HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 11/20/2007
To: Greg Mott
From: Jim Donovan
Date: 11/20/07
The following is a summary of the information used to prepare the AIS Financial Impacts
Section and Fee Schedule Resolution for Annexation Article Amendment Ordinance
going to City Council on December 3, 2007.
Current Fees: _ Boundary Commissio)l Fees Schedule A (8/1/07)
2. Mino'r boundary changes (annexations/withdrawals/transfers) for governments
not listed in #1 above, except when a minor boundary change for a government
listed in #1 includes the entirety of a city or district as the affected territory:
Consisting of less than 1 acre ............................................................... $ 1,040
Consisting of 1 acre or more but less than 5 acres...............'..........:........... 1,330
Consisting of 5 acres or more but less than 10 acres.................................. 1,775
Consisting of 10 acres or more but less than 25 acres............................,.. 2,240
Consisting of 25 acres or more but less than 50 acres............................... 2,780
. .
Consisting of.50 acres or more but less than 100 acres ............................. 3,200
Consisting of 100 acres or more............:................................................. 4,410
4. Extraterritorial wastewater or water line extensions (public and private).............. $ 1,040
Annexation fees (doubled):
a. Consisting of less than 1 acre ................:...........................................:. $ 2, 080
b. Consisting cif Lacre or more but less than 5 acres..............>..................... 2,660
c. Consisting of 5 acres or more but less than 10 acres.................................. 3,550
. d. Consisting of 10 acres or more but less than 25 acres.............:................. 4,480
e. Consisting of 25 acres or more but'less than 50 acres............................... 5,560
f. Consisting of 50 acres or more but less than 100 acres ............................. 6,400
g. Consisting of 100 acres or more.............................................:................ 8,820
Extraterritorial wastewater or water line extension fees (public and private)................... $ 2,080
Date Received'
NOV 20 200"'1,
Planner: BJ
Budl!et ImDacts and Future Review:
Fiscal Year 2006-2007 included II annexations and three extraterritorial extensions. The
annexation applications totaled $27,550 in fees (application fees only). The proposed fee
adjustment (combining City and LCOG fees) will result in approximately $55, 000 in
. application fees, assuming a similar number of applications.
An audit of the application fees collected and man hours invested is not recommended
.until after the transition period with LCOG staff is completed to clearly assess all staff
affected and provide time for training to a standardized level of efficiency.
To be prepared as Attachment 3 by Bob Duey, see emailto that effect, attached. .
Recommendation and AIS Cut and Paste:
A Resolution adopting'a revised fee schedule is included for consideration and
adoption with this AlS. Transfer of the annexation process from ajoint
CitylBoundary Commission venture to the sole responsibility of the City. of
Springfield necessitates the revision to the current Development Code Application
Fee Schedule. Under the current structure the City of Springfield' collects two fees:
1) a City fee retained for the internal review of the application materials, capacity of
affected infrastructure, public hearing and adoption of a Council resolution to be
forwarded to the Boundary Commission; and 2) a fee to the Boundary Commission
for review, hearing, decision and filing in compliance with state statutes for
processing of annexations. Under the current fee structure, the City collects the
same fee charged by the Boundary Commission. Under the new ORS 222
annexation process the City of Springfield will perform both the review and
adoption processes.
Staff is recommending a no net increase approach to annexation fees by simply
collecting the sum of the two fees currently paid for two separate review functions
that will be performed by City staff under the new ORS 222 process. The attached
Resolution reflects the proposed no net increase approach and provides the
combined fees. The new fees will result in a doubling of the $27,550 in annexation
and extraterritorial extension application fees collected in fiscal year 2006-2007,
assuming a similar number of applications.
A more specific accounting of application fees collected and man hours
invested could be performed during future fee reviews after the transition
period with LCOG staff is completed. Timeframes for adoption did not
allow an assessment of all staff affected and provide time for training to a
standardized level of efficiency. At such time as an audit is performed Staff
would also recommend Council consider a separate and reduced fee for
. minimum sized, single 'family residential lots or health hazard ~er!ienc~ . d
annexations. UmA HAr.AIVe
NOY 20 20Q'7!
Planner: BJ
Page I of3
From: DONOVAN James
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 7:08 PM
To: DUEY Robert; BREW Robert
Cc: MOTT Gregory; TAYLOR Paula L'; LEAHY Joe (HL)
Subject: FiIi'ng fee rule for public (2),doc
Bob, we would like to DOUBLE THE AMOUNTS and incorporate Number 2(a-g) and Number 4 from, Schedule A
below into ouT fee schedule under "Annexation Fees" and "Extraterritorial Extensions" respectively. Please drop "per
acre plus BC Fee" and "See Boundary Commission Fee" respectively. (No change to LRP Comp Fee, line 3,
"Annexation Comprehensive Planning Fee per acre"). I will put the explanation in GMott's AIS under Financial
Impacts and I believe the fee reso will be Attachment 3 to the AIS. Thanks Geptlemen, JD
. Pursuant to Chapter 12, Oregon Laws 1980, the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission hereby
establishes the following charges for services necessary to defray the costs of operating the Commission and to carry
outthepurposesofORS 199.410 to 199.512.
No proposal for a boundary change, as defined in ORS 199.415, and no water or wastewater line extension proposal or
any other action set forth in ORS 199.464 requiring Boundary Commission consideration and approval shall be
considered filed with the Commission unless accompanied by a filing fee in the amount indicated on Schedule A,
which follows.
