HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting Miscellaneous 2/1/2005 (2) , ' " "t!, " AGENDA COVER MEMO " " DATE: February 1, 2005 Planning Commission Meeting Date .. TO: JOINT EUGENE/SPRlNGFIELDILANKCOUNTY PLANNING COMMISSIONERS " FROM: KENT HOWE, PLANNING DIRECTOR LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION 'AGENDA ITEM TITLE: IN THE MATTER OF AMENDING THE EUGENE- SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN POLICIES TO CLARIFY AND PROVIDE GREATE~ FLEXIBILITY IN SERVICE DELIVERY FOR A PUBLIC SAFETY SPECIAL DISTRICT, (METRO PLAN GROWTH MANAGEMENT POLICY 15, PAGE IIeBe5 OR PERIODIC RJ?VIE\V'REVISED METRO PLAN PAGE II-Cc5), I. MOTION: RECOMMEND THE EUGENE/SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA ELECTED OFFICIALS ADOPT THE METRO PLAN GROWTH MANAGEMENT POLICY 15 AMENDMENT TO PROVIDE GREATER FLEXIBILITY IN SERVICE DELIVERY FOR A PUBLIC SAFETY SPECIAL DISTRICT. II. IS~VE OR PROBLEM On August 25, 2005, the Board of Gounty'Commissionersinitiateda Metro Plan amendment (Order 04-8-25-8) to provide greatedlexibility for service delivery in'the Eugene/Springfield Metro Area. ' III. DISCUSSION A. BACKGROUND The Eugene/Springfield Metro Plan (Metro Plan) Chapter II Growth-Management Policy 15 provides the requirements for the creation of new special. service districts ' within the Plan Boundary of the Metro Plan. This policy was adopted prior to the changes to local government financing that resulted from the passage of Ballot Measures 5, 47 and 50, These changes have drastically affected the Lane County General FUnd ability to finance public safety. Consequently, public safety services are not able to ,keep, u, p with the needs of Lane County citizens, IJAlh iEsi~d . d' outside the Metro Plan. , . " , " Uale HeCelVe 'FEB 0 1 zooE)j \ . 1~ Planner: BJ " I The goal of this policy amendment is to authorize a new financing vehicle without ,undenilining the compact urban,growth policies of the Metro Plan, ' B. ANALYSIS Pursuant to Lane Code Chapter 12, the proposed amendment is a Type I Metro Plan amendment because it is a non-site specific amendment of the PIan text A Metro Plan text Type I amendment must be approved by all three governi~g bodies, The applicable criteria for approval.of a Metro Plan'text Type I amendment are: a) The amendment must be consistent with the relevant statewide plarullng goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission; and b) Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent ",'. 1) Consistency with relevant sta~ewide planning goals: . Goal 1 - Citizen Involvement Develop a citizen involvement program that in.sureMhe opportunity for citizens to be involved in aU phases of the planning process, \. Public notice has been provided pursuant to Lane Code requirements. The Metro Planning Commissions are conducting a public bearing February I st to involve citizens and solicitpublic comment on the draft amendments. Subsequent to. the Joint Planning Commission Public Hearing, the Metro Area elected officials will also conduct ajoint public hearing which will also involve the public and solicit public comment The elected officials will consider the public input in the action they take on the draft Metro Plan amendment , -. - . Goal 2 - Land Use Planning , To establish a land use planning process and policy framework as a,basisfor aU' . decisions and aCtions related to :use of land and to assure an adequate factual base for such decisions and actions, The Metro Plan policy amendment is 15eing considered under the framework of Lane Code Chapter 12, Metro Plan Amendment Process which requires consistency with therelevant statewide planning goals andinternalconsistency within the Metro Plan. · Goal 3 - Agricultural Lands - Not relevant . ,Goal4 - Forest Lands - Not relevant · GoalS - Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Areas - Not relevant · Goal 6 - Air, Water and Land Resources Quality - Not Rele'fll\1t . R . d · Goal 7 ~ Natural Hazards " Not Relevant uate ecelve .--. FEB 0 1 zoo~l 2 Planner: BJ " . Goal 8 ~ Recreational Needs -Not Relevant Goal 9 - Economic DevelopineAt - Not Rele~ant Goal 10 - Housing ,- Not Relevant . . . Goai 11- Public Facilities and Services " .... I To plan and develop a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities ~ . . and'services to serve as aframeworkfor urban and rlfral development.' , , ", Urban services refers to the appropriate type iilld leveJ'ofpolice protection. The . proposed Metro Plan amendment is specifically.addressing the orderly and efficient arrangement of provision for public services for urban and rural development ~ithin ihe realities of the clJl1entfinancing constraints, . 