HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/15/1997 Work Session " . MINUTES OF THE GOAL SETTING SESSION THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD SATURDAY, MARCH 15,1997 The city of Springfield council met in goal setting session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Saturday, March 15, 1997, at 8:00 a.m., with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette, Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Dahlquist, Maine and Shaver. Councilor Burge was absent (excused). Also present were Facilitator Chris Pryor, City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Recorder Eileen Stein and members of the staff. Mr. Pryor reviewed topics listed on the agenda, There were no changes to the proposed agenda. COUNCIL PROCESS AND CONDUCT IN WORK AND REGULAR SESSIONS This discussion addressed procedural questions, parliamentary procedures, relations and conduct with and toward staff, questions regarding agenda topics and when to address, council agreement and buying in on joint decisions. . Mr. Pryor discussed how members function as a team trying to accomplish and meet goals. They also shared information from the Chamber of Commerce Leadership-group. Mr. Pryor discussed the relationship between the council and their employee, City Manager Mike Kelly. He reminded council that Mr. Kelly managed all other employees. Councilor Shaver said the council functioned well as a team. He discussed mutual respect and the importance of being on time for meetings. Councilor Ballew thought the council needed formal direction about the role council members played as representatives on other boards such as the Metropolitan Wastewater Management. Commission (MWMC). She asked for direction from council when they wanted her to represent them as a group. Councilor Maine said the need for clarification also arose during an MPC meeting. She said the agenda item Council Committee Reports was scheduled late on the agenda and often enough time was not dedicated to needed discussions at the end of a late meeting. She suggested a written summary but said they may place more time constraints on everyone. Councilor Ballew suggested council use a checklist that included comments such as for information only, advising, needing consensus, etc. Mayor Morrisette said council was directed to use their best judgment on issues. He liked Councilor Ballew's suggestion for a checklist. . Goal Setting Session March 15, 1997 Page 2 . Councilor Beyer said she was clear on council positions related to boards, committee or commissions she served on such as the Arts Commission and TransPlan Committee. She expresses council opinion rather than her own personal opinion. She said when these issues come back to council, she feels council often picks them apart and she expressed frustration over her ability to negotiate on behalf of the council. She needed to know what limits were for negotiating authority of individual councilors. Councilor Maine said councilor Beyer represented the council well. She also said committee reports could be e-mailed to staff and staff could distribute it to other council members. Council could inform staff if they would like to add something to the agenda under committee reports. The agenda is prepared on Tuesdays at 3 :00 p.m. Council could also electronically mail (e-mail) or contact Mike Kelly or Gino Grimaldi with committee report information. Council further discussed the fine line between expressing a personal opinion-and that of the council. It was clarified personal opinions should not be printed on official letterhead. The opinion of the State Ethics Commission and use of ones office for personal gain was also discussed. Mr. Pryor discussed the importance of no surprises on agendas. If council has a question about something on the agenda, they should contact staff prior to the meeting. . . Councilor Maine agreed that agenda questions should be brought to staffs attention prior to-'-' meetings. This would offe'r staff an opportunity to incorporate the information into their presentation, if necessary. Councilor Maine said she reviews the agenda when she receives it. If she has questions she is able to contact staff on Friday or Monday. She also said e-mail is an efficient means of relaying questions or comments to staff. Council recognized Mayor Morrisette and said he did a good job of keeping council on track. They also appreciated him allowing each councilor to provide input and/or feedback ,on issues. and said he treated the public and audience members well. The group was reminded-to raise their hand to be recognized during meetings. Since all members of the council were not present, discussion on this issue would remain open for discussion at a later date. The group discussed interrupting others, getting caught up with little details and leading versus trying to operate the organization. The example was used of a council member telling the Development Services Department Director how to operate. Mr. Pryor said in this case you have two people doing Mike Kelly's job and no one doing the council's job. Mr. Pryor reminded council that it was council's responsibility to lead the organization, not to show fault. If a council member had a problem with a staff member, councilors need to work with their employee and the City Manager to solve the problem. . Goal