HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/11/1996 Work Session . City of Springfield Work Session MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, MARCH 11,1996 The City of Springfield Council met in Work Session in Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, on Monday, March II, 1996 at 6:04 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Burge, Dahlquist, Maine and Shaver. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, Community and Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis, Planning Manager Greg Mott and members of staff. I. Recommended Room Tax Allocations from the Room Tax Advisory Committee . Community and Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis introduced members present from the Room Tax Advisory Committee (RTAC) including, Willie Combs, Joe Mathieu, Darrell Smith, Brad Anderson and John Erickson. Mr. Tamulonis explained $215,000 of room tax funding will be transferred to General Fund and out of which certain ongoing obligations would be paid. The balance was discussed and recommended for allocation by the RTAC. Mr. Tamulonis eXplained the on-going obligations which are funded each year including the Museum Coordinator position, Museum utility costs, and the collection fee paid to the City of Eugene. Mr. Tamuloqis explained the recommended room tax allocation available for funding is $144,250. He explained the Summary of Proposals and Recommended Allocations: 1996- 97, specifically items Band C, which list the recommended project allocations and the funds recommended to be set aside for projects needing further development. Mr. Tamulonis explained that the agenda packet item contained each individual proposal submitted and considered by RTAC. Councilor Shaver asked why the Hayward Field contract was not listed as an on-going project. Mr. Tamulonis replied that the contract is listed in the budget under a separate fund and is paid with the first $15,000 collected each year from room tax. Councilor Burge asked Mr. Tamulonis to provide Council with the complete summary of room tax expenditures, including the Hayward Field payment, Museum Coordinator position, Museum utilities, and collection fee payable to the City of Eugene, etc. Council discussed the amount of $6,000 which is paid annually to Eugene for collection and distribution of room tax funds. Council discussed whether or not the City of Springfield could collect room tax funds on it's own for a lesser amount. Finance Director Bob Duey was asked to review the costs for collection of room tax funds and report back to Council. . Mayor Morrisette asked Mr. Tamulonis for a pie chart with the total number of room tax dollars available shown. Mr. Tamulonis stated that RTAC only reviewed funds that would be unallocated, based on contracts, commitments and prior year spending patterns. . City of Springfield Work Session - 3/11/96 Page two Councilor Maine asked about the Broiler Festival allocation for fiscal year 1995-96, and whether or not a match was expected from the Springfield Jaycees. Mr. Len Allen was present and represented the Broiler Festival. He explained that a match was not raised for equipment at last years festival and will probably not be raised for the current year either. There was a discussion regarding the amount of debt (estimated at $18,000) that the festival has from 1995 and the likelihood of the match amount being produced for the 1996 festival. Mr. Joe Mathieu, a member ofRTAC, stated the advisory committee recommended the $10,000 Broiler Festival allocation be re-allocated from fiscal year 1995-96 to fiscal year 1996-97. The committee felt that since the 1995 festival was not held in Springfield, that the funding should be re-programmed and allotted to a Springfield based project. . Councilor Burge asked for more information regarding the request for Hoopmania. Mr. Tamulonis explained that there were two requests submitted from Hoopmania, one for equipment, plaques, etc. and one for staffing. Mr. Andy Papendieck, Co-Director for Hoopmania stated the recommended $11,000 request was for additional marketing of the event. He explained that youth travel to participate in the annual tournament will greatly increase the hotel and motel bookings in the Gateway area. It was also clarified that Hoopmania is a non-profit group, which donate it's proceeds to local charities, and is a Springfield event that will continue to be held annually at the Gateway Mall. Councilor Burge commented that he had a concern over the $14,000 recommended allocation to Broad Base Programs. He stated Council needs to meet with the Broad Base Board of Directors to receive an update on the allocation of $25,000 which was spent in fiscal year 1995-96. By consensus, Council agreed that they should review the performance measures in the Broad Base contract and discuss what progress has been made to date, before allocating additional funds in fiscal year 1996-97. Councilor Maine stated that the clear proposal evaluation criteria used by RTAC, made this process a success and she supports the recommendations made, including re-programming the $10,000 for the Broiler Festival. Councilor Burge asked ifthere are any restrictions on the reserve account with regards to a minimum or maximum account balance. He felt there may be years when a higher reserve could be held and then when a larger request came along, the additional funding could then be used or allocated. Councilor Beyer suggested holding the Broiler Festival funding for the upcoming fiscal year, giving the Jaycees another chance to produce the matching funds. She also felt additional room tax funds should be allocated to the Arts Commission for increased staff support. . Councilor Dahlquist stated the City should leave the Broiler Festival funding in