HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 3/30/2000 From: To: Date: Subject: KLEIN Glenn <'Glenn.KLEIN@harrang.com> '" "HAROLD Tim (HL)" <tjh@haroldleahy.com>,"LEAHY Joe (HL)" <lll@haroldleahy.com> 3/30/00 4:25PM Springfield bwp ordinance Tim/Joe: Attached for your information is the draft set of a.mendments to Springfield's proposed Article 17, I apologize for the delay in sending to you. The meeting that I expected to happen on Monday did not; instead, it occurred this morning. So I wasn't able to send these to you before now. .It is unlikely that my client will be submitting this draft to the Council. In light of our meeting today, we want to make sure that our draft amendments do not have unintended consequences for. other businesses, and those other businesses have not had a chance to review in any detail the attached. It'sounds like staff will be recommending that the Council delay action until some additional review and revisions can be completed. If the Council gives that direction, I expect that my client (and perhaps some other businesses) will suggest that the attached be used as possible changes in that process. If you have questions about the attached or would like to meet at some point. to discuss, please do nothesitate to contact me. Glenn Kiein Harrang Long Gary Rudnick PC 101 E Broadway Suite 400' Eugene OR 97401 541-485-0220 gienn .klein@harrang.com w' This message is a confidential communication under the attorney-client or attorney work product privilege. . RECEIVED o~'3e-:50_1 By:~ cc: TAMULONIS John <jtamulonis@ci.springfield.or.us>,JEROME Emily N . <Emily.N.Jerome@harrang.com>' (J3~( ~VD ~ ~ .' ,J 0 Nlfk(~V4~;JJ ~' C?\-lL tJ-l M ju G G' \ C~(C\( WIIH' L~t1r i-\ ,,/ ~ \) l 11. I-I Acrr fht:p I . " JD ~--"E~ .~ ) ~ 'va L\-- ORDINANCE NO. (EMERGENCY) AN ORDINANCE ADDITION ARTICLE 17 DRINKING W ATERPROTECTION (DWP) OVERLAY DISTRICT TO THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE SETTING FORTH PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS .FOR THE USE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WITHIN.TIME OFTRAVEL ZONES; REVISING THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE BY AMENDING. ARTICLES 2, 3, 14, AND 15 AND APPENDIX 1; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THE CITY OF. SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS; Section 1. Article 17 Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District is hereby added to the Springfield Development Code as described below: "ARTICLE 17 DWP DRINKING WATER PROTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICT 17.010 GENERAL 17.020 DESCRIPTION 17.030 APPLICABILITY 17.040 TIME OF TRAVEL ZONES rr.050 REVIEW 17.060 EXEMPTIONS 17 .070 STANDARDS FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WITHIN 'TIME OF TRAVEL ZONES 17.080 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 17.090 APPEALS 1 ~ ARTICLE 17 ,. DRINKING WATER PROTECTION (DWP) OVERLAY DISTRICT . 17.010 GENERAL (I) The DWP Overlay District regulations supplement the regulations ofthe underlying district. Where the n,gulations and permitted uses of an underlying district conflict with those of an overlay district, the more restrictive standardssh,all apply. (2) Warning and Disclaimer of Liability. The degree of aquifer protection required by this Artic!e in the areas designated in Section 17.040 is based 0(1 scientific and engineering considerations. The nature of these considerations is such that the exact boundaries of Time of Travel Zones (TOTZ) have an associated uncertainty that renders conclusions based on them to be estimates. Under no conditions should this Article be const~ed to guarantee the purity ofthe ainbient ground water orguarantee the prevention of ground water contamination. Therefore, this Article shall not create liability on the.part ofthe City, or any City personnel, for an contamination that may result from reliance on this Article or any administrative decision made under this Article. 