HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/10/1996 Work Session . City of Springfield Council Goal Setting Meeting MINUTES OF THE 1996 ANNUAL GOAL SETTING SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1996 The City of Springfield Council met for it's annual goal setting session at the Willamalane Senior Center Meeting Room, 215 West C Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Saturday, February 10, 1995, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:40 p.m. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Burge, Dahlquist, Maine and Shaver. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Communication Manager Mike Moskovitz, and Finance Director Bob Duey. 1. Review of 1995 Gold Stars . City Recorder Eileen Stein reviewed the list of 1995 gold stars and commented that this year's list had been categorized according to the Council's five year goals. She asked whether there were any additions to the list. There were none and it was agreed that Ms. Stein and Communications Manager Mike Moskovitz would select the highlights for inclusion in the annual Gold Stars publication. Questions were asked about the preliminary plan for the extension of Pioneer Parkway extension and the bid award for the Police radio system. 2. Review of Long Range Financial Projections Finance Director Bob Duey highlighted some of the city's financial management policies including contingency and working capital policies; and maintenance of capital for replacement of capital assets. Mr. Duey reviewed the status of the General Fund reserves and the model for short term bridge financing that had been reviewed with the Council during the 1995 goal setting session. He updated the model based on developments over the past year such as continuing to receive revenue sharing funds from the state of Oregon, the decision (as recommended by the Springfield Tomorrow Improvement Plan (STIP) Advisory Committee) not to include capital asset replacement money in the capital bond measure, and other updates. Council discussed the fire service contracts for the unincorporated areas within the urban growth boundary and developments regarding the re-negotiation of those contracts. It was agreed that negotiations should include both capital and operating costs, as is reasonably determined, but that there should be some equitable application of the cost formula to all fire service contracts. . Mr. Duey reviewed the City's revenue sources by type. He pointed out the growth in external operating revenue sources and commented that they grow about 4% per year. He also discussed internal operating revenue and transfer payments from other funds such as indirect payments and Goal Setting Minutes February 10, 1996 Page 2 . commented that they grow about 6% per year. He indicated the more indirect payments to the General Fund these funds pay, the less they are able to pay for direct services for the purposes for which they are established. The Council discussed some of the projected transfer payments. Mr. Duey reviewed the current (base) long range financial projections (LRFP) which indicate a third year deficit in the General Fund of$555,791. He discussed assumptions used in making the projection and recent Council decisions, such as the restoration of state revenue sharing funds, which are included in the projection; and what issues are not included in the projection such as the operational costs of Fire Station #5, implementation of the Police Strategic Plan or other departmental strategic plans, General Fund support of a reduced Street Fund, any future annexations there may be, increased fire service contracts, and any infusion from the EMS Fund for the operation of Fire Station #5. Mr. Duey reviewed the long range financial projection with various scenarios considered. The first scenario included adding in the operating costs for Fire Station #5 (under different staffing scenarios.) The Council discussed what the voters may have expected when they approved the capital bond to construct Fire Station #5 in terms of type of services offered and whether those options are a basic or enhanced levels of service. By consensus, the Council directed staff to proceed with some interim staffing of Fire Station #5, utilizing either 8 or 11 staff, depending upon future Council direction. . The second scenario was incorporation of the Police Long Range Plan into the LRFP. Councilor Maine commented on elements of the plan and discussed what components of police services she would consider a basic service and what might be considered an enhanced service. She commented that many police services which are preventative, such as community policing, should be considered basic because they result in overall reduction of crime and in the need for incarceration. She felt that programs such as Safety Town can be considered as enhanced services. She felt that implementation of the plan would result in improved police service to the community, but did not know whether that improved service should be considered enhanced or basic. She did think the plan would be something that voters would approve if put in the form of a serial levy, even if it is a basic service. City Manager Mike Kelly indicated the plan will be reviewed by the Council in a work session environment in mid-March. He commented that at this point, he had the Council direction he needed regarding accommodating the plan within the projection. The discussion on this topic was paused for a lunch break. Over lunch, the Council discussed miscellaneous items. 