HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 11 (See Item 01 for attachments) Proposed Amendments to the Metropolitan Area General Plan Diagram and the Springfield Zoning Map May 7, 2007 Work Session/Regular Development Services Staff Contact: Gary M. Karp G/lv<'ALl S P R I N G FIE L D Staff Phone No: 726-3777 "'Jtj"'IJ C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Estimated Time: 30/60 minutes ITEM TITLE: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM AND THE SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP. Hold a work session to discuss the proposed Metro Plan diagram and Springfield Zoning Map amendments and open the public hearing continued from April 16 for a . first reading of: Meeting Date: Meeting Type: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION: Department: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM BY REDESIGNATING 56 ACRES FROM CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL TO: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL; MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL/NODAL DEVELOPMENT AREA; AND COMMERCIAL/NODAL DEVELOPMENT AREA ON LAND LOCATED NORTH OF MARCOLA ROAD AND WEST OF 28TH/31sT STREETS. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP BY REZONING 56 ACRES FROM CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL TO: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL; MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL; AND MIXED USE COMMERCIAL ON LAND LOCATED NORTH OF MARCO LA ROAD AND WEST OF 28TH/31sT STREETS. The applicant's intent is to obtain the proper Metro Plan designations and zoning on 100.3 acres to allow the construction of a phased mixed-use residential and commercial development within a nodal development area (80.7 acres) called the Villages at Marcola Meadows. The applicant must also obtain Master Plan approval and then, individual Site Plan and Subdivision approval. Attachment 1: Planning Commission Order and Recommendation Attachment 2: Differences Between 2001 and 2007 Attachment 3: Ordinance Amending the Metro Plan Diagram Attachment 4: Ordinance Amending the Springfield Zoning Map .' Attachment 5: Written Materials Entered into the Planning Commission Record Attachment 6: March 27, 20'07 Planning Commission Packet Attachment 7: April 17, 2007 Planning Commission Packet Attachment 8: April 17,.2007 Planning Commission Draft Minutes Attachment 9: Spickerman's Concerns About a "De Novo" Public Hearing The subject site was formerly known as the "Pierce" property. The current Metro Plan designations and zoning are: Campus Industrial (56 acres), Medium Density Residential (35.7 acres) and Community Commercial (8.6 acres). The applicant requests approval of a: Type II Metro Plan diagram amendment to change the 56 acre Campus Industrial designation to: Community Commercial (11 acres); Medium Density Residential/Nodal Development Area (19 acres); and Commercial/Nodal Development Area (26 acres); and amendment of the Springfield Zoning Map from Campus Industrial to Community Commercial, Mixed Use Commercial and Medium Density Residential (same acreages). Both applications are interrelated; they both must be approved because of the required consistency between the Metro Plan designation and zoning. All issues related to the effects of the proposed develop- ment on neighboring properties raised during the Planning Commission public hearing are issues that will be addressed during the Master Plan review process, a condition of approval of these applications, which will be reviewed by the Planning . Commission at a future public hearing. The Master Plan will contain proposed mitigations to positively respond to the issues raised by the neighbors. In making their decision on these applications, the City Council should consider if: the City will be better served by converting Campus Industrial land to Commercial and Multi- family Residential; Springfield's citizens, especially the neighbors, can be assured that a "quality" development will be constructed over time; and whether the removal of the Campus Industrial designation can be absorbed or should be offset by a commensurate addition of Campus Industrial designation elsewhere in the City as an element of the upcoming commercial/industrial land supply demand analysis.