17.020 DESCRIPTION (I) The purpose ofthe DWP Overlay District is to protect aquifers used as potable water . supply sources by the City from contamination. This Article establishes procedures and standards for the use of hazardous materials within TOTZ. The provisions of this Article are designed to:. ~" (a) protect the City's drinking water supply which is obtained from groundwater resources from impacts by facilities that store, handle, treat, use, produce, transport or otherwise have on premises substances that pose a hazard to groundwater quality; and . (b) provide standards for hazardous materials within the TOTZ. (2) In order to accomplish this purpose, the DWP. Overlay District includes methods and provisions to: (a) restrict or prohibit the use of hazardous materials which are potential groundwater contaminants; (b) set standards for the storage, use, handling, treatment, transport and production of hazardous materials within"TOTZ; and 2 (c) review new or expanded hazardous material uses. 17.030 APPLICABILITY ~l' ~ r"lm r'\.~~~'_.. r.:~~, -J'-l' -....1..1.. -I' -..,,"..-.1....1 -~~ ___:.1..:_ .,~~ ...."J""--j TO"'''' ~.. H'<:,,~ :- .... ..w.r:... .-r-,-,,\. ...&&....) .......&.......T'Il:7~ ....L.......LA ....r-t' J _ '- .. "-...,~ _.... .. ...::IIIlT'".1...... .. ....&J.......~ ....~ ...t"......,....."IVU"'ITI 17.040 "ithilt.f~Rl'iI1\~~!f~gl~~a:!~Qfttlli~!Qrgm:!!!!;c..():lll.llm@;l1Y:imWl~,,~w~~~llli~.!~l'~m ~:i...t\ltlli~m the City and its urbanizable are~!fii!()m!l - ..Ji~Rer~~ . !l>r.sj:i1...:].m,.'<If.Ih.~.~.'1Wa. g. .0.<!t~tE. !':.Jm.:.il!.th\l;!\~!.t..;.._.. il()'. moo . ....'.~.. ,..:ver._.J._~.,. _..,_.._.,~.i!i~lj~ ".-.k.r4!~ . 'ea:!!!:~ . ~~~r,~..ll""" ~~9 :-':':~IC" ctfonfATell.(!\1::.':~R~e.!fYJmllNP~X .. ..., ~. . . 17.040 TIME OF TRAVEL ZONES I (1) The DWP Overlay District includes four TOTZ: 0-1 year; 1-5 years; 5-10 years; and 10,,20 years. The locations ofthe TOTZ for each wellhead are shown (In Drinking Water Protection Area Mapslfa"" 0" ... n file with the City of Springfield Development erv;ce;' Publi~Wor, Fire and Life Safety Departments; and Springfield Utility Board (SUB) and Rainbow Water District (RWD). (2) The areas within specified wellhead TOTZ are those drinking water protection areas certified by the Oregon Health Division, under the Oregon Administrative Rules that apply to Oregon's EPA-approved Drinking Water Protection Program, in Oregon Health Division Delineation Certification #0002R, March 18, 1999. (3) In determining the location of a property within a TOTZ,.the following criteria shall apply: y" (a) The Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation maps shall be used as a base map with the addiiion of TOTZ boundaries. (b) That portion of a tax lot that lies within a TOTZ shall be governed by the . restrictions applicable to that TOTZ. . . ( c) Tax lots having parts lying within more than one TOTZ shall be governed by the standards ofthe more restrictive TOTZ. EXCEPTION: The Director may ~~aive the requirement that the more restrictive standards apply when al~fthe following apply: 1. 5rer-ag"',u,,~, hW-.Ld[ni:;, ~reatmcnt, l"f5dttet~~1.-1., u.l-:r..:1fer-~~-~-...:.y.:,...-t~:-itm-6fIU:fe .....- I/' ~nplf~~JJ~tti:g~s..~t,[lI.Hi@o~sjnq!L@"cl[Wi.1l[m!2r~~e~l~IltQ'im~ilf~ f' V !f~ij[~;i.c~~ep~'1asfrlJ(;lgefS;iu.w;\',r:ol\\'l.~"x~o/Jll~I!ij:mf!!f<.lliUN~sit:!i)1Jg]1.~ I.""",dvuo ,....:.~erill!J ..-;11 ....A ~;d,:.:. ".:.:..:..:> within the portion of the tax lot 3 .' Ij~~ having the more Testrictive .TOTZ standards; and ,. ~. Jt~:-~~~,_ _~~~~ _ ~~:~!:~-:~,~ ~~_~tn;cn~, ,P~,~~~~~~~~~' ~~i:6ft-;':~.~~~~~tt~:~~-~ ~f va ~'""........ ..u......\"'............. ,. ...:J.~hV..-tW"-.... p.LA":"":' ""'''".1"'1-.1..1.1..1 50 feEt of ":&J.';" }-Iv.I:dan afthe tax ~l k-.;;;i, ;;.;,.;::- ;::-~:ricti.te T8TZ ~:.:...j.:..'::~ '3-t. The tax lot is 20,000 square feet or larger; ~~Q!".~jt1fiim~W:9Iqtl1~1~~&tt~~S:ilJ~Ii1:mI1~11Wssi!".~c:tiy;eg1\@rF~i:l3!l2 JfJ , ~~~{asilili~~Jl9:~'irr1tl1~LmQr~1\'S~~~~AOJIfJit.~ll2J!tjl~J211g..I.' ~ ~~~~(~RfJiL~ls~ggp1:llliiYi:cb!Jliii~12:t)Jl~tp.J;!l)lra~t1.1lli'jg;pJ:2P1i.&.se~!~!i!!tf' IDN~rzsi 4.~"';~0.i."