HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/18/1997 Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18,1997 The City of Springfield Council met in Work Session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Tuesday, February 18, 1997, at 6:05 p.m., with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette, Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Dahlquist, Maine and Shaver. Councilor Burge was absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Administrative Aide Julie Wilson and members of the staff. 1. Terminate Lease with United Soccer Association (USA) and Authorize Opening Negotiations with Emerald Kidsports, Inc. (Kidsports) for Sports Center Soccer Field Development. Development Services Director Susan Daluddung presented the staff report on this issue. In December 1995, the City Council authorized an amendment to the July 1993 lease agreement with United Soccer Association setting a time line which required two fields be built by 1996. While some progress was made, the fields were not built primarily due to the inability of a sponsor to make good on a major pledge. . When USA sought the support of Kidsports, its Board of Directors authorized its Executive Director to enter into negotiations with he city to continue the soccer fields project. They also authorized the expenditure of $20,000 which would fulfill the Room Tax matching requirements and provide the remaining cash needed for construction of two fields this year to be operational in 1998. Kidsports also proposes building a third field in 1998 to be operational in 1999. All fields would be built using high intensity drainage matrix sand- channel technology. The city has met the conditions of the lessor in this lease. To meet its obligations to the Lane County Special Use Permit, the city must this year construct a 75 space parking lot and restrooms prior to the beginning use of the fields. Approval of this request will mean shifting two previously approved city council Room Tax grants totaling $45,000 from USA and Rotary to Kidsports. The funds for the construction of the parking lot and restrooms will be obtained through an inter fund loan repaid with Room Tax. The council previously approved $200,000 in Room Tax Funds (to repay the funds needed for the project) in annual increments of $20,000. With funds already set aside, approximately $130,000 will need to be borrowed. If council approves this proposal, staff will advertise for bids on the parking lot and arrange design work for restrooms. . Staff requested guidance on proposals by USA and Kidsports to transfer and renegotiate lease provisions and Room Tax grants from United Soccer Association to Kidsports. Ms. Daluddung summarized the following three points. Work Session Meeting Minutes February 18, 1997 Page 2 . a. The city and USA agreed to time-based performance standards which USA has been unable to meet due to a series of unforeseen conditions. b. USA is supportive of a Kidsports proposal to complete the soccer field construction project and to operate and maintain the fields. c. Staff recommends negotiating a lease with Kidsports similar to the USA lease but with a one year "build-it or lose-it clause" to assure timely performance on field construction. Kidsports has longevity, resources, and the capability to maintain and manage fields. City Manager Mike Kelly discussed the issues related to water needs on the site and Springfield Utility Board's possible participation. Councilor Maine wanted to know what the anticipated future costs would be. She understood the benefits of the project but also noted there was a lot of competition for needed funds. Mr. Josephson explained they would have certain expectations on maintenance of the facility. He said major future maintenance had not yet been discussed. He said they would keep the fields up to a necessary level, including maintenance. He said this was certainly in the scope of Kidsports responsibilities. Ms. Daluddung eXplained that language could be included in the lease as directed by council. . Management Analyst Howard Wade reviewed the details of the proposed contract: He explained that both he and Al King discussed the project with Bob Josephson of Emerald Kidsports. They discussed the possibility of Kidsports donating money and technical support to assist in the completion of Phase I of the soccer fields at the Springfield Sports Center. The Kidsports Board of Directors met in January and approved plans of Kids ports assuming leadership for the creation of the soccer fields. Ms. Daluddung reviewed the summary of substantive lease changes. Al King also provided information regarding the project. Mr. Josephson recognized the positive aspects of the project. He said soccer has become a popular sport and is growing in the community. He explained the need for community access to soccer fields along with the need for a regional facility. He recommended a Cainbridge drainage system. He provided council with a handout about the project. He said the estimate was $49,000 to complete the two fields. He discussed the Metropolitan Sports Commission and their involvement with regional sports sites. Kidsports was a 501(3)(c) nonprofit corporation. The foundation was also a nonprofit organization. He discussed the difference between capital and restricted account funds. He also discussed dedicated funds kept in a separate fund. Mr. Josephson discussed the term of the lease. He explained they would maintain the fields on an annual basis along with the $20,000 funds approved for the project. City Attorney Joe Leahy answered questions regarding funding and analysis of Kidsports activities. AI King and Susan Daluddung discussed the fact that 10 years was a good time frame for the agreement. . Councilor Shaver supported the project and was in favor of the transfer from A YSO to Kidsports. He felt it was important that staff had assurances that the fields would be Work Session Meeting Minutes February 18, 1997 Page 3 . maintained at a high standard. He suggested Mr. Kelly be directed to continue to work with SUB regarding the well issue. He also said the parking lot issue and other unstated issues should be spelled out and defined. He discussed the time frame for the lease. He felt the city should have an out mechanism in case other needs arose in the future. He discussed insurance and the need for hold harmless certificates to protect the city's interest. Since this was within the city of Springfield, he felt the city had an obligation to ensure that Kidsports and the facility would always be open to Springfield residents. Councilor Ballew supported the project. She discussed the possibility of rebidding the project. Councilor Dahlquist agreed with comments made by others. He liked the idea of someone else other than the city being responsible for maintenance. He also supported the use of the facility by Springfield residents. Councilor Beyer supported the project and wanted to see it go forward. Mr. Kelly was directed to rebid and address the concerns raised during the meeting. 2. Update on "Jasper Road Extension" and Lane Transit District Park and Ride Projects. Assistant to the City Manger Eileen Stein presented the staff report on this issue. Ollie Snoden, Lane County and Will Mueller, LTD, also provided an update ontheproject. . Two transportation projects are moving forward in the Thurston area: the construction of a new road connecting Jasper Road with Main Street, and the creation of an L TD Park and Ride facility along this new road at Main Street. u Ollie Snoden, Lane County, discussed the Jasper Road Extension, a new road which will extend from the point of where the Eugene-Springfield Highway intersects Main Street to Jasper Road in the vicinity of the Natron site. Lane County has programmed $2.2 million for this project in 1998-99 and is now in the planning stage. County staff has so far held one meeting to inform the public and solicit input. The funding for this project was discussed during the council's February 10 work session. The council directed the city's representatives to the Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) at the February 13 MPC meeting, to recommend that the Jasper Road Extension be substituted for the South 42nd project in the Oregon Department of Transportation's 1998-2001 State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) a draft of which is now undergoing public comment. . The other project involves L TD' s construction of a Park and Ride facility at a site which is adjacent to the northern end of the Jasper Road extension near Main Street. Will Mueller, an L TD representative explained this project to the council. This project is currently being reviewed by city staff and is scheduled for review by the Planning Commission in April. Mr. Mueller reviewed the project and discussed access connections between the parking lot and the shopping center parking lot. He said the lease agreement with ODOT was settled as far as . . . .. Work Session Meeting Minutes February 18, 1997 Page 4 content. The cost for rental fee was still being worked out. He reviewed the site plan drawing and the different phases of work. Councilor Shaver discussed the benefits of the project but also discussed the appropriate use of certain funds for safety related projects (42nd Street funds). ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson f~~ ill Morris Mayor W~