HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/18/1997 Work Session . . . ---I MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 18,1997 The City of Springfield Council met in Work Session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, August 18, 1997 at 6:05 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Ballew, Burge, Maine and Shaver. Councilors Beyer and Dahlquist were absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, Public Works Director Dan Brown, Traffic Engineer Brian Barnett, Transportation Plan Engineer Masood Mirza, and stafffrom the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). 1. Pedestrian Safety and Main Street Traffic Engineer Brian Barnett explained after the latest fatality occurring on Main Street on May 18, 1997, that council asked staff to review the pedestrian safety on Main Street. Staff reviewed traffic accidents on Main Street from 17th to the east city limit, for six years, including, January 1991 through December 1996. During this period, 18 accidents (four fatal and 14 injury) involving pedestrians and/or bicycles, have occurred on this section of Main Street. Mr. Barnett said the analysis was inconclusive and that there seems to be no common bond as to the source of the accidents. Mr. Barnett introduced Transportation Plan Engineer Masood Mirza who further eXplained the analysis. He said during the analysis period that 10 of the 18, or 56% of all accidents occurred during the daytime and under clear weather conditions. Also 12 of the 18, or 67% of the people involved in these accidents were more than 18 years of age. Three of the 18, or 17% of the accidents happened at or close to a signalized intersection with marked cross- walks. Mr. Mirza said based on review of the data, staff does not find any apparent pattern linking these pedestrian accidents. One characteristic which stands out is that 10 of the 18, or 56% of the accidents happened on the far side curb lane. This is a high number of accidents and it suggests by the time the pedestrian reaches the far side of the road, that they might be experiencing some problems in judging the relative speed of on-coming vehicles and the distance required to cross the street. Mr. Mirza said the only staff recommendation is that Springfield staff work with ODOT staff to investigate the possibility of a refuge median on Main Street. Mike Barker, representing ODOT, said all parties involved in the fatalities crossed outside of the crosswalk, and that most were crossing from residential into commercial/business areas. Councilor Burge asked what the distance was from curb-to-curb on Main Street. Mr. Mirza replied 62 feet and that the speed limit is between 35 and 45 miles per hour as you travel east along Main Street. There was a discussion regarding what enforcement power the Police Department has for pedestrian regulations. Chief DeForrest replied that as long as people cross streets perpendicularly, then no pedestrian laws are broken. Mr. Mirza explained that pedestrian safety education is the city's best defense against traffic accidents involving pedestrians. Council then discussed the concept of a refuge (island type) median on Main Street. Mr. Barnett said the idea of the island allows people who cross to take the trip in two halves versus the entire crossing at one time. i City of Springfield Work Session - 8/18/97 Page 2 . Although the exact proposal of a median strip has not been developed, an additional benefit would be access control for the development of efficient traffic operations. Mr. Barnett said it is time to begin discussing the possibilities of pedestrian safety. City Attorney Joe Leahy reported the Planning Commission has had two separate discussions on this topic. They suggested staff review issues surrounding safety and report back to both the Planning Commission and the council. Development Services Director Susan Daluddung said commission member Don Lutes telephoned her recently regarding the subject and had energy to pursue issues of a median, as well as pedestrian safety during the TransPlan process. Council discussed other variables in determining what safety measures would assist. Councilor Maine spoke about trailing cars and how people have a hard time judging the speed of approaching vehicles. Mayor Morrisette suggested "caution signs" for pedestrians be posted along Main Street. After discussion, it was council consensus to refer the issue back to the Planning Commission for further review. 2. Main Street Access Control. Highway 126 to 58th Street . Traffic Engineer Brian Barnett explained part of the request regarding the Development Agreement for the McKenzie Crossing Shopping Center prompted the pedestrian safety issue, as previously discussed. Traffic conditions on the south side of Main Street, east of Highway 126, where the proposed development is to occur, are such that city staff and ODOT staff believe access restrictions are necessary to maintain safe and efficient traffic operations. Mr. Barnett referred to the staff report Attachment B, the proposed letter of support, addressed to ODOT. ODOT has requested City Council support to restrict access on Main Street, even though it is a state highway and decisions are the authority of ODOT. Mr. Mirza provided traffic accident totals from 1991-1996, including 58 vehicle accidents. Out the 58, 32 were injury related and the balance were property damage only. 33 occurred during daytime hours on dry pavement. He referred council to a map of Main Street, citing the various locations of the traffic accidents. He said by limiting access control on Main Street, Highway 126 to 58th Street, by use of a median, that less accidents would occur in that direct area. . Mr. Barker, representing ODOT, provided additional maps and provided detailed information about the use of medians. One example given was the median placed on Mohawk Blvd. Mr. Barker explained that raised medians with allowed left turn movements, decrease accident levels by half. In this case, he said U-turns would be allowed, as there would be signal controls at both ends, and it would force the existing traffic to use the signals. Terry Thames, another representative of ODOT, provided a chart which showed the number of accesses, compared to the number of vehicle accidents. He stated ODOT has studied the number of accesses in detail and felt council should review the information. . . . .. . .~ City of Springfield Work Session - 8/18/97 Page 3 Councilor Burge supported the proposal, as the number of accidents are numerous and the city should work with ODOT on a permanent solution. Councilor Ballew asked if there will be a risk of traffic backing-up during rush hour times. Mr. Mirza said the design would accommodate all levels of traffic. Mr. Barnett added the median design might actually increase the traffic capacity in this specific area. Mr. Thames said ODOT would participate at a level of up to 20%. Mr. Barker said the project has primarily been projected to cost $15,000. Mr. Brown added that since the property is owned by ODOT and they do not need to receive city approval, they could legally cite the adjacent property owners for participation in the cost. Councilor Maine clarified where the park-and-ride would be placed and how the egress at Albertson's would occur. Mr. Barker said ODOT would like to include the adjacent property owners in the project and receive their concurrence prior to construction. Councilor Shaver stated that this type of cooperation between the city and state is appreciated. Ms. Daluddung spoke about a recent neighborhood meeting on this proposed development and said there was agreement from all present on safety issues which must be addressed. She explained that both city staff and ODOT representatives were present at the meeting and would continue to work with the neighborhood. After discussion, it was council consensus to have staff send the referenced letter to ODOT, and to cooperate with the planning of the Main Street access control from Highway 126 to 58th Street. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins t2P7/~ ayor ATTEST: ~~ (jWl}V\