Setting Session March 15, 1997 Page 3 . Mr. Pryor said members should be prepared for council meetings. Not being prepared or being preoccupied, such as reading mail or other materials during the meeting sends a negative message to others. COUNCIL EXPECTATIONS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL PRESIDENT This discussion covered what each councilor expects of the Mayor, what each councilor expects of the Council President, communication between the Mayor, Council President and council members. The Mayor's role is to keep things moving along and to be aware that common courtesy is practiced during the meeting. Council said he did a good job of keeping the meeting on track. Mayor Morrisette said he openly accepted feedback and needed to know about things as they happen, rather than only once or twice per year. Council recognized the Mayor's participation in community events, public addresses~ribbon cutting and other ceremonies. It was clarified that the Mayor was not making policy but carrying forward policy. One area that needed attention was return telephone calls. Mayor Morrisette said that sometimes he does return calls and the person is not available or does. not have an answering machine. Often the person does not realize that attempts were made to return their call. Mayor Morrisette reinforced his responsibility to return telephone calls.. ;... . Councilor Beyer acknowledged. the time commitment MayorMorrisette putsinto'servingasthe-u . Mayor. Councilor Maine said.in response to Ballot.Measure.47, Mayor Morrisette may want to scale down on some special events. Her main concern was related to staff time and limited financial resources. Mayor Morrisette discussed the Festival of Lights. He said there was very limited staff involvement. Council used the number of incoming calls on the event as an example. Council suggested that in the event of this type of situation, staff should inform Mike Kelly. Mr. Kelly would notify the Council President who would in turn talk with the Mayor. Mayor Morrisette said he had open communication with Mike Kelly. Council responded that this goes against what the group is trying to accomplish. Council said Mr. Kelly does what ever it takes to get the job done. Mayor Morrisette said he needed to know what amount of time I special projects would take and he would try not impose on staff. If the time commitment does becomes a strain to staff, the Council President will make an appropriate decision or ask for! council direction. I Council discussed a process for adding items to the agenda. One avenue to accomplish this would be to discuss this during weekly pre-agenda meetings. Councilor Shaver said as Cduncil I President he would like to inform council members of potential issues, controversial public I hearings, etc. He wanted to do what he could to assist as Council President. Councilor Shaver said either he or Mayor Morrisette should be contacted if council would like to add som~thing to the agenda. I Councilor Shaver stated his preference for communicating general information through e-mail. If the issue was sensitive in nature, he said he would contact council members by tele~hone. . The group recessed at 9: 15 a.m. The group reconvened at 9:30 a.m. Goal Setting Session March 15, 1997 Page 4 . OVERVIEW OF 1996 GOALS The discussion covered the 1996 goals, with a progress report on each goal and discussion on how to prioritize the remaining goals in light of Ballot Measure 47. The group agreed to discuss zoning issues at this time. Medium and high density issues were discussed. The group agreed a high level council discussion needed to occur to decide if they wanted to maintain the current mix of densities. Council discussed industrial zoning as it relates to Eugene. The tax base for Eugene and Springfield was not similar. Eugene's tax.rate is much less than Springfield's. At the same time, their collection is about 25 percent more per capita for property taxes so they have an extra 25 percent to use with compared to Springfield due to the amount of industrial and commercial property. Mayor Morrisette asked Councilor Shaver for a copy of the statistics he was referencing. Councilor Shaver said council should include this item on a work session agenda. Mayor Morrisette agreed there was a need to discuss the metro designation and local zoning during a work session. Councilor Beyer agreed a work session meeting was needed to discuss this. She had concerns about associated costs. . Councilor Ballew agreed. She said the city had a higher amount of Low Density Residential (LDR) zoning than the city of Eugene. Mr. Pryor suggested council ask the City Manager to provide information on whatthe required resource allocation.would.be to do.this:Councilor- Shaver said he did not mind-being the lead person on this project. He-would communicate .'.