL RIVES 503-220-2480 T-740 P,Ol/03 F-445 " STOEL RIVES LLP ^TTOR~EYS ST I\NDI\RD INSURANce CENTllR 900 SW 1'Il'1'IlI\V'ENUE, SUITE 2600, PORTLAND, OREGQN 9nDH268 ' , T,",phon< (,503) 224-3380 Fon (,5OJJ na-2480 Name: @ Fax No- CompilDy/F\rm: Omee'No. TO: Mel Oberst ',tf ~6-3689 Cily of SpriPgfield 541-7263753 Sarah Summers 541-726-3689 City of Springfield 541-726-3753 Kim Krebs 541-726-2363 City of Springfield 541-726-3700 , Manager's Office Joseph Leahy 541-746-4109 Harold Leahy Trudeau & 541-746-9621 Kieran FROMf':':9' Client: Sender's Dir""i Dial: (503) 294-9194 Mauer: DATE: May 1.2000 3 No, of Pages (illcluding'lhis co~er): Originals NOI Forwarded Unless Ch.d,.d: Firsl Class Mail 'Ovefllighr' Dcliyery Hand P.liyery, ill case of error call the fax operator at (503) 294-9508, This fae>imile 'f/4)' comain <'pnjiaenri1<1 i1ifprma:l'Olllhnr is pror'Cled by rhe a110mey-<'Ilefll or lVork prpdkCl privilege, If rhe reader of chis m~~'$age 's nor 1M <<nlended recipiern. or un employee responszble f07.delivering rile Jacsimilt!. pkase do (101 di"/ritJl<le rhis facsimIle. florify us i""!"'d.olely try zeleph(me, and relkm rhis ja<.iff!ile try mail, Thank ypu, ' COMMENTS: . RECEIVED :s ;.. (7(X) By: Pon(f)Ql.2Ol4l54 1 ~-u.ool t 05-01-00 02:51PM FROM-STOEl RIVES 503-220-2480 1-740 ~,uuu, r-44' StOEL Rr YES lH A 1 T 9. RIIlE."i :s ST^NDARDI~~UKANCFC~~TfR "VIJ':;W fLFTt1 AvE.'\:cli, ~U,ll i ~ll.1 PORTLAI'H). l)~i.CQ" !lI72l..11J-.L::!.oa l'hu...../:.LIJ;Ll-l-3J5D FlU f'5lJ~).2:W-l"lll.l nJu(3UJ)Ul-1tJi5 ,U\t':"\~1 w,~'W ~w...'I.I"(lm May 1, 2000 ,MICIWl. C, ROBINSON Dlrecl D~al , (503) 294-9\94 email mcrobin.son@Stocl com ViA FACSIMILE , Mr, Me! Oberst Planning Supervisor City of Springfield Planning Depanment ,225 fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re: Article 17, Drinking Water Protection Plan Dear Mr. Obersl: This office fepresems Wal-Man SlOres, !nc, 1 understand that the City of Springfield City Council will consider the proposed amenclrnc:nts to Article 17 of the Springfield Cit'y Cocle, involving the City of Springfield's Drinking Wa~r Protecrion Plan ("DWP"), Please include this letter in the record of decision regarding this matter, ' / We beJievethat the proposed ordinance can be improved by excluding land use projects that either have already been approvecl or have already be"n submitted and have been deemecl complete, By amending tli"ordinance to explicitly exclude these typ"s of projects, the City would eliininate any uncenainry over whether it is attempting to impose an after-the~fact requiremellt all approvecl or soon-to-bec'approved !lmd use projects, '.' . ~~ The DWP is alanCl use regularion, Land'use r"gulations should be applied only if they are etJective when a land US" or'limitedland!!!ie appli9ation is submitted to theCity,Thb,ordinance applies,.'after the fact" to aU land uses at the building permit stage, A use deemed complete or already in existence should nor have to satisfy the DW? imless a,new land l-ISe application is submined.. " ' Port1ru:l1~20J6lilJ.1 U(fj:5l""t.-O~7 S;~....(ll..l' t'UIULl\.~'" 'V...".CQuvER, W^ bl..',~1I c;...\.1 L..t:.f CI r~ W^~tllNLII..'''. D.(, .. ! 05-01-00 02:51PM FROM-STOEl RIVEr' 503-220~24B0 STOEL RIVES '" Mr, Mel Oberst May I, 2000 Page :! .. :' ,II ThanJc. you for your consideration of this issue, Very truly you,;-s, MCR:ipc cc: Ms, Sarah Summers (vja facsimil.:) Ms, Kim Krebs (via facsimilc:) Mr. Joe Leahy (via facsimile) PomflCll.20308J3 1 lXJ3Jl~U<l7 . ~C"fM , Michael C, Robinson .:, ," " ' " 1:- " " " . T-740 P03/03 F-445