HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments Miscellaneous 4/28/2000 (2) Ap.r, 28, 2000 '8:09AM' KINV"ORD SPRINGFIELD No, 07,98 f p, 2/3 f( i "l1~t(l'l"d Mlll/ "fii.:rHl'ilJ..fT r,u", pou."! , ' ~ \~' .~ ... ; ~ April 28;2000 BY FAX: (541) 726-3689 ' Mi'. John Tamulonis Director, City Development .Services City of Springfield ' 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477. RECEIVED RE: , Article 17 DriDkin.. Wate~_Protection Overlav District J.{~21? -00. By: .' Dear Mr, Tamulonis: .. " The Clorox Company and Kingsford ,Manufacturing Company continue to support the policy objective of Article 17 to create safeguards protecting the quality of well water in the City of Springfield: In the spirit constructive input, we have reviewed the most recent draft of proposed Article 17 and request two modest , , amendments (attached) to clarifY that this ordinance apply only to prospective new uses and not create burdens based upon current uses. We understand that these two amendments are consistent with the objectives of Article 17, ,', " ' For the reaS(lns cxpressed in my March 29, 2000 letter, we remain concerned 'that the, scope of the proposed ordinance .may still create undesired administrative burdens, As currently drafted, Article 17 applies'to all hazardous materials unless specifically excluded, 'Because there are hundreds of thousands of substances , classified as hazardous materials, the list of specifically excluded materials is likely to create unreasonable ,administrative burdens because the business community will be required to seek voluminous exemptions, UnfortUnately, we cannot offer at this time specific language that would cure this problem other than limiting Article 17 to DNAPLs, ' The Clorox Company and Kingsford Manufacturing Company appreciate the dialogu~ we have had with you and others in City Government on this matter. Please do not hesitate to give me a: caJl at 744-4515 or our plant engineering Manager, Kreg Sturman at 744-4520, We will provide you ~ith as much constructive input as we can, , '\I,,'iltQJ":{,i [,10&, Dan,EganlSpringfield Ch~ber 0 331.; MarclIln nfl/II7' sp"j1tflfidtf, OJl 97-/7,1/ (S411 740 '"6111 /'"(f."l: ($-tl).;--f7o,'1I)()J .. Ap r, 28, 2000 8:1 DAM KINr""QRD SPRINGFIELD , No, 0798 p, 3/3' r.._ , Mr. Tamulonis April 28; 1999 " ,"' .' PROPOSED AMENDMENTS AMENDMENT #1 - Revision of l7,040(3)(c) is needed to protect tax lots having multiple TOIZs from being required to ,meet the most stringent TOIZ due to an . existing use, The follo1Wlg language is proposed: ' . EXCEPTION: Uoon aoolication, the Director ~ shall waive the requirements that the more restrictive standards 'apply when all of the following apply: (1).Storage, use, handling; treatment and/or production of hazardous. materials, oreviouslv subject to 17.050, do will riot' take place within the portion of the tax lot having the more restrictive. TOIZ standards; and (2) '[retain existing language]; and (3) [retain' existing language]; and (4) the Director finds that thc waiver will not unreasonablv compromise protection of 'Houndwater, . " AMENDMENT #2 - Addition of 17.050(8) is needed to make ciearthat this ordinance does not apply to pennitling applica1ions currently under review. The fO,llowing language is proposed: 17,050(8) A DWP overlav district develooment' application' is not ~eQuired for buildingoennit and develooment applications filed pnor to adoption of this ordinance, '.