HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 9/3/2008 GJlRD PUBLISHING CO~ANY P.O. BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 Legal Notice Advertising RECE\VED SEP \} '3 ?UUS r,r: # FlNAN"I.". l E ",r.r.OUNTS pp.y;\'o . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BRENDA JONES C/O LESLIE WILSON AlP 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 .' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, } ss. I, Ghio Imburgio . , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for. one successive and consecutive Day(s) in Ihe foHowing issues: August 29, 2008 J (l~ust 29, 2008 Notary Public of Oregon My commission expires: July 24, 2010 , .~NOl1tt..ut'1UI"I'~""'" ~~HEARJNG" SPRlNGAElD CITY'~ . 'COUNCIL AND LANE COUNTY ~ >,.BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS :l 'i. NOTICE: IS'; HEREBY, GIVEN; that I on';,WediieSday;'.,'September.J:17; 200S;at 6:DO,p.m. inJhe"Ubrar,. Meeting'Room of Springfield City Hall~225.Fifth'Street,' SprinQfield,j OR,: ;tI1e,. Spriiigfle.ld;:CitY,'Council. and 'Lane~Cou.nty 'Baaro:ofCom: m.lssloners,~II,condtict'a:joint p~bnc 'hearing',on::theAollowlng proposals:"'"{.:-."i .~ "~~.-:;-"~~ .'tAmendmentsto'the.'_Eugene-- Springfleld,\!~etroJlDritan;Area' ~~n~raI"Plan' (Metro"\PWi)'~by amending 'Table 4 and 'l&;~and Map 2 of tire Public 'facilities and Services' Plan ,(PFSP) 'by' adding new, waste-water' lines' 24', inches In ,: diameter,~_ill~' parts~, of:i Main Street,'E._Street;"loth:Stree,t:-and N ; Street; , 'and ,new 'wasteWater pump stations In North Gateway; River . Glen,,' Hayden' Lo. 'Harbor Orive-and-:Nugget' Way;and\by ~_ei~lng i'~~ projects>': from,' these I sam. ..~ ~~.~Ies. _..~d:. m. aps, tI1at: hav.e. ~eeDconstructed or,are no' longer necessary;"',NOTE:",Statelaw ~ quires .cltie'S.tO' adopt~piibrlC_.t.\! 'Cl1itlesJPlanS!that:eontain;water: seiNer ~ antf\ transportat!o:ri;' facili- ties!' designetbto,accilmmOdate pro1ected'deve. lopment,withln'.,ur~ ban '.I groWth ~~ boUndaiiesJ{!g~ All proJects, ana)naps of ctintaiiiid ~ Iii tIle;publlc;faeiUtyiplari,mUst:-aJso be 1adoPtei:J CaSjp_art 7 Of", the -;- Com; PrehenslVe:}pl;ln;'lth~morel~the san1e'tableS',arig maps:amended ]In the Metro Plan are contained In the ,PfSP. irii:f'Siniilarty'- arne-ri_deft.'" ~~"'OnlMaY'6;2008'the_,Spnngfield and: Lalle; Coullty ~PlilrinlnglCom.: n)1~.IO_llsI~l?~d. u_~).'J~int.p~bJlc nearing i.on.: these -' propOsals ~ and after;considef.iti~n'Of"_the[.testl.: linonY. sUbmittals imdevide"nCe..lIi 'the.entire:record,fonvarded,rec~ ol1!m_endatloiis"~, ot.:;/ approVal ;'I~r .th~"tarriendments~toitbeir, re; SpeCtJVeeJectei:loff"ciaIs:'~'k~:':': 2- ~ .::;:"Applicant 'f' J;':;;'. ~ f. .T1Ie.Clty;of.:Sprlngfield.tEnYl~ ~.,ronroental ~~lces'Ofvtsl~IL'\;J -;.,,~. ""~~!l.ofAPpr:ovai'~Aill_~ i ..Crlterla,'to,beuSed,to'evaluate a' M~tro~PlalfJext Amendment ,IS fomid ~.in:-iSprin!ilfleld<. Devel~ jirlem 'COde._Cbaptei'S,...5ectloa: s.lH35( C )(1-2)'and t...1fte:COdi 5ectIonl2.l25(2)(a&b) aiid'i1Wt; 'as foU~" ;,~: ''',',,"' _~"',~~1f:-:t'! .' ". ,. . .. "- .' -d-'+1t.f /.p8~~( ~ I M) - &;(ptD VJt t?qHS'" Leg~1 3429598 NotIce I HakT1le., ..~:, ,.", must'be,. cOnsistent "With. 'the. refeVant~ Statewideplanninggoais'adojrted by'; the.. Land. Conse,rva~on;~ and ; Development ,CClmmisslo-n; and~' 1', (b) Adoption," of ;,the-/, amend-_ ment'mustnotT,rilakejtbe'Metro PIan_IDternaIly,inciil1Sist:ent,..........:. fJ'1AddItiOriallnfonnatlo-n ;'st!in ~Report;,provldingTestlmony: -r"'Ai1yone:'wlShing~~to',testif(on thJS'matter-may-"doso',ln'periOil; iri'-writing;or,;bothjby:appearing .t,the hearing"oisendlng written correspondence,includlnge--mail. to the'DeV'elo-pment.Servic'es:Oe- partinent. 'rJo~Greg,'Mott."Plari- ninll Manager,'!225'Ftfth_Street, Spnngfleld;,i!f.OR'!!'974n; - or g~.springfield.or.its _The applicaUon'&.1d,'~ff,~p_~rt.~. avallable.fo_r';tle\Y1ng'orpurchase after,3:00'p:m:on;Frlliily.i_August 29,;'2008 In the,DevelopmentS4!r~ vices Department:~oo-a . <- l ,..a.ll!.~ro:.:...a{t.t~r.'U'..' No: 3429598 : August 29:2008 )j&( OFFICIAL SEAL BABS FORD NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 407232 IIY CQI''''$SI(Jl EXPIRES JULY 24, 2010 Date Received Account #: INVOICE 'Case: Amt Due: 1000218 3429598 Stt' 03 .Amendments to Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan 2008 $183.08 Planner: BJ