HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/18/1995 Work Session ..:. City of Springfield Work Session Meeting . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1995 The City of Springfield Council met in Work Session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, September 18, 1995, at 6:02 p.m., with Mayor Morrisette . presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette, Councilors Beyer (6:04), Burge, Dahlquist (6:04), Maine and Shaver (6:03). Also present were Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, Management Analyst (Downtown Coordinator) Cynthia Pappas and members of the staff. 1. Springfield Partnership for Progress Management Analyst Cynthia Pappas introduced Dan Fleshman, who presented the staff report on this issue. He explained a task force of downtown property owners and merchants met in April, 1995, with one purpose, to identify committed individuals that would take responsibility for organizing the issues of downtown livability. Fourteen individuals agreed to form such an organization and the Springfield Partnership for Progress was created. . Mr. Fleshman eXplained since its creation, the Springfield partnership for Progress has drafted an Action Plan, organized a Clean Up Day which was held on September 17, formed committees, and invited guests to speak on topics relevant to downtown including the Guides Program, loitering, pedestrian lighting, and organizational structure. He stated the group's top priority is making downtown safe and inviting for all. Councilor Maine stated she supports the group and that success builds on success. She is real pleased with the group so far and hopes the interest and momentum continues. Introductions of group members present were made by Mr. Fleshman: Jack and Jean Leniger, representing the building at 4th and Main Street, Carol Forge, representing Springfield Utility Board, and Dave Balthrop, representing Larry and Kathy's Restaurant. Councilor Burge asked how installation of pedestrian lighting should be handled and if there are opinions by group. He also inquired about developing a color scheme for facade improvements and input for future changes in the transportation study. Mr. Fleshman replied options are being explored regarding pedestrian lighting, such as a local improvement district (Depot District) whereby property owners could be assessed charges for lighting, and the group will look into other possibilities also. Regarding color schemes, Mr. Fleshman stated this would happen by group recommendation or consensus only. He would like to see more downtown people aware of current programs that can assist them in rehabilitation. Regarding transportation issues, the group has discussed the topics of parking and generation of more retail traffic to date. . Mr. Fleshman stated the group will be setting up an application process for people wanting to join Partnership for Progress. City of Springfield Work Session - 9/18/95 Page two . Councilor Shaver gave the group his congratulations. He said the first step in organizing the group is the hardest. He stated great things are happening in Springfield and supports the group's effort. Councilor Shaver asked if there are items the City Council could address to assist the group in achieving their goals. There was a discussion regarding keeping the lines of communication open between the group and the Council. Mayor Morrisette suggested the group should speak with the Cottage Grove downtown association who recently undertook a planting project. Mayor Morrisette asked Ms. Pappas if there are grants for the downtown merchants to make improvements. She replied yes, and stated the group is currently looking at all types of funding sources. Councilor Burge stated he is very supportive, and it takes good committed people to establish a downtown group of this caliber. He discussed positive changes which could be made to the downtown area and spoke of an educational process which should be addressed as decisions and options are being reviewed. Mayor Morrisette asked Mr. Fleshman when the group meets. He replied, every other Wednesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. Mayor Morrisette asked Ms. Pappas to let the Council know specifically when group is meeting through the Communication Packet. Councilor Burge suggested lending institutions become involved to assist in the funding parts of rehabilitation programs. . 2. Classification and Compensation Study for Non-Union Employees Mr. Grimaldi introduced Human Resources Director Frank Hotchkiss who presented the staff report on this issue. As part of the FY 95/96 Operating Budget, Council directed staff to conduct a formal review of the classification specifications and salary ranges of the 66 non- union employees which has not occurred since 1986. He explained such matters are routinely addressed during labor negotiations for the 273 employees who are members of collective bargaining units, but not for non-union employees. Mr. Hotchkiss provided background information regarding the 1987 Council resolution and 1993 policy discussions. Mr. Hotchkiss reminded the Council that the Budget Committee approved a maximum of $14,000 to conduct a non-union classification