HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Planning Commission PLANNER 3/4/2008 ~q~ ~- I I Greg Mott , , Community Planning and Revitalization Planning Manager {Full Packet} ) SPRlNGFIEW CITY HALL,' ]ESSE MAINE ROOM' 225 FIFTH STREET' 541 726-3753 Tuesday March 4, 2008 ' 6:00 P.M. COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT 1; Citizen Involve"ment Review -' City of Snrinl>field Wastewater Master Plan Undate - The WWMP (Wastewater MaSter Plan) i~ a public infrastructure plan that takes a citywide look at the wastewater"system to identifY both existing and future needs. The WWMP update will replace the City's existing and outdated 1980 Sanitary Sewer Master Plan. The update was initiated by the City Council, and preliminary work on the master planning effort started several years ago, when the City selected CH2MHill as the con'sultant. The WWMP update will provide basic data for the City's Capital Improvement Program, System Development Charge methodol<;>gy, and support for the development community. (Matt Stouder, Supervising Civil Engineer) 2. Citizen Ii1vol~en:'Pc.....t .Review - Citvof Snrin"fieid Stormwater Facilitv Master Plan Undate- .The SWFMP (Stormwater Facility Master Plan) is a public .infrastructure plan that takes a citywide look at the Stormwater system to identifY both existing and future needs. The SWFMP project was initiated by the City Council, and represents an update of two existing plans developed in the mid 1980's. The project was initiated, and URS Corporation was selected as our consultant, in 2003. The plan will identitY and provide solutions to chronic capacity problems and outline capital projects to provide for future growth inthe City, including Glenwood, Thurston area, and ttie Gateway area. The plan will also address water quality policies, best management practices and sustainable development to support compliance with the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act, not addressed in our existing plans. The SWFMP will also provide basic data for the City's Capital Improvement Program, System Development Charge Methodology update, and System information for the development community. (George Walker, Stormwater Facility Planner) , 3., AD.TOURN Date Received The meeting loca~iqn is wheelchair-accessible. For the hearing-impaired, an:interpreter can be providedWtth ~ 'W~R()lice prior to the meeting. For meetings in the Council Meeting Room, a ."Personal PA Receiver "for the hearjng-jmpQlrell~JJO: available. To arrange for these services,'phone 726-2700. Brenda Jones Page'J ~Ianner-: -BJ ---------! ,,' MEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE OF WORK SESSION: March 4, 2008 TO: Committee for Citizen Involvement TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM FROM: Matt Stouder, Supervising Civil Engineer t'I S SUBJECT: Planning Commission/Committee for Citizen Involvement review and approval of the following project: City of Springfield Wastewater Master Plan update. ISSUE: The Planning Commission is asked to: In the role ofthe "Committee for Citizen Involvement" (CCn, approve the public involvement portion of the City's Wastewater Master Plan rNWMP) update. Citizen involvement will include, but is not limited to, holding an open house at City Hall to discuss the draft WlNMP with the engineering and development community as well as the general public; posting of the draft plan to the City's website for public comment; and a Planning Commission and City Council public hearing for adoption. The Public Involvement Process (Attachment 1) is consistent with Springfield's planning policies and statewide planning Goal 1 - Citizen Involvement. ' DISCUSSION: The WlNMP is a public infrastructure plan that takes a citywide look at the wastewater system to identify both existing and future needs. The WlNMP update will replace the City's existing and outdated 1980 Sanitary Sewer Master Plan. The update was initiated by the City Council, and preliminary work on the master planning effort started several years ago, when the City selected CH2MHiII as the consultant. The WlNMP update will provide basic data for the City's capital improvement program, System Development Charge methodology, and support for the development community. . Staff has met with the City Council on two separate occasions this past year to inform the Council of the WlNMP update progress. Due to the technical engineering nature of the plan update, staff elected to wait until a draft plan was available to initiate public involvement. As the final documents are being prepared, staff will initiate appropriate amendments to the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan and the Public Facilities and Services Plan (PFSP). 