HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice DLCD 12/11/2007 D In pdson D ekctronic D mailed 52 DLCD Notice of Adoption TillS FORM MUST BE MAILED TO DLCD WITHIN 5 WORKING DAYS AFTER THE FINAL DECISION PER ORS 197.610, OAR CHAPTER 660 - DIVISION 18 Fl)r DL('D U~L. Only I Jurisdiction: City of Springfield Local file number: LRP2007-00026 Date of Adoption: 12/3/2007 DatelMailed: 12/11/2007 Was a Notice of Proposed Amendment (Form 1) mailed to DLCD? NoDate: . I D Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment D Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment , I D Land Use Regulation Amendment D Zoning Map Amendment I D New Land Use Regulation D Other: I I Summarize the adopted amendment. Do not use technical terms. Do not write "See Attached". The Attached notice Ordinance #6211 which allows the correctioh of Scrivener's errors. City of Springfield , reformatted the Springfield Development Code Septemberr 17,2q07. The reformatting process was a substantial undertaking that resulted in the reorganization of hundreds of Code regulations in what were formerly 45 "Articles" into 6 Chapters. . Does the Adoption differ from proposal? Please select one N/A Plan Map Changed from: Zone Map Changed from: Location: Specify Density: Previous: Applicable statewide planning goals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 DDDDDDDDDDDDmDDDDDD I to: to: Acres Involved: New: N/A Was an Exception Adopted? DYES [8J NO Did DLCD receive a Notice of Proposed Amendment... 45-days prior to first evidentiary hearing? If no, do the statewide planning goals apply? Date Received If no, did Emergency Circumstances require immediate adoption? ;:G 1 ~ LUU.J. DYes DYes [8J Yes t8J No t8J No DNo Planner: BJ - . OLeo file No. N (A l Please list all affected State or Federal Agencies, LoCal ~overnments or Special Districts: I Nnotice of Amendment not required Local Contact: City of SPringfield Address: 225 Fifth Street City: Springfield Zip: 97477- I P~one: , (541) 726-3774 Fax Number: 541-726-3689 I . E-mail Address:gmott@ci.springfield~or.us I Extension: ADOPTION SUBMITTALt REQUIREMENTS This form must be mailed to DLCD within 5 workinl! days after the final decision per ORS 197.610, OAR Chapter 660 - Division 18. 1: Send this Form and TWO Comnlete Conies (documeuts and maos) of the Adooted Amendment to: I . ATTENTION: PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST DEPARTMENT OF LAND CONSERV A'TION AND DEVELOPMENT I 635 CAPITOL STREET NE, SUITE 150 I , , SALEM, OREGON 97301-2540 . Electronic Submittals: At least one hard copy must be! sent by mail or in person, but you may also submit an electronic copy, by, either email or FTP. You may fonnect to this address to FTP lnVYVSalS and adoptions: webserver.lcd,state.or.us. To obtain our Username and password for FTP, call Mara UllOl at 503-373-0050 extension 238, or by emailingmara.ullba@state.or.us. Please Note: Adopted materials must be sent to DLCD; not later than FIVE (5) working days following the date of the final decision on the amenctrn;ent. 2. 3. 4. , Submittal of this Notice of Adoption must include the text of the amendment plus adopted fmdings and supplementary information. ' The deadline to appeal will not be extended if you subinit this notice of adoption within five working days of the final decision. Appeals to LUBA may be filed within TWENTY-ONE (21) days of the di te, the Notice of Adoption is sent to DLCD. . 5, 6. In addition to sending the Notice of Adoption to DLCD, you must notify persons who ' participated in the local hearing and requested notice df the fmal decision. , . I 7. Need More Copies? You can now access these forms online at http://www.lcd.state.or.us/. Please print on 8-1I2xlll!reen oaDer onlv. You may also dll the DLCD Office at (503) 373-0050; or Fax ' your request tR: (503) 378-5518; or Email yourrequesttomara.ulloa@state.or.us - ATTENTION: PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST. . Date Received . j,\I DEIj 11 200~ Pla~ner: BJ I http://www.lcd.state.or.usILCD/forms.shtml Updated November 27, 2006 " ORDINANCE NO. 62] 1 (General) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE CHAPTER 3 LAND USE DISTRICTS, SECTIONS 3.2-210; 3,2-215; 3.2-230; AND 3.3-910; CHAPTER 4 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, SECTIONS 4.2-140; 4.6-135; 4.6-145; 4.6-155; 4.7-195; AND Table 4,2-3 AND CHAPTER 5 THE DEVELoPMENT REVIEW PROCESS AND APPLICATIONS, SECTIONS 5,12-120; AND 5.17-120; ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINDS THAT: WHEREAS, the reformatted Springfield Development Code (SDC) was adopted by the Springfield City Council on September 17, 2007, and previous amendments thereto were subsequently adopted by Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the reformatting process was a substantial undertaking that resulted in the reorganization of hundreds of Co.de regulations in what were formerly 45 "Articles" into 6 Chapters; and WHEREAS, while numerous redundancies were eliminated, no policy or policy implementation changes were made to any SDC provisions; and ' . WHEREAS, the volume of the reorganization task resulted 'in