HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/16/1995 Work Session . i. '. ... .. City of Springfield Work Session Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 16,1995 The city of Springfield Council met in Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, January 16, 1995, at 6:01 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Shaver, Dahlquist, Burge, Beyer and Maine. Councilor Walters was absent. Also present were Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein and members of the staff. 1. Bicycle Committee Appointment Traffic Engineer Gary McKenney provided the staff report. The Bicycle Committee currently has three openings on its nine member committee. One application has been received from Robert Foster, and the Bicycle Committee recommends the applicant be appointed. The remaining two openings will be readvertised. Mr. Foster is a Springfield resident and an active bicycle rider. Mr. McKenney indicated that Mr. Foster was present at the meeting. Council reviewed Mr. Foster's application. The appointment would be made at the regular meeting later in the evening. 2. Arts Commission Appointments Museum Coordinator Kathy Jensen provided the staff report. Five member's terms of service on the Arts Commission expired on December 1, 1994. Doris Prieto resigned in October, 1994. David Gibson did not reapply. Nancy Albro, Richard Ball and Nan Kennedy have reapplied. One new application was received from Ellen Gabehart. One position remains vacant and has been readvertised. Council reviewed the applications. The appointments would be made at the regular meeting later in the evening. 3. Budget Committee Interview Finance Director Bob Duey provided the staff report. There is one opening on the Budget Committee due to the term expiration of Norm Dahlquist, as well as his election to the City Council. One application was received for the opening, from former City Councilor Larry Schanz. Mr. Grimaldi reported that while it was customary for Budget Committee applicants to be interviewed, Mr. Schanz was not present due to a staff oversight in scheduling his interview. Mr. Schanz was available to come later in the evening at Council's request. Council discussed Mr. Schanz's qualifications and felt it was not necessary to interview him due to his past experience as a City Council and Budget Committee member. Councilor Shaver asked for staff to review the Budget Committee bylaws to determine whether Councilor Dahlquist's previous Budget Committee experience would prevent him from serving full terms in the future in his role as City Councilor. ~ . . . . . Work Session Council Meeting January 16, 1995 Page 2 4. Appointment to the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Partnership Board of Directors Community and Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis presented the staff report. One vacancy exists on the Metro Partnership Board of Directors and four applications have been received. The incumbent, Scott Stovall, has reapplied. Other applications have been received from Phillip Stice, David Balthrop and Vangy Smith. Mr. Tamulonis commented that all four applicants were well qualified and Council members commented how pleased they were to receive such interest from well qualified people. They requested that the letters sent to those who would not be appointed compliment them about their qualifications and encourage them to reapply. 5. Council Business Councilor Shaver discussed the McKenzie Watershed Council. He indicated that administrative rules are being drafted for watershed management. Within the rules is language pertaining to a stormwater runoff monitoring requirement for municipalities. He said under the rules, Springfield wouldn't need to apply for a stormwater runoff permit, but would be required to monitor stormwater runoff quality. He said this is another mandate from the state that is not funded. He discussed a letter which was prepared by staff for the Mayor's signature in opposition to this unfunded mandate. He was requesting Council approval of the letter. He read the content of the letter. Council discussed the letter and the issue of unfunded mandates from the state and federal governments. By consensus, the Council agreed to have Mayor Morrisette sign and submit the letter on behalf of the city. 6. State Legislative Agenda Due to additional time in the work session meeting time, Mr. Grimaldi suggested the state and/or federal legislative agendas could be reviewed. Both items were scheduled for review and approval in the regular meeting later in the evening. He discussed how both agendas were developed through a staff process, with reviews by the Management Team and the Council Legislative Committee. Ms. Stein presented the proposed legislative agenda for the 67th Oregon Legislature. She discussed the categories of issues which included Public Safety, Human Resources and General Administration, Finance and Taxation, Community Development and Planning, and Transportation and Public Works. Ms. Stein reviewed the Public Safety, and Human Resources and General Administration sections in detail. The remaining sections would be presented during the regular meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:51 p.m. r" . . . .. . I .. Work Session Council Meeting January 16, 1995 Page 3 Minutes Recorder - Eileen Stein .~ Ar ~ Attest: -fdu~k- City Recorder