HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 4/18/2008 .. .' ... SPRINGFIELD '.~." . ~ , .' . Cit:J df Springfield . . Development Services Department Facsimile Cover F age Fax: (5+1)/26-3.689. 1 I II . ' To: Jr oV1!4Jri1f1ff fly ~.' Fax: &S7 ,(p(p(~1 Compan~: t?f8',skl (!'J/,U..rri ~ JvyJ.-1tJ,a lYfuJn1od- From: &r~ --(/).1,3(0(1) Message: . ?(VUL ~ k~OVL ~ plf?e,,(~. (1 lOl1tf}- Of)lJ 'r1YtA .ur f1;U (LMriJ fir P1f;>~ dJt;J. JjJ . '101{f~*-U( 6r~ . . ' Number at pages including th'is one: 2- D . ate Received It all pages indicated are not received, ,or it ~ou have an~APR 1 8 ZOOS . trouble receivinO' this transmission, please call (5+1) 72ruzjl . B a " lIi::lnn~r: J , 225 fifth Street, Springtield,Q R 9 7~7'" . '0 """'''ed:.!fh/~ ( . . t"la\lner. 8J ' , hi . ,". . NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING - SPRINGFIELD AND LANE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, May 6, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR, the Springfield and Lane County Planning Commissions will conduct ajoint public hearing on the following proposals: . Amendments to the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan by amending Table 4 and 16, and Map 2 of the Public Facilities and Services Plan by adding new wastewater lines 24 inches in diameter in parts of Main Street, E Street, loth Street and N Street; and new wastewater pump stations in North Gateway, River Glen, Hayden Lo, Harbor Drive and Nugget Way; and by deleting projects from these same tables and maps that have been constructed or are no longer necessary. NOTE: State law requires cities to adopt public facilities plans that contain water, sewer and transportation facilities designed to accommodate projected development within urban growth boundaries. All projects and maps contained in the public facility plan must also be adopted as part of the comprehensive plan; therefore the same tables and maps amended in the Metro Plan are contained in the PFSP and similarly amended. The decision of the planning commissions will be forwarded to the Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners for additional hearings and final action at a time and place to be announced. Annlicant The City of Springfield, Environmental Services Division. Criteria of ADnroval Criteria to be used to evaluate a Metro Plan Text Amendment is found in Springfield Development Code, Chapter 5, Section 5.14-I35( C )(1-2) and Lane Code Section 12.225(2)(a&b) and reads as follows: (a) The amendment must be consistent with the relevant statewide planning goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission; and (b) Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. Additional Information - Staff Renort. Providinl!: Testimonv Anyone wishing to testifY on this matter may do so in person, in writing, or both by appearing at the hearing or sending written correspondence, including e-mail, to the Development Services Department, c/o Greg Mott, Planning Manager, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477, or l!mott((l)ci.sorinl!field.or.us The application and staff'report are available for viewing A::J;',lamjfli;lio.l'ved 3:00 p.m. on Friday, April 25, 2008 in the Development Services Department. Ut;dt; nt::li~ APR I 8 2008 . FAX~er: BJ uale Kb\;t:llted' l.fltt/or/ Planner: BJ 6' APR 1 82008 ~.