HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Fire Station Location and Emergency Response Study AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: May 14, 2007 Work Session . Fire & Life sa~ety AI Gerard ~{ 726-2294 c 45 Minutes SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: FIRE STATION LOCATION & EMERGENCY RESPONSE STUDY ACTION REQUESTED: Authorization to proceed with identification of potential properties and funding options for station relocations. ISSUE STATEMENT: This study is commonly known in the fire service as a Standards of Cover (SOC) document. The SOC is a valuable new tool for decision-making in providing community fire and life safety services. Staff will use the study to make comprehensive recommendations tothe Council to address future service needs. ATTACHMENTS: Standards of Cover & Deployment Study Report DISCUSSIONI FINANCIAL IMPACT: The purpose of the Standards of Cover and Deployment Study is to provide Springfield Fire & Life Safety a tool for: . Assessing community fire and non-fire risk factors · Defining baseline emergency response performance standards · Determining appropriate apparatus and staffing patterns . Evaluating workload and determining unit utilization · Measuring current and ongoing service delivery performance . Planning for future station locations . Assisting in the strategic planning and policy development process relative to resource procurement and allocation . The SOC provides a "snapshot" of the current level of fire and life safety services as well as a summary of future challenges. It provides a standardized "best practices" method of evaluating the demand for services and making adjustments as needed to maintain service levels. A summary of recommendations from the consultant are included. I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I .> Deparbnent of Fire and life Safety SlandlArdeGf C,over 8," .. ,. \ .. "~,:1l...,' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I City of Springfield Department of Fire and Life Safety Standards of Cover and Deployment Study Prepared by Randy Iverson Robert McNally Roy Palmer ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 25200 SW Parkway Ave., Suite 3 Wilsonville, OR 97070 503-570-7778 800-757-3724 fax: 503-570-0522 www.eSCl.LlS April 2007 @Copyright 2007 Emergency Services Consulting inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the expressed written permission of Emergency Services Consulting inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Table of Contents Executive. S urn mary....................... ................................................................................; ~......... 1 Purpose of Report.. ... ... ............. ............. ......... ... ................. ................ ........... ....... '" ....... ........ 1 Layout of Report ...... .... .......... ..............,....... ..."................... ..... .......... ........ ...................... ...... 1 Major Findings and Recommenoations ............... .... ................... ,........ ......... ......,........ .... ......... 2 Cllapter1: Standards of Cover Purpose ................................................................................. 5 Chapter 2: ..Community Served. .. ...... ................ .~.....~~.... ................... ...... ...... ...... ................. ..... 7 C hapter3: Services Provided ....... ...... ............. ............~......... .......... ............ ...... .......... .... ~..... 1.1 Cooperating Agencies ................ ...... .................................................................................... .13 Administ~ativeand Support Services.. .... ........ ........,...... .;.; ....;;.... ...... ... ........,.. .,....,.. ..... .,.. ..... 13 Chapter 4: Community Risk Analysis ...................................................................................15 F~il?k E)(pectations ...... ..... '.."'. .................... ,... ,.... ",' ......".. ,.........................;........................... '15 Mission and Goals .... ...... ......... ........ .... .... ...... ....;............., .......... ... ........... ......... .... ...... .........16 Perforrnance Objectives............ ...... .....,........ ..... ................................................................... 16 Global Risk Assessment .... ....... ..... .... ....... ......... ...,.. ... ..........;..... ..... ...... .;..17 CurrenfPopulation Information............ .... .............. .................................................. 17 Infrastructure. ....... ........; ................... .............................................................. 23 Streetsffraffic Networks. ...... ............. ...... .......... ... ... ................... ...... .............. ....... ... ...... .... 24 Rail/Air/and Waterway Networks....... ..... ...... ... ....... ............ .... .................... ... .......... .....;....25 Population Centers ......... ....... ............ ...... ..,... ... .............. ..................... .... ....... .......... .....,....26 Infrastructure limitations ...... ...... ........ ........ ............ ......... ....... .............. ................ ...... ....... 31 Environmental Risks .......... ......... ........ ...... ...... ...... .......... ...... .... ......... ........ ...... .......... ....31 Fire Risk ASsessment .. ...... ........................ ......... ...... .... ......... ....... ........... ..... .......... .... .......32 Building Stock.................... ......... ...... ... ...... ......... .......... ...... ...... ...... .... ..... ..... .......... .... .......33 Census-based Growth Projeqtions....... ..,...........,.. .... ...........;..............,....;. .......;........,. ,. .....;.. .~5 Community Development-based Growth projections,... ................ ........ ......... ............ ....... .35 Servi.ce.o. ~rnand Proje. (;t.1ons. ....'...;;.....'........ ;.,.......; .................................................. 37 Other Occupancy Risk Factors... ........ .......... ......... ........... ............... .................. ....... .......... 38 Risk Categories.... ...... ... ...... ....... .......,.~.. .....,......................... .......... ............... .......... ..........40 Medical Risk Assessment........ ........ ...... .... ......... ...................... ...... .......... ............ ,.. ......;...43 Rescue Risk Assessment.......................... ........................................................................ 44 Special Hazarqs Risk ,A.ssel?sl11ept;... .... ................. ... ........ ....... ........ ............................ ...,....45 Chapt~r5: Measurement of System Performa"t~...u .................................... .......... .............49 DistriputionAnalysis........ ...... ....... ,.;. ....... .... .....,........................ .....;........... ..............49 Demand Analysis........ ............ .......... ... .................... ................... .......... ..................;.56 Concentration Analysis ... .................. ... ... ..,....... ...... .......... ....................... '.' .... .,. ..........68 Relic:tbilityAnellysis ..~.. ;...; "';;', ;....... .... ....;................................................................... 70 Workload and Failure Rates. ...... ... ... .;................ ................. ...... ...... ... .............. ....... ..........70 Call Concurrency al)d ResPl.lrce Drawqown . ...... .... '.' ....... ,..... ............ ................,....... .......72 Response Time Periormanc~ ObJec;tives...... .............. ......... ... ...... .................... ....... .... .......75 Sprin9fieldFire &. Life Safety Response TimePeriormance Objective ...........................75 Historic:;ll Sy~t~m Respons.~ P~riormance..................................................................... 75 Dispatch Processing Time ......... ..... .... .... ,..... ......,... ......... ...... ...... ...... ............ ... .,., .........77 Turnout Times.... .., .....;........ ............. ...... ................... .... ....... ...... ... ...... .... ...... 77 Travel Time........ ... ...... ....... ............... ... ....... ..... ........... ......... ...... ...... .... ............ ...... ........ 82 Response Time......,..... ....., ...,..... ................ ......... ............. ..... ........ .......... .......... ....... .....83 C ha pter 6: Critica I Task Analyshs..... ....... .................. ......... ....... ............................................ .87 Introduction to Critical Task Analysis Process....... .......... ...................... ................ ................87 I dentifying the Effective Response Force........ ............... .................... .................................... 87 Critical TaskAnalysis (CT A) ......... ...... .... ..... ............. .......... .... ............... ........ ....... .......... ...88 ~Emerge.ncy.. Seroices ~ Consulting me. Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Chapter 7: Performance Measures...... ............... ........ ............................. ........................ ...... 93 Standard of Cover Performance Objectives ... ............... ...... ......... ........... ........ ........... ....... .... 93 Deployment System Performance Measurements... ..... .... ............... .... ...... ............... ........ ....94 Turnout Time Performance Measure ... ..... ...................... ..... ................. ........ ..................... 95 Distribution Performance Measures.. .............................. .................... ... ............... .... .........95 Concentration Performance Measures .. ......... ........... ... ....... ....... ... .... ..... ............ ...... ... ... ...95 Chapter 8: Com pliance Methodology.. .......... ........ ..................... ................. ....... ............ ....... 97 Chapter 9: Opportunities for Future Performance Improvements .................................... 103 Introduction. ....... ....... ............. ......... .._..... .......... ...... ............. ............. .... ...... .... ............... ..... 103 Future Deployment Analysis and Recommendations............................. on.......................... 103 Facilities ...... ..... .... ...... ...... ........ ... .... ...... ... .... ....... ............. .........",..... ..,... ... ....... ......,.. ...... 104 Apparatus.... .... ...... ................... ...... ..... ................ ......... .... ......... ........ ......... ....... ......... ..... 109 Staffing ........ .... ...... ..... ........... ........ .......... .............. ............... ........ ...... ......... ....... ...... ... ..... 109 Recomrnendations Summarized ..... .............. ......... .... ............. ........ ........ ....... ...... ...... ......... 110 Improvements within the Existing Deployment System .................................................... 110 New Servicellncreased Performance Capability ........................ .........,..........;................. 111 Planning Issues.................. ............................................................. ........ ........................ 111 Appendix A: Facilities and Apparatus................................................................................. 113 Appendix B: Dynamics of Time in Emergency Response ...............................................~. 123 Appendix C:Response Time Thresholds and Triggers .....................................................131 Appendix 0: Financial Analysis.... .................... .................... ................... ....................... ..... 139 ~EmergenCy. Servk:es ~ C.onsulting inc. ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Table of Figures Figure 1: General Service Area ... .,.,.,...... ........,..,...... ..... ....... .......... ........................ .............. .....8 Figure 2: Station Apparatus & Staffing ......................;.................,..,..........................................11 Figure 3: Administrative/Support Personnel.... ...... .... ... .......... .... ........ ..,......... ...... ................, .... 14 Figure 4: Population Growth History. .................... ..,.................. ...... ...... ..,..... ........ .... ...... ......... 18 Figure 5: Projected Population Growth... ............. .......... ......... ...... ...... ................ ............ .......... 19 Figure 6: Population Density.... ...... ,........ ...... ,...... .,. ...... ............ .... ..... ...... ............. ..........20 Figure 7: Population Change by Age ............ ...... ........ ... ......... ...... ...... ...... .......... ..... ....... ..... ..... 21 Figure 8: Senior Population Concentrations................, ... ........ ..... ..... .............. ...... .......... ......... .....22 Figure 9: Pediatric Population Concentration .............. ... .............. ........,.... ............ ,.. ....... ... ........23 Figure 10: Railroad Lines...... ...... ...... ... ... ....,. ... ....... .... ... ......... ........... ....... .... ..... ... ... ...... ... ... ,.... 25 Figure 11: Jasper Natron Development..... ....... .... ...... ...... ................. .......... ". ...... ".'."'."" .......,27 Figure. 12: Glenwood Riverfront DeVelopment ........ .... ............... ...... .... ...... ....... .............. ...... .....28 Figure 13: Marcola Meadows DevelopmeI1L.... ............ ............ ........ ... ............. ......... ... ...... ........29 Figure 14: RiverbendMaster Plan............... .... .... ...... ................... .... ,....................................... ....30 Figure 15: HOLlsing by Occupancy.........................,..........................,....................................... 33 Figure 16: Housing (Owner/RenterlVacant)......,. ...... ..... ...... .... ..................... .... ""." .... ........... .....34 Figure 17: Concentration of Vacant Properties .............. ........... .............. ........ ........ .... ......... ..... 34 Figure 18: Census-based Population Forecast ..... ..... ...,.....,..........,. .,.....,. ....... ...... ...... ......... .....35 Figure 19: Development-basedPopulationForecast.. ...... .....,.. .... .... ........ ......... ... ...... ......... ...; .36 Figure 20: Workload Projection by Type & Year . .............. ..... ............. ............... ............... ..... ....37 Figure21: Springfield BAR Map ;........ ... ........................ ........ ... ............ ....,..... ............... ....... ....39 figure22: Community Risk AS$es$rnentBased. on Zoning....... .....................,.... ...................,... 41 Figure23: Fiscal Risk Map....... .... .... ......................................................................... ........ 42 Figl.lre24: Occupancies by Use ..~.................;.. ......... ................ ................ ...; .... ..... 43 Figure 25: Hazardous Occupancy Permits....... .......... ............ ...... .............. ..... ......... ..... ..............46 Figure 26: Known Hazardous MateriC}ILocations.;...; .............. ...... ........ .... .... .... ...... ..... .... ... ... ...,. 47 Figure 27: Fire Station First-In Areas....... .......... ....... ...... ............ ............ ............. ..................... 50 Figure 28: Current Engine ResponseTimeCaPClbility............................. .................................51 Figure 29: EMS Unit Response Capabilityfrortl Stations ................................,.........................52 Figure 30: EMS Response CapabiHtyfrornHospitals........,.... ..... ............. ................... .............. 53 Figure 31: 1.5 Mile Engine Coverage(l~9).".'.""" .. ...... ........... .................... ........... .... ..... 54 Figure 32: 2.5 Mile LadderTruck Coverage (ISO) .......... ........................................................55 Figure 33: Workload by Call Type......;.................,............ ......., ...... ,..... .... .........~....... ..... .,........57 Figure 34: Monthly Workload ........ .....:;.;... ....... ;.;.. .:... '" .................. .......... .................. .......58 Figure 35: EMSCaUWorkloadby[)c.ltofWe.~~...............,.... ...,.,..,......... .......... ... ............ .....~.... 59 Figure 36: Fire CallWorkloaa by QaypfWeek ..,. ....... .........,... ............... .......... ........ ........., .......60 Figure 37: Calls Other than Fire or EIVI~Call Workload byOay of Week .................................. 61 Figu~e38: EMS Workload by Hour of pay....... ,...... ....... .... ............... .............. ...,., ..... ... .... ...... ...62 Figure .39: Medical Transport Hourly Workload ........ .... ... ... ................ ............. ...... ............ ......... 63 Figure 40: Fire Calls by Hour of Day .:......~.h.... ........... ...... ,. ... ............. .............. .....; ................. ....64 Figure 41: Calls Other than Fire orEMSWorkloadpy HOUr of DaY.. .........................................65 Figure 42: Service Demand; Incident Density......... .............. ...... ....... ...... ............... ...... ......... ..;...66 Figure43: Service Demand; Firepa.ll Density.. ............ ......... .............. ...... ............ .........67 Figure 44: Workload by Beat Area. ... ......................;................................................................. 68 Figure 45: Current Effective FirefightingForce .... ...... .,.. .... ......... ............................ ...... ............ 69 Figure 46: Unit Hour Utilization ...................................................................................... ............71 Figure 47: Unit Hour Two-Year Comparison ............,................................................................ 71 Figure 48: Call Concurrency Table ...... ......... .... ..."......;.. ...................... ...... ..... ..... ......... ........... 72 Figure 49: Station Reliability Rate... ............... ........................................................................... 74 ~. Emergency servo roes ~ Consulting inc. iii Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 50: Turnout Time Performance by Unit ID......................................................................78 Figure 51: Average Turnout Time by Hour of Day....,................................................................ 79 Figure 52: 90th Percentile Turnout Times by Hour of Day........................................................ 81 Figure 53: Travel Time Performance .. ............ .............. .... .... ... ...... .... .......... .... ...................... ...82 Figure 54: 90th Percentile Travel Time by Beat Area.... ........ ...... ... ............ ........ ...... ............. ....83 Figure 55: Station Response Time Performance .................... .................................................. 83 Figure 56: 90th Percentile Response Time by Beat............ ...... .... .... ....... ..... .......... .... .... ..... .....84 Figure 57: ASA Response Time Performance by Zone.............................................................85 Figure 58: Critical Task Staffing Tables .. ........ ......... ....... ........... ...... ......... ......... .... ... ........ ........89 Figure 59: Response Area Redundancy of Station 4 .............................................................. 106 Figure 60: Response Area Station 4 Relocated ......................................................................107 Figure 61.: Response Area Station 2 Relocated .................... ....................... ......... .... ... ........... 108 Figure 62: Facility OVerview and Condition Summary............................................. ................ 114 Figure 63: Fire Growth vs. Reflex Time.. .... ............ ....... ..... .'. ...... ............. ............ ......... ......... 124 Figure 64: National Data- Fire Growth to Life and PropertyLoss.....,......................................126 Figure 65: Cardiac Arrest Event Sequence. .... ...... .... .......... ... ... .... ......... ... ...... ...... ........ ... ....... 127 Figure 66: Criterion Table to Determine When a New Station is Needed ................................138 Figure 67: Fire Department Revenue Sources............................................ ............................ 140 Figure 68: Contract Service Area Revenue.............. ............. .................... ....... ........ ........... .... 140 Figure 69: Operating Budget Distribution........... ....................... .... ..;... ..;....... .......................... 141 Figure 70: Modeled Budget & Tax Rate...... .., ................. ........... ...... ... ......................... ........... 143 Figure 71: 2005 Population Estimates ............... ....... .......... ...... ....... ... .... ...... ...... ........... ......... 143 Figure 72: Tax Cost per Capita... ....... ..... ....... ....... .... ....... ..... .c.......... ,....... ...... ...... ........ .......... 144 FigUre 73: AppatatusAssignments by Station .. .... .... ... ............. .... ...... ............ ........ ...... .......... 145 Figure74: Apparatus Life Expectancy and Replacement Cost ...............................................146 Figure 75: Apparatus ReplacementCosts ............................................................................. .146 Figure 76: Single Company Operating Cost... ....... ....... .................... ......... ....... ............ ........ .,. 148 Figure 77: Average Cost by Position..... .... .....;.......... ... .... ....... ..,....... ......... ... ......... ..... ... ... ...... 148 Figure 78: CPI-U Trend, 1997 -2006........................................................................................ 149 itfu, 'I EmergeflCy.$etvices ~ Consulting inc. iv I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Purpose of Report This report details the study .of the fire protection and emergency medical services in the City of Springfield, Oregon by Emergency Services Consulting inc. (ESCi). The work contrC3cted by the city in late 2006, directed the development ofa Standards of Cover docurnentapd a station location study. The staffs of the City of Springfield (City) and the fire department have provided a great deal of written and oral information to ESCi during the course of.this. work. VVefounde.'v'~ryQne most generous in their efforts to provide us with. acgurate and complete information; We are grateful for their assistance and cooperationthrQughout this process. Active and dynamic organizations such as the Springfield Fire and Life Safety Department (SFLS) tend to undergo a process of cOntinuous change. Every effort has been made to compile data that are as comprehensive and. accurate. as. possible. Wherever possible, '.ESGi makes quantifiable comparisons to other fire service. organizations anclindustrystandards. Performance, observations, and recommendations are measured againsfcurr~l1tly .established SFLS standards, applicable industry standards, and good practices. layout of Report This report is diVided into nine chapters and an appendix. The first ,seven chapters are organized asaStandards of Cover g()cument. Tb!9.coq<;ept..of pti3ndargscjfCover(SOC) is not new to the fire service or to Springfield Fire & Life Safety Department. In fact, the Springfield Fire & Life Safety Department was one of the original test sites for the development of the accreditation process under the Commission on Fire Accreditationlnternational (CFAI). In the past, this concept was referred to simply as fire station location. The current sac methodology has evolvedasa resUlt of the advocacy.ofthe Commission toa more systematic approach of evaluating em~rgency response delivery performance. The entire. process is data driven. The sac methodology, as provided by CFAI, is recognized as the only means of achieving equivalency for the deVelopment of response coverage other than .olltright adoption of other standards that are not bClsed upon local considerations. The pFAI accreditation process places a strong emphasis on self~assessment with the general. premise that the best ~. ' '. Emergency,s" ervu:es ~ ConSUlting inc. 1 I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study assessment is a local assessment. The CFAI guidelines outline a comprehensive and orderly approach to this process. Chapter 9 builds on the first seven chapters to identify opportunities for future performance improvements. This chapter contains recommendations related to facilities, apparatus and staffing. The recommendations are based on current delivery capabilities, goals and future service delivery demands. The appendix provides supporting and explanatory information related 'to the content of the overall study. The reader will find a review of the SFLS facilities and apparatus, and a brief review and summary of fire department finances. Two additional chapters are included that address the importance of time in emergency response and a discussion on establishing thresholds and triggers for the addition of new resources (fire stations, apparatus and staffing). Major Findings and Recommendations Thefollowing bullets summarize the key findings identified in this study. ./' Springfield, while bordered .on the north and south by riyersand the west by Interstate 5, will continue to experience both fill-in growth and expansion along its boundaries primarily to the south. ./' The types of fire and life safety risk existing and anticipated are varied and mixed, but fairly common fora growing urban community in Oregon. Methods are identified to quantify risk by occupancy use, land use zone designations and building size and density. ./' The number of alarms the fire department responds to is within the current capacity of the department. Call volume is expected to increa$ein the future placing greater demands on the department. Additional resources will be required to maintain the current levels of service throughoutthe service area. ./' The area of the ambulance service area is large. The greatest demand for medical and transport services, occurs in' the urban area of the City. Workload and unit utilization of the medic units are high, but still within acceptable range. Current response time performance complies with the County ASA targets in all four response zones. The demand for medical services is expected to increase. ./' The location of the current five stations is acceptable considering current development and demand for service. However, future demand predictions (call volume and area) ~. EmergenCY. Sel1lu:es ~ ConsUlting inc. 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study indicate that by relocating two of the stations the current protection levels could be maintained without adding additional stations ./ Based on 2005/06 data, SFLS is capable of placing a unit on scene within six minutes and 30 seconds on 90 percent of all emergency calls within its primary service area. It can place a full effective response force (one chief officer, three engines, one ladder, and one ambulance) on scene of 90 percent of structure fires within nine minutes and 15 seconds. While this represents a very good level of service to its citizens, this study indicates that improvements are possible and with reasonable investments the level of service can be maintained as the City continues to grow. Based on the findings and analysiscondllcted eluring this study, ESCi makes the following recommendations. These recommendations identify future potential improvements to the deployment system designed to maintain current levels of service. They are .divided into three categories for ease of consideration by the fire department and the City. We do not attempt to project an implementation strategy or timeframe on these recommendations since that would be outside the scope of this project. The background, analysis, and justification for each recommendation are discussed.fully,in.the bodyofthis report. 1. Improvements within the existing system a. Improve data collection, documentation, and reporting capabilities. b. Continue coordination with the dispatch center and neighbpring fire agencies. c. Work to reduce turnout times. Turnout time is the time between when the department is dispatched and the time when units leave the station. 2. New Service/Increased Performance Capability a. Staff ariadditibnal medic unit at Station4. b. Relocate Station 4 to the south in th19 Vicinity of the intersection of Pioneer and Main Streets. 3. Planning Issues a. Staff both the truck and the engine at Statipn 5 instead of c;ross-staffing the two units with a singl19 crew. b. Relocate Station 2 to the south in the vicinity of the intersection of 57th and Mt. Vernonwhen justified by development in the area. c. Once Station 2 is relocated, move the Quint from Station 2 to Station 3. ..~Eme, rgency Services ~ Consulting inc. 3 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study I I I I I This page left blank I I I I I I I I I I I I ~Emerger:cy Servwes ~ COTlSulting inc. 4 I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Chapter 1: Standards of Cover Purpose The CFAI defines Standards of Cover as "those adopted written policies and procedures that determine the. distribution, concentration and reliability of fixed and mobile response forces for fire, emergency medical services, hazardous materials and other technical responses." The purpose of this Standards of Cover document is to provide the Springfield. Fire and Life Safety. Department a tool for: ./ Assessing community fire and non-fire risk factors ./ Defining baseline emergency response performance standards ./ Determining appropriate apparatus ahdstaffing patterns ./ Evaluating workload and determining unit utilization ./ Measuring current and ongoing service delivery performance ./ Planning for future station locations ./ Assisting in the strategic planning and policy development process relative to resource procurement and allocation The key elements in this Standards of Cover document include: ./ A determination of the levels of service to be provided throughout the jurisdiction ./ A risk assessmentthat identifies the fire and non-fire risks common and/or unique to the coniml..mity ./ An analysis of the SFLS Department's current response capability in terms of time, equipment and on-scene performanqe (staffing) ./ A. recommended set of Standards of Cover statements that describes how SFLS Department resources will be allocated and deployed to maximize emergency response effectiveness within its service delivery.area ACommuriityBased Risk Assessment is an analytical process of identifying and quantifying key factors within the community, that when combined, define risk in a way that can be compared to the SFLS Department's resP9nsecapability. The key f9ctorsinclude historical incident analysis, identification of general and .specific hazards, identification of community values, and their relationship to departmental expectations, potential 'severity, consequence, and frequency of certain events. It is this comparison that makes the sac process a valuable strategic planning and resources deployment tool. ~, 13m. erge(lCY Services ~ Consulting inc. 5 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study This page left blank ~E.mel1,Y, ency Services ~ Consulting mc. 