and compensation study. Ifany implementation costs are recommended by the consultant, they will be addressed in the FY 96/97 budget. In July, a Request For Proposal (RFP) was issued and a consultant chosen (after proposals were received by seven companies, five who were interviewed) by the city-wide committee that is providing administrative direction and representing all departments for the study. The consultant chosen was Brunner Consulting. . Mr. Hotchkiss outlined the timeframe for project completion and the employers who were chosen forcomparison (Resolution 87-06). In addition to the public employers, private sector employers have also been selected for comparative purposes. Mr. Hotchkiss stated the Brunner's will provide the city with draft recommendations and then staff will bring any recommendations before the City Council at the end of November. City of Springfield Work Session - 9/18/95 Page three . Councilor Shaver asked if the surveys have already been sent out. Mr. Hotchkiss replied yes, and explained the project timeline. Councilor Shaver asked why there is no retail representation from private companies, only manufacturing companies. Mr. Hotchkiss explained why the companies included in the study were chosen. He told the Council that other companies could still be added at this point. There was a discussion regarding how the letter asking companies to participate was written. Councilor Shaver commented that the tone of the letter should state that the city is trying to reach a balance between the public and private sectors regarding compensation. He thought this type of letter would encourage more companies to reply. Councilor Maine stated she would like the results sorted by both private and public responses. Personnel Analyst Jack Lindstrom stated that the results can be sorted however the city chose. He stated the only guarantee the city offered the companies participating was confidentiality. Councilor Maine asked if the city is looking for information regarding local employees wages comparing to other local governments or comparing to other companies in our local economy. She stated there is a level where the employee draw is not other public agencies, but the local job market for the area. She asked to be provided with a listing of the 21 benchmark positions. . Councilor Burge asked if the Department of Labor has state-wide data regarding public employment positions. Mr. Lindstrom explained the dictionary of occupational titles which is provided by the Department of Labor, but also explained how hard it is to match positions by title only. Councilor Burge requested a copy of the dictionary of occupation titles, as published by the Department of Labor. Councilor Burge commented this process should happen every three to five years, rather than just being reactive to salary inquires. He would like to see the frequency of the process increased and is concerned over the "ratcheting" effect or needing to come up levels when bottom levels start too high. Mr. Hotchkiss replied that jurisdictions are now looking at turn- over and retention statistics with regard to salary studies and benefits. Mayor Morrisette stated the city treats employees well in other ways than just financial compensation. Councilor Maine stated that three-year budgeting allows employees the comfort of job stability. Councilor Dahlquist stated he would like benefit comparising to be incorporated into the study. He suggested asking other agencies to participate jointly in a study that would include both salary and benefits. Mr. Hotchkiss explained that the Local Government Personnel Institute through the League of Oregon Cities provides some personnel data. He commented that by joining with cities the size of Eugene for instance, their comparables are larger cities, but that cities the size of Corvallis could be compared. . Mayor Morrisette stated benefits must be considered. Councilor Shaver and Burge agreed and suggested adding other local private sector companies to the existing comparable list. Mayor Morrisette asked ifthis study will look at "perks", such as compensatory time, which can be cashed in at the time of resignation. Mr. Hotchkiss stated the Council was given a quick study regarding benefits in 1993, but that the compensatory time issue could be addressed at a future date. City of Springfield Work'Session - 9/18/95 Page four . In recapping, Mr. Hotchkiss stated: 1) the Council would like to add benefits to the existing Classification and Compensation Study for non-union employees, 2) increase the representation of private sector employers to the comparable list, 3) that the contract amount to Brunner Consulting will increase due to the addition of benefit comparables, 4) provide to Council statistical data including the benchmark list, the dictionary of titles from the Department of Labor and prior Human Resources Department information regarding employee turnover and retention and 5) ask other cities to share in the costs of a class and pay and benefits study, if possible. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:57 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins .C; \' , I,~ Mayor Morrisette Mayor . ~- .~ Eile~ City Recorder .