HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/16/1997 Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1997 The city of Springfield council met in work session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, June 16, 1997, at 6:01 p.m., with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette, Councilors Ballew, Burge, Dahlquist, and Shaver. Councilors , Maine and Beyer were absent (both excused). Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly,.! Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Administrative Aide Julie Wilson and members of the staff. 1. Proposed Amendments to the Springfield Development Code Articles 2 and 32, Local Street Standards, Jo. No. 97-03-066. . City Planner Lydia Neill and Transportation Planning Engineer Masood Mirza presented the staff report on this issue. Staff is responding to council's request to discuss the proposed standards for requiring a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA). Staff is proposing to decrease the average daily trips required to trigger the inclusion of a TIA from 1,000 to 100. Staff has included a draft ofthe minor and major Traffic Impact Analysis requirements as an attachment. Minor TIA requirements provide basic information concerning description of the project, existing conditions, average daily trips (ADT) and trip assignment associated with the site. A major TIA is only required when trips exceed 500 ADT and includes all components included in the minor study in addition to an analysis of traffic volumes and a level of service (LOS) analysis of the site at full build out. As a part of the LOS evaluation, recommendations should be made for system improvements which may include striping, lane improvements, traffic signals, restricted driveway movements and pedestrian and bicycle improvements. An evaluation is also made of future conditions and traffic volumes generated by the proposed development. Staff has enclosed information regarding the ADT for various land uses and a survey of other jurisdiction requirements for TIA's. Staffhas researched the number of partitions and subdivisions processed since February 1994 to assess the relative number of projects that would have required a TIA under the new standards. All partition applicants and 11 of 42 subdivisions fell below the threshold for requiring a Traffic Impact Analysis. Adoption of the proposed Code amendments, which includes the Local Street Map will reduce staff processing time for plan review and right-of-way acquisition for necessary public improvements. These amendments also bring the city into partial compliance with Transportation Rule 12 requirements. Mr. Mirza reviewed the summary of TIA triggers. The two examples were the River Trail subdivision North Walnut Road and PoItava Street and the Multi-Family Residential Development at 64th Street and A Street. . Ms. Neill discussed the review process, timelines and the analysis process. She also said it was beneficial to have information upfront. This information would be provided by the Work Session Meeting Minutes June 16, 1997 Page 2 . applicant. She said impacts of the development need to be known. She said it was beneficial for both the city and the developer. Mr. Mirza discussed the costs associated with the study. He said costs were in line with the size of the development. He also discussed the difference between the minor and major TIA requirements. Councilor Burge said ifhe had a vacant parcel assessed at a certain value, then decided to build on the site that would jeopardize the transportation criteria, he could not develop the property as he could have in 1990. He wondered if the government would be restricting use of his land that had an intended use attached to it. He asked if this was reverse condemnation. Ms. Neill said it would depend on the certain facts, such as property value. He said this change would be a major decision. He said the proposed decrease from 1,000 to 100 was a large drop. Mayor Morrisette said SDCs provided a good means for cost recovery. Councilor Shaver discussed the traffic study numbers. Mr. Mirza reviewed the cost difference for TIA studies. . Ms. Neill pointed out a few changes in the map. Ms. Neill explained three school sites would be changed. The sites were Rainbow, Thurston and the Filbert Lane site. An asterisk would be placed next to the connections. If the parcels were rezoned to public land and open space, the connections would not be needed. She provided additional information on this issue. Councilor Shaver discussed the general text. He discussed limiting offsetting. Ms. Neill discussed article 32 and said language was contained so this did not need to be addressed. He also discussed street names. Ms. Neill said there was language which attempted to prohibit renaming the same street something different in a different area. Councilor Shaver discussed the option of breaking down the TIA to three levels. He suggested the following, 1) 100-250, require completion of a form; 2) 250 - 500, minor and; 3) 500 +, major. Staff would bring this issue back to council on June 23 for further discussion. 2. Review Recommendation for Purchase of New Financial/Human Resources Software Package. Finance Director Bob Duey presented the staff report on this issue. It is required the city's current financial system be moved off of the VAX system by 2000. The city included funds for this project and other related computer projects within its capital bond program in 1995. After producing a document titled Information Strategy Plam;J,ing Project, a business area analysis for core financials, and vendor reviews, the finance, human resources, and information services departments have selected a recommended vendor for the council's consideration. . Work Session Meeting Minutes June 16, 1997 Page 3 . The city's current financial reporting systems are not year 2000 compliant. The system was originally developed in the 1970s and has been modified extensively over the past 25 years. Entries made referencing dates after December 31, 1999, will not be handled properly by the system. After a year of preparation, the city placed its own RFP process on hold while it explored the possibility of cooperating with Lane County and the city of Eugene on the selection of a common vendor. Initial software cost, shared implementation program, and potential for ongoing operational savings were all reasons for exploring the joint program. Lane County has selected PeopleSoft, Inc. Eugene has not yet selected a vendor, with PeopleSoft and KPMG, their two finalists. Springfield is not considering KPMG. If the city should decide not to select the one common vendor, PeopleSoft, it will be required by State purchasing law to return to its original process and issue its own RFP for vendor selection. The contact with PeopleSoft would be for $220,000. An implementation contract with BIT would be for $397,200. Approximately $106,000 in additional hardware and software would be required. These costs total $723,103. A reasonable contingency on a project of this type would be an additional 15%. These expenses are all expected to be charged to the capital bond. City staff time is estimated to be between two and three employees working close to full time on this project for the nexttwo years. The portion of the capital bond money allocated to the financial system was approximately $675,000. Possible funding resources required for the $50,000 contract award above the budgeted amount and the possible contingency use of approximately $108,000 are to scale back other computer projects within the capital bond, or to allocate additional resources from the investment earnings of the capital bond proceeds. . The council asked questions about the storage of data, administration of the system, ongoing operating costs, sharing of information and location of the vendor. Greg Shaver shared comments from Councilor Maine who stated her preference for the PeopleSoft package, liked their sales and installation agreement, said this is a better long term solution, the advantages of other agencies using the same software, short term training and long term user use. Councilor ShaVer said she reviewed this proposal in depth and discussed with staff. Councilor Shaver said the package that came with the software was very important. He said the more complex the system and the more people using it, the more important it is to have good training and readily available support people to resolve problems. He supported the proposal for PeopleSoft. Councilor Burge discussed the estimated cost of the financial package as compared with the budget estimates. He said he was concerned with the gap between estimated and actual costs. He asked where the extra funds would come from. Finance Director Bob Duey explained the funding would come from the bond proceeds. He said some components of the system will offset the need for purchasing additional components of other software systems. Mr. Duey answered questions from council. Council agreed they would support the proposal. ADJOURNMENT . - . '.. /!alOo . . . Work Session Meeting Minutes June 16, 1997 Page 4 The meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson '--