HomeMy WebLinkAboutAIS PLANNER 6/10/2002
June 10, 2002
, ,Work Session
Development Services
Sarah Summers
Meeting Date: ,
Meeting Type:
'Staff Contact: '
Staff P.~one No:
Estimated Time:,
The DWP Plan sets City policies for the protection of its drinking water. The'
proposed Addendum does not make any changes'to the original DWP Plal1 which,
stands as adopted, but adds surface water protection as required by DEQ imd
DLCD. All certified plans are evaluated byDEQ 'at approximate'S-year intervals.,
DEQ's recertification of the DWP Plan will be baeed on aJl evaluation cifthe
: progress made toward risk reduction and an evaluation of any new elements added
'to the Plan. Since the Willamette well field has been determined to be under direct
influence of surface water and 'SUB will be taking water directly'fromthe Middle
Fork Willamette, Springfield is required by DEQ, DLCD ahd'the Metro Plan .
Periodic Review Work Task to add surface water protection as part of the overall ::'.
" DWP~lan: . ,'" , ' .' '"
RE CE : VED;~A~den~u~l is a policy dOC~~~~~'thatfoll~;s thejornl~t ~'~the ~~~n. ;t~as bee~'
," " -. wntten based on the results from a Potenl1al Contammant Source Inventory done by .
", "&.::,JD~9k;' SUB which meets the Oregon Health Division'(OHD) requirement to assess major ".
, potential contaminant sources that could impact public drinking water. 000
, ., requires ,treatm'ent for organisms' over'and abov~ 'the requirements for groundwater. '
By: ~IS, -+P'.'.:,C-c"".,,:sources, SUB is constructing a ilow sand filter system within the Willamette welL'
.' held ,,:hic~ win,filter both groundwater and surface water intake from the Middle " "
,'; Fork Willamette. The Addendum includes a delineated mana'gement area per DEQ ,
'for surface water of the Middle Fork Willameite Watershed. llH! area is 1,000 feet' '
.' from the waterline of the Middle Fork and its perennial.tributaries for a distance of
".approximaiely 28 miles upstream (8 hours) from the SUB intake at tl;e willamette
'" . well fi~ld. All of the management'area isouiside the bound~ry'ofSpringfield's, '
, , , ' .- ", . UGB, and will be a co-operative effort between SUB, Lane County; the Middle
',Fork Willamette Watershed Council and other organizations and governments. '
There will be no impact or financial'cost to the City. Public hearings are scheduled
before the Planning Commission on July,2 and tlH!'Council on September I 6, 2002.
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Discussion of the Drinking Water Protection Plan Addendum (2002):
, Review, and discuss the proposed Drinking Water Protection Plan Addendum
The City of Springfield adopted a Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Plim ill 1999
,that addressed only groundwater. At that time, Springfield took all of its drinking
. water from wells: Since then, the Willamette wen,field was detennined to be under
'the direct influence of surface water, and Springfield Utility Board (SUB) will soon
,be 'using water taken from the Middle Fork Willamette. The proposed bwp Plan
. Addendum (2002) incorporates a surface water management area as required by
Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). A surface water element of the DWP
Plan is alsorequinid by,Departnlent of Land Conservation and'Development' '
(DLCD) GoalS protection requirement and Metro P,lan Periodic Review Work
'Task.' '"
Atta~hment I : Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan Update (2002),
Attachment 2: SUB Potential COl1t~minant Sonrce InventQry .
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