HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/21/1997 Regular . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, APRIL 21,1997 The city of Springfield Council met in Regular Session in the Springfield City Council Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, April 21, 1997, at 7:15 p.m., with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette, Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Burge, Dahlquist, Maine and Shaver. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Eileen Stein, Administrative Aide Julie Wilson and members of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Morrisette. INVOCA TION The invocation was given by Rev. Zane Wilson, Springfield Lutheran Church. . SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1. City Manager Mike Kelly recognized John Garitz, Fire and Life Safety, for 10 years of service to the city of Springfield. CONSENT CALENDAR IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR MAINE, TO ADOPT THE CONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 1. Claims a. March 1997, Disbursements for Approval. 2. Minutes a. March 15, 1997 - Goal Setting Session b. April 7, 1997 - Work Session c. April 7, 1997 - Regular Session 3. Resolutions . RESOLUTION NO. 97-17 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT 3-997: SOUTH 41 ST STREET. MAIN STREET TO 230 FEET SOUTH. . Regular Council Meeting April 21, 1997 Page 2 4. Other Routine Matters a. Approval of the March 1997 Quarterly Updated Financial Reports. b. Approval of Proposed Municipal Judges Curtis and Strickland Employment Agreements. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) Funding Recommendations for the 1997-98 Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). Development Services Director Susan Daluddung introduced this item. She said Property Management/Housing Program Aide Barb Holman would present the staff report on this issue. Ms. Daluddung recognized Ms. Holman's recent accomplishments. Ms. Holman recently received her Bachelor of Science degree and has been accepted for a Master's program in Hawaii. Ms. Daluddung commented that Ms. Holman would be missed at the city of Springfield. Ms. Holman said the CDAC reviewed proposals and prepared funding recommendations for the 1997-98 CDBG program for consideration by the council. The CDAC's funding recommendations are consistent with Springfield's local funding priorities and identified community development needs as documented in the Consolidated Housing Plan. . Ms. Holman explained the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allocated $695,000 to the city of Springfield's CDBG allocation for fiscal year 1997-98. In addition, the CDAC is proposing to reprogram $176,600 from previous years and is anticipating $60,000 in program income to the Housing Rehabilitation Loan program. This brings the total CDBG FY 1997-98 budget to $931,600. Ms. Holman said through the annual request for proposal process, the CDAC received a total of five proposals with only four proposals requesting funds for $622,166. One applicant, Catholic Community Services, submitted a grant application but did not request funding this fiscal year. The CDAC recommends funding four projects for $622,166 and $6,184 in project cost over-runs for a total of$628,350. In addition $243,250 was committed to human services, planning and grant administration, which is the maximum allowed by the grant regulations. All of the funding recommendations are summarized in the staff report. Ms. Holman answered questions from council. Ms. Holman discussed the West M Street project, as it was nearing completion. Councilor Shaver said the funding was well used. He commented that CDAC members Melody Graves and Jeanette Cardwell would be retiring soon and recognized their service on the committee. . Councilor Burge said he initially had concerns regarding the M Street project but was pleased with the outcome. He recognized the neighbors for their efforts to make the project a success. . . . . Regular Council Meeting April 21, 1997 Page 3 Mayor Morrisette opened the public hearing. 1. Alisa Carrillo, 488 West M Street, representing the Springfield Community Development Corporation (SCDC) and the West M Street Ne,ighbors, spoke in support of the proposal. She said the street improvements were the final touch for the project. 2. Tina Swartley, 491 West M Street, spoke in favor of the West M Street proposal. She discussed safety issues and the need for sidewalk and street improvements. Mayor Morrisette closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR MAINE, TO ADOPT THE FUNDING ALLOCATIONS FOR THE 1997-98 CDBG PROGRAM. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Liquor License Endorsements for the Renewal Period of 1997-98. Community Services Manager Dave Puent said this item was discussed during the work session and he was available to answer questions regarding the issue. During the work session meeting, Council reviewed the list of license applicants for the renewal period of 1997-98. On December 19, 1994, Council approved Ordinance No. 5768 which established specific criteria to be used when reviewing an application for a license. Council may recommend denial based upon reliable, factual information as it relates to any criteria listed in the ordinance. Mr. Puent explained some of this information cannot be determined until the actual application is received by staff. However, some determination about meeting certain criteria can be made since the criteria relates to the level of police activity associated with the establishment. The staff report provided recommendations of the Police Chief for compliance with certain criteria by establishments on the renewal list. Mr. Puent said