some'unintentional omissions; some inaccurate references due to renumbering; and some errors in punctuation known as Scrivener's errors; and WHEREAS, SDC Section 5.6-100 sets;forth procedures for the amendment of this document; 'and I, WHEREAS, on November 20, 2007, the Springfield Planning Commission held a work session and conducted a public hearing on this SDC amendment application (Case Number lRP 2007-00027) voting 7" to 0 to recommend approval of the proposed Ordinance to the City Council based upon findings in support of adoption of these SDC amendments as set forth in the Staff Report and the Recommeridation to the Council incorporated herein by reference; and . WHEREAS, on December 3,2007, the Springfield Common Council held a work session and conducted a public hearing and is now ready to take action on this application based, upon findings in support of adoption of these SDC amendments as set forth in the aforementioned Staff Report to .the Council incorporated herein by reference and the evidence and testimony already in the record as well as the evidence and testimony presented at this public hearing held in the matter of a'dopting this Ordinance amending the. SOC. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOllOWS: .' ,. SECTION 1: CHAPTER 3'LAND USE DISTRICTS, Section 3.2-210 Schedule of Use. Categories is hereby amended as follows: ' " . I "3.2-210 Schedule of Use Categories The following uses are permitted in tDe_ districts as indicated, subject tc;l the provisions, additional restrictions and exceptions specified in this Code. Uses not specifically listed may be approved as specified in Section 5,11-100. "P" = PERMITTED USE subject to the standards of this Code. '1 .r;>',.!;..,,: 1"~~:'t=,SPg,,~IALDEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS subject to speciallocational and/or siti~~r~~ce'lved ' ^'." '.. . 's'pebfie~dih'Section 4.7-100. ' Ui:1U::: -nv , 8(1[1\ i ;Uf' DEe 11 200n i '. ~' 11:\'.' "'L . f' """,. -.~\:€'. 't' - "t 'I' ". _ ',.~.'J f " ",:i)l' ! - - Planner: BJ I. , , , , "0" = DISCRETIONARY USE subject to review and analyliS under Type '111 procedure (Section 5.9-100) at the Planning 90mmission or Hearings Official level. I I. t!~!!!~!!~. I Attached single-familY dwellings I Cluster Subdivision (Sections 3.2-230 and 5.12-100) I Condominiums (Section 4.7-135) I Detached sinQle-family dwellinQs I Duplexes (Section 4.7-140) I I Multiple family dwelling including trip.lexes, 4-plexes, quads, gUlnts, and apartment complexes over 4 Units. . I . RVs as a residential use I RV's in existing RVor Manufactured Dwelling Parks , RV's as a temporary use - Emergency Medical Hardship (Section 5.10-100) , ,. [ Prefabricated dwellinQs I Group Care Facilities (Section 4.7_155) , . I Foster homes for over 5 children . Residential care facilities with more than 15 persons include: Group c,are homes, congregate care facilities, nursing homes and retirement homes I I Halfway houses I Residential Facilities - 6 to 15 persons Resid~ntial Home - 5 or fewer persons Shelter Homes for abused and battered persons I Manufactured dwellinQ park (Section 3.2-235) I Manufactured home I Manufactured home subdivision I Mobile home ' I 'I Manufactured home as a temporary residential use (Section 4.8- 105)' I I Child Care Home Facility - 1 to 5 children I Child Care Group Home Facility - 6 to 12 children ' I Child Care Center - 13 or more children (abutting an arterial street) (Section 4.7-125) . I Adult Day Care - facilities up to 12 adults I Adult Day Care - facilities with more than 13 ad.ults (abutting an arterial street) I '1 Adult Day Care - facilities with more than 13 adults (abutting a collector or local street) . f I Bed and breakfast facilities (Section 4.7-120) I Boarding and rooming houses (Section 4.7-215) 1 to 2 bedrooms p. p. p. 3 to 5 bedrooms S. p. p. more than.5bedrooms '. .' '" " ' j , N '.' p. .' " ' '.', -c- p. "'," ; ,~,"\ii~:.l1~~~~:~~~~~Z~~~~~o-1.~~~s1i~-~~~I~~I~~T~11 ~~~,~ved 1 DEe 11 2001~' "N" ='NOT PERMITTED "." = SITE PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED 'r ,onilr9~Distiicts:'!{;f;;.!.\';:~((~;lj ~ii"'"DR''I''' '1"'j,"M- "'R""'" .iff,l;\''''DRfI..'.'; " n~hi71L: " , .SYk1t\'{,,:fi.;;'; _ _ LI.., :;~f,~ ~~{ITI _" _ ., 'bri9 D. P S' P S N, N P P P p. D. ,t I 1 I N P P P S. P P P S. P P S. P p. D. S. ,..... . J,n:l; i \' ;+J( U 1.._.- 1 . p. p. P p. P 'p p. N N N P p. S. D. p. P p. N P P N ,N P P S. P . p. p. S. P p. P P p. N N N p. p. S. D. p. P p' N N N N N 1 I I p P S. P p. p. S. ': "',, , ';;>.....1. ':"::' ."/~~~,~..ti~ (', .:.~.'t{r: . ...; ~ ,~ :. ..,; ORDINfoo.ruu: ~J ,~~::'~A~li~~~Zoiiinfi!;Oi$tri.c'tit~~l~~st~~1 :;:'#;':ilDR'tf:t'll~,fMDRit~'~f;~HDR:"r~\ Educational facilities - Public / Private elementary/middle schools (Section 4.7-195) 1 to 5 students in a private home:(ina 24 hour period) P* P* P* 6 or more students (Section 4.7-195) 0* 0* 0* I Parks - Neighborhood and private (Section 4.7,200) 0* , 0* ,0* , !1:eo1fiiiifrfi:HaI2Uses:ti!'l4,&~fTft'itf4:;:1;~'t.i;;1~\r~'fI1:;Y:;~s~:t\~,~'1it~~r~t;~:t;~,{W7l{%~ff:;:!'