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Chapter 2: Community Served Springfield is a city in Lane County, Oregon, separated from Eugene, Oregon primarily by the 1-5 highway. Springfield was named after a natural spring located in a field or prairie within the current city boundaries. As of the 2000 Census, the City had a total population of 52,864. Recent estimations put the population around 60,000. Additionally, via contract for service, Springfield Fire and Life Safety protects 7,289 additional citizens. Springfield was named as one of the 12 best cities in the U.S. Springfield has two high schools: Springfield and Thurston Senior High. Springfield is one of the larger cites in Oregon, just behind Bend and just ahead of Corvallis. As of 2005, there were approximately 64,294 people, 21,500 households, and 16,953 families residing in the protective area. The population density was 3,670.7/mile (mi). There were 21,500 housing units at an average density of 1,492.9/mi. The racial makeup of the city was 89.64 percent White, 0.71 percent African American, 1.38 percent Native American, 1.11 percent Asian, 0.31 percent Pacific Islander, 3.09 percent from other races, and 3.77 percent from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race was 6.91 percent of the population.' There were 20,514 households out of which 35.3 percent had children under the age of 18 living with them, 45.7 percent were married couples living together, 14.3 percent had a female householder with no husband present, and 34.3 percent were non-families. 25.4 percent of all households were made up of individuals, and 7.8 percent had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.55 and the average family size was 3.03. The median income for a household in the city was $33,031, and the median income for a family was $38,399. Males had a median income of $30,973 versus $22,511 for females. The per capita income for the city was $15,616. About 14.8 percent of families and 17.9 percent of the population were below the poverty line, including 23.5 percent of those under age 18 and 9.8 percent of those ages 65 or over. 1 2006 Lane County Regional Trends; Lane County Council of Governments. ~Emergency Seroices ~ Consulting mc. 7 ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 8 I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Springfield Fire and Life Safety currently provides fire protection in an area of 18.798 square miles within the 4,554 square miles of Lane County. The Fire Department also provides ambulance transport services for the East/Central ambulance service area under the Lane County Ambulance Service Area Plan.2 The ambulance service area consists of about 2,000 square miles with a population of approximately 88,250. The current Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) would allow the service area to expand to 22.809 square miles. With the potential of a UGB modification in the near future, additional potential for increase service area demands would affect the department's ability to provide consistent service. Figure 1: General Service Area Springfield Fire & Life Safety Service Area N W+E S o 5 10 Miles Springfield Fire & Life Safety I Springfield F&LS c=J ASA 2 Lane Code Chapter 18, Lane County Ambulance Service Area Plan. I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Of the 335,180 lane County residents, SFLS protects about 19.18 percent of the population. In addition to the areas within city limits, the department provides service to portions of WilIakenzie Rural Fire Protection District, RainbowVVater District, and the Glenwood Water District. The service area ofthe Fire Departrnentis mostly a mix of urban and suburban residential and commercial development with some perimetf;'3r rural and hillside forest ,land interface. The services provided in each of thesear€la~ vary significantly. The differences are based on infrastructure, resources availability and the frequency and types of emergenc:ies. For the. purpose of this proceSS and any future CFAI accreditation process, tneStandards of Cover . established hereinapplYJoaUarea~. within the Springfield Fire and Life Safety legal jurisdiction including Glenwood Water District, Rainbow Water District, and Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection.. District. ,~Emergen. CY,.. sero, . ices ~ C01l$ulting inc. 9 Springfield Fire and Ufe Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study I I I I I This page left blank I I I I I I I I I I I I iI&, ,.' ., Em,....erge, 'Tu.~g s.ero, ices ~ Cf,Jnsulting inc. 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Chapter 3: Services Provided The Springfield Fire and Life Safety Department operates out of five fire and life safety stations, serving 64,294 residents in an 18.78 square mile area. On duty minimllm staffing consists of 21 duty personnel plus one Battalion Chief. The. staffing consists of three three-person fire engines, one quint,3 and one combination aerial tru<::::kJfireengine. Three of the stations include two- person ;advanced life. support (ALS) medic units: A Sattalion Chiefllncident Commander is on duty at all times. Depending on the specific shift on duty, with minor exception, all personnel are certified paramedics. Generally,apparatusfrQn)fpur stations are dispat<:;hed ona first alarm structure fire. Station 1 - Thurston Station - 6815 Ma.in Street 3 2 o 1 3 o 3 o 2 o o 22 3 A quint carriesJhe five maIn components of afire engine and an aerial ladder truck combined: a pump, a water tank, hoses, an aerial. ladder and ground ,ladders. ' ~, Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 11 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Total staffing for SFLS consists of 75 career fire suppression, four Fire Prevention and 28.25 administrative and support personnel. There are three divisions: Operations, Fire Marshal's Office, and Administrative Services Bureau. Figure 3: Organizational Chart Within the Operations Division, there are two operational sections, emergency response, and training. SFLS is one of the larger fire service organiiations in Lane County, with a service area thatincludes urban, . suburban, and rural and wilderness areas. Front line apparatus (those units staffed for immediate response) includes three fire engines, three ALS Medic Units, one quint, and one aerialladdertruck. All frontline apparatus are staffed with paramedics trained in advanced life support. SFLSernergenGY response fleet also includes a rescue boat with swift water rescue capabilities,a hazardous materials response unit, and a federally sponsored urban search and rescue task force unit. SFLSadditionally provides advanced life support ambulance transport service to not only the City, bulan additional 88,250 residents in the approxirnately 2,000 square miles of the East Central. Lane County Ambulance Service Area (ASA #3). The ASA includes the entire City and c::Qntractareas, pluS a large adjoining area, including the McKenzie Riverand Mohawk Valleys, Goshen, Pleasant Hill, Dexter, Lowell,and portions of Coburg, and Harrisburg. SFLS provides a full ,range of ernergency response services including: Medical Assistance: Medical Aids Multi victim incidents Mass casualties ~. . ..Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Fire Suppression: Fixed Property - Structures, dwelling, high-rise Mobile Property - vehic:les, trains, boats Rescue Services: Trapped or at risk victims Urban Search and Rescue (confinEi)d space, trench, building collapse) Swift Water Rescue Special Hazards Response: Hazardous Materials Wildland Fire Cooperating Agencies In addition to the SFLS, there is one other mUnicipal fire department and 22 fire district/departments in the County. All of the departments participate inmutua.l/auto aid agrEi)ements with the SFLS, Tht; SFLS also maintains.spec:ificmutual automatic aid agreements with Eugene Fire & EMS and McKenzie Fire & Rescue. Administrativea.nd SupportServices SFLS provides much of'.'its own support and administrative., services ..toat many other cities provide for their fire departments. For example; civilian personnel., Within the Department maintain accounts payable/receivable, and ampulance service billing, Ambulance service billing, which generates revenue' for the. emergency medical services (EMS) section, is provided fori? other agencies. The Department also provides FireMedadministratiorl for th~eeagencies. Figure 3 summarizes the personnel FTEs (full..time equivalent~) assigl'l\,;q to administration and support; The asterisks indicate positions related to Fire MedCootdination and ambulance billing. Emergency Services Consulting iru:; 13 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~.E. mergency, Serv<<:es ~ Consulting inc. 1 1 1 4 1* 2* 1* 1 1 2 5* 7* 1.25 28.25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Chapter 4: Community Risk Analysis Community Risk Assessment is a critical step in the process of developing a Standards of Cover. Risk analysis should identify, define, and describe the types of problems that dictate the overall deployment of SFLS resources. The protection area ofthe Fire Department has a wide range of risk including some unique challenges. Risk Assessment is the process of examining the events that may occur within a jurisdiction and projecting the potential impacts of those events on the community.. It is the goal of the sac process to match the deployment of resources with the identified risk in the most effective manner possible. The steps in this effort include: e An examination of the nature of the hazard(s) that exist . Identification of the values and property at risk e Evaluation ofthe impact and 'consequence of an event e Consideration of the potential frequency of an event The SFLS responds to a variety of risks and each type of risk may have . different. resource needs. In the sac process, deployment is an<;llyzedJrom the basis of risk. Some risks require a greater deployment of reSOLlrces than others to achieve an acceptable outcome. The SFLS deployment strategy is based on the goal of providing the needed resources to hangle the risk. It is quantified by considering how many people mLlstarrive within a specific time frame with the appropriate equipment in order to achieve the desired outcome. ThIEl ~ntiresystem comes down to a~al~ulationof the .speed and number of initial attack resources nelElded tocontrorthe, ernergency at hand. The relationship between probability and consequences is one. of tbe principles used in risk analysis. This concept is critical to the eventual establishment of risk levels for each area served. As either factor increases, it will impact the overall risk. The probabilityan.d consequence establishes the overall risk factor for any given situation. Risk Expectations Each community must identify an accepted level.of service. Accepted risk is a relative term that is determined by considering expected and desired outcomes, availability of resources,and ~" I' Emerge1U:g Servwes ~ Consulting inc. 15 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study cost. The process of establishing what is right for the community is a policy decision. It is important to capture the expectations of the community at the start of the process in order to build the appropriate criteria. This step has not yet been accomplished. The first step in this examination of risk is to look at the mission and goals established by the organization. The second is to establish performance objectives for each service that is provided. The final step is to develop specific performance measures for each service provided in each risk category. Mission and Goals The general mission of most fire departments is similar in that it relates to what the fire department does, Limit the risks to the community and its people from fire, injury, death and property damage associated with fire, accidents, illness, explosions, hazardous materials incidents, and other natural or manmade emergencies through mitigation. SFLS, through a consensus process, developed the following mission statement: "Protect life, property, and environment" Our commitment: We use safe, efficient, effective, and innovative fire and life safety principles and techniques. Performance Objectives Toe SFLS has developed objectives for each of the major services it provides; .fire suppression, emergency medical services (EMS), rescue, and special hazards~ These performance objectives further define the quality and quantity of service to be provided. Fire For all fire incidents in an urban setting, SFLS shall arrive in less than five minutes with adequate resources capable of initiating interior fire suppression operations. ~, ... Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I' I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study EMS For all serious emergency medical incidents in an urban setting, SFLS shall arrive at the scene within five minutes of dispatch with adequate resources capable of initiating advanced life support emergency medical treatment. Further, within 10 minutes SFLS shall provide adequate resources capable of continuing appropriate emergency medical treatment and providing transport to an appropriate medical facility within nine minutes following dispatch. Rescue For all incidents where rescue of victims is required, SFLS shall arrive in a timely manner with sufficient resources to stabilize the situation and extricate the victim(s) from the emergency situation or location without causing further harm to the victim, responders, public, and the environment. Soecial Hazards For all special hazards such as Hazardous Materials, Wildland, and Swiftwater, SFLS shall arrive in a timely manner with sufficient resources to stabilize the situation, stop the escalation of the incident, contain the hazard where applicable, and establish an action plan for the successful conclusion of the incident while providing for the safety and security of the responders, public and the environment. Global Risk Assessment Current Population Information Springfield Fire & Life Safety provides primary fire protection services to all of the City of Springfield in Lane County, Oregon. The population of the City was 52,864 in the 2000 u.S. Census.4 However, the Census Bureau has estimated some increase since the 2000 Census and the City's population was estimated at 55,641 in 2005.5 The average age is 32.5 and is comprised of 48.89 percent men and 51.07 percent women. For the City, this population figure 42000 U.S. Census, Tables SF-1 and SF-3. 5 Population estimate for 2005 was based on a 2000 Estimate Base of 53,371, reflecting modifications to the 2000 Census official figure as documented in the Count Question Resolution program and other program revisions following the 2000 U.S. Census. ~Emergeru:y Services ~ Consulting inc. 17 ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study represents a significant 24.5 percent increase over the 1990 Census, when the population of the City of Springfield was 44,683. The most significant portion of growth within the City has clearly occurred through additional housing development, since over 19 percent of the total housing in City of Springfield has been built since 1990. The data indicates that the bulk of population growth within Springfield occurred in the 1970s and the 1990s. Since then, population growth has slowed in the current decade. Estimates for future growth will be discussed later. Meanwhile, the following figures provide general demographic information and historical changes in population and housing for Springfield. Figure 4: Population Growth History Population History; 1970-2004 ~ population. .. F AnnU:1 Growth R~: 60000 50000 .. 40000 30000 . 20000 10000 .- 6.0% -- 5.0% - 4.0% - 3.0% -.2.0% o . 1.0% 0.0% 1970 1980 1990 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 A review of the Lane County Council of Governments forecasting model data on population growth indicates that Springfield will increase by 27 percent, to over 83,000 people by 2025. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 5: Projected Population Growth City of Springfield Population Growth Actural through 2005; projectto 2115 70,000 - R2 = 0.9858 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010. 2115 : -.+-PopuJation 26,87434,900 41,621 40,690 44,683' 49,005 52,864 55,860 60,394 64,190 With annexations, Springfield annexed the most land area in the county over the same period, some 730 acres and 463 people. The past five years has seen an increase of 1,051 dwelling units within the SFLS service area. This increase (6.20 percent) is slightly less that the rise in population. High-density population areas increase the risk associated with that service area. The more people in a given service area, the more incidents, or calls, are generated. Density is increasing throughout the Springfield area, and higher concentrations of population are appearing in areas that historically have not had population centers. Examples include the infill development in the Jasper Road, Riverbend areas north of Harlow Road, Glenwood area and the older commercial areas. It is also useful to assess the distribution of the population within the City, since there is a direct correlation between population density and service demand. The following map displays the population density of the City, based on information from the 2000 U.S. Census. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 19 .,i.' ." 1,.,. ,.,,'. Springfield Fire & Life Safety I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 6: Population Density : . Fife SfetlOftS Population Density :J: ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 20 I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I As seen in Figure 7, ten percent of the current population is 65 years of age or older, and eight percent of the current population is under five years of age, placing a total of 18 percent of the area's population within the significant target age groups that pose the highest risk for fatalities in residential fire incidents. It is also worth noting that the number of residents over the age of 75 has increased by 38 percent since 1990, a change that can be expected to create a significant increase in service demand for emergency medical incidents. This is expected to continue into the coming decades as the younger group ages, and as longevity and medical advances continue. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, the average age is 32.5 and comprised of 48.89 percent men and 51.07 percent women. 1--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 7: Population Change by Age Demographics- Population Change by Age Cohort 1- _~~_OO '0 1990 ......",. ,Chang~~1 .~ .'.. ." ,-, " ,'_", ,_, '_,_~,. ~~',.J.. . .... . 20,000 15,000 10,000 - 5,000 - 0 IiiiiiiI 2000 4,327 15,959 16,609 6,719 3,827 2,572 2,851 c::J 1990 3,929 13,836 15,377 6,733 2,839 2,736 2,072 ...... change 10% 15% 8% 0% 35% -6% 38% 40% 35% 30% - 25% ~- 20% - 15% ~- 10% -5% 0% - -5% -10% Figures 8 and 9 will detail the concentration of senior citizen and pediatric populations within Springfield. ~EmeTgency SeroiEes ~ Consulting inc. 21 1'---- Figure 8: Senior Population Concentrations I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Springfield Rre & Life Safety I . FI,.StatlCtll :n "ICI::t.I: o S~nI't;"'IC :0111"51 E .:~I Cen.... 810Ck GI"OUD AGE_65_ UP I sa..u D"".e:,,! _e!".",e .. IS.:;. ~e~2 [:J ~SC.~. !11.C _ .,. I . ".,C I 05 , t'lles ------./'---~ I I I I I I J. ~l 1, ~(~....... / j ~ -' Higher concentrations of senior citizens reside near Stations 4 and 5. The workload of Medic Unit 859 would be most affected by seniors who are suffering from chronic medical ailments which require emergency medical intervention. This concentration may also reflect the locations of senior residence facilities which desire to be closer to medical facilities. I I I I I I ~EmeTgency Services ~ Consulting me. 22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study The pediatric population is also mostly concentrated within this area as can be seen from the following figure. Figure 9: Pediatric Population Concentration - \ '1 Sprl ngfleld FI re & Life Safety . Fire-S:ations r:J rtC!~ltai / DS~rillgfleljZel'ljn;Exttl'll f Census 810ck Group AGE_UllDER51 SOMI 0'." .".,,, .12'.'!C D'!l.m ..20."" 'l J~ " , Miles ~------""'- ~'::;-.. 05 Infrastructure Infrastructure includes streets, water, utilities, fire stations, schools, churches, housing and commercial buildings. The age and quality of the infrastructure have a direct correlation on risk and must be considered in the deployment of resources. The age works both ways; older materials burn faster and were not designed to protect the structure from fire or earthquakes in the same manner as those used today. Newer streets are no longer wide and straight, resulting in longer routes and slower driving speeds. Structures are built with higher density resulting in greater exposures and greater numbers of calls to an area. Utilities are being moved underground causing above and below ground safety issues. ~Emergency Seroices ~ Consulting inc. 23 ~- Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study The two most significant infrastructure issues for the Department are water and roads. Access to the scene of an emergency and water supply to fight fires are essential to providing service. In the developed areas, a great deal of effort is made to ensure that both are provided during construction and after occupancy. StreetslTraffic Networks The street network is the backbone of an emergency response system. The network must be both efficient and effective in order to maximize emergency response. The best-case scenario is a network with direct routes and multiple points of entry. Springfield has a mix of good and bad areas with respect to overall traffic circulation, but the street network generally works wel1.6 Lack of efficient circulation within a project, community, or region can seriously degrade the ability of the Department to provide effective and rapid response. One of the biggest problems is the planning of a delivery system based on anticipated infrastructure that is not completed. A missing street, at a critical point, can completely change the service delivery area of a fire station, and the effectiveness of the overall response. Increases in traffic can become a significant negative factor that directly effects deployment. Traffic issues continue to increase in Springfield. Impacts are directly related to growth and demographic changes. Increased traffic presents both distribution (initial response time) and concentration (multiple resource response) problems. If response times lengthen, the effective response area for each station is reduced. If multiple resources from multiple stations cannot arrive in an acceptable time frame, more resources will be needed within the system. Some traffic improvement options may actually reduce response times while others simply slow the negative impacts. Increased traffic decreases response performance and increases the potential for accidents. In some traffic situations, with raised center medians, units must simply turn off emergency lights and wait for the traffic to clear before proceeding. Solutions to this issue are available, but may have significant cost. Technology solutions such as Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EPV) are very cost-effective when done in conjunction with other work or when the signal is first installed.? Center median breaks, drive-over or crawl-over 6 Regional Trends 2006, Lane County Council of Governments. ? Springfield currently employs EPV technology for fire and ambulance vehicles. ~ Emergency Seroit:es ~ Consulting inc. 24 I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study sections in median, or simply leaving painted medians rather than raised medians have a positive impact on responding units. Rail/Air/and Waterway Networks Rail lines are an inherent risk due the nature and volume of materials transported. Literally all materials that are used in our society travel by rail. Large amounts of chemicals, flammables, toxics, and people are transported daily on rail networks. While the number of incidents may be small, the consequences of a rail incident can be significant. This has been the case in Springfield with both freight and passenger rail incidents. Fi Springfield Fire & Life Safety . fire stations .......... Railroad lines Springfield F&lS "" J W+E S o 0.5 In Springfield, the issue of waterways is not so much about the transportation of goods or people on the waterways, as it is the impact of the waterways on the other transportation systems, namely the street network. The waterway features (two rivers, lakes, and ponds) are ~EmeTgency Services ~ Consulting inc. 25 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study impediments to response in many cases. With limited points to cross or access these features, they cause inefficiencies that greatly impact the ability of emergency resources to service areas that would otherwise be accessible in terms of time and distance from fire stations. Population Centers Population centers are areas with population densities in excess of the majority of the protection area. They are important because there is a direct relationship between population, risk and the impact on workload. Population centers typically exist in the older communities. This is changing, however, with new developments specifically focused on increasing densities to 50 or more dwelling units per acre. While most density issues revolve around housing units, job centers, which produce daytime occupancy rates in excess of the housing limits, also exist. These job centers bring workers and customers into an area, which doubles or triples the transient populations during normal business hours. The structures are often higher occupancy mid-rise (four and five story) buildings with large workforces, the new Peace Health Riverbend hospital would be a good example. Population density was illustrated in Figure 6. Areas of Significant Change There is a good deal of development yet to be completed within the boundaries of Springfield. These proposed major projects alone will produce over 3,200 new homes and 2.3 million square feet of commercial property over the next ten years. Large projects such as the Jasper Road development and the Riverbend Hospital and associated Master Plan area will produce the largest impacts, but other projects such as the Jasper- Natron Development will also change the resources needed to service these areas. In the case of the Jasper Road development, 2,280 residential units will be introduced to an area that does not currently have a significant number of dwelling units. Additionally, the Jasper Natron area will include a total of 1.9 million square feet of commercial/retail and light industrial development. These changes will require a change in resource deployment. The Glenwood Riverfront Development will introduce up to 850 dwelling units and the potential build out of the 50 acre site will include 135,000 square feet of commercial space. The annexation of the UGB surrounding Glenwood in 2000 necessitated the relocation or establishment of a fire station to serve that area. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting me. 26 I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study The establishment of the fire station to serve this area has yet to occur, and the proposalforthis first major Glenwood development suggests that locating a fire station to serve the area should at least be considered simultaneously with the development. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Master Plan Peace Health Riverbend Master Plan has identified 390,000 square feet of commercial space and a minimum of 610 dwelling units on the property designated in the master plan. Build out in the next 10 years of this area will impact total department calls for service, and affect the average response times Citywide. Specific Areas oflmpact Jasper Natron: The Jasper Natron area development is planned to include a combination of residential, commercial,and industrial occupancies. Residential LoW Den~ity ResidelUilllZoning Sing\e;..Family Detached S ingle- Family, Attached* Apartment/Condominium * HighDl!nsity Residentia/Zoning Apartrtlent/Condominium * Subtotal Residelltial Commercial Retail/Service Community CommercialZQning** IndustrialFlexSpaceJBusinessPark Spec(atf.,igllt Industrial (of Campus Industri(ll) ZOflina Total 1,280 510 51.0 320 22.9 170 7..7 11.0 2,280 314.3 449.0 105,000 5.2 7.0 1,880,400 62..5 187.7 382.0 643.6 Notes: *This category cO!.lld include townhouse unitslls apart 6fth.e overall average at a maximllmdensity of 14.28 units per net acre. . ' H Net acreageiricllldes off-street parking. SOurce: E.D. Rovce & Company; Jasper Natron Specific Development Plan June 1999 ~. '"-Cl ' E'm,e, ro, e,ncy, . Services ~ COTisulting inc. 27 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study I Glenwood Riverfront Development The Glenwood Riverfront Development project is a proposed 50 acre project with 850 dwelling units and up to 135,000 square feet of commercial development I I Figure 12: Glenwood Riverfront Development I Potential Residential Buildout Number Net Densltyl Lot Housing Type Approx. Unit Size Average Square Totat Square Size Ranneldl Footam> Footane Multi Famllv for Rent N1A Apartments Over 450-900 615 162,675 Retail 482 35-50 du per Apartments (3- building 5 stori~) 500-1200 850 204,850 Multi Family for Sale 184 25 du per 2-story Over 1- 1,000-1,350 1, 175 216,200 buildino story Units Single Family Attached for Sale 100 Rowhouses 1400-1550 sf 1,475 147,500 84 Rowhouses 1650.18QO sf 1,725 144,900 (Master down) Total: 850 Units 876,125 sf Potential CQmmerciai Buildout 1 2001'_ 20OS-fO Total Riverview Office (a) 50,000 (b) 80,000 Riverview Restaurant 0 10,000 25,000 Franklin Blvd. Commercial 15,000 15,000 30,000 Total 50,OOOsE 75,OOOst 135,000 sf I I I I I I I I (a) Single-user building (b) Multi-user building source: ZimmermanNolk Associates, ZHA,~4 Market AnaJy5is of the Glerwood Studt Area", JUly 10, 200 T. I I I I I ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting mc. 28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Marcola Meadows: The Marcola Meadows development also includes a combination of residential and commercial development as outlined in Figure 13. f' 13 M t I M d o Igure . area a ea ows eve opmen . THE VILLAGES AT MARCO LA MEADOWS RESIDENTIAL VILLAGES # of Homes Net Area (Acres) Net Density (Units/Acre) Oak Prairie Homes 192 18.4 10.4 Willow Creek Town Homes 123 7.5 16.4 Ashwood CottaQes Senior LivinQ 54 7.5 7.2 COMMERCIAL VILLAGES Building # Parcel Area (SF) Building Area (SF) ParkinQ Alder Plaza PO-1 71,700 10,100 31 Professional Office PO-2 36,400 9,700 30 PO-3 23,600 5,500 17 PO-4 19,900 6,200 19 PO-5 33,500 7,200 22 Alder Plaza NR-1 51,600 5,400 17 Neighborhood Retail NR-2 55,200 10,000 30 NR-3 90,300 17,400 53 NR-4 25,800 4,900 15 NR-5 30,100 3,800 12 NR-6 34,600 5,900 18 NR-7 170,000 36,00 108 NR-8 144,000 24,600 74 Alder Plaza General GR-1 642,000 171,000 513 Retail Alder Plaza Main Street MSR-1 53,100 9,300 28 Retail MSR-2 51,700 7,600 23 MSR-3 104,500 15,500 47 MSR-4 31 ,400 7,500 23 MSR-5 30,100 5,200 16 Alder Plaza Community CC-1 61,800 9,800 30 Retail CC-2 76,800 23,300 70 CC-3 60,200 13,500 41 ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 29 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study I I Peace Health Riverbend Master Plan: The Peace Health Riverbend Hospital Development is currently under development in the Gateway area in the northwest corner of the City. The master plan is illustrated in the following Figure 14. Figure 14: Riverbend Master Plan ,", ,. /~,~,. . . ......"'" ." \,. \ I LEGEND I ....... ,,'IJ"'.loOf 0- I _..-:l-':"'_I>>.I'\' CDCIPIU/I. ......... """N5"~'''_ ,,--...",........