staff recommended pre-authorization by council of all liquor license renewals which would allow staff to issue the licenses in a timely manner. All departments will continue to review and monitor compliance with the criteria prior to issuance. Mayor Morrisette opened the public hearing. No one appeared to testify. Mayor Morrisette closed the public hearing. Councilor Shaver referenced Council's discussion during the work session. Councilor Shaver recommended the license for Sprengers not be renewed unless their operations were limited to standard Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) hours of operation, not 24 hours per day. Serving of alcohol is prohibited between 2:30-7:00 a.m. During the work session Chief . . . . Regular Council Meeting April 21, 1997 Page 4 DeForrest said OLCC was notified about the problem. Councilor Shaver asked if language or strategy could be initiated to address this problem. During the Work Session, Chief DeForrest said the Mill Camp has been working with the city staff. Councilor Shaver discussed the report and information stating the Mill camp continues to lead the State of Oregon in the number of drivers arrested for driving under the influence of intoxicants and attribute their drinking to this establishment. Councilor Shaver wondered if a target to reduce the number of DUll's could be imposed as a condition for license renewal next year. Councilor Shaver also said he did not support approval for the Mill Camp unless their was a reduction in the number of DUll's. Councilor Burge suggested language be included to revoke the license for Sprengers if they are found to be operating 24 hours per day. Councilor Burge addressed the drunken driver statistics discussed in reference to the Mill Camp establishment. Councilor Beyer would like OLCC to be made aware of the DUll problem. Chief DeForrest discussed the requirements and conditions imposed on the Mill Camp for license endorsement approval last year. The conditions included maintaining a log of incidents occurring on their premises, a list of persons barred from the Mill Camp, follow through on prosecution for those arrested on their premises, and to maintain a trained security staff. Council indicated they would like these conditions to be carried over as criteria for endorsement approval. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR MAINE, TO APPROVE ENDORSEMENTS FOR THE 1997-98 LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS FOR ALL LISTED ESTABLISHMENTS, EXCLUDING SPRENGERS AND MILL CAMP ESTABLISHMENTS, AND FORWARD THEM ONTO OLCC FOR APPROVAL AND THAT ANY PREVIOUSLY IMPOSED CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL WOULD REMAIN IN EFFECT. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. Mr. Puent said staff would bring endorsement review back to Council for establishments of _ the Mill Camp and Sprengers as appropriate. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE 1. Willamalane Board Vice Chair Janice Morrisette and staff member Chris Pryor gave a presentation regarding the May 20, 1997, Willamalane Pool Bond Measure 20-85. They reviewed facts regarding the measure including removal of the old roof structure, rehabilitation of the pool infrastructure and the replacement of the roof structure. The bond measure would allow spending of up to $5,100,000. Councilor Shaver said he was aware of community support for the project. . Regular Council Meeting April 21, 1997 Page 5 COUNCIL RESPONSE CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Correspondence from Kathi Wiederhold, Project Manager, Lane Council of Governments, 125 East 8th Street, Eugene, to Springfield City Council regarding options for the natural resources inventory study. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR MAINE, TO ACCEPT CORRESPONDENCE FOR FILING. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Correspondence from Gayle Landt, Director, Conflict Resolution Center, 2300 Parks ide Lane, Suite 200, Eugene, regarding a new community meeting conflict resolution model and information about the core participants. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR MAINE, TO ACCEPT CORRESPONDENCE FOR FILING. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. . 3. Correspondence from Jamon Kent, Superintendent, Springfield School District #19,525 Mill Street, expressing support with the city staff recommendation for award of project 1-993 to Delta Construction. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR MAINE, TO ACCEPT CORRESPONDENCE FOR FILING. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BIDS 1. Bid Award for Project 1-993: Street Improvements, South 32nd Street/Jasper Road Corridor. City Engineer Al Peroutka presented the staff report on this issue. He provided council with a petition protesting the proposed assessment of their property for the Jasper Road, curb, gutter and sidewalk. He explained the petition did not qualify as a remonstrance. Five bids were received on this street improvement project and contract award is now necessary to enable work to begin. Project 1'-993 consists of overlay of approximately 400 feet of South 32nd Street north of Douglas Drive, full improvement of South 32nd Street from this point south to Jasper Road, full improvement of Jasper Road from South 32nd to South 42nd, and 5,100 feet of storm drain main line ranging in size from 72" to 10" diameter. This project is funded by the city, School District 19, Lane County and assessments to adjoining property owners. . Mr. Peroutka said five bids were received and opened in the Finance Department on April 15, 1997. Two different alternates were considered in the bidding: 1) asphalt concrete versus Portland cement concrete paving, and 2) concrete