.S'tlt~t$2Ir~~~I~I~~~ 1 Home Occupation (Section-4.7-165) S 1 S 1 S 1 Professional offices (Section4.7-1901 S* 1 S* 1 S* I Residential dwelling units as temporary sales offices (Section 4.8-. I I 130) " ,P P P Youth hostels N 0* 0* lAC, cessorv structures (Section 4,7-105) Aqricultural structures . 1 Cultivation of undeveloped lana 1 Temporary sales/display of proauce (Section 4.8-125) 1 Tree felling and removai (Section 519-100) Public Utility Facilities High impact facilities (Section 4,7-160) Low impact facilities I Certain Wireless Telecommunications SystemsfFacilities, S S S 'I P ,I P P 1 P I P 'P 1 I, S 1 N N 1 1 P 1 P P I S* S* S* P P P I Section Section Section 4.3-145 4.3-145 4.3-145" . . SECTION 2: CHAPTER 3 LAND USE DISTRICTS, Section 3,2-215 Base Zone Development Standards is hereby amended as follows: ' '~ ,. 1 "3.2-215 Base Zone Development Standards " The base zone development standards are established. --,',: ",f',"" ,f," .',: ::,:: :,"" "" Residential'Zoninq'Distfict' I, -" '" ':.. 'f :/'f>~'ff:,:f',f . iJ -,';"ke;~:!l//a~~!i~~):',;I":, :'~~~~~:ifttJg~j.""..;,1 f', " :k:~:~:ti~itjiZ~j;j:::';1 , '.!,:j I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I I 20 feet I 1- I IUateP'Reeef'fledl 1 26 feet total, each individual frontaqe is based upon the numearfff"'fJhandles. I . :J::v LUU.II Ii.Standard Lots/Parcels I Minimum Area: East-West Streets, 1 North-South Streets 1 Minimum Street Frontaqe: 1 East-West Streets, '45 feet 45 feet 1 North-South Streets 60 feet 60 feet liCornerLots/Parce/s (1}(2)' ,". ". . I Minimum Area: 6,000 sguare.teet 1 6,000 sguare feet 6,000 sguare feet 1 East-West Streets 45 feet I' 45 feet 45 feet I North-South Streets, 1 60 feet 1 60 feet 60 feet . 1 Panhandle Lots/Parcels (See Section 3.2-220 Additional Panhandle Lot/Pa;cel Develoomimt Standards) ,I Single Panhandle: I Minimum Area in Pan Portion 1 Minimum Street Frontaqe 1 Multiple Panhandles: '" '"'11~Minim,um 'Area',in,Pan',portion ~: ,clf'> f~'~il'; 5~~'\'~:~.1~~j~t. . . " .f,.~ ..'>"~ ....~:.. '.d,,-..~'-:'l,:" . ^ I Minimum Street Frontaqe :tiIlO:, ", ,0;. .c'._'.'" "~-;'. 4,500 square feet 5,000 square feet , 4,500 square feet 5,000 square feet 4,500 square feet 5,000 square feet 45 feet 60 feet 4,500 square.feet 4,500 square feet 4,500,square feet 20 feet 20 feet 4,500 square feet 4,500 square feet ,"'....\ f; ~~~j. .'.',~.~"~~f\!.,>~:~~.~,.": . Planner: BJ ORDINANCE NO. 6211 I Lots/Parcels ori'bulb portion of a ,cul-de-sac I Minimum Area I 6,000 square feet Ii 6,000 sguare feet I .1 Minimum Street Frontaqe 35 feet i' 35 feet I Lots/Parcels within the Hillside Development Overlay District (Section 3.3-5001. ' '';" ;.,- I < 15 percent slope: I \ Minimum Area 10,000 square feet I I Minimum Street Frontaqe 60 feet I 15-25 percent slope: I I Minimum Area 10,000 square feet I I Minimum Street Frontaqe 90 feet II I 25-35 percent slope: II I Minimum Area 20,000 square feet II I Minimum Street Frontaqe 150 feet I I > 35 percent slope: I I Minimum Area 40,000 square feet 1 40,000 square feet 40,000 square feet I Minimum Street Frontaqe 200 feet II 200 feet 200 feet I, , l.otsJPiiii'ills-irilliii:ufbiiriiiiible Erin,i:1e; Ovef!av Distfii:fi Sectioir'3;3iBOO)';':;':'!ic';' "" ,',",' """,;;,;:;,~;";;::;;;!,,;,, "",' LoUParcel Area The creation of new lots/p~rcels in the City's urbanizable area shall be either 10 acres, 5 acres or shall meet the area standards of this Section when ' throuqh the Partition I?rocess specified in Section 5.12-100. 10,000 square feet' 60 feet 10,000 square feet 90 feet, 20,000 square feet 150 feet <.'~y 6,000 square feet 35 feet 10,000 square feet 60 feet 10,000 square feet 90 feet 20,000 square feet 150 feet " 'l' II II --""1.:1 II II II II II II II' : I II II II II 10 feet I 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet I 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet I 10 feet 10 feet 5 feet I 5 feet 5 feet 18 feet measured along the driveway from: 1. - The property line fronting the street to the face of the garage or carport; or 2. the property line fronting the street to the far wall of the garage or carport where the face of the st'ructure is perpendicular to the street. 3., Where a garage or carport faces a panhandle driveway, the 18 feens measured from the inner travel edge (pavement or gravel) within the panhandle to the face of the structure; the setback is 3 feet when the qaraqe or carport fronts an alley. Accessory structures shallinot be located between any front or street side yardl of a primary structure and,'~hall be set back at least 3 feet from interior sid e and rear 10Uparcellines. 1 - ' I All setbacks for panhandle' lots/parcels are based on the orientation of the fronl and rear of the dwelling occupying the 10UparceL' All setbacks for duplexes on corner lots/parcels are based upon the front yard of each unit established by the street or streets for address purposes. - I Base Solar Standards Section 3.2-225. j I Maximum Building Height 30 feet II 35 feet l (11 )(12)(13\ (1) This standard prohibits he division of the 10Uparcel to create separate ownership for each diJplex dwelling unit.' - ' . I ., . (2) 10,000 square feet in area in the LDR District as specified in this Section and Section 4.7-140. This standard is required to allow for the future division of the 10Uparcel to create separate ownership for each duplex dwelling unit. I (3) On lots/parcels with more than 15 percent slope, .th~ maximum impervious surface inclusive of " structures; patios, and driveways, shall not exceed 35 percent, unless specified~' Se tionRe'500.. ,> 'I'~>' ;H4)11:;.