- . between the council and City Manager. Councilor Maine reminded council that the Planning Commission needed to be involved and kept abreast of project findings. Council then reviewed the goals. Mr. Pryor reminded council to keep in mind the resource limits due to Ballot Measure 47. Councilor Maine said due to Ballot Measure 47, the goal Financially Sound City Government needed to become goal number one and Safe Community: Preventative Approach Working with Citizens needed to be moved down. Council discussed the priority and ranking of the goals. Councilor Maine said the items did not need to be ranked aside from Financially Sound City Government being a priority. Councilor Shaver agreed with comments made by Councilor Maine and said the financial impact of anything the city does should be reviewed. Mayor Morrisette agreed. Councilor Beyer agreed and said the city was fiscally responsible and financially sound. She said people should be reminded of this. . Councilor Dahlquist said he agreed this was a priority. He said the city was fiscally responsible. He said fiscally responsible went hand-in-hand with being financially sound. He did not see the need to add the language, but he was not opposed to it being added either. Goal Setting Session March 15, 1997 Page 5 . Mr. Kelly said there was nothing wrong with making the point and reminding the community of the priority. After discussion it was agreed to move this item up to the first priority along with the language reVISIOn. The group discussed and agreed to move the goal Protect Springfield's Interest to the top of the high priority list. Mayor Morrisette said nuisance enforcement was an important issue and suggested the issue be discussed during a work session meeting. Councilor Shaver said staff needed to be aware of the impacts of Ballot Measure 47, although, the council still needed to establish goals, even if staffing and resources are limited. Progress could be minimal for some goals but the goal still existed. He thought council could revisit issues once more was known about the financial reality that existed. Councilor Beyer asked if an item should automatically be dropped if it was completed or if formal action needed to occur for this to happen. . Councilor Maine said she would like to meet, have some discussion, or e-mail communication regarding items being dropped off or adding new ones. She said there may be. a different way to, ' handle things, such as budget reductions or longer time frames, prior to coming back to the . Budget Committee. She said this is where resources may be reallocated to complete some of the goals. She said these need to be established prior to allocation of resources. Councilor Beyer said she was under the assumption that budget preparations are underway regardless of what council is discussing today. Mr. Kelly responded yes. After the February 1 meeting, he had relatively high level priorities, and with the budget schedule and time frame, Mr. Kelly needs to have his budget message completed by April. Any issues should be recycled around April 1, so Mr. Kelly could hear council comments and have time to readjust his. proposed budget. Mayor Morrisette said he reviewed the progress reports for goals and did not see any items" completed. It was explained work on goal completion was anon-going process., . Councilor Dahlquist said the budget was always goal oriented. Regardless of Ballot Measure 47 impacts, council needed to set goals so council would know how they wanted to allocate resources. Reading through the goals, some items were near completion, under way or in the works. He suggested staff remove items listed as they are completed. Councilor Beyer said with the budget direction provided to staff, the targets are going to be impacted by this direction. If items are to be discussed during a budget discussion, she would like to know about it. . Councilor Shaver said goals should remain the same unless, during this meeting, council decides otherwise or wants to remove some targets. He said council may need to alter the priority of Goal Setting Session March 15, 1997 Page 6 . goals listed depending on flexibility. He suggested Mr. Kelly provide feedback on possibly affected goals explaining that based on direction and financial cuts, here is how the goal may be affected. It gave council a chance to review and possibly revise the goal and its priority, if necessary. Mr. Kelly said that information could be provided to identify the priority of cuts and how it would impact goals and targets. He said he would also follow the direction provided on February 1 and as he reduced, he would pay attention to the goals as a guide for allocating resources. He said he would provide a recommended budget outline of what could and could not be done and how targets and goals would be affected. Issue papers would also provide additional information on reductions and resources. Council discussed Human Services and agreed this was an important focus and needed to remain on the list. The council discussed the priority targets for reviewing Bancroft lot sales strategy. Council said the strategy did not need to be included in the goals since there were a limited number of lots remaining. Mayor Morrisette said the last 25 lots may be the most difficult to sell and this was important. Councilor Maine clarified that the issue was not the importance. factor but to identify . if it was a target. The item was removed. The goal Basic Services: Quality. Sufficient Resources, item number two, Fire Station #5 Design, and Construction was removed. . The group discussed Managed Growth: Ability to Provide Quality Services. Councilor Shaver said he would switch item one, Unincorporated Areas Strategy, and three, Examine Balance of CommerciallIndustriallResidential for Best Economic Return. No formal action was taken to do so. Mr. Pryor