HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/23/2007 Regular City of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2007 The City of Springfield Council met in regular session in the Umpqua Room, McKenzie- Willamette Hospital, 1460 G Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, April 23, 2007 at 6:04 p.m., with Council President Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Council President Lundberg and Councilors Wylie, Ballew, Ralston, Woodrow and Pishioneri. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Interim Assistant City Manager Mike Harman, City Attorney Joe Leahy and members of the staff. Mayor Leiken was absent (excused). PUBLIC HEARINGS - Please limit comments to 3 minutes. Request to speak cards are available at the City Recorder's. Please present cards to City Recorder. Speakers may not yield their time to others. 1. Request from Springfield Economic Development Agency for City's Property Options in Glenwood. RESOLUTION NO. 07-14 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ASSIGNMENT OF CERTAIN OPTION AGREEMENTS AND AGREEMENTS OF PURCHASE AND SALE TO THE SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY. AN URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, AND THE AGENCY'S SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. Community Development Manager John Tamulonis presented the staff report on this item. The City Attorney's Office requests the Council hold a Public Hearing regarding the requested assignment of 18 Glenwood Property Options. Exhibit A of Attachment 1 lists the 18 total property options signed by owners in the Glenwood area with the City of Springfield. The resolution authorizes the City Manager to sign documents authorizing the assignment of the City of Springfield's Glenwood Property Options in to the Springfield Economic Development Agency for the Glenwood Riverfront area. SEDA's obtaining the options from the City was anticipated. SEDA would likely negotiate any agreement with a developer regarding the property options. Consequently, SEDA should cover the costs of the options and have them within that Agency's portfolio. Approving this assignment would result in SEDA's reimbursing all costs the City has incurred relative to obtaining and extending the options. The total cost of the options ($81,000) includes signing options for an initial period ($54,000) and for extending several options beyond the initial period ($27,000). Recording, shipping, legal fees, and other related costs have not yet been totaled but would be recovered from SEDA through the City's service contract with SEDA. City of Springfield Council Special Regular Meeting Minutes April 23, 2007 Page 2 Mr. Grimaldi said this could be perceived as a transfer of property. This was why counsel had recommended tonight's public hearing to get any citizen input before taking action. Council President Lundberg opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Council President Lundberg closed the public hearing. Councilor Woodrow asked if the amount of the options was the amount budgeted for this purpose in SEDA's budget. Mr. Tamulonis said SEDA had budgeted more money than was spent for options and property. Councilor Ballew asked if they would be discussing what to do with the properties during the SEDA meeting. Mr. Tamulonis said that was correct. Councilor Wylie conftrmed that this action was just to transfer the options. Mr. Tamulonis said that was correct. The SEDA Board could accept or reject the transfer from the City and could discuss it further. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR LUNDBERG WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 07-14. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:08 p.m. Minutes Recorder Amy Sowa Attest: o ~ City~r . ..