~Detelifi1nation of all yard setbacks for duplexes on dorner lots/parcels are base A, lCIBtvt:...d ' ~.,.\ .... ~ . 1 V" WV1 V of each unit as established by the streets used for address purposes. . 11 DEe 11 200:') I I Front Yard I Street Side Yard Rear Yard Interior Yard Setbacks Front Yard Setback- Garages and Carports (6) Accessory Structures Panhandle and Duplex Lots/Parcels ~lilf~.: i .- ,:>~ ""~~,''1'hl,,,.:;:>,I'i: r "S J~ ~,~~ ,.' fl,-", ,f, - 35 feet II II .11 II II II Planner: 8 J ORDINANCE NO. 6211 , . (5) (6) All setbacks shall be landscaped, unle~ss a setback is for a garage or caq:>ort Accessory Structure Exceptions to Setback standards: . (a) Stand alone garages and carports shall meet the street side yard; interior side yard and rear' yard setback standards of.the primary structure. . . (b) Group C Accessory structures are permitted within setbacks as specified in Section 4.7-105E. Where an easementis larger than the required setback standard, no buiiding or above grade , structure, except a fence, may be built upon or over that easement. When additional right-of-way is required, whether by City Engineering standards, the Metro Plan (including the TransPlan), or the City's Conceptual Street Plan, setbacks are based on future right- , of-way locations. Right-of-way shall be dedicated prior to the issuance of any building permit that increases parking requirements, Architectural extensions may protrude. into any 5-foot or larger setback area by not more than 2 feet. General Exceptions to Setback standards: (a) Attached dwellings (zero lotlirie) on individual lots/parcels; and (b) A dwelling constructed over the common property iine of 2 iots/parcels, where there is a recorded deed restriction. (c) In multi-family developments, the setback standards in Section 3.2-240 shall take precedence. See Section 3.2-225 for residential building height limitations for solar protection. Incidental equipment may exceed the neight standards. . Height limitations within the' Hillside Development Overlay District may be removed provided the , ' . additional height does not exceed 45 feet and the base residential solar standards are met." (7) (8) (9) (10), (11) (12) (13) SECTION 3: CHAPTER 3 LAND USE DISTRICTS, Section 3.2-230 Cluster Subdivisions, Subsection D. is he'reby amended as follows: ' I "3.2-230 Cluster Subdivisions D. Permitted Dwellings, Structures and Uses. The following dwellings, structures' and uses are permitted in all residential districts: 1. Attached single-family dwellings, row houses, town houses. 2. Detached single-family dwellings. 3. Duplexes. , 4. Manufactured dwellings. 5. Multi-Family dwellings (in MDR and HDR zoning districts) 6. . Accessory structures and uses permitted in the LOR District. 7. Common public and private open spaces." SECTION 4: CHAPTER 3 LAND USE. DISTRICTS, Section 3:3-910 Applicability, Subsection B, is hereby amended as follows: I "3.3-910 Applicability B, On the adopted Historic Landmark Inventory within the City or its urbanizing areas, including the following individually designated Historic Landmarks: ,,' "",;;~18te Received : DEe 11 200e!.: Planner: BJ - . . .'.. ." 'lcHistofic'Site/'St;uctu;e"';;ff7'7';' ~'. ,,' "\ . ,',;"' "r ,). '.", .' ". ," - . .., '.'..---' c--, '. -, .. ".~.,~\W ;"j,;";~'~ ~;.,.;5r I Stevens and Perkins Buildinq , ..., " '."" . II.O.O,F. Buildinq Sf ,,,0 ; - " ~I-. J.I, . , 11 --.- . -. , ,Aifdresir, '" "';~ 330 Main Street . 346 Main Street ',"'7'.:';' ;} ';1' ',.~.~ "",;ji,{-:l ~: l'~~~~ /:""J!:t . ,""r " ~. ORDINANCE NO. 6211 I Pacific Power & Liqht Buildinq 590 Main Street I' I Southern Pacific Railroad Depot 101 South A Street I I Brattain / Hadley House 1260 Main Street I I Stewart House 2,14 Pioneer Pkwy. West I I Douqlas House 3363 Osaqe Street" I , SECTION 5: CHAPTER 4 DEVELOPMENT STtNDARDS, Table 4.2-3 is hereby amended as follows: i "Table 4.2-3 I Single Family I I I and DUJ?lexes N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Multi-Family Residential 24 feet 30 feetl I 10 feet 20 feet I 60 feet Commercial! Public Land 24 feet 35 feetl I 15 feet 35 feet I 60 feet I Industrial I 24 feet 35 feetl I 15 feet I 35 feet I 60 feet (1) Wider driveways may be permitted to accommodatJ traffic demands and/or to improve traffic safety., ' ,'I . (2) Greater curb radii may be permitted where high volumes of large trucks are anticipated. (3) Measured from the face of the curb to the first stall or aisle." I SECTION 6: CHAPTER 4 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, Section 4,2-140 Street Trees is hereby amended as follows: I I "4.2-140 Street Trees I I Street trees are those trees required within the public right-of-way. The primary purpose of street trees is to create a streetscape that benefits from the aesthetic an~ environmental qualities of an