HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/09/1997 Work Session . . . ~ City of Springfield Work Session MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1997 The Springfield City Council met in Work Session in Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, on Monday, June 9, 1997 at 6:05 p.m. with Council President Shaver presiding. Present were Council President Shaver and Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Burge, Dahlquist and Maine. Also present were Assistant City Manager, City Attorney Tim Harold, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Development Services Director Susan Daluddung, Building Official Dave Puent, Public Works Director Dan Brown, Environment Programs Supervisor Gary Colwell and members of staff. 1. Review 1997-98 Liquor License Endorsement for the Mill Camp and Sprengers Building Official Dave Puent presented the staff report. He said this is continued discussion from council's April 21 discussion regarding renewals for liquor license permits. At that time, both the Mill Camp and Sprengers were not approved pending further staff review. Mr. Puent reported on staff discussions with the two establishments withheld from council's blanket endorsement of liquor dispensing businesses given in April. He stated the Mill Camp has had a high number of Driving Under the Influence (DUll) arrests attributed to their establishment and Sprengers does not want to reduce its extended operational hours, per council suggestion. Mr. Puent reviewed the options available to council under state law and in accordance with council approved criteria for endorsing liquor license applications. He explained the recommendations which could be forward to the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) including: 1) recommend granting approval, 2) make no recommendation, 3) recommend not to grant unless the applicant demonstrates commitment to overcome the listed concerns, or 4) to recommend denial of approval. Council discussed the possibility of amending the their criteria for future decisions regarding endorsements. Chief DeForrest stated the council's criteria could change, butany recommendation to the OLCC must be based on criteria established by state law that is used by OLCC in making its decisions. Council discussed options available under state law in making an endorsement recommendation to the OLCC on both applications. Council discussed the crime aspects which occur from allowing the establishments to be open extended hours. They spoke with representatives from the Mill Camp who were present regarding options for their continued operation, but with better results for the community. Mr. Puent said the item would be on council's agenda at their June 16 Regular Session meeting for their recommendation. , .- City of Springfield Work Session - 6/9/97 Page 2 . 2. Business from the Council Planning Manager Greg Mott reported there was recent vacancy on the Planning Commission, due to the resignation of Dan Bedore. He reminded council of their recent interview process for another Planning Commission vacancy and distributed a list of individuals from the prior interview process who are still interested in this vacancy. He asked council members to discuss the applications and select an applicant for appointment to the commission. There was a brief discussion of the applicants and then council members voted via written submission for their top two candidate choices. Two points were given for each council members top choice and one point was given for e~ch council members second choice. The tally was as follows: David Ralston - 6 votes Jeanette Cardwell- 4 votes Mike Miller - 4 votes Cynthia Sinclair - 2 votes Alisa Carrillo - 2 votes Cluadete Eikenberry - 0 votes Reid Stewart - 0 votes Randi McLarrin - 0 votes . Council discussed their reasons for making their votes. By unanimous consent, council decided to appoint David Ralston. Development Services Director Susan Daluddung recommended the appointment be effective after the Planning Commission's summer recess, due to pending continued public hearings and commission business. Council agreed the appointment will be ratified at council's regular session meeting on June 30. Council suggested Mr. Ralston receive his orientation during the schedule Planning Commission summer recess. Ms Daluddung agreed. 3. Review System Development Charge for the Regional Sanitary Sewerage Facility Environmental Programs Supervisor Gary Colwell provided the staff report. He reminded council of their previous approval of a new interim System Development Charge (SDC) thatwas instituted as a result of the location of Hyundai and HMT in Eugene. Mr. Colwell discussed the citizen advisory committee that was established to analyze the SDC rate methodology and basis for calculating regional and local sewer rates. Mr. Colwell reviewed how the basis for calculation was analyzed and stated the same definition of users used for regional and local sewer rates was being proposed to be used for SDC rates as well. Mr. Colwell stated local sewer rates will still be calculated using a plumbing fixture rate. . Councilor Shaver asked how staff felt about the changes to SDC rates and how the methodology is being accepted in Eugene. Mr. Colwell replied both the cities of Springfield and Eugene agree with the methodology. Springfield wanted to use it originally and are pleased the user rate classifications are now applying to the methodology of SDC rates. .~ . .' . City of Springfield Work Session - 6/9/97 Page 3 Councilor Dahlquist asked if a new large company located in the area that the methodology would need to be re-evaluated. Mr. Colwell explained the 20-year list of projects which is fairly accurate until the year 2002, when there are no projects planned. This list provides all components of flow and strength and the commission has a policy of entering into design when one of those capacities/components exceeds 85%. If a large user located in the area then projections would need to be recalculated immediately, due to the nature of the strength of the waste. He explained the five-year CIP and the yearly evaluation process which occurs by the commission. The council discussed the rate methodolgy and asked questions about how it was calculated and how it will apply in the future. Councilor Ballew stated she was a member of the advisory committee and that residential (and some commercial) connection rates are a little lower with the new methodology. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Minutes Recorders - Eileen Stein/Shari Higgins co~~ ATTEST: ~l~ De ty City Recorder