storm sewer pipe versus polyethylene lined . Regular Council Meeting April 21, 1997 Page 6 metal pipe. Engineering staff has analyzed the cost difference between the two pavement types on a life cycle basis and recommend the asphalt pavement alternative be selected. Engineering and Maintenance staff have also considered the cost savings of $26,823 out of a total storm sewer cost of approximately $900,000 to go to a metal pipe alternate versus concrete pipe. Staff recommend the concrete pipe alternate be selected because of its proven long life and because it is a material that can easily be maintained. Mr. Peroutka said Delta Sand and Gravel is the low bidder on this project for all alternatives. Sufficient funds are budgeted in SDC Projects Fund 16, Sewer Capital Projects Fund 9, Assessment Projects Fund 19 and Development Projects Fund 20 accounts to allow award of this contract. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHA VER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR MAINE, TO AWARD THE SUBJECT CONTRACT TO DELTA SAND AND GRAVEL IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,150,735.15. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. ORDINANCES BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments . 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports 1. Councilor Beyer reported she attended a Highway 126 West meeting. The group discussed the east 1-105 and the Santiam Junction study. She said she would provide council with additional information regarding project strategies and would keep council updated and informed on scheduled workshops or other activity related to the project. 2. Councilor Ballew reported on the last Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission meeting. Items discussed included the budget and the intergovernmental agreement. 3. Mayor Morrisette reported he would meet with Mr. Hamilton in the near future. City Attorney Joe Leahy suggested Mayor Morrisette contact Risk Manager Craig Gibons prior to talking with Mr. Hamilton. b. Other Business . . Regular Council Meeting April 21, 1997 Page 7 BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Dance Hall License for Hard Knox. Community Services Manager Dave Puent presented the staff report on this issue. He said Richard Welch has made application for a license to operate a dance hall at 630 Main Street. Springfield City Code Section 8-5-5 states in part "if the council deems the applicant for a license to operate a dance hall in the city worthy of the license, the council shall grant a license to such person to operate the dance hall." The dance hall is offering an alcohol-free environment to its patrons. The license application has been approved by the appropriate city departments. 1. Bill Bunting, 450 Country Club, Eugene, representing METCO Investment Realty, spoke in opposition of the proposal. He explained METCO provided property management services for this location. 2. Kip Triplett, 630 Main Street, repre'senting Hard Knox, spoke in support of the request. 3. Richard L. Yager, 1487 North A Street, Community Service Manager, Lane Community College, spoke in support of the request. He said the facility provided a service to children in the community. . 4. Richard Welch, 630 Main Street, representing Hard Knox, spoke in support of the request. Councilor Shaver discussed concerns of littering, noise and loitering due to dance hall activities. He asked if conditional approval could be granted if the concerns were addressed. City Attorney Joe Leahy said, yes and that the permit could be revoked by the Chief of Police. Councilor Shaver said he did not want the council to become involved in tenant and property manager problems. He was willing to grant council approval on a trial basis if the noise, littering and loitering issues were addressed. He said the permit could be revoked by council if there were problems. He said the Chief of Police also had authority to revoke the permit if necessary. Councilor Maine expressed concern regarding the neighborhood and how this request woud affect it. She said the location was not a good place for youth to be frequenting. Mayor Morrisette agreed the location was not the best for young people. He did recognize the efforts of Mr. Welch. Councilor Maine said she would like additional time to review the request and come up with positive suggestions and conditions. . Councilor Dahlquist said he did not think the establishment would attract anyone that did not already select to be in the area. He suggested council defer to Chief DeForrest to oversee the permit. . Regular Council Meeting April 21, 1997 Page 8 Chief DeForrest recommended the following conditions: 1) limit attendees to eighteen years and older; 2) hours are not to extend beyond 2:30 a.m.; 3) have adequate security personnel, to be negotiated with the Police Department; and 4) take steps to ensure they have a means for controlling litter, loitering and things that overflow outside the building. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BEYER, TO GRANT THE PERMIT FOR THE DANCE HALL LICENSE FOR HARD KNOX MARTIAL ARTS FACILITY, LOCATED AT 630 MAIN STREET, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED BY CHIEF DEFORREST AND THAT BOTH THE CHIEF OR THE COUNCIL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO REVOKE THE PERMIT AT ANY TIME. THE PERMIT WAS APPROVED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR WITH A SIX MOTH REVIEW. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. COUNCILOR BURGE ABSTAINED. 2. Other Business BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9: 10 p.m. . Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson ~if!~ Mayor Attest: ~.o~", ~ Ju Wilson Deputy City Recorder .