HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/09/1995 Work Session (2) City of Springfield Joint Work Session Meeting . MINUTES OF THE JOINT WORK SESSION BETWEEN THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL, PLANNING COMMISSION AND MAYOR'S HOUSING TASK FORCE HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1995 The Springfield City Council met in a joint Work Session with the Planning Commission and Mayor's Housing Task Force at Springfield City Hall, Library Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, October 9, 1995, at 7:20 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Beyer, Dahlquist, Maine, and Shaver. Councilor Burge was absent (excused). Prese~t from the Planning Commission were Randy Harvey, Lynda Raybould and Anne Ballew. Commission members Jeff Cole and Don Lutes were absent (excused) and Shari Hiatt was absent (unexcused). Present from the Mayor's Housing Task Force were Gary Cornelius, Blake Hastings, Terry McDonald, Thomas Miller, Artemio Paz, AI Pierce, Terry Travess and John . VanLandingham. Task Force members Mark Biel, Dawn Russell and Jonathan Siegle were absent (excused). Ainslie Krans was absent (unexcused). . City staff present included City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Tim Harold, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Development Services Director Susan Daluddung, Management Analyst Lynn Nakamura, Housing Planner Robin Johnson and members of staff. 1. Joint Work Session Concerning Housing Density Issues of the City Council. Planning Commission and Mayor's Housing Task Force Development Services Director Susan Daluddung presented the staff report. She stated the purpose of the Work Session is to enable the City Council, Planning Commission and Mayor's Housing Task Force to jointly discuss the critical issues regarding housing density. Ms. Daluddung explained the planned brainstorming process and rules, and introduced the facilitators from her staff who would lead the small discussion groups. She indicated that there would be four discussion groups that would meet for approximately 40 minutes to brainstorm issues related to developing standards for high density residential developments. After the brainstorming and presentation of group issues, Ms. Daluddung indicated that the City Council would reconvene in a work session and provide direction to staff regarding specific direction to continue developing and responding to the issues. . .. . . . City of Springfield Joint Work Session - 10/9/95 Page two Open Space Discussion Groups Group A: The issues presented in this group included private versus public open space, parking requirements, zero lot lines, parking lot design, construction material standards, building height limits, open space exterior lighting, the relationship of park systems development charges (SDCs) to open space construction within an apartment complex construction. Group B: The issues presented in this group included streetscape designs and design issues, nodal development, evaluating the value of open space, parking circulation patterns and parking lot landscaping, planning for pedestrian walkways and linkages to off-site open space or employment opportunities, gated barriers, emergency access, vehicular access to and from the complex, and alternative transportation. Built Space Discussion Groups Group A: The issues presented by this group included height restrictions versus compliance with the solar ordinance, graduated heights, storage space requirements, lot size requirements. Group B: The issues presented by this group included unit type, orientation, height limitations, lot coverage requirements, setback requirements, storage space requirements and convenience, recreational considerations and density credits. Ms. Daluddung indicated the next part of the process would be for the Council to sort all of the issues according the following categories: 1) Make a development code change 2) Incorporate into the residential lands study 3) For task force to study 4) Drop topic, do not address 5) Cost assesment (to be determined in the future) The meeting was recessed at 8:58 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:06 p.m. By consensus, it was agreed that the issues presented by the small groups would be compiled and consolidated by staff, and then be distributed to the Council for their review, to independently make selections as to what category each issue would fall into. City of Springfield Joint Work Session - 10/9/95 Page three . ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Eileen Stein ATTEST: ~ City Recorder . . 0;d/llP~ Mayor