'Goal 12 - Transportation - Not Relevant . . Goal 13 ~ Energy Conservation - Not.Relevant . . Goal 14 - Urbanization To provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural to, urban land use, The proposed public safety service district is not a growth inducing service thatwill encourage urban scatteration and sprawL Statewide Goal 11 and the Public Facility Rule ,recognize water, wastewater, stormwater and transportation services or facilities as the drivers of the urban growth form. . Goal 15 - Willamette Greenway - Not Relevant . Goal 16 - Estuarine Resources - Not Relevant I' ...- . Goal 17 - Coastal Shorelands -, Not Relevant . Goal 18 - Beaches and Dunes - Not Relevant . Goal 19 ~Ocean Resources " Not Relevant Conclusion: The proposed Metro Plan amendment is'consistentwiththe relevant statewide planning goals adopted by the Land Conservation and "Development C.ommission. " 2) Internal consistency within Metro Plan The Metro Plan Public Facility and S~rvices Policies recognize water, wastewater, . stonnwater and transportation services or facilities ,\S the drivers of the urban growth form. The Metro Plan Growth Management and Special Service District Policies were developed to guide city development and provide more uniform and orderly sef'llices on.the urban fringe. This proposed public safety service district is nota growth inducing service that will encourage urban scatteration ano~I.Received " .' ,", FEB 0 1 ZOO5: Planner: BJ 3 , " Service districts o~ other entities within 'the Metro Plan are currently providing transit, schools, parks, fire and EMS, electric, water, communication, either directly or through contract. Lane County is already providing (or has in the past) the following public safety services countywide: .. . adult and youth' corrections services . prosecution . detention' . superviSIOn' . mental health arid alcohol and drug services for offenders . drug court. . interagency narcotics enforcement . patrol . investigation . arrest In many cases Lane County is the exclusive provider. In some cases services are provided by contnict and IGAs to assistthe city and county citizens, C. CONCLUSION ~.j This policy has been coordinated with the Public Safety providers and will. enhance and will not detract from the public services pro video by Eugene and Springfield. This policy does not weaken the position of-Eugene and Springfield relative to the growth management policies or their ability to annex land or to control the proliferation of other new special districts, ' Therefore, the Metro Plan should no,t preclude these public safety'services from being provided by special service districts. The proposed amendment to Metro f[an Growth Management Policy 15 is found to be internally consistent with the Metro Plan Policies and the Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines. D. ALTERNATIVE/OPTIONS ;r I, Recorrunendthe Eugene/Springfield/LaneCounty Elected Officials Adopt Ordinance No. PA 1221 as proposed . 2. Recommend the Eugene/Springfield/Laile County Elected Officials Modify Ordinance No. PA 1221. 3. Recommend the Eugene/Springfield/Lane County Electe<i Officials not Adopt Ordinance No. PA 1221. '.. " Date Received 4 FEB 01 Z005; ~, Planner: BJ \ RECOMMENDATION ., Alternative 1. IV. ATTACHMENTS: ,I"~ 1. Attachment A - Draft Metro Plan Growth Management Policy 15.f. 2. Attachment B - Findings in Support 3, Attachment G - Metro Plan Chapt<;:r II. C, '5, Growth Management Policies . 4, Attachment D - Register Guard Editorial, November 23, 2004 , I , . '. _ 5 - " Date Received FEB 0 1 zoa~ Planner: BJ I, Attachment A Metro Plan Amendment Proposal to, Growth Management Policy 15 Existing Metro Plan page II-B-5/Periodic Revie\V revised Metro Plan "age II-C-5 Policy 15. Creation of new special service distrjct . , . , f. Not withstanding the above provisions of this policy and all other related policies and text in this Plan, a,district or zone of benefit,ip3.Y be created and maintained to provide public safety services, including but not limited to, adult and youth corrections services, , prosecution, detention, supervision, mental health and alcohol and drug services for offenders, drug court, interagency narcotics enforcement? patrol, investigation and arrest. " > , ' " 6 Date Received FEB 0 1 200~ Planner: BJ