'The draft plan identifies wastewater improvements within the City in two general categories. Improvements to the existing system (Attachment 2) will address existing infrastructure capacity constraints, while new systems that will be constructed as a result of growth are shown on Attachment 3. The attached Public Involvement Process incorporates many aspects of public involvement with citizens and stakeholders throughout theWINMP adoption process. Staff will facilitate a public workshop at City Hall, which will explore the issues identified in the draft master plan and allow for public input. The draft WlNMP will be posted to the City's website for review and comment, and meetings with both the Planning Commission and City Council for adoption will be open to the public. RECOMMENDATION/REQUESTED ACTION: The Planning Commission, in their role as the Committee for Citizen Involvement, is requested to review and approve, not approve, or approve with modifications, the proposed citizen involvement element of the WlNMP update. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Public Involvement Process Attachment 2: WlNMP Figure 5.3 Attachment 3: WlNMP Figure 5.5 Date Receiv~te Recelw~d IVIM' u 4 2008 >"..q V <' I'I'~~.) , ;"}'IO Planner' e"'J-'arF-;;;i'"' fr ~j:' a - - '\'-".! ~ b_.'~' WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PROCESS' PUBLIC WORKSHOP City staff will facilitate an' open house/public workshop at City Hall. The workshop will be about 2 hours long, and allow the public to explore the draft Wastewater Master Plan (WWMP) update in detail. , The focus of the workshop will be on the infrastructure improvements identified in the draft plan for both the existing wastewater system and the future expanded wastewater system. Copies of the draft plan will be available for review. Project staff will be available to discuss the plans with the public and assist in answering questions. An additional' open house/workshop may be included depending on the level of citizen involvement in the first workshop. ' OUTREACH TO THE PUBLIC & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY In addition to the hosting a public workshop at City Hall, staff will Post the draft WWMP update to the City's website for public review and cominent. Prior to the public workshop and posting the WWMP update on the web, staff will conduct a mail-out notice to neighborhood associations, local engineering firms, developers, and other stakeholders to notify them of both the public workshop and the w~b posting. PUBLIC HEARINGS' Staff will'facilitate two public hearings with local decisionmakers. This will include one public hearing with both the Planning Commission and City Council. Notice for these public hearings will be included in the mail-out and workshop notice mentioned above. .:. Publie Hearing #1: This hearing will be open to the public with,the Planning Commission to seek approval for adoption of the Wastewater Master Plan update, and necessary amendments to the Public Facilities & Services Plan and Metro Plan. ' .:. PublieHearing # 2: This hearing will be open to the public with the City Council to seek approval for adoption of the Wastewater Master Plan update, and necessary amendments to the'Public Facilities & Services Plan and Metro Plan. , Date Received IVII\Ii 0 4 2008 .. Planner: BJ ATTACHMENT 1 - 1 . .... - -- ... Oeadmond . Ferry BELTLINE R~~ J ~~ ~ < >,S ~ ~ w ; ~a MCKenZIe RjVer ~ ( -- ~..., Vera Street River -. ......Glen --\.. PS HARLOW RO HAYO New Harlow E AY Hayden La North Springfield Ea 5 In field Interce tor - ~ o l5 ~w. ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ;-1 I r North Branch ~ ~ "i '" ;; , "'"'-,.. .. \I'-\.,'O\. ENTf~~ .....r - "....... . f /HuR~TnN Rn ,,~ Thurston 21 st, and E - -... ToE_BMk "-, ~ ~ ~ ~ . , ~ Glenwood " SN48 Thurston Trunk I MAINST MalnSlreelTrunk SAST 11 ulfl "..4~Trunk 8 SN49 ~ ~ o Z N M ~ 13 Main Street South "A" r- .J . " '~ -"\ Lucerne MoadOWll p I } ) Wi\\all'lett81?/l'. . Midd\e for\<. 6..... ... I - --- -- Golden~ Terrace < Jasper Meadows (private) \. -.......... " .. \ .< [!jJ . Future Basin Rehabilitation (WWFMP Subbasin 10) Existing Basin Rehabilitation Existing Water Tight Manhole I Etnts Future Water Tight Manhole Improvements Future Pipe Improvement Existing Pipe ..' I ,t Existing Major Wastewater System Pipes F I.ITII. .~I '. o IIl!III ~ o . Existing Pump Station Improvements Pump Stations to be [: .'.,.' '. .oned Future Pump Stations ~GURE5.3 Date Received 3ystem Improvements 1VJf\1\ 0 City of Springf/8/d Wastewater MastJ FWP8 Planner:Hf3J B . Urban Growth Boundary j o , 2,~ 4,000 \ ...1...--J ApproximatB scale In teet WeirlDjversion .. he ....an: \lSlmOlhprOl~He.avn.;ll)'VI~:;,U4Uf \1.:;>1~lMap_LI(I,.w;:ii;rI1.s\::'ysl&"lII'nproveme~ts-:-mxa. vale: January 4, ~ OlYMPrCST j- Central L l>S arshall s ~...w Oll:f& ~I ~ Thurston I -r I ~ ~ t ) ~ Tlll..stonTrunk ~... !~SAST. ~ r- -.,. MAlN:'InStrtetTrunk ~ South "A" !;; '-- ~ Main Street -n - " 1"_ -... . . t:i \.L ,.(I' tl\o ).. ~ r Q-0.41 If '---_ ~':' ~~.;,:;.o,;,'iiij.~~ -----. " ~,... __r= .i:~ f/ ~,. r~-~ '~. -'iJ~.:::~ ? . I I /. ~ARO ./ ~ 'North Branch ~_ ~~'P-~ u~~ .... r Downtown - " " S III I r" ( l\l1'~ . t'~. ~ .,r;arbor Dr:e ~l~ :s,; Q"0.21 'fI'~llt :t!/ct l; t-A'~ ~!(!.' ,\~ ; .!. ~... 1 ~ ~ l' a-J.9 ....." . \Nt amdttt,. 0 < "--- - l-~e t'atn. ....:'~pnng"aklurt,;I~~f\li'~lMap_Docume"t!\Expandedservces.m..C1. uata January r.llJOlllO::i~ ;mAM -- ..- .. ~, ~ ,- ~ '-- ....;;~ \. ... ;it~ ==ihDI. ::::::: -=:I _ r I ZMiN'S1 .# 4 ,LEGEND 1m . Pump Stations to be Decommissioned Future Pump Stations liliJ Pump Stations .i. v.JeirlOiversion Expanded Service Pipes by' , Slnch Blnch 10 inch 12 inch 15 inch 21 inch Existing Major Wastewater System Pipes CJ Urban Growth Boundary expansion Areas - East South - East Thurston Rd - Franklin Blvd - Harbor Drive - Jasper Road - Vera PS Area Note: Q at point (mgd) j 2,000 4,000 , / ' .\ seale n feel o , I A,. .., FIGURE 5.5 Date Received Expanded Service Pipes MJ.\I\ II City of Springfield Wastewater Mast.,Pla1. 2008 CH2MHILl. Planner: BJ MEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE OF WORK SESSION: March 4, 2008 TO: Committee for Citizen Involvement 1"- FROM: George Walker, Stormwater Facility Planner TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Planning Commission/Committee for Citizen Involvement review and approval of the following project: City of Springfield Stormwater Facility Master Plan. ISSUE: The Planning Commission is asked to: In the role of the "Committee for Citizen Involvement" (CClt approve the public involvement portion of the City's Stormwater Facility Master Plan (SWFMP) update. Proposed citizen involvement will include, but is not limited to, holding an open house at City hall to discuss the draft SWFMP with the engineering and development community as well as the general public; posting of the draft plan to the City's website for public.comment; and a Planning Commission, City Council and a Joint Elected Officials public hearing for adoption. The Public Involvement Plan (Attachment 1) is consistent with Springfield's planning policies and statewide planning Goal 1 - Citizen Involvement. DISCUSSION: The SWFMP is a public infrastructure plan that takes a citywide look at the stormwater system to identify both existing and future needs. The SWFMP project was initiated by the City Council, and represents an update of two existing plans developed in the mid 1980's. The project was initiated, and URS Corporation was selected as our consultant, in 2003. The plan will identify and provide solutions to chronic capacity problems and outline capital projects