-- UJr<DUCl tUKo ncna:rJJ .... "':5. I . _~._IIII.OT_ G l::J ~U~"'f~ .~... . '-......: Ai I - D ....m.-rf...C8INo&. ~ lIValCux.~UroIIIIIIitf "',,,.,, '.......I........--..--~ e..._N_.......,..............C_.... L==::..~.:::.7.....~.:). I 1........--............._.....__.... -..-.....- \.. H_piW........_..,u- s-./Hevr,...",e.- e..,...H....V_.'....I~ '-Wt11....'0Ih........~ ~~..(CJJ~ t."":1~c- 11)I RlYerflond ....N< Pl.. Sorom ~.. 11=1 ';:' hi , -.~.:: ~ ~ ~r.AL~'.....~....~ .. 1.0...7.. 11.. ~ J.t~ ~CI.1l2 _...u --- h,Tt ttD_ --- ... t3i,Glll --_ Jll.7'X Jotl11 --- ZUllO otIAlIO W I ... t.~ U RiverS.:'n.! Master Plan ~ tT.>>I SI ""&&, ~ '..I"",,"'c.-... n....., WJC t.~ U 54,l.li! IT.an UrP":,A_~liIl II): llJ>> o.o.-..,awlf.l.'OOU;)jI.... I..I"...~......... n..,...... IIJC lo2.t12 .... MAn t2,IQ' u"., R_".......... IIJC UAQ' ."".., <AW1l,ll1'>U; ll-' I tUDO 42 IUN i' ~"'''' -- ...-..-- ...--..---.. ----,...-..... -...-............ ...1".." '..h'..' ...,,,,,,,,C Iili."._ ...1...1 ..... ................._.........ot,.......... .. ......a.._..w.....1AIl ..... "'" I.... U ".." "J>l "'" ,... I.' .... lOI>>' "'" ..,.. .. ~.. """ "'" ...... .. .... ..... 1-\11S \,' DJJI" >>.... MASTE:R PL\N DIAGRAM M _ M~ I ... ... ,) )1,110O 11:1 , ~llDII "' , -... - I 2l,llOll 1M I I 1.3 . ...................-.. NOTE: In accordance with Master Plan Conditions of Approval, development of the Medium Density Residential area east of Baldy View must include: 1. A minimum of 610 dwelling units (Condition #19) Limitations to Growth The primary limiting factors to growth in the City are the land use requirements concerning infill and development of the available land within the UGB. Several studies suggest the available developable land is dwindling as infill occurs. Expansion of the UGB suggests that additional Department resources may be required to serve the expansion. Specific growth triggers should be identified that would signal the need for additional resources to match the demand as these I I I I I 30 I I ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study areas develop.8 Any proposal to expand the available land inventory through expansion of the UGB should include a review of the impact on the Department to maintain service levels. Construction Limits Springfield is rapidly approaching a time of build-out as all raw land is developed. The final large-scale development plans are underway. Once the current building projects are completed, the built-upon areas of the City will be limited. No large area of developable land or even agricultural land will be left in Springfield. This will have an effect on land values, and will increase the pressure on the redevelopment of existing developed areas. Increased density and intensification of uses are expected. Infrastructure Limitations The three infrastructure issues that have the greatest limitation on future growth include traffic, water, and sewer capabilities. Traffic trip counts are one of the most limiting factors in growth and development in Springfield today; and will continue to be so in the future. Water, and its byproduct (sewage), have shaped the Willamette Valley landscape for over a hundred years. The lack of water or sewer capacity to support development is an issue in many of the communities served by SFLS. The water issue is why new developments must provide documentation detailing how the commodities will be provided before development is allowed to proceed. These three issues will continue to drive development parameters. Traffic and water are key issues and have direct impact on the ability of the SFLS to provide service. As traffic service levels decrease, response times increase proportionally. Without adequate water SFLS cannot protect the new developments. Safeguards are in place to monitor the water issues, but traffic issues are not within the control of the SFLS. Environmental Risks Topography/Soils Several issues related to topography and access cause both potential risk and actual incidents. The most common is the interface issues, where home are constructed in areas with high concentrations of flammable vegetation and limited access. The same slope features also impact the spread of wildland fires. 8 See Appendix C - Response Time Thresholds and Triggers for a discussion on this topic. ~ Emergeru:y Services ~ Consulting mc. 31 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study The second topographic risk is liquefaction zones, and is more theoretical as it has not caused problems in recent history. Liquefaction is a phenomenon in which the strength and stiffness of a soil is reduced by earthquake shaking or other rapid loading. Liquefaction and related phenomena have been responsible for tremendous amounts of damage in historical earthquakes around the world. This potential risk impacts major portions of the Willamette Valley. Additionally, areas in the floodplain of most of the major waterways/drainages in metropolitan areas are subject to liquefaction. The third topographic risk is access. Access issues fall into two categories - access in developed areas and access to wildland/interface fires. The hillside and canyon areas have circulation issues with respect to emergency response. In many cases, it is not possible to access adjacent properties quickly due to the geographic features that have been preserved in the development. Topographic response barriers are prevalent in many areas served by SFLS. Elevation changes and large open spaces impact the ability of emergency resources to reach the scene of an emergency in a timely manner. In some hillside communities, it is possible to see directly across a natural area to other homes or businesses, but actually driving time to reach them may take several minutes on narrow winding roads. These can be significant impediments to response. Riparian areas and road less areas may also play a significant role in the ability of the Department to access fires quickly. These same access issues are also factors in remote rescue situations. Flood Springfield has significant flood history. The worst recorded flood in Springfield was in 1861. Floods have occurred in the county on a 20-30 year cycle since 1825. Floods and flood control have had a major impact on the City's development. Significant incidents led to the formation of the Swift Water Rescue team and the addition of a rescue boat. Fire Risk Assessment The assessment of fire risk requires an understanding of fire flow demand and capability, probability of emergency incidents, consequences to life safety, and economic impact to the community served. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Common fire and life safety factors, such as fire flow and code compliance for life safety, are used to determine risk classification. Risk classifications range from low, moderate, high and finally to special/maximum. Single family dwellings, considered typical or moderate risk, comprise the majority of the protected area. Building Stock Structure fire risk assessment is performed on the community's building stock. According to 2000 Census data, Springfield has 21,500 dwelling units with an average age of 34 years. Only 5.6 percent of the total housing units were built before 1940, and the largest number built in the 1970s. The actual inventory of building stock within the city ranges from historical homes to high-rise buildings of up to five stories. The majority of large commercial structures are protected with fire sprinkler systems. Residential dwellings in some areas are protected with residential sprinkler systems, however, most are not. Housing by Occupancy Figures 15 and 16 based on census data describe the housing by occupancy within the City and its affect on emergency services. Figure 15: Housing by Occupancy Demographics- Housing By Occupancy Vacant 5% Renter Occupied 44% Owner Occupied 51% ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 33 ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting me. 34 I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 16: Housina (Owner/RenterNacant) Selected Housing Infonnation- 1990 to 2000 Housing Units Owner Occupied Renter Occupied Vacant 2000 21,500 10,987 9,527 986 1990 18,121 8,599 8,848 674 change 19% 28% 8% 46% The prevalence of rental and vacant properties along with the growth in vacant properties are negative socioeconomic indicators, which historically have increased the service demand for emergency services. The concentration of vacant properties in Springfield is shown in the following map. Figure 17: Concentration of Vacant Properties Springfield Fire & Life Safety . FireStltiCns m "ct::lltel o S;tin;fJeio Zoftlng E "dettt C....,. Block Group \/ACAtlT I salol' _0-1' _'~"f _"-88 _tw-.zt _ "'-20' Higher vacancy rates are noted near Station 4. Although age and high population figures increase service demand, poorer socioeconomic groups make higher use of police and emergency medical services, while the frequency of fires also tends to increase in such areas. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Therefore, from the demographic information reviewed here, it is projected that the City should experience a slightly higher demand for emergency services in comparison with other communities of its size with lower vacancy rates. Census-based Growth Projections As indicated earlier in this section, the population of Springfield has increased in the last decade. ESCi anticipates additional growth will continue into the future. In developing forecasts for population growth, ESCi typically develops a forecast based on ! several decades of census experience. In the case of Springfield, we used decennial census figures from 1970 through 2000. A mathematical forecast is created through the year 2030. The resulting population forecast appears as follows. Figure 18: Census-based Population Forecast Population Projection By Census Experience Community Development-based Growth Projections While census-based population projections provide a mathematically based estimate of future population based on historical data, they often fail to account for expected trends in the growth rate of an area. These changes often result from redevelopment, annexation, changes in employment capacity or other socio-economic factors not reviewed in a census-based projection. For this reason, ESCi also offers population projections based on review of available ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 35 ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 36 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study local development and business information. In this case, we reviewed information available from the City. The resulting population forecast appears in Figure 19. Figure 19: Development-based Population Forecast Population Projection By Development Forecast 90000 - 80000 - 70000 - 60000 - ~ 50000 - 40000 - 30000 - 20000 - 10000 - o 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 [ 0 Population 60960 63011 65062 67114 69165 71216 73267 75318 77370 79421 81472 The development-based population forecast is somewhat higher than the census-based population forecast primarily due to local and regional issues that are expected to expand development opportunities, including annexation, additional transportation improvements, and adequate water and sewer infrastructure capacity. It is not the intent of this study to be a definitive authority for the projection of future population in the service area, but rather to base recommendations for future fire protection needs on a reasonable association with projected service demand. Since service demand for emergency agencies is based almost entirely on human activity, it is important to have a population-based projection of the future size of the community. While we see variation in the population projections discussed here, one thing that can be certain is that Springfield Fire & Life Safety will continue to be an emergency service provider to a growing population, likely reaching over 70,000 by 2030. Planning should begin now to maintain the resources needed to meet the continuing demand for services. i----u - II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Service Demand Projections In evaluating the deployment of facilities, resources, and staffing, it is imperative that consideration be given to potential changes in workload that could directly affect such deployment. Any changes in service demand can require changes and adjustments in the deployment of staff and resources in order to maintain acceptable levels of performance. For purposes of this study, ESCi utilized population projections obtained through community development research and multiplied these by a forecasted incident rate derived from a five- year history of incident per capita rates to identify workload potential through the year 2030. The results of the analysis are shown, by year and type of call, in the following chart and table. Figure 20: Workload Projection by Type & Year Ii Fire Workload Forecast 1 0000 -,....-- Ii) EMS , o Other 8000 ,1 ." -, ,. ; 6000 - .." 4000 - .- ~ ! ...:. *-1 2000 - l& I. t .,,---;, -'--' ~ ~ f--- 0- Iii' l _ /I r\i r5 i~ Ii ri 2010 2012 2014 2016 201 8 2020 2022 202 4 2026 202 8 2030 I!I Fi re 400 414 427 441 454 468 481 494 508 521 535 13 EMS 6893 7020 7141 7255 736 3 7463 7557 7644 7724 7797 7864 o Other 1556 1762 1978 2204 244 o 2685 2941 3207 3483 3769 4065 The increase in actual fire incidents is forecast to be relatively low during the study period, but this is a reflection of national trends for fire incident rates per capita and is believed to be a result improvements made in building codes and public fire education during the last three decades. EMS and other emergency service calls not involving actual fires is expected to continue to rise significantly. ~Emergencg Services ~ Consulting inc. 37 ~Emergency Ben/ices ~ Consulting inc. 38 I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Other Occupancy Risk Factors The Insurance Services Office (ISO) provides ratings for cities/regions and for specific buildings based on a rating schedule. Buildings are rated primarily on fire flow requirements. Buildings with higher fire flow requirements are considered the higher risk. The higher the risk the more emergency units are needed for response. Overall risk is assigned a property protection class. All SFLS protection area is rated as an ISO Class 3.9 The size or area of a building is a key factor in assessing risk for fires. Generally speaking, larger more complex structures carry a larger risk due to the time it takes to complete suppression activities within them. They tend to require longer hose lays, more ladders, and may require equipment staging areas within the building for working crews. One basic concept used to show the size and density of structures is the Building Area Ratio (BAR). The BAR is the percentage of the square footage (total) of the building divided by the square footage of the parcel it is built upon. A BAR that is greater than 75 percent is considered high density. Figure 21 on the following page shows the distribution of buildings by the building area ratio. 9150 letter dated 4/25/05. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 21: Springfield BAR Map Springfield Fire & Ufe Safety . ForeS1Ol"". Buldlog ArM _ . "O'IOL... ;:::.. 10. 7~ MadlAte ..190 High HIgh BAR 1 Miles Building height is also a factor in assessing risk for fires. While the BAR captures some of this risk, the nature of the configuration is not totally understood without knowing the building height. There is a direct relationship between height and the equipment needed to protect the building. For example, the roof of most three-story buildings cannot be accessed with a 24-foot ladder, standard on many SFLS engine companies. A 24-foot ladder can be placed by only one person, while a 35-foot ladder requires two personnel. Buildings four or more stories require an aerial ladder to access the upper floors and roof area. The Department identifies the following locations as high-rise occupancies. 1. 3333 Game Farm Rd, Peace Health Hospital; under construction, one million sq ft, eight stories are to be occupied, functionally building is 10 stories in height 2. 505 Main Street, St Vincent DePaul Royal Building; 39,000 sq ft, five story residential over retail 3. 919 Kruse Way, Holiday Inn; 94,921 sq ft, six story hotel, 153 units 4. 3530 Gateway St., Embassy Suites; eight stories, 161 suites, unknown square footage 5. Glenwood Riverfront Development; Proposed retail/residential 10 story building, multiple lower five to eight story buildings ~Emergency Seroices ~ Consulting inc. 39 ~Eme'Yency Services ~ Consulting inc. 40 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Processes being performed within a structure can increase the risk factors significantly. If a standard commercial concrete tilt-up building is used as an office or warehouse, the risk is not significant, but if the same building is used as a woodworking shop or printing shop, an explosion potential exists. The same building using large quantities of flammable liquids or gases would change the risk factors again. Finally, changing the use by adding a large number of people, such as in a church or restaurant, changes the life hazard and the risk factors of the structure. What is happening in the structure is every bit as important to the overall risk assessment as the size, location, and construction of the building. Built-in fire protection (fire sprinklers, standpipes, etc.) is a major issue with larger structures. Built-in fire protection negates many of the concerns regarding large structures or hazardous processes. In many communities, developers and builders are given credit for built-in protection by allowing narrower streets, longer cul-de-sacs, larger buildings, and/or smaller water mains. This results in the balancing of risk and cost. While built-in fire protection should significantly reduce the spread of fire, it may not extinguish the fire. Firefighters still need to complete the extinguishment and perform ventilation, overhaul and salvage operations. Risk Categories The fire service assesses the relative risk of properties based on a number of factors. Properties with high fire and life risk often require greater numbers of personnel and apparatus to effectively mitigate a fire emergency. Staffing and deployment decisions should be made with consideration of the level of risk within geographic sub-areas of a community. This community risk assessment has been developed based on potential land use within its anticipated future boundaries. These potential uses' are found in the City's development plans and zoning designations. The following map, Figure 22, translates zoning designations (potential scale and type of development within geographic sub-areas) to categories of relative fire and life risk. . Low risk - Areas zoned and used for agricultural purposes, open space, low-density residential and other low intensity uses. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study . Moderate risk - Areas zoned for medium-density single family properties, small commercial and office uses, low-intensity retail sales, and equivalently sized business activities. . Hiah risk - Higher-intensity business districts, mixed use areas, high-density residential, industrial, warehousing, and large mercantile centers. Figure 22: Community Risk Assessment Based on Zoning Zone fllme Low o.nsUy Residential ~'i.Opcm-ScNc. Quarry & Mine Op:&,.atioOS Booth KeUy MUted UIe ~ Communtty Commercii. Genertl Ofnce-' --- Light fJedtum Industrial t.1eciUm-ijf,-nslly RUlden-ttal ~~al-- Mixed U.. Lrn.-a;'CC- ~ ",bted Us. A..ident~1 i,elghbomoOd Commert-l4i ~mpu. lnduatr'IaJ . Heavy anctuam.1 - High Density R..ldend.1 MeDiCii:T"lRWaS- , uorRetiiCommetdal ~ ' '1&"" ''il Ion. Code lD Pi:" orT iiK cc- )- Springfield Are & life Safety . rlreStaUDnl [II HOlpiat Community Risk .';Low 27 IJcd~ratf" o 05 .3;"~. The community contains mostly low and moderate risk properties. The predominance of highest risk is located along the rail corridor on the north side of the City, and in certain non-residential developments along the Interstate highway. These properties include industrial, heavy commercial, mid-rise, mixed-use, institutional, and multi-family occupancies. The City's land use patterns generally create a challenge to the development of an efficient fire resource deployment configuration, with the exception of the central commercial and industrial ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting me. 41 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study areas along Highway 126. Aside from these, higher risk properties are scattered throughout rather than concentrated in the central area of the City as is found in some communities. Another way to assess risk is to evaluate which properties within the community are economically valued highest, as these structures' loss would be detrimental to the tax base that supports the fire protection services. Figure 23 illustrates the fiscal risk within the City based on the improved value of the tax parcels. Figure 23: Fiscal Risk Map SprIngfield Rre & Life Safety . rnStltJct'll iD 1'I1:SJ)!tIl DSJJrin;fJe-ldZCnlngEldenl ..IPROVEr.1EIIT VALUE _ It,CQ.51U,lf~,CC .. SIU.1eC.ct . SI.~,!CO.CC ~ Sl.~6z..~~C1- S~.~22,lztl.QO .. S~.~22.120.01- S1....C1f....ZD,CD .. $14,O'~...2e.:)1 .S25.411.SE"C.CC ;:.~ It appears that the higher tax valued properties, based on potential structural loss, are located near Station 5, Station 3, and west of Franklin Blvd. ~Emergency ServiL:es ~ Consulting inc. 42 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fir$ and UfeSafety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study The following table lists the number of occupancies other than single family residences by use. bl 269 200 - Educational 55 300 -Institutional 124 400 - Multi-Residential, Su ervised 338 500 - Office, Mercantile 1025 600 - Utilities 23 700 - Warehousin ,Stora e 128 800- Manufacturin , Process in 91 900 -Miscellaneous 9 Other, Not classified 12 TotalOccu ancies 2074 The SFlS, in assessing all factors, has determined that the following levels should be established to identify the fire risk.in each geographic area: low - Areas with mobile property, outbuildings, structures with less than 1,000 gallons per minute (gpm) needed fire flow, and/or a BAR10 (building area to amount of land covered by building ratio) of leS$ than 10 percent. Moderate - Areas With single occupancy structures with needed fire flow requirement from 1,000 to 2,500 gpm and/or a BAR greater than 10 percent and less than .75 percent. High- Areas with multi-occupancy structures with needed fire flow above 2,500 gpm, structures over three stories in heightand/or a BAR greater than 75 percent. Soecial- Areas with high:..rise buildings, target hazards and/or specific bllilding construction or use that require additional resources. Medical Risk Assessment Almost 73 percent of all calls SFlS responded to in 2006 were medical calls or calls with a medical component (a traffic accident is a rescue but will likely have injured victims). The high 10 See the BAR area map, Figure 21. ~Emergency Servw, 'es ~ Consulting inc. 43 Springfield Fire and Ufe Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study percentage of medical calls makes the medical risk a high probability for occurrence throughout the service area. Springfield's experience in terms of the percentage of medical calls and the types of medical calls is consistent with the national experience. The SFLS, in assessing all of the factors, has determined that the following levels should be established to identify the medical risk in each geographic area: Low - Areas with a history or potential for emergency incidents for predominately basic life support level of care was routinely provided. These areas normally have low population densities and/or limited residential and commercial development. Moderate - Areas with a history or potential for emergency incidents where Paramedic or advance life support level of care was routinely provided. This includes the majority of the protection area. HiQh - Areas with a history or potential for needing multiple Paramedic level responses simultaneously. These areas normally have high population densities and/or large numbers of at risk populations. Special- Disasters and mass casualty incidents. Rescue Risk Assessment SFLS protects an area with freeways, rail lines, waterways, and commercial/industrial occupancies. The need for rescue services in these areas can be great. In addition to the risk associated with transportation accidents, industrial accidents and construction accidents,Lane County still has large areas of open space that generate remote rescue situations. The SFLS, in assessing all of the factors, has determined that the following levels should be established in determining the risk for rescue emergencies in each geographic area: Low - Areas with a history or potential for rescue situations that require only the' tools and knowledge set available on first due apparatus. Incident examples may include: persons needing assistance up or down an elevation difference where simple solutions ~.Emer!1enCYSetvices ~ COnSUlting inc. 44 I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover iilndOeployment Study such as a rope or ladder will complete the rescue.. These areas might include parks, open space, large event centers, or schools. Moderate - Areas with a history or potential for rescue situations requiring the use of specialty equipment generally carried on truck compani~s. Incident examples might include traffic accidents with persons trapped; or persons needing to be moved up or down an elevation while unable to walk or help themselves. High - Areas with a history or potential for rescue calls requiring highly specialized equipment and training. Incident examples might include technical rescues of p~rsons trapped by heady equipment, or buildings or trench collapse that requires extended and complex rescue solutions. Special - Responses to disaster situations involving earthquakes, floods, landslides, hurricanes or other situations where large numbers of people are at risk. Special Hazards Risk Assessment Hazardous Materials A hazardous material is any substance or mClterial capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and property. Multiple factors determine if a material is considered hazardous, including quantity, concentration, and physical or chemical characteristics. A hazardous material becomes a hazardous waste when it can no longer pe used for the purpose it was originally intended. Hazardous materials are present throughout Lane County. Chemicals are used in process, in transit, in storage, and in some cases disposed of illegally. Hazardous materials come in all sizes and risks, from household hazardous waste to acutely hazardous materials. Businesses use, transport, or sell thousands of different types of hazardous materials. Many processors mix material.s changing the Chemical properties and increasing the potential risks. SFLS issues permits for hazardous mClterials in almost every part of the protection area (Figures 25 and 26). SFLS manages a hazardous materials control program at occupancies that store and/or utilize reportable quantities of hazardous materials (as per state standards). This program is funded by permits paid for by hazardous materials occupancies. This program has been very effective at ~, Emer9.e,/W.... Y Se,rvices ~ Consulting inc. 45 1 5 6 2 3 117 39 3 36 5 2 1 22 292 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study preventing hazardous material releases at fixed facilities but does not affect transportation- related incidents. ~Emergen, cy Seroices ~ Consulting me. 46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 26: Known Hazardous Material Locations Springfield Fire & Ufe Safety , CI Hospllal '* Known Hazmlll Location. . FI1e Statim. CJ SpIlngfield Z....ng Exlen1 ~. 1 ~~f .)f 1 v;: ,'-' ""T', ~.'1f' T.... . ) 2r. ., ,. ~ '.~ ~,,,,,O r. \..;..> . ?' ,'\' J) 0,5 \ ,-;..L. Additionally, all types and quantities of hazardous materials travel through Lane County by rail, air, and truck. The hazardous materials risk is significant enough to require SFLS to have a hazardous materials response team capable of Level A entry. Wildland Springfield has a long history of wildland/interface fires. Vegetation located in close proximity to development increases the risk. When a fire occurs, the weather, topography, type/nature of vegetation, access, and water supply have a significant impact on severity and outcome. Large catastrophic wildland fires in the Willamette Valley are usually driven by strong winds and long periods of low humidity. Houses that interface with the wildland areas are at risk from burning vegetation. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting iru:. 47 ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting me. 48 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study The number of vehicles, personnel, and speed of initial attack for wildland fires is dependent on location, weather, topography, and fuels. Risk areas are identified as: Urban/suburban interface - Areas between the wildland and the developed areas Rural interface - Areas between the wildland and the developed area with larger wildland areas adjacent Wildland/Undeveloped Areas and Forestry Land - Areas without direct risk to inhabitable structures Swiftwater SFLS has many miles of rivers, streams, and ponds. Some of the streams do not flow year round, but when they do, they flow fast and dangerous. Additionally, because the rivers are used heavily for recreation, many users are not familiar with the current and inherent risk, which adds additional pressure the delivery system. The SFLS, in assessing all factors, has determined that the following levels should be established in determining the risks related to swift water emergencies in each geographic area: Moderate - Areas with standing water such as lakes/ponds where victims do not tend to move long distances from the area of the original emergency Hiah - Areas with moving water such as rivers and streams where victim may move long distances in a short period of time I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Chapter 5: Measurement of System Performance Deployment is generally measured using three concepts: distribution (what and where, concentration (how much), and reliability (how well). These three measurements are used to establish performance objectives related to response times, evaluate the location of current fire stations, the need for additional fire stations, and the agency's ability to provide an effective response force. Distribution Analysis Distribution is defined as the systematic locating of geographically distributed first-due resources (stations, apparatus, and personnel) for all-risk initial response and intervention. For the most part, this is a time and distance analysis. A distribution system is considered successful when it is capable of providing a resource to the scene of an emergency with the correct apparatus, equipment, and staffing to complete the following tasks: . Assess the situation · Establish a plan of action capable of mitigating the emergency · Requesting of appropriate resources · Intervening to stop or impede the escalation of the situation Traditionally fire station spacing and location has been dependent on funding, land availability, and infrastructure. Springfield Fire & Life Safety currently operates out of five facilities. Figure 27 depicts these locations and their primary first-in response areas. There is one response area within the SFLS fire jurisdiction in which the Eugene Fire Department responds first-in on automatic aid. The following sections illustrate the Department's capability from the currently operated stations. ~Eme'Yency Services ~ Consulting inc. 49 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study I Figure 27: Fire Station First-In Areas I Springfield Fire & Life Safety I I I I I I I I I In order to visualize response time capabilities, Figure 28 identifies those areas within a five- minute response time of SFLS engine company, as well as from nearby engine companies of the Eugene Fire Department. The response time is modeled using a one-minute turnout time and four minutes of travel time on the actual roadway network. Reduction of speed has been calculated to account for turning apparatus. Areas shaded black are modeled to be within the five-minute response profile of a fire station. I I I I I I I ~Emergency Seroices ~ Consulting inc. 