-~"'" (4) . A property owner may request the TOTZ be modified by submittmg a Zone Change application to the City. The Zone Change application is required to contain re- certification by the Oregon Health Division, under the Administrative Rules that apply to Oregon's EP A-approved Drinking Water Protection Program. 17.050 REVIEW ~~ (I) gjf~~pI~~1llij}1~\l.,sti.9lJil17t~Jm2TiJfI~]I~~1!ng[~~Y~\lJl!\!~l~!!YJ~ listeuf%inw(ii). i"tli'fou '1f~(u). ~.oeIO:Vl--rat;laltsitewsillJ'ecFto~tl1eJimWReov:erla-;fdisffictP-A -ii,-,,*,,:;>~::-;G1,*,_~I=,;;G;';w;t~"";4-,,1#i,W~~~~~~~~"e~tiS~~~~Ui_:i~~~~ :3';'-~';'~~';':"b 'Yater Pretectiofi Overl~J n:Jtriet D,::;".:;i.:.pl.-~J.':'I.-I.~ .t\:l'l"lie:at~.:.I.'1. J-iJ.d:I be ~J'~~:..:..J:etl' ~-'---'- ~-'---'-~~-~:..~.:,~ ~"ftj-~~:":':'~bt ~~~~-,-:...;L.~~-e-st.:,~-.:.E,':" ~~':', ~.:..;.:..j~~-"'b' :reatmcnt, y.;.-.:,j-~,~.:.:~.:..~-..., ~'~i'()f-:f':";':"'::;y.::.~~-aL.-:,...J. .:.f t..:u...:....-j.:.y':' l.'I.'I.~t':"I.~~I"j ':'...- nJ~.:.t ~I.'I.':":"':"~':" ~he qultlltit) ofhazard.::.-~~ L:..:...::.1':'~'~.:l.::; '.::..:..:,j ':'...- p...-,:,j-y.:..:..'::;\-~t~~;~ :1:...:. E-'{.W<)-.-.:._;.-}.::..:,- ~~.:.'~=riet: . ~S!~~~r~qgM1~&l!!!fl.!lilllifig1!L~rffii!!!i!!1Sl1?rgp~~~~S:PQ.t!tiK1~.t<m~ t~~~!eq,jltq,lfJ!1Hiwr.;f~r,;~~lI~J~~~i.!1i!!1:'\lI~VAI1!~w~fS!lN~I1Js~~! P~foailcewat1theisife" . ,"x~~;i!4:~~! (;..) -.-;t.:.u :L.:.....:.':.:..::. ':'~i"""'L';':; ~rl.4""':', ':'':'':'l.4p':''''':''':') \..I'" ~.:.u.:.....:...:.) ,:,;.::. pL-~p.:.-'-lJ-, :...:...:~I.4.::fftg @ 1mt Mt limited 1::-;:. ::-li.:....i,::- :;-.:;;:: -.;:.::-;;;:::-1::- ::-::-::-"..;,;;::-.::, (L' Jj '::~~L::- ~'I.;:r'::ffig-I'1;;;;;;: ,;;::-::-::-~.>; <~) ..-:i':'.I:.~L:,:...:. :"" ~-... ::"-.I~':'u.lic: ~1t':"a.~:":':L'l 0(4 L'ut;d:n.s--that-d:.:.;:; ::.::.1 ~-.:..::t::::-.:. .::. :C-I.4:Ij:UE, r ':".Iu...:~';""6f (db) in conjunction with any development application including but not limited to . Site Plan review and Minimwn Development Standards;WiJI!!1.sfpL2P15!~ develif-mentIiiictivifi'ii,is'i'15ein"iTre"uesteul1taB:1illo'W'1)forifiifisincreilseiilimtlle ''''~'''';~'1.P''''4"",=H'''-_''jQ~=i,,.~l~blliiih0>i,,-g'j!,..'%Molq;;&,c;;;..d''*i~^tt..~=,.4iJl,~,^-'_""'-_'__._-" --- --- - - j&"""J.G;;=, 'iliiiitil'ii€of"IDN~ESlusedr6fr rouilcoo"iititfiefsite':ror 9..~"""",~",,drl,,","_";;f'.LJi'~'_~''l~~'''''~~'.\:M''''F'P~Ji4;;:;w''''''_~IL''''''''''I'i';4i4~tL'i'lim:; 4 (~) ~Yl~~~t~lY~~e,q~~JilIt~~WIa.Jll1cmllI!@t~W)![q!i\9~ ID~~~t(~_~~~~~Jll;lljjJ:\lf!l~~}I!Lel!ID!\?!1~PJg~~!iQ!l~~W~ ~~tt2!J.~~~lm1l1~dm; . DWP O,e:rl':'f ;:J;,c.';";( "pJ-'lieftL;:~ ~t.:.:l t~ ;~-,;~-,-.~~ tlfI6er Typ~ I J-'..:,~~dtl:fe8; c~.~ '::~~p.Lu~.L-.Ll ~r;'~:' ,.:..:-~\"~ti!~l-.L ~h.:.3"11.r.p..3-.-':'~-~~J- 3~.:;:=riel_sl-.u~.LI:~.,;:.. vY'~:':I.\:,t: :,.,;:..fOl'.... w-..) , (". 'J-"_" 1 . 1- ",.. vj,-"w.'-'.j;;v vi u..)v, .VVJ.-l.~r~l\.u.;"lv:"-J., .:)',,'6t'':''6';' vl ':"';",'v vp:..-..-..,;,:..-..'':'vvblftS:' (2) ~l:up,~~n!1ii!l&!illi\iW!iYi~~~~~lJsceP1!Q!!iQl~I9liW~ll~ll.QP."tthtll~~(:JJ rJf[/ ~!it!iJ.f~~li1j)rrsj'j]?mitrii1m~Ii)isti'i~!lpJj~'ilJiQ.!llt9llli~lcjBJi(q1'jttl~i(:>>\ilII!J! r.mPJ2~l Applications shall include the following information: (a) a Hazardous Material Inventory Statement and, upon request from the Director; a Material Safety Data Sheet for any or all materials entered in the Statement. Hazardous material weights shall be converted to volume measurement for purposes of determining amounts - 10 pounds shall be considered equal to I gallon in conformance with Uniform Fire Code 8001.15.1 ; (b) a list of the chemicals to be monitored through the analysis of groundwater samples and a monitoring schedule if ground water monitoring is anticipated to be required; (c) a detailed description of the activities conducted at the facility that involve the storage, handling, treatment, use or production of hazardous materials in quantities greater than the maximum allowable amounts as stated in' l7.070(1)(a); ~' (d) a description of the primary and any secondary containment devices proposed, and, if applicable, clearly identified as to whether the devices will drain to the storm or sanitary. sewer; (e) a proposed Hazardous Material Management Plan for the facility that indicates procedures' to be followed to prevent, control, collect and dispose of any unauthorized release of a hazardous inaterial; (f) . a description of the procedures for inspection and maintenance of . containment devices and emergency equipment; (g) a description of the plan for disposition of unused hazardous materials or hazardous material waste products over the maximum allowable amounts including the type of transportation, and proposed routes. 