HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/11/1995 Work Session . e: . ....'* City of Springfield Work Session MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD . . MONDAY, DECEMBER 11,1995 The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, December 11, 1995, at 6:07 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Beyer, Ballew, Burge, Dahlquist, Maine and Shaver. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Tim Harold, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, Finance Director Bob Duey and members of staff. 1. Budget Committee Interviews Finance Director Bob Duey explained that Ward 1,2,3 and 6 positions are open due to term expirations. He stated only one existing committee member is eligible for re-appointment, Willie Combs from Ward 1. Mr. Duey commented that Mr. Combs submitted his application after the recruitment deadline, as he was not aware that he needed to submit a new application when seeking re-appointment. Council discussed members of the Springfield Tomorrow Improvement Plan (STIP) advisory committee and if they would be interested in filling the vacancies of Ward 3 and 6 on the Budget Committee. Council discussed the current process for filling vacancies. Councilor Burge asked if Council is bound by only those people who submit an application or could Council delay the appointment decision and recruit others to apply. City Attorney Tim Harold stated that Council has operating policies which apply to the interview and recruitment process, but the Budget Committee, itself, is governed by state law. He explained that the ward requirement is not required by state law, but part of Council policy. Council discussed their policies, the use of community interest forms to assist in the recruitment process for boards, commissions and committees, and the need to bring more visibility to the Budget Committee. The Council interviewed the following people for the Ward 1 and 2 vacancies on the Budget Committee: Melanie Sicotte (Ward 2) Joseph Mathieu (Ward 2) William Combs (Ward 1) The interview questions were: I) Why are you interested in serving the on Budget Committee? . , -r . . . City of Springfield Work Session - 12/11/95 Page two 2. Have you attended a Budget Committee meeting? 3. When budgeting, are you more inclined to allocate available funds or maintain adequate reserves? 4. How do you think the Budget Committee could raise community awareness regarding the committee and it's functions? 5. If you were going to try to off-set a large budget deficit, what items would you reduce or eliminate? 6. Can you attend the Budget Committee meetings and do you have the t~me necessary to commit to the committee? 7. What is the largest budget preparation or review that you have directly participated in? 8. Besides Police and Fire, what other services do you feel are most are important? Mr. Duey stated staffwill re-advertise for the Ward 3 and 6 Budget Committee positions, as no applications were submitted during the initial recruitment. Council discussed the qualifications and merits of each candidate. By consensus, it was agreed to appoint Willie Combs to Ward 1 and Joe Mathieu to Ward 2 Budget Committee positions. The appointments will be ratified at the next regular Council meeting of December 18,1995. Council asked staff to keep them more informed regarding the process and number of applicants for the Budget Committee. The discussed their expectations regarding future recruitment's for Budget Committee members, including more participation by members of the Council in soliciting applicants from their wards.. 2. Other Business Councilor Maine asked if Chief DeForrest would be providing comments on SB 1145 before the December 14, 1995, Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) meeting. She stated she just received a meeting agenda and the topic of SB 1145 was listed. City Manager Mike Kelly stated that staff would be providing information regarding SB 1145. He also indicated that he would be attending the December 14, 1995, MPC meeting. .......-' ,'. I .,... . . . City of Springfield Work Session - 12/11/95 Page three ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Minutes Recorder- Shari Higgins ATTEST: ~~ City Recorder ,f3/?/~d Mayor .