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 28: Current Engine Response Time Capability Springfield Fire & Ute Safety . Fire Stlticns 1:1 Hoop,,, Responle Ami Clpliblllty Induding 1 milute turnout _ 5.....e. Response BealS Flrst.in apparatus -:. II Eugene Fire $labon 3 ~ Spnng1\e1cl Are Station 1 ... Springfiefd Fire Station 2 - Springfiefd Fire 51alion 3 Springfletd Fire Station 4 Spring~ Fire Station 5 c:J s,,"'Ilfiold Zon;ng Extent Utilizing the travel time model, response area capabilities of the EMS rescue units (ambulances) are illustrated in the following Figure 29. Ambulances are located at Stations 1, 3 and 5. The most critical emergency medical calls, based on dispatch criteria, are referred to as requiring advanced life support, while less critical calls require basic life support skills. Specific criteria for EMS dispatched calls are provided in the appendix. The response time objective for ALS calls, as listed in the current Strategic Plan, is for an EMS first response unit to be on the scene within five minutes of dispatch, while ambulance transport response time goals are extended to nine minutes. In Figure 29, the black shaded area depicts the five minute ALS response time capability from a station with an ambulance. The green shaded area depicts the extent of a nine minute modeled response from each of the five stations. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting mc. 51 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study I Figure 29: EMS Unit Response Capability from Stations I " Springfield Fire & Ufe Safely * Modic SIati... Indude. 1 min.de tumouC lime .. S Minuccs (ALS engine) _ 9Minutes(ALS......bnc<:1 11I_'" Response BealS Firat.in apparatus . ': Eugene Fite Station 3 ::=J ~ f-'~ $labeln 1 Sonnllhld Ant S\a1XIn 2 SpnngWd Fi,. Station 3 SpnngtNl Are Statio"... Spnngtekl Fire Station 5 CJ Spnng.... ZDning Ex.... I I I I I I I 0.5 1 Miles I Often times, EMS units respond to assignments from alternate locations. The most notable are the local hospitals. Although this can occur with fire apparatus, they most often respond from within their first-due area, it is the nature of EMS units to leave their primary response area for transportation of patients to the hospital. Doing so can extend response times naturally and be reflected negatively in EMS response time analyses if it occurs too frequently. I I I I I I I ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 52 I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 30 models the fire and nine minute response capability of EMS units when they respond from local hospitals. Figure 30: EMS Response Capability from Hospitals 1:1_'01 Response Am Capability Indudes 1 mirute turnout time .. S Mlnwcs (ALS engine) _ 9MinutC$(ALSambul""",> Response Beats FiRt.in apparatus _ Eugene Fire $tation 3 -~ Springtield FIAt Station 1 Springfield rife Slation 2 Springfield Fwe 5t.bon 3 Springfield Fire Station 4 Spnnghld Fire Station 5 o Spnngfield Zoning Extent SFLS maintains a fleet of vehicles including four fire engines, one quint-type apparatus, three EMS units, and one aerial truck. The truck is currently cross-staffed by engine personnel when necessary. There are also several smaller utility, specialty or staff vehicles, as well as reserve apparatus. In order to achieve optimum credit for the distribution of engine companies, ISO reviews the response area of each existing engine and identifies the number of fire hydrants within those response areas. ISO analyzes whether there are additional geographic areas of the district outside of the existing station response areas where at least 50 percent of the number of hydrants served by the largest existing response area could be served by a new engine. For ~Eme'11ency Services ~ Consulting inc. 53 ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 54 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study ISO purposes, the response area is measured at 1.5 miles of travel distance from each engine company on existing roadways. Since hydrant location data is available, an analysis to indicate the percentage of the City's hydrants is within 1.5 miles of an engine was determined to be 77.9 percent. Therefore, the areas not covered are, individually, not likely to be large enough to contain more than 50 percent of the hydrants within the average engine company coverage. This is the threshold that ISO uses to determine the need for additional engines. This may need additional review in consideration of population growth for the Springfield Fire & Life Safety. Figure 31 displays the areas of the city that are within 1.5 miles of an existing engine company. Figure 31: 1.5 Mile Engine Coverage (ISO) Springfield Fire & Life Safety . Foe Slat.... D Hydrants 1:1 Hospital ISO Engine Trawl DI.lance _1.5mie. Retlponse Beats Flrst.jn apparatu. _ EugeM Fire Station 3 :-::3 Sprin;fie:ld Fire StDbon 1 Spnngfield Fi.. St.1bon 2 Spnn;field Fire ~tion 3 Spnngfield F.. SIlIbon 4 .. " iff' " Spnngfield F,ro Sbltion 5 . _.' ~l" c:::J Spnngfie~ Zoning Extent o 0.5 1.Mi1es In similar fashion, to achieve optimum credit for the number of truck companies, ISO reviews the response area of each existing truck and identifies the number of fire hydrants within those response areas. ISO analyzes whether there are additional geographic areas of the district I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study outside of the existing truck response areas, where at least 50 percent of the number of hydrants served by the largest existing response area could be served by a new truck, were one to be added. For ISO purposes, the response area is measured at 2.5 miles of travel distance from each truck company on existing roadways. A truck company is not required to have an elevating ladder or aerial device unless there are a sufficient number of buildings that would meet the three-story height and square footage limits. Other areas can receive credit for a truck company without the requirement of an elevated device, and can even receive partial credit for a truck company if other apparatus, such as an engine, carries a complement of truck company equipment. SFLS maintains a quint at Station 2 and a truck at Station 5. Figure 32 illustrates how much of the protection area would meet the necessary requirements for aerial devices or elevated ladders, in geographical relation to building square footage. It also shows areas that are within 2.5 miles of an existing truck company. Figure 32: 2.5 Mile ladder Truck Coverage (ISO) J-~.... , Springfield Rre & Ufe Safety Bulk;Slnga AREA o ~027. .&Ea2C o :.u21 . i004n . 90.47.:. .18~120 . l~t21. .&lJi76D . :tlntil.1!a~3 .. inocl.l.g;aIWtua ISO Truck COfI1)II1J rrrtel Dllllnc:e ~Emergency ServiL:es ~ Consulting iTu:. 55 1- ~EmeTgency Seroices ~ Consulting inc. 56 I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study The map illustrates available truck apparatus, as currently stationed, cover most of the downtown area in which at-risk structures are located. However, full credit for truck company coverage may not be granted due to the cross staffing of Ladder 854 with Engine 851 in addition to Engine 824 equipped as a quint-type apparatus. ISO has also granted partial credit for the availability of multiple-role firefighter/paramedics on three ambulances. Ambulance personnel are routinely dispatched to fires to assist firefighters on fire engines. This strategic use of multi-role paramedic firefighters operating with full personal protective equipment augments staffing levels required for fireground operations. It is possible that additional apparatus, in reserve status, may provide some increase in credit for reserve companies, but it is not likely to affect the overall community insurance rating. This may not be the case in all areas, and therefore, truck company coverage will be further evaluated by ESCi in light of fire and life risk factors within the City in a subsequent section. Demand Analysis SFLS has experienced a stable volume of requests for service over the last two years based on data provided. The requests for fire incidents, emergency medical calls and all other types of alarms have been individually consistent as well. This may change based on commercial and residential development, and as demographic factors such as aging of the population occurs. This will be explored further in a later section. As illustrated in Figure 33, the bulk of the workload for Springfield Fire & Life Safety is handling requests for emergency medical aid. This is not unusual for departments that provide first responder and/or ambulance transport. I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 33: Workload by Call Type Springfield Fire & Life Safety: Workload by General Call Type, 2005-2006 Standby PO Assist 0.20% Other 3.74% -" ~ 12.55%l INFO 0.10%\ MUTUAL AID ......./"'" 0.20% Transport 6.05% J FIRE 4.11% _ EMS 73.05% In the following analysis, structure fires, emergency medical incidents, and all other fire and service calls are considered separately to permit closer analysis of trends affecting each particular type of response. A review of incidents by time of occurrence reveals when the greatest response demand occurs. The following charts show how activity and demand changes for SFLS based on various measures of time. Monthly workload for all types of calls increases slightly as the summer months approach and declines gradually into the autumn. This variation is slight in nature consisting of only one to two percent. ~EmergeTlCY Services ~ Consulting ine. 57 I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study I I Figure 34: Monthly Workload Springfield Fire & Life Safety: Yearly Workload by Month l D 2005 ~ 2006 - 2006 Trendlinel I I 12% 10% - ~ I I I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEe I I I 0% I I I I I I I ~EmeTgency Services ~ Consulting inc. 58 I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study The following three figures illustrate the distribution of incidents by day of the week. The majority of calls are categorized as EMS. Figure 35 depicts the department's EMS workload by day of week for EMS calls. Figure 35: EMS Call Workload by Day of Week Springfield Fire & Life Safety: EMS Workload by Day of Week I ~.~~r"S~ 16% - p r--- - r=-- - -"-, . ' ; ~ , ;-- , , -~ --,.- , , r. 15% 14% , 13% 12% SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT It can be seen that EMS calls exhibit a decreasing workload Monday through Thursday. A spike in activity is experienced on Mondays and Fridays. ~Emergency SeruiL:es ~ Consulting mc. 59 ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting mc. 60 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Conversely, incidents of dispatched fires (Figure 36) are fairly uniform throughout the week with a slightly lower frequency during the end of the week. I~ Figure 36: Fire Call Workload by Day of Week Springfield Fire & Life Safety: Fire Workload by Day of Week 111I FIRE I 18% - 16% . 14% . 12% . 10% - 8% - 6%- 4% 2% 0% SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Requests for fire department services not categorized as fire or EMS (Figure 37) follow a similar pattern throughout the week as EMS incidents, in which these types of incidents decrease during the week and increase as the weekend progresses. Figure 37: Calls Other than Fire or EMS Call Workload by Day of Week Springfield Fire & Life Safety: Workload of Calls other than EMS and Fire by Day of Week [~~~t~~~d 18% 16% - 14% - 12% . 10% . 6% . 4% . 2% . 0% . SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT The final analysis of historical workload concludes with examination of call types by hour of day. The hours of peak activity can strain an under-equipped or under-staffed department. Understanding when peak activity occurs begins the process of developing deployment strategies and needs assessment. Each call type is examined separately to ensure that EMS workload does not overshadow any unique patterns of the other call types. Figure 38 depicts the distribution of EMS related calls by the hour of day. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 61 1- ~Emergency Seroices ~ Consulting inc. 62 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 38: EMS Workload by Hour of Day Springfield Fire & Life Safety: EMS Workload by Hour of Day 7% 1% '~ L ,n c, ~ ., " <. " '''' -..... ~ ~ ~ . " ...... "' ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~. C - " ""- .. - ....... -cc- ~ -.<< (' ~ ....... - ""'- .;.-.,. - -- ..,f ""- - - = '"' / "" , ~ / 1\ ~ '-"- - -'- -- - -'- .,- - ~ ~ ::..,., ...". ., -- I-'- - f- .. Q 11 '" " ,~ .. -- 1- ~ 1& m , R , ~ , L~ - -:- '-;- 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 0% ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ....~ I\~ ~~ ~ ~~ ro~ ~~ !O~ ~~ ~~ ,,~ 00 n;,~ ~ ~~ ro~ ~~ fb~ Oj~ r::,~ ,,~ I\~ (':,~ . ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ " ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ V ~~~~ ~ Activity for EMS calls begins to climb about 6:00 AM, reaching peak activity by 11 :00 AM. It decreases slightly during the afternoon, only to increase briefly during the rush hours of 4:00 and 5:00 PM. By 6:00 PM, calls begin to decline throughout the late night and early morning hours. This pattern follows the typical active hours of most people's daily activities. I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study SFLS also provides non-emergency transportation and emergent inter-facility transportation services. The time of day for these requests is much different than for emergency medical calls in general, and can be useful when deciding staffing schedules. Figure 39 demonstrates that the bulk of medical transportation requests occur between 8:00 and 10:00 AM, most likely correlated with the start of day shift at nursing homes, hospitals, and physician offices. Figure 39: Medical Transport Hourly Workload Springfield Fire & Life Safety: Medical Transportation Workload by Hour of Day 12% 8% " , 'M -'- ""- c i t I - --- - - - --- -- "'--, - --- - - l- f , I !r --", - --" +, -ic 1'4' -ic F ~ '-" ~ -'- -" p "- -'---::: n I nn I , , , 10% 6% 4% 2% 0% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .~~ ~ ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting me. 63 ,--- Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study I I I I Fire incidents follow a different pattern in relation to the hour of day. Beginning later in the day, the number of fire incidents rise during the afternoon. Fire calls peak in the afternoon and early evening, and rapidly decrease in frequency throughout the night. Figure 40: Fire Calls by Hour of Day Springfield Fire & Life Safety: Fire Workload by Hour of Day 1% , -' : . - .. - ~ ,..... - ~ I" . '" - m' ,_ - LV"" ,~ /' w . / j'" '" , " -'"' ';- --" -'"' ,..,.; =-""" .' , ,7 - ,,' '" ,"" - "- - f-'- '=" 1-- ~7 ~ . , ..:", B ~ ~ j I' { " ~ ~ " "",.~ -;;F f# ..,. I~ -- '. ~ " , I J .",- . .~ "" ~ " ,. , ~ 1Ill:.! +- -:- . "" , , . I 9% 8% 6% I I 7% 5% 4% 3% I I 2% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~: I 0% I I I I I I I ~ Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 64 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Calls other than actual fire and EMS requests follow a similar hourly pattern to that of fire calls in that activity begins to increase in the morning at 6:00 AM, rises steadily to peak by 5:00 PM, followed by a rapid decrease through the night time hours. Figure 41: Calls Other than Fire or EMS Workload by Hour of Day Springfield Fire & Life Safety: Workload of calls other than Fire and EMS by Hour of Day 8% - - - - ~ ,.". ~ /' - ./ '" ./ '\. L ~ - - ~ -" v ~ '-'- - f- ----- '" ~ \ "'* '- --- I- - - = ..,." - 1- - != ..,- - I~ - I- '- - f- ..,- - 4- .. '-;- - ..,- '-;- . --r' 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <$'l:> Peak activity times can be reflected in response time performance in certain cases. The impact of response time on the outcome of emergency incidents has been exhaustively studied, both in the laboratory and in historical data, with predictable correlation between the two. Though seemingly intuitive, it is still useful to review how longer response times can have a negative effect on the ability to suppress fires, particularly in structures, or to successfully intervene in a life-threatening medical emergency.11 Response time performance is examined in a separate section. 11 A full discussion of this topic is provided in Appendix B. ~Emergency ServiL:es ~ Consulting inc. 65 ~Emergeru:g Services ~ Consulting mc. 66 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study In addition to the temporal analysis of the current service demand, it is useful to examine geographic distribution of service demand. This allows for assessing the location of stations in comparison to the actual service demand within the area. Figure 42 depicts the distribution of emergency incidents responded to by the department over the last full twenty-four months of data (1/1/05-12/31/06). Figure 42: Service Demand; Incident Density ,"f.. :,~ Springfield Fire & Life Safety . Fife Stallons m Hosptfal Servtce Demand Denstty _low D-,. _ ttgh CJ Springfield Zoning Extent Most areas of highest service demand are located in areas of high residential population density and commercial development. While the above map reflects all calls for service for the Department, it can be influenced by the prevalence of medical requests. This is seen in the area near the hospital, reflecting calls for medical transportation. I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study I Figure 43 illustrates the location of structure fires that were handled by SFLS over the same time period. It illustrates that the majority of fire incidents occur near the populated areas and within proximity of the fire stations. I I Figure 43: Service Demand; Fire Call Density I Springfield Are & Ufe Safety I . Fi""StJtionl , 2CQ! fret [II HC'~lbl o Spnn;fleICZcnIl'lgf:w1et'!t I I I I I ~ o 0,5 I I I I I I I ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 67 I ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 68 I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 44 shows how each response beat area is divided by workload share (number of calls) based on 2006 and 2007 CAD (computer aided dispatch) data. The beat areas near Station 3 and between Stations 1 and 2 are the busiest. Figure 44: Workload by Beat Area ,. ~, Springfield Rre & Life Safely . FireStaticn, I:.1 1"I~:;taJ Respon.. Buts WORKLOAD peT ."ca.'Ol . O,C2. ce, ~_ O_C4_c_ce .,cr.OO. .009.'" D S~nnllfiele loning:: xtfHlt 1 MIleS Concentration Analysis Concentration is defined as the number and spacing of resources needed to achieve an effective response force that can be assembled at the scene of an emergency within a defined time frame. In most cases a strong initial response force is likely to stop the escalation of an emergency to higher level of demand and subsequent loss. An effective response force is the accumulation of resources necessary to stop the escalation of an emergency and bring it to conclusion. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard calls for the arrival of the entire initial assignment (sufficient apparatus and personnel to effectively combat a fire based on its level of II I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study risk) within nine minutes of dispatch, 90 percent of the time. This is to ensure that enough people and equipment arrive soon enough to effectively control a fire before substantial damage occurs. In the SFLS protection area, a minimum effective firefighting force consists of three engine companies, one truck company, one medic unit, and a chief officer. The shaded black area in Figure 45 depicts the effective response force coverage area for SFLS. Figure 45: Current Effective Firefighting Force Springfield Fire & Life Safety . Fire Stations _ 3 Engs. 1 truck. 1 Medic. , Be CJ Spnnglidd Zoning Extent 0.5 1M This effective firefighting force coverage map presumes that a chief officer may be responding from anywhere in the district as their duties are not limited to a certain station area. The relocation of and/or the addition of truck companies would alter the effective firefighting force coverage. ~EmeTgency Services ~ Consulting inc. 69 I I ~EmergenCY Services ~ Consulting inc. 70 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Reliability Analysis Response reliability deals with the delivery system's ability to meet stated or desired performance objectives, response time goals and performance measures consistently. Historical performance and system reliability are the two key components of this measurement. A key indicator is the ability of first-due companies to service their own first-due areas. Workload and Failure Rates The workload on emergency response units can be a factor in response time performance. The busier a given unit, the less available it is for the next emergency call. If a response unit is unavailable, a unit from a more distant station must respond increasing overall response time. A level of response capacity above average values must be maintained due to less frequent, but very critical times, when atypical demand patterns appear in the system. Multiple medical calls, simultaneous fires, multi-casualty events or multiple alarm fires create such scenarios. Unit dispatch data from the dispatch center is used for this analysis. Using the total time on incident, unit hour utilization is also calculated for each response unit. Unit hour utilization is an important workload indicator because it describes the amount of time a unit is not available for response since it is already committed to another incident. The larger the number, the greater its utilization and the less available it is for response to an incident. The highest unit hour utilization (UHU) figures for fire department suppression units are typically around 0.20 with some studies indicating that unit failure rates 12 at this workload will begin to hit 10 percent. Studies of fire-based EMS units indicate that significant employee burnout can occur with 0.30 unit hour utilization rates. All SFLS units are currently well below these thresholds, indicating unit workload is not likely a factor in achieving improved response times. 12 The unit failure rate is the percentage of calls for which a unit is unavailable due to handling an existing call where it otherwise would have been dispatched as the primary unit. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study In Figure 46, fire units are shaded red, while EMS units are shaded blue. The table details the last two year's UHU rates for workload comparison over time. Figure 46: Unit Hour Utilization Springfield Fire & Safety: Unit Hour Utilization-2006 858,0.001,0%____ 854,0.045,5%- 851, 0.005, 1'110~' , 842,0.000,0% / 841,0.053,6% -- 849, 0.008, 1'110~ Station 1 2 3 4 5 869,O'l:O% ,811.0.031.4% ure 47: Unit Hour Two-Year Com 2005" Calls 793 2226 27 22 1058 10 1112 2687 68 1582 8 105 1'192 17 3077 ,22 Total Time 811 278:42:3 8191677:24:31 829 52:57:17 821 5:13:40 824 364:17:07 826 15:18:35 831 442:20:40 839 1735:45:0 849 .116:12:59 841 527:40:0 842 3:52: 1 851 37:58:47 . 854 388:42:58 858 33:52:2 859 1830:30:01 ,869 17:19: 839, 0.191, 23% \ UHU 0.032 0.191 0.006 0.001 0.042 0.002 0.050 0.198 0.013 0.060 0.000 0.004 0.044 · 0.004 0,209 0.002 ,- 829, 0.003, 0% c---821, 0.002, 0% ~824, 0.044, 5% ,~826' 0.002, 0% 831,0.042, 5% . [ 2006 I Total Time Calls UHU 270:54: 17 794 0.031 1664:34:01 2216 0.190 22:31:55 22 0.003 13:13:21 22 0.002 386:55:28 1201 0.044 16:21 :16 13 0.002 366:42:48 1117 0.042 1671:19:16 2497 0.191 71 :34:21 61 0.008 464: 18:09 1527 0.053 0.000 40:22:29 117' 0.005 395:~0:16 1230 0.045 10:14:09 10 0.001 1779:43:22 2868 0.203 29:41 :34 16 ' . ,,',0.003 ~Emergency ServiL:es ~ Consulting inc. 71 ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 72 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Call Concurrency and Resource Drawdown Another way to look at resource workload is to examine the amount of time multiple calls happen within the same time frame on the same day. The following table examines the last full year's (2006) worth of data to find the frequency that SFLS apparatus is handling multiple calls within any time frame. This is important because multiple calls occurring at one time can stretch available resources and extend response times since units from more distant locations must cover the call. Other. 88.55% 9.57% 1.11% 0.53% 0.19% 0.05% As in most communities, the majority of calls happen singularly. However, as communities grow the propensity for concurrent calls increase. When the concurrency reaches a level to which it stretches resources to near capacity, response times begin to lengthen. Although multiple medical calls will cause drawdown, especially as concurrency increases, they usually occupy fewer units at anyone time. Concurrent fire calls however, are of more concern as they generally require multiple unit responses for and usually last longer. Nonetheless, Other Calls, that are not actual fires or medical calls, do have higher rates of concurrency than fire dispatches and depending on the dispatch criteria, and may create periods of extensive resource drawdown. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Higher concurrency rates can deteriorate the reliability of stations from handling calls within their first-due areas due to handling calls outside of their zone. The impact on station reliability can be affected by several factors such as: . Out of service for mechanical reasons . Out of service for training exercises . Out of area on move-up deployment . Lack of staffing . Concurrent calls When these factors impact the reliability of a station to respond within its first-due area, response time performance measures for the back-up station/apparatus can be negatively affected. Reliability rates less than 90 percent become areas of concern, as they point to either a need for additional staffing, facilities, apparatus, or operational policy changes. The following table (Figure 49) details the reliability rates for each station area. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting mc. 73 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Beat OU28 OU75 OU76 SF01 "!9" SF02 SF03 SF05 SF06 .~ ;;1""SF07 ~ '~~ SF08 SF09 SF10 SF11 SF12 811 ~~M:) II -~_ ~ : SF14 "SF15 SF16 SF17 SF18 SF19 SF20 SF22 SF23 SF24 SF25 SF37 SF90 SF91 SF92 SF93 SF94 SF95 SF96 SF97 SF98 WE91 WE92 WE93 ~_l";'J-:(." I: -=-- ~_. WE95 WR03 WR04 WR05 Grand Tolal Rellablllly 1156 85.84% Station 1 Slatlon 2 Slatlon 3 Slatlon 4 StiltlOn'5 819 2 2 3 6 1 1 13 6 992 91 21 10 1 2 2 1 1 821 824 Fi ure 49: Station Reliabili 829 831 839 841 842 1 2 11 2 1 2 25 34 2 32 7 21 9 40 2 19 29 115 30 124 5 26 1 8 1 10 16 5 24 3 14 630 296 11 54 15 95 14 108 66 250 366 149 8 50 200 99 127 54 5 25 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 5 3 2 1 1 13 27 11 22 280 22 226 209 33 30 76 .. - ~,!1 - -..:..._ 130 22 61 385 5 10 15 8 302 22 1 149 5 1 2 9 12 2 10 Rate 849 1 2 1 78 144 101 62 151 '75, 24 23 '~'22 """--86 -.,. 3 33 65 57 68 85 184 39 35 34 19 129 ~ 25 6 86 851 ,~ 3 1 "17 .' 24 21 20 4 11 1 1 1034 67.21% 4 1 26 9 1 125 2 16 632 1 7 565 1 1 46 1 3 1 2 13 1 4 2 3 2 1 1 5 8 6 6 18 5 22 13 8 2 1 4 4 14 45 19 329 361 66 46 16 11 4 4 1 4 I U'_ Ir-~ "3 4 3 5 2 1 9 1560 22.22% 85.38% 8 1701 2148 6 25 67.78% 87.20% 66.67% 16.00% 2 2 2 1 1 4 2 2 4 1 2 ~, ..'.'-.1'7 3 1 1 3 1 4 ~ 81i9 1646 68.53% .'869 '~Grand Tolal 5 1 2 142 243 160 142 514 136 424 411 187 44 126 119 226 141 1162 673 1604 1476 1046 648 519 359 212 271 9 7 7 6 6 7 5 14 19 15 6 13 5 2 '5 1 1 2 3 9 5 40,00% 2 '" 2 1 .=-:'_W' u 20 2 1 2 11169 65.99% Based upon first unll dispatched to call In beat. Mutual aids Informational dispatches, Medical Transports. and Mutual aid calls removed 611 Fire Unll 819 Medic Unll Tender, Aerial, & Heavy Rescue nol considered. (all dlslrlct response) Rellabllll 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 66.90% 69.96% 67.76% 57.75% 62.26% 63.24% 80.42% 61.75% 57.75% 75.00% 86.51% 83.19% 82.74% 60.28% 79.69% 84.840.. 82.48% 82.05% 80.53% 79.48% 83.24% 83.29% 85.38% 86.72% 33.33% 85.71% 42.86% 33.33% 37.50% 71.43% 40.00% 57.14% 73.68% 86.67% 50.00% 92.31 % 100.00% 85.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 63.91 % <avera e. 2 1 2 . _..1: -r-u -,r- _!I 11 . -If -I'-;-ii ~_j[.-":~.'-.::..::J~__ J ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. - - -- - 30 83.33% 1688 84.06% - - - - - - - 159 83.65% - - - - 74 - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Stam:lard$ Of Cover. and OeploymentStudy Response Time Performance Objectives The ultimate goal of any emergency service delivery system is to provide sufficient resources (personnel, apparatus, and equipment) to the scene of an emergency in time to take effective action to minimize the imr:>actsof the emergency. This need applies to fires, medical emergencies, and any other emergency situatiortto which the fire department responds; 13 Springfield Fire & Life Safety Response Time Performance Objective SFLS has adopted the following time perforrnance measurements in its StrategiC Plan.14 1. Percentage of emergency ambulance responses achieved within eight minutes and 59 seconds or less. 2. Percentage. of emergency responses within the City in four minutes and 59sec.onds or less. NFPA171 015 contains reasonable targets against which to compare current performance of the primary response units within the city limits of Springfield. NFPA 172010 can be applied to the remainder ofthe coverage area. Historical System Response Performance To the extent possible, available data is filtered (by call type) to removenon~emergency call types, and calls that were outside of the primary response district. This methodology ensures response time analysis is based on in..district Code 3 emergent calls only resulting in a more accurate portrayal of response time performance; Throughout this document, certain descriptive statistical measures are used which may not be familiar to all readers. In an effort t.o reduce confusion a brief explanation of average and percentile measures is provided. 13 A full discussion on the dynamiC$ oftime with fire and medical emergencies is provided in Appendix B. 14 Adopted in November 2003 and revised in April 2006. 15 NFPA 1710: Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations tothfrPublic by Career Fire Depaitmeflts, 2004. 16 NFPA 1720: Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Volunteer Fire Depaitmeflts, 2004. '.