HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice COUNTY 10/17/2007 October 17,2007 To Whom It May Concern: LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION http://www.L,aneCounty.org/PW_LMOf Referral and Notice is hereby given that the Lane County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on November 6, 2007, at 7:00 P.M, in the Board of Commissioners Conference Room, 125 E. 81h Ave., Eugene,_ Oregon, during which time the following matter will be heard: PROPOSAL: Senate Bill 417 abolishes the Lane County Boundary Commission and requires Lane County to assume the duties, functions and powers of the Commission and assiune authority for new bdundarychanges in rural Lane County as appropriate and coordinate with the cities in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan area under local government coordination policies. This public hearing will provide an opportunity to gather testimony and comments .on creating a process and new provisions for Lane County relating to Boundary Commission duties, functions and powers to be assumed on January' I, 2008 under the legislation ena<:ted in 2007. . A'm~'ndmerlts' to {lie Rural Comprehensive Plan', Hie Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area- Generill Plan, and Lan~' Code may. be :requii-ed to implement the ~ew state-law. Boundary deteriniriati~ms should continue -to be consistent with 'acknowledged local comprehensive plans and in conformance with statewide planning goals. A staff report will be available for inspection at no cost on October 30, 2007. Copies can be provided at cost. The entire public record may be reviewed at the Land Management Division office between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday through Friilay_ Written comments cart be mailed or emailed to the project planner prior to the hearing. Failure of an issue to be raised in a hearing in person or by writing, or failure to provide. sufficient specificity to afford the Approval Authority who conducts the hearing 'an opportunity to respond to the issue preclu&s appeal to the appropriate authority oil that issue. For additional information please :contacl: Stephanie Schulz, Planner, LMD , ili' . Planning. Dept, 125 E. 8 Ave., Eugene OR 97401-2926, phone; 541-682-3958, Steohanie,Schulzlalco.1ane.or.us, or FAX 5.41-682-3947. - The mee!ing location is wheelchair-accessible. A1,1yone needing special accommodations (hearing impaired, language translation; cliemical sen'sitivity needs, '& large print copies ofthti agenda), Please make your request at least 48 hours prior to the meeting by calling ~~~~1::;._31?3... JI?P, ~erxi.c.e~ f~r the de~ :md,hard of hearing are avail[jat~5~eceived J9_~I~C; 200/7] LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION; PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT f 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE f EUGENE, OREGofUaranel;i-3BJ BUILDING (541) 682-3823/ PLANNING (541) 682-3807 f SURVEYORS (541) 682-4195/ COMPLIANCE (541) 682-3807 / ON-SITE SEWAGE (541) 682-3754 030% Post-Collsumer COlltellt