HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/13/1995 Work Session (2) City of Springfield Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1995 The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Library Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, November 13, 1995, at 7:20 p.m. with Council President Burge presiding. Present were Council President Burge and Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Maine and Shaver. Mayor Morrisette and Councilor Dahlquist were absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Development Services Director Susan Daluddung, Community and Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis and members of staff. 1. Follow-up to the Convention Center Market Study Community and Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis presented the staff report. He stated the convention center study was presented to the Council in October and now the firm of Coopers and Lybrand has completed the market study. The report showed the metropolitan area could definitely support a convention center, but did not recommend a location for the facility. In the next few months, the level of interest by the three parties of Springfield, Eugene and Lane County must be determined and two steps need to be completed: 1) assign a Springfield staff representative to the financial team which will study how to best to finance the project, and 2) appoint two Springfield representatives to an intergovernmental policy group to determine where the most viable location, in the metropolitan area is. . Councilor Ballew asked how much time the staff person would spend working on the project. Mr. Tamulonis responded the duration of the project would probably be from now until March, 1996, and the time needed might be once or twice per month for a couple of hours. Mr. Tamulonis stated Coopers and Lybrand will continue as consultants, but have finished their analysis phase of the project. Councilor Shaver asked if an air transportation component was included in the study. Mr. Tamulonis replied some aspects were reviewed such as the metropolitan area having a functioning airport with air services improving. There was a discussion regarding air transportation and local providers and services. Councilor Shaver suggested the metropolitan area seriously study the ramifications of such a small airport when considering a local convention center. Councilor Shaver asked how the word "regional" is referred to in the study. Mr. Tamulonis stated the word "regional" is defined as two or three states or more. Councilor Maine discussed this issue in terms of sizing which was addressed in the convention center study report. Councilor Ballew asked for a full copy of the report. She asked if there would be a joint powers authority agreement to build the convention center. Mr. Tamulonis replied that an agreement is a topic that will need to be resolved based on where the construction occurs. He stated at this time the room tax funds that Lane County collects are insufficient to cover the costs of construction, so several different types of funding would be needed, possibly even funding at the state level. . Councilor Ballew asked if the public has been surveyed regarding the debt that could be incurred and if the public is willing to accept the financial responsibility. Mr. Tamulonis replied no, that a survey was not completed as part of the market study and that a survey would most likely be part of the future study on the project. There was a discussion regarding the current amount of Lane County's room tax collections and the approximate cost of the construction of a new convention center in the metropolitan area. City of Springfield Work Session - 11/13/95 Page two . Councilor Maine suggested that representatives be assigned to the intergovernmental groups to continue to discuss issues involved with the project. Mr. Tamulonis stated he has been involved with the project since it's inception and would be willing to provide the staff assistance needed to the financial team. Ms. Daluddung stated Mr. Tamulonis would continue to be assigned the staff role to the project with assistance being provided by Finance Director Bob Duey. She asked if any Council members had interest in participating on the intergovernmental policy group. Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi stated if any major financial issues or items needing Springfield consideration arise, then they will be returned to the Council for outline or decision in prompt manner. Councilor Beyer agreed that Springfield should be represented intergovernmentally, even though she does have additional concerns. She would like to see private businesses support the proposal also. Councilor Beyer asked if staff will come back to the Council again regarding the location or will the intergovernmental policy group determine such logistics. Mr. Tamulonis stated at this point the policy group is not that defined, but suggestions have been made to include CVALCO, the Lane County Fair Board and possibly even the University of Oregon to participate in the location decision process. . Councilor Burge raised issues such as the ability or inability of the three participating agencies to cooperatively manage a regional facility, the undecided funding mechanism;' on-going escalating operating costs, and per capita risk. He stated that the agencies need to look at the benefits a convention center would bring to the community and provide a comparative analysis along with a final feasibility study and conclusions. He recommended that the three agencies look closely at market share and cautioned the Council about putting public funds at risk when there is not a direct benefit to the citizens of Springfield. He stated he is cautiously pessimistic, but neither in support of or against the project at this time. However, he is not opposed to further research. By consensus, Council agreed to provide staff representatives to the financial team, being John Tamulonis and Bob Duey. At this time, no representatives were appointed to the inter- governmental policy group. 2. Springfield City Code Recodification - Review of Chapter 2 "Government" City Recorder Eileen Stein presented the staff report. She reminded the Council that they awarded the contract for this project in February, 1994, to the League of Oregon Cities. She indicated that CMO staff is working closely with the City Attorney's Office in reviewing, on a ' chapter by chapter basis, the number of issues that were identified in the legal analysis which the League prepared. Ms. Stein stated Council will be asked to review the recodification of the City Code in work sessions on a chapter by chapter basis, and then take action to repeal the Springfield Code of 1965, and adopt the new code in 1996. She stated that Chapter 2 "Government" is the first chapter presented for Council review and that the format needs to be approved, so future chapters can be structured in a consistent manner. . Ms. Stein reviewed the changes by referencing the table of contents to the chapter. She commented that most changes in this chapter are minor in nature. Mr. Leahy stated that more substantive changes may have been made now if the Springfield Charter update had gone to the voters