5. Miscellaneous . a. Tuesday Council Meetings - the Council discussed the possibility of moving the Council meeting to Tuesday evening instead of Monday evening. Councilors Shaver and Dahlquist stated their preference for Tuesday evening Council meetings. Councilors Burge and Maine stated their preference for Monday Council meetings. Councilor Maine commented that she has Goal Setting Minutes February 10, 1996 Page 3 . a conflict on Tuesday meeting with a hospital board meeting. Councilors Beyer and Ballew stated they had no preference. Mayor Morrisette stated he had no preference, however he expressed concern that the meeting be moved if doing so would be inconvenient for one or more members of the Council. It was agreed that Councilor Maine would confirm whether the hospital board meeting date could be changed to another night, and report back to the Council. It was also agreed that if the meeting night was changed, the change would occur far enough into the future, such as after the summer recess, to enable people to accommodate the change easily. b. Council Operating Procedures - The Council discussed the roles of Mayor and Council President and clarified that more frequent communication between the Mayor and Council President on city matters should occur. It was also agreed that during Council meetings, when Council members have differing viewpoints from the general direction of the discussion, those viewpoints should be articulated more clearly. 2. Review of Long Range Financial Projections (Continued) . Mr. Duey continued to review the various financial scenarios. The third scenario consisted of adding in operating costs for staffing Fire Station #5 and implementing the Police Long Range Plan. Mr. Kelly indicated that depending upon the Council's definition of these two items as being basic services, then trying to incorporate them into the LRFP will dictate to what extent there would need to be a discussion of revenue enhancements due to the impact they both have on the third year deficit projection. The Council discussed options that could be considered to provide the revenue necessary in order , - to be able to accommodate Fire Station #5 staffing and the Police Long Range Plan into the LRFP. Options presented for consideration included new taxes (property or specialty), increases in user fees and charges, and increases in current revenue sources. The Council discussed the proposed revenue options relative to who 'Yould pay and who would benefit, whether they require voter approval, whether the revenue source would be hurtful to the city's economy if implemented and/or whether it is more appropriate for the revenue to be implemented on a metropolitan-wide basis. r One option discussed was to require the EMS Fund to pick up a portion of the replacement cost of the new fire engines that will be purchased with bond proceeds. ,Another option discussed was to re-negotiate the fire service protection contracts based on a rate per thousand rather than a flat amount, or other ways to re-negotiate the fire service contracts. Another issue discussed was the under assessment of some commercial and industrial properties. Mr. Duey discussed the Bancroft (lot sales) Fund and the possible infusion of Bancroft funds into t the General Fund. He indicated that $150,000 is projected to be added to the General Fund in FY 96-97, but that after retirement of all Bancroft debt, the Bancroft Fund could contribute approximately $2.2 to $3.5 million per year to the General Fund. . Mr. Duey reviewed the remaining options for possible revenue sources. Based on the discussion today, staffwill prepare revenue options for consideration by the Budget Committee when it starts convening in mid-April to review the City Manager's Recommended Budget for FY 96-97. . . . -- ~. .. ,/ I Goal Setting Minutes February 10, 1996 . Page 4 3. Review Goals and Targets for 1995 Mr. Kelly referenced the wall charts showing the status on the 1995 targets for action and asked if there were any questions or comments to let him know. The Council discussed options for a proposed workplan for the Human Rights Commission. Ideas discussed included involvement with the residential lands study, participate in expansion of Hispanic culture and education outreach, and becoming the Citizen Involvement Committee. No consensus was reached on this matter. 4. New or Revised Goals and Targets for 1996 Due to time limitations, Mr. Kelly indicated he would propose a process in the Communication Packet for the Council to designate targets for action for 1996 at a future work session. ADJOURNMENT: 3:40 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Eileen Stein 2j#~ Mayor Attest: f~~ City Recorder