HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 1/29/2002 rSa~~_~UM~~R~-:-FW:~~~ ~. ..-:;;.," ...... 'WilterDelineation -, J From: To: Date: Subject: MORENO Nancy (SMTP) SUMMERS Sarah 1/29/023:35PM FW: Surface Water Delineation FYI ____~____~~1J RECEIVED ~ -~Z3 -() 7- By: ('L)Y~ > ~----Original Message---- > From: STEWART.Sheree@deq,state,or.us [SMTP:STEWART,Sheree@deq,state,or,us] > Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 1:51 PM > To: NancyLM@subutil.com > Subject: RE: Surface Water Delineation > > Hi Nancy > What you've described is the delineation and inventory of the watershed > supplying the sand filter 'intake', This is the equivalent of a source > water assessment and we have reviewed the submittals you described, It is > an adequate assessment, but since there is no formal process for DEQ > approval of a voluntary assessment, I can only tell you it is adequate per > our assessment process, (In fact, there is no need for DEQ to formally > approve any Source Water Assessment performed on a system that is > installed ' > after June 1999,) For purposes of creating an addendum to your Drinking > Water Protection Plan, you can use the assessment as a starting point > because the delineation and inventory is accurate, > So no approval from DEQ for a "surface water addendum" is necessary prior >~ ' > the new system going on line, > The DHS Health Division is the Oregon agency that regulates the > installation > and startup of a public water system. The sanitary survey may meet all > their > requirements, You need to check with them about the requirements and find > out the process for granting approval of the SUB plans for installation > and > startup, The Health Division Drinking Water Section can be reached at > 503-731-4010, > Hope this helps, > ~---Original Message-----' > From: MORENO Nancy [mailto:NancyLM@subutil.com] > Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 12:43 PM > To: STEWART Sheree > Subject: Surface Water Delineation > > > Sheree: > ' It was good to finally meet you in person today, The > following is a summery > of what I verbally requested this morning, > > As you are aware, SUB intends to put a new slow sand filter > system > (currently under construction) on-line in the fall of 2002, > Water from both > wells and the Middle Fork Willamette River will be added to > the filter beds [Saran~~~~F{S~FW~SU? '\I\Iat~r~~~~T'~n ?o ' "'Y-"= ==r"'*"""" > > water to our at that time, In preparation for this addition of surface > drinking water resource, SUB prepared a Sanitary Survey :> (Potential 'Pollution >' Source Inventory) and submitted it to the Oregon Department > of Human > > > Services last June, DEQ was also sent a copy, This survey report contains the delineations of the area of , > contribution > (entire MFWwatershed) and a smaller area designated 'as the > management area, > This management area was determined on the basis of a > suggested 1,000 foot > setback and 8-hour time of travel upstream from SUB's intake > on the river. > The survey within the management area also identified > Potential Contaminant > Sources based on DEQ's "Short List of PCS's for the Surface > Water Component > of GWUDI Sy'stems", > > When the delineations for groundwater protection associated > with > Springfield's DWPP was aproved by DEQ, we received both a > certificate and a > formal letter of DEQ/Health Dept. approval. According to our > conversation! > no such certification is neces;;ary or available for a > surface water > resource, It is uncertain if the surface water addendum to > the current DWPP > needs to be approved by, DEQ and/or the City of Springfield > prior to going > on-line with the new slow sand filter system, SUB would like > to have a > formal letter from DEQ stating all these facts, > > This letter will be used for the purpose of documenting > status during the > procedures for formal City of Springfield approval of the > addendum to the .> current Drinking Water Protection Plan, DEQ will be > provided a copy'of this > addendum, > > > Thanks, Nancy ~...'~ ,:-,'" ___ __-P~2e~2]