extensive tree canopy along the public street system. Street trees are att'ractive amenities that improve the appearance of the community, providing shade and visual interest. Street trees also improve air quality, reduce stormwater runoff and moderate the micro-climate impacts of heat absorbed by paved surfaces: Street trees,may be located within planter strips, in individual tree wells within a sidewalk, round-abouts, or medians. I . EXCEPTION: In order to meet street tree requirements wh,ere there,is no planter strip and street trees cannot be planted within the public right-of-way, trees shall be planted in the required front yard or street . , , side yard setback of private property as specified in the applicable zoning district. . - ! A. New street trees. New street trees shall b~ at least 2 inches in caliper. New street trees shall be selected from the City Street Tree List and installed as specified in the City's ' Engineering Design Standards and procddures Manual. The Public Works Director shall determine which species are permitted or' prohibited street trees. B. Existing street trees. 1. Street tree retention standards. E ~isting trees may meet the requirementfor street trees (i.e., trees on the City Street:Tree List specified in the City's Engineering Design Standards and Proceduffis Manual with a minimum caliber of 2 inches) if excavation or filling for proposed ~evelopment is minimized with~hepriPI~ of . d .the tree. Sid.ewalks of variable width, elevation and direction m ,~ed\ll\eeeIVe existing trees, subject to approval.by the Director and Public Works irector. DEe 11 20(11 ORDPJamilar!l BJ I (1/~}~.1~L"'''J).~\~---:i 1:"\';'("-'( ~ .,~, :: ,",', _ ..)~ . .. ". r.::"1!.;.., . ~njF' j ,t,jl '. . ~f. ~. . '; '~>. \(~.:" ~ ~., : ! ~ ,', Existing street trees shall be retained as specified in the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, unless approved for removal as a condition of Development Approval or in conjunction with a street construction project. 2. Street tree removal standards. a. Any existing street trees within the public right-of-way proposed to be removed by the City is exempt from the tree felling regulations specified in Section 5.19-10.0. b. ' Any existing street trees on private property proposed to be removed shall require notification of the Public Works Director prior to removal. Removal of 5 or more street trees' on private property shall be subject to the tree felling standards specified in 5.19-100, 3. Street tree replacement standards.' Where possible, any street tree proposed to be removed shall be replaced with a tree at least 2 inches in caliper. a, It is the responsibility of the City to plant any replac"ment iree within the public right-of-way: b. It is the responsibility of the property owner to plant any replacement street tree on private property, either as a condition of a Tree Felling Permit or when the property owner removes a street tree on pri)fate property without the City's authorization. Any replacement street tree shall meet the standards speCified in Subsection A, above. c. Whenever the property owner removes'a street tree within the public right- of-way without the City's.authorization, that person is responsible for reimbursing the City for the full value of the removed tree, to include replanting and watering during the two year tree establishment period. C, . Street tree maintenance respon'sibility. 1. Maintenance of street trees in the public right-of-way shall be performed by the City. 2. Maintenance of street trees on private property shall be performed by the property owner." ' . SECTION 7: CHAPTER 4 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, Section 4.6-135 Loading Areas- Facility Design and Improvements, Subsection C. is hereby amended as follows: ' " I "4.6-135 Loading Areas - Facility Desiqn and Improvements . C. The minimum sizes required for commercial and industrial loading areas are as , follows: 1. 250 square feet for buildings of 5;000 to 20,000 square feet of gross floor area. 2, 500 square feet for buildings of 20,000 to 50,000 square feet of gross floor area. I' ),:::' F: It: '!;.;..... .~.'.'I'; 'I... ~., q ~':'"'f'~.li.... ,'''"i,,'; ",,,,_.~..,, 1 . ...... . "', "".<:i :"t:.......:,. ' Date Received fr' , lUJ. ~ , H. DEe 11 2008\ ~. \< ., ;'.~ ..,t"d~'-?:~ 'it:Jf~~-(;r;~_:- oBJafc1Oen2BJ ~ ~, I 3. 750 square feet for buildings iri excess of 50,000 square-feet of gross floor area." ! SECTION 8: CHAPTER 4 DEVELOPMENT ST~NDARDS, Section 4.6-145 Bicycle Parking- Facility Design, Subsection B, is hereby amended as follows: ' . I I "4,6-145 Bicycle Parking - Facility Design 1 B, Each bicycle parking space shall be at le~st 2 by 6 feet with an overhead clearance of 7 feet, and with a 5-foot access aisle beside or between each row of bicycle parking, and between parked bicycles and a wall or str'ucture (the dimensions for commonly used bicycle racks are shown in Figure 4.6-B.).1 Bicycles may be tippedverlically for storage but not hung above the fioor. Bicycle parking shall be provided at ground level unless an , elevator is easily accessible to an approv~d bicycle storage area. Each