HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 11/12/2007 GUARD PUBLISHING COMPANY P.O, BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 , EUGENE, OREGON 97440 # AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, } ss. I, Kelly Gant , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that 1 am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for one successive and ,consecutive Day(s) in the following issues: November 12, 2007 t---- Subscribed and affi ed to before me this November 13, 2007 ;]~ hsh7 0=/1 Notary Public of Oregon : -\Noti~oipub.lfc' Hearii1gs":~'l: Spnngfield. Planmng Commission' , . andSprin!1fieldClty"CoiiiiCiI" . ;; NOTI~E -/S; HEREBY, GIVEN, that I ~~~.~prlngfield PlannlngCommis- slOn.land:SpringfieldICitY-;CciiiriCiJ wilr;-;-'(;l!~d_uctr"'sepaJ.atefijjiiblic h~armgs l!!!the forrowinif.~f<i(:;t ~_Ame~~ments _~ to"''"1tfie'':Spring_ fierd:_~eyeIO.DmentCade;:Chapter ],~S~ronT 3.]..a25!'Urbiriiza~le ~nngel pverlay; { Chapter;: 5,-,_~e_c" tlon ~.1;140,Type'IV Procedures' S~~~~5,4-19P_ Development Ap: phcatlons;:tand\Section;'S.1,_lOO through5.H60i\_nnexations.~The p~rpose' of these, amenainenti,' is: to 'comply ~~ 'oYith ~ Senate ~ Bill' 4171 w~ich;~bol~he(tile lane'CoUlity~ l!lcal, ~;:~_l?'!l!r:nment! '~'BoulidaIy' C.~mm!sslo~.'!.and t ~elegate(/ ;, the~ 1I.!ltmn:ity, to, approve annexations' to.the:C~;of,Sp"riiigfield.:These' amell~l!!~ntsJ_id~ntify the: p~c_eSsI to. be_~sedfOr cons/denll!;! ailnelC~: a~loll_~the,crtteriaofapprovaJfor! il;n~exationS,land -ce'rtain-:;defini~1 ti~nsjtthat~appJy;<to -the.;:type; m!!th~diJ,or<icircumstarices':that! ~escnbl1 ~e anllexatjo~.~;:i;~+.i! ..A.lso, amendments,"to '_ thej Spnngfield ":Development, 'Code'" Chapter'" 3; _~'~ectlori ~.: 3.2-21li' ~chedule of Us_e);at~orfes;'Sec_ tron,U-21S,Base Zone Develop: ment,S_tandards;-,:SeCtforf3.2.230 CJuster.~Subdivlsioris;. 'Section 3.].g1~ Appli<<;abHity; Chilpter.4; Ta~le~ ,4.2-3;,~, SectIOn '4.2-140 St~~t_: !re-es;",ISection '~4.6~135 l~adlllg Areas; Section 4.&-145 Bicycle Parking-::"FClcilitY Design- Section,~.6~150 BIcycle ParXlng: Number. of Spaces r~quired. Sec" ti_~n:c 4..1; 195.~ Public/Privat~':'l: EI! e!!len~ry~jddle1Scliools;lChap_ ter 5"S~ctlOn.'5.12-12.Q_Tentative Plan' t Submittal~: RequirementS. and~ Section' 5.17: 1.20~ Submittai Requiremellts;-::The .i,purpose'_, of t,heseamendmen.tS:islto'i:ortect scribner's errors',that were found after ~doption of Or:dinance ~6206; ~ffective:on!Septembet17'2007. which" reforri1atted;-t~~Spring': field Development C~t. ~2.~\ t My commission expires: July 24, 2010 Date Received . NOV in.]20~:r Account #: INVOICE Case: Amt Due: 1000218 9997242 Amendments to the Springfie,cplanl'1eurtcBd $240.79 '.', iPLrN rA1pO{//tJ1J /&J;~G6 Leg.al 9997242 NotIce V dJ- I 2,'100 Z ~r:The',Springfield Planning Com- mission twill conduct the initial publiC '~ea.rillg toaccept~teSti. ma~,.:on ,these Code.;,amend~ ments on TueSday, Novernber,20; 2007,aH:OO,ji.m..in',the.Council CharnDfrs'- -,of "~ Sp~ri9field _;1 City Hall,'225 FifthStreet"Springfield 011 97477 ..The ',City L Cou~cit '"will c-ondui:ta.publichea'ring'(lntl1_ese- Code .'amendmentS" inAfie"same IOCationo.nMorid~.o.#,?_tpj.;r,3" "~007, at 7.00 p.m. "" '~.'