said this could be a possible work session discussion. The council discussed Upgrading Existing Housing Stock and Neighborhoods. It was agreed to delete item number one, Nuisance Ordinance since this was completed. Council also discussed Upgrading Existing Housing Stock and Neighborhood. Review of Street Paving Policy. Development Services Director Susan Daluddung commented that Councilor Burge had interest in this topic and the group agreed not to delete it. It was agreed this item. would be scheduled for a work session meeting and Councilor, Shaver.would contact Councilor Burge regarding this item. Councilor Maine suggested review of the street paving policy and approval of the local street plan be tied together. Council discussed the Positive Image for Springfield. Item number seven, Screen Sites with Aerating Old Fueling Stations was removed. This has been completed. Item number eight, Positive Image for Springfield. Public/Private Partnership for Entrance Beautification could remain listed as a goal but limited resources available may need to be considered. . Goal Setting Session March 15, 1997 Page 7 . Council discussed Protecting Springfield's Interest. Council agreed that it was important to add another item, which was for Council to Represent Springfield's Interest on Boards and Commissions that Council Serve on. Such as Metro Policy Committee. Southern Willamette Private Industry Council and Metro Partnership. Councilor Ballew suggested an addition to Protecting Springfield's Interest, item number 3, to add the language With Schools. Parks and any Other Government Agencies. The following is an updated list of the five year goals as revised by council: TOP PRIORITY 5 YEAR GOALS Financially Sound City Government Priority Targets for 1997 1) Decision on Financing Operation (Staffing) of Fire Station #5 2) Review Fees and Charges Policy Reduce Costs of Providing Existing Services 3) Develop Long Term Financial Solvency Plan Safe Community: Preventative Approach Working with Citizens . Priority Targets for 1997 . 1) Begin Implementation of the Long Range Plan for Police Services Neighborhood Watch Expansion Juvenile Intervention Program Police on the Streets 2) Continue Coordinating with the Public Safety Coordinating Council (PSCC) 3) Update the Emergency Management Plan 4) Evaluate Human Services Funding Levels Basic Services: Quality, Sufficient Resources Priority Target for 1997 1) Basic Services Evaluation/Priorities Determine Core Services. Evaluate on a Department-by-Department Basis 2) Information Services Upgrade Expanding Economic Base with Diverse Job Opportunities . Priority Targets for 1997 1) Industrial Sites Direction/Identification Expansion of Industrial Sites through Re-zoning 2) Complete the Commercial Lands Inventory Study 3) Economic Development Plan Update Review Requirements for Infrastructure Cost Recovery Potential Goal Setting Session March 15, 1997 Page 8 . IDGH PRIORITY 5 YEAR GOALS Protect Springfield's Interests Priority Targets for 1997 1) Equitable County Road Funds Policy 2) State and Federal Legislative Programs Examine Creative Taxing Options on New Construction within City Limits 3) Continue to Work with City of Eugene, Lane County, Schools District, Park District and any other government agency. Monitor Springfield Interests in Metro Area Convention Center Planning 4) Represent Springfield's Interests on Board and Commissions that Council Serve on Such as the Metro Policy Committee, Southern Willamette Private Industry Council and Metro Partnership. Managed Growth: Ability to Provide Quality Services . Priority Target for 1997 1) Unincorporated Areas Strategy . Full Cost Recovery in Unincorporated Areas 2) Sewer Construction 3) Examine Balance of Commercial/IndustriallResidential for Best, Economic Return:, . Upgrade Existing Housing Stock and Neighborhoods Priority Targets for 1997 1) Comprehensive Housing Policy Continue to Foster Home Ownership 2) Review Street Paving Policy Positive Image for Springfield Priority Targets for 1997 1) Promote Volunteerism for Projects 2) Continue to Coordinate with Chamber and CV ALCO on Visibility/FamTours 3) Work to Maintain a Positive and Unselfish Relationship with Other Public Agencies Coordinated, Professional, Team 4) Work on Building a Collection of Art Work on Main and South A Streets 5) Sports Center Development 6) Mill Race Development 7) Work with Main Street Property Owners to Improve East Main Street Create a Main St. Improvement Plan to "Sell" to Owners 8) Public/Private Partnership for Entrance Beautification MODERATE PRIORITY 5 YEAR GOALS . Goal Setting Session March 15, 1997 Page 9 . Cooperation with Springfield Governments (see Positive Image/Protect Spfld Interests) Efficient Trafflc Flow OVERVIEW OF CITY BOARD. COMMITTEE AND COMMISSIONS City Manager Mike Kelly provided an overview of the issue. Council reviewed the various boards, committees and commissions. Mayor Morrisette discussed the Housing Task Force (HTF), Urban Forest Advisory Committee (UF AC) and Planning Commission (PC). He said he has attended all the HTF meetings. He said a Planning Commissioner has participated with the HTF group and density related issues and projects have resulted from activity of the HTF. He thought adding this to the Planning Commission responsibility would be a burden for them. He said the same would apply