5 " (3) . For those development proposals requmng Site Plan Review of Minimum Development Standards review as specified in Article 31 ofthis Code, applications may be submitted concurrently: (4) A complete DWP Overlay District Development application together with all required materials shall be accepted by the Director prior to the review of the request as specified in Section 3.050, Application Submittal. (5) The Director shall review the application ~~::~~~~;~~"\1~~and make a decision on the application~il),li1.~J2.Itltli~rsta11q3I'<I$;coij:t{lill~mfrr;~~{Q1lQJ after consulting with the Building Official, Fire Marshall, Public Works Director, and the managers of SUB and RWD; as appropriate. ~ , 17.060 EXEMPTIONS This article. does not exempt any material or use from Fire Code regulations adopted by the City of Springfield, (i) ~~ (2) Exemptions are as specified in this section unless the Director determines that a hazardous material, activity,.and/or facility that is exempt pursuant to this section has a significant or substantial potential to degrade groundwater quality. Then the Director may require compliance with the requirements ofthis Article related to that hazardous material, activity or facility. Such determinations will be based upon site and/or chemical-specific data and shall be eligible for appeal to the Hearings Official as specified in Section 17.090 of this Article. ~ Except as otherwise provided herein, the following materials life ~llllJ.ilQt!t~ . c'onsiaere-dilj'azardous'liiaterililSJ:tofd oseS'Ofilii&~icle"11'Z2"andrt1ferefore:sffimlDe "",~.,.........,...- ~~z=-'&4<.n:"'-__~Wdh"'.j~.;0~i;;;r:~l?!!!l?"f=~",-,-"~-b~/~",-,,~~,;:.r0~.<:1!'"';;;:.;;.,,~~~;;!&~ exempt from regulation hereunder: . (a) Use, storage and handling of specific hazardous materials that do not present. a risk to the aquifer, as determined and listed by the Director in consultation wir:h SUB, are exempt from all regulation under this Article with the exception of the potential requirement to list.these hazardous materials on the Hazardous Material Inventory Statement as found in the most recent Fire Code regulations adopted by the City. Hazardous Materials that can be demonstrated to pose no threat to the aquifer may be exempted from regulati,on and added to the.list. The demonstration of no threat is the responsibility.of the applicant seeking the exemption and will,be subject to review by technical experts. (b) Hazardous materials offered for sale in their original containers of five (5) 6 . l ~~ (3) ""',- gallons or less shall be exempt. from the 500 gallon storage limit set in l7.070(1)(a). (c) Hazardous materials in fuel tanks and fluid reservoirs attached to @)ja private .' L I or commercial motor vehicle and used directly in the motoring operation of W that vehic1e"lor~(ii)'ii1ijcliIDe-;-~iifclifdiif.-. i15Utl'fi.otliliiffite.-d'to'!fiIel!\F. en'ifiel'oil ( ?J:~a:.:,";.u.~_~"~t1,...mt_,,,"u~g~.K4J~"ik,*-""" ....... .... '~~-i!.-..,,,~.t,..,.M>>4:];_ ~lJlll', (d) Fuel oil used in existing heating systems. (e) Emergency use, storage, and handling of hazardous materials by . governmental organizations in the public interest. (f) Hazardous materials used and stored specifically for water treatment processes of public water systems and private systems for the same purposes when approved by the Director. (g) Hazardous materials contained in properly operating sealed units (transformers, refrigeration units, etc.) that are not opened as part of routine use. (h) Local natural gas distribution lines. (i) \ Fuel for emergency generators located at facilities that provide essential community services (hospitals, fire/life safety, police, public shelters, telephone systems etc.). i'L 0) lffi-Jcoiiiiilofil iuseufOfficelsu CG!'isuclifasfCorrectiii'7flUiillfo'Bf''''ewriterS1 ;'A:,"",Y~Ui:i"'0!,*"'r'):':~"~~':""":'::;;;;);7'~'"~-~ -':~":":,~HB,.Y&.