for approval. There was a discussion regarding why the Charter has not gone to the voters for approval yet and how it relates to this recodification project. City of Springfield Work Session - 11/13/95 Page three . Ms. Stein commented that the League of Oregon Cities is looking at the option of placing local cities codes and charters on-line and accessible via the Internet. Ms. Stein discussed elections section which has been changed most significantly to enable it to better coordinate with state elections law. She discussed two areas where the elections section differs markedly from state elections law. First, the elections section preserves the existing City Code provision for requiring that the initiative petition sheet to be notarized. Second, the signature requirement is different. Specficially, the City Code requires the number of signatures to be 15% for an initiative petition and 10% for: a referendum of the votes cast for Mayor in the last election. State law uses the number of registered voters. Ms. Stein commented how the signature requirement is lower under the existing City Code provisions. Councilor Ballew inquired about the interest rate on warrants set at 10% and that it seems a high percentage. Mr. Duey replied (section 2.775) was added by the Finance Department listing 10% as the maximum percentage rate. Councilor Ballew suggested using floating or market rate language. After discussion, Council agreed the current language was adequate. Mr. Leahy commented on the purchasing provisions which have also been changed significantly in an attempt to make the section more user friendly. Ms. Stein discussed how the,language throughout the City Code regarding fees will be changed so that fees can be changed via Council resolution rather than ordinance.' She also discussed upcoming chapter reviews and how staff may need some policy guidance regarding the business chapter. She indicated that Council can either use this process to just complete. the recodification or to also address major policy issues. . 3. Lane County Law Enforcement Levy Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi presented the staff report. He stated on October 2, the Lane County Sheriff was present to discuss the proposed Sheriffs levy. He explained the levy is split into two tiers: 1) to fund programs that are used for and paid by all citizens of Lane County, and 2) to fund services outside the city limits or unincorporated areas and be paid for only by the citizens in the unincorporated areas. Mr. Grimaldi stated all citizens will vote on both tiers. Mr. Grimaldi stated the city has two concerns with tier one. One issue is paying for something , that is important to the city regarding police services; He stated the city should be focusing on the criminal justice system, as it needs maintenance.and enhancements. The levy will address the criminal justice system problem with regards to quicker book-in times, will provide an additional 44 beds to the jail, and will open up the work camp with 120 additional beds. Mr. Grimaldi explained the needed services are due to growth issues, running the jails more efficiently and keeping the costs Jaw. He stated the levy was larger when the Council saw it in October and it has been pared down considerably. The amount in the levy is the actual amount needed to provide the essential services. . Councilor Burge asked about adding 100 extra beds at the current facility by doubling bunking and asking the court for permission to do so. Captain Eric Langford of the Sheriffs Office Police Services Division said that the court order would allow double bunking in the recent annex of the jail and would add only 48 beds. The jail is already over the designed capacity and recreational activities areas, as provided by a previous court order. He explained that there are very strict corrections and court-ordered standards with regards to jail space. He said that the tier one addresses such capacity issues. Council discussed the current configuration and amount of cells at the jail and other expansion possibilities. . . . .. . City of Springfield Work Session - 11/13/95 Page four Mr. Grimaldi explained the other area of concern is regarding the impact on the combined tas rate under Ballot Measure 5, which caps the local government combined tax rate $10 per $1,000 of assessed value. The levy would bring the combined tax rate to $8.60 for tier one. Mr. Grimaldi explained the number will change over three years and will decrease the amount available for the other two agencies (the City and Wi/lamalane Park and Recreation District) from $1.40 to $1.27. Councilor Burge stated he is concerned over reaching compression and hopes for some definition regarding the amount of the combined tax rate that each agency has privilege to. Mr. Grimaldi stated Lane County has stated they will not seek another levy during that three year time frame and the Sheriffs levy would free up some General Fund dollars in the County's budget, as some of the money would go back for other types of law enforcement services and some would become available for General Fund use by Lane County. Councilor Burge stated he would like to know what county services would receive an increase funding and in what amount. Mr. Grimaldi stated the County is still working on the list. Councilor Maine explained she attended a meeting this morning to finalize the tier one sub-committee recommendations and the decision was made for a rate base levy based on $1.21 for tier one and that there would be further discussion regarding freed up General Fund dollars will be proposed to be spent. Councilor Maine stated she was willing to continue participation in the process and even though the levy is a County issue, it is very important to the law enforcement in Springfield to keep a representative involved in the process. She explained the sub-committee has pushed for a Section 190 agreement to be designed by the two city managers, and the county administrator to carry the issues into the future. The issues are complex and interrelated and Springfield needs an on-going say in these issues. Councilor Beyer asked how long the process will take before the vote is sought and what the impact is anticipated by Senate Bill 1145 on the services to be funded by the levy. Captain Langford replied the impacts and discussions related to the levy and SB 1145 are interrelated and are on-going. He stated there are a lot of unknowns and hopefully the upcoming special Legislative Session in January, 1996, will help clarify the issues. Councilor Burge shared Councilor Beyer's concerns over the coordination between the two issues. He stated he is not impressed with what SB 1145 will do and discussed some specific aspects of the legislation. By consensus, the Council gave Councilor Maine their support and approval to continue working on the Sheriffs proposed levy and other related law enforcement issues. Councilor Beyer commented that she and Councilor Maine attended the annual League of Oregon Cities Conference over the weekend in Eugene. She announced that City Manager Mike Kelly was re-elected to a one-year term on the League of Oregon Cities Board of Directors. ' ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Attest: ~~b:u City Recorder t