HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/13/1997 Work Session i City of Springfield Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 13,1997 The City of Springfield Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, January 13, 1997, at 6:08 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Burge, Dahlquist, Maine and Shaver. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, Public Works Director Dan Brown, Management Analyst Len Goodwin, Finance Director Bob Duey and members of staff. 1. Review of County/City Road Partnership Agreement for Fiscal Years 1996-97 and 1997-98 Public Works Director Dan Brown presented the staff report and asked council to review a new agreement between the City of Springfield and Lane County for replacement of road funds. Mr. Brown strongly recommended council approval of the agreement with instructions for the City Manager to execute it. The County/City Road Partnership Agreement will provide approximately 1.8 million dollars to the city's Street Fund. . Mr. Brown provided background information on the city's urban transition agreements, which led to this level of street funding from Lane County. He explained that the first year of the partnership agreement (after the urban transition agreements ended) was in 1987. The street transition agreement, which transferred certain roads under county jurisdiction to the city and provided that the county would pay to the cities involved each year: 1) an amount which represented the per mile maintenance spending of the county (based on a five-year rolling average) times the number of Regional Road Network (RRN) miles within each city; 2) the amount of the county's overlay budget (but not less than $1.5 million) divided by 1,235 county road miles, times the number ofRNN miles within each city; and 3) an amount represented by the portion of all road miles in each city divided by all road miles in all cities, times a base amount, which was established in the agreement at $1.5 million. Mr. Brown stated in the FY 1989-90 budget, the county increased their payment to the city, as the county's Road Fund continued to grow and partnership funding amounts were increased. In December of 1995, the county informed the city, due to declining federal forest receipts and stagnate gas tax receipts, that they were terminating the County/City Road Partnership Agreement. Since that time, Springfield has received no dedicated street funding. With much work by staff and assistance from Mayor Morrisette, a new partnership funding plan was adopted by the county for a two-year period. The funding amounts are $1,031,000 in FY 1996-97, and $827,000 in FY 1997-98. . Councilor Ballew asked why funding ceased between 1995 and 1997, as the regional gas tax receipts did not decrease. Councilor Burge asked if the county was receiving the funding instead of the city. Mr. Brown explained county gas tax shares are determined by the legislature and the county receives their funding on a registered vehicle basis from the metropolitan area. There was a discussion regarding funding amounts received from Lane County in prior years. .. ~ f. . City of Springfield Work Session - 1/13/97 Page two . Councilor Burge asked if the cities of Springfield and Eugene receive the same portion of funds and reductions. Mr. Brown replied yes, all 13 Lane County cities are receiving proportionate funding and reductions as well. Mayor Morrisette stated funding should be distributed more evenly to the cities, as 60% of all people residing in the metropolitan area reside inside city limits, not in the rural county. Management Analyst Len Goodwin presented a chart showing prior funding amounts and future financial projections of the Street Fund. Mr. Goodwin referred council to the last page of the Agenda Item Summary, Attachment C, Page 2, regarding Street Fund projections through the year 2003. He explained the total Street Fund revenue will decline and deplete itself with current spending by the year 2001. Mr. Goodwin stated the city is reviewing their Street Fund and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and will either create a reserve account in the near future, or will use all current reserves by the year 2000. Mr. Goodwin stated the Public Works Department is currently looking at the long-term impacts to the Street Fund and reduction of expenditures to better match forthcoming revenues. . Councilor Burge suggested balancing future expenditures with future revenues on an annual basis. Mr. Goodwin replied that at some point, if the balancing occurred, the Street Fund would stabilize. Councilor Burge commented it would be good business to review stabilizing the fund now. Mr. Brown stated at a point in the near future, or during the upcoming budget process, the Street Fund will be reviewed and Council needs to provide direction regarding future expenditures of the fund. Councilor Maine asked if the agreement addresses specific projects for funding. Mr. Brown replied no, but the annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP) process deals with street projects specific to Springfield. He stated the city will continue to place Springfield projects on the CIP review list. Councilor Shaver asked if staff has a specific amount calculated as appropriate funds for the Street Fund reserve. Mr. Brown replied that he, Mike Kelly, and Bob Duey will discuss the amount of reserve necessary for an emergency, and it will be included in budget discussions regarding the fund. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR BURGE, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR MAINE, TO APPROVE THE COUNTY/CITY ROAD PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996-97 IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,031,000, AND FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997-98 IN THE AMOUNT OF $827,000. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Budget Committee Interviews The Council interviewed the following candidates, for positions open in Wards 1,3 and 4: . Christine L. Lundberg, Ward 1 Richard C. Carlson, Ward 1 . " . . . . City of Springfield Work Session - 1/13/97 Page three Virginia Lauritsen, Ward 3 Reid H. Steward, Ward 3 Darrell D. Smith, Ward 3 David R. Ralston, Ward 4 Linda S. Olson, Ward 4 William J. Eikenberry, Jr., Ward 4 John C. Erickson, Ward 4 The applicants were asked the following interview questions: 1) Why are you interested in serving on the Budget Committee? 2) If appointed to the committee, what would be your top priority, given the fact that Ballot Measure 47 recently passed? 3) The passage of Ballot Measure 47 is a major topic of concern for the Budget Committee. Have you studied the city's budget and do you have any ideas of areas where you would like to see reductions occur? 4) What city services do you think property taxes should finance and what services do you feel are not an appropriate use of tax dollars? 5) Can you attend the Budget Committee meetings and do you have the time necessary to commit to the committee? 6) Have you ever attended a Budget Committee meeting? Council discussed the qualifications and merits of each candidate. By consensus, it was agreed to appoint Christine Lundberg to Ward 1, Virginia Lauritsen to Ward 3 and John Erickson to Ward 4 Budget Committee positions. The appointments will be ratified at the next regular Council meeting of January 21, 1997. Council expressed their appreciation to all candidates for their interest in applying and for their time and effort in attending the interviews. Mayor Morrisette stated he was pleased at the amount of qualified applicants who had applied. 3. Business from the Council Councilor Shaver asked questions regarding the community forum or town hall meeting that the Mayor was hosting with the School District Board chair and the Willamalane Park and Recreation District Board chair regarding Ballot Measure 47 impacts. Mayor Morrisette provided information about the community meeting, scheduled for January 14. Councilor Ballew suggested Council do a better job of thanking applicants who apply to volunteer for city boards, commissions and committees. . . ~ City of Springfield .., Work Session - 1/13/97 Page four . Mayor Morrisette explained the process that staff follows after appointments are made and that he personally sends a letter to each applicant. Councilor Bal~ew felt the Mayor and Council could actually thank the applicants present at regular session meetings for applying. After a brief discussion, Council members agreed. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins ATTEST: . -4.1e~/f/J~h~ Bepttty City Recordet .