%b_"':"k4~'~"'".",.....,, - , .:~~&.fut0:.i.l.'W4:i&,~!;l'"W:ti~"a1.a~. t~~~\?I~WI?~1SiR,rw~~~i2~1ll~91:~~iWQ~~liif~tJif~A';Y~ !!1~JlPR~~l~p~~~e.IDQff;f~~t9A1.!~\itqfi.l~i!~l ( NotWitlistandjjf-~an 'iotlier~rOVisiofi{oF'!'Atticle;;;;h7j'F1i1:15usifi.ess}0J-:erations,fa}'lj . ro '\:""'''.'"~,'-''.-'.''''.' ....., ....-..""....:..... "_....~g..._.....'.yf"...'..'...'.....,o::n ;Y'.' .._..'._~~'."..'.'..............l::..,,_' '. '." ."~ _,:JM;.._d.~,"'~t-.m '.". """". "~......".....:~.._,;0...J..~_. '... '... "-""-. fJ .':""""'~"""""'~_"~",~"'""".<:".,. ,0. ~,,>>,,_.~~",,=,~,;;J;.. 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(g) 1!ill-~!]l~Y~:!1,~~!1~Wjp~jjj1itt!d!{t~~~'~~g!t~&~!Lqlp~}J~m!!m~l iit~'th'ellsite1j1.Wit1iiir'tlie~ asf~@, earsi'"'UiiEorfnr"6Ses!lT6 f~t1iiSili~.iitaah~ _",,,,:tt=,,u;;,,=.,,,,,,z,''!4i;1t;1if1._*'!.J~~t=~,;(p'''~~',*N~~,='''w.,.,J~;;:w..;-J?1".;%m"\;F#J""jTi~la#-"'w';"iH,~IE"",i:lIti,,~,,R7-,"." ~!efi.YifofiiIfef[W;-meaiii;!6utsidera:\15Uilain'i('ars- illtWitliiiiltlle"fiUimiif'itliiit'Cli5'es ..~;"""~~.4rt,w'=''''~~~~M.l1X/J"dM;~'iX1.iiiJk.~&",,*~gS..<<,,,:EUW4tNl%,=\,-'''\;;;'>#1~~~Yd.ii-&Iiii-~b,"",,"0>I{iiVfl';;'w;'';'o.\ !iQtffea:QIJlt\j;!aJp]ll~~~'S!jiQ.t~iJS.ti,tjlJ(ir~\~~~~~)] . 7 " (~), (d) ""..., iElie'1\5usihess'~nas't'iir"-lacerarrclan!Ff6F'Iespoffi:lin .~tcj]iS'~iIISJ!'Ol)~lia<:ara5fis _."~_^__,_N~'___._~.__,,,__,,.,,,, _, "'~_N, .f,.. mxR.__,n",_~)I~r;:"P,,^~_~__'$ _ __j~L",,^ ._.___...~___..g,_*_"--""..~w....R_~w~_._~___*__*~~._~*,,,,~...._~*..._ ~~.."""'_...__-<___~_=, ''''_,.~,_~~"_,_..;:AA$L,~ ~~ "_'_='_~'_ ,. ~_~__~_.. "'___""''''''''_''__''__,"~..-..~~__~., ~]J~~t~i.~.!! [:!l.~.l!5~i~~l'tiS~s\ii9~Jlloreltfi'ani~2lg!!.1t\?pSl6..(f]})N~!!~~l\tJIl~~~lhW2.!l! en5d~ p."'Ill(,~; " ""..y' .cA, , 17.070 ST ANDARDS FOR~!t~"~~~~~~i&l~..!m~\YiQI&iJ(l!!~~.!l!?!~1\wlJ~~~ UIL./ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WITHIN TIME OF TRAVEL ZONES . . ~. !Ilile'9EJifectoftislialHil--fove'illIDWR!@vefUnEJiStficw"Ji(iatiOn2if.iitWcom"" esJ,'." :;~.:.t;.:...~ ~li.:.:{ _'_"",*~-iL~~~;';;~=jiV.$I.;a;.PY~"""~='4'i;.;:r~-'" "_'0h""'_~;;;'~~-i.-~""'~'''''--''~'j,.,-"".L~P=--- _.._"'_____l..~~.,""'..."'~~.~--MP~-~ t'tf E6fflJ'lly \yith the following standards: (l) 0"1 year TOTZ Standards. (a) Within the 0-1 year TOTZ, tffi hazardous matenals :~~!l8L:.J: :.,~ stored, handled, treated, used, produced, applied or otherwise kept on premises in ~~:~:~:::. 0~7~1~~ ~;; ~~g~~~~I~.~~ ~~~~~g~~~~dl~~b~~~~.~~ ~~ :::::::: (1J~ quantitic3 3t;..~{ ::'.:. y~-.:.3ent-al :.:.:-...-j .-:.-~-~.:.. ~~r~.:~ -T-'-':'~-':" y~-.:.j-~.:..:.j ~..~fcatcd Bf thttl -.-;~~{ ~.:. :.:;:;.:.~--er--tIi~pe.n~e.d on i:he. pr\Jn).~~c,03. -con",a~nc..l.-~-6f!@J!i!!i~ hazardous materials .m9t'2:rill~~li~gi1tjlifiefS!exceeding 5 gallons in size ::~=~:::::~~: '::::d"~"::.ofu ,,,rov," '=M"'Y ~ containment in place (Uniform Fire Code Articles 2 and 8003.1.3.3).lr&f ~ < pJ!ffi2~I2t1LIR~an!~e1{~toq~e:slUl1l!D;Q!;;if.s.ill1l~lliaz!TA.~~~!!~rg2Jj are--Cofitilinea,iliSide'oeratllr'liliacliine";m'f'sUch'Yag'eo'" e,oil:ifiside:an:enrne! *-!i'.$T~~U=;.:J~_',;v_;..;;;;j*.P~~=~'i\~.:;t,,~~~.*-s;~,,4iW',;;gm..-.--,,--------..--,,----~'-.'~M~ (b) ~> (C) . 'An" "Y", ]f'siaaJilex, "ansiomoFa,*facil,iH,]it1i,'at~\'@, 1--,a,1I5w.ffo, r~ificfeased\lJI ;;~-,-, p , 't"'0__,-,~2P%<<X-.'-_'__''''W$,H'''''''''*''__l%#4:.i'''\~'''';'''~''''''.t-#~J~~"",j,~:,~;;%j~~m:~~ D uses of Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) shall be prohibited. (tl) =~':'':'pt ~t.:...:;.:.. ~~~-T-,J~-~ing a d""C.l:e.Mv ~n u"'c, lUIJ' e.hlU-15~ ~il lyp':' vI u~.:. .:... .:...,:.. IrO ~;;;;':"'.~;~;; .:.f ':";J' ~;;;~c;;;E; ;;~~ ;;;-;':'-:-;;;;E; ':"'J'::~ L'.