place for one more year, but that they should be given a specific date in the budget process to report back to the Council with an answer regarding whether or not they could provide matching funding. . City of Springfield Work Session - 3/11/96 Page three Councilor Burge suggested the Council extend the commitment of funding for the Filbert Festival through fiscal year 1997-98. Councilor Shaver thanked the RTAC. He supported the one-year extension for the Filbert Festival and placing the Broiler Festival's funds into the reserve account, which would be held, pending their budget deficit being eliminated and the match funding being raised. Mr. John Erickson, General Manager of the Springfield Red Lion, spoke about a recent event sponsored by the National Academy of Gymnastics which brought a lot of tourism and room tax into the city. Mayor Morrisette stated he attended the gymnastics event and was very pleased with the tourism aspect of the tournament. Councilor Ballew stated she does not feel the City should place capital improvements on another agencies property (the Island Park Band Pavilion.) She was concerned over the use of room tax funds being spent to upgrade land owned by Willamalane Park and Recreation District. Councilor Burge concurred with Councilor Ballew. Mayor Morrisette responded by saying the City has allocated funding for parks in prior budget years and the Springfield Community Band is supporting the request for the band pavilion. . Councilor Ballew commented that she favors an allocation to place additional trees in the Washburne Historic District, as there should be a balance provided to the community through room tax funds. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR DAHLQUIST TO TENTATIVELY ADOPT THE SUMMARY OF PROPOSALS AND RECOMMENDED ALLOCATIONS: 1996-97, ITEM B, 1-7, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF BROAD BASE PROGRAMS. THIS ALLOCATION WILL BE FUNDED, BASED ON AN UPCOMING MEETING BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND BROAD BASE PROGRAMS TO DISCUSS PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND THE USE OF FUNDING FROM FISCAL YEAR 1995-96. PLACING THE AMOUNT OF $17,863, IN THE TOURISM RESERVE ACCOUNT, AND THE $10,000 RESERVED FOR THE BROILER FESTIVAL BEING LEFT ALLOCATED UNTIL THE END OF THE BUDGET PROCESS, AND IF NOT SPENT, TO BE PLACED IN THE TOURISM RESERVE ACCOUNT FOR ALLOCATION IN FISCAL YEAR 1997-98. THE MOTION PASSED BY A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 3 AGAINST (BEYER, BURGE AND BALLEW). MAYOR MORRISETTE BROKE THE TIE. The meeting recessed at 7:10 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:20 p.m. 2. Discussion of Land Use Application Fees . Planning Manager Greg Mott explained that during the fiscal year 1995-96 budget adoption process, Council directed staff to evaluate all City fees to determine the extent of cost recovery. . City of Springfield Work Session - 3/11/96 Page four Mr. Mott stated this evaluation was performed for planning related fees, and he reviewed the summary spread sheets. He explained how the proposed application figures were calculated, based on actual collection costs at 50%, 75%, and 100%. Mr. Mott stated that the last time planning fees were changed was in 1992, and the increases were based upon recuperation of 50% of costs. Councilor Burge asked if the State of Oregon has any jurisdiction over land use fees. Mr. Mott replied yes, that the city can not recuperate more than 100% of actual costs, except for an expedited land division process in which the city is required to recuperate 100% of costs, per the recently adopted SB3065. Councilor Burge suggested that all applicants be given a summary of SB3065, so they would know the process is available and the method in which fees are assessed. He felt the community would support paying higher fees for an expedited service. . Mr. Mott explained that increasing'fees would reduce the timeframefor processing applications, but that processing an application would still take 50 to 55 days at a minimum, due to land use laws, notice requirements, and input from other city departments or . divisions. Mr. Mott stated the increase in fees would retain the current planning staff level and assist in postage and notice requirement processing. Councilor Burge asked how the City of Eugene processes subdivision applications. Mr. Mott explained that Eugene uses staff engineers for process and design and Springfield contracts it's own applications, thus producing a final product much quicker. He stated the City of Eugene's costs are higher and their turn-around time is four to six months. Councilor Ballew asked whether the fees charged to residents in the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) are the same as fees city residents pay. Mr. Mott replied yes, but that approximately 10% to 15% more time is involved in processing applications in areasofthe UGB. Council discussed this issue at length and agreed that both cost and staff time recovery should be included in the fee that UGB residents pay for processing a land use applications. Mr. Mott stated that staff could administer a program that charges UGB residents a higher fee than city residents. Mr. Leahy stated as long as the higher cost for UGB residents can be justified and does not exceed 100% of actual costs, then it would be allowed under state law. He did comment that the planning staff would need to provide positive proof as to why the higher fees were being assessed. Councilor Maine suggested that the concept of charging UGB residents a higher fee might prompt Lane County to again provide land planning services for UGB residents in a manner in which Springfield would not find acceptable. She stated Council should review a fee increase of at least 50% for a minimum