HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/08/1995 Work Session (2) Joint Meeting Minutes . MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL, SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT #19 BOARD OF EDUCATION, WILLAMALANE PARKS AND RECREATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD HELD ON MONDA Y, MAY 8, 1995. The Springfield City Council, Springfield School District #19 Board of Education, Willamalane Parks and Recreation District Board, and Springfield Utility Board met in a Joint Meeting at the Willamalane Senior Center, 215 West C Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, May 8, 1995, at 6: 10 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present from the City were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Beyer, Burge, Dahlquist, Maine, Shaver. City staff present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Communications Manager Mike Moskovitz, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, Police Chief Bill DeForrest, Police Captains Jerry Smith and Dick Golden, Finance Director Bob Duey and Maintenance Manager Ed Black. . Present from School District #19 were Board Chairman Alan Peterson and Board Members Jennifer Heiss, Steve Arnold, Laurie Adams, Bob Johnson, Janet Heiss and Andrew Black. School District # 19 staff present were Superintendent Jamon Kent and staff members Steve Barrett, Judy Land, Don Shutt, Karen Lewis and Susan Cofflet. Present from Willamalane Park and Recreation District were Board Chairman Rob Adams and Board Members Elyse Meyers, Janice Morrisette, Tom Atkinson and Wayne Hill. Staff members present were Superintendent Dan Plaza and Pat Lewis. Present from Springfield Utility Board were Board Chairman Tom Cochran and Board Members George Litzenberger and Bob Adams. Staff present was Steve Loveland. 1. Welcome and Summary of April 10. 1995 Meeting Mayor Morrisette welcomed the group and led introductions of both elected officials and staff. Springfield City Recorder Eileen Stein introduced herself as the meeting facilitator in the absence of Chris Pryor. She summarized the last meeting on April 10, 1995 and discussed plans for the meeting tonight. She explained why the seats were formed in small groups to facilitate discussion on developing an action plan for the highest priority shared goal (A Safe Community) identified at the April 10 meeting. . Ms. Stein instructed the groups to discuss, with the assistance of a group facilitator, three questions and to reach group consensus on the questions. The questions were: 1) Define what makes a safe community, 2) What can we do together to create a safe community, and 3) Who . Joint Meeting Minutes Work Session - 5/8/95 Page two will do it, when and at what cost. After 45 minutes each group would be asked to select a group spokesperson and give a 5 minutes summary of the group's suggestions and solutions. 2. Small Group Discussions Each group met for 45 minutes with their facilitator to create a summary of suggestions or solutions to create a safe community. Each group placed their suggestions or solutions on flip charts which were then to be presented to the entire group. 3. Small Group Reports GROUP #1: Bill Morrisette, Andrew Black, Terry Beyer, Karen Lewis, Susan Cofflet, Bill DeForrest, Greg Shaver, Jamon Kent, Laurie Adams and Elyse Meyers. Group spokesperson Jamon Kent presented the following strategies for creating a safe community: . 1) Create sanctions for criminal behavior and truancy 2) Train community volunteers to monitor facilities 3) Each agency to contribute $10,000 annually to a shared fund to create a safe community 4) Community leaders set the standards, evaluated mission standards and jointly problem solve 5) Creation of a Community Development Corporation 6) Police involvement in schools, DARE and teaching law and education to youth GROUP #2: Norm Dahlquist, Dick Golden, Janice Morrisette, Stu Burge, Janet Heiss, Don Shutt, George Litzenberger, Bob Adams, Tom Cochran, Rob Adams, Alan Peterson. Group spokesperson Steve Barrett presented the following strategies for creating a safe community: 1) Create the perception of safety with proactive law enforcement 2) Increase trust in courts, quick and fair trials 3) Keep youth busy and get adults busy working with kids 4) Share goals of each organization 5) Each agency should select specific projects and goals 6) Increased communication and meetings between Spfld public agencies 7) Greater parental responsibility in curfew and truancy - parental training and responsibility 8) Other agencies to participate with truancy and transient problems 9) Planning - less parking congestion, lower density, more secure parking, more recreation 10) Deal with homeless issue to economic development 11) Each agency should find new ways for communication and funding 12) Make plans together, follow-through, draw closer and communicate more . . Joint Meeting Minutes Work Session - 5/8/95 Page three GROUP #3: Wayne Hill, Tom Atkinson, Judy Land, Jennifer Heiss, Bob Johnson, Maureen Maine, Steve Loveland, Steve Arnold and Jerry Smith. Group spokesperson Wayne Hill presented the following strategies for creating a safe community: . 