~L~ ~:;;;J.I t~ ~.:.;;~;.L:~j;; r fl..,:.:;; .......:. .:.....-..~-gt..:..l~ :...:. p:"0:1ibitcd. (eel> ~f,J}~':'-;'-:~-:"6 .:..:.~i.:~~-:.. t-y.:.s---tt::- "-~':"-'-T- :-tteili~~.:,.:; .....-'- .:..-~-...:....-...;.:...:; ~;. .:..-~-...:.:;,-~:.:.:..:~ tl8egstaJ:jl!snm:Si,t!llft1i~iKcj!@Y.t!~gl~~~f.:filcilit~~,~ and/or storage! shall be prohibited: I, underground hazardous material storage facilities; 2. hazardous material product pipelines used to transport the hazardous material off of the tax lot where it is produced or used; 8 .' ~' (2) 3. injection wells, except dry wells for roof drainage; 4. solid waste landfills and transfer stations; 5. fil!.materials containing hazardous materials; L. l~-,J ~~.:~ ~~j .:..:"'n Iaeili::~,,:,~'i1-..ucwtll ~.:.:., ~~~.:.~t, ~)~-..J:'\:.., ~-..:J6r ~ pretL:: ~:nL\Pb8-: (fij) Requirements found in Uniform Fire Code Appendix II-E 3.2.6 for a v monitoring program and in 8003.1.3.3 for monitoring methods to detect hazardous materials in the secondary containment system shall be met for all amounts of hazardous materials. (g'f) .Requirements found in Uniform Fire Code Appendix II-E Section 3.2.7 for inspection and record keeping procedures for monthly in"house inspection and maintenance of containment 'and emergency equipment for all amounts of hazardous materials shall be met. (fig) Application of fertilizers containing nitrates shall be restricted to no more than the amount recommended by the lane County, Oregon State University Extension Service for turf grass and shall be prohibited within 100 feet of a wellhead. In no event shall a single application exceed one half pound 'per 1,000 square fee of area per single application or a total yearly application of 5 pounds nitrogen fertilizer per 1,000 square feet. 1-5 year TOTZ Stand~ds. (a) The~, !;.:...~Iiflg, tre;atme;f11, ~o~, ;;yif:;:;;:;:;., :rllfl~l'elrtll;t,:,.., l-'Lvb~\:I~~I.:,("-! vi. v~t":'J.-\l""~~" l~":''':'f'~:''-:ib~u p~,-,nJ.~~..:..)i!1fr(~~[tillL~\~ of hazai-dous materials shall be allowed only upon compliance with containment and safety standards set by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the City. (b) All hazardous materials shall be stored in areas with approved secondary containment in place (Uniform Fire Code Articles 2 and 8003.1.3 .3). (c) ~IC=h-sical!iex ~ansioinoaa1j'facilit:X)tlla:gWillifalloW:"fot~increasea!',\ll ..':';, '-",;ckY~:P*dX;""...------- -~, ~-:-RW/iohb-"~~~,;,,,,,,,q;;:;;;J;<;;",_ _~J!:Aii""d+--:"w,J"""'"*,'_%1%JIb",,,"~%,~,,,,,,,,,,,",,,~~,,*'i uses of Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) shall be prohibited. . td) ::;~~.:..:.tJ.: ~h~~.:. ~~~-.-J~-.-~~~b :... j.:..:.~-.:.~.:. :~:. :::.:., ':'::'J- .:.L.:;.-~.;.:. ~~:.. :he-t:,-y.:. .:.~:::..:, .:... .:.:n eXl-'lU'l.)~O:"-" of W-LY "h~.)ffi:"b :::.:. :~:'-.-.J:-.-:~:"'; ;..:..c..--., :J~LAZ'~.:; .:J..d:I to:. .:...:...:...:.~j.:.:...:.~-a n':"n 0.4':'':' ~-..J .:st....:..:{ t.:. ;':.JL.::':t.:..i. 9 " ~. (eg) ~~!!pl~!im!ll}1lK&!iWle following certain types of facilities or 'c::;:;,;:;;;es-itt d."...;",,: .lse~ and/or storage shall be prohibited: 1. hazardous material product pipelines used to transport the hazardous material off ofthe tax lot where it is produced or used; 2. injection wells, except dry wells for roof drainage; 3. solid waste landfills and transfer stations; 4. fill materials containing hazardous materials; r - l---j ----- ---j --_00' "aeilitie3 lilli' m"ln_- -"Bfe tl'ta" .. --J1' -.., '- ....~.. .........wu......... u.......... ... ...... ......."",...... , .., .LI_.....,U. ...., .u..lJ.o..lI VI ~:n~i.u.,,':' 3-~~.t~ (f~) Requirements found in Unifoim Fire Code Appendix II-E 3.2.6 for a monitoring program and in 8003.1.3.3 for monitoring methods to detect hazardous materials in the secondary containment systeI? shall be met for all amounts of hazardous materials. (gf) Requirements found in Uniform Fire Code Appendix II-E Section 3.2.7 for inspection and record keeping procedures for monthly in-house inspection and maintenance of containment and emergency equipment for all amounts of hazardous materials shall be met. (3) 5-10 year TOTZ Standards. (a) The~':', :-..:u.id[:'-.l5,~..