HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/10/1997 Work Session (2) ,. . City of Springfield Joint Work Session MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL AND THE SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM BOARD OF DIRECTORS HELD MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1997 The City of Springfield Council met in Joint Work Session with the Springfield Museum Board of Directors at Springfield City Hall, Library Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, February 10, 1997, at 6:05 p.m. with Council President Shaver presiding. Present from the City Council were Council President Shaver and Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Burge (6:12 p.m.), Dahlquist and Maine (6:12 p.m.). Mayor Morrisette was absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, Development Services Director Susan Daluddung, Senior Management Analyst Cynthia Pappas, Museum Coordinator Kathy Jensen and members of staff. Present from the Museum Board of Directors were Chair Tom Wurtz and members Sandra Rennie, Blake Hastings" JacK Gischel, Paula Chan Carpenter, Theodore Johnson and Steve Moe (6:10 p.m.). Members Arnold and Lively were absent. Present from the Museum Committee were members Perry, McKee, McKee and Wagner. . 1. City Council/Museum Board Joint Meeting Council President Shaver welcomed everyone present. He led the introductions and thanked the board for their dedicated work on behalf of the City of Springfield. Museum Board of Directors Chair Tom Wurtz reviewed the Museum's Mission Statement and thanked the Museum Committee members for their help over the past year. He explained the board makes the policy decisions for the Museum but the real work comes from the Museum Committee members, staff and the docents. Currently the Museum has approximately 40 docent volunteers. Mr. Wurtz stated the goals for the Museum are to maintain the diversity of exhibits; increase the number of volunteers; increase staffing; collaborate among community and city groups; maintain annual exhibit brochures and newsletters; broaden the membership base; and find additional Museum space. He spoke about ongoing exhibits and introduced board member Sandra Rennie, who was a City Council member at the time the Museum was created. Ms. Rennie explained how the community became involved and supported the Museum as it became a reality. She spoke about the growth of the Museum over the years and how much work has been provided by community volunteers. Mr. Wurtz stated there has been a large pool of donors/contributors to the Museum since its inception. Mr. Wurtz commented that Councilor Maine, as liaison to the board, was present at their recent Goal Setting Session. . ,. City of Springfield Joint Work Session - 2/10/97 Page 2 . Councilor Maine stated it was a very positive process and she appreciated all the time volunteers spend at, and for, the Museum. Councilor Burge asked how much capital funding the Museum has remaining. Mr. Wurtz replied, approximately $40,000. There was a discussion about what the capital funds can be used for, which are capital purchases only and not personnel costs or shifts. Mr. Wurtz said the funds would remain in a segregated account and efforts would continue to add to the fund balance for future needs. Mr. Wurtz explained the council provided $56,000 in room tax funds for a two-to-one match in the form of a Challenge Grant. The Museum Board efforts resulted in raising approximately $190,000. Of this funding, approximately $200,00 was spent on building renovations and the Interpretative Center. Councilor Burge asked how many people visit the Museum each year. Museum Coordinator Kathy Jensen replied, in 1996, the visitor total was approximately 11,500. She also explained that each year more than 1,000 children are brought to the Museum on approved Springfield School District (SSD) field trips. She provided information on the SSD High Sony Compact Disc (CD) project. Development Services Director Susan Daluddung provided additional information about the high school program, which is sponsored by Sony Disc Manufacturing Company, and how the two local high schools rotate their participation. . Ms. Rennie stated the Museum has a large photo collection which needs a minimum of 300 square feet of storage area in a temperature-controlled building. Ms. Wurtz stated displays from the photo collection are currently located at the Springfield Depot, the Gateway Red Lion, Spencer's Restaurant, and at City Hall. As funding allows, the board will continue to refurbish photos and present them for display. Mr. Wurtz commented on specific pieces of the collection and thanked Museum Committee member Estelle McCafferty who has cataloged all the photos for historical purposes. Councilor Shaver suggested more signage be placed near the photos on display at the various locations, connecting them with both the city and the Museum. Mr. Wurtz reviewed the program proposals of the Museum which include continued exhibition programs; Museum tours; historic education for children; preservation and and cataloguing of artifacts; maintenance and expansion of the Museum store; and maintenance of the Interpretive Center. Councilor Ballew asked how the exhibits are scheduled. Ms. Jensen replied by various methods, including contacts from and to local artists, walk-in artists and referrals. Mr. Wurtz stated a new exhibit, "The Quaint Collage", opens on Friday, February 14, 1997, and invited council members to attend the reception. . Councilor Shaver inquired about changes to the Museum store. Mr. Wurtz responded by detailing some of the changes to the store, including new items which are more marketable, a new store layout and creative decorating. He stated sales have increased during the past few months and thanked the Museum Committee members responsible, Sharon Perry and Jackie Gann. ~ . to e'~- . . . City of Springfield Joint Work Session - 2/10/97 Page 3 Ms. Daluddung commented on events associated with this year's downtown celebration titled, "HollyDays." She stated the Museum store was open for just a few hours and sold approximately $3,500 in merchandise. Mr. Wurtz asked the council to provide the same level of funding to the Museum as in the past, and the stated group would continue their outside fundraising efforts also. Councilor Maine showed her support for the combination of rotating exhibits and the permanent Interpretive Center highlighting the history of Springfield. She said it is a good mix for both local community members and those traveling through or visiting Springfield. She stated the board needs continued support from the council in both financial and staffing areas. There was a discussion about continued fundraising, future financial efforts and the direction in which the board is focusing for the Museum. Board member Jack Gischel asked both council members and staff to become members of the Museum because the board is seeking to increase membership. Councilor Shaver explained he likes the quality of the exhibits and the Interpretive Center. He felt the Museum is a good use of room tax funds. By consensus, council members present supported the functions and direction of the Museum Board and Museum Committee. Mr. Wurtz ended the meeting by reminding council to set aside June 1, from 11 :00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for the annual Garden Festival. He explained this event is fund-raiser for Museum activities. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins Lnc~~- ATTEST: ~~~ uty CIty Recorder