HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 4/20/2000
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Tbr Clot"CJ:C Company
BY FAX: (541) 726-4727
April 20, 2000
Mr. Daniel Egan
Springfield Chamber of Commerce
101 South A Street
Springfield, OR 97477
RE: Article 17 Donkin!!: Water Protection Ovcrlav District
Mr. Egan:
By~ I _ _
As - a foHow-up to our discussions regarding ArtiCle 17, the Clorox Company
and Kingsford request 'that the Springfield Chamber seek two amendments to the
version we received by FAX on the afternoon of April 21, 2000. Further, while the
proposal is directed atthe goal of protecting well water, a goal we support, we remain
concerned ab~ut the methods proposed at the City Council meeting earlier this month.
As presented in our letter to Mr. John Tamulonis (attached), the City's proposal
would apply to hundreds of thousands of materials. Weare concerned that this would
caste unreasonable permitting burdens - upon both the City and the business
With regard to the two amendments that we request, I discussed these with
Mr. Chuck Davis yesterday afternoon and received his conceptual endorsement. Mr.
Davis asked that I provide proposed language and I request that you present the below
to the City. . In short, Mr. Davis informed me that the intent of Article 17 is not to
create burdens upon existing uses. Mr. Davis agreed that revisions protecting tax lots
from being required to meet more stringent TOTZ standards based upon existing uses
would be-appropriate.
AMENDMENT #1- -Revision of 17.040(3)(c) is needed to protect tax lots having
multiple TOTZs from being required to meet r:he most stringent TOTZ due to an
~xisting USe. The following language is proposed: _ .
EXCEPTION: Uoon aoolication. the Director may shall waive the requirements iliat
the more re~trictive standards apply when all of the following apply: (I) Storage, use,
handling, treatment and/or production of hazardous materials, r,?reviouslv subiect to.
17.050, do will not take place within the portion of the tax lot having r:he more
restrictive TOTZ standards; and (2) [retain existing language]; and (3) [retain
existing language]; and (4) the Director fmds r:hat.the waiver will not unreasonablv
compromise protection of groundwater.
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Mr. Dan Egan.
April 27, 2000
AMENDMENT #2 _ Addition of 17.050(8) is needed to maKe clear that this
ordinance does not applY.to permitting applications currently under review. The
following lariguage is proposed:
17.050(8) A DWP overlav district development application is not required for
buildinl! permit - and development a>;lp1ications filed prior to. adoption of thi~
Please let me know how _we may help the Chamber and its members approach
this issue in a constructive manner. I can be reached at (510) 271-7739.
sm:1 .
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Nelson Meeks
Government Relations Issues Manager .
cc: Mr. John TllI1Iulimis
Mr. Chuck Davis' .
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