HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/06/1997 Regular . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1997 The city of Springfield council met in regular session in the Springfield City Council Chamber Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, October 6, 1997, at 7: 15 p.m., with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette, Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Dahlquist, and Shaver. Councilors Burge and Maine were absent (both excused). Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Julie Wilson and members of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Morrisette. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Bobby Nott, Faith Temple. Mayor Morrisette said Faith Temple now occupied the downtown theater. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT . CONSENT CALENDAR IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BEYER, TO ADOPT THE CONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 1. Claims 2. Minutes a. September 15, 1997 - Regular Meeting b. September 22, 1997 - Work Session 3. Resolutions 4. Ordinances 5. Other Routine Matters a. Approve Endorsement ofOLCC Liquor License Application for the 7-Eleven Store #2353- 14510F, Located at 411 Harlow Road, Springfield, Oregon. . b. Authorize the City Manager to Enter into a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Springfield Police Association, Retroactive to July 1, 1996, Consistent with the Provisions Regular Meeting Minutes October 6, 1997 Page 2 . Established in the Arbitrator's Order Dated February 19, 1997 and Affirmed on September 5, 1997. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Budget Transfer and Supplemental Budget Resolution. . RESOLUTION NO. 97-43 - A RESOLUTION REDUCING APPROPRIATIONS IN THE GENERAL FUND. THE STREET FUND, THE TRANSIENT ROOM TAX FUND. THE SEWER CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND. THE SEWER OPERATIONS FUND, THE METRO WASTEWATER FUND. THE VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT FUND, THE SDC PROJECTS FUND. THE DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENTS FUND. THE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS FUND. AND THE GO BOND CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND. ADJUSTING BEGINNING CASH AND GRANT BALANCES AND RECOGNIZING AND APPROPRIATING GRANTS AND DONATIONS IN THE GENERAL FUND, THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND, THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND. AND THE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS FUND. AND TRANSFERRING AND RE- APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE STREET FUND. THE TRANSIENT ROOM TAX FUND, THE SEWER CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND, THE SEWER OPERATIONS FUND. THE METRO W ASTEW A TER FUND. THE VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT FUND. THE BOOTH KELLY FUND. AND THE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS FUND. RESOLUTION NO. 97-44 - A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING AND APPROPRIATING PROCEEDS IN THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND, AND THE ADJUSTMENT OF BEGINNING CASH IN THE GENERAL FUND, THE STREET FUND, THE MUSEUM FUND. THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND. THE BANCROFT REDEMPTION FUND. THE METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER FUND. THE SDC PROJECTS FUND, THE DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT FUND. THE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS FUND AND THE GO BOND CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND. Finance Director Bob Duey presented the staff report on this issue. Several times throughout the fiscal year the council is requested to make adjustments to the budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues such as grants or to make other required adjustments. The Finance Department annually schedules October transfer requests to adjust beginning cash balances to actuals, subsequent to the end of the prior fiscal year. The council is asked to approve the regular budget transfer resolution and supplemental budget resolution. . The overall financial impact of the regular budget transfer resolution is to reduce the budget by $620,560 due to adjustments in cash balances and prior year encumbrances; recognize $1,175,189 in grants, donations and cash carry-overs; and transfer and reappropriate $217,584. The overall financial impact of the supplemental budget is to increase total appropriations by $1,831,394. Regular Meeting Minutes October 6, 1997 Page 3 . Councilor Ballew asked questions about the Environmental Services' information position. Mr. Duey explained that personnel can be increased after the budget process. He said the number of positions is not an issue it was more the available appropriations for it. In this case, shifting has been done due to Mike Moskovitz being partially funded in that position. He said the FTE had no restrictions in the Oregon Budget Law. Councilor Ballew asked if when you close the books does the money you have go to reserves as opposed to becoming a carryover fund balance to finance next year. Mr. Duey replied that until any action is taken the funds are strictly resources that count as beginning cash. They have no appropriation that can't be spent. Only through this type of council action can there be any use of that money. Councilor Ballew referenced attachment 1-5. She discussed the reduction amount of $620,560 and recognition of the $1,175,189 in grants, loans and cash carry-overs. Mr. Duey explained each item was a separate item and clarified the money flow and actual outcome of the budget following the various actions taken. Mayor Morrisette opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Morrisette closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR DAHLQUIST, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NOS. 97-43 AND 97-44. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. . . BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE COUNCIL RESPONSE CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Correspondence From Mrs. Higgins, 5660 Daisy Street, #8, Springfield, Regarding the Eugene/Springfield Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Need for Property Owners to Repair (Deficient) Sewer Pipes Installed Prior to 1970. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR DAHLQUIST, TO ACCEPT CORRESPONDENCE FOR FILING. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Correspondence From Al King, Springfield Rotary Club, Requesting a $10,000 Room Tax Grant to Market the 1998 Oregon International Rotary Club Cup Soccer Tournament Hosted by the Springfield and Twin Rivers Rotary Clubs. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BEYER, TO ACCEPT CORRESPONDENCE FOR FILING. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. . Regular Meeting Minutes October 6, 1997 Page 4 ' . a. Mr. King, PO Box 55, Springfield, supported the request for Room Tax Grant funds to market the Soccer Tournament. Mr. King answered questions from council regarding funding, local cooperation, tourism that would be generated and other issues. Mr. King discussed hotel room capacity available and advertising needs. Development Services Director Susan Daluddung discussed the process to apply for Room Tax funds. Councilor Shaver discussed budget uncertainties that currently exist. He said Mr. King could be notified of the process and timelines as they are developed. Councilor Beyer asked if there were plans to address this issue next year. Mr. Kelly said a mid-year budget report would be provided. He said the city did expect to reduce the budget due to Ballot Measure 47/50. Council could consider this request in the future and did not need to take action at this time. Councilor Ballew asked questions about the average room rates. Mr. King said rooms would range between $56 to $130. . Councilor Shaver noted that two councilors were absent. He also said that during the mid-year budget review, the decision can be made regarding possible allocation of some Room Tax funds. If, at that time, council decides not to allocate funds at that time, Mr. King can be notified of the upcoming process and deadlines for future allocations. He did not want to make a decision at this time. Mr. King said ifhe did not have additional funding by December, a less expensive brochure may be designed. BIDS ORDINANCES BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments a. Library Board Appointment. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR DAHLQUIST, TO APPOINT AL MONCE TO THE LIBRARY BOARD TO FILL THE VACANCY CREATED BY THE RESIGNATION OF ALLEN GOLDMAN. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports . Regular Meeting Minutes October 6, 1997 Page 5 . b. Other Business BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Police Use of Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs). Chief of Police Bill DeForrest presented the staff report on this issue. On August 11, 1997, the Police and Fire and Life Safety Departments presented a joint proposal to the council to equip police patrol vehicles with AEDs for the purpose of reducing response times to cardiac arrest calls. An update was provided on September 22, 1997. It was reported the project had received risk management and city attorney clearance. Also, protocols related to call taking/dispatch, police training and record keeping were proceeding satisfactorily and are on target with a projected implementation by the end of the year. It is intended that all patrol officers will be trained in the use of AEDs. . The city has received written proposals from two manufacturers. The proposals are still being evaluated, but a selection decision will be made and reported during the council presentation. Essentially, the proposals are the same. They each provide the Police Department with ten AEDs for a period of three years at no cost. In return, the city must agree to provide copies of data generated from the use of AEDs; agree to be a reference site for other police programs; agree that the department will be available for marketing literature and other marketing opportunities, as we deem appropriate; and the manufacturer will have the opportunity to review any articles or studies that may be published by the police or EMS department regarding the AED program results. These conditions are acceptable to the Police Department and the city. The value of this grant to the city is estimated to be $35,000. He reported that he, Chief Murphy and project coordinators attended ajoint meeting with the Oregon Board of Medical Examiners and Emergency Medical Technicians Advisory Committee. The proposal was presented to them and was enthusiastically received and endorsed. Councilor Ballew recognized the benefit to the community. She had concerns that the city is expanding service h~vels. She would support the project but had a concern from a policy standpoint. Chief DeForrest said the city was only providing a tool to assist in carrying out current services being offered by the city. Councilor Shaver said this was a good opportunity and he would support it. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR DAHLQUIST, TO APPROVE ACCEPTANCE OF THE AED EQUIPMENT GRANT FROM THE SELECTED MANUFACTURER. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Authorization to Contract for Business Area Analysis of Public Works Infrastructure. . Regular Meeting Minutes October 6, 1997 Page 6 . City Engineer Al Peroutka presented the staff report on this issue. Council has the sole authority to waive the requirement of a Request for Proposals process and is being requested to do so and authorize a contract with Savage Associates. Councilor Ballew expressed concerns about waiving the process. She said it was there to get the best product for the best price. Councilor Shaver agreed. Mr. Peroutka said staff did look at the two providers that could offer the serviCes. He said between those two providers, Savage Associates offered the lower cost for the services. Mr. Peroutka said staff time was a large deciding factor in the selection. City Attorney Joe Leahy said if council can make the finding that the public interest is best served because the proposal represents the city's best opportunity to utilize staff time and the proposed consultant has a demonstrated familiarity and experience with both the city of Springfield and Regional needs. Also if the council can find that favoritism is not encouraged and competition is not diminished because there has been no favoritism exercised. Public Works staff and Information Services believe that there are two reasonable options for getting the work done; using Savage Associates, or using Viking Associates, the city's provider for other BAA's. The Savage Associates proposal represents a savings to the city because of the unique knowledge and familiarity of this consultant with the Public Works data and business functions. . Mr. Leahy said council could not waive this without making the above findings. That was the basis for the exemption from the competitive bidding requirements. Specific reasons for the request for waiver are: 1. Cost - Work with Savage Associates will be significantly less costly than working with the general provider of these BAA services for the city. The approach to the work is streamlined and made less costly because of the background brought to the project by Savage Associates. 2. Familiarity with the subject area and demonstrated expertise - Jean Savage has familiarity with both the city needs and regional data structure through past contractual work. Public Works staff has been extremely pleased with the efficiency and competency of past work. 3. Time - Late fall is our best opportunity to break staff free to be part of the process as construction is winding down for this year. It is unlikely that Viking would be able to make time available for this project until later in the year and a formal RFP process would also delay our work. A delay would push us into a less desirable time of year. Savage Associates is available now to move forward with the project. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BEYER, TO WAIVE THE REQUIREMENT FOR A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL PROCESS FOR THE SELECTION OF THE CONSULTANT FOR THE BUSINESS AREA ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC WORKS INFRASTRUCTURE. COUNCIL MADE THE FINDING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST IS BEST SERVED BECAUSE THE PROPOSAL REPRESENTS THE CITY'S BEST OPPORTUNITY TO UTILIZE STAFF . . Regular Meeting Minutes October 6, 1997 Page 7 . TIME AND THE PROPOSED CONSULTANT HAS A DEMONSTRATED FAMILIARITY AND EXPERIENCE WITH BOTH THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REGIONAL NEEDS. ALSO COUNCIL FINDS THAT FAVORITISM IS NOT ENCOURAGED AND COMPETITION IS NOT DIMINISHED BECAUSE THERE HAS BEEN NO FAVORITISM EXERCISED. IT IS ALSO AGREED THAT THE PUBLIC WORKS STAFF AND INFORMATION SERVICES BELIEVE THAT THERE ARE TWO REASONABLE OPTIONS FOR GETTING THE WORK DONE; USING SAVAGE ASSOCIATES, OR USING VIKING ASSOCIATES, THE CITY'S PROVIDER FOR OTHER BAA'S. THE SAVAGE ASSOCIATES PROPOSAL REPRESENTS A SAVINGS TO THE CITY BECAUSE OF THE UNIQUE KNOWLEDGE AND FAMILIARITY OF THIS CONSULTANT WITH THE PUBLIC WORKS DATA AND BUSINESS FUNCTIONS. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BEYER, TO A WARD THE CONTRACT FOR SERVICES TO SA V AGE ASSOCIATES IN THE AMOUNT OF $35,555. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 3. Computer Project Management Services Contract - Coopers and Lybrand L.P.P. . Finance Director Bob Duey presented the staff report on this issue. The Finance Department requires project management expertise in the area of computerized financial systems implementation. The council has the sole authority to waive the requirement of a Request for Proposals process and Coopers and Lybrand is being recommended for both their expertise in the area and for coordination with Lane County's selection of this firm. On June 16, 1997, the council authorized the purchase of the software package offered by PeopleSoft and the contracting with Business Information Technology (BIT) for customizing the software. Since that time the necessary hardware and software has been purchased and installed, and