-':'~~1-':'':~~~ ...."'.:" -~(W.).~pv:' iu:~~vi.:J.~ 1-'1. 0J.i1,,:,'~io:f10.(- o~h~:.. '~y"~~':' k-."p;ng .on p."m;,,,,~i1,li{@~W.iq!!1l!1tij)j of hazardous materials shall be . allowed upon compliance wit!). containment and safety standards set by the most recent Fire Code adopted by:the City. (b) All hazardous materials shall be stored in areas with approved secondary containment in place (Uniform Fire Code Articles 2 and 8003.1.3.3). (c) ~Yljlni&,s!l~jl~~(<ll.t!'[~jlLtY,~,tli~~lZii1.1QFif6rIi!J.~~.2~All fiew uses of Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) shall be prohibited. ftl) ::}~~':'':'y:-:t..:..::;.:. ~::-.".:.1-'-~:~6 ~ j.:..:.:".:..::.:. ~:: ~.::;.:., :"':"J' .:.t~-.E;':'::~ tL..:. tJ p;" .:.r-.....:..:, .:.. ~l: \:.:hpan..3ion oj un.}' c,:.-..:i.3iiug 'U.3c, in''f'v:',,-ing any DNAfL" "hail b-c; 'vou"idcrcd-a .I:"':'-~' ......:..:, .:..:,:..J .s:-l~d: ~.:. p...0L.':~::.:.'::"; (es1) Requirements found in Uniform Fire Code Appendix II-E,Section 3.2.7 for 10 .' inspection and record keeping procedures for monthly in-house inspection and maintenance oj' containment and emergency equipment for all amounts of hazardous materials shall be met. . (4) 10-20 year TOTZ Standards. The ~torag", ho.ndl;l,g, d"":<n'''ll<, u''''<'''''.'l'v.~1lti:tm;- . prethl~.';vn o:c h:~~p~nb on pn;lll~~c."~~~:WlgJl@Yt5J of hazardous materials shall be allowed only upon compliance with containment and safety standards set by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the City. 17.080 CONDITIONS OF ApPROVAL The DireCtor may attach conditions of approval that will minimize negative impacts ofregulated substances on groundwater and ensure that the facility or the proposed development can fully meet the standards specified in Section 17.070 of this Article. . These conditions may include on-site monitoring wells, Wellhead Protection Area signs, sp'ecial storm water facilities or other conditions to address specific risks associated with the proposed development. 17.090 APPEALS The only portion~ ofthis Article that l1fjissubject to appeal ~[f1~!~~!ig!lsJl1a<iek~Lns Section 17 .060i'H, Exemptions\t1J,nJ1J[d~jj':rm1~!iq~!ll!4e-~~t2['Y~~:m.\Wsy.or,s~.~q~~r~]'~!i@S~ ~li~2~~~!m~~t:ij'<>:IY:m~es(dJ~~1~1~. ::,~ "'t't'~": v~ decision ofthe Director !ill,g~J; ."7 fer Section I 7 .060~l\1i!?:Ei!ill,~~ard~;i;.\~;;.~mjj,1~ME!~!~rffii~<f&lf,or;~~~~Qj'J:hlifit~~!}!iQ\1 ' 9:fgl;~..iJ:,g2:ill~~ may be appealed to the Hearings Official under Type ill procedures as specified in Section 15.020 ofthis Code." .Section 2. Article 2 "DEFINITIONS", Section 2.020 "MEANING OF SPECIFIC WORDS AND TERMS", ofthe Springfield Development Code is hereby amended by adding the following language:. "AQUIFER A geologic formation, group offormations,orpart.ofa formation that is capable of storing and transmitting water insufficient quantity to supply wells or springs." "DELINEATION (from Oregon Health Departrnent rules): The determination of the extent, orientation, and boundaries of a wellhead protection area using factors such as geology, aquifer characteristics, well pumping rates and time of travel." "DNAPL (Dense Non-AqueousPhase Liquids): Chemicals that are denser-than-water (specific gravity greater than I), have a low soluability rate, and degrade slowly to other compounds that are even more of a health hazard. For the purpose of Springfield's drinking water protection, DNAPL chemicals are defined as "all chemicals displaying the characteristics of a DNAPL chemical or a . . . 11' . . . , . material containing a substance considered aDNAPL chemical.'" A list ofDNAPLs regulated within the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District shall be as adopted by SUB on November 10, 1999." "HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: !;2Xilll:!.w~W.Lqflt@;STfi~JJlZfii~dQ@)mll,t~~~.~QJf~ ~!j!~~~(~~,~~~~li~mrC!~rt~uO:s'!~S~m\\1!~@!~\ijIi~~~tll~~!r~!<~I'~tlf~!!