1) Greater community involvement 2) Sense of personal security 3) Absence of vandalism and graffiti 4) Sense of accountability of one's self - expectations of others 5) Respect for property 6) Pride in community 7) Respect for people 8) Enforcement of laws 9) Spend time on kids doing okay community events, media 10) Employ teens 11) Hold law breakers accountable, build jails and local work camps 12) Build community involvement 13) Enforce curfew with police and citizens 14) Agency cooperation -lobbying efforts and agencies working together 15) Pride of ownership with neighborhood watch 16) Additional resources, community bond, lobbying, income tax rebate, look for alternatives Ms. Stein indicated there would be a meeting break so that the small group charts could be reassembled together for the next segment of the meeting. She introduced Maintenance Manager Ed Black who spoke about the Millrace project and the small park constructed by the Springfield Depot. He explained the last phase of development of the park is development of information panels. He stated if anyone is interested in the panels, to give him their opinion tonight after review of the conceptual design information. Mr. Black stated the City and Willamalane Park and Recreation staff are hoping to have the information panels in place by this years Filbert Festival. Ms. Stein encouraged meeting participants to review the Millrace displays during the break. The meeting recessed at 7:25 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:35 p.m. 4. Group Consensus on Direction Ms. Stein indicated that now was the time to develop a group consensus on an action plan on what could be done this next year, based on the suggestions or solutions presented by each of the small groups, to make Springfield a safer community. Many ideas and suggestions were given and by consensus, the following ideas were agreed to: . . . . .. . Joint Meeting Minutes Work Session - 5/8/95 Page four What can be done together as a community? 1. Adequate sanctions to deter criminal and mischief behavior 2. Focus on prevention activities - many groups already meeting - Springfield Coordinating Council - Community Action Planning Group - Gang Awareness Task Force Need more of: - Neighborhoods working together - Coordination of community resources - Strengthen Neighborhood Watch 3. Intervention - when appropriate, need adequate resources How are we going to do it? 1) Meet jointly more often to discuss community topics 2) Invite Commissioner Cornacchia to participate in future joint meetings 3) Each agency contribute $10,000 in seed money for possible projects to be determined by an interagency task force 4) Coordinated lobbying efforts at the county and state level 5) Provide staff report on county jail bed space to all agencies 6) Community leaders to define standards of tolerance for behavior in the community and to stand up for it (ie. liquor licenses, discontinued gambling, etc.) 7) Personal responsibility training, police officers in schools (separate from DARE) to explain responsibility and commitment to community. Police Dept. to provide a speakers bureau to schools for this type of training. 8) Adequate sanctions - have Police Department research how other communities develop sanctions for detering all aspects of criminal and mischief behavior, ranging from truancy and curfew, to more serious crimes including assault and murder. 9) The CEOs of each agency should continue to meet and coordinate to create a proactive action plan based on the goals of each agency. Attached is the small group chart information in detail. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8: 10 p.m. . Joint Meeting Minutes Work Session - 5/8/95 Page five Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins ~dP~~ Mayor ATTEST: ~!!u*~ City Recorder . 5-8joint.doc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Group # 1 What Makes a Safe Community? Sense of security Low crime rate Livability without fear Attitudes, behavior and conditions (community norms) exist that promote a safe community Entire community works together to promote a sense of responsibility and accountability Involvement and ownership Trust Acceptance Responsive governments Effective sanctions for criminal behavior Adequate resources to support public agencies related to safety Stable neighborhoods with identity A community that respects the law and obeys the law Neighborhood pride What Can We Do? (T 0 create a safe community) Create adequate sanctions for criminals Continue to evaluate each agency's mission to ensure we meet today's demands Sanctions and train community volunteers to monitor community facilities (parks, schools, etc.) Develop a preventative approach to safety Continue Community Development Corp. Each agency contributes $10,000 Joint sub-committee would allocate funds for projects to make a safe community Increased activities for youth Teach criminal justice system in school Law in education Stay married and involved in your children's lives Parent training Create sanctions for truancy, misdemeanor Community leaders need to set the standards and state them loudly - stand up for them Mutual problem-solving among agencies Provide help to people who want to help themselves WestonlMisc!JointMtg.doc 1 . Who, When, What Cost? (Group #1 continued) . Sanctions for criminal behavior and truancy . Train community vol. to monitor facilities . Each agency to contribute $10,000 annually . Community leaders set the standards Evaluate mission statements Mutual problem-solving . Community Development Corp. . Police involved with schools, DARE, teach law in education . . WestonlMisc/JointMtg.doc 2 Group #2 . What Makes a Safe Community? . Low transient population . Perception of safety . Being able to walk streets . Safe houses for children . Low violence . Pro-active law enforcement . Pro-active neighborhood watch . Pro-active court system . Trust in law, courts, etc. . People who care . Effective judicial sanctions . "No tolerance" on part of public . Quick, fair trails . Keeping youth busy . Deal with homeless issue . Keeping adults busy "working" Who will do it, how, when, and at what costs? . Curfew - law enforcement . Coordinate with park and school district Sports and activities scheduled Liquor restrictions?? What are sanctions? Skipworth won't take Citation "In lieu of custody School - dress code, closed campuses . Truancy - not a law enforcement issue Legislative needs to give more tools Together/Safe Community . Know goals of each organization and what they are doing . Select specific goals that all can work towards . Work together on certain projects . Communications between the agencies . Pride in the community . Endorse public safety . Make properties visible through lighting . Promote a drug-free community . Consistent joint meeting schedule . Weston/MisclJointMtg.doc 3 . Together/Safe Community (Group #2 Continued) . CEO of public agencies meet . Respect and support for each agency's project . Review "trespass" process and requirements . Enforcement of curfew, truancy Who, When, What Cost? . Role of parents . "Responsibility" training/education in school district . Opportunity for law enforcement to talk about responsibilities, civics, etc. . Other agency participation (i.e., Driver's License, etc.) . Parent Parent training Synthesis . . Large transient population . High "renter" neighborhood . Planning Less parking congestion More security for vehicles Provide more secure parking Recreation opportunity . Planning regarding congestion of "high" impact areas . Deal with homeless issue to economic development . Springfield and Willamalane evaluated park use by increased signage, make a plan and follow thru. More in post 11 :00-12:00 hour. Make plans and follow thru. . Each agency explore issues and find ways to fund Raise community awareness Act together Find additional ways to communicate . Work with judicial process in system . Make plans . Follow thru . Draw closer . Communicate more . Weston/Misc/JointMtg.doc 4 . . . Group #3 . Safe Community . Community involvement . Sense of personal safety/security . Absence of vandalism and graffiti . Sense of accountability of oneself . Expectations of alc for others . Respect for property . Pride in community and self . Respect for people . Enforcement of laws All of judicial system Penalties/consequences for actions What we do . Spend time on 95% of kids "doing time." Who: All . Community Events, Medial, Springfield Junior 1st Citizen, Teen Center . Employ teens for community projects Summer program . Who: Feds, SWPIC, all agencies . . Hold 5% accountable . Who: State $'s All agencies lobby County . Build more jails How: Take TV's out of jail, put in beds . County/local work camp Who: . Build community involvement Neighborhood watch Cops on bikes Community policing "Zero" tolerance Neighborhood associations Who: all . Enforce curfew Who: Police/Citizens . Agency cooperation Who: Springfield Coord. Council . Pride of ownership Who: Neighborhood watch, city police, public works . Weston/Misc/JointMtg.doc 5 . .. . . . . Evaluate option 1 st Look for alternatives . Look within existing budgets . Kicker $'s . Community bond . Lobbying WestonlMisc!JointMtg.doc Costs (Group #3 Continued) 6