~Eme,.genc, Y Se,lVices ~ Consulting inc., 75 Springfield Fire and Ufe Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Average The average measure is a commonly used descriptive statistic also called the mean of a data set. It is a measure which .is a way to describe the central tendency, or the center of a, data set. The average is the sum of all the points. of data in a set divided by the total number of data points. In this measurement, each data point is counted and the value of each data point has an impact 00 the overall performance. Averages should be viewed with a certain amount of caution because the average measure can be skewed if an unusual data point,known as an outlier, is present within the data set. Depending on the sample size of the data set; the skewness can be very large or very small. Forexample,assume that a particular fire station with a response time objective of six minutes or less had five calls on a particular day. If four of the calls had a response time of eight minutes, while the other call was across the street and only a few seconds away, the average would indicate the station was achieving its performance goal. However, four of the five calls, or 80 percent, were beyond the stated response time performance objective. The opposite can also be true where ooecall with an unu$ually long response time can make otherwise satisfactory performance appear unacceptable. These calls with unusually short or long response time have a direct impact on the. total performance measurements. The farther they are from the desired performance, the greater the impact. One complltes averages because of their common use and the ease of understanding associated with them. The most important reason for not using averages for performance standards is that it does not accurately reflect the performance for the entire data set. As illustrated in the two previous paragraphs, one extremely good or bad call skews the entire average; While it does reflect all values, it does not really speak to the level of accomplishment in a strong and realistic manner. Percentile Analysis With the average measure,it is recognized that some data points are below the average and some are above the average. The same is true for a median measure. which simply arranges the data set in order and finds the value in which 50 percent of the data points are belowthe medianandtheotherhatf are above the median value. This is also called the 50th percentile. ~Emergencyseroices ~ Consultitzg in.c. 76 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study When dealing with fractiles or percentages, the actual value of the individual data does not have the same impact as it did in the average. The reason for this is that the fractile is nothing more than the ranking of the data set. The 90th percentile means that 10 percent of the data is greater than the value stated and all other data is at or below this level. Higher fractile measurements are normally used for performance objectives and performance measurement because they show that the large majority of the data set has achieved a particular level of performance. This can be compared to the desired performance objective to determine the degree of success in achieving the goal. As previously discussed, NFPA 1710 sets response time performance for first arriving fire apparatus at five minutes or less, 90 percent of the time. Dispatch Processing Time The 1710 standard does not include call processing time, which is covered in other related NFPA standards that call for a performance of one minute or less for this activity. The average time for call processing for Springfield Fire & Life Safety by the dispatch center is one minute and fifty one seconds, with ninety percent of calls processed within two minutes and twenty- eight seconds. Turnout Times SFLS has established a performance objective that is consistent with the NFPA 1710 standard and based on nationally accepted scientific data regarding the effect of time on fire growth, life and property outcomes, and medical crisis survivability. Although there are many factors which can inhibit response times such as weather, traffic volume, street connectivity and traffic calming devices; turnout time is one element that the fire department can control. Turnout time is the duration of time it takes after being dispatched for a unit to initiate travel to a scene. NFPA recommends career staffed departments strive for less than one minute. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 77 1- Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Turnout times vary by unit, as it is dependent on by each unit's crew and situation at the time of dispatch. Figure 50 graphs the average and 90th percentile turnout times of each individual unit identified within the analyzed dataset.17 Figure 50: Turnout Time Performance by Unit 10 Springfield Fire & Life Safety: Turnout Time Performance by Unit 10 lE1.~v;~ge'~ 90th 'percentil~1 869 859 854 851 849 , 842 841 839 831 829 826 824 821 819 811 06:39 '. . 03:13' , . ;.l 03:00 , '. 10f ,~, 02:05 101:26 02:07 01 :23" I n~' 01 :24\, 'b p'2'50 01:39 101:02 02:15 -,C- 01:30 ,\~ 02:14 . 101:24 v 02:11 ., 101:24 I 02:,19 101:16 ~I !Oll!.._ 05:29 " 05:29 02:21 \ 101:33 ~ . 101:17 ;\t .. 0~:10 02:~ . . 101:30 '"t ~- , ' 02:35 .- 01:36W ,~ , , , 00:00 01:00 02:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 03:00 Turnout times may vary by time of day depending on service demand workload and when the firefighters are at rest. The turnout times for some units may be misleading since they may be reserve units that did not respond to the initial dispatch. Individual turnout times can be used to measure individual unit performance over time. The following two graphs deal with incident turnout time which is the turnout time of the first unit to go in route to the incident. The average turnout times for emergency incidents (Figure 51) range from a high average of two minutes and sixteen seconds for calls between the hours of 4:00 and 6:00 AM, to a low average of one minute and twenty seconds for incidents between the hours of 11 :00 AM and 12:00 PM. 17 The following units are used as reserve units: 869, 851, 842, 829, 826, 821 and 849. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting me. 78 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 Noon 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 Midnight Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 51: Average Turnout Time by Hour of Day Springfield Fire & Life Safety: Average Turnout Time Performance by Hour of Day ,,0 ., ...... .. r I ~ ',," ;1' ..,,- =,1 -a - - ','. I T I , - I 1 7 -I I - I, Y ':1 I - I I - I I - 1 I - I " . I I 'I - '. " I 11 Ire I - ,[,,,, I - :1 . -,.o~ " W ~ . I " I J \ , - I \ . - :1 \. I - I I I I - " .I I - I .. " I \. .. ,0 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 The overall average turnout time for the department was one minute and thirty seconds. Average response time is one useful measure to determine how well turnout time performance is achieved. As discussed previously, turnout time in the majority of calls is more significant. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting me. 79 1- ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 80 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 52 graphs the 90th percentile turnout time performance by hour of day for all calls within the primary fire protection area. The 9dh percentile turnout time for emergency incidents occurring within the SFLS ranged from a high of three minutes and nineteen seconds during the 5:00 AM hour, and a low of one minute and fifty-two seconds during the 3:00 PM hour. The overall 90th percentile turnout time of the department within its primary jurisdiction was two minutes and twenty five seconds for all emergent call types. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 Noon 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 Midnight Figure 52: 90th Percentile Turnout Times by Hour of Day Springfield Fire & Life Safety: 90th Percentile Turnout Time Performance by Hour of Day I ..01 _ ~.I, . - '"'" - .I. !f-, "Ii' - 'i I ~ - , I Ii - , I ., - .....J I. ,~ I" 'I , I - ,. :1 " ., ., I - .Ii / ., IV - I , - I - 11, t I .. - I I,' - , ,I ,. ~ I J. , , " - I ., - T \1 , ~ , , - ., I ,\ - I , '< , ., - 'I - I r I - Q , L . d - I m ~ \ - '. 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 81 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study I I I I Travel Time Travel time can be affected by many factors, but is dependant foremost on geography. Intuitively, the farther away an incident is from the responding station, the more time it will take to travel to the scene. Therefore, this is measured geographically rather than temporally. In order to accomplish a geographical analysis of current travel time, actual response time performance in each station area is analyzed. Figure 53 shows the average amount of time it took for apparatus to travel to actual incidents within the different response beats. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting mc. 82 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 53: Travel Time Performance Sprlnglleld Fire & life Safety . rlreSlalic;", [II HO&;ltal BHIA""....g. Travel Tim. ."aa.,!, _l.~,.z.o, _ !.Cl.':',!C III .Ul .seD "!.Cl.r.!7 DS~rjn;~G=crllngEJt:e-nt o 05.. 1 MileS The areas of longest response time are clearly visible through this map and, as expected, the actual travel time performance is best in area closest to the fire stations. Figure 54 identifies which districts pose a challenge in response due to street connectivity, traffic congestion, or lower speed limits based on 90 percent of recorded incidents. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 54: 90th Percentile Travel Time by Beat Area Springfield Rre & Life Safely , . FlreStations 1:) MetC'llIl Response BNtS 90TH TRAVEL TillIe _ nao.un "2.!1.S.QO ~~.OI.7.:a "7.:1.10.00 .. tC,C 1 . 12.~2 o 5"nn;f*0 Zoning E 1C1enl H'>'J . , - , '."'" '.' .... '.. ' . .; ~., -) . . . I' ., . . . .. . . . . .' _ _ 1 Response Time Response time is generally defined as the total time from the time the fire department is notified to the time the fire department arrives on scene (turnout time + travel time). Some organizations, especially those that provide their own dispatch services, also include dispatch processing time in the equation. As shown in Figure 55, the SFLS covers 80 percent of its calls in five minutes and 19 seconds and 90 percent of its calls in six minutes and 25 seconds. The response times of 74.8 percent of the calls in 2006 were under five minutes. f" 55 St' R r PIi Igure . atlon eSDonse Ime e ormance . 2006 In City, Priority 1 Calls Only 90th 80th Calls Percentile Percentile Average 5t 1 591 06:08 05:16 04:18 5t 2 1014 06:19 05:10 04:00 5t3 925 06:00 05:05 03:56 5t4 1313 07:11 05:37 04:22 5t5 955 06:07 05:06 04:08 Overall 4798 06:25 05:19 04:09 ~Emergency SeroiL:es ~ Consulting mc. 83 ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 84 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 56 combines the 90th percentile turnout times with the 90th percentile travel times to illustrate the 90th percentile response time performance by geographic response area. It is important to reiterate that the area in red shown between the 1-5 and Hwy 126 markers is a district with first due automatic response by the Eugene Fire Department. This map reflects only the performance from the SFLS units, and does not take into account the possible quicker response from Eugene Station 3. Figure 56: 90th Percentile Response Time by Beat SprIngfield Rre & Life Safety . Fitt'S:'liol'l1 l:I HCl:Jltll 80111 '4til. Respons. Tim. .. ~.9::! _!.(ICml"llltu _SQ,.s.oe S.01 -It.CO ~10.01.'20C ~12.01.1J,_~j:T!lrl.il" o S;OIt;i'leto Zoning E lrttnl .~ The following map, Figure 57, illustrates the urban, suburban, rural, and frontier zones in the ambulance service area along with the 90th percentile response time performance rating for emergency medical incidents. Based on this analysis, the 90th percentile response time target of 10 minutes was obtained 90.8 percent of the time in urban zones, the 20 minute target in suburban zones 91.8 percent of the time, the 45 minute rural zone target 92.6 percent, and the I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study I frontier zone target 100 percent of the time.18 The Ambulance Service Area response time standards were met in all four zones. I Figure 57: ASA Response Time Performance by Zone I J) Zone T Frontier (Zone 4) Rural (Zone 3) Suburban (Zone 2) UrbanlUrbanizable (Zone I) Targe. Res ose Time 45 min + 4Smin 20m;n IOmi" 90 Percentile Com iance 100%. 92.60/0 91.8% 90.8"10 Springfield Fire & Life Safety * MedieSllll10ns I:J Hospital Ambulance Dilbicl c:J Spnngrield FirelReoaJe ambulance_response_zo08S_ Cfi TYPE _Frontier _Rural _ SUbUrban _ lJItlan CJ CtlUr1lyboundmy I I I o 4 8 Miles I I I I I I I I I I I 18 Routine scheduled transport calls are excluded from this calculation. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting mc. 85 I ~- ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting mc. 86 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study This page left blank I I II I I II I I I, I !I I I I I I I I I Springfield fire and Life safety Standards Of Cover an.d Deployment Study Chapter 6: Critical Task Analvsis Introduction to Critical Task Analy~is Process The fire department responds toa wide vari~ty of emergency scenarips. Thevariabl.es can be extenSjive requiring the fire department' to be highly adaptive. This complex combination of variables is why the fire department has various evolutions (methods), tools, and techniqlles to do its job. As noted in previOUS sections,~he primary reason fire department apparatus is distributed and concentrated in a certain manner is to carry outthe specific mitigation measures necessary to prevent anemerg~ncy incid~nt from escalating. AlthoughSFLS responds to a wide range of emergency and non-emergency incidents, this Section deals specifically with tryoselScenariosthat are truly emergencies ancl require immediate intervention to prevent loss of life and property. A Critical TaskAnalysis is a requirement of any Standards of Cover documentthat is developed to meetthe Commission on Fire Accreditation. 1 nternational's requirements in self~ass~ssment It is also a key performance indicator for future use in the accreditation process. This process leads to two concepts in theconte':<t pfa Standards of Cover: 1. The identification of an effective response force 2. The analysis of critical tasking by the fire forces upon arrival at an emergency Since no ,fire department can reduce fire and life safety risks tozero,a Standards of Cover stUclyisdesignedto find a balance betWeen distribution,. concentration, and reliability that will yield the maximllrn saving of life and property with available resources. Iclentifyingthe, Effective R~spoJl$eFotce An effective response Jorce is defined as the minimum amount of staffing al1dequiprnent that must reach a specificrisklocation within the departmt;1ntsstated response time goal: Critical tasks are defined as the activities and actions to be taken by the effective response force in dealing with the assigned emergency. ~.' . Emerg.. e., ncy $., e, ~s ~ Consultt.'ng me. 87 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and DeploymentStudy In creating,a Standards of Cover, the capability of arriving companies and the required number offirefighters to achieve these tasks mllst be adequately assessed. Critical tasking .should be developed for each risk category, and, in some cases, for special operations. A basic assumption in critical tasking is that firefighter safety Will be emphasized and that the critical tasking incorporates compliance with local, state,and federal rules and regulations. Critical Task Analysis (eTA) Criticc:ll tasks are those actions and activities that must be conducted in a timely manner by personnel on emergency incidents in. order to control the escalation of the event. In the case of fire, it is aimed at attack. prior to flashover. In the case of emergency medical situations, it involves the treatment and stabilization ofthe patient. The first fifteen minutes after a fire company arrives is the most crucial in controlling the event. Therefore, aCTAevaluates this time period. When conducting validation exercises, the CTA commences when a vehipl.estopsat the scene and ends whenalllasksare completed or in approximately fifteen minutes if all tasks are not finished. Critical tasks must be conducted in a timely manner in order to control a fire orto treat a patient. The SFLS has not yet conducted .a field validated critical task analysis to quantifyano ev())luate performance during this critical time period. However, SFLS has completed a desktop analysis of critical tasking for the various types of incidents and risk levels commoh to their response district. CTA processes in suburban fire agencies tend to be almost identical in concept and performance due to uniformity and 'standardiz())tion of initial .attack techniques in use in most fire agencies. This is especially true in areas like the Springfield area with strong automatic and mutual aid systems in place. Critical task. analysis demonstrates important differences based on apparatus configuration and staffing regarding the abUityto enter a building, ana working structure fire and executing the two-in two--out rule plus fireground operations. The tables that follow describe the, criticaltasks/actions and the number of personnel, needed to establish an initial effective response. force for each routinelyahticipated type of incident. The ~,'. ' Emergency, serv, roes ~ Consulting inc. 88 I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I Springfieici Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and, Deployment Study last tow of Elach table describes the apparatus currently. programmed through dispatch to acquire an effective first alarm response force. 1 1 2 2 3 2 4 15 1chief officer; 3 engines; 1 truck or .1Jint; .1 ambulance 2 2 4 2 3 2 3 18 2 chief officers; 3 engines; 2 trucks; 1 ambulance A second alarm is called automatically on any cpnfirmed fire or wherethElre isa po~itive alarm sequence of twbbr 1110reautol11atic . detection devices. Note: This table ,c;Ienotes , ohlythe, initial progrlEimmedresponseforhigh rise buildings., It doesnotreflectthenumoer of personnel that may oereCluired to set up stairwaycontroland/orexecute evacuations.lJnder such scenarios the required number of ersonnelcouldeasil exceed 50. Emergency Serviees Consy,lting,inc, .. 89 S.pringfieldFireand Life Safety 90 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 15 1 chief officer; 3 engines; 1 truck or uint1 ambulance rammed resources 1 1 2 4 1 chief officer; 1 brush en ine Patientmana ernent Patient carE:! Documentation Total Currentl ro rammed resources 1 3 1 5 1 en ine; 1 ambulance Patient care Extrication Fire rotection Documentation Total Currently programmed resources 3/3 ',~, '. ...,'. EmergenclJ,. Services ~ Consulting mc. I I I I I 'I I. I ,I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire 9-11<1 Life Si:'Ifety Standards Of COYer and Deploymj;lntStudy Personnel Total Currently programl11edres()Urc~s 3 3 1 engine; if reported as flammable liquid dispatch will include 1 chief offiCer; 3 engines; 1 truck; 1 ambulance Gommandlsafet Pati,ent mana ement Patient care Swimmers Boat aerator Bank 0 eratiorl.s Total Currently programmed resourCeS 1 1 1 2 1 3 9 1 chief . officer; 1 engipe; rescue boat; 1 ambulance ~" e:,m,' ..e",1i"ye, nc," Y,."s., ervrees ~ Consulting inc. 91 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study This page left blank ~'" ",.' Em,' ergency, ,Serv~s ~ Consulting mc. I I I I 92 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire an~ Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Cha~ter 7: Performance Measures The entire St~ndar.ds of Cover process is built on the principle of differenti~1 response based on risk -matching the response force to the risk. The goal is to ensure, to the greatest degree possible, that the response force is adequate fro the risk involved. Dispatching an inadequate fqrge(too few personnel, incorrect apparatus, or lengthy response times) is ineffective. Dispatchihg an excessive force (too many personnel or too much apparatus) i.s w~stefuJahd ineffi.cient. ThiS section is laid out in two parts. The first part identifies the standard of cover performance oi:)jectives for thedepartrnent. The second part quantifies response time performance goals and measurements. The overaJl deployment goal of SFLS is: Limit the risk to the community and its people from fire, injury, death and property damage associated with fite, aCCidents, illness, explosions, hazardous materials ihcidentsandothfi)r natural or manmade emergencies through preyention and reSpOnSfJl and to provide emergency transport services within its assigned ambulance service area. Standard of Cover Performance Objectives The Standard of Cover Performance objectives are: Fire: l=orall fire incidents within theprimarv protection area, SFL$shall arrive in a timely manner with sufficient resources to stop the escalation of the fire and keep the fire. to the area of involvement upon .arrivaLlnitial response resourceS shall be capable of containing the fire, rescuing at-risk victims, and performing salvage operations, while providin9 for the. safety of the responders. and the general public. EMS: For emeroencv medical incidents within theCitv or SprinQfield,SFLSshall arrivejn a timely manner with sufficiently trained and equipped personnel to provide medical Emergency Services Consulting inc. 93 Springfteld Fire and Life Safety Standards OrCover and Deployment Study services that will stabilize the ,situation, provide care and support to the victim and reduce, reverse or eliminate the conditions that have. caused the emergency while providing for the safety of the responders. Timely transportation of victims to an appropriate medical facility shall be accomplished in an effective and efficient manner when warranted. For emeroencv medical ,incidents ,outside the primary protection area but within the ASA, SFLS will respond in accordance with the Lane County Ambl,ilance Service Area standards. Rescue: For res.cue situations within the primary protection area, SFLS will arrive ina timely manner with sufficient resources to stabilize the situation and extricate the victim(s) as required without casing further harm to the victim, responders, public, or the environment. For rescue situations outside the primary protection area but, within the ASA, SFLS will respond iQ accord:ance with the Lane County Ambulance Service Area standards. SpeCial Hazards: For special hazard situations involving hazardous materials, wildland. swiftwater. or other unusual hazards within the primary protectionarea,SFL$ Will arrive in a timely manner with sufficient resources to stabilize the situation, stop the escalation of the incident, contain the hazard where applicable and establish anactiol1 plan for the successful conclusion of the incident while providing safety and security of the responders, public and the environment. For special hazard situations outside the primarvprotection area but within the ASA. SFLS will respond in accordance with the Lane County Arnbylance Service Area standards. Deployment System Performance Measurements The following performance measurements are based on actual performance as documented in 2005/2006 response data provided by the dispatch center. These turnout time, distribution, and ~, 1,.E.,l1'lSrg" ency,' Services ~ Consulting mc. 94 I I II I! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sprillgfielo Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study conqentration performance measures provide a means to asses and manage the SFLS deploymenfcapability. The dispatch center currently relies on manual time stamping for response information; therefore,the data is subject to inacclIracies due to missed or delayed entries. Turnout Time Performance Measure For all emeraencv incidents within the primary protection area, the 90th perce nti Je turnout time will be within twominutesand30sec€:mds. Distribution Performance Measures For 90 percent of all emergency incidents within the primary protection area, the first SFLSunit will arrive. on scene within six minutes and 30 seconds (turnout time + travel time). In areas directly inaccessible by vehicle (wildland, river rescue}, SFLS units will arriVe as SOon,as practical. The first unitshouldbe capableofadvancingasingleattaQk unitforJire controlQr initiate a rescue when a life hazard i~ present, or provide advanced life support treatment as dictated by the situation. For emergency medical incidents outside the primary protection area but within the ASA, will respond in accordance with the Lane CQuntyAmbulance Service Area Plan. Level of care and personnel standards ""ill be provided as set forth in the Lane County. Plan as set forth in Section 18.040. The current ASA plan response. lime standards (turnout time + travel time) are as follows: IJrban/Urbanizable (zone'1) Suburban (zone 2) Rural (zoneS) Frontier (zone 4) Less than 1 0 minutes Less than 20 minutes Less than 45 iTlinutes More than 45 minutes 85% of all 'calls 85% o.fall" calls 85% of all calls 85% of all calls Concentration Performance Measures Fire: Eniergency Sertiices CCilisulting ilia. 95 Springfield Fire .al1d Life Safety Standards or Cover and Deploym~nt Study For low rise residential .or commercial praperty fires an effective rE3sponse force of three E3ngines,ane truck, one chief officer .and one ambulance (15 personnel) wiU arrive within nine minutes and 15 seconds of dispatch 90 percent Qf thE3 time. For hiQh rise residential .or commercial property fires anE3ffeCtive' response forCe of three engines, two trucks, one ambulance and two chief officers (18 personnel) will arrive within ten minutes and 30 seconds of dispatch 90 percentofthetime.19 Fire, vehicle and brush 'type fires an effective response force of one engine (grass or brush) and one chief officer (four personnel) will arrive within eight minutes and 15 seconds of dispatch 90 percent of the time. It should be noted that the response for most vehicle fires and small brush fires is a sinQle enQine. Vehicle fires withsi.gnificant exposures or larQer brush fires receive a full fire respanseas described above for commercial structure fires; EMS: Fire emerQency medical situations and motor vehicle crashes an effective response force of one engine and one ambulance (five personnel) will arrive within eight minutes and 30 seconds of dispatch 90. percent of the time. Special Hazards: For confirmed flammable liauid hazardous material situations an effective response force of three engines, one truck, one ambulance, and one chief officer (15 personnel) will respond within 1Q minutes and 30 seconds .of dispatch 90 percent of the time. Note: Responses to unconfirmed hazardous material situations will consist of one engine. For water rescue situations an ioitial effective response force of one engine, one reSCl,Je boat, one ambulance and one chief (nine personnel) officer will arrive as soon as reasonably possible cOrlsideringthe accessibility of the event.20 19 Additianal evaluation, and study of this particular perfarmance gaal shauld be c:om:lucted. The data set rcrovided did not prQvidesufficient informationta perform a true 90 perce:ntfractile analysis. o Additianalevaluatianaf this perfarmance gaal shauld be canducted based an target travel time ta speCific staging and/or access points. ~Em,' ergency, 8.,' ervices ~ Consulting inc. 96 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Chapter 8: Compliance Methodolo~ Incremental system performance improvement is best achieved through a consistent and defined monitoring system in which defined performance objectives are analyzed and the results evaluated on a routine basis. The results should be shared throughout the Department, reported to City administration and City Council, and, finally, communicated to the community. An effective evaluation process provides valuable information that should form a foundation for making future adjustments to the emergency delivery system. Both the CFAI Standards of Cover methodology and NFPA 1710 refer to the need for a fire agency to have in place, a system of monitoring the department's performance on a periodic basis. The maintenance of effort (compliance methodology) requires a system to ensure performance objectives and measures are evaluated, and effort is made to reach or maintain these levels at two different levels. The first is to assure the existing deployment platform is meeting established response goals. The second is monitoring response failure(s) that could or should result in adding additional resources in the form of staffing, apparatus, and/or stations. The first component is based on department records management systems and data from the CAD system on actual responses. An array of reports and raw data is available form the Fire Communications Center that goes a long way to assuring this type of scrutiny, and is providing excellent support to the agency. It is noted that the Department recently migrated to a new record management system (RMS) data collection system that should have the capability to provide the full range of analysis required. Full attention should be given to ensure that data collection methods and reporting formats are established. The following seven-step process describes the methodology the Department will use to monitor performance. The first step establishes what will be monitored. The next two steps establish the technical data collection and analysis procedures. Steps four, five, and six involve the analysis of the data. The final seventh step focuses on determining and making any necessary and/or desired adjustments. ~Emergency ServiL:es ~ Consulting inc. 97 ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 98 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study 1. Establish/adopt performance objectives 2. Establish data collection methodology and procedures ~ 3. Establish reporting periods and reporting methods 4. Communicate expectations throughout the organization 5. Determine strategies to improve performance ~ 6. Validate/evaluate performance 7. Make necessary adjustments/repeat process Step 1: Establishladopt performance objectives Complete the initial sac review and analysis process. Establish and adopt current and target performance measures. Plan to conduct a full review of adopted performance measures every three to five years. There should be a periodic performance review by the governing body, by looking at a minimum of three years accumulated reports to determine if there are any trends or patterns that require specific attention. . Services provided . Levels of service provided . Levels of risk categorized . Performance objectives and measurements: Distribution measurements - Concentration measurements I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards arCOver and Deployment Study Step 2: Establish data collection methodologyandproc$dures Evaluate current' data collection methods and ' procedures to ensure the necessary data is being collected in an ongoing and consistent fashion. The data collected should allow for a detailed analysis of each identified performance objectives. At a minimum, the data should include: .. Incident location (address, XY coordinate$, jurisdiction, geographic areas or beats, and mutual aid given or received) and type (NFIRScodeand description) .. Incidenttype (NFIRS or local code) . Property involved type (NFIRS or local code) . Tim~ stamps for the full response time 'continuum for all responding units (including mutual, aid units) . Responsestatlls (Code 3,Code.1 ,status upgrade or doWngrade,Whileenroute) . Staffing levels by unit and 'incident (ALS/BLS) . Community risk data. Theaccumqlation of community risk data is an ongoing proceS$ of updating existing databas.es and/or establishing new systems to further enhance the fire department's abilityto quantify and identify applicable risk factors. Step 3: EstabJishreporting m$thods, reportil1g cycles allddistribution The reporting formats, frequency of teporting, and the distribution of the r~port$>$hould be established. Responsibility for each p~ase, of this process should be" identified.VVhile most records management systems have mariystandardize reporting formats, the Department Will bave. to create some of its own unique reports tailored to its analytical needs and the desires' of the governing body; . Report formats should vary it) detail depending on each report's intended use and distribution. Highly technical reports are more appropriate for internal fire department al1alysis. Result-oriented formats> are more appropriate for city administrative and governing bodyrepbrting: · Determine reporting intervals for various reports (monthly, quarterly, annual,and ad hoc). Reports designed to monitordata collection accuracy should be run frequently. Those designed to evaluate systel11.efficiencyand long~termperforlnancemay have less frequent distribution cycles. · Determine the distribution of reports. Performance report$ may also be used as educational tools for firefighters, elected officials and the public. , ~ ", ',Emergenc,Y Servfces ~ Consulting inc. 99 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study The types of performance that should be compilecl ona, monthly, basis in~lu.cle: It Turnout time performance by unit for emergency events .. Turnouftime. performance by unit for non-emergency events e Travel time performance by unit for emergency events e Travel time performance by unit for non-emergency events · Overall travel time performance of fir$talarm assignment These reports should be byshift,ancl reviewed by the Battalion Chi,efsfor identification of any response time anomalies. There shoulcl be quarterly report$of: . The overall traveltime performance by shift e Traveltime performance by first due units for both emergency and non-emergency events . Overall performance The review of performance level should be by the Oper(ltions Chief foridentific(lticm of any response time anomalies, There should be an annual review and evalwation of: . Overall responses by type of call . OveraU responses by month of the, year . Overall responses by day of week . Overall performance. of alarm processing times . Overall performance ofWrnolJt times . Turnouftime performance by each unit . Travel time performancebyeach~nit . Travel time perfprm(lnceby first alarm (lssignment . Pin mapofaUilocation, .and color cOcled by those responses that are within the response goal (green), those that are within 60'-secondsofthe goal (yellovv) , and those that a're beyondthe60-seconds (red), The purpose of this map is to visuan~{ determine if'the distribution of calls beyond the response time goal are located in any specific pattern. . Number of EMS calls per unit ',"~', " ',,' Eme~g,",ency, Serv, ices ~ Consulting inc. 100 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and life Safety Standards Of Coverano Deployment Study . EMS calls by main complaint . Unit utilization of each, individual company .. Call workload by hour of day (for use in determining potential of peak activity units) Step 4: Communicate expectations Communicate performance expeGtationsthroughouttheorganization. In some instances, the very awareness of certain information motivates improvedperfonTIance.Afeas in which this effect has been commonly experienced inClude, data collection, reporting accuracy and improved turnout times~ . Explain the methods used to measure compliance to the personnel who are expected to perform the tasks . Provide appropriate. levels of training and direction for all affected personnel .. Provide feedback mechanisms that are routine and responsive Step 5: Determinestl"ategie~ to improve performance Effective data collection along with a regular evaluation system allows the fire department to track trends in service lave I demandsaneJ deHverycapability. The Departrnenfmaymake adjustments and/or establish new objectives that result ,in incrementaL irnpro\iernents in performance. The following bullets list target areas that are opportunities for incremental improvement. . Overall system performance . Performance by unit . Performance by first due company . Performance by full effectiv~ response force Step 6: Valicjateand Monitor A key step in the implementation of new processes is to ensure their routine, and consistent application throughout the organiz;;ition on an ongoing basis. The necessary training, direction, and resources must be provided.A..'$$implied in the third bullet below, partpf the monitoring process must move beyond the pllrelytechnical review to an operational revieW involving the personnel who provide the service. · Modify business processes, business , application systems, and technical infrastructure as necessary · Monthly,quarterly, and annual reporting ,~,,' ""Em~rg~n"cys~rvr.ce, . s ~ Consulting ~ 101 SpI"ingfie1cl Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Colier and Deployment Study . Conduct staff and administrative reviews Step 7: Maken~cessaryadllJstmentslrepe;!t process The final step includes the continuing review and adjustment of strategy and tactics to maintain or improve service. levels. This processiincludes establishing newand/ormodifies existing goals and objectives. . Adjuststrategic plan as necessary . Adjust goals,ahdobjectivesas necessary . Implement adjustmentsthrooghthe budget proceSs · Communicate new expectation throughoutthe organization (Step 4) ThiS review process should result in either an adjustment. of the response time performance measures by the governing body,or theaqdition of resources to deal with response faih.lres. Making system-wide. strategic deployment improvements is neither simple nor inexpensive. SUch decisions should only be made following technical data review, an operational effectiveness review, a financial impact and capabilities review, and finally, a policy review by the governing body.21 21 See,Appendix Cfora discussion On the thresholds Cindtriggers whiCh identify the factors that should be evaluated in determining the need for adjustments in the level of service provided. ""~, .", ,eme('fJ~ncy Services ~ Consitlting'mc. 102 I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SpringftelclFire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Chapter 9: O~ortunities for Future Performance Introduction Throughout this report, m(;inyobserv(;itions have been made about the current delivery system and potential future service demands, The purpose of this section is to collect these obServations and offer potential strategies .for the future. It is important to nqte thatthis. section focuses on the emergency response delivery systelTlof the Department only. It is not meant in any way to downplay. or neglect the importance of the many other support and non emergency services the Department provides. Opportunities for future performance improvements can generally be grouped into two cate.gories: 1. The implementation of policy, procedures' and technology that will improve performance within the existing resource structure, and 2. The addition of new resources to enhance the delivery system. This second category can befurtherdividedinto: a. New Services and Increased' Performance: Issues that. have a direct impact on current service delivery and/or the safety ofSFLS personnel b. Future Planning Issues: Issues that should be studied in future strategicJ>lanning 'processes One of the goals of a Standards of Coverage study is to seta baseline upon which to consider strategies tl1atarelong-termin nature. If is this Process in which the Jnost critical issues are identified. over the long haul; auf as rnuchas twenty years in tflefpture; This process WaS initiated hi previous sections ofthis, report where community growth, identified risks and service demands were evaluated. This section compilesinformationleamed to provide a recommended long-term strate;gyforthe growth and development of (;i healthY organization, capable of providing the services that are valued most by its customers. Future Deploym(ill1t Analysis and Recommend(;itions The Jollowing'long-term resource deployment strategies, are intended to allow the Springfield Fire & Life. Safety Department to continue its existing level of service as growth in the ~""" Em," erg,e!lCY, ",s" .e17lU::es ~ Consultinginc. 103 Springfield Fire and Life Safety standards Of Cover and Deployment Study community continues and where possible, to improve the level of service toward its target performance objectives. Aprojectiol} of future service demand has been developed using several measures developed earlier. Information such as historic service demand, population dertsity growth,and traffic pattern changes ngureinto the futu~e service demand model. The extensive use of geographic information system (GIS) allows for the scientific mOdeling of apparatus response times against the road network using appropriate speed levels during straight-aways and turns. This process allows us to evaluate current deployment and future strategies with accuracy and detail. In the following subsections, a recommended deployment strategy is offered that can be utilized , to improve the level of service to the current artd future residents, visitors,and business owners within the City. This recommen~ed strategy disc:usses the deployment of facilities, the evaluation of the current apparatus fleet given the projected workload. Facilities In this strategy, specific locations are described for future fire station construction or relocation. It 'shoul~ be noted that thesespec:iflclocations prOvide the point at which the performance projection data was achieved and represent our recommended best case location. It is understood that additional factOrs such as land availability" zoning, traffic patterns, etc. will also impact any decision on a specific fire station site. For these reasons, ESCi suggests that variations to the listed locations are acceptable within a range of the equivalent of two or three city blocks. Any such variations will impact the performance projection Of the strategy, but not significantly to render it inaccurate. Overall, the current ~eployr:nent provides capable coverage to the majority of the populated and business districts within the City. For the most part, the facility deployment is 'adequate for projected growth, especially in the Gateway area around the neW hospital .On RiverbeOd Drive. In this area, Station 5 is properly situated for apparatus to respond to incidents within the establishedtimeframe for the DepartmentAreas of concern with regard to projected areas of servic:e demand outside of response time guidelines include the Glenwood Water District, the Willakenzie area south of Jasper and along Weyerhaeuser heading southeastfromthe City. ~Eme" rge"nt:!I 8., ,ervlces ~ Consulting inc. 104 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Although the most western extent of the Glenwood Water District has automatic aid response from Eugene Fire Department, the growth in all other areas presents additional demand potential. Additionally, increased commercial and residential density along Main Street (Route 126) presents a projected area of increased service calls. In order to provide services effectively to these areas that are within the primary responsibility of the Springfield Department of Fire & Life Safety, consideration of an additional facility is suggested. However, before ESCi recommends any additional facility and its associated costs, relocation of existing stations is always considered as an option. There are two primary considerations of deployment planning with regard to projected future service demand. Redundancy and gap analysis of response capability serve as the basis for determination. Redundant capability areas are not an issue that necessarily needs to be resolved in all cases. This is because in the case of a structure fire, multiple apparatus from several stations need to be quickly assembled before an initial coordinated attack can begin. However, when an area of redundancy can be reduced to provide additional coverage of the service area without severely diminishing its redundant benefits, such strategies are explored. When these options are exhausted, and gaps in coverage or large areas of projected service demand are outside of facility deployment capability within accepted timeframes, additional facilities are recommended. Station 4 shares response capability areas with Station 5 and Station 3. A strategy to reduce the extent of this redundancy to provide improved coverage to the Glenwood Water District and the Main Street Corridor has been developed. Figure 59 demonstrates the redundant response capability area of Station 4. Note that the proposed new future roadways, depicted in red, are included in this analysis. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting me. 105 1-- Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study I Figure 59: Response Area Redundancy of Station 4 I I I I I I - i I l; I " I 0,5 " Miles .~: -~ I Station 4's response capability area extends over the locations of Station 3 and Station 5 primarily due to its quick access to major arterial roadways. By relocating Station 4 to the south near the intersection of Pioneer and Main Streets, additional coverage capability in the Glenwood Water District, as well as improved response along the western portion of Main Street, can be accomplished. I I I The following Figure 60 illustrates the new resulting response capability area by relocating Station 4. I I I I ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 106 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 60: Response Area Station 4 Relocated Springfield Fire & Life Safely . roe 8m""". I:l Ho'l'iIaJ FgaponM At.. Capability lncIudes 1 minute tumout _ 5m~ul8S - Proposed Roads o Spnng_Z"""'g ex""" DcountyllOundary 1 Mtles Excessive redundancy of Station 2's response capability area was examined for possible elimination. However, the Jasper area of the City, as well as its potential development, would be outside of the stated response time objective. Additional development south between Jasper and Weyerhaeuser will create additional service demand needs. Once again, some redundancy between stations can be reduced while providing additional response capability to growing areas of the City. Depending on the timeline for this additional residential and commercial development, plans to relocate Station 2 further southward in the vicinity of the intersection of 57th and Mt. Vernon would enable more of the City to be within response time objectives as development in this area progresses. Figure 61 displays this new location for Station 2 and its resulting response area capability. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting mc. 107 ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 108 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 61: Response Area Station 2 Relocated Springfield Fire & Life Safely . FIre Stal:lons III Hosl>IUlI Response Ar.. c..~bUity IndudM 1 minute tumout _ 5mmut.. - Proposed Roads o Spnngf18d Zontng e.tenl c::JCOlltltytOUfld"'Y No loss of coverage to the industrial area north of the former location for Station 2 is experienced, while additional areas of proposed development in the southeast are within range. It may also be noted in reviewing this map that the majority of the proposed developments in the Station 1 are within its coverage area. Attention to arterial connections as the area develops could also improve the coverage area. Although these relocated facilities require new stations to be built, the ongoing facility operating costs of a five station department has not changed significantly and may even be improved with newer designs and energy efficient layouts. The main benefit comes from additional areas of protection within response time goals while not increasing the amount of facilities required to complete this. It is recommended that stations be constructed with at least two bays allowing for additional and/or reserve apparatus.22 22 See Appendix D - Financial Considerations for discussion on building requirements and costs. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I SpringfteldFireand Life Safety Standards Of Cover and DeployrnentStudy Apparatus Since no additfonalstations have been recommended, it is conceivable to presume additional apparatus would not be necessary. Although this is true for engine companies,a redeployment of truck apparatysshould be considered. Higher community risk properties exist prominently near Station 3. .Therefore with the relocation of Station 2 southward, it is recommended that these stations swap<apparatus. This allows the quint to be more accessible to these higher risk structqres. The quint would still be able to reach into the southeast area within the. effective firefightihg force response time goal should this area develop more commercially. Again, this can beaccompHshed with no additionalcostt() the Department. The Department should ,consider puttingintp serJice"an a,dditional medic unit at Statiorl 4. Key conside.n:ltions that suggest the need include the following: ./ Gurrently,theUI-UJofthe three medic units is high but within acceptable limits. ./ The concurrency analysis indicates thattwo medic units are on assignment atthe same time 22.4 percent of the time and all three units 6.11 percent of the time.23 V' Thecalculatedambulance"responsetime performan{';eis within statedASA'standards in all four ' response time zones. ./ The.projected EMS workload is expected to rise inthe coming decades. Staffing When an additional medic unit is put into service, aqditipnalstaff trained as paramedics woulcl be necessary. The availability of paramedics has recently become a concern nationwide, Though nota widespread shortage; this staffing element should be continually pursued to alleviate lapsesin.staffing and employee burnout. According to the data, Station 5, where the engine and the truck are cross'-staffed, the truck has aUHUsimilarlo other engine companies. While the primary use of the tryck when responding tofirecalls.outside of their beat is reas,onable, its primary use within Station 5's beatisworthy of. diSCussion. Although automatic aid from the Eugene Fire Department includes an engine and theengiriefromStation 4 or Station 3 also respond;itwoyld appear that responding primarily with the. truck is acceptable. Go'nsideringthat this would be the nearest truck company within Station 5'Sclistric;t, serves to embolden this philOSoPhy. 23 See Figure 48 on page 72. ~""E, m, "erg, e"",n, CY, Po,', e" rv, ic,es ~ Consulting inc. 109 SpringfleldFire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study However, typically an initial attackofa fire requires an engine company, which in many cases for the beats assigned to Station 5, is coming from elseWhere. Ofthe 230 fire incidents (EMS and other call types removed) within Station 5 beats, the truck apparatus responded to 86 percent of them. A delay in initial attack until other engine companies arrive can have a detrimental effect on an efficient attack process. Springfield Fire & Life Safety should consider adding separate truck company.staffing to facilitate initial response of an engine company to reports attire within Station 5's beats. Such staffing would also ensure the availapility ofa truck company to the majority of the City without compromising Station 5's beatcoverage:~4 Ftecommendations Summarized Improvements within the Existing Deployment System 1. Data collection. documentation, and reportinq: The Department recently implemented a new records management system. The transition to the new system has proven problematic in thatincident data from the previous system could not be imported to the new'systern effectively. The Departmenfshould ensure the new data collection system is fully deployed in a fashion that data necessary for ongoing analysis are correctly collected and that reporting routines are developed to accurately tract workload and performance. 2. Continued coordination with the Dispatch Center and neiqhborino mutual aid agencies: While dispatch processing times are not under the direct control of the Department, the amount of time necessary to process a 9-1-1 calls adds to the overall response time of every call. The department should continue to work to improve dispatch protocols, mapping, CAD programming and system reliability. The department should also continue to encourage and' participate"inenhanced mutual and automaticaidcoordiriation with its neighboring fire departments. 3. Turnout times: The control and/orreduction of turnout times is generally under the control of the Department but can be influenCed py dispatch center procedures. Reductions in turnout time have the universal impact of reducing response times. Improved turnout times extend the geographic area the Department can cover within its 24 See AppendixD - Financial ConSiderations fora disCllssiol1on projected staffing qosts, ~Eme1Y't'lncy$t'l~S ~Consultinginc. 110 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fireandl...ife Safety Standards Of Cover and DeploymentStudy c;iesign~ted response timegoals~ The department should focus on finding increased efficiencies to further reduce total elapsed turnout time. The Department should monitor turnout time performance andeyaluate methods within the parameters of safety to reduce them. Accurate time stamping by dispatch center personnel of the completion of turnol.lt time for each responding unitwiHsignificantly validate the accuracy of this measurement. New Service/Increased, Performance Capability, t.Relocate Station 4 to the south! near the intersection of Pioneer and. Main Streets. 2. Staff an additional medic unitCJfStCJ~iol1' 4.WMile call 10CJding,. unit utilization, and concurrency rates are withinacceptapleranges, they are fairly high; and while response times in the ASA arecurrentIYwitl1i11tCJrgetgoals;c;iemand forEMSrespcmseand transport services is expected to. continue to increase. Plannlng"I$.$ue$ 1. Staff the truck and engine at Station 5jnstt:1ad ()f cross,..staffing them with a single crew. The Department should also evaluate, and/orexpetiment with alternate response Protocols ()n' the 'short-term untjlindependentstaffing ofa truck can' be, realized. 2. Relocate. Station 2 s6uthwardil1the\lic:inity of the intersection of 57th and Mt Vernon to "enable mar!? ofiMe City to bewitbin response>time objectives as development in the areaprogresses.25 3. Once Station 2 is relocated, move the quinHromStation2 to Station 3 to keep itcloser to areas of higher community risk. 25 See Appendix c- Response TiITlf:J Thresho(ds and Triggers. '~, .' ,Eml#rgencu,', sem,', ibe.... ~ COnsulting inc. 111 Springfi\1lh:l Fire and ,Life S<lfety' Standards Of Cover and DeploymenlStudy I I I I I This page left blank I I I I I I I I I I I I ~Eme, rue, nc,'!I, sem, ices ~ Consulting inc. 112 I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SpringfiellJ Fire and UfeSafety Standards Of COver and lJeploymenlStudy endix A: Fire departments need a balance of three basic resources to successfully carry out their emergency mission - people, equipment, and ,facilities. Becausefirefighting is. an 'extremely physicalplJrsuit, the adequacyofpersonl1el resources is a primary concern. Butno matter how competentthefirefightersare, thedepartmentwili fail to achieve its mission if it lacks sufficient strategic loc;ationsand adequate apparatus distributed in. an efficient manner. FacUities There are a lot of questions facil1g a department,. that has outgrown its 'facilities, .and the solutions are often more cornplicatedthan simply buying a fleet of new Jireapparatus. Fire stations themselves ,are complicat(3d.' enougbeYen without thecpnsiderations of staffing and equipping them for long range utilization. There are basic issues that each fire station has to address. Among these are distribution to account for the department's responsestancjarcj and adequate space for the effectiye,.safe, anci sec;;ure housing of personnel, apparatus, and equipment. Facility distribution,staffing,andequippingare always a".balanceofacity'sfire protection goals and the ability tofund those goals. Consideration should be given to the a~ility' of the f(:icilities tosupportdepactment' goals, including standards of cover asitmay existtociay, and to provide for that which is project(3d into the future. The primary functions .thatshOLlldtake place Within.the fire station environment should be closely examined. Adequate,~fficlentspace for all functions should be provided to include: . Housing and maintaining apparatus and equipment · Residential living that is gender compatible foron-dutycrewmembers · Administrativeoffice,functions . Firefightertraining · Firefighterfitness ifhEtnerg~ncy StJrvice? ~.Consultinginc. 113' Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and DeploymentStudy 1 4,847 Poor - numerous maintenance Poor issues 2 1961 5;000 Fair - numerous maintenance Fair issues 3 1971 5,749 Good - well maintained Good 4 1973 5,917 Fair- numerous maintenance Fair issues 5 2005 10,000 Excellent - well maintained Excellent This section deals only with analysis of current facilities; However, ESei is recommending development of a full long-range facilities management plan,as well as speCific plans to address current problems. Suchan approach would eliminate potential redundancy, either now or inthe future, in the deployment and response ,of costly fire station facilities. A long-range facilities management plan should include a variety of items, such as: . Location, timing, and cost of any new facilities . Identified long-term maintenance needs for existing facilities . Ongoing fUnding plan Recommendations . Initiate efforts' to correct existing deficiencies, asindicated,and continue planned remodeling. . Develop and implement a long-range facilities management plan that considers future apparatus and staffing' needs, mandates, and the possibility of relocation of Stations 2 and 4. .~, " ,'.., Em,e,rue,ncy",Se",' TlJice~ ~ Consulting me. 114 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study SDrinafield Fire and Life Safety Station No. 1 Built in 1980, this 4,847 square foot facility consists of two apparatus bays. This station houses an engine, medic unit and reserve medic unit. This facility is undergoing an extensive remodel and renovation. Any concerns related to maintenance, public access, staff facilities, safety, and efficiency will need to be addressed after the remodel is complete. Desian: Specific problems, concerns or features with this facility can be classified into the following seven categories: This station is aesthetically designed to fit in with the surrounding community structures. It was not designed for the current staffing level of five or for two-gender staffing as it lacks individual slee in rooms. Age and construction type has led to increasing maintenance costs. Roof leaking issues are becoming very common, and have cause significant damage. The heating and cooling s stems are inefficient based on a Janua 2000 stud .26 Lack of storage is causing stored materials to encroach into the living and apparatus bay areas. Turnouts were stored in the a aratus ba area. Some crowding was noted in the living area and apparatus ba s. The exercise room is 0 en to the a aratus ba s. Construction: Safety: Environment: Code Compliance: Building does not appear to have had any ADA upgrades. The remodel should address all staffing concerns. The station is e ui ed with a backu enerator. While functional, difficulty exists in getting the apparatus on the busy highway. Storage and living space are at a critical point and should be addressed in the remodel. The station currently does not meet toda 's standards. Staff Facilities: Efficiencv: 26 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Rough Draft Space Needs Study by Paul L. Bentley Architect, Jan. 2000. ~Emergency ServiJ::es ~ Consulting mc. 115 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study ~!r_'-~"""'~--~~ ~---~ ~~ '" "!l},; Sorinafield Fire and Life Safety Station No. 2 Built in 1961 and remodeled in 1999, this 5,000 square foot facility consists of two drive- through type apparatus bay. This station is quarters for one quint, one interface engine and one tender. Station No. 2 is an out-of-date facility. Evidence of crowding exists in the living area and apparatus bay. This station is in fair condition. There are major concerns related to maintenance, street access, staff facilities, safety, and efficiency. . Desian: Specific problems, concerns or features with this facility can be classified into the following seven categories: This station is aesthetically designed to fit in with the surrounding community structures. It is designed for two- gender staffing; however has no room for growth. Station is equipped with gender-specific amenities. Age and construction type has led to increasing maintenance costs. It was remodeled within the last few years to accommodate the current staffing level. The kitchen area is grossly under sized for its current use. Lack of storage is causing stored materials to encroach into the living and apparatus bay areas. Many trip and collision hazards are present. Tumouts are stored in the apparatus bay area. Flammable and combustible liquids are stored properly. The station is not equipped with a commercial type range. The station is equipped with an 85 KW backup generator. Access from the station is onto a five lane boulevard constitutes a hazard both in egress and ingress to the station. Extensive crowding is noted throughout the entire station. No sump system exists so apparatus is washed on the aprons and the waste water in not recovered. The station has been retro-fitted with a waste water recovery system Although equipped with an automatic exhaust system, not all vehicles are connected to the system. Building is not fully ADA compliant; and appears to not be in compliance with fire and life safety codes. This facility has sufficient office space for the assigned officers; however, there is inadequate space for training and company drills. Exercise area is very limited While minimally functional, this station is not a positive environment for the staff. Storage and living space is at a critical point. Station does not meet today's standards. . Construction: . Safety: . Environment: . Code Compliance: . Staff Facilities: . Efficiencv: ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 116 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I ,I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Sprinafield Fire and Life Safety Station No. 3 , Built in 1971 and remodeled in 1986. This 8,579 square foot facility is quarter for an engine, two medic units, and battalion chief. Additionally, this station houses the training section. It consists of two drive-thru apparatus bays, however not used as such. This station is in good condition. There are minimal concerns related to maintenance, public access, staff facilities, safety, and efficiency. Specific problems with this facility can be classified into the following seven categories: . Design: This station is aesthetically designed to fit in with the surrounding community structures. It is not designed for two- gender staffing, and lacks individual sleeping rooms. Station is not equipped with gender-specific amenities. Age and construction type has led to minimal increases in maintenance costs. It was not designed to accommodate the current staffing level. The kitchen area is under sized for its current use. Turnouts are stored in the apparatus bay area. The station is equipped with a residential type range, and does not have an adequate hood / vent system. The station is equipped with an 85 KW backup generator. 