~ Jj)NAPEs~~15ut:tWliiclmlie:Jj)ifectoEdeteffillii'elNlave!li~si--' ficant:"'otentiarto1Tde~'ade! -ounuWafef "~7l.'iC%.""'~~'^'~"-:'"""'<'~",;.w~''''4a7;#~'''~'~~~M~~'~,,*"4'li~.t&'Rjt.0;&'Wci~Hi~~J~r~~~~ g~!Yi.~s.~~(itei:ff(jllli,ti~lUjJ!!~~,S(}l]1~WK5lt~~!Lsp:s~rt1:JQ~~~~,grs11iimjJ=~Ell~~1iJel(Ql; !!Ijp~lWJ.lf~1.~!l~~~JfipJiW.ll!llsp~~!,.fi[<!Jiij.;;"Se(;tio~&.Q2i<wfflWi..Jt~~':'h0"0 J.'0;~.;0;.1~ ;;r , tllllees ...' .,. ,-' '.' - I' -\'1 I - j- - ,_r.__~ j" --'';jed ill Art" n~)'tlf the 811153 "y,u...";...L .........., t:'....lJ .....L.....""-........ .......... i.L .................. .... ........ u~ U.LJ. ../................J.. J. uu.......l..... ...... . Bnif.:..uu ~i~.;: C':"':'C ~ .:j;: ;:ed :.:: ~:::::.:ed ~--./ :~:~ Sity -..nEther t1-...":" .l:"-"~~':;'.l:C:C:~,lu';' ::L.l u~6::':v vi: 'v'(~~'e ,"-o:o.d:';;lv:..-.., ,:",,'..j ~-"J- ~-~I.-;..:t~::-:.:J ~hM fflflj dCgfa6...:. b-.I.IJ'w-.ld'~v'ut,.;.:.. ~f.lftltt~.',.. 'w:-.l':':"-.l ::"-.L-.lf'.L0p.:.Jj ".:..:.'::, stared, ~'d r ,.. .J" U.l~pv':>0 v.i, 0:"- OLnc!'~~ :..~c :"j,-.l:".:>:",uwj,ug.;;.. . "PIPELINE: A line of pipe with pumps, valves and control devices for conveying liquid, gasses or finely divided solids." -.-' "TIME OF TRAVEL ZONE (TOTZ): The area mapped pursuant to Oregon Health Division Delineation Certification #0002R which identifies the time it takes ground water to flow to a given well or wellfield." "WELLHEAD PROTECTioN: Implementation of strategies within a wellhead protection area to minimize the potential impact of contaminant sources on the quality of groundwater used as a . drinking water source by a public water system." "WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA: A Drinking Water Protection Area for a groundwater- . supplied drinking water source." ~" Section 3. Article 3, "DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL AND LAND USE DECISION PROCEDURES", of the Springfield Development Code is hereby amended by adding the following subsection 3.Go70(l)(n): "(n) Drinking Water Protection Overlay District development." Section 4. Articl~ 14, "PUBLIC HEARINGS", of the Springfield Development Code is hereby amended by adding the following subsection l4.010(2)(d): "(d) Appeals of Springfield Development Code Section 17.060," Section 5. Article 15, "APPEALS", Section l5.020(5)(b), "APPEALS OF THE DIRECTOR'S DECISION", of the Springfield Development Code is her~by amended to read as follows: "(b) Decisions by the Hearing Official regarding expediteu land divisiOIis andDWP Overlay District 12 .' exemptions (17.060) shall be final. Appeals ofthe Hearing Official ,deCisions shall be to the Oregon ,court of Appeals in accordance with applicable statutes and regulations governing such appeals." Section 6. Appendix I, "DEVELOPMENT CODE FEE SCHEDULE", "TYPE I REVIEW", of the Springfield Development Code is hereby amended by adding.the following,language: (Application) "DWP Overlay District Development", (City Limits fee) "$ (#)", (Urban Growth Boundary fee) "$ (#)". Section 7. The recommendation of the Springfield Planning Commission has been reviewed and is hereby adopted in support of the adoption of these amendments as Exhibit A. Section 8. Although not a part of this Ordinance, the Springfield City Council adopts Findings as set forth in Exhibit "B" attached, in support of this action. Section 9. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion ofthis Ordinal1.ce is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such' portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and.such holding shall not affect the validity ofthe remaining portions hereof. Section 10. It is hereby found and declared that matters pertaining to the protection of groundwater are matters affecting the public health, safety and welfare of the City of Springfield, and that this Ordinance shall therefore take effect. immediately upon its passage by the Council and . approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 2O~00, by a vote of _ for and _ agaivst. day of March, APPROVED by the Mayor this day of M.arch, 2000. Mayor ATTEST: City Recorder 13