recuperation amount, since it has been so long since the land use fees have been adjusted. . Councilor Beyer agreed, but commented that she does not want to see Lane County assume the land use permit process for Springfield's UGB residents. .. .. . . . . City of Springfield Work Session - 3/11/96 Page five Councilor Shaver stated it is time that the UGB residents begin paying an amount closer to the cost of actual services received. Mr. Kelly stated staff would bring the land use application fee information back to the Council in mid-April, when the other city fee update information is presented. Council directed staff to calculate proposed fees ranging from 50% to 100%, by tens of cost recovery for future review. Councilor Ballew stated that the City should educate it's citizens as to what are 1996 costs versus 1991 costs, and the need to adjust fees accordingly. 3. Review of Ethics Laws and Statements of Economic Interest City Attorney Joe Leahy reviewed the state law governing ethics. He explained the review would be helpful to the City Council, as the Statements of Economic Interest (SEIs) were mailed to each Councilor on or about March 1, 1996, and due to the State Government Standards and Practices Commission (GSPC) on April 15. The following information was presented by Mr. Leahy: PUBLIC OFFICIAL: I] Any person who I) When an alleged ethics violation occurs 2) Is serving state, political, subdivision, other public body 3) As officer, employee, agent or otherwise 4) Irrespective whether person is compensated (ORS 244.020(15) 2] Relative 1) Spouse 2) Children, Spouses children 3) Parents 4) Brothers 5) Sisters POLICY A Public Office is a Public Trust. As one safeguard for that trust, the people require all Public Officials to adhere to the Code of Ethics set forth ORS 244.040 ... f . .. . . . City of Springfield Work Session - 3/11/96 Page six PROHIBITED (ORS 244.040) Whether Actual Conflict (ORS 244.020(1)) Any action, decision, recommendation by Public Official, the effect of which is to private pecuniary benefit or detriment of person or persons relative or any business of person or person's relative. Excludes campaign contributions, gifts from family, food, lodging, travel in official capacity, official eventas it relates to responsibility. (ORS 244.040(1)(a)) Use or attempt to use position to obtain financial gain or avoid financial detriment that would not be available but for position. Except for salary, expenses, unsolicited award, honoraria. For self or relative. For self or relative's business. (ORS 244.040(2)) Soliciting or receiving gift(s) in excess of $1 00 from any single source who could be reasonably known to have legislative or administrative interest in government entity or over which official would exercise authority. (ORS 244.040(3) Soliciting or receiving gift(s) in excess of$IOO from any single source who could be reasonably known to have legislative or administrative interest in government entity or over which official would exercise authority. Soliciting or receiving promise of future job in exchange for official action. (ORS 244.040(4) Use for personal gain of confidential information. POTENTIAL CONFLICT (244.020(7)) "The effect of which could be" Excludes interest in business required by law as a prerequisite for office, same degree as affecting class, membership in non-profit. HONORARIA Economic value given for services which custom or propriety prevents setting of price e.g. speeches. HANDLING ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL CONFLICTS (244.120) Potential (but Note ORS 244.040 Prohibitions) - announce before taking action. Actual- no discussion, no debate, no vote (Except) ifvote is necessary for Council to act. Councilor Burge asked what the penalty is per violation. Mr. Leahy replied $10,000, plus the refund of any money you were paid. Mr. Leahy gave specific examples of violations, including: attending a dinner and not paying for your spouse's meal; a local official allowing a land transaction to take place at his title business for a transfer benefiting the board he sits on; a Mayor representing herself in an advertisement for her real-estate business as "Mayor". .. . '. .. . . . City of Springfield Work Session - 3/11/96 Page seven Mr. Leahy discussed voting on budgetary items and reminded Council that they can remove an item from the budget or monthly financial reports and then adopt the balance of the budget or financial reports. . Ms. Stein explained the requirements for completing the Statement of Economic Interest (SEI) and reviewed the form, item by item. She stated the Mayor and all Council members need to complete their SEI and return it to the GSPC by April 15, 1996. Ms. Stein asked the Mayor and Councilors to keep the Guide for Public Officials (which was attached to the Agenda Item Summary) throughout their term of office. She stated that if they had any questions with regards to the SEI, that she could assist them in the preparation. 4. Other Business a. Councilor Beyer asked if any Council members would be attending the upcoming Youth Gang Conference in Salem. Chief DeForrest stated if any Council members were interested, to contact him directly for registration information. b. Mr. Kelly stated there had been some interest by Councilors to conduct a follow~up Goal Setting Session, to focus on the 1996-97 fiscal year targets. He asked if late afternoon or early evening on March 20 would be an acceptable meeting time and he suggested using a facilitator, such as Chris Pryor from Willamalane Park and Recreation District. Mr. Kelly told the Council that staff would poll them regarding the meeting date and facilitator choice. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Minutes Recorder- Shari Higgins B~2f~4 Mayor ATTEST: ~~ City Recorder '