It shall be the responsibility of the chief petitioner to transmit !he filing fee to the Commission at the time the petition is
filed with the Commission. As used in this rule, "chief petitioner" means the person or unit of government filing the
petition with the Boundary Commission in the case of minor boundary chariges and actions provided by.ORS 199.464
and, in the case of major boundary changes, the person or unit of government filing, the petition with the filing agency,
according to the principal act, provided that a city councilor district board shall be the chief petitioner for boundary
change proposals initiated pursuant to ORS 199.490(2) and (5) and water and wastewater line extensions and
connt;lctions as set forth in ORS 199.464(3). The chief petitioner may collect the filing fee from property owners and/or
voters in the territory described in the petition.
The Commission shall use the County Assessor's records to determine the acreage of the proposal for the purpose of
computing the filing fee. For the purpose of determining the acreage for the filing fee, land within a public way or
ownership shall not be' included in the acreage computation unless the proposal, as initiated, includes only territory
within a public way or oWnership. In such case, the filing fee shall be, the minimum fee on Schedule A under the
applicable section. .
As used in this rule, "urban gr~wth boundary'; means the boundary that a city and county have adopted 0; proposed as
part of the comprehensive land use plan to meet the requirements of statewide planning Goal 14.
Annexations initiated in accordance with ORS 222.750 and 199.490(5); "islands,',' shall be subject to the minimum fee
for city annexations on Schedule A.
Effective July 1, 1991, dissolution of inactive districts initiated pursuant to ORS 198.335to'198.365 shall require the
applicable fee consistent with Schedule A. Reimbursement of all or any portion of the required filing fee will be made
on a case-by-case basis and shall require a majority vote of a quorum of the Commission. In determining the amount of
. possible reimbursement, the Commission shall consider the remaining debts and assets of the district, the actual
processing costs to the Commission, and the Commission's financial situation.
Date Received
NOY 20 2001'11 .
Planner: BJ
Page 2 of3
Tvoe of Action/Unit or Jurisdiction
1. Minor boundary changes (annexations/withdrawais/transfers)
for the following, except. when the entirety of a city or district
is the affected territory: (* exist in Lane County)
a. Park and recreation district* , )
b. Metropolitan service district ) up to 25 acres...... $ 440
c. Highway lighting . ) 26 to 50 acres...... 620
d. County service district* (except wastewater/water)) 51 to 150 acres..... 800
e. Vector control district ) 151 to 640 acres... 965
f. Rural fire protection district* ) over 640 acres..... 1,120
g. Geothermal heating district )
2. Minor boundary changes (annexations/withdrawals/transfers) for governments
not listed in #1 above, except when a minor boundary change for a government
listed in # 1 includes the entirety of a city or district as the affected territory:
a. Consisting of less than 1 acre........................................................ $ 1,040
b. Consisting of 1 acre or more but less than 5 acres............................... 1,330
c. Consisting of 5 acres or more but less than 10 acres..........................,. 1,775
d. Consisting of 10 acres or more but less th'!n 25 acres.......................... 2,240'
e. Consisting of 25 acres or more but less than 50 acres...........;.............. 2,780
f. Consisting of 50 acres or more but less.than 100 acres......................... 3,200
g. Consisting of 100 acres or more.....:................................................. 4,410
3. Major boundary changes (formations, dissolutions, mergers* and consolidations*):
a. Cities: Under 2,500 population..........................................~...... $ 4,445
2,501 to 10,000 population.............................................. 6,240
10,001 to 20,000 population............................................ 8,895
Over 20,000 population...............................:................... 12,300
b. Districts: Under $10 million assessed valuation................................ $ 4,445
$10,000,001 to 100,000,000 assessed valuation.................. 6,240
$100,000,001 to 250,000,000 assessed valuation................ 8,895
Over $250 million assessed valuation................................. 12,300
*NOTE: For mergers and consolidations, the highest fee is used based on the highest assessed value or population
of the' affected city and/or district. '
4. Extraterritortal wastewater or water line extensions (public and private)...........:. $ 1,040
5. Formation of privately owned 'wastewater and water systems.......,......:.......... $ 1,330
6. Initial allocation of territory to privately owned water system........................... $ 1,850
Allocation of additional territory to privately owned
water systems (up to 10 acres)..................................................... $ 1,040
Allocation of additional territory to privately owned" .
water systems(more than 10 acres).,............................................ $1Dare Received
"Contractual Annexations"
'Review of proposed contract between city and applicant
NOY 20 200.TJ
Planner: BJ
by boundary commi!>~"m (public hearing)......................................... $ 1,040
b. Hearing on creation of "ring" (island)/extraterritorial
service extensions by Boundary Commission
Page 3 of3
Based on total area (ring + island)-see #2 above.................... $1,040-$4,410
For each service extension........................:................................... $ 1,040
Hearing on final annexation of territory............................................. $ 1,040
(NOTE: Annexations to the Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District concurrent with Eugene or
Springfield annexations are automatic-no fee. Annexations to Willamalane Park and Recreation District concurrent
with Springfield annexations are automatic-no fee.) ,
(NOTE: Anannexation with a delayed effective date may be considered a single filing with one application and filing
fee (consistent with #2 above}-without separate water.and wastewater extension requests-when the annexing area
is contiguous to existing city limits and water and wastewater lines to serve the annexing area lie wholly within the
city limits and the area to be annexed.)
Last Saved: October 24, 2007
, .
Date Received.
. r ,
NOY 20 2001,
. Planner: BJ