BIT is expected to be on-site during October to begin the actual design of the new system. Off-site training of staff has already begun. The actual implementation for this phase of the system is expected to take up to 16 months. By June 16, Coopers and Lybrand had already been selected as the project manager for Lane County and at the work session the council was informed that the staff would be looking at either utilizing Coopers in a similar role or exploring other available options. Both in-house and outside consulting has been considered. The lack of available in-house expertise for a project of this size and complexity has resulted in the recommendation for outside contractual assistance. The council is being asked to waive the RFP process in this case to continue the coordination of the PeopleSoft project with the other agencies. Along with the Lane County connection, Coopers and Lybrand's reputation in this area is highly regarded. The hourly rate, although high, was found to be standard for the national firms and others staff found with previous PeopleSoft implementation experience. The project budget estimate for project management is $300,000 and the Finance Department plans to dedicate the time of their Accounting Manager to the project, which will be charged, along with Coopers and Lybrand's time, against the estimated amount. . . . Regular Meeting Minutes October 6, 1997 Page 8 . Mr. Duey answered questions about the project cost, staffing changes, timelines and other Issues. Councilor Ballew asked if Coopers and Lybrand were the only ones that had knowledge on this project. Mr. Duey said other firms did have knowledge although did not express an interest in the project. He explained the city is working off the Lane County connection with Coopers and Lybrand. Mr. Duey provided a presentation which explained that Coopers and Lybrand were selected as the project manager for Lane County and this is a partial County contract that will be approved. Mr. Duey eXplained that due to the cost savings involved with the County contract and software, substantial cost savings would result from this action. The only non-substantial cost savings was the use of Coopers and Lybrand but they need to be used as they are part of the package. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BEYER, TO WAIVE THE REQUIREMENT FOR A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PROCESS FOR THE SELECTION OF COOPERS AND LYBRAND L.P.P. FOR COMPUTER PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW FINANCE/HUMAN RESOURCES SOFTWARE FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $227,000. COUNCIL MADE THE FINDING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST IS BEST SERVED DUE TO THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY MR. DUEY DURING HIS PRESENTATION. THE MOTION pASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 4. Amendments to the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC) Intergovernmental Agreement. RESOLUTION NO. 97-45 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING MODIFICATIONS TO THE METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT COMMISSION INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT. Environmental Services Manager Susie Smith presented the staff report on this issue. Lane County and the cities of Eugene and Springfield entered into an IGA establishing the MWMC in 1977, and have amended the IGA by resolution several times since its adoption. The Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) has requested that the governing bodies make additional changes to the IGA at this time. Actions taken by the MWMC in the fall of 1996 raised concerns among city and county elected officials about the roles and authority of the commission. Specifically, the Commission's adoption of an interim System Development Charge (SDC) methodology, without completion of a thorough study, raised concerns regarding the binding nature of the Commission's decision on the cities and the lack of a dispute resolution process for disagreements related to rates and charges. These issues were addressed by the MPC at their January and March meetings. . The MPC is forwarding to the Eugene, Springfield and Lane County governing bodies recommendations for IGA modifications targeted at shifting the final authority on certain . . . . ... Regular Meeting Minutes October 6, 1997 Page 9 rates and fees from the MWMC to the governing bodies, and establishing a dispute resolution process. The dispute resolution process would provide for any of the governing bodies disagreeing with an MWMC action to: 1) request that MWMC reconsider the action; and 2) in the event that MWMC reconsideration does not resolve the dispute, refer the disputed action to MPC for resolution and recommendation to the full governing bodies. The proposed modifications also would expand to any rate payer of the Commission the right to appeal any sewerage rule, regulation, or policy. Currently, the IGA limits this right to property owners only. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 97-45. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 5. Other Business a. Mr. Kelly introduced Rosie Pryor to the council and recognized her expertise and welcomed her to the city. b. Mr. Kelly reminded council of the Joint Elected Officials meeting scheduled for October 7, 1997. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson fO;#~~ Bill Morrisette Mayor Attest: