HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 4/24/2008 Ge'J'ARD PUBLISHING COMPANY tf411 W2J() (- fC() ,~ P.O. BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 EUGENE. OREGON 97440 Legal Notice Advertising CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LESLIE WILSON - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 # AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, ,} ss. I, Kelly Gant , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am' the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.01 o and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for one successive and c'onsecutive Day(s) in the following issues: April 24, 2008 ~4~1 , ! SUbscrib' an flrm~d to before me this April 29, 2008 'k \/J2~ \--v-rJ1 Notary .f'ublic of Oregon My commission expires: July 24, 2010 Account #: 1000218 3235935 May 6, 2008 $177.11 INVOICE Case: Amt Due: Leg~1 3235935 i Notice V ~ /JWU c/'" (-ML ,!AVtvtJt YWLt'!v a e~ ~ 4L CV~~fl7J~ ';"c:, NOTICE OF IOINT:' ,I. dIAWJ/ 'ji;'1~",-=,PUBUC HEARING-",~ I ' '~~;l?PRlNGAElD AND LANE' . t ~'iJ.t;'fr COUNTY,PLANNING:~~;,)'l :' .'P-ry COMM,SSIONs;..4k"l. 1,>' .. .'. .. '. ", ~.,:~' ~" NOIICE.lS, HEREBY, GIVEN ;that . on ,Tuesday;',May .6.:20mkat',7:00 p.m:'in,the ,Council: Chambers' of ~...}l9fie[d~CItY Hall;12257,rlfth Street.;"Springfield,''l-"oRt'the Springfil!ld'iand,':Lafte~'Courrtj PI~iining :, CommiSSions-~ wi_",: con~ ducta'jointpublic"heanngon_the foJlo~J!lg propo,~r~r~o:jO,' 1 tiAmendments':.to::theF,-_Eu!lene~ Springfield'-a;,Metfopolitan ~'Area General; Plan: by ,- amendirig ,Table 4\iild-1~'aiJlj Map-Z'of\lie,Piiblic- facll~ies!and, ~erviCes"1PIan'~bY : adding,inew,'w~eWab!f:lliies'24 inches'iln \dlametef' in?-ilarts-~uf Main Street,'E Street. 10th Street I andN'Street;Mu:I'iiew-Wistewa~ ter;plimp.Stati_ons"in .Nortt" Gate-_ Way,'River(jlen;'Hayden'lo;Har- bor ~ Drive: a!l_lI:J\lugget _Way; . M_d. by ~~~Ieting: projet:ts ~ from' these sameJilbles and maps that have been constructed or are no longer necessary., NOTE: State law re- qui~ ci~es to adopt publ!cfacm; t1es,,:plans,.that~contain..;water. sewer 'and_transportation~facm~ t1E!S':.designed.to~accommodate p!'Oj~~~L~eY!lop~entw~~i~ u-j': ban~1growth 'd;boundarles.'~f,AII 'projects:: ilrid, maps 1'~omained"' in the, public"faCi1ity;pla!1~mUst atS6 be j adopted: as:"part. Of; thercDm; -pr.eh~lve..lplaniiltherefl1re;;~tl!e same~ tables. and ,_maps i-"riiendid Iii-the MetrifPlail"arecontairiedIn thePFSP_arid siniilirlfameiide{!;J: :~i.il1!~(~el;is"i9n:ofL ~~plari_nirig commissions will be forwarded to theISpiiniJfield'CIty~'Ciiiincil:,and Lane_ ~ CiluntY I Board r- of "Corrim~ si(liiers'~forAadditioiial?,healings and ,] final ~ aCtion ~-at'if\ time" and place'toDe'anriouiiced_~Fr"",;;- ;;J:_~'tt'A~PLlCANT:,~:,~1:f"~~~ iiJ.he~" C_ity ':,of_ ,Sp-r1nq1je.I~;" E.!",. i- ronmental Services DTvislOn;t'l..v' <l},CRlTERIA'()F.APPR(}.v~f:~~ '.' 'ItCriterla..t!!;^be--rlised,to~,eYaluate a'Metro'Plan,'TextIAmendment Is fti~rid ~ hi 3i_Springfield:tj Develop- ment ': Code..-' Chapter. ~;"7 Secti9n 5.1H35(C)(HH and~lanelCode Sectlori12.215(2)(a&b) arid reads ~ foilows:~;~!":C.ri':::i:?'rt~~~!j;'r~ . _: (a);~ The" amendment ~ must, be conslstentjrwith-,Othe_'~relevant stitewlde:plannlrifgo1lisadojJted by .:;the~Land :- Conservation';'; and Development ,Commission; and. . : '.(b) ,j Adoptlon;:of1. the lamend- ment~must,-not- make\the, metro Pbirl'iirtemally inconsiSterit.~~- '.JADOITIONAI!INFORMATION ~ . "I.:'...,,,[..;STAFF:REPORT.~,_~_; . ~"'~'i:PRqVIOI~G.-TESTIMONY::'I.~ , H'A_nyone~,~~h.mg,:_19Ji~e;>~,~on thIS lma~_e,l:,_ma( do' S!l ~~n J persoll. In1writlng.yor1both,'by,appearlng attheh:earin!:f.or'Sendil,g,written corJ'e5pondence;'iricluding -~man, to;the:Developm-eiitServices D~ partment;., C/o ,:Greg ~ fvtott;r Plan- nln9:~.Manager,'122~.<rJfl:hrSt~eet, Spr:mgfieldiJl;: ;OR~"' ,9t4!7il! or gmott@ci.sprimrfield.or.us.'(,1'fThe appUcatkm;aiuf;staff report'are - avallablBvlewm Dr-purchase after 3: .~ amtU5~' , 2OOS,;' a d vices'O I ~ V' ..!ti.l!~f~' ~I, ,;./ ~I~~fr~.~.-,.. ~ No. 3235935 _~~08'!',,\,!';, 1407232 111 ,~24,21l'O Planner: BJ