HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/18/1996 Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1996 The city of Springfield Council met in Work Session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, November 18, 1996, at 6:05 p.m., with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette, Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Burge, Dahlquist, Maine and Shaver. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Administrative Aide Julie Wilson and members of the staff. 1. Allocation of Room Tax Reserves for Startup Funding for Broad Base Programs' Fund-raiser Position. . Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis presented the staff report on this issue. Broad Base Programs wants to hire an executive director/fund-raiser to lead their major fundraising campaign. They have raised funds for one month's salary as they have worked on their brochure, architectural plans, business plan, and minor fundraising activities. For a professional effort and continuity, Broad Base requests $12,500 from Room Tax reserves to fund the fundraising position for six months. In FY 1995-96 Broad Base Programs requested $25,000 to hire a fund-raiser. The City Council granted the funds but concurred with staff recommendations the money be spent on market research, architectural renderings, and site plan. ,In the 1996 Room Tax allocation process, Broad Base Programs was granted $14,000 to prepare a fundraising brochure and to secure a professional critique of their market study. As required by the proposed lease agreement, Broad base has completed and submitted their business plan to the City Attorney. Broad Base is ready to put all the fundraising materials to use. To do that effectively, Broad Base Programs seeks $12,500 in Room Tax for the services of a professional Executive Director/Fund-raiser for six months, to get their corporate giving campaign off the ground and to accomplish the general goals outlined in the staff report. Sufficient funds are available for allocation from Room Tax reserves. Information is being provided for Council review and if so desired, Council can direct that the transfer funds occur. The city requested that US Bank perform an independent review of the Broad Base Programs Business Plan which is included in the staff report. Mr. Tamulonis reviewed the summary of room tax allocations for 1996-97. Board members present answered questions from Councilor Burge regarding membership. . Councilor Shaver raised the issue of Ballot Measure 47 and possible impacts. . . . ( . '. Work Session Meeting November 18, 1996 Page 2 Board members answered questions regarding projected project costs and fundraising efforts. Councilor Burge expressed concern regarding the large amount of funding needing to be raised. Staff provided an updated board membership roster. Councilor Maine supported funding $12,500 toward the fundraising effort. She also stated that assessing feasibility of meeting performance goals included in Broad Base contract was a critical measure. Councilor Burge asked if it was anticipated this would be the last request for Room Tax funds prior to construction and board members responded yes. Councilor Ballew also expressed concern regarding effects of Ballot Measure 47. Council provided consensus to approve to approve the request for $12,500 from Room Tax reserves so Broad Base Programs can hire an executive director/fund-raiser for six months. 2. Short Mountain Leacheate Pipe Line Intergovernmental Agreement. Planning Manager Greg Mott introduced Ken Kohl, Lane County Waste Management and .' presented the staff report on this issue. The Eugene City Council gave conditional approval to the Short Mountain Metro Plan amendment provided an IGA, as recommended by the Eugene Planning Commission, and specifying route, pipe size, future connections and operations responsibilities, was adopted by all three Jurisdictions. The Lane County Board of Commissioners and the Eugene City Council discussed the draft IGA at separate work sessions in October. Prior to these work sessions, technical and legal staff from all three jurisdictions reviewed the original concept proposal as tendered by the Eugene Planning Commission. After several rounds of word-smithing, the version was reviewed first by Eugene council and then by Lane County's board. In addition to the preferences of Eugene and Lane County elected officials, legal counsel for Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission has suggested additional language to reflect Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission's legal and operational standing in this agreement. These changes are included in the staff report. Council may wish to consider changes of their own design as well as changes that may become necessary in the event jurisdiction of Glenwood is transferred to Springfield. After council action on the IGA, the matter will be referred to SEL so the group can recommend whether the next step should be a joint elected officials work session or a discussion at MPC. Councilor Burge asked why Springfield was providing resources to study alternative methods since this is a Lane County project. Mr. Kohl responded that the board directed staff to develop a plan to study on-site treatments and a portion of that plan resulted in the formation of a task force with several organizations represented to help evaluate discharge criteria, . . . .... .;. Work Session Meeting November 18, 1996 Page 3 impacts to beneficial uses downstream of the discharge. He explained Springfield was identified as someone who would be concerned and provide valuable input. Public Works Director Dan Brown eXplained that Ed Black was assisting Susie Smith in the review process. Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission staff were involved. Councilor Shaver explained he was also invited to participate on the committee. He felt they would be reviewing technical rather than policy issues. He felt someone with technical background should be involved. Public Works Director Dan Brown explained that Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission would provide funding for staff time spent by Mr. Black. Mr. Mott explained that this issue was a spin-off of the land use issue. Councilor Ballew asked for clarification regarding Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commissions involvement in the issue. City Manager Mike Kelly discussed waste streams, collection systems, operational responsibility and Glenwood issues. He also discussed jurisdictional issues. He explained this language could be further discussed and clarified. Mr. Brown explained the intergovernmental agreement had to be amended to include Springfield in certain situations due to the National Permit issued to Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission, Eugene and Springfield. Mr. Brown explained that Springfield participation on the task force was important due to the responsibility and because Springfield provides administrative support. The group also answered questions regarding pipe location and sizing issues. Mr. Mott discussed Glenwood jurisdiction issues and recommend adding language that jurisdictiona~ issues are currently taking place and address city rights and provisions. Council agreed new language should be added. Councilor Burge agreed with suggested changes to items 3,5 and 6 along with revised language suggested by Mr. Mott. Mr. Kelly explained that if Council agreed with the changes recommended by staff, he would only need to make one motion to accept all revisions as provided. Councilor Dahlquist discussed item II(h). He suggested ending the sentence with the word "system." Mr. Leahy felt Eugene may have had a reason to include the language "prior to its entry into the UGB." Staff would check into clarifying this language. Councilor Maine discussed the language in item 14 and use of Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission in the paragraph. Staff would follow-up on this language to ensure the language was intended to state Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission. Mr. Kelly provided further information and explained the process for conflict resolution and final policy decisions. Councilor Burge agreed the language should be changed to MPC. Mr. Mott summarized his understanding of council direction. He stated he would receive clarification on language in II(h), and that the language would not be supported due to lack .. .. ,. Work Session Meeting November 18, 1996 Page 4 . of clarity. He would also request a revision to section 14 referencing Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission and changing it to MPC and add a new paragraph regarding the transfer. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:50 p.m. Minutes Recorder 7 Julie Wilson ~~I Mayor Attest: . .