to provide for future growth in the City, including Glenwood, Thurston area, and the Gateway area. The plan will also address water quality policies, best management practices and sustainable development to support compliance with the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act, not addressed in our existing plans. The SWFMP will also provide basic data for the City's capital improvement program, system development charge methodology update, and system information for the development community. The initial citizen involvement, facilitated through an inter-govemmental agreement with Lane Council of Government (LCOG) staff, occurred through news media outreach, selected mailings, and two area-focused open houses held in May of 2006. This outreach was intended to inform citizens and acquire information from the community, both inside and outside of the City jurisdiction, to be used in developing the plan. This is consistent with the watershed approach of the plan. Staff has briefed the City Council on two occasions in the past year. The attached Public Involvement Plan describes the next steps in the public involvement efforts with citizens and stakeholders during the SWFMP adoption process. A public workshop is planned at City Hall, which will present the issues identified in the draft master plan and allow for public input. The draft SWFMP will also be posted to the City's website for a publiC comment period. At the end of the comment period, necessary revisions will be incorporated and open public meetings with public officials for adoption will be held. . RECOMMENDATION/REQUESTED ACTION: The Planning Commission, in their role as the Committee for Citizen Involvement, is requested to review and approve, not approve, or approve with modifications, the proposed citizen involvement element of the SWFMP update. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 : Public Involvement Plan " SPRINGFIELD STORMWATER FACILITY MASTER PLAN . . . PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PLAN PUBLIC NOTIFICATION City staff will collaborate with LCOG staff to develop a public notification task, to include media publications, additional focused mailings and coordination with elected officials to meet local and state-wide planning goals. The rn~i1in'?; will include active members of the professional consulting and development co=unity and other identified stakeholders. PUBLIC WORKSHOP City staff will facilitate an open house/public workshop at Springfield City Hall. The workshop will be 2 to 3 hours long,.and allow the public to explore provisions of the draft Stormwater Facility Master Plan (SWFMP) and other topics addressed by the plan. The date for the event has not been established at this time. . The focus of the workshop will be an overview of proposals developed in the master plan. Copies of the draft plan 'Yill be available for review. City staff, consultant su}'}'v.. and LCOG personnel with expertise in the multi-objective plan will be available as resources. An additional open houselworkshop may be .I""l'v"ed following the outcome of this workshop. PUBLIC HEARINGS The adoption process for the SWFMP will include, at a minimum;the public hearings described below. Staff is currently researching the requirements for additional involvement by the elected officials of both Eugene and Lane County. They may need to approve the necessary amendments to the Public Facilities and Services Plan and the . Metro Plan. . , .:. Public Hearing #1: This hearing will. be before the Planning Commission, and will be open to the public. The purpose of the hearing will be to seek public co=ent, and the Commission's approval for adoption of the Stormwater Facility Master Plan, and necessary amendments to the Public Facilities & Services Plan and Metro Plan. . (. . Public Hearing # 2: This' hearing will be before the City Council, and open to the public; The purpose of the hearing will be to seek additional public co=ent, and final adoption of the Stormwater Facility Master Plan and necessary amendments to the Public Facilities & Services Plan and Metro Plan. ATTACHMENT 1 - 1