required bicycle parking space shall be accessible without removing another bicycle." , . . I . SECTION 9: CHAPTER 4 DEVELOPMENT ST~NDARDS, Section 4.6-150 Bicycle Parking- Number of Spaces Required (header) is hereby amended as follows: , ' I '-"4.6-155 Bicycle Parking - Number of Spaces Required" t . SECTION 10: CHAPTER 4 DEVELOPMENT ST ANDARDS, Section 4,7-195 Public/Private Elementary/Middle Schools, Subsection A. is hereby amended as follows: "A. Schools are identifi~d in the Metro Plan ak key urban services, which shall be provided in an efficient and logical manner to keep pace with demand. Schools may'be located in any zone that permits schools. A unique relationship exists between schools and the community, which requires special consid:eration when applying screening standards. Maintaining clear sight lines for the security and safety of children is desirable and may be achieved through the use of non-opaque fencing and/or landscaping. The standards in Section 5.17-100 are applied only when required to screen playground structures, spectator seating facilities, parking, storage yards and trash receptacies or where significant confticts are determined by the: Director. . , , 1, 'All new facilities and additions ovL 10,000 square feet or those additions exceeding 50 percent of the size of the existing building shall be approved in accordance with a Type 111 review procedure (a Type II Site Plan application raised to a Type III review as spebified in Section 5.1-130), The Site Plan application shall also address the: standards specified in Subsections 2. through 11"below_ '.f' -. ' EXCEPTION: Public/Private Elementary/ Middle Schools in the PLO District are , reviewed under Type II Review_ ) I 2, A maximum of 65 percent of the Site may be covered in impervious surface. The remainder of the site shall comply with the planting standards in Section 4.4-100. 3, Schools shall have a lands<;aped Ifront yard of 20 feet and landscaped side and' rear yards of 30 feeL Athletic spJctator seating structures adjoining residential uses shall be set back at least 75lfeet. unless the Director determines that adequate buffering can be provid~d with a reduced setback. However, in no instance shall this setback (from spectator facilities) be less than 30 feet. , , Parking areas shall maintain a la~dscaped buffer of 15 feet when adjoi\li{'g a . j t~~MiH:it.:,~i'; ;"lg~. residential use. ! Date t'\ecelve. I ~;:i::_; - - ,~r ! DEe 11 2008-, . I:"'.~ ;~+ "- .. ,. . .....-. ~.\:. , ..1".), .' ,l\...~ I: ,;~: ~ <-~t~ -. . , o~la[lrJ~I2;18J , '- 4. Light shall be directed away from adjoining less intensive uses. .~ 5. Other uses permitted within school facilities include day care facilities, social service offices or other,.after school program activities approved by the School District and which otherwise do not require discretionary approval. , $' 6.1-- All plants used for "landscaped buffering" shall be a minimum of 5-gallon in size and shall reach a height of at least ~6 inches within one year of planting, ,7, Paved playground areas may,be used as overflow' parking for special events. 8, Parking is limited to two spaces for each teaching station in the school plus one parking space for each 100 square feet of public indoor assembly area. All , parking iots and driveways shall be designated to separate bus and passenger vehicle traffic. All parking lots shall have sidewalks raised a minimum of 6 inches above grade where pedestrians have to cross parking lots.to enter or leave the school grounds. 9. Any jointly shared recrE:lational facilities, playgrou.nds or athieUc field shall require , a joint use agreeme~t th,at will provide for public use and co~tinue~ maintenance. 10. Elem~ntary schools shall hayea miximum building height of35 feet, middle schools shall have a maximum building height of 45 feet. ) 11. A Traffic Impact Study and Parking Study, prepared by a Transportation Engineer, shall be approved by the City Engineer." " SECTION 11: CHAPTER 5 THE, DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS AND APPLICATIONS, Section 5.12-120 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements, Subsection D. is hereby amended as follows: . I "5.12-120 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements " , D. A Response to Transportation issues complying with the provisions of this Code. 1, The locations, condition, e.g., fully improved with curb, gutter and sidewalk, AC mat, or gravel, widths and names orall existing streets, alleys, or other rights-of- 'way within or adjacent to the proposed land division; 2. The locations, widths an9 names of all proposed streets and other rights-of-way .to'include the approxim'!teradius of c!Jrves and grades. The relationship of all - proposed streets to any project~d streets as shown on the Metro Plan, including the TransPlan, any approved Conceptual Development Plan and the latest version of the Conceptual Local Street M1;lp; '.. . . 3. The locations and widths of all existing and proposed sidewalks, .pedestrian trails and accessways, including the location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip; . 