~ .; ~~A:COPY of ,the staff'notes'.for this~raposalwill be availiibl~for" viewIllQ.or'purchase:on Tuesday,' November 13; 2007i~ the'Devel: opment Services Departrrient, 225 Fifth :'Street,?:lISpringfieldjl:~OR 97477. . You~may,.a1so:'viewl,this proposal at theDeveloPll1e_nt5er~' vices Web ~ite at: \ S~ft-\.'llU~' 'j :.C~ttp:llwwW.ci.springfield.or.:.: ~r,;.uS/dsdiPlanning/index.htm '. '~ ,r.:IAnyonei:wishinQ~to~.testify" an thiSi'matter'1mav ,do)so~,.bv~,ap-: pearing: at, the",time~an~.,:plaC1! Iden1:ffied"earti_er;:in,,:thisi:notice and providinQ:oraL,testimoriy; or b~,submitting written:cOrTespon: 'dence,to.the:'Clty~_of:Spiingfield C!o'thec'DevelopmeJrt'-,Services Department,' 225';,; Fifth~_Street; springfield; OIL97477:';.The1City must: receive all:writterl~.materi- aI_s noWefthii1 5:00 p-:ni.'iin-the !!veni,ng Of,eithe(;heari-,ig:;JThe_ City4?r.Sprhigfi.!!.I~fic.cepts..fax a_nd~e-mail .correspondence as testiriianY'J5ubjectlta-'t~e~~e deadlines!iS.conventional,corre: spo-ridenc-e,';Written tcommf!llt:S and:oral:teStimonyishouldlbe di~ rected' to, the:'J.folliiwingelCode amendment criteria'of Chapter 5, Section 5.6-115.' tif the_ Springfiehl ,Development Code:.Qt1I,'jntaH "I. ,Confomlallce,with the\~ ,-, J; ,~:. MetrO.~I.Clll;:1~~,.:it.i;J .ii_2,j,C.onformance_with'1"F"J ~ 11;.:, ;,;. !lPpli~l~ .s!ate ~~~~~; t ;"';j< and..,.~,1.th:.,~.:t,~'f.1,'I~ ,~ ~3:.Confoi1nance appli9ib1_e . 4 ~. State:wide,Ptannlng Goals ~ ~t......f' 'and'Administrativl!,R,ules.i, 7:1.f.'you.'have;any~questlons or wish,' I"aaditianal- 'lIifanTtCltion-: ipleasecallor.:visi.t)he.~velorF ment Services"Departinent,~,225 Fifth_.,:: Street,'. . Springfield: j OR 97477, telephone"'(S41},72&-3759;' Inquiriesshouldrbeisent'ta',Greg Mott,tPlannlngManager,I\;!'?I~!\,; - ~:!:'::',~i'l~"'~~~~",:::m-~-,'';.' No: 9997242;'NovembCr 12,'2001 J OFFICIAL SEAL BABS FORD NUTARY PUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 407232 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 24,2010 , y"h w. -h {l,G; hJ/~ No-v~rr:;OO7 e u.f.''J-S ~w '. Notice of Public Hearings Springfield Planning Commission and Springfield City <?oimcil NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Springfield Planning Commission and Springfield City Council will conduct separate public hearings on the following: Amendments to the Springfield Development Code, Chapter 3, Section'3.3-825 Urbanizable Fringe Overlay; Chapter 5, Section 5.1-140 Type IV Procedures; Section 5.4-100 DeVelopment Applications; and Section 5.7-100 through 5.1-160 Annexations. The purpose of these amendments is to comply with Senate Bill 417 which abolished the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission and delegated the authority to approve annexations to the City of Springfield. These amendments identifY the process to be used for considering annexations, the criteria of approval for annexations and certain definitions that apply to the type, method or circumstances that describe the annexation. Also, amendments to the Springfield Development Code, Chapter 3, Section 3.2-210 Schedule of Use Categories; Section 3.2-215 Base Zone Development Standards; Section 3.2-230 Cluster Subdivisions; Section 3.3-910 Applicability; Chapter 4, Table 4.2-3; Section 4.2-140 Street Trees; Section' 4.6-135 Loading Areas; Section 4.6-145 Bicycle Parking - Facility Design; Section 4.6-150 Bicycle Parking - Number of Spaces required; Section 4.7-195 Public/Private Elementary/Middle Schools; Chapter 5, Section 5.12-]20 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements; and Section 5.17-120 Submittal Requirements. The purpose of these amendments is to correct scribner's errors that were found after adoption of Ordinance 6206, effective on September 17,2007, which reformatted the Springfield DeveloPlllent Code. The Springfield Planning Commission will conduct the initial public hearing to accept testimony on these Code amendments on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield OR 97477. The City Council will conduct a public hearing on ,these Code amendments in the same location on Monday, December 3, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. A copy of the staff notes for this proposal will be available for viewing 'or purchase on Tuesday, November 13, 2007 in the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477. You may also view this proposal at the Development Services Web Site at htto://www.ci.sorin{!field.or.us/dsdlPlannin{!