to the UF AC. He suggested council proceed slowly and said council needed to focus on the Human Rights Commission. He was not sure about the Arts Commission or Library Board. Library Director Bob Russell reported that the Library Board said its focus would be lost if council combined the Arts Commission with the Library Board. . Councilor Shaver said if resources were not an issue council would likely not be addressing this issue. Every group represented staff time and volunteer involvement., Council needed to have.. specific charges for groups. As an example, he discussed the Mayor's Housing TaskForce, . UFAC and the Planning Commission. Councilor Shaver suggested the Housing Task Force and the UF AC be assigned specific tasks to be completed within a certain time frame. At the end of that time period the HTF and UF AC functions would become the responsibility of the Planning Commission. The groups would maintain current status only for one year. Previously, the Planning Commission served as the Tree Board prior to the creation ofUFAC. He discussed hill side studies and street tree identification projects. He said if they had specific charges and time frames, the group would accomplish their goals. It could then be directed back to the Planning Commission with the majority of the tasks accomplished. He said if merging of groups did not occur, efforts may be spent to accomplish good things,. but they may not be things that area vital. . function of the city, nor wise spending of resources. Mayor Morrisette said the nature of the HTF was to have a completion date and-itwas not a committee. The goal is to accomplish the task and be done with it. Councilor Shaver suggested placing a one year timeline on both organizations. After one year, they will be incorporated and rolled into the Planning Commission. He did not know if the HTF needed to go to Planning Commission or if it just needed to sunset. Councilor Shaver said if the Tree City USA was to be maintained a Tree Board was needed. He said the members of the Planning Commission would constitute a Tree Board and there would no longer be a need for UFAC. . Councilor Maine said what the official requirements were and what UF AC has made it to be are two different things. She said given the limited resources, now was the time to start scaling Goal Setting Session March 15, 1997 Page 10 . back. She suggested the group have until December to do the best they could with present resources and then turn their role over to the Planning Commission. The required function to maintain Tree City USA would be assumed by the Planning Commission. In the meantime, all UF AC projects needed to be wrapped up. Councilor Dahlquist agreed one year was a good time frame. Councilor Ballew said she did not think they needed one year. If resources were not available, this group should be scaled back between now and one year. Councilor Shaver said if both the Planning Commission and UF AC know the time frame is one year, UF AC will wrap up projects and the Planning Commission will become more involved in tree issues Councilor Ballew asked what the benefit was for being a Tree City. Councilor Shaver said this could be reviewed when the group is rolled back to the Planning Commission. Councilor Beyer said council wanted the city to look nice and the status of being a Tree City was not the issue. Mayor Morrisette did not want to live in a city where trees were not taken care of. He said he would like a report on what the HTF was doing. . Development Services Director Susan Daluddung discussed committee work plans and resources available. She also said a plan could be brought back from the Planning Commission regarding UFAC. Public Works Director Dan Brown discussed both the planting of trees and maintenance issues. He said strategies needed to be developed to cope with ongoing maintenance needs. Council further discussed tree issues. Councilor Maine asked Mayor Morrisette what UF AC had to do with street maintenance problems. She asked if he, expected them to be involved in maintenance. She did not see the connection and this is a funding issue only. Mayor Morrisette said that the Maintenance Division had a tree nursery in the Thurston area. He said this idea originated from the UF AC over five years ago. Councilor Maine said UF AC did '. not exist at that time. Councilor Shaver said council needed to review committees and decide if they need to be eliminated, ongoing or if they should have a sunset date. Councilor Ballew said even if a group was sunset, they could reconvene to address specific issues as needed. . Councilor Shaver said the CDAC met on an annual basis. This was a federally mandated committee. They deal with issues related to both human rights and the Home Review Committee and the CDAC needed to continue to exist. Given this, he suggested the two noted functions be moved under the umbrella of the CDAC. In the case of the Human Rights Commission, he Goal Setting Session March 15, 1997 Page 11 . suggested their charge be that of overviewing human rights complaints. If a complaint was received they would conduct the citizen overview of that complaint as this is the main function of the Human Rights Commission. Funding was not available for the HRC to host festival and community events. Ballot Measure 47 has eliminated that option. It would be cost effective