4. ,The location of existing and proposed traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers,' neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities, where applicable; , The, location and di~ensions of existing and PropoS~d driveww; whern ' . d applicable; , , '_ ,'uate neCelVe DEe 11 20G'1\' oflggQ~~;J3J , " , rl'~ --,:\ ',' I . ,~.. - .1=.0. , .t.....j f\'". It.,,},r.' . ,~ :'11 ' 5. .....r'~(1 "~I ~\ :;11::: ' ': i ~rJ )-- " . - ~ . ";' \_' -i,-f-' . .<.'," ,ii ~ . \,,",,\ I. .....-~ , ,\ ."l l, . ) " , ,"., , ~ '" :- .t . 9, 6, " The location of existing and prop6sed street lighting: including the type, height and area of ii1umination; ,.1 ' ' The location of existing and proposed transit facilities; :A copy of a Right-of-Way APproalh Permit application where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility; and I ' , - A Traffic Impact Study prepared liy a Traffic Engineer, where necessary, as specified in Section 4.2-105A.4." 7. 8. SECTION 12: CHAPTER 5 THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS AND APPLICATIONS, Section 5.12-120 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements, Subsection F, is hereby amended as follows: I I "5.12-120 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements I F. Additional informati~n and/or apPlicati9ns!reqUired at the time of Te~tative Plan application submittal shall include the following items, where applicable: ' 1, A brief. narrative explaining the pJ;pose of the proposed land division and the . existing use of the property. t ., t' "':, ~7 .......(., ,\-'if" r'~f\'~~:""~ ~\..~,~ ~ ~.:;j)r; 11. ,;nf!'~' .; ;-1("' . f ...".'~ \:"4 ' . - :\}'! '\ " ~~,.;~{1 ./ '. . 2. If the applicant is not the propert~ owner, written permission from the property owner is required: . 3. , A Vicinity Map drawn to scale showing bus stops, streets, driveways, pedestrian connections, fire hydrants and other transportation/fire access issues within 200 feet of the proposed land divisionland all existing Partitions or Subdivisions immediateiy adjacent to the proposed iand division. H~w the Tentative Plan addresse1s the standards of any applicabie overlay district. 4. 5, How the Tentative Plan addresses Discretionary Use criteria, where applicable. I . , ' A Tree Felling Permit as specified in Section 5.19-100. A Geotechnical Report for slopes!of 15 percent or greater and as specified in Section 3.3-500, and/or if the required-Site Assessment in Section 5,12.1208, indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or high water table as specified in the Soils sutey ofLaneGounty. , _ An Annexation application as sp~cified in Section 5.7-100 where a development is proposed outside of the city' limits but within City's urban growth boundary and can be serviced by sanitary sewe!r. A wetland delineation approved Jy the Department of State Lands shall be submitted concurrently where the're is a wetland on the property. Evidence that any required Fedeial or State permit has been applied for or approved shall be submitted concurrently. , '. . 'I All public improvements propose8 to be .installed and to inCI~cib:tifle(!)9tVed time of Installalion and method of; finanCing. ' , 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, DEe 11 20011 Ol~nnp.r: BJ o~f~~ ~cr. 6211 ' .12. Proposed deed restrictions and a draft ot. a Homeowner's Association Agreement, where appropriate. Cluster Subdivisions shall also address the design standards. specified in'Section 3.2-230. 13: 14, , Where the Subdivision of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park is proposed, the Director may waive certain submittal requirements specified in Subsections A. through M. However, the Tentative Plan shall address the applicabie standards'lisied under the park Subdivision approvai criteria specified in Section 5.12-125." '. SECTION 13: CHAPTER 5 THE DEVELOPMENr'REVIEW PROCESS AND APPLICATIONS, Section 5.12-120 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements, Subsections G through 0 are hereby deleted. . , SECTION 14: CHAPTER 5 THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS AND APPLICATIONS, Section 5.17-120 'Submittal Requirements, Subsection A. is hereby amended as follows: ..' ., .. '-, " , I "5.17-120 Submittal Requirements A. General [equirements A Site Plan shall be drawn in ink on quality paper and shall contain the following .information: . 8. 9. .J, .' '.1 ." /V:~_t\~,~ l~;';~~ .;':"H~r .:- , ." f "~~~.;_..'~.:~-'_:';.-:!'E',':::"-!r.~~:'i!. 800.. :'-1(. ~..1 I r-' _' 1.~: . , 'J_' ~f'~ '''-'. ~ ~'\\ 1\, ~ , ,.-,~): H I:;. ~.) ~ -" . "--",.. 1. The scale (appropriate to the area fnvolved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, for example: 1" = 30',1" = 50' or 1" = 100'), north arrow, and date of preparation, . 2. The street address and assessor's map and tax lot number. 3. The dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres)' of the development area. 4, , Proposed and existing buildings: location, dimensions, ~ize (gross floor area), conceptual floor plan; setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, ,and height. ,'I 5. The location and height of proposed or existing fences, walls, outdoor equipment ,and storage, trash receptacles, and signs. 6. Proposed number of employees and future expansion plans. . Area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other impervious surfaces. This information is necessary to allow staff to determine the Site ,Plan Review fee. - Observance of solar access requirements as speCified in the appropriate zoning ,district. '. _ . 7. Exterior elevations of all buildings and structures proposed for the development site. ." Date Received DEe 11 2001 ...." Planner:. BJ ORDINANCE NO. 6211 . ,'. 10. Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas and other similar public and semi-public uses." SECTION 15: CHAPTER 5 THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS AND APPLICATIONS, Section 5.17-120'Submittal Requirements, Subsection C" is hereby amended as follows: . I "5.17-120 .submittal'Requirements . C, An Access, Circulation and Parking Plan cbmplying with the provisions of this Code and containing the following information;' . 1. . 2. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10. The iocation, dimensions and'nurriber of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, landscaped areas, wheel bumpers, directional signs and striping; . I On-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation; , , Access to streets, alleys and proplrties to be serv~d, 'including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways and driveways proposed to be closed; .' I ." , - - . Exterior lighting as specified in Subsection H. below; I The location, type and number of bicycle spaces; . ' The ~mount of gross floor area aplplicable io the parking requirement for the proposed use;. I ' The location of off-street loading areas; I Existing and proposed transit facilities; I , A copy of a Right-of-Way Approach Permit application, where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility; and i A Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer as specified in Section 4.2- 105AA." 1 ' . . SECTION 16: CHAPTER 5 THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS AND APPLICATIONS, Section 5,17-120 Submittal Requirements, Subsection I. is hereby amended as follows: " I "5.17-120 Submittal Requirements - I. Additional information and/or applications required at the time of Site Plan Review applications submittal shall include the following items, where applicable: , . I . 1. A brief narrative explaining the pufpose of the proposed development and the existing use of the property.! I 2. If the applicant is not the property ~owner, written permission from the property ,1'.', ..' ", " 1 owner is required as specified in Subsection 5.4-1058.2. , '0\f' ;1. !-y, .-:,{i:::1c I Date Received 'ijIjO",l.l .l:h' /-11 C'" I . r -. {"I' - ',""'- 'j;' .. . l' ,'. ~~ ...., 1 ~ .....,~ ; U ~/(l: -~, DEe 11 2001' Planner: BJ ORDINANCE NO. 6211 .. . 3. A Vicinity Map drawn to scale showing bus stops, streets, driveways, pedestrian , connections, fire hydrants and other transportation/fire access issues within 200 feet of the proposed development area. . 4. How the proposal addresses the standards of the applicable overlay district, where applicable. ' 5. . How the proposal addresses Discretionary Use criteria, where applicable. 6. A Tree Felling Permit as specified in Section 5.19-100. . 7. An Annexation application, as specified in Section 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be ~erviced by sanitary sewer. 8. .A wetland delineation approved by the Department of State Lands .shall be submitted concurrently, where there is a wetland on the property. 9. Evidence that any required Federal or State permit has been applied for or approved shall be submitted concurrently. 10. A Geotechnical Report.prepared by an Engineer shall be submitted concurrently, if the required Site Assessment specified in Section 5.17-120 indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table as specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County." SECTION 17: Severability Clause. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause,phrase or portion of this Ordinance, is for any reason held invalid or' unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and individual provision and such holding.shall not affect the validity ofthe remaining portions hereof. SECTION 18: Declaration of Emergency. It is hereby found and declared that matters pertaining to this amendment of the Springfield Development'Code regarding Scrivener's errors a,ffect the public health, safety and welfare of the City of Springfield and that this Ordinance shall, therefore, take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield by a vote of ~ for and...Q... against, this 3rd day of December ,2007: ATTEST: .APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield, this 3rd day of ( December ,2007. 0~/L o ~ Jrrwi- City Recctler \ 'rrr\'f~'.",,~: ~: r,r;~:',f)GHCil "r ,~ \' , I" ..,. ',. ;, J.. '.' , ,- !'.' '.; .. l.;.l.. ., , ... . . ;~ .." \,;-, ,. I 1\,........ A,::;' -;C ~t)F\lj J \l $t:~r\ ~ L'f!Al~ DATE Jl:~i-L.Jl . OFFICE OF CiTI' p,nORNEY Date Received Gf:' 1 1 200_71 Planner: i:SJ ORDINANCE NO. 6211