/index.htm Anyone wishing to testifY on this matter may do so by appearing at the time and place identified earlier in this notice and providing oral testimony, or by submitting written correspondence to the City of Springfield c/o the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477. The City must receive all written mat~rials no later than 5:00 p.m. on the evening of either hearing. The City of Springfield accepts fax and e-mail correspondence as testimony subject to the same deadlines as conventional correspondence. Written comments and oral testimony should be directed to the following,Code amendment criteria of Chapter 5, Section 5.6- 115 of the Springfield Development Code: I. Conformance with the Metro Plan; 2. Conformance with applicable State Statutes; and 3. Conformance applicable State-wide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules. If you have any questions or wish additional information, please call or visit the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477, telephone (541) 7~37i9. R 'ved Inquiries should be sent to Greg Mott, Planning Manager. ' Uale ecel NOV 0 8 20ti~-1 Planner: BJ , , , c,' . "".~7"" .: ' .' -\~ -. . ;,. .,' '. .; ".' ~'1 -:.,"','. , , . .' . - . ",. ,',' :. . , '. . . '. . .'.:..... )' .,' . , .:::.' ,': ',,' </ . ". '/ ~,-.." . ~, " - ' ;,' :. ;" ".., , ~. . ,-'". ,"',"- ':.'..;.-',',: ,. ..... \": ';:,,' ".: ." ,-,:<; "",'-', ..,,' ':7., . .. . SPRIl';IGFIELD . '-' '" . ",\ . ~ ." ..... . ,--,' -, :!,. -,'- . p' ..-.' ._-Cit~cif S'p6rigfield' '." .' De~~\opm~~tS~r,vices De'p~rt~:~t ,"j. .. .. - ~ l:<~-F ?~5imlle' '(over fage ..." ..,'\.. ,""","f' ,a~: (5+'1\'72,' 6~}689' ',..,.,:.: I' . ' , ' ' . . . . . . . . - . . , . ~J .\ . .,.~. I: , . ~". '" '. . " \ T' ,,' .' ',',' ~ .' ,.{ -) , \. ,. To' S ~It ;" J<ft . F:> 'H1C&I>U( "Compan~r ';~1;I~ j ." 0i1#A.f.-'.,>'~ 1tj1i1oW' from: ~fYd",,-,:' \;!IYPUL, '. iJAo'3GJ/{) , ..]. ,- MessaO'c:' . ' " . . o '." .....-". ~~~-----------" ' ~/i."luJc/uw' 'c ........ . .~: . .. ""'UI"~, Nbllmihr.V' ,~. B6(j"7" LJ' . .'. ," ., ,j rJJJUL . (I_Jht1fV'VV\' e~1nd .Vko' '~, h crrwJ '.'..' ',' ~t WiSIO~d~J1', \QJ1iuS~jl~~~'eLL,()(t,US, , . '-;V];vJi-: till'\- J .Pt-' . "".. .,". If ' () 1/1 .j... ) . Q ~,~.- \' . Number o~ pag~s including this one; 4-' j( II . . d' . I . d '.( h" . r a, pages In Ica;:eo are not receive ; or Ir .:lou ,ave .anH .trouble: r~c~ivingthis trar,smission,'please call (5+ 1) 726-3753. 225 Fihh Street, 5p'ring~idd)'OR 97+71;- ,Date Received ',' '. NOVO 820@ ) Plahner: 'BJ ". :f r Notice of Public Hearings Springfield Planning Commission and Springfield City ,Council r..:J~ +v . '1{r4 -lvLt~ ill BID 7 8.' 0 5 <U'-\... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Springfield Planning Commission and Springfield City Council will conduct separate public hearings on the following:' Amendments to the Springfield Development Code, Chapter 3, Section 3.3-825 Urbanizable Fringe Overlay; Chapter 5, Section 5.1-140 Type IV Procedures; Section 5.4-100 Development Applications; and Section 5.7-100 through 5.7-160 Annexations. The purpose of these amendments is to comply with Senate Bill 417 which abolished the Lane County Local Government Boundary COJ11mission and delegated