HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/24/1997 Work Session (2) . . . . ---........ .;~, MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1997 The city of Springfield council met in Work Session in the Library Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, March 24, 1997 at 8:00 p.m., with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette, Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Burge, Dahlquist, Maine and Shaver. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein and members of the staff. 1. TransPlan Update Policy Maker's Decision Package Greg Mott presented the staff report on this issue. Fourteen transportation strategies are being proposed, as the basis for developing a draft metropolitan transportation plan (TransPlan.) The strategies would be used to develop draft policies, ordinances and state required benchmarks for meeting statewide transportation planning goals. The draft plan would be developed during the next four months and then be presented to the planning commissions and elected officials for review and approval prior to release to the public. The council reviewed this material at its March 3rd work session and continued the discussion until March 24. Council expressed a desire to have more Springfield staff input in the evaluation of the strategies. Springfield staff have reviewed the proposed strategies and provided comments and a recommendation for each strategy. In some cases staff have proposed alternative wording for the strategy language. The Eugene city council and Lane County Board of Commissioners will review the issue in early April. Planning Manager Greg Mott discussed the conflict resolution process that would occur for any differences that may arise in strategy language. He said the conflict resolution forum would be the Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC). City Planner Mel Oberst and Transportation Planning Engineer Masood Mirza reviewed the fourteen strategies and the staff recommendations for alternative language. Mr. Oberst reviewed the staff recommendation for changing the wording of Strategy # 1. The council concurred with the staff recommendation. Mr. Oberst reviewed the staff recommendations for no change in the language of strategies two, three and four. Council concurred with the staff recommendations. Councilor Beyer discussed Strategy #5. She commented on the declining resources for transit improvements. Mr. Mirza discussed the reference to transit resources and mentioned Strategy #14 to seek additional resources for transit improvements. Council discussed whether transit should be limited to simply bus transit versus rail transit between the two cities. Council concurred with the wording of Strategy #5. Work Session Meeting Minutes March 24, 1997 Page 2 . Mr. Oberst reviewed the staff recommendation for the wording of Strategy #6. Councilor Burge said he would like bike count data on quarterly or monthly basis. Strategy #6 was approved as recommended. Council discussed Strategy #7. Councilor Maine said the city needed to be more proactive in ensuring pedestrian safety on Main Street and working with ODOT on this issue. Councilor Beyer agreed and said the city needed to be proactive in ensuring pedestrian safety on Gateway Street. Strategy #7 was approved as recommended. Strategies #8 and #9 were approved. Council discussed Strategy #10. Councilor Maine commented on county projects in the UGB. Strategy # 1 0 was approved. Council discussed Strategy #11 and approved it. Council approved Strategies #12, #13 and #14. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR DAHLQUIST, TO ADOPT STRATEGIES RECOMMENDED FOR TRANSPLAN INCORPORATING STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. Councilor Burge expressed concern whether staff recommendations provide the flexibility needed to ensure that any strategies might be implemented in a manner consistent with Springfield's community values. Mr. Oberst said the alternative language recommended by staff was intended to provide this flexibility. 2. Allocating Transient Room Tax (TRT) for FY 1997-98 Susan Daluddung introduced this item. The city council provided staff direction on several uses ofTRT at its February 24, 1997 work session. Council requested more information on ongoing projects (Chamber of Commerce contract, Filbert Festival, Island Park Band Pavilion). Additionally, the City Manger asked for information on costs to keep the Planning Division's counter open 40 hours per week and turnaround times below the 120 day period as mandated by State law. The information is assembled here for further direction and decisions by city council and to prepare the FY 1997-98 budget. Materials supplied for the ongoing projects and for program staffing were included in the staff report. Attachment I outlines a possible expenditure scenario for TRT for FY 97-98, including reallocations and possible reserve amounts. Council needs to give additional direction on four proposals and make a final decision on previous discussions, as well as accept the entire Room Tax budget for FY 97-98. . The Chamber of Commerce reports on recent contract performance issues and requests a continuation of funding at $30,000. The Filbert Festival requests continued funding at '" "Work Session Meeting Minutes March 24, 1997 Page 3 . $25,000. With anticipated construction this summer, the Island Park Band Pavilion project will spend allocated funds. The Springfield Concert Band requests an additional challenge grant of $1 0,000 to complete the project's 48' X 40' concrete base and help purchase the removal covering/structure to complete the project. Given the uncertainty of Ballot Measure 47, council discussion in February and March directed staff not to use the Room Tax Committee's allocation process and to include Economic Development and Museum operations rather than fund Sports Center staffing. Direction also included transferring Arts Commission staffing with Library staffing to the Library, the total tentatively funded at .5 FTE. Additionally to continue processing land-use applications within the statutory 120 day approval limit and provide 40 hours per week public assistance at the DSD front counter. The staff report described an add-back of .8 FTE for an estimated cost of about $45,175. With the exception of the Island Park Band Pavilion project, the proposals could be accommodated within the projected revenues from TRT. Reallocating some unexpended project funds from previo,us years could allow funding for the Island Park Pavilion project and retain funds for other projects in reserves. . Filbert Festival representative Tim Flowerday answered questions about the next phase of the Island Park Band Pavilion. Mr. Flowerday said the total cost would be between $100,000 to $120,000. The challenge grant request is only $10,000. The unfunded amount is $55,000 which would be sought through private foundation grant funds. Councilor Burge said the city made an initial $10,000 investment and an additional $10,000 was being requested. He wondered if the city would end up having to pay the unfunded amount in future years. Councilor Shaver asked how the city could limit future money going to the ORM Challenge Grant. Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis said an outcome on that matter will be known in the next few days. He said, at this time, no additional outlays will be needed next fiscal year. There may be some additional expenditures needed that will come out of the grant money already appropriated. Mr. Grimaldi said the concept of a museum at the Weyerhaeuser site is no longer being considered. The remaining issue is what to do with the property and the grant appropriation. Councilor Shaver asked the status of the Broiler Festival challenge grant. He said the city should reappropriate this challenge grant. Council concurred. Councilor Burge confirmed that staff would soon know how much of the ORM challenge grant could be reappropriated, Councilor Shaver asked about the contracts for the Chamber of Commerce and Filbert Festival. Dan Egan commented on Chamber of Commerce contract. He said discussion could be held when council discusses the room tax budget in May. The same for the Filbert Festival. . Councilor Shaver commented on the planning and development issue paper. Development Services Director Susan Daluddung discussed the proposal. She proposed to make a .6 FTE Planner full time and .4 FTE for customer assistance. She discussed the impacts of this -- . '~ork Session Meeting Minutes March 24, 1997 Page 4 . proposal on department operations. Councilor Burge supported the proposal and Councilor Maine agreed. Councilor Burge apologized for his recent opposition to discussions about a joint levy proposal. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson ~~ Bill Morrisette Mayor Attest: . .