90% of the facility has an automatic sprinkler system. The station has been retro fitted with a waste water recovery system. Equipped with an automatic exhaust system fo vehicles. Building is not fully ADA compliant; and appears to not be in compliance with fire and life safety codes. This facility has sufficient office space for the assigned officers. There is limited space for training and company drills. No gender specific facilities are present; and the dorm is co-ed. With the additional training section personnel, meal and break accommodations are very limited. Kitchen is small for the current staffing level. The front entry may be very confusing to public. . Construction: . Safety: . Environment: . Code Compliance: . Staff Facilities: . Efficiencv: ~Emergency Servu:es ~ Consulting mc. 117 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Sorinafield Fire and Life Safety _-==-= Station No.4 Built in 1973; this 5,917 square foot facility , consists of two drive-thru apparatus bays. This station is quarters for an engine, reserve engine, and rescue boat. This station is in fair condition. There are concerns related to maintenance, bay access, staff facilities, safety, and efficiency. Specific problems with this facility can be classified into the following seven categories: . Desian: This station is aesthetically designed to fit in with the surrounding community structures. It is not designed for two- gender staffing, and lacks individual sleeping rooms. Age and construction type has led to increasing maintenance costs. It was not designed to accommodate the current staffing level. The living quarter and kitchen areas are unde sized for its current use. The entire structure shows signs 0 excessive usage and wear. Turnouts are stored in the apparatus bay area. The station is equipped with a residential type range, and does not have an adequate hood / vent system. The station is equipped with a backup generator. 90% of the facility has a residential type automatic sprinkler system. ' The facility is not equipped with a waste water recovery system. The stations is equipped with an automatic exhaust system for vehicles. Building is not fully ADA compliant; and appears to not be in compliance with fire and life safety codes. This facility has sufficient office space for the assigned officers; however, there is inadequate space for training and company drills. No gender specific facilities are present; and the dorm is co-ed. The exercise equipment is stored and used the dorm area Uving/kitchen area is small for the current staffing level. Because for the current vehicle assignment only one bay is used as drive through. Station does not meet today's standards. . Construction: . Safety: . Environment: . Code Compliance: . Staff Facilities: . Efficiencv: ~Emergency Seroir:es ~ Consulting mc. 118 I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Sorinafield Fire and Life Safety Station No.5 Built in 1997, this very modern 10,000 square foot facility consists of three drive-thru type apparatus bays, with only one being used as drive-thru. The station blends nicely with the surrounding community. This station is quarters for an engine. ladder, heavy rescue. medic unit, and reserve medic unit. Also located at this station are the hazmat cargo trailer and technical rescue trailer. This station is in excellent condition. There are no concerns related to maintenance, bay access, staff facilities, safety. and efficiency. Specific problems with this facility can be classified into the following seven categories: . Desian: This station is aesthetically designed to fit with in the surrounding community structures. It is designed for two- gender staffing, and has separate dorms for sleeping. This building was designed as a modern fire station and is adequately designed to accommodate the current staffing level Sidewalls are of Driveit-type construction. Efficient forced ai heat in bays. A generously proportioned building for the call volume and size of the staff. It was well designed to accommodate the current staffing level. Fire detection and sprinkler system installed. Automatic doo stops. Auxiliary generator powers the entire building and is fueled by diesel. Turnout are stored in the apparatus bay area which is not the recommended standard. The station is equipped with a commercial range, but does not have fuel shut off in a central location or a commercial type exhaust hood. No problems noted. EqUipped with an automatic exhaust system for vehicles. The station is equipped with a waste water recovery system. No problems noted. Building is ADA compliant. Adequate storage spaces. There is plenty of room to work around apparatus and work on small equipment. Station is well maintained and clean. Station appears to be well disigned. . Construction: . Safety: . Environment: . Code Comoliance: . Staff Facilities: . Efficiencv: ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting me. 119 1- -- ---- Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study I Apparatus I Pump Tank Min. Meets I Unit Vehicle Year Condition Remarks GPM Size Staff NFPA E-811 1999 Excellent 1250 750 3 Yes Well equipped, no I problems noted M-819 2006 Excellent N/A N/A 2 Yes Well equipped, no I problems noted I M-829 1996 Good N/A N/A 0 Yes Well equipped, no problems noted I L-824 2001 Excellent 2000 500 3 Yes Well equipped, no I problems noted E-821 1997 Good 1250 750 0 Yes Well Equipped, I Interface Engine (4WD) T -826 1998 Excellent 1000 2500 0 Yes Well equipped, no I problems noted E-831 2004 Excellent 1250 750 3 Yes Well equipped, no I problems noted I M-839 2001 Good N/A N/A 2 Yes Well equipped, high mileage I 11II M-849 2001 Good N/A N/A 0 Yes Well equipped, I high mileage C-803 . 2006 Excellent N/A N/A N/A Well equipped, no I problems noted E-841 2004 Excellent 1250 750 3 Yes Well equipped, no I problems noted I I ~Emergency ServiL:es 120 Consulting inc. I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study I Pump Tank Min. Meets Unit Vehicle Year Condition Remarks GPM Size Staff NFPA I E-842 IiIII 1989 Good 1500 750 0 Yes Well equipped, high mileage I BT-847 2000 Excellent N/A N/A 0 N/A Rescue Jet Boat I IIiiI L-854 2002 Excellent 1500 150 3 Yes Well equipped, no I problems noted III ' - Well equipped, no 1\ E-851 1995 Excellent 1250 750 0 Yes problems noted I R-858 . 1997 Excellent N/A N/A 0 N/A Well equipped, no problems noted II M-859 2005 Excellent N/A N/A 2 Yes Well equipped, no problems noted I M-869 1995 Good N/A N/A 0 Yes Well equipped, high mileage I Not available E-812 for inspection, 1981 Good 750 500 0 No Reserve Interface I in storage Engine (4WD) Not available M-879 for inspection, 1994 Good N/A N/A 0 N/A Reserve Medic I in storage Unit high mileage I I I I I eEmergency Services 121 I Consulting mc. Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study I I I I This page left blank I I I I I, I I I I I I ,I I I ~Eme'YenCY Services 122 Consulting inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study AQpendix B: Dynamics of Time in EmerQency Response Most fires within buildings develop in a predictable fashion, unless influenced by highly flammable material. Ignition, or the beginning of a fire, starts the sequence of events. It may take some minutes or even hours from the time of ignition until flame is visible. This smoldering stage is very dangerous, especially during times when people are sleeping, since large amounts of highly toxic smoke may be generated during early phases. Once flames do appear, the sequence continues rapidly. Combustible material adjacent to the flame heats and ignites which in turn heats and ignites other adjacent materials if sufficient oxygen is present. As the objects burn, heated gases accumulate at the ceiling of the room. Some of the gases are flammable and highly toxic. The spread of the fire continues quickly. Soon the flammable gases at the ceiling reach ignition temperature. At that point, an event termed flashover takes place; the gases ignite, which in turn ignites everything in the room. Once flashover occurs, damage caused by the fire is significant and the environment within the room can no longer support human life. Flashover usually happens about five to eight minutes from the appearance of flame in typically furnished and ventilated buildings. Since flashover has such a dramatic influence on the outcome of a fire event, the goal of any fire agency is to apply water to a fire before flashover takes place. Perhaps as important as preventing flashover is the need to control a fire before it does damage to the structural framing of a building. Materials used to construct buildings today are often less fire resistive than the heavy structural skeletons of older frame buildings. Roof trusses and floor joists are commonly made with lighter materials more easily weakened by the effects of fire. Light weight roof trusses fail after five to seven minutes of direct flame impingement. Plywood 1- beam joists can fail after as little as three minutes of flame contact. This creates a very dangerous environment for firefighters. In addition, the contents of buildings today have a much greater potential for heat production than in the past. The widespread use of plastics in furnishings and other building contents ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 123 I ~Eme1Yency Services ~ Consulting mc. 124 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study rapidly accelerate fire spread and increase the amount of water needed to effectively control a fire. All of these factors make the need for early application of water essential to a successful fire outcome. A number of things must happen quickly to make it possible to achieve fire suppression prior to flashover. Figure 63 below illustrates this sequence of events. Figure 63: Fire Growth vs. Reflex Time ! ::J .... ~ CD c.. E ~ ~\ashove.. Time D.=J Repo1 Dispatchl Turnout . Respond Reflex Time The reflex time continuum consists of six steps, beginning with ignition and concluding with the application of (usually) water. The time required for each of the six components varies. The policies and practices of the fire department directly influence four of the steps, but two are only indirectly manageable. The six parts of the continuum are: I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study 1. Detection: The detection of a fire may occur immediately if someone happens to be present or if an automatic system is functioning. Otherwise, detection may be delayed, sometimes for a considerable period. 2. Report: Today most fires are reported by telephone to the 9-1-1 center. Call takers must quickly elicit accurate information about the nature and location of the fire from persons who are apt to be excited. A citizen well trained in how to report emergencies can reduce the time required for this phase. 3. Dispatch: The dispatcher must identify the correct fire units, subsequently dispatch them to the emergency, and continue to update information about the emergency while the units respond. This step offers a number of technological opportunities to speed the process including computer aided dispatch and global positioning systems. 4. Turnout: Firefighters must don firefighting equipment, assemble on the response vehicle, and begin travel to the fire. Good training and proper fire station design can minimize the time required for this step. 5. Response: This is potentially the longest phase of the continuum. The distance between the fire station and the location of the emergency influences reflex time the most. The quality and connectivity of streets, traffic, driver training, geography, and environmental conditions are also a factor. 6. Set up: Last, once firefighters arrive on the scene of a fire emergency, fire apparatus are positioned, hose lines stretched out, additional equipment assembled, and certain preliminary tasks performed (such as rescue) before entry is made to the structure and water is applied to the fire. As is apparent by this description of the sequence of events, application of water in time to prevent flashover is a serious challenge for any fire department. It is critical, though, as studies of historical fire loss data can demonstrate. The National Fire Protection Association studied data from residential structures occurring between 1994 and 1998 in order to analytically quantify the relationship between the growth of a ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting mc. 125 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study fire beyond the room of origin and losses in life and property. As indicated in Figure 64 below, fires contained to the room of origin (typically extinguished prior to or immediately following flashover) had significantly lower rates of death, injury, and property loss when compared to fires that had an opportunity to spread beyond the room of origin (typically extinguished post- flashover). Incidents in which a fire spreads beyond the room where it originates are likely to experience six times the amount of property loss and have almost a nine times greater chance of resulting in a fatality. Fi ure 64: National Data - Fire Growth to Life and Pro e Loss Fire Extension in Residential Structure Fires 1994-1998 Rates Per 1,000 Fires Civilian Civilian Dollar Loss Extension Deaths Injuries Per Fire Confined to room of ori in 2.32 35.19 $3,385 Be ond room of ori in; confined to floor of ori in 19.68 96.86 $22,720 Be ond floor of origin 26.54 63.48 $31,912 .Data from NFPA Annual Fire Experience Survey and USFA National Incident Reporting System Emergency Medical Event Sequence Cardiac arrest is the most significant life threatening medical event. A victim of cardiac arrest has no heartbeat or breathing and has mere minutes in which to receive definitive lifesaving care if there is to be any hope for resuscitation. While it is common to associate cardiac arrest with heart attack, it is important to remember that cardiac arrest can result from many other medical emergencies such as electrocution, drowning, hypothermia, drug overdoses, blows to the chest, and a variety of breathing difficulties. Recently, the American Heart Association (AHA) issued a new set of cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines designed to streamline emergency procedures for cardiac arrest victims, and to increase the likelihood of survival. The AHA guidelines include new goals for the application of cardiac defibrillation to cardiac arrest victims. Cardiac arrest survival chances fall by seven to ten percent for every minute between collapse and defibrillation. Consequently, the AHA now recommends cardiac defibrillation within five minutes of cardiac arrest. ~Emergency SeroU:es ~ Consulting mc. 126 I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I'. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study As with fires, the sequence of events that lead to emergency cardiac care can be visually shown, as in the following Figure 65. Figure 65: Cardiac Arrest Event Sequence Time CPR Started vs. Probability of Recovery from Cardiac Arrest S ...portl...patch I Tu,noutl "'spon~ -~ 100% II) 80% 01 .l!I c II) 60% u "- II) a.. 'i 40% > .~ :J U) 20% 0%- 1 2 3 4M' 5 6 7 8 9 Inutes The percentage of opportunity for recovery from cardiac arrest drops quickly as time progresses. The stages of medical response are very similar to the components described for a fire response. Recent research stresses the importance of rapid cardiac defibrillation and administration of certain drugs as a means of improving the opportunity for successful resuscitation and survival. An Oregon fire department recently studied the effect of time on cardiac arrest resuscitation and found that nearly all of their saves were within one and one-half miles of a fire station, underscoring the importance of quick response. People, Tools, and Time Time matters a great deal in the achievement of an effective outcome to an emergency event. Time, however, isn't the only factor. Delivering sufficient numbers of properly trained, appropriately equipped, personnel within the critical time period completes the equation. For medical emergencies this can vary based on the nature of the emergency. Many medical emergencies are not time critical. However, for serious trauma, cardiac arrest or conditions that may lead to cardiac arrest, response time is very critical. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 127 r--- Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Equally critical is delivering enough personnel to the scene to perform all of the concurrent tasks required to deliver quality emergency care. For a cardiac arrest this can be up to six personnel; two to perform CPR, two to set up and operate advanced medical equipment, one to record the actions taken by emergency care workers, and one to direct patient care. Thus, for a medical emergency, the real test of performance is the time it takes to provide the personnel and equipment needed to deal effectively with the patient's condition, not necessarily the time it takes for the first person to arrive. Fire emergencies are even more resource critical. Again, the true test of performance is the time it takes to deliver sufficient personnel to initiate application of water on the fire. This is the only practical method to reverse the continuing internal temperature increases and ultimately prevent flashover. The arrival of one person with a portable radio does not provide fire intervention capability and should not be counted as arrival by the fire department. In order to legally enter a building to conduct interior firefighting operations, at least four personnel must be on scene. The initial arrival of effective resources should be measured at the point in time when at least four personnel, properly trained and equipped, have assembled at the fire. Emergency service agencies should have clearly defined response performance objectives established to allow evaluation of capability and service delivery. An organization's performance objectives should clearly state both the current and desired emergency service capabilities in very measurable terms. For emergency response, performance objectives should define response performance using both time and resource criteria. For example: . Provide for the arrival of adequate resources to initiate basic emergency medical services at the scene of any medical emergency within "X" minutes following dispatch, 90% of the time. . Provide for the arrival of adequate resources to initiate interior fire suppression operations at the scene of any fire within "X" minutes following dispatch, 90% of the time. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting mc. 128 I !I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life .safely' .standards Of Cover <indDeployment Study With specific ,performance criteria a fire department can develop deployment methodologies to achieve desired levels of performance, and can quickly identify when conditions in the environment degrade performance. NFPA 1710 The National Fire protection Association (NFPA) has issued a response performance standard for~lIor mostly care~r staffed fire departments. This standard, among other things, identifies a target response time performance Objective for fire depa.rtments and a targetstaffihg standard forstructurefires.Tl10ugh nota legalmanda~e; NFPA1710 does provide a useful benchmark against which. to. measure the fire department's perfo.rmance, NFPA '1710 contains time performancestl:mdards for structure fire response as well as emergencY-medical response, Ea.ch WiUbediscussed individually. NFPA 1710 recommends tha.tthe first company arrive at the scene of a structure fire within five minutesofdispatch,90percent of the time.NFPA uses,theaOth percentile rather than ~verage, This allows anevr:lIuation ofadep~rtment's performance on the vast majority of its incidents. The standard 'establishes that a response company consists. of four personnel. The standard does not require that all four be on the same vehicle, but does expectthat the four will operate as a single functioning unit once o.n scene. The NFPA1710 responSe time standard also requires that aUfour pensonnel pe on scene within the reco.mmended five minutes, 90 percent of the time. There is ano.tl1errfl~So.n ~he arrivaloffquf personnel is critical fQr ~tructure fires. As mentioned earlier, current safety regulations require that beforepersonhelcan enter a building to extinguish afire atleast two personnel must bean scene ,and .assignedto conduct search and rescue incase the fire a~ack crew becomes trapped. Thisjs referredto as the twerin, two. out rule. The only exception to this regulation is If it is knoWn that victims trapped are inside the building; Given $FLS's~ypical staffing of engines, the time it takes for the.secondunit to arrive bec;on1es very importanttoacl1ievement ofthe.NFPA stc:mdard. If additional,heJpisa considerabJeamount ~,',' ' r&f Em,ergen, cy ServiCes ~ Consultiilginc, 129 Springfield Fire al1d, Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deploymlimt Study of time away the fire will continue to grow rapidly contribllting to significantly more ciamage to the. property. Finally, the NFPA standard calls for the arrival of the entire initial assignment (sufficient apparatus and personnel to effectively combat a fire based on its level of risk) within nine minutes of dispatch,~O percent of the time. This is to ensure thatenpughpeople and equipment arrive $oonenough lobe effective incontrol/ing afire before substantial damage occurs. NFPA 1710 describes the following performance as meeting the structure fire response criteria of the standard: . Turnout time within one minute, 90% of the time . Arrival of the first "company" within five minutesofWspatch, 90% of the time, or . Arrivalofthe entireinifial response assignment (all units assigned to the call) within nine minutes of dispatch; 90% of the time There are three time standards within the NFPA1710standard for emergency medical responses. They are: . Turnout time within ,one minute, 90% of the time " Arrivalof;:lunit With firstresponder orhigher level of capability (basic life support) within five minutes of dispatch, 90% ofthe time . Arrival of an advanced life support unit, where this service is provided by the fire department" within nine minutes of dispatch, 90% of the time ,~Eme" l1,yen"cy &, erokes ,~ Consulting me. 130 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I II I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety standards Of Cover and Deployment Stuqy 8.Qpendix C:Res~onse Time Thresholds and TriR~ers Introduction When a community creates afire department and bllilds its first fire station, a response time criterion is USW3/ly established. This response time anticipates that it applies t01 00 percent of the area covered by the boundaries ofthat firestatiofl. This is especially true when there is only one fire statipn and asmaH area to coyer. As the' community grows away from that station in incremental steps, the expectation is that the original fire station Will still provide adequate coverage. However, that expectation is fraught with problems. In the simplest of terms, the total area coveredt>y a fire department mayor may not be hi,ghly developed initially; and even if a crew from the fire station responds, it may not dosoin a timely manner. Most fire c:lepartments begin as totally volunteer. They usually operate withthis~taffing pattern for'economic reasons, When population and service area inCreases, there. ,is often pressure to add full time staff and to consic;lE}r adding additional stations. There are many variations on this theme;' Older, ,established ' cities tenc:led to be denser and smallerifl dimension, but they oftenanl1exe,dnewareas. Newer communities may .incluqe a much larger area than the first fire station can coVer. Urbahsprawl, which is a current public policy discussion, has resulted in the timing of adding new fire stations and staffing being a topic of concern. Station Siting Usually when a fire departmel1tconstnJc~sitsfirst fire station, the values at risk and hazards to be, protected are within a close driving distance. In effect, the first fire station ina community isa centroid. Thal;s, the I ocaUi re station is thE}qenterof thE} response capacity ofthe jurisdiction. Earlier in the 20th centUry, fire station coverage was often characterized on maps by drawing a circle with an 1.5 mile radius around the station. This approachwas sometimes Llsedto describe the area .of coverage, However,fireapparatlls resp()nse is dependent on roads that extend at angles and distances that do not result in a circle being the true description of the area coverage. Not only that, but fire stations cannot be located exactly three miles apart and have ~,E"m,' erge"ncy,... ',&,'.,eroices ~ Consulting mc. 131 Springfield Fire, and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study two overlapped circles. When they are placed closer than the 1.5 radius, there is not only ov~rlap, but also gaps where there is no coverage. Lat~r, the circle was r~placed by diamond-shaped templates that could be overlaid over the stCitionand rotated to estimate the relative advantage of road distances. The contemporary method used to evaluate fire $tationsis based on using the actual road-network in computer models. This system uses time and distance to 'create a network that more closely represents how far a company can respond from its fire station, within an adopted time standard. From the time the first station is built,an expectation is established thaUhe facility Can and will provide a timely response to calls for service in the area, surrounding that facility; The station provides a response to a given area within a reasonable time ina pattern that essentially is an oV~rlay on the, streets and highways that radiate outward from the station. The street-network and the topographical attributes of the community create a dynamic segmentation allowing fire professionals to reasonably predict which areas can be covered and those that will not be covered within a specific time frame,even before any incidents actually occur. The preferred tool for conducting this type of analysis intoday's world is geographical information systems (GIS) software. There are many infrastructure components 'that affect the location allocation concept. Among these are road ,and highways networks, impedance factors such as traffic patterns and processes (stoplights and signs), and turn impedance, Le.: roadbed configuration and elevation impedance (slope). It is axiomatIc that there is an inverse distance-weighting factotthat results in longer response times to areas further away from the station. In short, the further away from the location of an incident arid the higher the impedance for response, the less effective any ~pecificr~sourceisindealing withth~ initial stages of an ~mergency event. The use of th~conCeptof travel time itself is not exactly .new. How~ver, for many years the basic"criterion was road mil~ageonly. The standard that was normally' applied Was that .afire station was expected to be able to reach any incident within 1.5 miles of the station within five- minutes of driving time. Time was a secondary consideration. That standard was based upon da~a from the 1940s with respect to road conditions and traffic patterns. A lot has changed since then. For decades, the Insurance Services Office (ISO) has based fire station locationsona 1.5-mile separation. In general, this has served as rUff:) of thumb, but it does not deal with the. '~,' ", Eme"rgerz,CY, Be, rowe, . $ ~ Consulting inc., . 132 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I ,I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deploym~ntStUdY vagaries of physical response (such as geography, transportation, andweather). Secondarily, it does not place any emphasis on response needed for emergency medical service (EMS) incidents, such as basic life support (BLS) or advanced life support (ALS). The concept of using actual' travel' time today is based on a more accurate representation of the level ofsetviceforan all-risk approach. It is more perfbrm~nce-based. Today most fire agencies seta time standard that includes three elements, two of which were missing frOm the strict use of mileagefor.station location; specifically, alarm processing time and turnout time. The actual time of road traVf~1 has often been used to set the communities expectation of performal1ce. Using this approach, stations are seldom located ioa Iinearfashiol1. This concept is based on the time intervals identified in the Stal1dards of Response Coverage, section of the Self Assessment Manual published by the Comrnissionon Fire Accreciitationlntemational. This process leads to the development of a stanqardofresponse cover, ora time and leVel of staffing designed to control an emergency at a minimum level of loss. The process is hoWever, a policy choIce based on risk and localconditions. The ba.sic perforrnancestandards fortirne goals are based on th.e rapid speed of firegroVltthand consequences of emergency meciical situatiQns over.a shorttil11e frame. It has been determined that both fires and medical el11ergencies can gain a foothold that result in excessive losse's when response times are excessive. The most common benchmark time standard,S used today are: . Alarm processing time - 60 seconds .. Turnout time - 60 secOnds .. Traveltime o Fire response - five minutes, 90 pergent of the time o AL$ response - eight minutes, 90percent of the time The cOntemporary method of measuring perfOrmance looks at response time as a level of service indicator. This is accomplishecithrougha two-foldprocess.TheJir~t step measures response time performance on actual emergencies; the second step monitors the system to determine when the system fail,S to achieve the performance goals. ~, I,' ~me, rgencYs.,',eruiL:1e$ ~ Cp/1.$ultingmc. 133 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Response time criterion should onlY,be applied to calls that are emergency, calls. When incidents are analyzed,the data should be reviewed to 'assure that non~emergency caUsare not used when calculating performance. There are many calls for service that fire departments log as incidents that are non-threatening scenarios and the responding companies will handle them on anas..,.needed basis, To include these times in the analysis of emergency services tends to skew the outcome, leading toa false service ihdicator. Response Failure To understand' when response coverage failure occurs, we must first define what is being measured and how it will be measured. For example1a basic question is whether to measure protection of the geographic area or to base it on the occurrence ofactualincidents~ Another question is whether to measure performance first-due station area or department wide. It is generally economically impracticalto cover10Q percent of the Jurisdictional territory equally. Generally, fire protection practitioners try to position stations to cover 90 percent oftheground in each first-'due area, to provide overlap for concentration, redundancy for multiple calls,and for equity of access for customer service, Response time measurements based on actual call loading are commonly set at80 to 90 percent of the calls within the first-due and concentration, areas. Once a performance target is set, the next question is to determine how many caHsoutside the targets is acceptable, Is it acceptable, for example, if historical measurements show an. 85 percent compliance rate with a 90. percent target, but the next five percent of calls are covered in just one additional minute? If the five percent deficiency arnountsto only 25 calls (out of 500) the gap mayor may not be significant. What if the deficiency amounted to 250 calls (out of 5o.OO)? 11 should be noted thaUhis criterion approachaUows for ten percent of the calls to be beyond a five minutes travel time over a given reporting period. This provides flexibility in theassessmel1t of 'coverage to cope with anomalies such as e>dra-ordinary response conditions such responding from out of district, odor delays c(;lused by simultaneous alarms. The first indication ora problem il1providing service is when a .numberof alarms that exceed the performance standard are documented. This mayor may not be function of new growth. Itcould ~E,' m<rrge, ncy Be" ,rvices ~ Consultinginc. 134 I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I II I, I It I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Lire Safety standards Of CoveralldOeployment Study be the,result of in-fill that causes a higher number ofalatms fQrthe qOl11pany than it can~ervice. This is especially true when alarms occur simultaneously. Moreover, when new areas develop that extend travel'times they do not automatically become the source of new alarms. In fact, newconstrUctibnoften has a peribdof severalyearsbefbre addin9 to fire $ervi<::e d~mand, The same Is not necessarily true from the perspeptiv~ of emergency medical service. When isa New Station Needed? The decision many communities face is determining, when additional stations are required to meet adopted response time goa.ls. Th~ problem comes in finciing aqlJantifiabl~threshold to determine that point for each specific situation because it variesfrbm community tocbmmuniW and even within a specific jurisdiction. The overall 'answer is part analytical,partprofeS$ional Judgment and part financial. The literature of the fire service today contains "little definitive' guidance on, how this, should beacqompHshed. Threegeheralsteps can be identified. . Idemtifyin{Jareas with rnininiUmcoverase · Identifying feasible locations fora neWfaeility lit Evaluating those locations usin{J sp~cificcriterion The criterion offered in this document is based upon a growing body of knowledge aimed at quantifying this process. It is unfortunate that there is no universally acceptable algorithm. The fire protection planning process does allow for an evaluation ofpotentiallossasareslJltof deteriorating response times. One form of measurement is to assess .the road and transportation network to" ascertain, the percentage of road mileage theoretically covered Within a set time criterion; Thisisaone using computer-based modeling that creates a polygon describing .,' the areas, ofc;o'{erage~ Areas outside the polygons represent areas where calculated response tirneis notadequate. As growth and development extends beyond the range of travel time of orlestation, the percentage of c(3l1s that exceedtheperformanqe requirem~nt b~gins to increase. It should be noted that growth; in and of itself, does not c,reat~ an instantaneous, deman,., d., ' Newc, onst,ruction . . .,.. .. ... .. ,'~, ',E, merge, ncy s., ervice$ ~ Cansulting,inc. 135 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study has the advantage of better codes, a higher level of owner interest,andlimited deterioration of fire-breeding c;onditions. A more subtle differenc;e is the fact that community demand for medical services is almost from day one of occupancy. Insh6rt. this means thatnew construction may plac;e more values and lives at risk, but the demand for service will increase incrementally. When qemand for service does begin, it will be based on two factors - nature of the occupancy and hazards that are present. Incident increase may first appear asa change in the performance of an existing company in the annual analysis of emergency calls. For example, if a station has 1,000 alarms and agO percent compliance rate with the response standard, there Would be about 100 alarms per year that werebeYQnd the goaL This would be the baseline for existing response performance. lfin the following year, the number of alarms was 1,200 and percentage dropped t08S percent, the statistics would be an indicator that the department was losing ground on response performance. If the change ,in the number of alarms' haq merely increased because of 'more calls ,in the same area and the response time percentage 'remained the same, the statistic;s' would bean indi~ator the department had tl}ecapaCity to handle the increased load. (An exception to, this rule occurs when a single company has such a high call volume that it cannot handle its calls without cailqueuing.}. When the alarm rate goes LJpand the performance goes down, the failure threshold may be approaching. As stated earlier, an;alysis needs tobe performed on the deficiency to determine hoW many of those incidents were handled in the first 60 seconds increment beyond the performance time; Based onactuCiI response time anCilysis, one threshold that needs to be considered is the increase in alarms and the percent' of calls handled under the adopted criterion. Anything more than a ten, percehtinc;reasein calls and a ten percent reduction in performance is ' a strong signalto evaluate the level of service being provided, In larger departments, most practitionersarefac;toring outnon~emergenc;y calls' and for actual incidentperfotl11ance, only lookingaf core emergencies. The definition of core can be made ,ifi\,',' ,'.. Em, e"rg",e, nay, . ssm, U;es ~ Consulting inc. 136 I I I I I I, I ~I I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I 1\ I I I I I' I I I I, I' Spriilgfield Flrean<l Life safety" Stal1datds Of Cover al1dDepJoyment Study locally based art riskandlmportance to the community, but they care usually structure fires and moderate to severe status EMS calls. In general,lf morethcln one measure is slipping, an evaluation of all Standards of Cover factors, along with the reason why the data issHpping, is required. A one-year snap-shot may not be valid ifthe agency had a big storm event, a major wildland fire, and stacked a bunch of calls for jLlst a single month or the year. What is ',almost always clear is that being slightly out Of the response standard range does not necessarily trigger a new facility. An historicaUncideht analysis approach does hot necessarily address what is actual/yat risk in terms of Hfeand property. As new buildings are constructed different types of firf:) and life safety risks develop they maydeserveequify in protection. New'properties are. usually safer than the older part of the community because they are constructed to a higher sfa ncl;3 rd. Modern mapping technology can assist in identifying community risk and values ,independent from historicalincideht analysis. One threshold that must be carefully monitored is the revenue stream that accrues from development. 'One functionof'government is,tocontrol,land'use and to create mechanisms for collepting taxes. New property owners are paying taxes, fees, and permits with an expectation for the level of service being provided. The tevehue stream should provide a threshold when different "elements of future fire stations can be determined. As the revenue stream in an area develops funds should become available for site' acquisition, treatment, and construction, This may be a multi"'year process. The threshold fotconstructionshould be to provide a hew fire station into any zC>l1einthe city or jurisdiction that has more than 35 to 50 percent of its parcels developed. Some of the secondary measures currently being used are 300 to 500 calls for service for any individUal fire company or a service population of 10,000 to Justify a full-time Paid company: The. following <criteric)n grid iIILJstrates a series of measures that may be useful deciding when a new firestati()n should, be deployed within a city. Similar grids could be developed to help establish triggers for the deployment ,of additional emergency equipment and personn.eL ~," E, m, erg"enc,Y Se, r."ViceS, ~ CQnsf,Lltinginc. 137 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of C'over and DeploymentStudy Figure 66: Criterion Table to Determine Woen aNew Sta~ionisNeeded Maintain status qUQ Temporary facilities and minimal staffing Permanent station needed Permanent statipn essential Enter focal information Risks 1.5 to 3.0 miles frqm existing station Risk locations exceeding 4.0 miles from the station Outlying risk locations exceeding 5.0 miles from the 1 st station 1st due company Enter/ocal response time 1st due company Exceeds 5-minutes travel time 10 percent of the time, but never exceeds 8 minutes. 1st due company Exceeds 5~minutes travel time20~25 percent of the time. Some calls greater than 8:00 Minutes. 1st due company Exceeds 5-minutes travel time 30 percent of the time. Some calls greater than 10 minutes. Enter existing.' Enter lac, al building'/ris, k. out of area calls inventory More than 10 percent Of calls are in adjacent area, More than 20- 25 percent of cflllsarein outlying area More than 30 percent of calls are in outlying area New area has 25 percent of SClme risk distribution as in' initial area NeW area has 35 percent of same. risk distributiol1 asio initial area of coverage New area has 50 percent of same risk distribution as in initial area The decision process has to be placed into thecol'1text of staffing pattern decisions. It is not uncommon to have a station constructed, and have the staffing pattern evolve over years from one system to another. In the case of as tat ion under consideration, it should be anticipated that a policy decision needs to be madewith respect to the staffing system to be used as soon as possible. It is anticipated that.a completely volunteer system would notbe viable for this type of facility. Conversely, a fully staffed paid company has a significant price tag to it A combination staffing system would seem to be the most practicalfof the first five years of consideration. These are the staffing configurations used 'in the matrices developed to describe thresholds and triggers that shauldbeevaluated in the future.. It generaUytakes multiple elements of the standards of coverage to be out-of-balance along with available economicresource$to justify an additional paid company or increasing staffing of one ormorecompanies. ~Em, ergen,CY S~rvices ~ Consulting inc. 138 'I I I II I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I, I I I: I I: I, II I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study AQpendix D: Financial Analvsis Purpose The purpose of this Appendix is to briefly review the SFLS budget and discuss the key elements of the deployment system necessary to estimate the cost of potential future deployment alternatives. The key elements include apparatus, command and support vehicles, personnel, inflation, and stations. Introduction Financial management policies of the City of Springfield (City) are the responsibility of the Springfield City Council and the City Manager's Office. The City finance department oversees the financial processes and procedures of the City. The finance department consists of 12 employees and provides long range financial projections, cash and investment management, debt administration, purchasing, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and payroll services for the City as a whole. The City uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance related legal requirements. The City observes a fiscal year budgetary cycle beginning on July 1 of each year. The Fire Chief submits a proposed fire department budget for inclusion and approval through the City's annual budget preparation process. The fire department is authorized to internally administer its adopted budget (with finance department oversight) within the limits of individual line items. All purchasing must be in accordance with City purchasing policies and rules. If purchasing is necessary outside of line item accounts, submittals are made through the Fire Chief. The fire department also administers three separate FireMed programs and performs ambulance billing services for 17 fire departments. Revenues and Expenditures The overall fire department budget is generally divided into two broad categories - fire and life safety services and ambulance services. Revenues are received from three general areas as indicted in Figure 67. The ambulance system is funded through an Enterprise Fund. As ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 139 Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study indicated, non-tax revenues account for 36 percent of the overall fire department's revenues source, of which 34 percent comes from ambulance system fees. Figure 67: Fire Department Revenue Sources Springfield Fire & Life Safety Revenue, 2006/07 Tax Revenues 8,985,560 64% Review & Inspection Fees 222,785 2% Ambulance System Fees 4,721,020 34% Tax revenues are calculated based on the assessed value of the City of Springfield and three contract service areas adjacent to the City; Glenwood Water District, Rainbow Water District and the Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District. While the exact formula varies slightly for each contract area, the formulas are generally based on the percentage of assessed value in each area to the total assessed value of the overall protection area. Figure 68: Contract Service Area Revenue Aaencv Contract Amount Glenwood Water District $156,110 Rainbow Water District $881,995 Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District $166,247 Total Contract Value $1,204,352 The overall operating budget of the fire department can be modeled using three general classifications including personnel, material and services, and capital outlay as shown in Figure 69 below. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 140 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It I I I I I I Ii II Ii I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 69: Operating Budget Distribution Springfield Fire & Life Safety Operating Budget, 2006/07 Personnel 11,515,133 82% Material & Services 2,214,230 16% .I Capital Outlay 326,139 2% Personnel cost, which includes salaries, benefits, and overtime, dominate the operating budget as is typical in urban fire and emergency medical systems. The labor intensive nature of fire and emergency medical services drives this distribution of overall service delivery cost. The budget includes allocations to reserve funds for the purchase of ambulances and some staff vehicles but not for fire service apparatus (engines, aerials, medic units etc). The budget also includes interdepartmental charges for services administered by other City departments such as risk management, property/casualty insurance, claim administration and other general administrative support service not otherwise included in the line item budget of the fire department. Calculating the Public Cost of Service Determining the cost of fire and emergency medical service to a community is an important element of the financial evaluation and planning process. By knowing the cost of the service as it exists, and predicting the cost of that service after organizational changes are made, alternative fire and EMS models may be more fairly judged. To this end, a computer-driven baseline estimation of the SFLS service cost during fiscal year 2006/07 has been developed. This baseline is expressed as an equivalent tax rate in dollars per $1,000 of assessed value. The estimate provides a scale by which to measure the status quo against proposed system changes. The model projects cost based on jobs and programs. Therefore, changes to personnel and/or programs that may affect the bottom line are able to be ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 141 ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting mc. 142 I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I II I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study calculated more accurately. A comparison of the cost yields a means to evaluate the financial affects of various alternatives. The adaptation of a fire department budget to estimate public cost requires certain conventions and assumptions. Specifically, the current budget of the agency is reformatted, often combining line items expenditures of different governmental funds to reflect a total public service cost. The process groups all expenses into three major classifications; personal services, materials and services, and capital outlay. These classifications are subdivided to permit the tracking of a program cost (such as fringe benefits, maintenance). All jobs are indexed in each department to relevant compensation levels, and salary rates to reflect full annual full cost. In some instances, as may be appropriate, an estimate is added to recognize the cost of municipal overhead service that are not included in the specific fire department budget. Non-tax revenues specific to the fire department (such as fees for service) are identified. Revenue is corrected to allow for accumulation of cash, and the averaged expenditure of contingencies, if any. The goal is to negate the effect of either cash accrual or expenditure to show the true level of tax support required to maintain a given level of service. Adjusted revenues are subtracted from expenditures to yield an estimate of the general operating tax requirements. The resultant sum calculates the amount of public tax support required to sustain the current given level of fire and emergency medical services regardless of the source of the tax revenues. It is important to emphasize that this analysis provides a snapshot estimate of the public tax cost for the current budget year. There are many forces that may act to change that level in the future including changes in law, revenue, politics, or contracts. This process uses current revenue and appropriations to generate an estimate of the level of tax support required. This analysis is not intended to predict actual or future actual tax rates. This analysis of the fire department budget is detailed in Figure 70. The calculated tax support rate, as indicated in the last line of the table, is $2.48. An obvious and significant benefit that keeps the tax rate down is the high percentage of non-tax revenue generated by the ambulance service and miscellaneous fire prevention activity fees. I I I I I I I I I I I; I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study f" 70 M did B d t & T R t Igure . o ee ulge ax ae . Springfield Fire Safety Expenses Amount 1. Salaries & Benefits $11,388,996 2. Materials & Services $2,214,230 3. Capital Outlav $326,139 4. Total Expenses $13,929,365 Revenue 5. Non-Tax Revenue $4,943,805 Calculated Tax Rate 6. Assessed Value $3,627,308,602 7. Modeled Budget $13,929,365 8. Minus Non-Tax Revenue $4,943,805 9. Calculated Tax Support $8,985,560 Equivalent Tax Rate $2.48 Population is another important component in the overall fire protection equation. The trouble with comparing cost by jurisdictional population is that such numbers do not necessarily take into account the transient population that moves into, out of, and through a community. Fluctuations can vary widely by time of day, day of week or season. Figure 71 shows the 2005 population figures for the Springfield fire service area. Note that the table does not include the population of the Ambulance Service Area outside the primary fire protection area where the population is estimated to be another 20,000. f" 71 2 Igure . 005 Population Estimates Jurisdiction Population Springfield City 56,370 Glenwood Water District 1,328 Rainbow Water District 5,214 Willakenzie Fire Protection District 1,938 Total Population of Service Area 64,850 With this disclaimer, Figure 72 illustrates the per capita cost of SFLS compares favorably with other fire departments of similar population in the western United States. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting mc. 143 1- ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 144 I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Figure 72: Tax Cost per Capita Comparison of SFLS Tax Cost per Capita 1 $160 ~ iC $140 ,/' ,/ ~ $120 ..( /' $100 /' $80 $60 $40 ' $20 $- Typical Career Range Springfield Experience has shown that it is very common for the cost of fire protection to exceed $100 per capita in urban settings, trending up over $150. The higher cost in urban areas is a function of the level of sophistication required by the community (full career staff, paramedic services, technical rescue services, and fully funded prevention programs). The per capita cost can be very high in areas, unlike Springfield, where the EMS system is totally tax supported or there is a very low ratio of residential population to community risk. Apparatus Replacement and Funding The number and types(s) of apparatus is determined by the number of stations, nature of incidents and the number of administrative personnel who require transportation as part of their job responsibilities. The requirement for specialized, technical apparatus, and/or reserve apparatus is minimized by participation in the regional automatic aid system in which support from neighboring agencies can be expected. Figure 73 lists the current emergency apparatus inventory by station assignment. Note that certain specialty units are staffed by the regular station staffing on an as needed basis. The non-staffed units are reserve and/or second out units. , I, I I I I I I I I I I I' I , I I, I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study b Figure 73: Aooaratus Assignments IY Station Station Apparatus Type Unit 10 Number Staffing 1 Engine 811 3 Medic Unit 819 2 Medic Unit 829 --- 2 Quint (Engine/Ladder) 824 3 Tender'2500 oal. 826 Cross- staffed ~ Interface Engine 821 Cross- Staffedm 3 Engine 831 3 Medic Unit 839 2 Medic Unit 849 --- 4d Engine 841 " 3 ~ Reserve Engine 842 --- 5 Engine 851 3 Aerial 100ft. 854 Cross- staffed Heavy Rescue 858 Cross- staffed Medic Unit 859 2 Medic Unit 869 --- The fire department and City prepared a proposed vehicle replacement and funding schedule which includes emergency vehicles, ambulances and support staff vehicles in 2006. The plan has not officially been adopted at this time. Ambulance replacement is accomplished on an annual basis through the regular fire department budget process. Fire apparatus and support staff vehicles are purchased through the City's capital replacement program on an as needed basis. This process is acceptable as long as there is a sustained financial commitment to follow a well established plan. Figure 74 shows the life expectancy and average replacement cost for different types of apparatus based on common industry averages. Many departments, based on their local experience, use shorter life expectancy periods. Actual life expectancy and replacement cost will depend on many factors including use, manufacture, maintenance, and vehicle features. ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 145 ,-- ~Emergency SeroiL:es ~ Consulting mc. 146 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Fi ure 74: A A aratus T Ambulance Light Rescue Truck Med Rescue Truck Commercial Engine Custom Engine Tender Ladder Wildland (Type 4/5) Quint (Engineffruck) Squad Command Vehicle and Re lacement Cost Re lacement Cost $155,000 $125,000 $300,000 $275,000 $385,000 $200,000 $775,000 $100,000 $550,000 $410,000 $45,000 Figure 75 provides an estimate of the annual required funding to maintain the fire department's current fleet of emergency apparatus. The annual fund contribution column represents the straight line annual depreciation cost based on the current age, life expectancy and replacement cost of each apparatus. The annual cost will be larger if shorter life expectancy periods are used. The current cash requirement column represents the total incurred annual depreciation through 2007. Note that this table does not include an allocation for support staff vehicles. I ~ure : ~pparatus eplacement osts REPLACEMENT ANNUAL FUND CURRENT CASH UNIT YEAR COST CONTRIBUTIONS REQUIREMENTS 811 1999 $385,000 $25,667 $205,333 819 2006 $155,000 $15,500 $15,500 829 1996 $155,000 NA $155,000 824 2001 $550,000 $27,500 $165,000 826 1998 $200,000 $10,000 $90,000 821 1997 $275,000 $13,750 $137,500 831 2004 $385,000 $25,667 $77,000 839 2001 $155,000 $15,500 $93,000 849 2001 $155,000 $15,500 $93,000 803 2006 $45,000 $4,500 $4,500 841 2004 $385,000 $25,667 $77,000 842 1989 $385,000 NA $385,000 851 1995 $385,000 $25,667 $308,000 854 2002 $775,000 $31,000 $155,000 858 1997 $300,000 $15,000 $150,000 859 2005 $155,000 $15,500 $31,000 869 1996 $155,000 NA $155,000 TOTALS $5,000,000 $266,417 $2,296,833 f" 75 A R C I I: I I I I I I I, I, I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study Based on this analysis, the estimated annual contribution to fully fund the replacement of the fire department's emergency apparatus is $266,417. The current cash requirement is $2,296,833. The replacement of support staff vehicle will be in addition to these totals. Incremental Resource Additions An important element in evaluating future deployment options is estimating the startup and ongoing incremental cost of adding new resources to the fire department. Based on the current deployment, the analysis in this study and other factors that may develop the City may wish to expand and/or strengthen its response capabilities in the future. Such options could include: 1. Increased staffing on existing engines or trucks 2. Staffing of an existing engine/truck that is currently cross staffed 3. Addition of additional engines or trucks 4. Increased staffing during peak activity periods 5. Relocation of existing stations using existing apparatus and staffing 6. Addition of new stations with associated apparatus and staffing Addina Additional Enaine or Truck Companies One of the funds in the current 2006/07 fiscal year budget is a Local Option Levy27 which includes the cost of operating one three-person engine company. It does not include the annual replacement cost of the engine. Based on this information, the incremental cost of maintaining a company (engine or truck) is $1,124,311. The annual cost of the apparatus would be estimated from the apparatus tables provided above. Another approach to estimating the incremental cost of adding resources is to determine the incremental cost based on the calculated budget presented in Figure 70 above. The incremental cost of this approach is about $120,000 higher. The difference is centered on how the number of personnel, overtime, and benefits are modeled. Based on the modeled calculations, the ratio is 1.19 to 1. The determination of needed staffing requires an evaluation of the actual number of hours firefighters are scheduled to work minus the amount of leave time that must be covered 27 The first levy vote was Nov, 2002 with the levy running July 2003 - June 2007. The second levy vote was Nov. 2006 with the levy running July 2007 - June 2011. ~Eme1Yency Services ~ Consulting me. 147 ~Emergency SeTllu:es ~ Consulting mc. 148 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study by overtime. Figure 76 compares the cost of a single three-person company based on the budgeted local option levy and the modeled calculated cost. The difference between the two methods is just under one percent. Addinq Additional Personnel The following table shows the calculated model incremental cost of adding additional positions in each of the emergency operations positions based on the current salary and benefits schedules at this time. Future costs will be impacted by negotiated and/or mandated changes in salary and benefit packages. ure 77: Avera e Cost b Position Sala Benefits $80,292 $50,596 $76,884 $37,379 $68,785 $28,982 $68,868 $33,335 Total $130,888 $114,263 $97,767 $102,203 Facilities While this report does not identify the need for additional stations in the foreseeable future, it does suggest the relocation of two stations (Stations 2 and 4). As noted in other sections of this report, the cost of building a new relocated station may be significant, but it does not increase ongoing operating costs in that additional apparatus and personnel are not required. Old stations may be sold or, in some cases, used effectively for the storage of reserve fire apparatus and/or logistical supplies. Fire stations should be viewed not only as a garage for vehicles and housing for firefighters, but as hubs from which community fire and life safety services are provided. There are numerous national standards and regulations that require attention in the design of modern fire stations. The National Fire Protection Association, Occupational Safety and Health, and the Department of Homeland Security are three key reference sources. Consideration must also be given to the I I I I I I I I, I I I I I, I I I I, I I Springfield Fire and Life Safety Standards Of Cover and Deployment Study functional needs of administrative, living, training, equipment and supply storage, and the parking of apparatus (including reserve and special purpose vehicles). In many communities, meeting space is incorporated into the fire stations to serve the dual purpose of providing space for training and meetings by neighborhood groups. Construction costs can vary widely depending on size, location, style, and environmental considerations. Square foot costs can reach as high as $250. The City has actively and continues to evaluate space requirements for the fire department. 28 The reader is encouraged to review this structural and architectural study as well as other ongoing processes. Inflation Inflation is another important consideration when forecasting long-term operational cost. For the purposed of this study, ESCi used the consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) during the period from 1997 through 2006 in the Western region as compiled by the U.S. Department of Labor. Figure 78 summarizes the CPI-U during the last ten years and shows the average rate of inflation for the area. Inflation averaged about 2.70 percent over the ten-year period and only slightly less at 2.57 percent over the last five-year period. The cumulative affect of these averages indicate that the cost of the current operating system will increase by inflation alone between 62 and 66 percent by 2025. Figure 78: CPI-U Trend, 1997-2006 CP/-U Trend: West Urban 1997 - 2006 4.00% 3.50% 3.00% 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% ~~""U-I' 1.00% . ", __'D." ... -.- 5.Yr Avg ! 0.50% " , 0.00% 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 28 Bentley, Paul L., Architect, AlA, P.C, <<A Rough Draft Space Needs Study for the Springfield Fire & Life Safety Department", January 2000, ~Emergency Services ~ Consulting inc. 149