the, authority to approve armexations to the City of Springfield. These amendme!lts identifY the process to be used for considering annexations, the criteria of approval for annexations and certain definitions that apply to the type, method or circumstances that describe the annexation. Also, amendments to the Springfield Development Code, Chapter 3, Section 3.2-210 Schedule of Use Categories; Section 3.2-215 Base Zone Development Standards; Section 3.2-230 Cluster Subdivisions; Section 3.3-910 Applicability; Chapter 4, Table 4.2-3; Section 4.2-140 Street Trees; Section 4.6-135 Loading Areas; SectionA.6,145 Bicycle Parking ~ Facility Design; Section 4.6-150 Bicycle Parking "Number of Spaces required; Section 4.7-195 Public/Private Elementary/Middle Schools; Chapter5, Section 5.12-120 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements; and Section 5.17-120 Submittal Requirements. The purpose of these amendments is'to correct scribner's errors that were , found after adoption of Ordinance 6206, effective on September 17, 2007, which reformatted the Springfield Development Code; The Springfield Planning Commission will conduct the initial public hearing to accept testimony on these Code amendments on Tuesday, November 20,2007, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council ' Chambers of Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield OR 97477. The City Council will conduct a public hearing on these Code amendments in the same location on Monday, December 3,2007, at 7:00 p.m. . A copy of the staff notes for this proposal will be available for '(iewing or purchase on Tuesday, November 13,2007 in the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477. You may also view this proposal at the Development Services Web Site at' htto:I /www.ci.snrinl!field.or.us/dsd/Planninl!/index.htm Anyone wishing to testifY on this matter may do so by appearing at the time and place identified earlier in this notice and providing oral testimony, or by submitting written correspondence to the , City of Springfield c/o the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477. The City must receive all written materials no later than 5 :00 p.m. on the evening of either hearing. The City of Springfield accepts fax and e-mail correspondence as testimony subject to the same deadlines as conventional correspondence. Written comments and oral testimony should be directed to the following Code amendment criteria of Chapter 5, Section 5.6- 115 of the Springfield Development Code: I. Conformance with the 'Metro Plan; 2. Conformance with applicable Stat~Statutes; and 3. Conformance applicable State-wide Planning Goals and Administrative L1ate Received If you have any questions or wish additional information, please call or visit the Development __ Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477, telephone (541) 726_3759. NOV 08 20011 Inquiries should be sent to Greg Mott, Planning Manager. ' Planner: BJ 11/08/07 THU 09:11 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF 'SPRINGFIELD, 14I001 .********************* ... TX REPORT ... ********************* . TRANSMISSION'OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST. TIME USAGE T PGS. SENT RESULT 0066 96876668 11/08 09: 10 01'47 2 OK I I SPRIN~FIEL.Jj) , ~- Cit.:) of Springfield Developm~nt 5ervj~eS Department -' \ - Facsimile Cover f age fax: (5+1) 726-,689 . J : ". j I . '--.-> To, 1lt1A'k~'~ "'- J F", &97" ~,{,,{,8 Ccimpan:f fu~ tfu.d2 ~ . , Fmrn'1la~c~~-r~~~ Message:' , .' " ' .' ' , ' ~lJ.A.~3L- f~.~ ~~ I ~ (~' ,~Ak- Iil~ /2+1... .2007 \.pd}Oh/~~ -;{Ulfl. ~.r~'" [I~cejved \~ 1 " , t:D\'&820raJ ,.~ ' F1anner: BJ