HomeMy WebLinkAboutAIS PLANNER 4/21/2008 "' AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 21, 2008 Meeting Type: Regular Department: Development Services Staff Contact: Gregory Mott ff^ d. ~ \ S P R I N G FIE L D Staff Phone No: 726-3774 / :>\"'~~ C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Estimated Time: 10 Minutes ITEM TITLE: COUNCIL INITIATION OF A TYPE II, SITE SPECIFIC AMENDMENT OF . THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN (METRO PLAN) ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSIONI FINANCIAL IMPACT: . Approval of the following motion: Move to initiate the process of Public Facilities and Services Plan map and table amendment and concurrent Metro Plan amendment, as provided in Chapter VI Amendments to the Plan of the PFSP, Chapter IV Metro Plan Review, Amendments and Refinements, and Section 5.14-120 of the Springfield Development Code, to add, modifY or remove 13 projects inCluding pipes and pump stations within Springfield's urban growth boundary consistent with the recommendations contained in the recently completed Wastewater Master Plan of the City of Springfield 2008. The city contracted with CH2MHill to update the city's 30-year old sanitary sewer master plan; plans of this type supplement, but do not substitute for the PFSP and therefore do not need to be incorporated into the PFSP. However, some recommendations prepared by CH2MHill for this study, including pipe size and. pump stations and completed projects, do require amendment of the PFSP because they are considered significant by Oregon Administrative Rule (660-011-0045). 1. Table 4 of the PFSP: City of Springfield Wastewater System Improvement Projects (legislative fOIT\'at); and Table 16 of the PFSP: City of Springfield Wastewater System Improvements, Estimated Costs, and Timing (legislative format) 2. Map 2 ofthe PFSP: Planned MWMC Wastewater Project Sites 3. Figure I: System Improvements City of Springfield Wastewater Master Plan (to be adopted into Map 2 above) The new wastewater master plan for the City of Springfield updates and improves the existing 30-year old master plan. The master plan supplements the PFSP by implementing Policy G.3 of the Metro Plan: "Use local facility master plans, refinements plans, and ordinances as the guide for detailed planning and project implementation." The master plan's list of projects includes nine that are or need to be included on the PFSP project list. In addition, three projects on the list have been completed and one project eliminated; therefore these projects should be deleted from the list and map. Springfield and Lane County only will conduct public hearings (May 6, 2008 Planning Commissions; Elected Officials TED). Date Received APR 2 1 zooa Planner: BJ " I Project Nnmber 1 I 1104 I~ 1105 1-Hl6 1106 1107 I 108 1109 . i 110 I 1 I ;!G;! 1202 IW 1203 Project Number -W4 104 ~ 105 -Hl6 106 107 108 109 110 I 1 I ;!G;! 1202 Iw 1203 Table 4 City of Springfield Wastewater System Improvement Projects Project NamelDescription Short-Term Jasper Road sewer extension G~c.:: c~;m Reaa truRk se.....er 10'" & N Street Upgrade G~tewar/Harlew Read pum~ statien upgrade E Street (Central Trunk) upgrade Main Street Sewer upgrade # I Nug8et Way pump station upgrade Hayden Lo pump station upgrade River Glen pump station upgrade LOII~-Terlil Ba~t GI~A...'eea gra..ity sewer Harbor Diivc pump station +9",Slr~.et "ump slalioR Peace Health pump station Table 16 City of Springfield Wastewater System Improvements, Estimated Costs, and Timing Project NamelDescription Short Term Jasper Reaa seWDr e"tensieR Jasper Road sewer extension Game Faffil Read trullk se'.'ler 10'" & N Street Upgrade ~__':-,'.~~:,:-!:':' ~~Ba~ flumj:l s~ati-.Jn upgn.l{ie E Street (Central Trunk) uP8rade Main Street Sewer upgrade # I Nugget Way pump station upgrade Hayden Lo pump station upgrade River Glen pump station upgrade' LOD~ Term "ast GleRweed I%vi~. :' ". Harbor Drive pump station +9....St~e_ell'!'mp statieR, Peace Health pump station ATTACHMENT 1-1 Cost ($000) ~ 11,600 -I#lll 3.950 +,wll 2,500 2.100 1.400 1.050 1,200 .J.;+OO 3,340 Wll 3,190 Estimated Completion Year 19992991 2010-2012 1999 2991 2010 1999 2991 2010-2013 2010-2013 2010 2010-2013 2010-2013 I I I I I I I 2995 2996 I 2015-2020 I 2995 2996. I 2012-20DaLI3 Rt:ceived APR 2 1 2008 Planner: BJ '"'0 - 0> :J :J :t> ., . "> = = co D . - . - , ~~~ '~ I " , ./ FlA1her details 01 specific projects at each 01 the identified sttes are described In tables 3, 4, 4a and 4b Eugene-Springfield Public Facilities and Services Plan Planned MWMC Wastewater Project Sites \ ~ 301 ~MIilroW""'Siw. ---- A Screw~S1IIticn 11....._- . ~W........,T,....SlII D--- MItro UrtIM GftM9l1loundlry - ....-- _ ~W""""'''''d2.rOlIilr'glW ,..: l.kbIt'I RuInon.. rrtllllNing'..... _~d"'''''. "'IIktlenRe.-rwAiWysl. PMatIc,..., SJulIy. ~ o ,- )> ~ C) :I: s: m z -l N . .... - -- ~ ~ ~m= :::0 1. 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