HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/02/1997 Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1997 The city of Springfield council met in Work Session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, June 2, 1997 at 6:00 p.m., with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette, Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Burge, Dahlquist, Maine and Shaver. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Administrative Aide Julie Wilson and members of the staff. 1. Amendments to Springfield Municipal Code, Chapter IX, Sign Code. Community Services Manager Dave Puent presented the staff report on this issue. In order to provide the best possible service, the Development Services Department collects suggestions yearly from contractors and business owners regarding possible improvements to the Springfield Sign Code. During the past two years, the community has supported, for the most part, the existing Sign Code and continue to support staff in the permit issuance and enforcement ofthe Code. . The staff report outlines the proposed changes. All proposed changes have been reviewed by the Building Board of Appeals and all sign contractors who are licensed with the city of Springfield. Once the final draft of the changes were completed, another copy of the changes were mailed to sign contractors asking them to meet with staff one last time to review the changes and to bring any additional information and/or proposed changes to the Code. No sign contractors attended the meeting. Although there is no financial impact to the city, the number of inquiries or complaints should decrease due to the proposed changes to the Code. Mr. Puent reviewed the changes and answered questions from council. Section 9-7-2. Real Estate Sign. Mr. Puent provided examples to better explain the primary purpose of this language. Section 9-7-4 (4)(a). Banner Permit Fees. Mr. Puent reviewed the language and no questions were asked regarding this section. Section 9-7-6. Non-Conforming Signs. Mr. Puent reviewed the new language. He answered questions regarding vacant billboards. . Section 9-7-7 (12). Invisible Signage. Councilor Shaver suggested that the term be revised to state "signs not visible from the right-of-way." Councilor Ballew also noted there was a typographical error in the word business. Work Session Meeting Page 2 . Section 9-7-7(13). Neighborhood Watch. Councilor Saver said there were many signs that were located in the right-of-way and not on private property. He wondered if staff intended to grandfather in the existing signs or if they wanted those signs removed from the public right-of-way. Mr. Puent responded that they were trying to remove signs from the public right-of-way. Section 9~7-7(14). Drive-Up Menu Boards. Mr. Puent said this was more of an industry driven issue. Section 9-7-8. Prohibited Signs. Mr. Puent reviewed the intent of the revised language. Section 9~ 7-10. Residential District Sign Standards. Mr. Puent reviewed the new language in this section. Section 9-7-13. Neighborhood Commercial. Mr. Puent reviewed the revised language. 2. Proposed Movie Theater at the Gateway Mall. . Planning Manager Greg Mott presented the staff report on this issue. General Growth Properties, Inc. recently announced plans to construct a 17 screen, 4,000 seat movie theater at the Gateway Mall which creates several significant issues for the city. Although there are legal issues surrounding terms of an agreement entered into between the developer and the city, which must be resolved prior to submitting a land use application, staff is allowing General Growth an opportunity to discuss land use issues and their market reasons for their request. The first significant issue involves the transportation impact to a congested intersection. Staff has required General Growth to prepare a thorough Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA), as well as a Parking and Circulation Analysis. The TIA has not been formally reviewed by city staff, nor has the information been received as part of the comprehensive package in a formal land use application. General Growth has been requested to submit the land use application subsequent to City Council resolving the conflict with the existing Disposition and Development Agreement. The second issue the city must consider concerns the appropriateness ofthis use as a component of a "regional shopping center." The theater is approximately 85,000 square feet, and is located on one of the two remaining sites reserved by the existing Disposition and Development Agreement for future major retail tenants. Is this proposal consistent with the concept of a regional shopping center? Should the two pad sites be developed with major retail tenants first, then consideration given to a movie theater, either attached or separate from the mall? General Growth has provided an information packet regarding these questions and was available to answer questions. Mr. Leahy explained that any discussion would be made part of the public record in the event this becomes a land use issue. . General Growth Properties, Inc. representatives, Jerry McCuistion and Jeff Cook and Bob Buchanan, provided council with information regarding the project. Information included Work Session Meeting Page 3 . the site plan, traffic study, articles regarding theaters and expansion and opportunity information. Mr. McCuistion discussed the logistics of the movie theater, convenience issues, success of similar layouts, the attraction to bring business to the Gateway Mall and associated areas. He also discussed parking availability at the Gateway Mall. Mr. Cook discussed the seating capacity of the proposed theater in relation to the parking available. Mr. McCuistion answered questions from Councilor Ballew regarding parking. Councilor Burge commented on the proposed name and wondered if it was appropriate. Mr. McCuistion said the proposed name could be addressed with Cinemark. He explained Cinemark Theater had other similar sites with the same name, although, said this could be addressed with Cinemark. Mr. McCuistion explained parking did not reflect anticipated new retail business. He said they currently had excess parking for the current proposal. Councilor Maine discussed bringing in new retail business but also expressed concern for the current theater. Mr. McCuistion responded this would create a new anchor for entertainment. They tend to draw from a larger radius, from twenty to thirty miles away. He said this was anew technology. He felt this was a new anchor to the mall. . Councilor Beyer recognized there may be some pros and cons for the proposal. She asked what comments have been received from current businesses in the mall. Mr. Buchanan replied there were benefits to attracting additional retail business that may not exist if the proposed theater were not located at the mall. Mr. Cook responded this could attract more young adults and families. He said security among other things could be controlled based on need. Mr. McCuistion provided information regarding the creation of new jobs. Mr. McCuistion responded to questions from Councilor Shaver. He explained all theaters would be large theaters. He also eXplained General Growth Properties, Inc. have been involved in the development of other facilities that have been built. He could provide council with a list of other cities that have developed the proposed facility. Traffic Engineer Masood Mirza responded to questions from Councilor Ballew regarding traffic studies. Mr. McCuistion explained the relationship between General Growth, the Gateway Mall and the proposed movie theater. He explained that leases would exist between parties. He also discussed the development agreement. . Councilor Burge discussed the difference between peak business traffic commuting, shopping hours, and those attending the theater. Mr. McCuistion discussed the traffic study and peak traffic hours and impact. . . . . . Work Session Meeting Page 4 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson fdI~ Bill Morrisette Mayor Attest: Lfo~LD~ Jul, Wilson Deputy City Recorder