and efficient to have the CDAC oversee and provide the HRC function. CDAC involves low income people and targeted neighborhoods. The group would be expected to review complaints on an as-needed basis and would not be charged with being an educational organization. Council stated more information was needed regarding the Home Review Committee. Mayor Morrisette did not think the Home Review Committee should become part of the CDAC. Councilor Shaver asked if it was efficient to have a separate committee that would only meet once or twice per year. Ms. Daluddung explained that the Home Review Committee was an advisory committee and that Kevin Ko was the staff person for the committee. Both money and efficiency were the main issues at hand. Since there was neither an efficiency or monetary gain by combining the two groups, council did not further discuss this. It was clarifiedthatthe CDAC members would remain the same and the existing lIRe members . ,. would no longer be assigned to the committee. . . Mr. Grimaldi said that this would accomplish the main goal to provide a place where, citizens ,c could go if needed with human rights complaints. The council discussed both the Arts Commission and Library Board being combined along with the option of the groups remaining independent and meeting half as often. Ms. Daluddung explained that council would meet next week to discuss this and that further information was needed to take action on this item. Funding was not, available for the Downtown Design Review Board (DDRB). If specific needs arose, the Historic Commission could step in. So, the DDRB was eliminated. Council discussed the sub-committees. Mayor Morrisette said the Charter Committee has not met for sometime. The group had a Charterrevisionprepared if the decision was made to change from a general statement rather than enumerated powers. The entire committee consisted of the council. Councilor Shaver recommended the Charter Committee be eliminated. When the council decided to reviewed the item, the council meet to do so. It was agreed that the Charter Committee was not necessary. All subcommittees were similar. Council did not review or revise any intergovernmental committee participation. . Councilor Shaver said committees need to decide if they can meet less frequently and still be able to get their work done. Also, staff needs to evaluate if there are instances where a group can be given a specific charge and then a sunset date. Goal Setting Session March 15, 1997 Page 12 . City Manager Mike Kelly said there may be budget impacts depending on the outcome of future Budget Committee meetings. It was agreed the Human Rights Commission functions would be shifted over to the CDAC immediately. Councilor agreed the agenda item to review the City Outlook With New Financial Reality be scheduled for a council work session. Council recessed for a break. Council reconvened. BALLOT MEASURE 47 UPDATE City Recorder Eileen Stein provided a brief outline of the property tax rewrite and discussed filing deadlines. Finance Director Bob Duey answered questions regarding taxes. State Representative Lee Beyer also provided additional information regarding assessed property values related to this issue. Mr. Kelly provided an update on what the cities of Springfield and Eugene and Lane County were doing related to Ballot Measure 47 reductions. Mr. Kelly discussed the impact on Springfield and current legislation. He said the city of Eugene will initiate a Ballot Measure 47 replacement vote, which is scheduled for May, 1997. Mr. Kelly also discussed the Public Safety Coordinating Council (PSCC) suggestion to review replacing Ballot Measure 47 impacts exclusively for public safety. Mr. Kelly asked if council had any interest in joining in the effort. . Mayor Morrisette supported the joint effort. Councilor Shaver said Lane County has a levy that will expire next year along with the impacts of Ballot Measure 47. He discussed impacts to the public safety sector. Mr. Kelly provided additional information regarding the proposed joint levy and funding issues he said. Council could address this issue on Monday evening during the council meeting. Mayor Morrisette said if council addressed this issue at the council meeting on Monday, that no action should be taken until Wednesday. This would allow Springfield time to review what others are proposing. Council wanted additional information provided at Monday nights meeting. Councilor Shaver discussed jail capacity and also wanted to know what the percent of tax reduction would be if the county levy passed. He said if it were a 10 percent decrease, but stable, it may be palatable to the voters. Mr. Beyer summarized some of the options available and said council needed to discuss if review Ballot Measure 47 and the rewrite. He discussed the possible range of cuts which would be somewhere between 8 to 25 percent. He also discussed the Lane County levy. . There was not consensus to initiate a separate Springfield measure. There was discussion regarding supporting ajoint levy. Additional information will be provided at the next council meeting. Goal Setting Session March 15, 1997 Page 13 . ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11 :50 a.m. Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson f;~/~J Bill Morrisette Mayor Attest: .. LU~ J~ Deputy City Recorder . .